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$head_title = '<title>The Apache OFBiz&reg; Project - Release Notes 17.12.01</title>';
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<h1 class="span8">Release Notes 17.12.01</h1>
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<p>Apache OFBiz&reg; 17.12.01, released in 2020-03-04, is the first release of the 17.12 series, that has been stabilized since December 2017.</p>
<h2> Sub-task
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-4454</a>] - Enable/Disable JMS
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6595</a>] - Have the ability to test solr queries through widgets (screens &amp; forms)
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6655</a>] - Add session tracking mode and make cookie secure
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6766</a>] - Secure HTTP headers
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6884</a>] - Replace Static[&quot;org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilProperties&quot;].getPropertyValue in .ftl files with EntityUtilProperties variant
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7307</a>] - Proper client side validation while creating price rule from catalog manager
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7406</a>] - Find Projects throw &quot;EntityListIterator Not Closed for Entity&quot; error on terminal
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7424</a>] - Require client side validation while creating Product Association
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7425</a>] - Client side validation on Add product categories form in catalog
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7429</a>] - Client side validation required in Add Billing Accounts Role
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7430</a>] - Client Side validation missing on Create Payment screen
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7436</a>] - Client Side validation missing on Create New Tax Authority Form
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7437</a>] - Client side validation required in Tax Infos (Add Party Tax Authority Info)
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7441</a>] - Proper Form validation should be added while creating new agreement product
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7458</a>] - Proper form validation should be there while creating Agreement Item Party
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7461</a>] - Proper form validation should be there while creating Agreement Item Facility
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7462</a>] - Required Field Indicator (*) / Form Validation is missing on Create New Data Source Form
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7465</a>] - Proper form validation should be there while creating Agreement Roles
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7476</a>] - Proper Form Validation should be there while adding new Example Feature
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7766</a>] - Demo data for serialized and non-serialised product
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7852</a>] - Client side validation is missing at Create Ebay Account form
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7866</a>] - Client side validation is missing at Add Ebay Configuration form
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7877</a>] - Set the default value for Html Menu Macro Library
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7879</a>] - Set the default value for Html screen Macro Library.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7932</a>] - Set the default value for Fo Form Macro Library.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7933</a>] - Set the default value for Fo Screen Macro Library.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7984</a>] - Client side validation is missing at Create User Login form
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7985</a>] - Set the default value for Html Form Macro Library.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7988</a>] - Set the default value for Html Tree Macro Library.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7992</a>] - Set the default value for Csv Screen Macro Library, Text Screen Macro Library, Xml Form Macro Library and Xls Form Macro Library.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8191</a>] - Make Create Menu tab bar for Routing consistent
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8201</a>] - Make Create Menu tab bar for Contact consistent
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8273</a>] - Improvements in Lot entity definition and services
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8300</a>] - Framework: Remove inline js for toggleAll calling from ftls and also remove checkToggle, toggleAll and selectAll js functions
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8462</a>] - Improvements in ShipmentItemBilling entity definition and services
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8486</a>] - My Portal: Align column titles in list forms
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8487</a>] - Content : Remove unused imports from groovy files for code optimization.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8657</a>] - Convert CarrierShipmentMethod entity CRUD service to entity-auto
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8664</a>] - Convert ShipmentMethodType entity CRUD service to entity-auto
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8843</a>] - Improvements in CommEventContentAssoc entity definition and services
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8986</a>] - OFBIZ-7520: Consistency and Readability improvements for make-value tag
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9110</a>] - OFBIZ-7520: Consistency and Readability improvements for view-map tag
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9124</a>] - Upgrade Tomcat to 8.0.39
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9128</a>] - Document current possiblities of the EntityAutoEngine
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9138</a>] - Create a common theme
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9164</a>] - Refactor ContentWorkerInterface methods signatures
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9166</a>] - Create and use an OWASP PolicyFactory for content sanitization in ContentWorker for Birt Flexible Reports
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9169</a>] - Make xssi prefix configurable
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9188</a>] - Complete Birt Flexible Reports documentation
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9189</a>] - Birt Report Builder: migrate delegator.find calls to EntityQuery
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9198</a>] - Missing file results in error
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9269</a>] - Check embedded Javascript libs vulnerabilities using retire.js
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9284</a>] - Improvement: warn users about sending a flexible report before having published it
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9291</a>] - EntityListIterator Not Closed for Entity [Content], caught in Finalize
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9310</a>] - On setting verbose true, UtilHttp.getParameterMap() method prints username and password in logs
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9313</a>] - Update Tomcat to 8.0.42 because of CVE-2017-5648
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9327</a>] - Remove Deprecated Entities
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9331</a>] - Convert QuoteRole entity related service from simple to entity auto.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9354</a>] - Replace fields with &quot;id-ne&quot;, &quot;id-long-ne&quot; and &quot;id-vlong-ne&quot; with &quot;id&quot;, &quot;id-long&quot; and &quot;id-vlong&quot; respectively which are primary keys
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9355</a>] - Replace fields with &quot;id-ne&quot;, &quot;id-long-ne&quot; and &quot;id-vlong-ne&quot; by &quot;id&quot;, &quot;id-long&quot; and &quot;id-vlong&quot; respectively which are not primary keys
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9359</a>] - Put back the Birt order reports
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9381</a>] - Convert RateServices.xml mini-lang to groovyDSL
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9383</a>] - Birt plugin depends on example plugin
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9385</a>] - EntityListIterator closed but not in case of exception
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9439</a>] - Lucene tests fail due to problems in the test data
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9444</a>] - Dependency problem between Solr 6.6.0 and Guava
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9451</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.payment
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9452</a>] - [FB] Package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9453</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.thirdparty.authorizedotnet
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9454</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.thirdparty.clearcommerce
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9457</a>] - Improvements in OrderHeader entity definition and services
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9460</a>] - Convert AgreementServices.xml mini-lang to groovyDSL
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9485</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.thirdparty.eway
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9486</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.thirdparty.gosoftware
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9493</a>] - Replace Masked Input Plugin with jQuery-Mask-Plugin.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9504</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.finaccount
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9505</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.ledger
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9508</a>] - Convert createPartyDataSource service to entity-auto
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9509</a>] - Order : Remove unused imports from groovy files for code optimization.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9510</a>] - Manufacturing : Remove unused imports from groovy files for code optimization.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9511</a>] - Scrum : Remove unused imports from groovy files for code optimization.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9515</a>] - Apply new ruleSet definition into Ofbiz files
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9519</a>] - User should be notified with success message on Update Quote page
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9527</a>] - [FB] Packages org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.period and
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9528</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.thirdparty.eway (Additional Bugs)
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9533</a>] - User should be notified with success message on MRP run in manufacturing component
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9538</a>] - User should be notified with success message on adding note for party in party component
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9539</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.thirdparty.paypal
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9541</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.invoice
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9545</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.thirdparty.sagepay
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9548</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.thirdparty.worldpay
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9560</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.component
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9562</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.concurrent
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9563</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.container
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9564</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.lang
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9565</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.lang.test
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9566</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.config
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9570</a>] - Deprecated Methods in OrderChangeHelper
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9573</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.start
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9574</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.test
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9575</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.cache
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9576</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.cache.test
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9581</a>] - Merge extended entity definition in data model component into the existing entity definition
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9583</a>] - Client side validation is missing in quick create accounting transaction process
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9587</a>] - Required field indicator (*) is missing on create contact list form
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9589</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.string.test
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9590</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.collections
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9608</a>] - Use auto-attributes in ProductFeatureCategory CRUD services
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9626</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.cmssite.multisite
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9627</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.common.authentication
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9628</a>] - [FB] Package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9629</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.common.image
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9630</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.common.login
