blob: 23ff832bc5f9c79bde7564a3eae8eb10f279f875 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import base64
from json import dumps
import os
import sys
import flask
# A stem cell is an openwhisk container that is not 'pre-initialized'
# with the code in the environment variable '__OW_ACTION_CODE'
# returns a boolean
def isStemCell():
actionCode = os.getenv('__OW_ACTION_CODE', '')
return len(actionCode) == 0
# Checks to see if the activation data is in the request
# returns a boolean
def hasActivationData(msg):
return 'activation' in msg and 'value' in msg
# Checks to see if the initialization data is in the request
# returns a boolean
def hasInitData(msg):
return 'init' in msg
def removeInitData(body):
def delIfPresent(d, key):
if key in d:
del d[key]
if body and 'value' in body:
delIfPresent(body['value'], 'code')
delIfPresent(body['value'], 'main')
delIfPresent(body['value'], 'raw')
delIfPresent(body['value'], 'actionName')
# create initialization data from environment variables
# return dictionary
def createInitDataFromEnvironment():
initData = {}
initData['main'] = os.getenv('__OW_ACTION_MAIN', 'main')
initData['code'] = os.getenv('__OW_ACTION_CODE', '')
initData['binary'] = os.getenv('__OW_ACTION_BINARY', 'false').lower() == 'true'
initData['actionName'] = os.getenv('__OW_ACTION_NAME', '')
initData['raw'] = os.getenv('__OW_ACTION_RAW', 'false').lower() == 'true'
return initData
def preProcessInitData(initData, valueData, activationData):
def presentAndType(mapping, key, dataType):
return key in mapping and isinstance(mapping[key], dataType)
if len(initData) > 0:
if presentAndType(initData, 'main', str):
valueData['main'] = initData['main']
if presentAndType(initData, 'code', str):
valueData['code'] = initData['code']
if presentAndType(initData, 'binary', bool):
valueData['binary'] = initData['binary']
elif 'binary' in initData:
raise InvalidInitValueType('binary', 'boolean')
if presentAndType(initData, 'raw', bool):
valueData['raw'] = initData['raw']
elif 'raw' in initData:
raise InvalidInitValueType('raw', 'boolean')
except InvalidInitValueType as e:
print(e, file=sys.stderr)
raise InvalidInitData(e)
# Action name is a special case, as we have a key collision on "name" between init. data and request
# param. data so we must save it to its final location as the default Action name as part of the
# activation data
if presentAndType(initData, 'name', str):
if 'action_name' not in activationData or \
(isinstance(activationData['action_name'], str) and \
len(activationData['action_name']) == 0):
activationData['action_name'] = initData['name']
def preProcessHTTPContext(msg, valueData):
if valueData.get('raw', False):
if isinstance(msg.get('value', {}), str):
valueData['__ow_body'] = msg.get('value')
tmpBody = msg.get('value', {})
bodyStr = str(tmpBody)
valueData['__ow_body'] = base64.b64encode(bodyStr.encode())
valueData['__ow_query'] = flask.request.query_string
namespace = ''
if '__OW_NAMESPACE' in os.environ:
namespace = os.getenv('__OW_NAMESPACE')
valueData['__ow_user'] = namespace
valueData['__ow_method'] = flask.request.method
valueData['__ow_headers'] = { k: v for k, v in flask.request.headers.items() }
valueData['__ow_path'] = ''
def preProcessActivationData(activationData):
for k in activationData:
if isinstance(activationData[k], str):
environVar = OW_ENV_PREFIX + k.upper()
os.environ[environVar] = activationData[k]
def preProcessRequest(msg):
valueData = msg.get('value', {})
if isinstance(valueData, str):
valueData = {}
initData = msg.get('init', {})
activationData = msg.get('activation', {})
if hasInitData(msg):
preProcessInitData(initData, valueData, activationData)
if hasActivationData(msg):
preProcessHTTPContext(msg, valueData)
msg['value'] = valueData
msg['init'] = initData
msg['activation'] = activationData
def postProcessResponse(requestHeaders, response):
CONTENT_TYPE = 'Content-Type'
content_types = {
'json': 'application/json',
'html': 'text/html',
statusCode = response.status
headers = {}
body = response.get_json() or {}
contentTypeInHeaders = False
# if a status code is specified set and remove from the body
# of the response
if 'statusCode' in body:
statusCode = body['statusCode']
del body['statusCode']
if 'headers' in body:
headers = body['headers']
del body['headers']
# content-type vs Content-Type
# make Content-Type standard
if CONTENT_TYPE.lower() in headers:
headers[CONTENT_TYPE] = headers[CONTENT_TYPE.lower()]
del headers[CONTENT_TYPE.lower()]
# if there is no content type specified make it html for string bodies
# and json for non-string bodies
if not CONTENT_TYPE in headers:
