blob: 5770a15793f82ba2037829b9e0c066a18a9fc483 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nifi.registry.web.api;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.bucket.BucketItemType;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.flow.VersionedFlow;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.flow.VersionedFlowSnapshot;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.flow.VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.flow.VersionedProcessGroup;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONAssert;
import org.springframework.test.annotation.IfProfileValue;
import org.springframework.test.context.jdbc.Sql;
import static org.apache.nifi.registry.web.api.IntegrationTestUtils.assertFlowSnapshotMetadataEqual;
import static org.apache.nifi.registry.web.api.IntegrationTestUtils.assertFlowSnapshotsEqual;
import static org.apache.nifi.registry.web.api.IntegrationTestUtils.assertFlowsEqual;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
@Sql(executionPhase = Sql.ExecutionPhase.BEFORE_TEST_METHOD, scripts = {"classpath:db/clearDB.sql", "classpath:db/FlowsIT.sql"})
public class FlowsIT extends UnsecuredITBase {
public void testGetFlowsEmpty() throws Exception {
// Given: an empty bucket with id "3" (see FlowsIT.sql)
final String emptyBucketId = "3";
// When: the /buckets/{id}/flows endpoint is queried
final VersionedFlow[] flows = client
.resolveTemplate("bucketId", emptyBucketId)
// Then: an empty array is returned
assertEquals(0, flows.length);
// NOTE: The tests that seed the DB directly from SQL end up with different results for the timestamp depending on
// which DB is used, so for now these types of tests only run against H2.
@IfProfileValue(name="", value="true")
public void testGetFlows() throws Exception {
// Given: a few buckets and flows have been populated in the DB (see FlowsIT.sql)
final String prePopulatedBucketId = "1";
final String expected = "[" +
"{\"identifier\":\"1\"," +
"\"name\":\"Flow 1\"," +
"\"description\":\"This is flow 1\"," +
"\"bucketIdentifier\":\"1\"," +
"\"createdTimestamp\":1505088000000," +
"\"modifiedTimestamp\":1505088000000," +
"\"type\":\"Flow\"," +
"\"permissions\":{\"canRead\":true,\"canWrite\":true,\"canDelete\":true}," +
"\"link\":{\"params\":{\"rel\":\"self\"},\"href\":\"buckets/1/flows/1\"}}," +
"{\"identifier\":\"2\",\"name\":\"Flow 2\"," +
"\"description\":\"This is flow 2\"," +
"\"bucketIdentifier\":\"1\"," +
"\"createdTimestamp\":1505088000000," +
"\"modifiedTimestamp\":1505088000000," +
"\"type\":\"Flow\"," +
"\"permissions\":{\"canRead\":true,\"canWrite\":true,\"canDelete\":true}," +
"\"versionCount\":0," +
"\"link\":{\"params\":{\"rel\":\"self\"},\"href\":\"buckets/1/flows/2\"}}" +
// When: the /buckets/{id}/flows endpoint is queried
final String flowsJson = client
.resolveTemplate("bucketId", prePopulatedBucketId)
// Then: the pre-populated list of flows is returned
JSONAssert.assertEquals(expected, flowsJson, false);
public void testCreateFlowGetFlow() throws Exception {
// Given: an empty bucket with id "3" (see FlowsIT.sql)
long testStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
final String bucketId = "3";
// When: a flow is created
final VersionedFlow flow = new VersionedFlow();
flow.setName("Test Flow");
flow.setDescription("This is a flow created by an integration test.");
final VersionedFlow createdFlow = client
.resolveTemplate("bucketId", bucketId)
.post(Entity.entity(flow, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), VersionedFlow.class);
// Then: the server returns the created flow, with server-set fields populated correctly
assertFlowsEqual(flow, createdFlow, false);
assertEquals(0, createdFlow.getVersionCount());
assertEquals(createdFlow.getType(), BucketItemType.Flow);
assertTrue(createdFlow.getCreatedTimestamp() - testStartTime > 0L); // both server and client in same JVM, so there shouldn't be skew
assertEquals(createdFlow.getCreatedTimestamp(), createdFlow.getModifiedTimestamp());
// And when .../flows is queried, then the newly created flow is returned in the list
final VersionedFlow[] flows = client
.resolveTemplate("bucketId", bucketId)
assertEquals(1, flows.length);
assertFlowsEqual(createdFlow, flows[0], true);
// And when the link URI is queried, then the newly created flow is returned
final VersionedFlow flowByLink = client
assertFlowsEqual(createdFlow, flowByLink, true);
// And when the bucket is queried by .../flows/ID, then the newly created flow is returned
