blob: de13b05fdb9c9a96cdcbe0b338d3000a78dfef4b [file] [log] [blame]
Feature: Using SSL context service to send data with TLS
In order to send data via HTTPS
As a user of MiNiFi
I need to have access to the SSLContextService
Given the content of "/tmp/output" is monitored
Scenario: A MiNiFi instance sends data using InvokeHTTP to a receiver using ListenHTTP with TLS
Given a GetFile processor with the "Input Directory" property set to "/tmp/input"
And a file with the content "test" is present in "/tmp/input"
And a InvokeHTTP processor with the "Remote URL" property set to "https://secondary:4430/contentListener"
And the "HTTP Method" of the InvokeHTTP processor is set to "POST"
And the "success" relationship of the GetFile processor is connected to the InvokeHTTP
And a ListenHTTP processor with the "Listening Port" property set to "4430" in a "secondary" flow
And a PutFile processor with the "Directory" property set to "/tmp/output" in the "secondary" flow
And the "success" relationship of the ListenHTTP processor is connected to the PutFile
And an ssl context service set up for InvokeHTTP and ListenHTTP
When both instances start up
Then a flowfile with the content "test" is placed in the monitored directory in less than 60 seconds