if isinstance(body, str):
headers[CONTENT_TYPE] = content_types['html']
headers[CONTENT_TYPE] = content_types['json']
contentTypeInHeaders = True
# a json object containing statusCode, headers, and body is what we expect from a web action
# so we only want to return the actual body
if 'body' in body:
body = body['body']
# if we are returning an image that is base64 encoded, we actually want to return the image
if contentTypeInHeaders and 'image' in headers[CONTENT_TYPE]:
body = base64.b64decode(body)
headers['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = 'binary'
body = dumps(body)
if statusCode == 200 and len(body) == 0:
statusCode = 204 # no content status code
if 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' not in headers:
headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
if 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' not in headers:
headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'OPTIONS, GET, DELETE, POST, PUT, HEAD, PATCH'
if 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' not in headers:
headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'Authorization, Origin, X - Requested - With, Content - Type, Accept, User - Agent'
if 'Access-Control-Request-Headers' in requestHeaders:
headers['Access-Control-Request-Headers'] = requestHeaders['Access-Control-Request-Headers']
return flask.Response(body, statusCode, headers)
class KnativeImpl:
def __init__(self, proxy):
self.proxy = proxy
self.initCode = None
self.runCode = None
def _run_error(self):
response = flask.jsonify({'error': 'The action did not receive a dictionary as an argument.'})
response.status_code = 404
return response
def run(self):
response = None
message = flask.request.get_json(force=True, silent=True) or {}
request_headers = flask.request.headers
dedicated_runtime = False
if message and not isinstance(message, dict):
return self._run_error()
# don't process init data if it is not a stem cell
if hasInitData(message) and not isStemCell():
raise NonStemCellInitError()
# if it is a dedicated runtime and is uninitialized, then init from environment
if not isStemCell() and self.proxy.initialized is False:
message['init'] = createInitDataFromEnvironment()
dedicated_runtime = True
if hasInitData(message) and hasActivationData(message) and not dedicated_runtime:
response = self.runCode(message)
response = postProcessResponse(request_headers, response)
elif hasInitData(message) and not dedicated_runtime:
response = self.initCode(message)
elif hasActivationData(message) and not dedicated_runtime:
response = self.runCode(message)
response = postProcessResponse(request_headers, response)
# This is for the case when it is a dedicated runtime, but has not yet been
# initialized from the environment
if dedicated_runtime and self.proxy.initialized is False:
response = self.runCode(message)
response = postProcessResponse(request_headers, response)
except Exception as e:
response = flask.jsonify({'error': str(e)})
response.status_code = 404
return response
def registerHandlers(self, initCodeImp, runCodeImp):
self.initCode = initCodeImp
self.runCode = runCodeImp
httpMethods = os.getenv('__OW_HTTP_METHODS', DEFAULT_METHOD)
# try to turn the environment variable into a list if it is in the right format
if isinstance(httpMethods, str) and httpMethods[0] == '[' and httpMethods[-1] == ']':
httpMethods = httpMethods[1:-1].split(',')
# otherwise just default if it is not a list
elif not isinstance(httpMethods, list):
httpMethods = DEFAULT_METHOD
httpMethods = {m.upper() for m in httpMethods}
# use some fancy set operations to make sure all the methods are valid
# and remove any that aren't
invalidMethods = httpMethods.difference(set(VALID_METHODS))
validMethods = list(httpMethods.intersection(set(VALID_METHODS)))
if len(invalidMethods) > 0:
for invalidMethod in invalidMethods:
print("Environment variable '__OW_HTTP_METHODS' has an unrecognised value (" + invalidMethod + ").",
self.proxy.add_url_rule('/', 'run',, methods=validMethods)
class NonStemCellInitError(Exception):
def __str__(self):
return "Cannot initialize a runtime with a dedicated function."
class InvalidInitValueType(Exception):
def __init__(self, key, valueType):
self.key = key
self.valueType = valueType
def __str__(self):
return f"Invalid Init. data; expected {self.valueType} for key '{self.key}'."
class InvalidInitData(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg):
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
return f"Unable to process Initialization data: {self.msg}"