final VersionedFlow flowById = client
.resolveTemplate("bucketId", bucketId)
.resolveTemplate("flowId", createdFlow.getIdentifier())
assertFlowsEqual(createdFlow, flowById, true);
public void testUpdateFlow() throws Exception {
// Given: a flow exists on the server
final String bucketId = "3";
final VersionedFlow flow = new VersionedFlow();
flow.setName("Test Flow");
flow.setDescription("This is a flow created by an integration test.");
final VersionedFlow createdFlow = client
.resolveTemplate("bucketId", bucketId)
.post(Entity.entity(flow, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), VersionedFlow.class);
// When: the flow is modified by the client and updated on the server
createdFlow.setName("Renamed Flow");
createdFlow.setDescription("This flow has been updated by an integration test.");
final VersionedFlow updatedFlow = client
.resolveTemplate("bucketId", bucketId)
.resolveTemplate("flowId", createdFlow.getIdentifier())
.put(Entity.entity(createdFlow, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), VersionedFlow.class);
// Then: the server returns the updated flow, with a new modified timestamp
assertTrue(updatedFlow.getModifiedTimestamp() > createdFlow.getModifiedTimestamp());
assertFlowsEqual(createdFlow, updatedFlow, true);
public void testDeleteBucket() throws Exception {
// Given: a flow exists on the server
final String bucketId = "3";
final VersionedFlow flow = new VersionedFlow();
flow.setName("Test Flow");
flow.setDescription("This is a flow created by an integration test.");
final VersionedFlow createdFlow = client
.resolveTemplate("bucketId", bucketId)
.post(Entity.entity(flow, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), VersionedFlow.class);
// When: the flow is deleted
final VersionedFlow deletedFlow = client
.resolveTemplate("bucketId", bucketId)
.resolveTemplate("flowId", createdFlow.getIdentifier())
// Then: the body of the server response matches the flow that was deleted
// and: the flow is no longer accessible (resource not found)
createdFlow.setLink(null); // self URI will not be present in deletedBucket
assertFlowsEqual(createdFlow, deletedFlow, true);
final Response response = client
.resolveTemplate("bucketId", bucketId)
.resolveTemplate("flowId", createdFlow.getIdentifier())
assertEquals(404, response.getStatus());
public void testGetFlowVersionsEmpty() throws Exception {
// Given: a Bucket "2" containing a flow "3" with no snapshots (see FlowsIT.sql)
final String bucketId = "2";
final String flowId = "3";
// When: the /buckets/{id}/flows/{id}/versions endpoint is queried
final VersionedFlowSnapshot[] flowSnapshots = client
.resolveTemplate("bucketId", bucketId)
.resolveTemplate("flowId", flowId)
// Then: an empty array is returned
assertEquals(0, flowSnapshots.length);
// NOTE: The tests that seed the DB directly from SQL end up with different results for the timestamp depending on
// which DB is used, so for now these types of tests only run against H2.
@IfProfileValue(name="", value="true")
public void testGetFlowVersions() throws Exception {
// Given: a bucket "1" with flow "1" with existing snapshots has been populated in the DB (see FlowsIT.sql)
final String prePopulatedBucketId = "1";
final String prePopulatedFlowId = "1";
// For this test case, the order of the expected list matters as we are asserting a strict equality check
final String expected = "[" +
"{\"bucketIdentifier\":\"1\"," +
"\"flowIdentifier\":\"1\"," +
"\"version\":2," +
"\"timestamp\":1505174400000," +
"\"author\" : \"user2\"," +
"\"comments\":\"This is flow 1 snapshot 2\"," +
"\"link\":{\"params\":{\"rel\":\"content\"},\"href\":\"buckets/1/flows/1/versions/2\"}}," +
"{\"bucketIdentifier\":\"1\"," +
"\"flowIdentifier\":\"1\"," +
"\"version\":1," +
"\"timestamp\":1505088000000," +
"\"author\" : \"user1\"," +
"\"comments\":\"This is flow 1 snapshot 1\"," +
"\"link\":{\"params\":{\"rel\":\"content\"},\"href\":\"buckets/1/flows/1/versions/1\"}}" +
// When: the /buckets/{id}/flows/{id}/versions endpoint is queried
final String flowSnapshotsJson = client
.resolveTemplate("bucketId", prePopulatedBucketId)
.resolveTemplate("flowId", prePopulatedFlowId)
// Then: the pre-populated list of flow versions is returned, in descending order
JSONAssert.assertEquals(expected, flowSnapshotsJson, true);
public void testCreateFlowVersionGetFlowVersion() throws Exception {
// Given: an empty Bucket "3" (see FlowsIT.sql) with a newly created flow
long testStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
