blob: 8769ed6fbae18d774c7ad9abde560d5104b9b492 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from minifi.core.FileSystemObserver import FileSystemObserver
from minifi.core.RemoteProcessGroup import RemoteProcessGroup
from minifi.core.SSL_cert_utils import gen_cert, rsa_gen_key_callback, make_ca, make_cert, dump_certificate, dump_privatekey
from minifi.core.Funnel import Funnel
from minifi.controllers.SSLContextService import SSLContextService
from minifi.controllers.GCPCredentialsControllerService import GCPCredentialsControllerService
from minifi.controllers.ODBCService import ODBCService
from minifi.controllers.KubernetesControllerService import KubernetesControllerService
from behave import given, then, when
from behave.model_describe import ModelDescriptor
from pydoc import locate
from pytimeparse.timeparse import timeparse
import logging
import time
import uuid
import binascii
from kafka import KafkaProducer
from confluent_kafka.admin import AdminClient, NewTopic
from confluent_kafka import Producer
import socket
import os
# Background
@given("the content of \"{directory}\" is monitored")
def step_impl(context, directory):
context.test.add_file_system_observer(FileSystemObserver(context.directory_bindings.docker_path_to_local_path(context.test_id, directory)))
def __create_processor(context, processor_type, processor_name, property_name, property_value, container_name, engine='minifi-cpp'):
container = context.test.acquire_container(container_name, engine)
processor = locate("minifi.processors." + processor_type + "." + processor_type)()
if property_name is not None:
processor.set_property(property_name, property_value)
# Assume that the first node declared is primary unless specified otherwise
if not container.get_start_nodes():
# MiNiFi cluster setups
@given("a {processor_type} processor with the name \"{processor_name}\" and the \"{property_name}\" property set to \"{property_value}\" in a \"{minifi_container_name}\" flow")
@given("a {processor_type} processor with the name \"{processor_name}\" and the \"{property_name}\" property set to \"{property_value}\" in the \"{minifi_container_name}\" flow")
def step_impl(context, processor_type, processor_name, property_name, property_value, minifi_container_name):
__create_processor(context, processor_type, processor_name, property_name, property_value, minifi_container_name)
@given("a {processor_type} processor with the name \"{processor_name}\" and the \"{property_name}\" property set to \"{property_value}\" in a \"{minifi_container_name}\" flow with engine \"{engine_name}\"")
@given("a {processor_type} processor with the name \"{processor_name}\" and the \"{property_name}\" property set to \"{property_value}\" in the \"{minifi_container_name}\" flow with engine \"{engine_name}\"")
def step_impl(context, processor_type, processor_name, property_name, property_value, minifi_container_name, engine_name):
__create_processor(context, processor_type, processor_name, property_name, property_value, minifi_container_name, engine_name)
@given("a {processor_type} processor with the \"{property_name}\" property set to \"{property_value}\" in a \"{minifi_container_name}\" flow")
@given("a {processor_type} processor with the \"{property_name}\" property set to \"{property_value}\" in the \"{minifi_container_name}\" flow")
def step_impl(context, processor_type, property_name, property_value, minifi_container_name):
__create_processor(context, processor_type, processor_type, property_name, property_value, minifi_container_name)
@given("a {processor_type} processor the \"{property_name}\" property set to \"{property_value}\" in the \"{minifi_container_name}\" flow with engine \"{engine_name}\"")
def step_impl(context, processor_type, property_name, property_value, minifi_container_name, engine_name):
__create_processor(context, processor_type, processor_type, property_name, property_value, minifi_container_name, engine_name)
@given("a {processor_type} processor with the \"{property_name}\" property set to \"{property_value}\"")
def step_impl(context, processor_type, property_name, property_value):
__create_processor(context, processor_type, processor_type, property_name, property_value, "minifi-cpp-flow")
@given("a {processor_type} processor with the name \"{processor_name}\" and the \"{property_name}\" property set to \"{property_value}\"")