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9631</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.common.period
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9633</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.common.qrcode
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9634</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.common.uom
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9635</a>] - [FB] Package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9637</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.securityext.login
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9638</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.service
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9639</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.catalina.container
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9640</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.common.preferences
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9647</a>] - Missing Relationship from OrderHeader to WebSite
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9674</a>] - Update build.gradle to the latest dependencies
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9678</a>] - Missing foreign key constraint for fields userLoginId &amp; userPrefGroupTypeId in UserPreference entity
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9679</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.conversion
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9681</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.common
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9682</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.service.config.model
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9683</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.service.eca
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9684</a>] - [FB] Package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9685</a>] - [FB] Package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9686</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.widget.renderer.html
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9688</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.service.engine
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9689</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.crypto
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9690</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.service.mail
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9691</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.service.calendar
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9692</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.util
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9693</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.service.semaphore
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9694</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.service.test
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9695</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.widget.cache
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9700</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.string
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9702</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.widget.renderer.macro
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9703</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.workeffort.workeffort
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9704</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.widget.renderer
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9705</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.entity.serialize
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9706</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.entity.test
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9707</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.entity.transaction
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9709</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.service.job
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9710</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.widget.model
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9711</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.entity.cache
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9712</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.entity.finder
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9713</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.entity.condition
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9714</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.service.rmi.socket.ssl
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9715</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.datafile
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9716</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.entity
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9717</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.entity.config.model
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9718</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.entity.connection
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9719</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.entity.model
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9720</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.entity.util
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9721</a>] - [FB] Package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9722</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.test
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9723</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.entity.datasource
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9724</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.widget
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9729</a>] - [FB] org.apache.ofbiz.order
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9730</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.order.finaccount
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9731</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.order.shoppinglist
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9732</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.order.test
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9733</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.order.thirdparty.paypal
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9734</a>] - [FB] Package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9735</a>] - [FB] Package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9736</a>] - [FB] Package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9737</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.order.thirdparty.zipsales
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9739</a>] - Required field indicator (*) is missing from the required field on create website form
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9741</a>] - Required field indicator (*) is missing from the required field on create website content form
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9748</a>] - Required field indicator (*) is missing on the Add an association section
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9749</a>] - Required field indicator (*) is missing from the required field on add content role.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9754</a>] - Required field indicator (*) is missing from create web site parties.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9756</a>] - Required field indicator (*) is missing from create contact list.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9757</a>] - Required field indicator (*) is missing on edit data resource role
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9767</a>] - Missing FK constraints in OrderItem entity for ShoppingListItem
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9771</a>] - Move ecommerce related css file from common-theme to ecommerce component.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9772</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.product.category
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9773</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.product.category.ftl
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9774</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.product.config
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9775</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.product.feature
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9776</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.product.image
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9777</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.product.imagemanagement
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9778</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.product.inventory
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9779</a>] - [FB] org.apache.ofbiz.product.price
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9781</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.order.shoppingcart.product
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9782</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.entity.jdbc
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9783</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.order.shoppingcart
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9784</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.product.spreadsheetimport
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9785</a>] - [FB] Package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9786</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.product.subscription
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9787</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.product.supplier
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9788</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.shipment.shipment
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9789</a>] - Move Ecommere theme to plugins.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9799</a>] - [FB] Package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9804</a>] - Link in verification email for Newsletter gives security error
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9807</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.product.product
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9808</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.shipment.packing
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9809</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.product.test
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9810</a>] - [FB] Package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9811</a>] - [FB] Package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9812</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.content.layout
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9814</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.content.output
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9815</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.content.webapp.ftl
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9816</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.content.survey
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9817</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.content.test
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9819</a>] - [FB] Package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9820</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.shipment.thirdparty.usps
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9821</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.shipment.verify
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9822</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.shipment.weightPackage
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9823</a>] - [FB] Package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9824</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.content.cms
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9825</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.content.compdoc
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9843</a>] - Replace Inline js with External js in renderDisplayField macro
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9845</a>] - Replace Inline js with External js in renderTextareaField macro
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9851</a>] - Replace Inline js with External js in renderLookupField macro
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9852</a>] - Replace Inline js with External js in makeHyperlinkString macro
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9858</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.content
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9859</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.content.content
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9860</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.collections
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9861</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.container
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9865</a>] - Enhance cookies security
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9868</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.securityext.login
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9869</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.service
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9870</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.invoice
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9871</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.catalina.container
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9872</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.component
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9874</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.payment
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9875</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.common.authentication
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9876</a>] - [Refactoring] Package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9877</a>] - [Refactoring] Package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9878</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.common.image
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9879</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.thirdparty.clearcommerce
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9880</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.common.login
