blob: 17e7a075b0891c81c8967533bb6bffc80f0b0203 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "MainHelper.h"
#include "utils/Environment.h"
#include "utils/StringUtils.h"
#include "utils/file/FileUtils.h"
#ifdef WIN32
FILE* __cdecl _imp____iob_func() {
struct _iobuf_VS2012 { // ...\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\include\stdio.h #56
char *_ptr;
int _cnt;
char *_base;
int _flag;
int _file;
int _charbuf;
int _bufsiz;
char *_tmpfname;
// VS2015 has FILE = struct {void* _Placeholder}
static struct _iobuf_VS2012 bufs[3];
static char initialized = 0;
if (!initialized) {
bufs[0]._ptr = (char*)stdin->_Placeholder;
bufs[1]._ptr = (char*)stdout->_Placeholder;
bufs[2]._ptr = (char*)stderr->_Placeholder;
initialized = 1;
return (FILE*)&bufs;
FILE* __cdecl __imp___iob_func() {
struct _iobuf_VS2012 { // ...\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\include\stdio.h #56
char *_ptr;
int _cnt;
char *_base;
int _flag;
int _file;
int _charbuf;
int _bufsiz;
char *_tmpfname;
// VS2015 has FILE = struct {void* _Placeholder}
static struct _iobuf_VS2012 bufs[3];
static char initialized = 0;
if (!initialized) {
bufs[0]._ptr = (char*)stdin->_Placeholder;
bufs[1]._ptr = (char*)stdout->_Placeholder;
bufs[2]._ptr = (char*)stderr->_Placeholder;
initialized = 1;
return (FILE*)&bufs;
namespace minifi = org::apache::nifi::minifi;
namespace utils = minifi::utils;
namespace logging = minifi::core::logging;
bool validHome(const std::filesystem::path& home_path) {
return utils::file::exists(home_path / DEFAULT_NIFI_PROPERTIES_FILE);
void setSyslogLogger() {
std::shared_ptr<logging::LoggerProperties> service_logger = std::make_shared<logging::LoggerProperties>();
service_logger->set("appender.syslog", "syslog");
service_logger->set("logger.root", "INFO,syslog");
std::filesystem::path determineMinifiHome(const std::shared_ptr<logging::Logger>& logger) {
/* Try to determine MINIFI_HOME */
std::filesystem::path minifi_home = [&logger]() -> std::filesystem::path {
/* If MINIFI_HOME is set as an environment variable, we will use that */
auto minifi_home_env_key = utils::Environment::getEnvironmentVariable(MINIFI_HOME_ENV_KEY);
if (minifi_home_env_key) {
logger->log_info("Found " MINIFI_HOME_ENV_KEY "=%s in environment", *minifi_home_env_key);
return *minifi_home_env_key;
} else {
logger->log_info(MINIFI_HOME_ENV_KEY " is not set; trying to infer it");
/* Try to determine MINIFI_HOME relative to the location of the minifi executable */
std::filesystem::path executable_path = utils::file::get_executable_path();
if (executable_path.empty()) {
logger->log_error("Failed to determine location of the minifi executable");
} else {
auto executable_parent_path = executable_path.parent_path();
logger->log_info("Inferred " MINIFI_HOME_ENV_KEY "=%s based on the minifi executable location %s", executable_parent_path.string(), executable_path.string());
return executable_parent_path;
#ifndef WIN32
/* Try to determine MINIFI_HOME relative to the current working directory */
auto cwd = std::filesystem::current_path();
if (cwd.empty()) {
logger->log_error("Failed to determine current working directory");
} else {
logger->log_info("Inferred " MINIFI_HOME_ENV_KEY "=%s based on the current working directory %s", cwd, cwd);
return cwd;
return "";
if (minifi_home.empty()) {
logger->log_error("No " MINIFI_HOME_ENV_KEY " could be inferred. "
"Please set " MINIFI_HOME_ENV_KEY " or run minifi from a valid location.");
return "";
/* Verify that MINIFI_HOME is valid */
bool minifi_home_is_valid = false;
if (validHome(minifi_home)) {
minifi_home_is_valid = true;
} else {
logger->log_info("%s is not a valid %s, because there is no %s file in it.", minifi_home.string(), MINIFI_HOME_ENV_KEY, DEFAULT_NIFI_PROPERTIES_FILE.string());
auto minifi_home_without_bin = minifi_home.parent_path();
auto bin_dir = minifi_home.filename();
if (!minifi_home_without_bin.empty() && bin_dir == std::filesystem::path("bin")) {
if (validHome(minifi_home_without_bin)) {
logger->log_info("%s is a valid %s, falling back to it.", minifi_home_without_bin.string(), MINIFI_HOME_ENV_KEY);
minifi_home_is_valid = true;
minifi_home = std::move(minifi_home_without_bin);
} else {
logger->log_info("%s is not a valid %s, because there is no %s file in it.", minifi_home_without_bin.string(), MINIFI_HOME_ENV_KEY, DEFAULT_NIFI_PROPERTIES_FILE.string());
/* Fail if not */
if (!minifi_home_is_valid) {
logger->log_error("Cannot find a valid %s containing a %s file in it. Please set %s or run minifi from a valid location.", MINIFI_HOME_ENV_KEY, DEFAULT_NIFI_PROPERTIES_FILE.string(), MINIFI_HOME_ENV_KEY);
return "";
/* Set the valid MINIFI_HOME in our environment */
logger->log_info("Using " MINIFI_HOME_ENV_KEY "=%s", minifi_home.string());
utils::Environment::setEnvironmentVariable(MINIFI_HOME_ENV_KEY, minifi_home.string().c_str());
return minifi_home;