blob: 713fe6134822f8fdceaca67caf1550cef537bdde [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import httplib
import sys
import urllib
from wskitem import Item
from wskutil import addAuthenticatedCommand, request, getParams, getAnnotations, responseError, parseQName, getQName, hilite, apiBase
# 'wsk packages' CLI
class Package(Item):
def __init__(self):
super(Package, self).__init__('package', 'packages')
def getItemSpecificCommands(self, parser, props):
subcmd = parser.add_parser('create', help='create a new package')
subcmd.add_argument('name', help='the name of the package')
addAuthenticatedCommand(subcmd, props)
subcmd.add_argument('-a', '--annotation', help='annotations', nargs=2, action='append')
subcmd.add_argument('-p', '--param', help='default parameters', nargs=2, action='append')
subcmd.add_argument('--shared', nargs='?', const='yes', choices=['yes', 'no'], help='shared action (default: private)')
subcmd = parser.add_parser('update', help='create a new package')
subcmd.add_argument('name', help='the name of the package')
addAuthenticatedCommand(subcmd, props)
subcmd.add_argument('-a', '--annotation', help='annotations', nargs=2, action='append')
subcmd.add_argument('-p', '--param', help='default parameters', nargs=2, action='append')
subcmd.add_argument('--shared', nargs='?', const='yes', choices=['yes', 'no'], help='shared action (default: private)')
subcmd = parser.add_parser('bind', help='bind parameters to the package')
subcmd.add_argument('package', help='the name of the package')
subcmd.add_argument('name', help='the name of the bound package')
addAuthenticatedCommand(subcmd, props)
subcmd.add_argument('-a', '--annotation', help='annotations', nargs=2, action='append')
subcmd.add_argument('-p', '--param', help='default parameters', nargs=2, action='append')
subcmd = parser.add_parser('refresh', help='refresh package bindings')
subcmd.add_argument('name', nargs='?', help='the namespace to refresh')
addAuthenticatedCommand(subcmd, props)
self.addDefaultCommands(parser, props)
def cmd(self, args, props):
if args.subcmd == 'refresh':
return self.refresh(args, props)
if args.subcmd == 'bind':
return self.bind(args, props)
return super(Package, self).cmd(args, props)
def create(self, args, props, update):
payload = {}
if args.annotation:
payload['annotations'] = getAnnotations(args)
if args.param:
payload['parameters'] = getParams(args)
if args.shared:
self.addPublish(payload, args)
return self.put(args, props, update, json.dumps(payload))
def bind(self, args, props):
namespace, pname = parseQName(, props)
url = '%(apibase)s/namespaces/%(namespace)s/packages/%(name)s' % {
'apibase': apiBase(props),
'namespace': urllib.quote(namespace),
'name': self.getSafeName(pname)
pkgNamespace, pkgName = parseQName(args.package, props)
if pkgName is None or len(pkgName) <= 0:
print 'package name malformed. name or /namespace/name allowed'
binding = { 'namespace': pkgNamespace, 'name': pkgName }
payload = {
'binding': binding,
'annotations': getAnnotations(args),
'parameters': getParams(args)
args.shared = False
self.addPublish(payload, args)
headers= {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
res = request('PUT', url, json.dumps(payload), headers, auth=args.auth, verbose=args.verbose)
if res.status == httplib.OK:
print 'ok: created binding %(name)s ' % {'name': }
return 0
return responseError(res)
def refresh(self, args, props):
namespace, _ = parseQName(, props)
url = '%(apibase)s/namespaces/%(namespace)s/packages/refresh' % {
'apibase': apiBase(props),
'namespace': urllib.quote(namespace)
res = request('POST', url, auth=args.auth, verbose=args.verbose)
if res.status == httplib.OK:
result = json.loads(
print '%(namespace)s refreshed successfully!' % {'namespace':}
print hilite('created bindings:', True)
print '\n'.join(result['added'])
print hilite('updated bindings:', True)
print '\n'.join(result['updated'])
print hilite('deleted bindings:', True)
print '\n'.join(result['deleted'])
return 0
elif res.status == httplib.NOT_IMPLEMENTED:
print 'error: This feature is not implemented in the targeted deployment'
return responseError(res)
result = json.loads(
print 'error: %(error)s' % {'error': result['error']}
return responseError(res)
def formatListEntity(self, e):
ns = e['namespace']
name = getQName(e['name'], ns)
return '{:<65} {:<8}{:<7}'.format(
'shared' if (e['publish'] or e['publish'] == 'true') else 'private',
'binding' if e['binding'] else '')