MINIFICPP-1398 MINIFICPP-1375 - update date, fix EL date functions on windows, fix ucrt issues, fix vs2019 build issues

Squashed commit of the following:

commit c1a2c57d4ede41027d24625d9af445e6721fd778
Author: Marton Szasz <>
Date:   Wed Dec 23 21:13:09 2020 +0100

    update win build script

commit 40cf9ab3f63989e7b4a4e777057e48d21cda2cae
Author: Marton Szasz <>
Date:   Wed Dec 23 18:00:51 2020 +0100

    fix ucrt

commit 8b4012ae7043f57a4cf2ff786d447167d2c045a0
Author: Marton Szasz <>
Date:   Mon Dec 21 14:39:10 2020 +0100


commit 9e6f762da96e54ac622c6bd29ae59fa3f2a58a6f
Author: Marton Szasz <>
Date:   Thu Nov 12 18:25:04 2020 +0100

    update date, convert to FetchContent

Signed-off-by: Marton Szasz <>

use latest cmake on ubuntu

Signed-off-by: Arpad Boda <>

This closes #967
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index d455acb..61eec6d 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 # under the License.
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7)
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.11)
 cmake_policy(SET CMP0065 OLD) # default export policy, required for self-dlopen
@@ -87,6 +87,10 @@
+if (WIN32)
+	option(MSI_REDISTRIBUTE_UCRT_NONASL "Redistribute Universal C Runtime DLLs with the MSI generated by CPack. The resulting MSI is not distributable under Apache 2.0." OFF)
 # Use ccache if present
 find_program(CCACHE_FOUND ccache)
@@ -114,27 +118,8 @@
 # Enable usage of the VERSION specifier
 if (WIN32)
-    add_compile_definitions(WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS)
+    add_compile_definitions(WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS NOMINMAX)
     add_compile_options(/W3 /utf-8)
-	CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG("/std:c++14" _cpp_latest_flag_supported)
-	if (_cpp_latest_flag_supported)
-		add_compile_options("/std:c++14")
-	endif()
-  endif()
-	set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")
-	set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++0x")
- message(STATUS "The compiler ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} has no C++11 support. Please use a different C++ compiler.")
 if (WIN32)
@@ -153,7 +138,12 @@
+if (WIN32)
+	set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /std:c++14")
 # thread library - we must find this before we set ASAN flags, otherwise FindThreads.cmake sometimes thinks we don't
@@ -213,6 +203,9 @@
@@ -321,6 +314,9 @@
 add_library(optional-lite INTERFACE)
 target_include_directories(optional-lite INTERFACE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/thirdparty/optional-lite-3.2.0/include")
+# date
 #### Extensions ####
 SET(TEST_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libminifi/test)
@@ -648,11 +644,17 @@
 		message("Using redist directory: ${VCRUNTIME_REDIST_DIR}")
-	set(UCRT_DIR_NAT "$ENV{WindowsSdkDir}Redist\\ucrt\\DLLs\\$ENV{Platform}")
-	message("Using UCRT from ${UCRT_DIR}")
-	file(GLOB UCRT_DLLS "${UCRT_DIR}/*.dll")
+		set(UCRT_DIR_NAT "$ENV{WindowsSdkDir}Redist\\ucrt\\DLLs\\$ENV{Platform}")
+		message("Using UCRT from ${UCRT_DIR}")
+		file(GLOB UCRT_DLLS "${UCRT_DIR}/*.dll")
+		)
+	endif()
 		message("Creating installer with merge modules")
@@ -668,11 +670,11 @@
 			message("Using ${VCRUNTIME_X64_MERGEMODULE_PATH} VC Redistributable Merge Module")
 			configure_file("msi/x64.wsi" "msi/x64.wsi" @ONLY)
 			message("Using ${VCRUNTIME_X86_MERGEMODULE_PATH} VC Redistributable Merge Module")
 			configure_file("msi/x86.wsi" "msi/x86.wsi" @ONLY)
 			message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not determine architecture, CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P is unexpected: ${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P}")
@@ -779,7 +781,11 @@
-set(CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL bin conf minifijni)
+	set(CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL bin conf minifijni tzdata)
+	set(CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL bin conf minifijni)
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
index a2e2a71..0f30eab 100644
@@ -2954,3 +2954,7 @@
+This product bundles the IANA timezone database which is in the public domain.
diff --git a/NOTICE b/NOTICE
index a162b6a..a0a980a 100644
--- a/NOTICE
+++ b/NOTICE
@@ -53,6 +53,20 @@
 - gsl-lite - Copyright (c) 2015 Martin Moene and Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
