blob: bf7f280ae2b76a5f416264e2295b61e5f3065f58 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "core/FlowConfiguration.h"
#include "core/logging/LoggerFactory.h"
#include "core/ProcessorConfig.h"
#include "Exception.h"
#include "io/StreamFactory.h"
#include "io/validation.h"
#include "sitetosite/SiteToSite.h"
#include "utils/Id.h"
#include "utils/StringUtils.h"
#include "utils/file/FileSystem.h"
#include "yaml-cpp/yaml.h"
class YamlConfigurationTestAccessor;
namespace org::apache::nifi::minifi::core {
static constexpr char const* CONFIG_YAML_FLOW_CONTROLLER_KEY = "Flow Controller";
static constexpr char const* CONFIG_YAML_PROCESSORS_KEY = "Processors";
static constexpr char const* CONFIG_YAML_CONTROLLER_SERVICES_KEY = "Controller Services";
static constexpr char const* CONFIG_YAML_REMOTE_PROCESS_GROUP_KEY = "Remote Processing Groups";
static constexpr char const* CONFIG_YAML_REMOTE_PROCESS_GROUP_KEY_V3 = "Remote Process Groups";
static constexpr char const* CONFIG_YAML_PROVENANCE_REPORT_KEY = "Provenance Reporting";
static constexpr char const* CONFIG_YAML_FUNNELS_KEY = "Funnels";
static constexpr char const* CONFIG_YAML_INPUT_PORTS_KEY = "Input Ports";
static constexpr char const* CONFIG_YAML_OUTPUT_PORTS_KEY = "Output Ports";
// Disable regex in EL for incompatible compilers
#if __GNUC__ < 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 9)
class YamlConfiguration : public FlowConfiguration {
explicit YamlConfiguration(const std::shared_ptr<core::Repository>& repo, const std::shared_ptr<core::Repository>& flow_file_repo,
const std::shared_ptr<core::ContentRepository>& content_repo, const std::shared_ptr<io::StreamFactory>& stream_factory,
const std::shared_ptr<Configure>& configuration, const std::optional<std::string>& path = {},
const std::shared_ptr<utils::file::FileSystem>& filesystem = std::make_shared<utils::file::FileSystem>());
~YamlConfiguration() override = default;
* Returns a shared pointer to a ProcessGroup object containing the
* flow configuration.
* @return the root ProcessGroup node of the flow
* configuration tree
std::unique_ptr<core::ProcessGroup> getRoot() override {
if (!config_path_) {
logger_->log_error("Cannot instantiate flow, no config file is set.");
throw Exception(ExceptionType::FLOW_EXCEPTION, "No config file specified");
const auto configuration = filesystem_->read(config_path_.value());
if (!configuration) {
return nullptr;
try {
YAML::Node rootYamlNode = YAML::Load(configuration.value());
return getYamlRoot(rootYamlNode);
} catch(...) {
logger_->log_error("Invalid yaml configuration file");
* Returns a shared pointer to a ProcessGroup object containing the
* flow configuration. The yamlConfigStream argument must point to
* an input stream for the raw YAML configuration.
* @param yamlConfigStream an input stream for the raw YAML configutation
* to be parsed and loaded into the flow
* configuration tree
* @return the root ProcessGroup node of the flow
* configuration tree
std::unique_ptr<core::ProcessGroup> getYamlRoot(std::istream &yamlConfigStream) {
try {
YAML::Node rootYamlNode = YAML::Load(yamlConfigStream);
return getYamlRoot(rootYamlNode);
} catch (const YAML::ParserException &pe) {
return nullptr;
* Returns a shared pointer to a ProcessGroup object containing the
* flow configuration. The yamlConfigPayload argument must be
* a payload for the raw YAML configuration.
