blob: 3063066f65c41f100adb946978f364166aeca866 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.nifi.registry.flow;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
public class VersionedProcessor extends VersionedComponent {
private Bundle bundle;
private Map<String, String> style;
private String type;
private Map<String, String> properties;
private Map<String, VersionedPropertyDescriptor> propertyDescriptors;
private String annotationData;
private String schedulingPeriod;
private String schedulingStrategy;
private String executionNode;
private String penaltyDuration;
private String yieldDuration;
private String bulletinLevel;
private Long runDurationMillis;
private Integer concurrentlySchedulableTaskCount;
private Set<String> autoTerminatedRelationships;
@ApiModelProperty("The frequency with which to schedule the processor. The format of the value will depend on th value of schedulingStrategy.")
public String getSchedulingPeriod() {
return schedulingPeriod;
public void setSchedulingPeriod(String setSchedulingPeriod) {
this.schedulingPeriod = setSchedulingPeriod;
@ApiModelProperty("Indcates whether the prcessor should be scheduled to run in event or timer driven mode.")
public String getSchedulingStrategy() {
return schedulingStrategy;
public void setSchedulingStrategy(String schedulingStrategy) {
this.schedulingStrategy = schedulingStrategy;
@ApiModelProperty("The type of Processor")
public String getType() {
return type;
public void setType(final String type) {
this.type = type;
@ApiModelProperty("Indicates the node where the process will execute.")
public String getExecutionNode() {
return executionNode;
public void setExecutionNode(String executionNode) {
this.executionNode = executionNode;
@ApiModelProperty("The amout of time that is used when the process penalizes a flowfile.")
public String getPenaltyDuration() {
return penaltyDuration;
public void setPenaltyDuration(String penaltyDuration) {
this.penaltyDuration = penaltyDuration;
@ApiModelProperty("The amount of time that must elapse before this processor is scheduled again after yielding.")
public String getYieldDuration() {
return yieldDuration;
public void setYieldDuration(String yieldDuration) {
this.yieldDuration = yieldDuration;
@ApiModelProperty("The level at which the processor will report bulletins.")
public String getBulletinLevel() {
return bulletinLevel;
public void setBulletinLevel(String bulletinLevel) {
this.bulletinLevel = bulletinLevel;
@ApiModelProperty("The number of tasks that should be concurrently schedule for the processor. If the processor doesn't allow parallol processing then any positive input will be ignored.")
public Integer getConcurrentlySchedulableTaskCount() {
return concurrentlySchedulableTaskCount;
public void setConcurrentlySchedulableTaskCount(Integer concurrentlySchedulableTaskCount) {
this.concurrentlySchedulableTaskCount = concurrentlySchedulableTaskCount;
@ApiModelProperty("The properties for the processor. Properties whose value is not set will only contain the property name.")
public Map<String, String> getProperties() {
return properties;
public void setProperties(Map<String, String> properties) { = properties;
@ApiModelProperty("The property descriptors for the processor.")
public Map<String, VersionedPropertyDescriptor> getPropertyDescriptors() {
return propertyDescriptors;
public void setPropertyDescriptors(Map<String, VersionedPropertyDescriptor> propertyDescriptors) {
this.propertyDescriptors = propertyDescriptors;
@ApiModelProperty("The annotation data for the processor used to relay configuration between a custom UI and the procesosr.")
public String getAnnotationData() {
return annotationData;
public void setAnnotationData(String annotationData) {
this.annotationData = annotationData;
@ApiModelProperty("The names of all relationships that cause a flow file to be terminated if the relationship is not connected elsewhere. This property differs "
+ "from the 'isAutoTerminate' property of the RelationshipDTO in that the RelationshipDTO is meant to depict the current configuration, whereas this "
+ "property can be set in a DTO when updating a Processor in order to change which Relationships should be auto-terminated.")
public Set<String> getAutoTerminatedRelationships() {
return autoTerminatedRelationships;
public void setAutoTerminatedRelationships(final Set<String> autoTerminatedRelationships) {
this.autoTerminatedRelationships = autoTerminatedRelationships;
@ApiModelProperty("The run duration for the processor in milliseconds.")
public Long getRunDurationMillis() {
return runDurationMillis;
public void setRunDurationMillis(Long runDurationMillis) {
this.runDurationMillis = runDurationMillis;
@ApiModelProperty("Information about the bundle from which the component came")
public Bundle getBundle() {
return bundle;
public void setBundle(Bundle bundle) {
this.bundle = bundle;
@ApiModelProperty("Stylistic data for rendering in a UI")
public Map<String, String> getStyle() {
return style;
public void setStyle(Map<String, String> style) { = style;
public ComponentType getComponentType() {
return ComponentType.PROCESSOR;