blob: 35f61a4f41f68d513a6cb3c8b1cf4fcce92025da [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdio.h>
* This is an example C program that can run as a native openwhisk
* action using the openwhisk/dockerskeleton.
* The input to the action is received as an argument from the command line.
* Actions may log to stdout or stderr.
* By convention, the last line of output must be a stringified JSON object
* which represents the result of the action.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
printf("This is an example log message from an arbitrary C program!\n");
printf("{ \"msg\": \"Hello from arbitrary C program!\", \"args\": %s }",
(argc == 1) ? "undefined" : argv[1]);