def step_impl(context, processor_type, property_name, property_value, processor_name):
__create_processor(context, processor_type, processor_name, property_name, property_value, "minifi-cpp-flow")
@given("a {processor_type} processor with the name \"{processor_name}\" in the \"{minifi_container_name}\" flow")
def step_impl(context, processor_type, processor_name, minifi_container_name):
__create_processor(context, processor_type, processor_name, None, None, minifi_container_name)
@given("a {processor_type} processor with the name \"{processor_name}\" in the \"{minifi_container_name}\" flow with engine \"{engine_name}\"")
def step_impl(context, processor_type, processor_name, minifi_container_name, engine_name):
__create_processor(context, processor_type, processor_name, None, None, minifi_container_name, engine_name)
@given("a {processor_type} processor with the name \"{processor_name}\"")
def step_impl(context, processor_type, processor_name):
__create_processor(context, processor_type, processor_name, None, None, "minifi-cpp-flow")
@given("a {processor_type} processor in the \"{minifi_container_name}\" flow")
@given("a {processor_type} processor in a \"{minifi_container_name}\" flow")
@given("a {processor_type} processor set up in a \"{minifi_container_name}\" flow")
def step_impl(context, processor_type, minifi_container_name):
__create_processor(context, processor_type, processor_type, None, None, minifi_container_name)
@given("a {processor_type} processor")
@given("a {processor_type} processor set up to communicate with an s3 server")
@given("a {processor_type} processor set up to communicate with the same s3 server")
@given("a {processor_type} processor set up to communicate with an Azure blob storage")
@given("a {processor_type} processor set up to communicate with a kafka broker instance")
@given("a {processor_type} processor set up to communicate with an MQTT broker instance")
@given("a {processor_type} processor set up to communicate with the Splunk HEC instance")
def step_impl(context, processor_type):
__create_processor(context, processor_type, processor_type, None, None, "minifi-cpp-flow")
@given("a {processor_type} processor in a Kubernetes cluster")
@given("a {processor_type} processor in the Kubernetes cluster")
def step_impl(context, processor_type):
__create_processor(context, processor_type, processor_type, None, None, "kubernetes", "kubernetes")
@given("a set of processors in the \"{minifi_container_name}\" flow")
def step_impl(context, minifi_container_name):
container = context.test.acquire_container(minifi_container_name)
for row in context.table:
processor = locate("minifi.processors." + row["type"] + "." + row["type"])()
# Assume that the first node declared is primary unless specified otherwise
if not container.get_start_nodes():
@given("a set of processors")
def step_impl(context):
rendered_table = ModelDescriptor.describe_table(context.table, " ")
context.execute_steps("""given a set of processors in the \"{minifi_container_name}\" flow
""".format(minifi_container_name="minifi-cpp-flow", table=rendered_table))
@given("a RemoteProcessGroup node opened on \"{address}\"")
def step_impl(context, address):
remote_process_group = RemoteProcessGroup(address, "RemoteProcessGroup")
@given("a kafka producer workflow publishing files placed in \"{directory}\" to a broker exactly once")
def step_impl(context, directory):
given a GetFile processor with the \"Input Directory\" property set to \"{directory}\"
and the \"Keep Source File\" property of the GetFile processor is set to \"false\"
and a PublishKafka processor set up to communicate with a kafka broker instance
and the "success" relationship of the GetFile processor is connected to the PublishKafka""".format(directory=directory))
@given("the \"{property_name}\" property of the {processor_name} processor is set to \"{property_value}\"")
def step_impl(context, property_name, processor_name, property_value):
processor = context.test.get_node_by_name(processor_name)
if property_value == "(not set)":
processor.set_property(property_name, property_value)
