blob: 9b891ab79a653d8b75a0a9ccdcc5e4a69f7e32a9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nifi.registry.web.api;
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiParam;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponse;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponses;
import io.swagger.annotations.Authorization;
import io.swagger.annotations.Extension;
import io.swagger.annotations.ExtensionProperty;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.event.EventFactory;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.event.EventService;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.extension.bundle.Bundle;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.extension.bundle.BundleFilterParams;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.extension.bundle.BundleVersion;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.extension.bundle.BundleVersionFilterParams;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.extension.bundle.BundleVersionMetadata;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.extension.component.ExtensionMetadata;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.service.AuthorizationService;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.service.RegistryService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
value = "bundles",
description = "Gets metadata about extension bundles and their versions.",
authorizations = { @Authorization("Authorization") }
public class BundleResource extends AuthorizableApplicationResource {
public static final String CONTENT_DISPOSITION_HEADER = "content-disposition";
private final RegistryService registryService;
private final LinkService linkService;
private final PermissionsService permissionsService;
public BundleResource(final RegistryService registryService,
final LinkService linkService,
final PermissionsService permissionsService,
final AuthorizationService authorizationService,
final EventService eventService) {
super(authorizationService, eventService);
this.registryService = registryService;
this.linkService = linkService;
this.permissionsService = permissionsService;
// ---------- Extension Bundles ----------
value = "Get extension bundles across all authorized buckets",
notes = "The returned items will include only items from buckets for which the user is authorized. " +
"If the user is not authorized to any buckets, an empty list will be returned.",
response = Bundle.class,
responseContainer = "List"
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401) })
public Response getBundles(
@ApiParam("Optional bucket name to filter results. The value may be an exact match, or a wildcard, " +
"such as 'My Bucket%' to select all bundles where the bucket name starts with 'My Bucket'.")
final String bucketName,
@ApiParam("Optional groupId to filter results. The value may be an exact match, or a wildcard, " +
"such as 'com.%' to select all bundles where the groupId starts with 'com.'.")
final String groupId,
@ApiParam("Optional artifactId to filter results. The value may be an exact match, or a wildcard, " +
"such as 'nifi-%' to select all bundles where the artifactId starts with 'nifi-'.")
final String artifactId) {
final Set<String> authorizedBucketIds = getAuthorizedBucketIds(RequestAction.READ);
if (authorizedBucketIds == null || authorizedBucketIds.isEmpty()) {
// not authorized for any bucket, return empty list of items
return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(new ArrayList<>()).build();
final BundleFilterParams filterParams = BundleFilterParams.of(bucketName, groupId, artifactId);
List<Bundle> bundles = registryService.getBundles(authorizedBucketIds, filterParams);
if (bundles == null) {
bundles = Collections.emptyList();
return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(bundles).build();
value = "Gets the metadata about an extension bundle",
nickname = "globalGetExtensionBundle",
response = Bundle.class,
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "read"),
@ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/buckets/{bucketId}") })
@ApiResponse(code = 400, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_400),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_404),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_409) })
public Response getBundle(
@ApiParam("The extension bundle identifier")
final String bundleId) {
final Bundle bundle = getBundleWithBucketReadAuthorization(bundleId);
return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(bundle).build();
value = "Deletes the given extension bundle and all of it's versions",
nickname = "globalDeleteExtensionBundle",
response = Bundle.class,
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "write"),
@ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/buckets/{bucketId}") })
@ApiResponse(code = 400, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_400),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_404),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_409) })
public Response deleteBundle(
@ApiParam("The extension bundle identifier")
final String bundleId) {
final Bundle bundle = getBundleWithBucketReadAuthorization(bundleId);
final Bundle deletedBundle = registryService.deleteBundle(bundle);
return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(deletedBundle).build();
// ---------- Extension Bundle Versions ----------
value = "Get extension bundles versions across all authorized buckets",
notes = "The returned items will include only items from buckets for which the user is authorized. " +
"If the user is not authorized to any buckets, an empty list will be returned.",
response = BundleVersionMetadata.class,
responseContainer = "List"
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401) })
public Response getBundleVersions(
@ApiParam("Optional groupId to filter results. The value may be an exact match, or a wildcard, " +
"such as 'com.%' to select all bundle versions where the groupId starts with 'com.'.")