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9881</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.thirdparty.eway
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9882</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.thirdparty.gosoftware
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9883</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.common.qrcode
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9884</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.finaccount
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9885</a>] - [Refactoring] Packages org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.period
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9907</a>] - Replace ContentAssoc related CRUD services with entity-auto
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9927</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.common.preferences
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9928</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.concurrent
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9929</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.conversion
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9930</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.common
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9931</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.lang
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9932</a>] - [Refactoring] Package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9933</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.widget.renderer.html
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9934</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.service.engine
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9935</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.config
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9936</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.metrics
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9937</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.start
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9938</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.test
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9939</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.cache
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9940</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.cache.test
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9941</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.template
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9942</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.crypto
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9943</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.service.mail
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9944</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.util
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9945</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.service.semaphore
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9946</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.service.calendar
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9947</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.service.test
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9948</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.widget.cache
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9949</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.entity.cache
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9950</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.widget.renderer
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9951</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.entity.serialize
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9952</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.entity.test
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9953</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.entity.finder
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9954</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.service.job
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9955</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.widget.model
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9956</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.entity.condition
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9957</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.entity
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9959</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.service.rmi.socket.ssl
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9960</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.widget.renderer.macro
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9961</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.workeffort.workeffort
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9962</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.entity.transaction
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9963</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.datafile
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9966</a>] - Secure the login.secret_key_string
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9973</a>] - [FB] Find Security Bugs
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9979</a>] - Upgrade to JQuery.1.12.3 and Jquery.migrate.1.4.1 &amp; resolve all the warnings
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10011</a>] - Update markup of Home page according to standard markup given by Bootstrap v4.0.0
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10016</a>] - Update markup of Login page according to standard markup given by Bootstrap v4.0.0
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10018</a>] - Update markup of Register page according to standard markup given by Bootstrap v4.0.0
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10021</a>] - Accounting: Handle service response effectively
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10026</a>] - Update build.gradle to the latest dependencies
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10029</a>] - Replace all delegator findByAnd and findOne method calling by EntityQuery methods
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10041</a>] - Update markup of ContactUs page according to standard markup given by Bootstrap v4.0.0
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10043</a>] - Update markup of party profile page according to standard markup given by Bootstrap v4.0.0
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10046</a>] - Logging: change System.out/.err/.. println to Debug.log... in
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10055</a>] - Update markup of Home page product summary section to standard markup given by Bootstrap v4.0.0
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10056</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.order.order
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10060</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.thirdparty.valuelink
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10061</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.service.jms
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10062</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.order.shoppinglist
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10063</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.order.test
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10064</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.order.thirdparty.paypal
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10065</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.order.shoppingcart.product
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10066</a>] - [Refactoring] Package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10067</a>] - [Refactoring] Package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10068</a>] - [Refactoring] Package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10069</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.product.config
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10070</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.product.image
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10071</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.product.imagemanagement
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10072</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.product.inventory
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10073</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.product.product
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10074</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.product.subscription
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10075</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.product.supplier
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10076</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.product.test
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10077</a>] - [Refactoring] Package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10078</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.content.output
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10079</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.content.survey
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10080</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.content.webapp.ftl
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10081</a>] - [Refactoring] Package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10082</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.product.spreadsheetimport
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10084</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.order.shoppingcart
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10090</a>] - Update markup of Messages page according to standard markup given by Bootstrap v4.0.s
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10092</a>] - Update markup of List Requests page according to standard markup given by Bootstrap v4.0.s
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10095</a>] - Update markup of List Quotes page according to standard markup given by Bootstrap v4.0.s
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10097</a>] - [FB] Package org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.string
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10099</a>] - Update markup of Product Detail page according to standard markup given by Bootstrap v4.0.s
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10101</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.order.order
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10102</a>] - [FB] Packages org.apache.ofbiz -bi.util, -birt and -birt.container
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10104</a>] - Update markup of Shopping Cart page according to standard markup given by Bootstrap v4.0.s
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10105</a>] - Update markup of Checkout page according to standard markup given by Bootstrap v4.0.s
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10106</a>] - Restructuring of ecommerce container according to responsive behaviour of bootstrap
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10110</a>] - Update markup of Configure product page according to standard markup given by Bootstrap v4.0.0
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10116</a>] - Update markup of Anonymous login page according to standard markup given by Bootstrap v4.0.0
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10117</a>] - Improvement in Header and footer of ecommerce page and removed custom ecommain.css
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10118</a>] - Update multifex theme as per new markup
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10119</a>] - Update markup of Shopping Lists page according to standard markup given by Bootstrap v4.0.0
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10126</a>] - Update markup of One Page checkout page and improve markup on Shopping Cart according to standard markup given by Bootstrap 4.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10127</a>] - Improvement in UI of register page according to standard markup given by Bootstrap v4.0.0
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10132</a>] - Make the number of initially visible applications in main menu a properties
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10135</a>] - Update markup of OrderHistory page according to standard markup given by Bootstrap v4.0.0
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10136</a>] - Update markup of Quick Checkout Page according to standard markup given by Bootstrap v4.0.0
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10138</a>] - [Refactoring] Package org.apache.ofbiz.product.category.ftl
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10160</a>] - Update markup of various product page according to standard markup given by Bootstrap v4.0.0
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10161</a>] - Update markup of qucik add page according to standard markup given by Bootstrap v4.0.0
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10162</a>] - Update markup of advanced seach page page according to standard markup given by Bootstrap v4.0.0
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10163</a>] - Update markup of quick reorder section according to standard markup given by Bootstrap v4.0.0
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10169</a>] - Update markup of Last Products section according to standard markup given by Bootstrap v4.0.0
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10177</a>] - Rainbow theme: bug in avatar.ftl when the last name does not exist
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10179</a>] - Update Bootstrap 4.0 library to stable version from bootstrap 4.0 beta-2
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10185</a>] - Fix UI issue for error messages.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10222</a>] - Access the online help in Rainbow themes
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10283</a>] - Removing Birt dependencies in ReportScreens.xml
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10420</a>] - Session fixation issue
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10463</a>] - Framework webapp has dependency on product component
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10621</a>] - List Request page seems distorted of ecommerce component
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10678</a>] - CLONE - Check embedded Javascript libs vulnerabilities using retire.js