@given("the \"{property_name}\" properties of the {processor_name_one} and {processor_name_two} processors are set to the same random guid")
def step_impl(context, property_name, processor_name_one, processor_name_two):
uuid_str = str(uuid.uuid4())
context.test.get_node_by_name(processor_name_one).set_property(property_name, uuid_str)
context.test.get_node_by_name(processor_name_two).set_property(property_name, uuid_str)
@given("the max concurrent tasks attribute of the {processor_name} processor is set to {max_concurrent_tasks:d}")
def step_impl(context, processor_name, max_concurrent_tasks):
processor = context.test.get_node_by_name(processor_name)
@given("the \"{property_name}\" property of the {processor_name} processor is set to match {key_attribute_encoding} encoded kafka message key \"{message_key}\"")
def step_impl(context, property_name, processor_name, key_attribute_encoding, message_key):
encoded_key = ""
if(key_attribute_encoding.lower() == "hex"):
# Hex is presented upper-case to be in sync with NiFi
encoded_key = binascii.hexlify(message_key.encode("utf-8")).upper()
elif(key_attribute_encoding.lower() == "(not set)"):
encoded_key = message_key.encode("utf-8")
encoded_key = message_key.encode(key_attribute_encoding)"%s processor is set up to match encoded key \"%s\"", processor_name, encoded_key)
filtering = "${kafka.key:equals('" + encoded_key.decode("utf-8") + "')}""Filter: \"%s\"", filtering)
processor = context.test.get_node_by_name(processor_name)
processor.set_property(property_name, filtering)
@given("the \"{property_name}\" property of the {processor_name} processor is set to match the attribute \"{attribute_key}\" to \"{attribute_value}\"")
def step_impl(context, property_name, processor_name, attribute_key, attribute_value):
processor = context.test.get_node_by_name(processor_name)
if attribute_value == "(not set)":
# Ignore filtering
processor.set_property(property_name, "true")
filtering = "${" + attribute_key + ":equals('" + attribute_value + "')}""Filter: \"%s\"", filtering)"Key: \"%s\", value: \"%s\"", attribute_key, attribute_value)
processor.set_property(property_name, filtering)
@given("the scheduling period of the {processor_name} processor is set to \"{sceduling_period}\"")
def step_impl(context, processor_name, sceduling_period):
processor = context.test.get_node_by_name(processor_name)
@given("these processor properties are set")
@given("these processor properties are set to match the http proxy")
def step_impl(context):
for row in context.table:
context.test.get_node_by_name(row["processor name"]).set_property(row["property name"], row["property value"])
@given("the \"{relationship}\" relationship of the {source_name} processor is connected to the input port on the {remote_process_group_name}")
def step_impl(context, relationship, source_name, remote_process_group_name):
source = context.test.get_node_by_name(source_name)
remote_process_group = context.test.get_remote_process_group_by_name(remote_process_group_name)
input_port_node = context.test.generate_input_port_for_remote_process_group(remote_process_group, "to_nifi")
source.out_proc.connect({relationship: input_port_node})
@given("the \"{relationship}\" relationship of the {source_name} is connected to the {destination_name}")
@given("the \"{relationship}\" relationship of the {source_name} processor is connected to the {destination_name}")
def step_impl(context, relationship, source_name, destination_name):
source = context.test.get_node_by_name(source_name)
destination = context.test.get_node_by_name(destination_name)
source.out_proc.connect({relationship: destination})
@given("the processors are connected up as described here")
def step_impl(context):
for row in context.table:
"given the \"" + row["relationship name"] + "\" relationship of the " + row["source name"] + " processor is connected to the " + row["destination name"])
@given("the connection going to the RemoteProcessGroup has \"drop empty\" set")
def step_impl(context):
input_port = context.test.get_node_by_name("to_nifi")
input_port.drop_empty_flowfiles = True
@given("a file with the content \"{content}\" is present in \"{path}\"")
def step_impl(context, content, path):
context.test.add_test_data(path, content)
@given("an empty file is present in \"{path}\"")
def step_impl(context, path):
