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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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public interface IdentityProviderUsage {
* Provides the usage instructions for an identity provider.
* The instructions should target a human consumer of the
* NiFi Registry REST API that needs to know how to handle
* Authentication when using / programming an API client.
* @return the usage instructions for an identity provider
String getText();
* If the identity provider follows an HTTP standard auth
* scheme, this provides which scheme is being used
* (or "Other" if the identity provider follows its own scheme).
* In the case the scheme is well understood, such as HTTP
* "Basic" Auth, this may be sufficient. In other cases,
* {@link #getText()} should provider detailed human-readable
* instructions about how a client should interact with
* the {@link IdentityProvider}.
* @return an enum for the auth
AuthType getAuthType();
* Standard auth types as maintained by IANA:
* Note, draft and experimental standards are not included, nor are app-specific custom schemes.
* To create an enum for such a scheme, use OTHER with a custom httpAuthScheme string, e.g.:
* <code>AuthType myAuthType = AuthType.OTHER.httpAuthScheme("my-auth-scheme");</code>
enum AuthType {
* Indicates the AuthType is unknown. Can be used in places where an AuthType is required but unknown by default.
UNKNOWN(0, "Unknown"),
* HTTP Basic Auth as defined by RFC7617.
BASIC(1, "Basic"),
* HTTP Bearer Auth as defined by RFC6750.
BEARER(2, "Bearer"),
* HTTP Digest Auth as defined by RFC7616.
DIGEST(3, "Digest"),
* HTTP Negotiate (SPNEGO) Auth as defined by RFC4559.
NEGOTIATE(4, "Negotiate"),
* HTTP OAuth as defined by RFC5849
OAUTH(5, "OAuth"),
* A distinct AuthType for which there is not yet a defined enumeration value.
* If a HTTP Auth Scheme should be set (e.g., for use in a WWW-Authenticate challenge list)
* use the setter, i.e.:
* <code>AuthType myAuthType = AuthType.OTHER.httpAuthScheme("my-auth-scheme");</code>
OTHER(99, "Other"),
private final int code;
private String httpAuthScheme;
private AuthType(int statusCode, String httpAuthScheme) {
this.code = statusCode;
this.httpAuthScheme = httpAuthScheme;
public int getStatusCode() {
return this.code;
public String getHttpAuthScheme() {
return this.toString();
public AuthType httpAuthScheme(String httpAuthScheme) {
if (httpAuthScheme != null) {
this.httpAuthScheme = httpAuthScheme;
return this;
public String toString() {
return this.httpAuthScheme;
public static AuthType fromCode(int code) {
AuthType[] enumTypes = values();
for (AuthType s : enumTypes) {
if (s.code == code) {
return s;
return null;