 - optional-lite - Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Martin Moene under the Boost Software License
 - libsodium - Copyright (c) 2013 - 2018 Frank Denis under the ISC software license
+- IANA timezone database - public domain
+- date (HowardHinnant/date) - notices below
 The licenses for these third party components are included in LICENSE.txt
+Copyright notices of the date project:
+// Copyright (c) 2015, 2016, 2017 Howard Hinnant
+// Copyright (c) 2015 Ville Voutilainen
+// Copyright (c) 2016, 2017, 2019 Jiangang Zhuang
+// Copyright (c) 2016 Adrian Colomitchi
+// Copyright (c) 2016 Alexander Kormanovsky
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Aaron Bishop
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Florian Dang
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Nicolas Veloz Savino
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Paul Thompson
+// Copyright (c) 2017, 2018, 2019 Tomasz KamiƄski
+// Copyright (c) 2019 Asad. Gharighi
diff --git a/ b/
index 289dbfe..c474b29 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@
-    ## on Ubuntu 16.04 we need a more recent CMake
-    if [[ "$OS" = Ubuntu* && "$VER" = "16.04" ]]; then
+    ## on Ubuntu install the latest CMake
+    if [[ "$OS" = Ubuntu* ]]; then
       echo "Adding KitWare CMake apt repository..."
       sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates gnupg software-properties-common wget
       wget -O - 2>/dev/null | sudo apt-key add -
-      sudo apt-add-repository 'deb xenial main' && sudo apt-get update
+      sudo apt-add-repository "deb $(lsb_release -c --short) main" && sudo apt-get update
     sudo apt-get -y install cmake
diff --git a/cmake/Date.cmake b/cmake/Date.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80d25d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/Date.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+if (WIN32)
+    # tzdata and windowsZones.xml from unicode cldr-common are required to be installed for date-tz operation on Windows
+    FetchContent_Declare(tzdata
+        URL
+        URL_HASH    SHA256=0be1ba329eae29ae1b54057c3547b3e672f73b3ae7643aa87dac85122bec037e
+    )
+    FetchContent_GetProperties(tzdata)
+    if (NOT tzdata_POPULATED)
+        FetchContent_Populate(tzdata)
+    endif()
+    install(DIRECTORY ${tzdata_SOURCE_DIR}/
+        DESTINATION tzdata
+        COMPONENT tzdata
+    )
+    FetchContent_Declare(cldr_common
+        URL
+        URL_HASH    SHA512=3d641921c82c15b6257791229ed20db391675089927959869a5d96b17e7d0c3ad9063faf21151766eafe8ff7b85a98b37b9608f4c4f1d3f6f2b8e5565725db03
+    )
+    FetchContent_GetProperties(cldr_common)
+    if (NOT cldr_common_POPULATED)
+        FetchContent_Populate(cldr_common)
+    endif()
+    install(FILES ${cldr_common_SOURCE_DIR}/common/supplemental/windowsZones.xml
+        DESTINATION tzdata
+        COMPONENT tzdata
+    )
+    GIT_TAG        v3.0.0  # adjust tag/branch/commit as needed
+if (NOT date_src_POPULATED)
+    FetchContent_Populate(date_src)
+        $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${date_src_SOURCE_DIR}/include>
+        $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:include>
+    )
+    add_library(date INTERFACE)
+    add_library(date::date ALIAS date)
+    target_sources(date INTERFACE ${DATE_INCLUDE_DIR}/date/date.h)
+    target_include_directories(date INTERFACE ${DATE_INCLUDE_DIR})
+    target_compile_features(date INTERFACE cxx_std_11)
+    add_library(date-tz STATIC ${date_src_SOURCE_DIR}/src/tz.cpp)
+    add_library(date::tz ALIAS date-tz)
+    target_include_directories(date-tz PUBLIC ${DATE_INCLUDE_DIR})
+    target_compile_features(date-tz PUBLIC cxx_std_11)
+    target_compile_definitions(date-tz PRIVATE AUTO_DOWNLOAD=0 HAS_REMOTE_API=0)
+    if (WIN32)
+        target_compile_definitions(date-tz PRIVATE INSTALL=. PUBLIC USE_OS_TZDB=0)
+    else()
+        target_compile_definitions(date-tz PUBLIC USE_OS_TZDB=1)
+    endif()
+    if (NOT MSVC)
+        find_package(Threads)
+        target_link_libraries(date-tz PUBLIC Threads::Threads)
+    endif()
diff --git a/extensions/expression-language/CMakeLists.txt b/extensions/expression-language/CMakeLists.txt
index f70f779..9343964 100644
--- a/extensions/expression-language/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/extensions/expression-language/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -17,109 +17,84 @@