context.test.add_test_data(path, "")
@given("a file with filename \"{file_name}\" and content \"{content}\" is present in \"{path}\"")
def step_impl(context, file_name, content, path):
context.test.add_test_data(path, content, file_name)
@given("a Funnel with the name \"{funnel_name}\" is set up")
def step_impl(context, funnel_name):
funnel = Funnel(funnel_name)
@given("the Funnel with the name \"{source_name}\" is connected to the {destination_name}")
def step_impl(context, source_name, destination_name):
source = context.test.get_or_create_node_by_name(source_name)
destination = context.test.get_or_create_node_by_name(destination_name)
source.out_proc.connect({'success': destination})
@given("\"{processor_name}\" processor is a start node")
def step_impl(context, processor_name):
container = context.test.acquire_container("minifi-cpp-flow")
processor = context.test.get_or_create_node_by_name(processor_name)
# NiFi setups
@given("a NiFi flow receiving data from a RemoteProcessGroup \"{source_name}\" on port 8080")
def step_impl(context, source_name):
remote_process_group = context.test.get_remote_process_group_by_name("RemoteProcessGroup")
source = context.test.generate_input_port_for_remote_process_group(remote_process_group, source_name)
container = context.test.acquire_container('nifi', 'nifi')
# Assume that the first node declared is primary unless specified otherwise
if not container.get_start_nodes():
@given("a NiFi flow with the name \"{flow_name}\" is set up")
def step_impl(context, flow_name):
context.test.acquire_container(flow_name, 'nifi')
# HTTP proxy setup
@given("the http proxy server is set up")
@given("a http proxy server is set up accordingly")
def step_impl(context):
context.test.acquire_container("http-proxy", "http-proxy")
@given("an ssl context service set up for {producer_name} and {consumer_name}")
def step_impl(context, producer_name, consumer_name):
cert, key = gen_cert()
crt_file = '/tmp/resources/test-crt.pem'
ssl_context_service = SSLContextService(cert=crt_file, ca_cert=crt_file)
context.test.put_test_resource('test-crt.pem', cert.as_pem() + key.as_pem(None, rsa_gen_key_callback))
producer = context.test.get_node_by_name(producer_name)
producer.set_property("SSL Context Service",
consumer = context.test.get_node_by_name(consumer_name)
consumer.set_property("SSL Certificate", crt_file)
consumer.set_property("SSL Verify Peer", "no")
@given("an ssl context service set up for {producer_name}")
def step_impl(context, producer_name):
ssl_context_service = SSLContextService(cert="/tmp/resources/certs/client_LMN_client.pem", ca_cert="/tmp/resources/certs/ca-cert", key="/tmp/resources/certs/client_LMN_client.key", passphrase="abcdefgh")
producer = context.test.get_node_by_name(producer_name)
producer.set_property("SSL Context Service",
# Kubernetes
def __set_up_the_kubernetes_controller_service(context, processor_name, service_property_name, properties):
kubernetes_controller_service = KubernetesControllerService("Kubernetes Controller Service", properties)
processor = context.test.get_node_by_name(processor_name)
@given("the {processor_name} processor has a {service_property_name} which is a Kubernetes Controller Service")
@given("the {processor_name} processor has an {service_property_name} which is a Kubernetes Controller Service")
def step_impl(context, processor_name, service_property_name):
__set_up_the_kubernetes_controller_service(context, processor_name, service_property_name, {})
@given("the {processor_name} processor has a {service_property_name} which is a Kubernetes Controller Service with the \"{property_name}\" property set to \"{property_value}\"")
@given("the {processor_name} processor has an {service_property_name} which is a Kubernetes Controller Service with the \"{property_name}\" property set to \"{property_value}\"")
def step_impl(context, processor_name, service_property_name, property_name, property_value):
__set_up_the_kubernetes_controller_service(context, processor_name, service_property_name, {property_name: property_value})
# Kafka setup
@given("a kafka broker is set up in correspondence with the PublishKafka")
@given("a kafka broker is set up in correspondence with the third-party kafka publisher")
