blob: f642632b713eff25446ccd18a0a060da67955336 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.nifi.registry.provider.flow.git;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.flow.FlowPersistenceException;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.flow.FlowPersistenceProvider;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.flow.FlowSnapshotContext;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.provider.ProviderConfigurationContext;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.provider.ProviderCreationException;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.util.FileUtils;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isEmpty;
import static org.apache.nifi.registry.util.FileUtils.sanitizeFilename;
public class GitFlowPersistenceProvider implements FlowPersistenceProvider {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GitFlowMetaData.class);
static final String FLOW_STORAGE_DIR_PROP = "Flow Storage Directory";
private static final String REMOTE_TO_PUSH = "Remote To Push";
private static final String REMOTE_ACCESS_USER = "Remote Access User";
private static final String REMOTE_ACCESS_PASSWORD = "Remote Access Password";
static final String SNAPSHOT_EXTENSION = ".snapshot";
private File flowStorageDir;
private GitFlowMetaData flowMetaData;
public void onConfigured(ProviderConfigurationContext configurationContext) throws ProviderCreationException {
flowMetaData = new GitFlowMetaData();
final Map<String,String> props = configurationContext.getProperties();
if (!props.containsKey(FLOW_STORAGE_DIR_PROP)) {
throw new ProviderCreationException("The property " + FLOW_STORAGE_DIR_PROP + " must be provided");
final String flowStorageDirValue = props.get(FLOW_STORAGE_DIR_PROP);
if (isEmpty(flowStorageDirValue)) {
throw new ProviderCreationException("The property " + FLOW_STORAGE_DIR_PROP + " cannot be null or blank");
final String remoteUser = props.get(REMOTE_ACCESS_USER);
final String remotePassword = props.get(REMOTE_ACCESS_PASSWORD);
if (!isEmpty(remoteUser) && isEmpty(remotePassword)) {
throw new ProviderCreationException(format("The property %s is specified but %s is not." +
" %s is required for username password authentication.",
if (!isEmpty(remotePassword)) {
flowMetaData.setRemoteCredential(remoteUser, remotePassword);
try {
flowStorageDir = new File(flowStorageDirValue);
flowMetaData.startPushThread();"Configured GitFlowPersistenceProvider with Flow Storage Directory {}",
new Object[] {flowStorageDir.getAbsolutePath()});
} catch (IOException|GitAPIException e) {
throw new ProviderCreationException("Failed to load a git repository " + flowStorageDir, e);
public void saveFlowContent(FlowSnapshotContext context, byte[] content) throws FlowPersistenceException {
try {
// Check if working dir is clean, any uncommitted file?
if (!flowMetaData.isGitDirectoryClean()) {
throw new FlowPersistenceException(format("Git directory %s is not clean" +
" or has uncommitted changes, resolve those changes first to save flow contents.",
} catch (GitAPIException e) {
throw new FlowPersistenceException(format("Failed to get Git status for directory %s due to %s",
flowStorageDir, e));
final String bucketId = context.getBucketId();
final Bucket bucket = flowMetaData.getBucketOrCreate(bucketId);
final String currentBucketDirName = bucket.getBucketDirName();
final String bucketDirName = sanitizeFilename(context.getBucketName());
final boolean isBucketNameChanged = !bucketDirName.equals(currentBucketDirName);
final Flow flow = bucket.getFlowOrCreate(context.getFlowId());
final String flowSnapshotFilename = sanitizeFilename(context.getFlowName()) + SNAPSHOT_EXTENSION;
final Optional<String> currentFlowSnapshotFilename = flow
// Add new version.
final Flow.FlowPointer flowPointer = new Flow.FlowPointer(flowSnapshotFilename);
flow.putVersion(context.getVersion(), flowPointer);
final File bucketDir = new File(flowStorageDir, bucketDirName);
final File flowSnippetFile = new File(bucketDir, flowSnapshotFilename);
final File currentBucketDir = isEmpty(currentBucketDirName) ? null : new File(flowStorageDir, currentBucketDirName);
if (currentBucketDir != null && currentBucketDir.isDirectory()) {
if (isBucketNameChanged) {
logger.debug("Detected bucket name change from {} to {}, moving it.", currentBucketDirName, bucketDirName);
if (!currentBucketDir.renameTo(bucketDir)) {
throw new FlowPersistenceException(format("Failed to move existing bucket %s to %s.", currentBucketDir, bucketDir));
} else {
if (!bucketDir.mkdirs()) {
throw new FlowPersistenceException(format("Failed to create new bucket dir %s.", bucketDir));
try {
if (currentFlowSnapshotFilename.isPresent() && !flowSnapshotFilename.equals(currentFlowSnapshotFilename.get())) {
// Delete old file if flow name has been changed.