 # under the License.
-			winflexbison
-			GIT_TAG "a72f3d6b5102b65f064a5054ba634d3d62e94f41" 
-		  )
+		winflexbison
+		GIT_TAG "a72f3d6b5102b65f064a5054ba634d3d62e94f41" 
+	)
 	if(NOT winflexbison_POPULATED)
-	  FetchContent_Populate("winflexbison")
-	  execute_process(
+		FetchContent_Populate("winflexbison")
+		execute_process(
 			OUTPUT_VARIABLE bisonbuild 
 			ERROR_VARIABLE bisonbuildE
-		)
+			)
-	  execute_process(
+		execute_process(
 			COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build . --config RelWithDebInfo  
 			OUTPUT_VARIABLE bisonbuild 
 			ERROR_VARIABLE bisonbuildE
-		)
+			)
-	  file(COPY ${winflexbison_SOURCE_DIR}/bison/Data DESTINATION ${winflexbison_SOURCE_DIR}/bison/RelWithDebInfo/)
+		file(COPY ${winflexbison_SOURCE_DIR}/bison/Data DESTINATION ${winflexbison_SOURCE_DIR}/bison/RelWithDebInfo/)
 	set(BISON_EXECUTABLE "${winflexbison_SOURCE_DIR}/bison/RelWithDebInfo/win_bison.exe" CACHE PATH "bison executable")
 	set(FLEX_EXECUTABLE "${winflexbison_SOURCE_DIR}/flex/RelWithDebInfo/win_flex.exe" CACHE PATH "flex executable")
 	list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/winflexbison")
-	find_package(BISON REQUIRED)
-	find_package(FLEX REQUIRED)
-	bison_target(
-        el-parser
-        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Parser.yy
-        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Parser.cpp
-	)
-	flex_target(
-			el-scanner
-	)
-	add_flex_bison_dependency(el-scanner el-parser)
 find_package(BISON REQUIRED)
 find_package(FLEX REQUIRED)
-        el-parser
-        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Parser.yy
-        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Parser.cpp
+	el-parser
-        el-scanner
-        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Scanner.ll
-        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Scanner.cpp
+	el-scanner
 add_flex_bison_dependency(el-scanner el-parser)
 include_directories(./ ../../libminifi/include  ../../libminifi/include/core ../../thirdparty/)
-set(SOCKET_SOURCES "src/io/win/*.cpp")
+	include_directories(../../libminifi/opsys/win)
+	set(SOCKET_SOURCES "src/io/win/*.cpp")
-set(SOCKET_SOURCES "src/io/posix/*.cpp")
+	include_directories(../../libminifi/opsys/posix)
+	set(SOCKET_SOURCES "src/io/posix/*.cpp")
-add_subdirectory(../../thirdparty/date ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/date)
 file(GLOB SOURCES  "*.cpp")
 add_library(minifi-expression-language-extensions STATIC ${SOURCES} ${BISON_el-parser_OUTPUTS} ${FLEX_el-scanner_OUTPUTS})
 set_property(TARGET minifi-expression-language-extensions PROPERTY POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON)
 target_link_libraries(minifi-expression-language-extensions ${LIBMINIFI})
-target_link_libraries(minifi-expression-language-extensions tz RapidJSON CURL::libcurl)
+target_link_libraries(minifi-expression-language-extensions date::tz RapidJSON CURL::libcurl)
 SET (EXPRESSION-LANGUAGE-EXTENSIONS minifi-expression-language-extensions PARENT_SCOPE)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/expression-language/impl/expression/Expression.h b/extensions/expression-language/impl/expression/Expression.h
index 62069ec..c1057ec 100644
--- a/extensions/expression-language/impl/expression/Expression.h
+++ b/extensions/expression-language/impl/expression/Expression.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 // Disable date in EL for incompatible compilers
-#if defined(WIN32) || __GNUC__ < 5
+#if !defined(WIN32) && __GNUC__ < 5
diff --git a/extensions/windows-event-log/CollectorInitiatedSubscription.cpp b/extensions/windows-event-log/CollectorInitiatedSubscription.cpp
index 55f741c..54f6933 100644
--- a/extensions/windows-event-log/CollectorInitiatedSubscription.cpp
+++ b/extensions/windows-event-log/CollectorInitiatedSubscription.cpp
@@ -647,7 +647,10 @@
   while (renderedXMLs_.try_dequeue(xml)) {
     auto flowFile = session->create();
-    session->write(flowFile, &WriteCallback(xml));
+    {
+      WriteCallback wc{ xml };
+      session->write(flowFile, &wc);
+    }
     session->putAttribute(flowFile, core::SpecialFlowAttribute::MIME_TYPE, "application/xml");
     session->getProvenanceReporter()->receive(flowFile, provenanceUri_, getUUIDStr(), "Consume windows event logs", 0);
     session->transfer(flowFile, s_success);
