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= Apache OFBiz User Manual
The Apache OFBiz Project
:doctype: book
:imagesdir: ./images
:title-logo-image: image::OFBiz-Logo.svg[Apache OFBiz Logo, pdfwidth=4.25in, align=center]
:source-highlighter: rouge
== Introduction to OFBiz
Welcome to _Apache OFBiz_! A powerful top level Apache software project.
OFBiz is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System written in Java and
houses a large set of libraries, entities, services and features to run
all aspects of your business.
This manual will describe all aspects of this powerful ERP system. The manual
starts with the basics of what OFBiz is and how it works, and describes high
level concepts like the entity engine, service engine, widget system and so on.
In addition the manual explains the core application of this framework like the
Party Manager, Order Manager, Accounting system, and others.
If you wish to contribute to OFBiz and help make it better, you may wish to read
the "Apache OFBiz Developer Manual" for a deeper understanding of the
architectural concepts of the framework.
=== What is Apache OFBiz
It is hard to define OFBiz because it offers many different solutions targeted
at different levels of interests (users, developers, business owners). At a low
level it may considered a web framework, at another level, it may
considered a full fledged ERP system, and yet it can also be considered a
business automation suite.
=== The main parts of Apache OFBiz
Perhaps to better understand what OFBiz is, it may be necessary to understand
its main parts and the purpose that each part plays. Thus the main parts or
sub-systems are summarized below.
==== Web MVC Framework
The lowest or most foundational part of Apache OFBiz is a classical web MVC
(Model View Controller) framework. This part of the system is designed for basic
routing of web requests and may be considered as the infrastructure or plumbing
where everything is wired together.
==== Entity Engine
The entity engine allows OFBiz users to define entities, data, and queries in a
database-independent domain specific language (DSL) based on XML. Thus, without
learning any SQL users can create and interact with databases in a
platform-independent manner and Apache OFBiz would make the translations under
the hood to each database system.
==== Service Engine
Apache OFBiz is designed specifically around a Service Oriented Architecture
(SOA). Services are units of business logic that take a set of input values and
produces a set of output values.
Services are programming-language-independent. It does not matter whether a
service is implemented using Java, Groovy, Jython, or something else because
services are an abstraction away from the underlying technology. This provides
maximum flexibility for designing business logic without worrying about
interoperability between different languages.
==== Widget System
Whether the output is HTML, CSV, PDF, or something else, Apache OFBiz provides a
system for creating user interface that is independent of the actual
implementation. This makes it possible to publish the same widget to HTML, PDF,
CSV or some other output format.
However, the widget system allows users, if needed, to drop down to any
platform-specific code and mix it with widget designs, thus providing a mix
between ease of use, platform independence and customizability.
==== Data Model Library
Apache OFBiz is heavily inspired by a book called the "The Data Model Resource
Book". This book provides a "A Library of Universal Data Models for All
Enterprises". These models cover things like parties, orders, invoices,
payments, general ledgers, quotes and much more.
By using OFBiz, adopters start with a full pre-designed data model that covers
common and universal business requirements. Hundreds of entities are defined
which save many hours of thinking, designing, and testing such models.
It is important to note that the data model library does not only cover
entities, but also the data that comes with these entities. Data is further
categorized by function (seed, demo, etc ...)
==== Service Library
Having a rich and powerful data model is not very useful on its own without
services that apply business logic on this data model. That is where the
services defined in Apache OFBiz come into play.
OFBiz provides, out-of-the-box, thousands of services to create, retrieve,
update, delete, search, and do many other operations on the data model.
==== Core Applications
The <<CORE_APPLICATION_COMPONENTS,core applications>> in Apache OFBiz are web applications that serve common
business needs found in most enterprises such as accounting, order management,
party management and so on.
These core applications are built on top of the data model and service library
earlier described. The <<CORE_APPLICATION_COMPONENTS,core applications>> are further described in the relevant
==== Plugins
OFBiz extends any basic functionality through plugins. Plugins are very similar
to the core applications in design and structure, but are not shipped with
OFBiz by default. Thus to install a plugin a user must add it to the framework
= Core Business Applications
Most businesses share universal needs. They require accounting functionality,
managing customers, placing orders, book-keeping, invoicing and so on.
OFBiz is designed so that such basic universal business needs are available
through a set of core business applications. These applications all share a
unified data-model with a set of unified services to implement this
This section of the manual will describe each core business application
starting with a high level overview of design and purpose down to the details
of how to achieve common tasks.
webtools help should be remove when global glossary exist, and contain a link to developer-manual#webtools
=== Web tools
The Webtools application is the UI-gateway to all the framework functions.
// Plugins Business Applications