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10770</a>] - Update Apache commons-fileupload to last version (CVE-2019-0189)
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10790</a>] - Improve ecommerce main-decorator
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10793</a>] - Convert Promotion Screen of e-commerce as per Bootstrap Styling
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10837</a>] - Improve ObjectInputStream class (CVE-2019-0189)
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10873</a>] - Update Tomcat to 9.0.16 due to CVE-2019-0199
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10920</a>] - Update Tomcat to 9.0.18 due to CVE-2019-0232
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10930</a>] - Stores can&#39;t be modified at ofbizsetup/control/updateProductStore
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11006</a>] - Create customer request screen breaks when entering special characters (CVE-2019-10074)
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11033</a>] - service &#39;loadSalesOrderItemFact&#39; has hard coded currencyUomId
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11150</a>] - Form widget field with input-method=&quot;time-dropdown&quot; unable to understand the default time
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11171</a>] - Same content uploaded twice, if refresh the page after uploading the content
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11196</a>] - Path Traversal in webtools/control/FetchLogs and ViewFile
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11276</a>] - Update the SvnCheckout Gradle task to use Github svn repo
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11284</a>] - We have build problems in branches with plugins
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11325</a>] - Fixed the issue on party page that will upload the data each time after refreshing the page.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11348</a>] - Temporarily comment out the &quot;stream&quot; request-map in ecommerce controller for security reason
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11349</a>] - The &quot;stream&quot; request-map in ecommerce and commonext controllers requires authentication
<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-1585</a>] - Credit card valdation does not work properly during anonymous quick checkout process
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-2618</a>] - double forward slashes in ecommerce emails
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-3972</a>] - user of tenant generate errors on entity Server_Hit
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-4160</a>] - Tax not added for order shipping or promotion
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-4514</a>] - Taxes are not handled correctly when creating accounting transactions from purchase invoices
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-4959</a>] - Logout do not remove autoLogin
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5157</a>] - Error on createShoppingListItem when adding item to cart as anonymous
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5254</a>] - Services allow arbitrary HTML for parameters with allow-html set to &quot;safe&quot;
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5409</a>] - JSON Response does not set http status on error
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6330</a>] - The invoiceTaxTotal value is missing from createAcctgTransForPurchaseInvoice service
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6386</a>] - compareBigDecimals in org.ofbiz.minilang.method.conditional.Compare does not compare certain values correctly
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6625</a>] - EcomSEO generates an error when used in multi-tenancy setup
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6993</a>] - Cannot find the declaration of element &#39;web-app&#39; in version 3.0 files.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6994</a>] - Multiple logins required when using help screen before navigating to another application
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7066</a>] - temporal expression screen missing date dialogbox
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7263</a>] - Price rule created with product specific quantity condition not applied to the order when adding the product to cart with less quantity than mentioned in condition
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7265</a>] - Could not obtain Lock on lucene index Lock
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7375</a>] - Routing should not be allow to update with empty routing name
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7535</a>] - Broken page renders while click on Submit button
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7594</a>] - Unable to delete a survey in project component
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7610</a>] - Product Price set based on &#39;Purchase Price Agreement&#39; isn&#39;t honoured while same is used during ordering
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7664</a>] - Inconsistencies on the title and the label on button of create forms.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7683</a>] - Error occurred when making Shopping list public/private from Party Detail screen
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7709</a>] - Party Search doesn&#39;t consider Billing Address and Shipping Address checkbox in WebPos
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7719</a>] - Not able to select Virtual Product in WebPos
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7759</a>] - Link in LookupContent causes unwanted behaviour
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7816</a>] - Profile of contact person not shown on quick add of contact in SFA
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7945</a>] - Webpos Keyboard Shortcut keys does not work correctly
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8266</a>] - From Date and Thru Date doesn&#39;t reflect on List Quote Roles screen.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8323</a>] - can enter empty content for product facility
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8411</a>] - popup image takes full width of browser window for ecommerce multiflex theme
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8457</a>] - Create new Return page required fields validations are not working correctly
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8505</a>] - Can&#39;t find Company and admin in Party find feature
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9114</a>] - Many reversed key and description of drop-down in the code
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9117</a>] - EntityAuto engine override the passed service in parameters
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9126</a>] - SimpleMethod: Problem with Variables in key-fields
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9133</a>] - catalog/control/FindReviews does not render proper column data
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9152</a>] - SimpleMethod: FindByAnd never using EntityListIterator
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9155</a>] - JobPoller does not run and hence scheduled/async jobs are never run
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9157</a>] - &quot;View Order&quot; throws exception in getReturnableQuantity
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9167</a>] - add item to order cause exception
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9184</a>] - In entitymodel.xsd entity-alias for condition-expr must be required
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9191</a>] - Navigate Accounts tree does not work
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9192</a>] - Implement and demonstrate few services in Birt Report Builder
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9193</a>] - NPE when changing locale from birt/control/CreateFlexibleReport
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9194</a>] - After creating a new Flexible Birt report, before visualising it you need to do other actions
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9195</a>] - Error in glAccountId retrieval for fixed asset depreciations
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9196</a>] - Regression: a commit between R15 and the Gradle switch uses/blocks the ports
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9201</a>] - Birt logging unlogical high
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9204</a>] - Cancelled OrderItems are still included in orderGrandTotal
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9206</a>] - Login and logout process in demo backends (Management Apps) shows a certificate issue
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9208</a>] - reinstate url cache in UtilURL.fromResource
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9216</a>] - report GL Account Trial Balance
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9220</a>] - Employment Applications in Party manager does not list any record even if they exist.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9225</a>] - Editing quantity of configurable products changes actual product
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9228</a>] - Create an Accounting Transaction page not found
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9230</a>] - Missing reference to the delegator in framework/widget/templates/HtmlFormMacroLibrary.ftl
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9234</a>] - The ecommerce breadcrumb fails when you come from the catalog product link
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9252</a>] - While re-ordering an order, order terms doesn&#39;t set
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9253</a>] - Order contact mechs are not copied over while re-ordering an order
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9260</a>] - Wrong &lt;&quot;zh_TW&quot; instead of &quot;zh-TW&quot; in 2 labels files
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9261</a>] - Handle only labels with the &quot;_&quot; separator between languages and countries
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9262</a>] - Error message when svn updating due to pullAllPluginsSource
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9265</a>] - Error in accounting report inventory valuation with through date with an empty value.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9273</a>] - The createTenant Gradle task fails
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9278</a>] - Login after multitenant
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9280</a>] - Sort Links in Lookup for Data Resource Id causes unwanted behaviour on Find Content page
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9286</a>] - ERROR: Cannot do a find that returns an EntityListIterator with no transaction in place
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9298</a>] - logout and humanres
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9299</a>] - Logo image not showing on party profile
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9301</a>] - CMS shows error screen on clicking Find button
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9309</a>] - Ecommerce component showing error screen on searchContent from showcontenttree page
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9311</a>] - The help button or link does not show for the Birt, BI and example components
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9314</a>] - WorkEffort shows error on party assignment
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9315</a>] - WorkEffort Keywords does not list after adding.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9336</a>] - Ecommerce login/logout events don&#39;t work properly for Shopping Cart
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9345</a>] - Error viewing tomahawk-themed page when externalLoginKey is not enabled
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9379</a>] - No definition found for view with name [setLocaleFromBrowser]
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9471</a>] - Set autocomplete to off for all the password fields.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9481</a>] - order page shows widget exceptions
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9494</a>] - Wrong repository links on FormWidgetExamples page
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9497</a>] - Profile link for Lead not working properly in sfa component
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9512</a>] - Lead Profile URL not working properly in SFA
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9518</a>] - Wrong success message after creating lead in sfa component
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9524</a>] - Uploading content to a product email is not working
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9525</a>] - MRP incorrectly computes quantity already received in open purchase order shipments
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9531</a>] - Error on &#39;Edit backlog&#39; for a product in Scrum
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9534</a>] - exception in service semaphore in wait mode and with multi thread calls
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9537</a>] - In case of request redirect context filter override the redirect parameter
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9622</a>] - Errors on orderview page
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9642</a>] - Product tags section displays &#39;Update&#39; button, despite of having no results
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9649</a>] - Unable to create Customer
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9652</a>] - Stack trace on E-commerce Home page
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9653</a>] - Issue while creating new person in the party component
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9654</a>] - HTML encoded path of image is showing on product detail page
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9656</a>] - Misplaced error messages throughout application
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9657</a>] - Unable to select Values from Auto-Completer
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9658</a>] - Issue while redirecting to Request Detail Screen from View Communication Event
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9667</a>] - Date selection on the EditFacilityGroups does not work.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9668</a>] - Date selection not working for &quot;Create WebSite Parties&quot; on EditWebSite screen.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9670</a>] - Party Communication Screen is broken
