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$head_title = '<title>The Apache OFBiz&reg; Project - Release Notes 16.11.05</title>';
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<h1 class="span8">Release Notes 16.11.05</h1>
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<p>Apache OFBiz&reg; 16.11.05, released in 2018-10-02, is the fifth release of the 16.11 series, that has been stabilized since November 2016.</p>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-4514</a>] - Taxes are not handled correctly when creating accounting transactions from purchase invoices</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-4959</a>] - Logout do not remove autoLogin</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6330</a>] - The invoiceTaxTotal value is missing from createAcctgTransForPurchaseInvoice service</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7535</a>] - Broken page renders while click on Submit button</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7709</a>] - Party Search doesn&#39;t consider Billing Address and Shipping Address checkbox in WebPos </li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7719</a>] - Not able to select Virtual Product in WebPos</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7945</a>] - Webpos Keyboard Shortcut keys does not work correctly</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8411</a>] - popup image takes full width of browser window for ecommerce multiflex theme</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8622</a>] - Required parameters are optional for createWorkRequirementFulfillment service</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9664</a>] - OFBiz 16 migration - HTML content filtered </li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9898</a>] - Incorrect success message after creating customer</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10006</a>] - Exception Error rendering on all View Category pages</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10121</a>] - Incorrect Party profile view redirection in SFA due to missing roleType</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10122</a>] - Not able to add the requirement,broken screen with the error message in workeffort component</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10133</a>] - streaming large content cause out of memory exception.</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10148</a>] - Display the included vat amount on order item detail instead of 0</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10149</a>] - ProductPriceRuleCondition &quot;is Product&quot; don&#39;t check the virtual product</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10153</a>] - Shipping Label printing not working </li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10154</a>] - pagination errors in &quot;KeywordSearch.ftl&quot; and &quot;;</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10158</a>] - Find Employee Position does not allow &quot;don&#39;t care&quot; for boolean fields</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10159</a>] - Correcting findOne() in OfbizDslDescriptorForEclipse.dsld</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10210</a>] - Values are not aligned with column over EditShoppingList Screen </li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10218</a>] - UtilNumber.getBigDecimalRoundingMode() returns a wrong value</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10232</a>] - Survey response data lost on loadCartFromOrder service</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10243</a>] - Error in service definition for deleteOrderHeaderWorkEffort</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10274</a>] - Wrong locale/fallbackLocale logic in CategoryContentWrapper leads to unavailable alternate locale content</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10275</a>] - UtilCodec URL decoding breaks values with german umlauts</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10277</a>] - The getJSONuiLabel javascript function is no longer working</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10278</a>] - The server hour normally shown in the jobs list is no longer showing</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10321</a>] - Multi-level BOM (same raw MM in different level) MRP not supportive</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10369</a>] - ConfigXMLReader - Events are not executed in the order defined</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10389</a>] - The first visit event are not executed in case of CMS</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10392</a>] - FindInventoryEventPlan Error</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10394</a>] - Fix typo &quot;paramters&quot; =&gt; &quot;parameters&quot;</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10405</a>] - Wrong permission action leads to error</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10406</a>] - Dynamic values not rendering properly in property tag of fail-property attribute</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10419</a>] - Incorrect data type conversion of variable serviceEndTime in</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10425</a>] - When check out after input billing information, it&#39;s displayed as java object</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10458</a>] - GetLocaleList call can provide duplicate results</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10486</a>] - Blog title is invisible on blog view page of ecommerce store</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10487</a>] - compressableMimeType is not a valid attribute of apache http connector </li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10493</a>] - Display From address in send confirmation email form</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10506</a>] - Initial set of hasLoogedOut flag when logging in</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10523</a>] - You can&#39;t create a New Payment Group</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10524</a>] - Could not find &lt;simple-method name=&quot;createWorkEffortSkillStandard&quot;&gt;</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10545</a>] - SurveyOptions.ftl is in the wrong location </li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10549</a>] - Action (find) button not visible in LabelManager search screen</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-1032</a>] - EntitySaxReader mostly-insert (store after create-error) Fix</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6206</a>] - The &quot;always&quot; log level in minilang is logged as FATAL</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9337</a>] - Update msyql sql-type for datetime field-type to support Fractional Seconds in Time Values</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10103</a>] - Useful parameter usage extension and small fix of getDependentDropdownValues in miscAjaxFunctions.js</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10172</a>] - GeoAssoc data is missing for Telangana state of India</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10223</a>] - Use Tomcat default ciphers</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10235</a>] - Update org.ofbiz package to org.apache.ofbiz in some missing entity def</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10253</a>] - Pass JVM options to OFBiz when using Gradle</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10364</a>] - Update Currency UOM data as per iso amendment 164, 165 and 166</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10436</a>] - Update xml-rpc libraries to latest release 3.1.3</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10484</a>] - Sanitize the output of XML-RPC replies of error data</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10530</a>] - Add similar as mergeFromPlugins.bat</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9966</a>] - Secure the login.secret_key_string</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10004</a>] - Error in Create Billing Account from Party Profile</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10177</a>] - Rainbow theme: bug in avatar.ftl when the last name does not exist</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10222</a>] - Access the online help in Rainbow themes</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10283</a>] - Removing Birt dependencies in ReportScreens.xml</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10420</a>] - Session fixation issue</li>
<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-10463</a>] - Framework webapp has dependency on product component</li>