* @param yamlConfigPayload an input payload for the raw YAML configuration
* to be parsed and loaded into the flow
* configuration tree
* @return the root ProcessGroup node of the flow
* configuration tree
std::unique_ptr<core::ProcessGroup> getRootFromPayload(const std::string &yamlConfigPayload) override {
try {
YAML::Node rootYamlNode = YAML::Load(yamlConfigPayload);
return getYamlRoot(rootYamlNode);
} catch (const YAML::ParserException &pe) {
return nullptr;
* Iterates all component property validation rules and checks that configured state
* is valid. If state is determined to be invalid, conf parsing ends and an error is raised.
* @param component
* @param component_name
* @param yaml_section
void validateComponentProperties(ConfigurableComponent& component, const std::string &component_name, const std::string &yaml_section) const;
* Returns a shared pointer to a ProcessGroup object containing the
* flow configuration. The rootYamlNode argument must point to
* an YAML::Node object containing the root node of the parsed YAML
* for the flow configuration.
* @param rootYamlNode a pointer to a YAML::Node object containing the root
* node of the parsed YAML document
* @return the root ProcessGroup node of the flow
* configuration tree
std::unique_ptr<core::ProcessGroup> getYamlRoot(const YAML::Node& rootYamlNode);
std::unique_ptr<core::ProcessGroup> createProcessGroup(const YAML::Node& yamlNode, bool is_root = false);
std::unique_ptr<core::ProcessGroup> parseProcessGroupYaml(const YAML::Node& headerNode, const YAML::Node& yamlNode, bool is_root = false);
* Parses a processor from its corresponding YAML config node and adds
* it to a parent ProcessGroup. The processorNode argument must point
* to a YAML::Node containing the processor configuration. A Processor
* object will be created a added to the parent ProcessGroup specified
* by the parent argument.
* @param processorsNode the YAML::Node containing the processor configuration
* @param parent the parent ProcessGroup to which the the created
* Processor should be added
void parseProcessorNodeYaml(const YAML::Node& processorsNode, core::ProcessGroup* parent);
* Parses a port from its corressponding YAML config node and adds
* it to a parent ProcessGroup. The portNode argument must point
* to a YAML::Node containing the port configuration. A RemoteProcessorGroupPort
* object will be created a added to the parent ProcessGroup specified
* by the parent argument.
* @param portNode the YAML::Node containing the port configuration
* @param parent the parent ProcessGroup for the port
* @param direction the TransferDirection of the port
void parsePortYaml(const YAML::Node& portNode, core::ProcessGroup* parent, sitetosite::TransferDirection direction);
* Parses the root level YAML node for the flow configuration and
* returns a ProcessGroup containing the tree of flow configuration
* objects.
* @param rootFlowNode
* @return
std::unique_ptr<core::ProcessGroup> parseRootProcessGroupYaml(const YAML::Node& rootFlowNode);
// Process Property YAML
void parseProcessorPropertyYaml(const YAML::Node& doc, const YAML::Node& node, std::shared_ptr<core::Processor> processor);
* Parse controller services
* @param controllerServicesNode controller services YAML node.
* @param parent parent process group.
void parseControllerServices(const YAML::Node& controllerServicesNode);
* Parses the Connections section of a configuration YAML.
* The resulting Connections are added to the parent ProcessGroup.
* @param node the YAML::Node containing the Connections section
* of the configuration YAML
* @param parent the root node of flow configuration to which
* to add the connections that are parsed
void parseConnectionYaml(const YAML::Node& node, core::ProcessGroup* parent);
* Parses the Remote Process Group section of a configuration YAML.
* The resulting Process Group is added to the parent ProcessGroup.
* @param node the YAML::Node containing the Remote Process Group
* section of the configuration YAML
* @param parent the root node of flow configuration to which
* to add the process groups that are parsed
void parseRemoteProcessGroupYaml(const YAML::Node& node, core::ProcessGroup* parent);
* Parses the Provenance Reporting section of a configuration YAML.
* The resulting Provenance Reporting processor is added to the
* parent ProcessGroup.