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9677</a>] - In packing, only use reservations with stock on hand
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9728</a>] - Empty rows affect the imported
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9742</a>] - Ftl error shown on Edit Shopping List page in ecommerce component
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9743</a>] - updateContent service does not return an error/success message
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9751</a>] - Request handler exception in create billing account from suppliers profile page
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9755</a>] - ShoppingCart&#39;s &#39;getPaymentMethodTypes&#39; method should use &#39;getPaymentMethodTypeIds&#39; internally instead of &#39;getPaymentMethodIds&#39;
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9758</a>] - Party Id label missing from edit data resource role
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9761</a>] - Update regex used for validating credit cards
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9762</a>] - Getting error in select frequency drop down on eCommerce shopping list screen
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9791</a>] - builds in git fail quickly
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9794</a>] - Unable to run the MRP
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9798</a>] - InitTheme.groovy can&#39;t work without request
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9803</a>] - FTL Error in OrderView screen
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9805</a>] - Ecommerce theme is broken
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9830</a>] - Template edit are not working correctly
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9837</a>] - The online help is broken
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9840</a>] - Mime Type not supported Error while generating a Composite Pdf
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9842</a>] - Service level check is missing on transfer inventory
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9847</a>] - setLocaleFromBrowser request missing for webpos component
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9855</a>] - Using try-with-resources with File IO Objects.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9867</a>] - &lt;description&gt; of &lt;visual-theme&gt; in Theme.xml does not work
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9889</a>] - Not setting VIEW_INDEX for IterateSectionWidget.renderWidgetString causes rendering error
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9890</a>] - Having condition is ignored on queryList() and queryFirst() calls in EntityQuery
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9891</a>] - X-Frame-Options configuration is not working
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9902</a>] - Create a to track data model changes
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9904</a>] - Issue while removing RateAmount Record
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9908</a>] - Quick Add button for shopping list on Orderentry screen is not working
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9912</a>] - Force complete Purchase Order button throws error
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9915</a>] - Error printing Return PDF
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9919</a>] - EntityListIterator.getComplateList returns error randomly
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9925</a>] - Error on first access to Online Help
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9977</a>] - While creating return fin account used currency must be same
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9990</a>] - The main logo in screen upper part shows distorted
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9991</a>] - OpenStreetMap geolocation no longer works
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9997</a>] - Replace request-redirect w/ no redirect-param attribute by request-redirect-noparam
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10003</a>] - Lookup Not Working with All Screens
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10006</a>] - Exception Error rendering on all View Category pages
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10012</a>] - Alert message : &quot;Developer: for lookups to work you must provide a form name!&quot; appears when try to select contentId from Lookup
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10015</a>] - Unable to create inventory item label
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10030</a>] - TrackingCodeEvents#checkTrackingCodeUrlParam returns &quot;error&quot; if tracking code is not available
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10033</a>] - RuntimeException on viewroles page of Scrum component
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10051</a>] - Fixing potential Nullpointer in ContentWorker.checkConditions()
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10054</a>] - Product content management screen doesn&#39;t validate trusted users&#39; input
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10058</a>] - Issues in error.log both locally and in trunk demo
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10087</a>] - Viewing entity in webtools no longer works
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10096</a>] - Error on updating sub content of CMS webSIte
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10098</a>] - service:createContent fails to create proper entity:ContentAssoc entry
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10107</a>] - Replace hard coded error message String with more suitable uiLabel in CheckoutHelper.createOrder
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10109</a>] - Encoding issue while exporting CSV
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10112</a>] - service:updateTextContent fails
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10120</a>] - Unable to remove selected item from cart
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10121</a>] - Incorrect Party profile view redirection in SFA due to missing roleType
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10122</a>] - Not able to add the requirement,broken screen with the error message in workeffort component
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10129</a>] - Order Process Broken - Due to Missing Service Defination
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10133</a>] - streaming large content cause out of memory exception.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10142</a>] - Trailing fraction are not entertained by formatCurrency method of UtilFormatOut
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10143</a>] - Hardcoded String in PaymentGatewayServices#processCaptureResult
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10148</a>] - Display the included vat amount on order item detail instead of 0
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10154</a>] - pagination errors in &quot;KeywordSearch.ftl&quot; and &quot;;
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10158</a>] - Find Employee Position does not allow &quot;don&#39;t care&quot; for boolean fields
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10159</a>] - Correcting findOne() in OfbizDslDescriptorForEclipse.dsld
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10167</a>] - Fix the HttpServletRequestWrapper in ContextFilter.doFilter()
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10176</a>] - Add an option &quot;All&quot; to show entities of all groups
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10183</a>] - Error on My Portal &gt; Request Overview Page
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10187</a>] - OWASP sanitizer breaks proper rendering of HTML code
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10218</a>] - UtilNumber.getBigDecimalRoundingMode() returns a wrong value
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10232</a>] - Survey response data lost on loadCartFromOrder service
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10243</a>] - Error in service definition for deleteOrderHeaderWorkEffort
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10244</a>] - french typo fix
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10246</a>] - EmailServices.sendMailFromScreen attachment rendering broken
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10274</a>] - Wrong locale/fallbackLocale logic in CategoryContentWrapper leads to unavailable alternate locale content
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10275</a>] - UtilCodec URL decoding breaks values with german umlauts
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10276</a>] - Theme screens do not load properly
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10277</a>] - The getJSONuiLabel javascript function is no longer working
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10278</a>] - The server hour normally shown in the jobs list is no longer showing
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10284</a>] - Handling tenant in XmlRpcEventHandler
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10298</a>] - Fluent API Bug in getFieldList()
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10301</a>] - loadCartFromOrder changes order date even when updating order items
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10304</a>] - The &quot;request&quot; attribute type of the userLogin service is wrong
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10310</a>] - Issue with Status of invoice
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10314</a>] - Multiple rows are getting created on updating Party details
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10315</a>] - Update Contact Mech ID with Billing Account not working
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10329</a>] - One Page Checkout page cannot move to Step 5 due to javascript errors
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10342</a>] - Service Log screen is broken
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10356</a>] - Display of entities in text input field for Product Name
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10369</a>] - ConfigXMLReader - Events are not executed in the order defined
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10374</a>] - Existing BILLING_LOCATION record of party should expire while creating a new one
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10389</a>] - The first visit event are not executed in case of CMS
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10396</a>] - All party contact mech should be deleted before creating new one
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10406</a>] - Dynamic values not rendering properly in property tag of fail-property attribute
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10419</a>] - Incorrect data type conversion of variable serviceEndTime in
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10421</a>] - jquery.jgrowl.min.css url out of date
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10423</a>] - Click on category the filter function doesn&#39;t work
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10425</a>] - When check out after input billing information, it&#39;s displayed as java object
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10455</a>] - Put back the com.lowagie:itext license from 4.2.0 to 2.1.7
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10458</a>] - GetLocaleList call can provide duplicate results
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10460</a>] - setLocaleFromBrowser requires authentification
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10466</a>] - UI issue on blog screens on storefront
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10475</a>] - Missing Import in CmsEditAddPrep.groovy
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10483</a>] - Not able to delete PartyRate
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10487</a>] - compressableMimeType is not a valid attribute of apache http connector
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10489</a>] - Unnecessary ship groups in orders
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10493</a>] - Display From address in send confirmation email form
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10506</a>] - Initial set of hasLoogedOut flag when logging in
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10511</a>] - Use of layered-modal with parameter does not work
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10523</a>] - You can&#39;t create a New Payment Group
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10524</a>] - Could not find &lt;simple-method name=&quot;createWorkEffortSkillStandard&quot;&gt;
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10531</a>] - Search in Ecommerce no longer works
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10533</a>] - Seed data sequence bug regarding &quot;MIDNIGHT_DAILY&quot; TemporalExpression
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10542</a>] - Instructions for Configurable PC don&#39;t work
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10549</a>] - Action (find) button not visible in LabelManager search screen
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10567</a>] - Stores can&#39;t be modified at catalog/control/updateProductStore
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10569</a>] - Wrong handling of response type &quot;cross-redirect&quot;
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10580</a>] - Classification group filter not working on find party screen
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10585</a>] - Production run not created for marketing package auto type product if component inventory is not available
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10588</a>] - Incorrect PartyContactMechPurpose created while calling createUpdateBillingAddress service
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10597</a>] - Missing Security and Cache Headers in CMS Events
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10605</a>] - Creating Javadoc on Windows fails
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10615</a>] - Content - Able to add empty Forum Group
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10617</a>] - ECommerce landing page breaks if popular category does not exists
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10620</a>] - Invoice date is not displayed on findInvoice screen