@given("a kafka broker is set up in correspondence with the publisher flow")
def step_impl(context):
context.test.acquire_container("kafka-broker", "kafka-broker")
# MQTT setup
@given("an MQTT broker is set up in correspondence with the PublishMQTT")
@given("an MQTT broker is set up in correspondence with the PublishMQTT and ConsumeMQTT")
def step_impl(context):
context.test.acquire_container("mqtt-broker", "mqtt-broker")
# s3 setup
@given("a s3 server is set up in correspondence with the PutS3Object")
@given("a s3 server is set up in correspondence with the DeleteS3Object")
def step_impl(context):
context.test.acquire_container("s3-server", "s3-server")
# azure storage setup
@given("an Azure storage server is set up")
def step_impl(context):
context.test.acquire_container("azure-storage-server", "azure-storage-server")
# syslog client
@given(u'a Syslog client with {protocol} protocol is setup to send logs to minifi')
def step_impl(context, protocol):
client_name = "syslog-" + protocol.lower() + "-client"
context.test.acquire_container(client_name, client_name)
# google cloud storage setup
@given("a Google Cloud storage server is set up")
@given("a Google Cloud storage server is set up with some test data")
@given('a Google Cloud storage server is set up and a single object with contents "preloaded data" is present')
def step_impl(context):
context.test.acquire_container("fake-gcs-server", "fake-gcs-server")
# splunk hec
@given("a Splunk HEC is set up and running")
def step_impl(context):
@given("SSL is enabled for the Splunk HEC and the SSL context service is set up for PutSplunkHTTP and QuerySplunkIndexingStatus")
def step_impl(context):
root_ca_cert, root_ca_key = make_ca("root CA")
minifi_cert, minifi_key = make_cert("minifi-cpp-flow", root_ca_cert, root_ca_key)
splunk_cert, splunk_key = make_cert("splunk", root_ca_cert, root_ca_key)
minifi_crt_file = '/tmp/resources/minifi-cpp-flow.pem'
minifi_key_file = '/tmp/resources/minifi-cpp-flow.key'
root_ca_crt_file = '/tmp/resources/root_ca.pem'
ssl_context_service = SSLContextService(cert=minifi_crt_file, ca_cert=root_ca_crt_file, key=minifi_key_file)
context.test.put_test_resource('minifi-cpp-flow.pem', dump_certificate(minifi_cert))
context.test.put_test_resource('minifi-cpp-flow.key', dump_privatekey(minifi_key))
context.test.put_test_resource('root_ca.pem', dump_certificate(root_ca_cert))
put_splunk_http = context.test.get_node_by_name("PutSplunkHTTP")
put_splunk_http.set_property("SSL Context Service",
query_splunk_indexing_status = context.test.get_node_by_name("QuerySplunkIndexingStatus")
query_splunk_indexing_status.set_property("SSL Context Service",
context.test.cluster.enable_splunk_hec_ssl('splunk', dump_certificate(splunk_cert), dump_privatekey(splunk_key), dump_certificate(root_ca_cert))
@given(u'the {processor_one} processor is set up with a GCPCredentialsControllerService to communicate with the Google Cloud storage server')
def step_impl(context, processor_one):
gcp_controller_service = GCPCredentialsControllerService(credentials_location="Use Anonymous credentials")
p1 = context.test.get_node_by_name(processor_one)
p1.set_property("GCP Credentials Provider Service",
@given(u'the {processor_one} and the {processor_two} processors are set up with a GCPCredentialsControllerService to communicate with the Google Cloud storage server')
def step_impl(context, processor_one, processor_two):
gcp_controller_service = GCPCredentialsControllerService(credentials_location="Use Anonymous credentials")
p1 = context.test.get_node_by_name(processor_one)
p2 = context.test.get_node_by_name(processor_two)
p1.set_property("GCP Credentials Provider Service",
p2.set_property("GCP Credentials Provider Service",
@given("the kafka broker is started")
def step_impl(context):
@given("the topic \"{topic_name}\" is initialized on the kafka broker")
def step_impl(context, topic_name):
admin = AdminClient({'bootstrap.servers': "localhost:29092"})
new_topics = [NewTopic(topic_name, num_partitions=3, replication_factor=1)]
futures = admin.create_topics(new_topics)
# Block until the topic is created
for topic, future in futures.items():
print("Topic {} created".format(topic))
except Exception as e:
print("Failed to create topic {}: {}".format(topic, e))
