blob: 674aa12fdd060692f51af072db67cc57f600af18 [file] [log] [blame]
<?php //Variable declarations for region templates
$head_title = '<title>The Apache OFBiz&reg; Project - Demos</title>';
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<h1 class="span8">OFBiz Demos</h1>
<div class="span4" id="navTrail"> <a href="index.html" class="homeLink">home</a><span>/</span><a href="#">Community</a><span>/</span><span class="current">Demos</span> </div>
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<aside class="span2 PortfolioStickyMenu" id="sidebar">
<ul id="subnav" class="nav nav-stacked sidenav scrollspyNav">
<li> <a href="#OFDemoAbout">About our Demos</li>
<li> <a href="#OFDemoCurrent"> Release 17.12 </a> </li>
<li> <a href="#OFDemoTrunk"> Trunk</a> </li>
<li> <a href="#OFDemoPrevious"> Release 16.11 </a> </li>
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<section id="OFDemoAbout" class="slice row clearfix">
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<h2>About our Demos</h2>
<div class="divider"><span></span></div>
<p>We have several online OFBiz demos that you can try out. Each demo is split into two areas:
<ul class="iconsList">
<li><i class="icon-pin"></i> E-Commerce webstore and</li>
<li><i class="icon-pin"></i> the backend ERP applications</li>
<p> The <strong>E-Commerce webstore </strong>is what your customers will see and allows them to order products, request returns or register as a new customer. Our demo also gives you some examples other things (Surveys, Blogs, Factoids, etc) also provided within OFBiz that you can include on your website. </p>
<p>The <strong>backend ERP applications </strong> allow you to setup and use accounting, customer orders (with or without the e-commerce store), inventory, manufacturing, human resources, CRM, and all the process that a standard business would need. You can also do the admin setup for the webstore</p>
<blockquote><strong>NOTE:</strong> The default user login is <strong>"admin"</strong> and password <strong> "ofbiz"</strong>. All demo user logins such as DemoCustomer, DemoSupplier, DemoEmployee etc have the default password <strong> "ofbiz"</strong></blockquote>
<section id="OFDemoCurrent" class="slice row clearfix">
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<h2>Current Stable Release 17.12 - Demo</h2>
<div class="divider"><span></span></div>
<p><i class="icon-pin"></i><a href="//" target="external"><strong>Backend Management (ERP) Applications</strong></a> </p>
<p><i class="icon-pin"></i><a href="//" target="external"><strong>Front End E-Commerce Webstore</strong></a> </p>
<section id="OFDemoTrunk" class="slice row clearfix">
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<h2>Developer Trunk - Demo </h2>
<div class="divider"><span></span></div>
<p>Please note that the trunk version is not recommended for a production environment. It is experimental code and contains developments in progress that once stablised will become part of future stable releases.</p>
<p><i class="icon-pin"></i><a href="//" target="external"><strong>Backend Management (ERP) Applications</strong></a> </p>
<p><i class="icon-pin"></i><a href="//" target="external"><strong>Front End E-Commerce Webstore</strong></a> </p>
<section id="OFDemoPrevious" class="slice row clearfix">
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<h2>Previous Stable Release 16.11 - Demo</h2>
<div class="divider"><span></span></div>
<p>This demo is for the previous OFBiz release. </p>
<p><i class="icon-pin"></i><a href="//" target="external"><strong>Backend Management (ERP) Applications</strong></a> </p>
<p><i class="icon-pin"></i><a href="//" target="external"><strong>Front End E-Commerce Webstore</strong></a> </p>
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