blob: 788855f3f0a4fe0ce5af3091a530ec1acc3f5e49 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from wskutil import addAuthenticatedCommand, apiBase, bold, request, responseError, parseQName, getQName, getPrettyJson, getParameterNamesFromAnnotations, getDescriptionFromAnnotations
import urllib
import abc
import json
import httplib
import sys
# Common superclass for action, trigger, and rule CLI commands.
# All of these share some common CRUD CLI commands, defined here.
class Item:
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
name = False
collection = False
# @param name: the singular form of the noun -- used on the command line
# @parma collection: the plural form of the noun -- used in REST APIs
def __init__(self, name, collection): = name
self.collection = collection
def getCommands(self, parser, props):
commands = parser.add_parser(, help='work with %s' % self.collection)
subcmds = commands.add_subparsers(title='available commands', dest='subcmd')
self.getItemSpecificCommands(subcmds, props)
# default commands are get, delete and list
def addDefaultCommands(self, subcmds, props, which = ['get', 'delete', 'list']):
if ('get' in which):
subcmd = subcmds.add_parser('get', help='get %s' %
subcmd.add_argument('name', help='the name of the %s' %
subcmd.add_argument('project', nargs='?', help='project only this property')
addAuthenticatedCommand(subcmd, props)
subcmd.add_argument('-s', '--summary', help='summarize entity details', action='store_true')
if ('delete' in which):
subcmd = subcmds.add_parser('delete', help='delete %s' %
subcmd.add_argument('name', help='the name of the %s' %
addAuthenticatedCommand(subcmd, props)
if ('list' in which):
subcmd = subcmds.add_parser('list', help='list all %s' % self.collection)
subcmd.add_argument('name', nargs='?', help='the namespace to list')
addAuthenticatedCommand(subcmd, props)
subcmd.add_argument('-s', '--skip', help='skip this many entities from the head of the collection', type=int, default=0)
subcmd.add_argument('-l', '--limit', help='only return this many entities from the collection', type=int, default=30)
def cmd(self, args, props):
if args.subcmd == 'create':
return self.create(args, props, False)
elif args.subcmd == 'update':
return self.create(args, props, True)
elif args.subcmd == 'get':
return self.get(args, props)
elif args.subcmd == 'list':
return self.list(args, props)
elif args.subcmd == 'delete':
return self.delete(args, props)
print 'error: unexpected sub command'
return 2
def getItemSpecificCommands(self, parser, props):
"""add command parsers specific to item"""
return parser
def create(self, args, props, update):
"""creates item"""
return 2
# Return summary string of an entity.
def getEntitySummary(self, entity, includeParams = True, kind = None, namespace = None):
kind = if kind is None else kind
namespace = entity['namespace'] if 'namespace' in entity else namespace
fullName = getQName(entity['name'], namespace)
annotations = entity['annotations']
description = getDescriptionFromAnnotations(annotations)
summary = '%s %s' % (bold(kind), fullName)
if description:
summary += ': %s' % (description)
if includeParams:
parameterNames = getParameterNamesFromAnnotations(annotations)
if parameterNames:
summary += '\n (%s: %s)' % (bold('params'), ' '.join(parameterNames))
if 'actions' in entity:
for a in entity['actions']:
actionSummary = self.getEntitySummary(a, False, 'action', fullName)
summary += '\n %s' % (actionSummary)
if 'feeds' in entity:
for a in entity['feeds']:
actionSummary = self.getEntitySummary(a, False, 'feed ', fullName)
summary += '\n %s' % (actionSummary)
return summary
# allows "get" response to be post processed before rendering
def postProcessGet(self, entity):
return entity
# allows "delete" pre-processing, override as needed
def preProcessDelete(self, args, props):
return 0
def put(self, args, props, update, payload):
res = self.httpPut(args, props, update, payload)
return self.putResponse(res, update)
def get(self, args, props):
res = self.httpGet(args, props)