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10623</a>] - Error message is displayed on ecommerce when user tries to use Split shipment functionality
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10628</a>] - Quote list is not showing on ecommerce
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10635</a>] - Correct behaviour of Autologin cookies
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10637</a>] - ComponentConfig::getAppBarWebInfos creates infos only for components without &lt;&lt;app-bar-display=&quot;false&quot;&gt;&gt;
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10641</a>] - Error in
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10642</a>] - Fallthrough in switch-case of
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10648</a>] - Manufacturing: BOM search returning duplicate entries in search results.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10653</a>] - Missing nullcheck in service createContactListParty
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10655</a>] - OFBizPricatUtil class don&#39;t use a org.apache.ofbiz.pricat package
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10658</a>] - Plugins Asciidoc documentation must be standalone
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10666</a>] - User&#39;s name is displayed on ecommerce even after user logs out
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10668</a>] - Quantity of the product added in the cart should not be negative
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10671</a>] - Error message is displayed when user having space in username logs in at ecommerce
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10676</a>] - UI bug in scrum component
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10677</a>] - Standalone Asciidoc plugins documents can&#39;t render logo correctly in PDF
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10680</a>] - partyId misses in EditEftAccount.ftl (party) when you create an EFT account from the quick finalize page
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10681</a>] - Dependent dropdowns should be used in createPostalAddress and Set Billing screens of ordermgr.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10696</a>] - ConcurrentModificationException in ShoppingCart.cleanUpShipGroups
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10706</a>] - EmailServices.sendMail causes a NPE, when sendFrom is missing
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10708</a>] - visual-editor not working on ecommerce
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10713</a>] - wrong title in table header of Config Option List
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10722</a>] - Date-find error when used in two forms of a same screen
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10727</a>] - Service failed to mark expired authorized payments of as void
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10735</a>] - Unable to add survey product to cart in order entry form
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10738</a>] - Product image is not displayed on showcart page of ecommerce
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10741</a>] - Blank page is displayed on ecommerce
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10743</a>] - Error message is populating while clicking on product barcode
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10765</a>] - Failed registration for virtual hosts with similar mount points
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10766</a>] - Impossible secure and autologin cookie names when mountpoint contains a slash inside its name
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10796</a>] - Check run payment(A/P) transactions not getting available for reconciliation
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10797</a>] - CSS Styling for Party Content progress bar is wrong in multiple theme
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10798</a>] - Unable to add item in shopping list from Quick Add
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10802</a>] - UserLoginPasswordHistory is not maintaining password as present in UserLogin.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10816</a>] - URL not encoding in FTL
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10833</a>] - CMS add content not working
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10836</a>] - Add To Order button not working on shopping list screen
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10842</a>] - No userLogin given in calculateProductPrice service call context
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10844</a>] - Ecommerce AnonContactus.ftl doesn&#39;t work
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10850</a>] - User is unable to create return
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10852</a>] - Error message is displayed in shopping cart when click on recalculate cart link
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10856</a>] - Customer Party getting set as &#39;organizationPartyId&#39; in one the Account transaction for Customer Invoice
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10858</a>] - Last Categories section is blank
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10859</a>] - Incorrect decorator being used over view all promotions and view promotion details screen causing back navigation
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10870</a>] - Updating productprice results in error
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10876</a>] - Run MRP fails, Incompatible class
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10882</a>] - Error message is displayed while click on create new quotes.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10883</a>] - Picklist is in Input status even after order is completed
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10885</a>] - Blank page appears after using Tell-A-Friend functionality while adding item to cart
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10886</a>] - Unable to create new quote from cart at eCommerce store
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10895</a>] - Unknown request [images]; this request does not exist or cannot be called directly.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10900</a>] - Agreement overview does not show names of parties
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10913</a>] - FindTask does not allow for all statuses possible to be selected
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10926</a>] - Update an order linked to an other order lost relation
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10927</a>] - Can&#39;t set (expected) start and end date of project when creating a project
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10929</a>] - Duplicate a ShoppingCartItem didn&#39;t propage OrderItemAttributes
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10932</a>] - Updating an OrderItem loses supplierProductId
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10940</a>] - Ensure html verbosity is following general setup
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10959</a>] - Enable entity timestamp fields
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10967</a>] - Remove link is not working in shopping list
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10969</a>] - Unable to create Employments
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10978</a>] - Unable to find any product in Quick Add functionality
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11009</a>] - Update invoice item looses invoice context
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11010</a>] - Touch F8 in webpos does not work and generate an error
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11013</a>] - Scrum parties don&#39;t have partyTypeId set
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11018</a>] - Redirection of pathAlias to aliasTo does not work properly
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11022</a>] - Edit WebSite Path Alias is not working
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11028</a>] - field emplFromDate is forgot in PayHistory entity
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11029</a>] - Issue in function getVariantSelectionFeatures of
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11038</a>] - Unable to view a PartyContent on view profile page of a party
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11040</a>] - Manage EECAs on delegator.removeBy
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11041</a>] - Incorrect findByCount on DynamicView with groupBy and selected field
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11047</a>] - It&#39;s impossible to create more than 1 ProductManufacturingRule
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11048</a>] - When you select a ProductManufacturingRule if several exist only the one selected will show multiple times in the list
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11049</a>] - massPrintOrders does not work
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11052</a>] - Mass actions in FindOrders.ftl don&#39;t keep parameters
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11056</a>] - Fix duplicate entry in paramWithSuffix
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11059</a>] - Runtime error exceptions at Leads page
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11061</a>] - UI issue on contactus page of ecommerce
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11068</a>] - Error while CSR creates a return.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11071</a>] - Gradle eclipse task - classpath modification (Add exclusion for &lt;OFBiz&gt;/framework/base/config and &lt;OFBiz&gt;/framework/base/dtd)
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11078</a>] - Decrypt a field on embedded entity-view failed
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11108</a>] - Freemarker error on reviewProduct page on storefront
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11109</a>] - Getting an error while creating event from SFA without providing event name
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11113</a>] - “At least one phone number is required below” message should be uneditable while creating new customer using partymgr
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11119</a>] - Sales By Store Report not working
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11121</a>] - Order status history should show party id instead of login id .
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11123</a>] - NotSerializableException after uploading images to an order
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11125</a>] - No proper error message displayed if user misses to select entities
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11146</a>] - favicon.ico missing for LookupDecorator
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11148</a>] - In Product Image Management uploading file fails due to missing StatusValidChange
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11156</a>] - Issue loading solr component (JNDI timeout)
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11160</a>] - Add button for &#39;Gift Message is shown on completed order
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11170</a>] - UiLabel is missing for Web Analytics Type on content component
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11175</a>] - CategoryServices returns null when opening Product main page
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11186</a>] - Fix syntax error on groovy
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11201</a>] - Error in log when looking for parties at partymgr/control/main
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11207</a>] - Send upload form with even-update-area doesn&#39;t works
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11211</a>] - Fix multi modal opening
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11212</a>] - Default option for ModelFormField.DateFindField doesn&#39;t work
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11223</a>] - User should not be directed to main page after adding product to cart from showcart page
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11226</a>] - Issue with &quot;User name filed&quot; while creating the new user
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11230</a>] - EditExample always update status, because current Status not shown
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11231</a>] - Order Status History section broken for anonymous order
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11252</a>] - FTL error for purchase order with Bulk Item Type
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11265</a>] - Getting policy error while editing html text data using cms
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11267</a>] - baseEcommerceSecureUrl does not work in ecomseo.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11278</a>] - is not able to handle query strings
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11281</a>] - Possible Nullpointer in StringUtil#strToMap
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11283</a>] - Number problem cancelling order item
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11291</a>] - Alternate KeyWord Thesaurus functionality does not work properly
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11312</a>] - DatabaseUtil.getColumnInfo(...) does not retrieve primary keys due to connection-locks
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11316</a>] - Bug when order contains adjustments with NULL amount
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11318</a>] - Unable to continue to Step 3 in One Page Checkout
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11319</a>] - processorder is submitted as GET instead of POST
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11320</a>] - updatePassword does not save optional parameter requirePasswordChange
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11329</a>] - setUserTimeZone should ran only once based on error
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11340</a>] - Crashed Scheduled jobs are not getting rescheduled with temporal expression
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11341</a>] - Possible NullPointerException in FinAccountServices
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11353</a>] - For security reason require authenticationfor the &quot;stream&quot; request-map in commonext controller.xml
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11396</a>] - replaceFirst sensible to variable pattern
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11410</a>] - Agreement Item can&#39;t be removed.