* @param reportNode the YAML::Node containing the provenance
* reporting configuration
* @param parentGroup the root node of flow configuration to which
* to add the provenance reporting config
void parseProvenanceReportingYaml(const YAML::Node& reportNode, core::ProcessGroup* parentGroup);
* A helper function to parse the Properties Node YAML for a processor.
* @param propertiesNode the YAML::Node containing the properties
* @param processor the Processor to which to add the resulting properties
void parsePropertiesNodeYaml(const YAML::Node& propertiesNode, core::ConfigurableComponent& component, const std::string& component_name, const std::string& yaml_section);
* Parses the Funnels section of a configuration YAML.
* The resulting Funnels are added to the parent ProcessGroup.
* @param node the YAML::Node containing the Funnels section
* of the configuration YAML
* @param parent the root node of flow configuration to which
* to add the funnels that are parsed
void parseFunnelsYaml(const YAML::Node& node, core::ProcessGroup* parent);
* Parses the Input/Output Ports section of a configuration YAML.
* The resulting ports are added to the parent ProcessGroup.
* @param node the YAML::Node containing the Input/Output Ports section
* of the configuration YAML
* @param parent the root node of flow configuration to which
* to add the funnels that are parsed
void parsePorts(const YAML::Node& node, core::ProcessGroup* parent, PortType port_type);
* A helper function for parsing or generating optional id fields.
* In parsing YAML flow configurations for config schema v1, the
* 'id' field of most component types that contains a UUID is optional.
* This function will check for the existence of the specified
* idField in the specified yamlNode. If present, the field will be parsed
* as a UUID and the UUID string will be returned. If not present, a
* random UUID string will be generated and returned.
* @param yamlNode a pointer to the YAML::Node that will be checked for the
* presence of an idField
* @param idField the string of the name of the idField to check for. This
* is optional and defaults to 'id'
* @return the parsed or generated UUID string
std::string getOrGenerateId(const YAML::Node& yamlNode, const std::string& idField = "id");
std::string getRequiredIdField(const YAML::Node& yaml_node, std::string_view yaml_section = "", std::string_view error_message = "");
* This is a helper function for getting an optional value, if it exists.
* If it does not exist, returns the provided default value.
* @param yamlNode the YAML node to check
* @param fieldName the optional field key
* @param defaultValue the default value to use if field is not set
* @param yamlSection [optional] the top level section of the YAML config
* for the yamlNode. This is used fpr generating a
* useful info message for troubleshooting.
* @param infoMessage [optional] the info message string to use if
* the optional field is missing. If not provided,
* a default info message will be generated.
YAML::Node getOptionalField(const YAML::Node& yamlNode, const std::string& fieldName, const YAML::Node& defaultValue, const std::string& yamlSection = "", const std::string& infoMessage = "");
std::shared_ptr<io::StreamFactory> stream_factory_;
PropertyValue getValidatedProcessorPropertyForDefaultTypeInfo(const core::Property& propertyFromProcessor, const YAML::Node& propertyValueNode);
void parsePropertyValueSequence(const std::string& propertyName, const YAML::Node& propertyValueNode, core::ConfigurableComponent& component);
void parseSingleProperty(const std::string& propertyName, const YAML::Node& propertyValueNode, core::ConfigurableComponent& processor);
void parsePropertyNodeElement(const std::string& propertyName, const YAML::Node& propertyValueNode, core::ConfigurableComponent& processor);
void addNewId(const std::string& uuid);
std::shared_ptr<logging::Logger> logger_;
static std::shared_ptr<utils::IdGenerator> id_generator_;
std::unordered_set<std::string> uuids_;
* Raises a human-readable configuration error for the given configuration component/section.
* @param component_name
* @param yaml_section
* @param reason
void raiseComponentError(const std::string &component_name, const std::string &yaml_section, const std::string &reason) const;
} // namespace org::apache::nifi::minifi::core