blob: 7edd73e45804ac2bd7a53315e7db2b9f85e4bac1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nifi.registry.web.api;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.bucket.Bucket;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONAssert;
import org.springframework.test.annotation.IfProfileValue;
import org.springframework.test.context.jdbc.Sql;
import static org.apache.nifi.registry.web.api.IntegrationTestUtils.assertBucketsEqual;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
public class BucketsIT extends UnsecuredITBase {
public void testGetBucketsEmpty() throws Exception {
// Given: a fresh context server with an empty DB
// When: the /buckets endpoint is queried
final Bucket[] buckets = client
// Then: an empty array is returned
assertEquals(0, buckets.length);
// NOTE: The tests that seed the DB directly from SQL end up with different results for the timestamp depending on
// which DB is used, so for now these types of tests only run against H2.
@IfProfileValue(name="", value="true")
@Sql(executionPhase = Sql.ExecutionPhase.BEFORE_TEST_METHOD, scripts = {"classpath:db/clearDB.sql", "classpath:db/BucketsIT.sql"})
public void testGetBuckets() throws Exception {
// Given: these buckets have been populated in the DB (see BucketsIT.sql)
String expected = "[" +
"{\"identifier\":\"1\"," +
"\"name\":\"Bucket 1\"," +
"\"createdTimestamp\":1505134260000," +
"\"description\":\"This is test bucket 1\"," +
"\"permissions\":{\"canRead\":true,\"canWrite\":true,\"canDelete\":true}," +
"\"link\":{\"params\":{\"rel\":\"self\"},\"href\":\"buckets/1\"}}," +
"{\"identifier\":\"2\"," +
"\"name\":\"Bucket 2\"," +
"\"createdTimestamp\":1505134320000," +
"\"description\":\"This is test bucket 2\"," +
"\"permissions\":{\"canRead\":true,\"canWrite\":true,\"canDelete\":true}," +
"\"link\":{\"params\":{\"rel\":\"self\"},\"href\":\"buckets/2\"}}," +
"{\"identifier\":\"3\"," +
"\"name\":\"Bucket 3\"," +
"\"createdTimestamp\":1505134380000," +
"\"description\":\"This is test bucket 3\"," +
"\"permissions\":{\"canRead\":true,\"canWrite\":true,\"canDelete\":true}," +
"\"link\":{\"params\":{\"rel\":\"self\"},\"href\":\"buckets/3\"}}" +
// When: the /buckets endpoint is queried
String bucketsJson = client
// Then: the pre-populated list of buckets is returned
JSONAssert.assertEquals(expected, bucketsJson, false);
assertTrue(!bucketsJson.contains("null")); // JSON serialization from the server should not include null fields, such as "versionedFlows": null
public void testGetNonexistentBucket() throws Exception {
// Given: a fresh context server with an empty DB
// When: any /buckets/{id} endpoint is queried
Response response ="buckets/a-nonexistent-identifier")).request().get();
// Then: a 404 response status is returned
assertEquals(404, response.getStatus());
public void testCreateBucketGetBucket() throws Exception {
// Given:
long testStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
final Bucket bucket = new Bucket();
bucket.setName("Integration Test Bucket");
bucket.setDescription("A bucket created by an integration test.");
// When: a bucket is created on the server
Bucket createdBucket = client
.post(Entity.entity(bucket, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), Bucket.class);
// Then: the server returns the created bucket, with server-set fields populated correctly
assertBucketsEqual(bucket, createdBucket, false);
assertTrue(createdBucket.getCreatedTimestamp() - testStartTime > 0L); // both server and client in same JVM, so there shouldn't be skew
// And when /buckets is queried, then the newly created bucket is returned in the list
final Bucket[] buckets = client
assertEquals(1, buckets.length);
assertBucketsEqual(createdBucket, buckets[0], true);
// And when the link URI is queried, then the newly created bucket is returned
final Bucket bucketByLink = client
assertBucketsEqual(createdBucket, bucketByLink, true);
// And when the bucket is queried by /buckets/ID, then the newly created bucket is returned
final Bucket bucketById = client
.target(createURL("buckets/" + createdBucket.getIdentifier()))
assertBucketsEqual(createdBucket, bucketById, true);
public void testUpdateBucket() throws Exception {
// Given: a bucket exists on the server
final Bucket bucket = new Bucket();
bucket.setName("Integration Test Bucket");
bucket.setDescription("A bucket created by an integration test.");
Bucket createdBucket = client
.post(Entity.entity(bucket, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), Bucket.class);
// When: the bucket is modified by the client and updated on the server
createdBucket.setName("Renamed Bucket");
createdBucket.setDescription("This bucket has been updated by an integration test.");
final Bucket updatedBucket = client
.target(createURL("buckets/" + createdBucket.getIdentifier()))
.put(Entity.entity(createdBucket, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), Bucket.class);
// Then: the server returns the updated bucket
assertBucketsEqual(createdBucket, updatedBucket, true);
public void testDeleteBucket() throws Exception {
// Given: a bucket has been created
final Bucket bucket = new Bucket();
bucket.setName("Integration Test Bucket");
bucket.setDescription("A bucket created by an integration test.");
Bucket createdBucket = client
.post(Entity.entity(bucket, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), Bucket.class);
// When: that bucket deleted
final Bucket deletedBucket = client
.target(createURL("buckets/" + createdBucket.getIdentifier()))
// Then: the body of the server response matches the bucket that was deleted
// and: the bucket is no longer accessible (resource not found)
createdBucket.setPermissions(null); // authorizedActions will not be present in deletedBucket
createdBucket.setLink(null); // links will not be present in deletedBucket
assertBucketsEqual(createdBucket, deletedBucket, true);
final Response response = client
.target(createURL("buckets/" + createdBucket.getIdentifier()))
assertEquals(404, response.getStatus());
public void getBucketFields() throws Exception {
// Given: the server is configured to return this fixed response
String expected = "{\"fields\":[\"ID\",\"NAME\",\"DESCRIPTION\",\"CREATED\"]}";
// When: the server is queried
String bucketFieldsJson = client
// Then: the fixed response is returned to the client
JSONAssert.assertEquals(expected, bucketFieldsJson, false);