final String bucketId = "2";
final VersionedFlow flow = new VersionedFlow();
flow.setName("Test Flow for creating snapshots");
flow.setDescription("This is a randomly named flow created by an integration test for the purpose of holding snapshots.");
final VersionedFlow createdFlow = client
.resolveTemplate("bucketId", bucketId)
.post(Entity.entity(flow, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), VersionedFlow.class);
final String flowId = createdFlow.getIdentifier();
// When: an initial flow snapshot is created *without* a version
final VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata flowSnapshotMetadata = new VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata();
flowSnapshotMetadata.setComments("This is snapshot 1, created by an integration test.");
final VersionedFlowSnapshot flowSnapshot = new VersionedFlowSnapshot();
flowSnapshot.setFlowContents(new VersionedProcessGroup()); // an empty root process group
WebTarget clientRequestTarget = client
.resolveTemplate("bucketId", bucketId)
.resolveTemplate("flowId", flowId);
final Response response =
clientRequestTarget.request().post(Entity.entity(flowSnapshot, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), Response.class);
// Then: an error is returned because version != 1
assertEquals(400, response.getStatus());
// But When: an initial flow snapshot is created with version == 1
final VersionedFlowSnapshot createdFlowSnapshot =
clientRequestTarget.request().post(Entity.entity(flowSnapshot, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), VersionedFlowSnapshot.class);
// Then: the server returns the created flow snapshot, with server-set fields populated correctly :)
assertFlowSnapshotsEqual(flowSnapshot, createdFlowSnapshot, false);
assertTrue(createdFlowSnapshot.getSnapshotMetadata().getTimestamp() - testStartTime > 0L); // both server and client in same JVM, so there shouldn't be skew
assertEquals("anonymous", createdFlowSnapshot.getSnapshotMetadata().getAuthor());
assertEquals(1, createdFlowSnapshot.getFlow().getVersionCount());
// And when .../flows/{id}/versions is queried, then the newly created flow snapshot is returned in the list
final VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata[] versionedFlowSnapshots =
assertEquals(1, versionedFlowSnapshots.length);
assertFlowSnapshotMetadataEqual(createdFlowSnapshot.getSnapshotMetadata(), versionedFlowSnapshots[0], true);
// And when the link URI is queried, then the newly created flow snapshot is returned
final VersionedFlowSnapshot flowSnapshotByLink = client
assertFlowSnapshotsEqual(createdFlowSnapshot, flowSnapshotByLink, true);
// And when the bucket is queried by .../versions/{v}, then the newly created flow snapshot is returned
final VersionedFlowSnapshot flowSnapshotByVersionNumber = clientRequestTarget.path("/1").request().get(VersionedFlowSnapshot.class);
assertFlowSnapshotsEqual(createdFlowSnapshot, flowSnapshotByVersionNumber, true);
// And when the latest URI is queried, then the newly created flow snapshot is returned
final VersionedFlowSnapshot flowSnapshotByLatest = clientRequestTarget.path("/latest").request().get(VersionedFlowSnapshot.class);
assertFlowSnapshotsEqual(createdFlowSnapshot, flowSnapshotByLatest, true);
public void testFlowNameUniquePerBucket() throws Exception {
final String flowName = "Flow 1";
// verify we have an existing flow with the name "Flow 1" in bucket 1
final VersionedFlow existingFlow = client
assertEquals(flowName, existingFlow.getName());
// create a new flow with the same name
final String bucketId = "3";
final VersionedFlow flow = new VersionedFlow();
flow.setDescription("This is a flow created by an integration test.");
// saving this flow to bucket 3 should work because bucket 3 is empty
final VersionedFlow createdFlow = client
.resolveTemplate("bucketId", bucketId)
.post(Entity.entity(flow, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), VersionedFlow.class);
// saving the flow to bucket 1 should not work because there is a flow with the same name
try {"buckets/1/flows"))
.resolveTemplate("bucketId", bucketId)
.post(Entity.entity(flow, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), VersionedFlow.class);"Should have thrown exception");
} catch (WebApplicationException e) {
final String errorMessage = e.getResponse().readEntity(String.class);
Assert.assertEquals("A versioned flow with the same name already exists in the selected bucket", errorMessage);