final File latestFlowSnapshotFile = new File(bucketDir, currentFlowSnapshotFilename.get());
logger.debug("Detected flow name change from {} to {}, deleting the old snapshot file.",
currentFlowSnapshotFilename.get(), flowSnapshotFilename);
// Save the content.
try (final OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(flowSnippetFile)) {
// Write a bucket file.
flowMetaData.saveBucket(bucket, bucketDir);
// Create a Git Commit.
flowMetaData.commit(context.getAuthor(), context.getComments(), bucket, flowPointer);
} catch (IOException|GitAPIException e) {
throw new FlowPersistenceException("Failed to persist flow.", e);
// TODO: What if user rebased commits? Version number to Commit ID mapping will be broken.
public byte[] getFlowContent(String bucketId, String flowId, int version) throws FlowPersistenceException {
final Bucket bucket = getBucketOrFail(bucketId);
final Flow flow = getFlowOrFail(bucket, flowId);
if (!flow.hasVersion(version)) {
throw new FlowPersistenceException(format("Flow ID %s version %d was not found in bucket %s:%s.",
flowId, version, bucket.getBucketDirName(), bucketId));
final Flow.FlowPointer flowPointer = flow.getFlowVersion(version);
try {
return flowMetaData.getContent(flowPointer.getObjectId());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new FlowPersistenceException(format("Failed to get content of Flow ID %s version %d in bucket %s:%s due to %s.",
flowId, version, bucket.getBucketDirName(), bucketId, e), e);
// TODO: Need to add userId argument?
public void deleteAllFlowContent(String bucketId, String flowId) throws FlowPersistenceException {
final Bucket bucket = getBucketOrFail(bucketId);
final Flow flow = getFlowOrFail(bucket, flowId);
final Optional<Integer> latestVersionOpt = flow.getLatestVersion();
if (!latestVersionOpt.isPresent()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Flow version is not added yet, can not be deleted.");
final Integer latestVersion = latestVersionOpt.get();
final Flow.FlowPointer flowPointer = flow.getFlowVersion(latestVersion);
// Delete the flow snapshot.
final File bucketDir = new File(flowStorageDir, bucket.getBucketDirName());
final File flowSnapshotFile = new File(bucketDir, flowPointer.getFileName());
if (flowSnapshotFile.exists()) {
if (!flowSnapshotFile.delete()) {
throw new FlowPersistenceException(format("Failed to delete flow content for %s:%s in bucket %s:%s",
flowPointer.getFileName(), flowId, bucket.getBucketDirName(), bucketId));
try {
if (bucket.isEmpty()) {
// delete bucket dir if this is the last flow.
FileUtils.deleteFile(bucketDir, true);
} else {
// Write a bucket file.
flowMetaData.saveBucket(bucket, bucketDir);
// Create a Git Commit.
final String commitMessage = format("Deleted flow %s:%s in bucket %s:%s.",
flowPointer.getFileName(), flowId, bucket.getBucketDirName(), bucketId);
flowMetaData.commit(null, commitMessage, bucket, null);
} catch (IOException|GitAPIException e) {
throw new FlowPersistenceException(format("Failed to delete flow %s:%s in bucket %s:%s due to %s",
flowPointer.getFileName(), flowId, bucket.getBucketDirName(), bucketId, e), e);
private Bucket getBucketOrFail(String bucketId) throws FlowPersistenceException {
final Optional<Bucket> bucketOpt = flowMetaData.getBucket(bucketId);
if (!bucketOpt.isPresent()) {
throw new FlowPersistenceException(format("Bucket ID %s was not found.", bucketId));
return bucketOpt.get();
private Flow getFlowOrFail(Bucket bucket, String flowId) throws FlowPersistenceException {
final Optional<Flow> flowOpt = bucket.getFlow(flowId);
if (!flowOpt.isPresent()) {
throw new FlowPersistenceException(format("Flow ID %s was not found in bucket %s:%s.",
flowId, bucket.getBucketDirName(), bucket.getBucketId()));
return flowOpt.get();
public void deleteFlowContent(String bucketId, String flowId, int version) throws FlowPersistenceException {
// TODO: Do nothing? This signature is not used. Actually there's nothing to do to the old versions as those exist in old commits even if this method is called.