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<?php //Variable declarations for region templates
$head_title = '<title>The Apache OFBiz&reg; Project - Release Notes 17.12.03</title>';
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<h1 class="span8">Release Notes 17.12.03</h1>
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<p>Apache OFBiz&reg; 17.12.03, released in 2020-04-27, is the third release of the 17.12 series, that has been stabilized since December 2017.</p>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11195</a>] - XML Entity Injection in webtools/control/entityImport
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11197</a>] - Arbitrary Code Execution
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11470</a>] - Ensure that the SameSite attribute is set to &#39;strict&#39; for all cookies. (CVE-2019-0235)
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11477</a>] - Improve Web Content Caching
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11583</a>] - Prevent Host Header Injection (CVE-2019-12425)
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11534</a>] - Error in uploading very large files, ie &gt;2MB
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11597</a>] - Error removing an uploaded party content
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11601</a>] - Build failed due to gradle-svntools-plugin dependency
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10800</a>] - Unable to remove items from onePageCheckout screen of ecommerce
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11246</a>] - The createTaskContent request does not work
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11400</a>] - Product Images not rendering on One Page Checkout
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11441</a>] - createMissingCategoryAndProductAltUrls service misses a transaction
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11448</a>] - Potential Nullpointer in ErrorPage.ftl
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11451</a>] - ofbiz-plugins repo does not have our license
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11437</a>] - Add 2020 version of Incoterms
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11475</a>] - AjaxAutocompleteOptions should be able to decode return values