final String groupId,
@ApiParam("Optional artifactId to filter results. The value may be an exact match, or a wildcard, " +
"such as 'nifi-%' to select all bundle versions where the artifactId starts with 'nifi-'.")
final String artifactId,
@ApiParam("Optional version to filter results. The value maye be an exact match, or a wildcard, " +
"such as '1.0.%' to select all bundle versions where the version starts with '1.0.'.")
final String version
) {
final Set<String> authorizedBucketIds = getAuthorizedBucketIds(RequestAction.READ);
if (authorizedBucketIds == null || authorizedBucketIds.isEmpty()) {
// not authorized for any bucket, return empty list of items
return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(new ArrayList<>()).build();
final BundleVersionFilterParams filterParams = BundleVersionFilterParams.of(groupId, artifactId, version);
final SortedSet<BundleVersionMetadata> bundleVersions = registryService.getBundleVersions(authorizedBucketIds, filterParams);
return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(bundleVersions).build();
value = "Gets the metadata about the versions of an extension bundle",
nickname = "globalGetBundleVersions",
response = BundleVersionMetadata.class,
responseContainer = "List",
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "read"),
@ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/buckets/{bucketId}") })
@ApiResponse(code = 400, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_400),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_404),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_409) })
public Response getBundleVersions(
@ApiParam("The extension bundle identifier")
final String bundleId) {
final Bundle bundle = getBundleWithBucketReadAuthorization(bundleId);
final SortedSet<BundleVersionMetadata> bundleVersions = registryService.getBundleVersions(bundle.getIdentifier());
return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(bundleVersions).build();
value = "Gets the descriptor for the specified version of the extension bundle",
nickname = "globalGetBundleVersion",
response = BundleVersion.class,
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "read"),
@ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/buckets/{bucketId}") })
@ApiResponse(code = 400, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_400),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_404),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_409) })
public Response getBundleVersion(
@ApiParam("The extension bundle identifier")
final String bundleId,
@ApiParam("The version of the bundle")
final String version) {
final Bundle bundle = getBundleWithBucketReadAuthorization(bundleId);
final BundleVersion bundleVersion = registryService.getBundleVersion(bundle.getBucketIdentifier(), bundleId, version);
return Response.ok(bundleVersion).build();
value = "Gets the binary content for the specified version of the extension bundle",
nickname = "globalGetBundleVersionContent",
response = byte[].class,
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "read"),
@ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/buckets/{bucketId}") })
@ApiResponse(code = 400, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_400),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_404),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_409) })
public Response getBundleVersionContent(
@ApiParam("The extension bundle identifier")
final String bundleId,
@ApiParam("The version of the bundle")
final String version) {
final Bundle bundle = getBundleWithBucketReadAuthorization(bundleId);
final BundleVersion bundleVersion = registryService.getBundleVersion(bundle.getBucketIdentifier(), bundleId, version);
final StreamingOutput streamingOutput = (output) -> registryService.writeBundleVersionContent(bundleVersion, output);
return Response.ok(streamingOutput)
.header(CONTENT_DISPOSITION_HEADER,"attachment; filename = " + bundleVersion.getFilename())
value = "Deletes the given extension bundle version",
nickname = "globalDeleteBundleVersion",
response = BundleVersion.class,
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "write"),
@ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/buckets/{bucketId}") })
@ApiResponse(code = 400, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_400),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_404),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_409) })
public Response deleteBundleVersion(
@ApiParam("The extension bundle identifier")
final String bundleId,
@ApiParam("The version of the bundle")
final String version) {
final Bundle bundle = getBundleWithBucketReadAuthorization(bundleId);
final BundleVersion bundleVersion = registryService.getBundleVersion(bundle.getBucketIdentifier(), bundleId, version);
final BundleVersion deletedBundleVersion = registryService.deleteBundleVersion(bundleVersion);
return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(deletedBundleVersion).build();
value = "Gets the metadata about the extensions in the given extension bundle version",
nickname = "globalGetBundleVersionExtensions",
response = ExtensionMetadata.class,
responseContainer = "List",