@given("an ODBCService is setup up for {processor_name} with the name \"{service_name}\"")
def step_impl(context, processor_name, service_name):
odbc_service = ODBCService(name=service_name, connection_string="Driver={PostgreSQL ANSI};Server=postgresql-server;Port=5432;Database=postgres;Uid=postgres;Pwd=password;")
processor = context.test.get_node_by_name(processor_name)
processor.set_property("DB Controller Service",
@given("a PostgreSQL server is set up")
def step_impl(context):
context.test.acquire_container("postgresql-server", "postgresql-server")
@given("an OPC UA server is set up")
def step_impl(context):
context.test.acquire_container("opcua-server", "opcua-server")
@given("an OPC UA server is set up with access control")
def step_impl(context):
context.test.acquire_container("opcua-server", "opcua-server", ["/opt/open62541/examples/access_control_server"])
@when("the MiNiFi instance starts up")
@when("both instances start up")
@when("all instances start up")
@when("all other processes start up")
def step_impl(context):
@when("content \"{content}\" is added to file \"{file_name}\" present in directory \"{path}\" {seconds:d} seconds later")
def step_impl(context, content, file_name, path, seconds):
context.test.add_test_data(path, content, file_name)
# Kafka
def delivery_report(err, msg):
if err is not None:'Message delivery failed: {}'.format(err))
else:'Message delivered to {} [{}]'.format(msg.topic(), msg.partition()))
@when("a message with content \"{content}\" is published to the \"{topic_name}\" topic")
def step_impl(context, content, topic_name):
producer = Producer({"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:29092", "": socket.gethostname()})
producer.produce(topic_name, content.encode("utf-8"), callback=delivery_report)
@when("a message with content \"{content}\" is published to the \"{topic_name}\" topic using an ssl connection")
def step_impl(context, content, topic_name):
test_dir = os.environ['TEST_DIRECTORY'] # Based on
producer = Producer({
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:29093",
"security.protocol": "ssl",
"": os.path.join(test_dir, "resources/kafka_broker/conf/certs/ca-cert"),
"ssl.certificate.location": os.path.join(test_dir, "resources/kafka_broker/conf/certs/client_LMN_client.pem"),
"ssl.key.location": os.path.join(test_dir, "resources/kafka_broker/conf/certs/client_LMN_client.key"),
"ssl.key.password": "abcdefgh",
"": socket.gethostname()})
producer.produce(topic_name, content.encode("utf-8"), callback=delivery_report)
# Used for testing transactional message consumption
@when("the publisher performs a {transaction_type} transaction publishing to the \"{topic_name}\" topic these messages: {messages}")
def step_impl(context, transaction_type, topic_name, messages):
producer = Producer({"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:29092", "": "1001"})
producer.init_transactions()"Transaction type: %s", transaction_type)"Messages: %s", messages.split(", "))
if transaction_type == "SINGLE_COMMITTED_TRANSACTION":
for content in messages.split(", "):
producer.produce(topic_name, content.encode("utf-8"), callback=delivery_report)
elif transaction_type == "TWO_SEPARATE_TRANSACTIONS":
for content in messages.split(", "):
producer.produce(topic_name, content.encode("utf-8"), callback=delivery_report)
elif transaction_type == "NON_COMMITTED_TRANSACTION":
for content in messages.split(", "):
producer.produce(topic_name, content.encode("utf-8"), callback=delivery_report)
elif transaction_type == "CANCELLED_TRANSACTION":
for content in messages.split(", "):
producer.produce(topic_name, content.encode("utf-8"), callback=delivery_report)
raise Exception("Unknown transaction type.")
@when("a message with content \"{content}\" is published to the \"{topic_name}\" topic with key \"{message_key}\"")
def step_impl(context, content, topic_name, message_key):
producer = Producer({"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:29092", "": socket.gethostname()})
# Asynchronously produce a message, the delivery report callback
# will be triggered from poll() above, or flush() below, when the message has
# been successfully delivered or failed permanently.
producer.produce(topic_name, content.encode("utf-8"), callback=delivery_report, key=message_key.encode("utf-8"))
