Apache OpenWhisk SDK for building Docker "blackbox" runtimes

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  1. 8403728 Update .asf.yaml - fix spelling (#106) by John Bampton · 3 months ago master
  2. 64943d7 prepare for 1.16.0 release (#105) by David Grove · 3 months ago dockerskeleton@1.16.0 example@1.16.0
  3. c2a100c upgrade scalafmt plugin version to fix build (#104) by David Grove · 4 months ago
  4. 0c9ee4c update versions of GitHub Actions (#103) by David Grove · 9 months ago
  5. 6df9d14 Update python dependencies (to unblock build). (#102) by falkzoll · 1 year, 2 months ago

Apache OpenWhisk runtimes for docker

License Continuous Integration

Give it a try today

Create a zip action with a exec in the root of the zip

echo \
echo "{\"message\":\"Hello World\"}"' > exec

For the return result, not only support dictionary but also support array

echo \
echo '["a", "b"]'' > exec

And support array result for sequence action as well, the first action‘s array result can be used as next action’s input parameter

echo \
echo $1' > exec
chmod +x exec
zip myAction.zip exec

Create the action using the docker image for the runtime

wsk action update myAction myAction.zip --docker openwhisk/dockerskeleton:1.3.2

This works on any deployment of Apache OpenWhisk

To use on a deployment that contains the runtime deployed

Create action using --native

wsk action update myAction myAction.zip --native

Local development

./gradlew :core:actionProxy:distDocker :sdk:docker:distDocker

This will produce the image whisk/dockerskeleton

Build and Push image

docker login
./gradlew core:actionProxy:distDocker -PdockerImagePrefix=$prefix-user -PdockerRegistry=docker.io

Deploy OpenWhisk using ansible environment that contains the runtime of type blackboxes with name dockerskeleton Assuming you have OpenWhisk already deploy locally and OPENWHISK_HOME pointing to root directory of OpenWhisk core repository.

Set ROOTDIR to the root directory of this repository.

Redeploy OpenWhisk

cd $OPENWHISK_HOME/ansible
ANSIBLE_CMD="ansible-playbook -i ${ROOTDIR}/ansible/environments/local"
$ANSIBLE_CMD setup.yml
$ANSIBLE_CMD couchdb.yml
$ANSIBLE_CMD initdb.yml
$ANSIBLE_CMD wipe.yml
$ANSIBLE_CMD openwhisk.yml

Or you can use wskdev and create a soft link to the target ansible environment, for example:

ln -s ${ROOTDIR}/ansible/environments/local ${OPENWHISK_HOME}/ansible/environments/local-docker
wskdev fresh -t local-docker

To use as docker action push to your own dockerhub account

docker tag whisk/dockerskeleton $user_prefix/dockerskeleton
docker push $user_prefix/dockerskeleton

Then create the action using your image from dockerhub

wsk action update myAction myAction.zip --docker $user_prefix/dockerskeleton

The $user_prefix is usually your dockerhub user id.