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "read"),
@ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/buckets/{bucketId}") })
@ApiResponse(code = 400, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_400),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_404),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_409) })
public Response getBundleVersionExtensions(
@ApiParam("The extension bundle identifier")
final String bundleId,
@ApiParam("The version of the bundle")
final String version) {
final Bundle bundle = getBundleWithBucketReadAuthorization(bundleId);
final BundleVersion bundleVersion = registryService.getBundleVersion(bundle.getBucketIdentifier(), bundleId, version);
final SortedSet<ExtensionMetadata> extensions = registryService.getExtensionMetadata(bundleVersion);
return Response.ok(extensions).build();
value = "Gets the metadata about the extensions in the given extension bundle version",
nickname = "globalGetBundleVersionExtensions",
response = org.apache.nifi.registry.extension.component.manifest.Extension.class,
responseContainer = "List",
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "read"),
@ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/buckets/{bucketId}") })
@ApiResponse(code = 400, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_400),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_404),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_409) })
public Response getBundleVersionExtension(
@ApiParam("The extension bundle identifier")
final String bundleId,
@ApiParam("The version of the bundle")
final String version,
@ApiParam("The fully qualified name of the extension")
final String name
) {
final Bundle bundle = getBundleWithBucketReadAuthorization(bundleId);
final BundleVersion bundleVersion = registryService.getBundleVersion(bundle.getBucketIdentifier(), bundleId, version);
final org.apache.nifi.registry.extension.component.manifest.Extension extension = registryService.getExtension(bundleVersion, name);
return Response.ok(extension).build();
value = "Gets the documentation for the given extension in the given extension bundle version",
response = String.class,
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "read"),
@ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/buckets/{bucketId}") })
@ApiResponse(code = 400, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_400),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_404),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_409) })
public Response getBundleVersionExtensionDocs(
@ApiParam("The extension bundle identifier")
final String bundleId,
@ApiParam("The version of the bundle")
final String version,
@ApiParam("The fully qualified name of the extension")
final String name
) {
final Bundle bundle = getBundleWithBucketReadAuthorization(bundleId);
final BundleVersion bundleVersion = registryService.getBundleVersion(bundle.getBucketIdentifier(), bundleId, version);
final StreamingOutput streamingOutput = (output) -> registryService.writeExtensionDocs(bundleVersion, name, output);
return Response.ok(streamingOutput).build();
value = "Gets the additional details documentation for the given extension in the given extension bundle version",
response = String.class,
extensions = {
@Extension(name = "access-policy", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = "action", value = "read"),
@ExtensionProperty(name = "resource", value = "/buckets/{bucketId}") })
@ApiResponse(code = 400, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_400),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_401),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_403),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_404),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = HttpStatusMessages.MESSAGE_409) })
public Response getBundleVersionExtensionAdditionalDetailsDocs(
@ApiParam("The extension bundle identifier")
final String bundleId,
@ApiParam("The version of the bundle")
final String version,
@ApiParam("The fully qualified name of the extension")
final String name
) {
final Bundle bundle = getBundleWithBucketReadAuthorization(bundleId);
final BundleVersion bundleVersion = registryService.getBundleVersion(bundle.getBucketIdentifier(), bundleId, version);
final StreamingOutput streamingOutput = (output) -> registryService.writeAdditionalDetailsDocs(bundleVersion, name, output);
return Response.ok(streamingOutput).build();
* Retrieves the extension bundle with the given id and ensures the current user has authorization to read the bucket it belongs to.
* @param bundleId the bundle id
* @return the extension bundle
private Bundle getBundleWithBucketReadAuthorization(final String bundleId) {
final Bundle bundle = registryService.getBundle(bundleId);
// this should never happen, but if somehow the back-end didn't populate the bucket id let's make sure the flow isn't returned
if (StringUtils.isBlank(bundle.getBucketIdentifier())) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to authorize access because bucket identifier is null or blank");
authorizeBucketAccess(RequestAction.READ, bundle.getBucketIdentifier());
return bundle;