<h2> New Feature
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5048</a>] - Multi Part Input Parameters not Available in Groovy Event
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6919</a>] - Birt Report Builder: an enhancement of the Birt component. Easier user possibility of report creation.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7073</a>] - Add WebSocket support in OFBiz
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9134</a>] - Add Party criteria to Routing Tasks
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9158</a>] - Add a isValid() method to the ModelService class
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9159</a>] - Add the entity-auto CRUD services for JobSandbox
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9161</a>] - Add the entity-auto CRUD services for RuntimeData
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9187</a>] - payroll integration
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9264</a>] - Make sure the local date time uses the time zone from the local browser.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9558</a>] - Manage deprecated service on the ModelService
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9617</a>] - Add uel function to resolve a label
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10088</a>] - Website can manage hidden webapp
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-1032</a>] - EntitySaxReader mostly-insert (store after create-error) Fix
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-3907</a>] - Product Promo Worker description patch
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5321</a>] - Facility main screen relies on demo data
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5682</a>] - Hardcoded stylesheets and javascript resources
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6206</a>] - The &quot;always&quot; log level in minilang is logged as FATAL
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6457</a>] - Have totals shown at the top of the search results.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6759</a>] - Improves HTTP header
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6760</a>] - Move all entity definitions from the applications components into a separate one
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7061</a>] - Autocompletion for Compound Widget
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7183</a>] - Completed Service Order Items are being allowed to be received along with finished goods over Approved PO
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7220</a>] - No quick ship option with back ordered products
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7322</a>] - Company Logo is missing at Print Pick Sheet PDF
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7334</a>] - Remove unused imports from Groovy files
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7402</a>] - Catalog : Showing error when duplicating product
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7452</a>] - Proper validation must be there while creating product attributes
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7496</a>] - Require check on Create Work Effort Screen
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7511</a>] - Add proper form validation across the application
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7606</a>] - Set the default value for macros
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7611</a>] - Track userlogin for status change
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7722</a>] - Sub-menu looks overlapping in Tomahawk theme
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7791</a>] - Rename specialpurpose to plugins
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7828</a>] - Entity and Service definition
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7835</a>] - Title of column fields are not aligned
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7850</a>] - Special characters displays in From Date UI label field in forum screen
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7972</a>] - Create a (PoC) plugin system for OFBiz based on Gradle
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8202</a>] - Use try-with-resources statement wherever it&#39;s possible
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8316</a>] - Update Apache Solr/Lucene to release 6.2.1
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8337</a>] - Refactor and simplify the startup sequence in OFBiz
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8831</a>] - Typo in error message when OFBiz is unable to connect to database.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9111</a>] - Service &quot;deletePayHistory&quot; does not have correct implementation
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9145</a>] - Greater precise value overriding price in order
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9146</a>] - Refactor forms in Example
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9160</a>] - upgrade gradle to version 3.2.1
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9172</a>] - Add Geo id support for New Zealand
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9173</a>] - Minor spelling mistakes
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9183</a>] - Remove the cleanGradle and cleanAnt Gradles Task
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9186</a>] - refactor list related forms in Agreeement widgets
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9215</a>] - refactor list related forms in BillingAccount widgets
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9219</a>] - Delete obsolete branches
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9229</a>] - refactor list related forms in Cost widgets
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9232</a>] - refactor list related forms in Lookup widgets
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9236</a>] - refactor list related forms in Manufacturing widgets
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9251</a>] - Add support for &#39;set-if-null&#39; and &#39;set-if-empty&#39; attributes on screens for set element.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9266</a>] - Refactor lists related to contactlist forms in partymgr
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9274</a>] - Add parameters information into Gradle tasks descriptions
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9281</a>] - Code Improvement on Product Config
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9282</a>] - Refactor lists related to gateway transactions in accounting
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9285</a>] - OFBiz Startup Message
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9287</a>] - Refactor the runAction method in AbstractModelAction, ModelFormAction and ModelTreeAction classes
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9289</a>] - SOAPEventHandler only outputs error to log when secureSoapAnswer = false
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9297</a>] - EntityListIterator Not Closed for Entity [EntityName], caught in Finalize
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9303</a>] - Remove hard-coded success/error message variables set in service output
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9306</a>] - Check there are no white spaces around the name of a form field when updating a form
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9318</a>] - Create New Quote button is duplicated on View Quote page
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9328</a>] - Create New button is misplaced on Party Content Screen
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9334</a>] - Show the embedded help in a layered window rather than a new browser window
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9337</a>] - Update msyql sql-type for datetime field-type to support Fractional Seconds in Time Values
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9341</a>] - When searched from FindGeneric page it looses entityName from the url
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9347</a>] - Loading standard web application
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9351</a>] - Remove unnecessary field types
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9357</a>] - Rename Lucene runtime folders to clearly show the origin
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9358</a>] - Integrating google phone number library for validating telecom numbers
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9366</a>] - Upgrade Tomcat to 8.5.15
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9368</a>] - OEM Party Id field should have lookup on Edit Product page
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9375</a>] - Missing Java Option solr.log.dir. Logging may be missing or incomplete
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9378</a>] - set auto completion only in lookup field
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9388</a>] - Writer closed but not in case of exception
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9389</a>] - performFindResults.listIt closed but not in case of exception in 3 Scrum Groovy files
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9391</a>] - Update Apache Solr/Lucene to release 6.6.0
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9392</a>] - Refactor CatalinaContainer
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9393</a>] - UtilMisc.toMap(), toList() and toSet() refactoring taking Varargs for creating the wanted data structure
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9395</a>] - EmailServices.sendMailFromScreen improved to take multiple attachments with appropriate type along with several email fixes
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9397</a>] - New UtilMisc method collectionToString(...) building safely a String with the given collection and delimiter
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9399</a>] - ServiceSemaphore.waitOrFail() remove redundant logging
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9400</a>] - GenericServiceJob.failed(Throwable) avoid logging stacktraces for non technical service semaphore exceptions
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9401</a>] - ServiceSemaphore: Check for Transaction before suspending it in dbWrite(...)
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9402</a>] - Cut of unnecessary auto-stamp fields from Visit, ServerHit and ServerHitBin
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9405</a>] - refactor list related forms in PartyScreen widgets
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9408</a>] - Following uiLabels should move from ProductUiLabels.xml to CommonEntityLabels.xml.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9409</a>] - Add numeric code for Currency UOM
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9415</a>] - Refactor list related form widgets in various WorkEffort screens
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9430</a>] - Update Groovy to 2.4.12
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9434</a>] - Remove hard-coded instances of &quot;IN&quot; with ModelService.IN_PARAM
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9435</a>] - Refactor and properties files
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9436</a>] - refactor createPlugin task in gradle
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9437</a>] - Upgrade Tomcat to 8.5.16
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9441</a>] - Refactor OFBiz containers and remove StartupCommandToArgsAdapter
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9447</a>] - Improve groovy DSL : resolve automatic pk field for entity one
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9466</a>] - Use serviceUtil() in place of hard-coded error/success messages.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9479</a>] - Use FlexibleLocation.resolveLocation() instead of hard-coded path
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9480</a>] - Remove cancelAgreement service
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9488</a>] - Usage of factory method or Builder pattern for Locale object creation and usage.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9489</a>] - Add new Rule Based Number Format for Indian Number System in International Components for Unicode (ICU) OFBiz usage.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9490</a>] - Update UtilMisc.formatRuleBasedAmount() method to take rules and ruleSet and formatting can be done, rather than system providing all ruleset support.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9523</a>] - Improve groovy DSL : runService call makeValidContext
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9536</a>] - IN CSV export file from record add a new attribut to select the EOL type
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9543</a>] - Removing Assignment between UserLogin and SecurtyGroup does not work
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9549</a>] - Refactor EntityListIterator
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9550</a>] - Manage life span of marketing related entites
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9588</a>] - When creating New Lead, Lead Source should be associated with the Lead
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9595</a>] - Move config data related to PaymentGateway configuration from seed-initial to demo
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9607</a>] - Use from-field pattern instead of value=${***} pattern in &#39;set&#39; element
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9618</a>] - &quot;Order Entry Payment Settings&quot; should not be hard coded.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9620</a>] - Extend SecurityGroup entity and add name/groupName field
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9636</a>] - Incomplete RoleMember Permission Checks for ROLE_MEMBER in ModelPermission#evalRoleMember
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9680</a>] - No option to add Event Purpose on Events page.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9696</a>] - Fix type entities to follow convention of hasTable
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9740</a>] - Proper use of if-has-permission
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9765</a>] - While fetching product inventory, it should also return accounting quantity as well
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9770</a>] - CSS files defined through layoutSettings in GlobalActions are loaded twice
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9801</a>] - Manage life span of SecurityGroupPermission entity
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9813</a>] - Update to Tomcat 8.5.23
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9826</a>] - Add ability to disable seca rule
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9834</a>] - While creating inventory transfer, to location parameter is not handled.