if res.status == httplib.OK:
result = self.postProcessGet(json.loads(
if args.summary:
summary = self.getEntitySummary(result)
print summary
elif args.project:
if args.project in result:
print 'ok: got %(item)s %(name)s, projecting %(p)s' % {'item':, 'name':, 'p': args.project }
print getPrettyJson(result[args.project])
return 0
print 'ok: got %(item)s %(name)s, but it does not contain property %(p)s' % {'item':, 'name':, 'p': args.project }
return 148
print 'ok: got %(item)s %(name)s' % {'item':, 'name': }
print getPrettyJson(result)
return 0
return responseError(res)
def delete(self, args, props):
res = self.httpDelete(args, props)
return self.deleteResponse(args, res)
def list(self, args, props):
namespace, pname = parseQName(, props)
if pname:
pname = ('/%s' % pname) if pname.endswith('/') else '/%s/' % pname
url = 'https://%(apibase)s/namespaces/%(namespace)s/%(collection)s%(package)s?skip=%(skip)s&limit=%(limit)s%(public)s' % {
'apibase': apiBase(props),
'namespace': urllib.quote(namespace),
'collection': self.collection,
'package': pname if pname else '',
'skip': args.skip,
'limit': args.limit,
'public': '&public=true' if 'shared' in args and args.shared else ''
res = request('GET', url, auth=args.auth, verbose=args.verbose)
if res.status == httplib.OK:
result = json.loads(
print bold(self.collection)
for e in result:
print self.formatListEntity(e)
return 0
return responseError(res)
# returns the HTTP response for saving an item.
def httpPut(self, args, props, update, payload):
namespace, pname = parseQName(, props)
url = 'https://%(apibase)s/namespaces/%(namespace)s/%(collection)s/%(name)s%(update)s' % {
'apibase': apiBase(props),
'namespace': urllib.quote(namespace),
'collection': self.collection,
'name': self.getSafeName(pname),
'update': '?overwrite=true' if update else ''
headers= {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
res = request('PUT', url, payload, headers, auth=args.auth, verbose=args.verbose)
return res
# returns the HTTP response of getting an item.
def httpGet(self, args, props, name = None):
if name is None:
name =
namespace, pname = parseQName(name, props)
if pname is None or pname.strip() == '':
print 'error: entity name missing, did you mean to list collection'
url = 'https://%(apibase)s/namespaces/%(namespace)s/%(collection)s/%(name)s' % {
'apibase': apiBase(props),
'namespace': urllib.quote(namespace),
'collection': self.collection,
'name': self.getSafeName(pname)
return request('GET', url, auth=args.auth, verbose=args.verbose)
# returns the HTTP response for deleting an item.
def httpDelete(self, args, props):
code = self.preProcessDelete(args, props)
if (code != 0):
return code
namespace, pname = parseQName(, props)
url = 'https://%(apibase)s/namespaces/%(namespace)s/%(collection)s/%(name)s' % {
'apibase': apiBase(props),
'namespace': urllib.quote(namespace),
'collection': self.collection,
'name': self.getSafeName(pname)
res = request('DELETE', url, auth=args.auth, verbose=args.verbose)
return res
# processes delete response and emit console message
def deleteResponse(self, args, res):
if res.status == httplib.OK:
print 'ok: deleted %(name)s' % {'name': }
return 0
return responseError(res)
# process put response and emit console message
def putResponse(self, res, update):
if res.status == httplib.OK:
result = json.loads(
print 'ok: %(mode)s %(item)s %(name)s' % {
'mode': 'updated' if update else 'created',
'name': result['name']
return 0
return responseError(res)
# returns a name escaped so it can be used in a url.
def getSafeName(self, name):
safeChars = '@:./'
return urllib.quote(name, safeChars)
# adds publish parameter to payloads
def addPublish(self, payload, args):
if args.shared != None and not ('update' in args and args.update):
payload['publish'] = True if args.shared == 'yes' else False
# formats an entity for printing in a list
def formatListEntity(self, e):
ns = e['namespace']
name = getQName(e['name'], ns)
return '{:<65} {:<8}'.format(name, 'shared' if (e['publish'] or e['publish'] == 'true') else 'private')