# Wait for any outstanding messages to be delivered and delivery report
# callbacks to be triggered.
@when("{number_of_messages} kafka messages are sent to the topic \"{topic_name}\"")
def step_impl(context, number_of_messages, topic_name):
producer = Producer({"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:29092", "": socket.gethostname()})
for i in range(0, int(number_of_messages)):
producer.produce(topic_name, str(uuid.uuid4()).encode("utf-8"))
@when("a message with content \"{content}\" is published to the \"{topic_name}\" topic with headers \"{semicolon_separated_headers}\"")
def step_impl(context, content, topic_name, semicolon_separated_headers):
# Confluent kafka does not support multiple headers with same key, another API must be used here.
headers = []
for header in semicolon_separated_headers.split(";"):
kv = header.split(":")
headers.append((kv[0].strip(), kv[1].strip().encode("utf-8")))
producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='localhost:29092')
future = producer.send(topic_name, content.encode("utf-8"), headers=headers)
assert future.get(timeout=60)
@when("the Kafka consumer is registered in kafka broker")
def step_impl(context):
# After the consumer is registered there is still some time needed for consumer-broker synchronization
# Unfortunately there are no additional log messages that could be checked for this
@then("a flowfile with the content \"{content}\" is placed in the monitored directory in less than {duration}")
@then("a flowfile with the content '{content}' is placed in the monitored directory in less than {duration}")
def step_impl(context, content, duration):
context.test.check_for_single_file_with_content_generated(content, timeparse(duration))
@then("a flowfile with the JSON content \"{content}\" is placed in the monitored directory in less than {duration}")
@then("a flowfile with the JSON content '{content}' is placed in the monitored directory in less than {duration}")
def step_impl(context, content, duration):
context.test.check_for_single_json_file_with_content_generated(content, timeparse(duration))
@then("at least one flowfile with the content \"{content}\" is placed in the monitored directory in less than {duration}")
@then("at least one flowfile with the content '{content}' is placed in the monitored directory in less than {duration}")
def step_impl(context, content, duration):
context.test.check_for_at_least_one_file_with_content_generated(content, timeparse(duration))
@then("{num_flowfiles} flowfiles are placed in the monitored directory in less than {duration}")
def step_impl(context, num_flowfiles, duration):
if num_flowfiles == 0:
context.execute_steps("""no files are placed in the monitored directory in {duration} of running time""".format(duration=duration))
context.test.check_for_num_files_generated(int(num_flowfiles), timeparse(duration))
@then("at least one flowfile is placed in the monitored directory in less than {duration}")
def step_impl(context, duration):
context.test.check_for_num_file_range_generated(1, float('inf'), timeparse(duration))
@then("one flowfile with the contents \"{content}\" is placed in the monitored directory in less than {duration}")
def step_impl(context, content, duration):
context.test.check_for_multiple_files_generated(1, timeparse(duration), [content])
@then("two flowfiles with the contents \"{content_1}\" and \"{content_2}\" are placed in the monitored directory in less than {duration}")
def step_impl(context, content_1, content_2, duration):
context.test.check_for_multiple_files_generated(2, timeparse(duration), [content_1, content_2])
@then("flowfiles with these contents are placed in the monitored directory in less than {duration}: \"{contents}\"")
def step_impl(context, duration, contents):
contents_arr = contents.split(",")
context.test.check_for_multiple_files_generated(0, timeparse(duration), contents_arr)
@then("after a wait of {duration}, at least {lower_bound:d} and at most {upper_bound:d} flowfiles are produced and placed in the monitored directory")
def step_impl(context, lower_bound, upper_bound, duration):
context.test.check_for_num_file_range_generated(lower_bound, upper_bound, timeparse(duration))
@then("{number_of_files:d} flowfiles are placed in the monitored directory in {duration}")
@then("{number_of_files:d} flowfile is placed in the monitored directory in {duration}")
def step_impl(context, number_of_files, duration):
context.test.check_for_multiple_files_generated(number_of_files, timeparse(duration))
@then("at least one empty flowfile is placed in the monitored directory in less than {duration}")
def step_impl(context, duration):
@then("no files are placed in the monitored directory in {duration} of running time")
def step_impl(context, duration):