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9835</a>] - Update Solr/Lucene to 7.1.0 [CVE-2017-9803] [CVE-2017-12629]
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9836</a>] - General refactoring and code improvements
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9839</a>] - Using try-with-resources with JDBC objects
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9863</a>] - Use Labels in themes names
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9873</a>] - Create a PoC for a documentation system for OFBiz based on Asciidoc
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9887</a>] - Update to Apache Derby
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9897</a>] - Add ability to disable entity eca rule
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9906</a>] - Inconsistent styling in Tomahawk theme
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9916</a>] - Remove deprecated method GenericDelegator.decryptFieldValue(String, String)
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9917</a>] - Update DBCP to 2.2.0
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9924</a>] - Make the general.SystemPropertyValue same than the related property in general properties
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9965</a>] - Empty Space above Find Payment header
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9974</a>] - Use FlexibleLocation.resolveLocation to resolve the fop.path
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9996</a>] - Implement Groovy test in testtools
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9999</a>] - Remove unused service checkContentAssocIds and its usage
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10020</a>] - Improve groovy DSL : makeValue accept fields map and call delegator.makeValidValue
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10023</a>] - Replace org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml() method by org.jsoup.parser.Parser.unescapeEntities()
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10025</a>] - Add logVerbose to GroovyBaseScript.groovy
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10034</a>] - Replace Rainbow OFBiz logo
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10036</a>] - Update to Tomcat 9.0.x
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10040</a>] - Create a new entity FacilityCalendar
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10045</a>] - Logging: change all System.out/.err/.. println to Debug.log... in the code base
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10047</a>] - Tomcat SSO
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10052</a>] - Always check if debug verbose is on when using Debug.logVerbose()
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10083</a>] - Replace all the &quot;e.printStackTrace();&quot; by calls to Debug class
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10100</a>] - Refactor magic numbers in org.apache.ofbiz.accounting.thirdparty.clearcommerce.CCPaymentServices
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10108</a>] - Import file with data-file, add start-line to escape the header column line
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10141</a>] - Add a VERSION file in root dir
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10144</a>] - API
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10166</a>] - Update Solr/lucene to 7.2.1
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10200</a>] - Change log level from INFO to VERBOSE for detail logging in UtilCache.findSizeInByte
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10223</a>] - Use Tomcat default ciphers
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10235</a>] - Update org.ofbiz package to org.apache.ofbiz in some missing entity def
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10253</a>] - Pass JVM options to OFBiz when using Gradle
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10273</a>] - Update postgres datasource name in entityengine file for consistency
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10300</a>] - Convert Minilang to Groovy Guide into asciidoc
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10326</a>] - Implement dependency from &quot;State/Province&quot; Field to &quot;Country&quot; in New Employee Form
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10330</a>] - ControlEventListener - Change Log-Level
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10484</a>] - Sanitize the output of XML-RPC replies of error data
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10508</a>] - Remove checks to store only 250 characters of URL in VisitHandler.getVisit() &amp; ServerHitBin.saveHit()
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10509</a>] - Disable DTDs for XML-RPC requests
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10522</a>] - Change the uggly favicon with the new one !
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10607</a>] - ‘EntityOperator#getId()’ is not used in the framework
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10618</a>] - Update google libphonenumber to v8.9.16
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10647</a>] - Convert Birt component doc from Markdown to AsciiDoc
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10663</a>] - Amount field is editable at Product Detail Page
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10699</a>] - request map to create party content in controller.xml exists twice
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10753</a>] - Improve error message page to support Theming
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10756</a>] - Prepare the migration to XStream 1.5
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10786</a>] - Wrong German translation in PartyUiLabels
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10884</a>] - UI issue on ecommerce Product page
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11004</a>] - Add missing ‘synchronized’ modifier
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11124</a>] - Allow to create single file if both directory and filename is provided by user
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11134</a>] - Adds a few german translation improvements in HumanResUiLabels
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11198</a>] - FindArInvoices request needs performance improvement regarding use of EntityListIterator::hasNext method
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11286</a>] - Usage of &#39;include-form&#39; instead of &#39;include-grid&#39; in PartyScreens.xml for grid elements
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11308</a>] - German translation typo in PartyUiLabels
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11324</a>] - No such file error for ProcessPaymentSettings.groovy while placing anonymous order
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11346</a>] - Provide a FileItem entry in UtilHttp.getMultiPartParameterMap
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11399</a>] - Update India Geo information according to ISO notifications 2019-11-22
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-11423</a>] - Put the TOCs on left in generated AsciiDoc documentation
<h2> Task
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-2330</a>] - Main task for securing URLs in Freemarker templates files
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6449</a>] - Update internal Ant from 1.9.0 to 1.9.5
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7962</a>] - Migrate the patch management Ant targets
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9256</a>] - Split the tools folder from the trunk and put it in another branch
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9268</a>] - Removes the now useless hot-deploy directory
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9272</a>] - Update OFBiz Buildbot config after the pullAllPluginsSource Gradle task creation
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9296</a>] - Update Groovy to 2.4.10
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9323</a>] - Remove the birt.tld file and all related files and lines
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9411</a>] - Rename &quot;loadAll&quot; the &quot;loadDefault&quot; Gradle task
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9556</a>] - Remove the never implemented deleteParty (pre Apache era)
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9857</a>] - Upload updated omnigraffle files of the Big Book of Data Model 2017
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10002</a>] - Document how the thread-pool max-threads works
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10032</a>] - Move the hhfacility application to Attic
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10094</a>] - Remove applet concept in OFBiz
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10130</a>] - Update Lucene and Solr to 7.2
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10145</a>] - Remove the Gradle wrapper from our release packages and add a step to our build notes
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10517</a>] - Update Apache Tomcat to 9.0.10 because of CVE-2018-8037
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10651</a>] - Create a Gradle task to generate the documentation for all plugins
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10652</a>] - Modify the Buildbot script to generate and copy the documentation to the site
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10657</a>] - Backport the Asciidoc documentation and means to generate it to R17 branch
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10721</a>] - Remove all the fk dependencies from stats entities to the business entities