@then("no errors were generated on the http-proxy regarding \"{url}\"")
def step_impl(context, url):
context.test.check_http_proxy_access('http-proxy', url)
@then("the object on the s3 server is \"{object_data}\"")
def step_impl(context, object_data):
context.test.check_s3_server_object_data("s3-server", object_data)
@then("the object content type on the s3 server is \"{content_type}\" and the object metadata matches use metadata")
def step_impl(context, content_type):
context.test.check_s3_server_object_metadata("s3-server", content_type)
@then("the object bucket on the s3 server is empty")
def step_impl(context):
# Azure
@when("test blob \"{blob_name}\" with the content \"{content}\" is created on Azure blob storage")
def step_impl(context, blob_name, content):
context.test.add_test_blob(blob_name, content, False)
@when("test blob \"{blob_name}\" with the content \"{content}\" and a snapshot is created on Azure blob storage")
def step_impl(context, blob_name, content):
context.test.add_test_blob(blob_name, content, True)
@when("test blob \"{blob_name}\" is created on Azure blob storage")
def step_impl(context, blob_name):
context.test.add_test_blob(blob_name, "", False)
@when("test blob \"{blob_name}\" is created on Azure blob storage with a snapshot")
def step_impl(context, blob_name):
context.test.add_test_blob(blob_name, "", True)
@then("the object on the Azure storage server is \"{object_data}\"")
def step_impl(context, object_data):
context.test.check_azure_storage_server_data("azure-storage-server", object_data)
@then("the Azure blob storage becomes empty in {timeout_seconds:d} seconds")
def step_impl(context, timeout_seconds):
@then("the blob and snapshot count becomes {blob_and_snapshot_count:d} in {timeout_seconds:d} seconds")
def step_impl(context, blob_and_snapshot_count, timeout_seconds):
context.test.check_azure_blob_and_snapshot_count(blob_and_snapshot_count, timeout_seconds)
@then("the query \"{query}\" returns {number_of_rows:d} rows in less than {timeout_seconds:d} seconds on the PostgreSQL server")
def step_impl(context, query, number_of_rows, timeout_seconds):
context.test.check_query_results("postgresql-server", query, number_of_rows, timeout_seconds)
@then("the Minifi logs contain the following message: \"{log_message}\" in less than {duration}")
def step_impl(context, log_message, duration):
context.test.check_minifi_log_contents(log_message, timeparse(duration))
@then("the Minifi logs contain the following message: \"{log_message}\" {count:d} times after {seconds:d} seconds")
def step_impl(context, log_message, count, seconds):
context.test.check_minifi_log_contents(log_message, 1, count)
@then("the Minifi logs do not contain the following message: \"{log_message}\" after {seconds:d} seconds")
def step_impl(context, log_message, seconds):
context.test.check_minifi_log_does_not_contain(log_message, seconds)
@then("the Minifi logs match the following regex: \"{regex}\" in less than {duration}")
def step_impl(context, regex, duration):
context.test.check_minifi_log_matches_regex(regex, timeparse(duration))
@then("the OPC UA server logs contain the following message: \"{log_message}\" in less than {duration}")
def step_impl(context, log_message, duration):
context.test.check_container_log_contents("opcua-server", log_message, timeparse(duration))
@then("the MQTT broker has a log line matching \"{log_pattern}\"")
def step_impl(context, log_pattern):
context.test.check_container_log_matches_regex('mqtt-broker', log_pattern, 30, count=1)
@then("the \"{minifi_container_name}\" flow has a log line matching \"{log_pattern}\" in less than {duration}")
def step_impl(context, minifi_container_name, log_pattern, duration):
context.test.check_container_log_matches_regex(minifi_container_name, log_pattern, timeparse(duration), count=1)
@then("an MQTT broker is deployed in correspondence with the PublishMQTT")
def step_impl(context):
context.test.acquire_container("mqtt-broker", "mqtt-broker")
# Google Cloud Storage
@then('an object with the content \"{content}\" is present in the Google Cloud storage')
def step_imp(context, content):
context.test.check_google_cloud_storage("fake-gcs-server", content)
@then("the test bucket of Google Cloud Storage is empty")
def step_impl(context):
# Splunk
@then('an event is registered in Splunk HEC with the content \"{content}\"')
def step_imp(context, content):
context.test.check_splunk_event("splunk", content)
@then('an event is registered in Splunk HEC with the content \"{content}\" with \"{source}\" set as source and \"{source_type}\" set as sourcetype and \"{host}\" set as host')
def step_imp(context, content, source, source_type, host):
attr = {"source": source, "sourcetype": source_type, "host": host}
context.test.check_splunk_event_with_attributes("splunk", content, attr)