diff --git a/extensions/windows-event-log/ConsumeWindowsEventLog.cpp b/extensions/windows-event-log/ConsumeWindowsEventLog.cpp
index aee9cf8..e3b6ae9 100644
--- a/extensions/windows-event-log/ConsumeWindowsEventLog.cpp
+++ b/extensions/windows-event-log/ConsumeWindowsEventLog.cpp
@@ -662,7 +662,10 @@
     auto flowFile = session.create();
     logger_->log_trace("Writing rendered XML to a flow file");
-    session.write(flowFile, &WriteCallback(eventRender.text_));
+    {
+      WriteCallback wc{ eventRender.text_ };
+      session.write(flowFile, &wc);
+    }
     for (const auto &fieldMapping : eventRender.matched_fields_) {
       if (!fieldMapping.second.empty()) {
         session.putAttribute(flowFile, fieldMapping.first, fieldMapping.second);
@@ -679,7 +682,10 @@
     auto flowFile = session.create();
     logger_->log_trace("Writing rendered plain text to a flow file");
-    session.write(flowFile, &WriteCallback(eventRender.rendered_text_));
+    {
+      WriteCallback wc{ eventRender.rendered_text_ };
+      session.write(flowFile, &wc);
+    }
     session.putAttribute(flowFile, core::SpecialFlowAttribute::MIME_TYPE, "text/plain");
     session.putAttribute(flowFile, "Timezone name", timezone_name_);
     session.putAttribute(flowFile, "Timezone offset", timezone_offset_);
diff --git a/extensions/windows-event-log/TailEventLog.h b/extensions/windows-event-log/TailEventLog.h
index 53b98db..4865326 100644
--- a/extensions/windows-event-log/TailEventLog.h
+++ b/extensions/windows-event-log/TailEventLog.h
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
 namespace processors {
 #define MAX_RECORD_BUFFER_SIZE 0x10000  // 64k
-const LPWSTR pEventTypeNames[] = { L"Error", L"Warning", L"Informational", L"Audit Success", L"Audit Failure" };
-char log_name[255] = "Application";
+const LPCWSTR pEventTypeNames[] = { L"Error", L"Warning", L"Informational", L"Audit Success", L"Audit Failure" };
+const char log_name[255] = "Application";
 class TailEventLog : public core::Processor {
diff --git a/msi/WixWin.wsi b/msi/WixWin.wsi
index 336e020..fbac160 100644
--- a/msi/WixWin.wsi
+++ b/msi/WixWin.wsi
@@ -324,48 +324,6 @@
                 <File Id="MiNiFiExe_msvcp140_2" Name="msvcp140_2.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\msvcp140_2.dll"/>
                 <File Id="MiNiFiExe_vccorlib140" Name="vccorlib140.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\vccorlib140.dll"/>
                 <File Id="MiNiFiExe_vcruntime140" Name="vcruntime140.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\vcruntime140.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_console_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-console-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-console-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_console_l1_2_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-console-l1-2-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-console-l1-2-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_datetime_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_debug_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_errorhandling_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_file_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-file-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-file-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_file_l1_2_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_file_l2_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-file-l2-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-file-l2-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_handle_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-handle-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-handle-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_heap_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-heap-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-heap-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_interlocked_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-interlocked-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-interlocked-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_libraryloader_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_localization_l1_2_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_memory_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_namedpipe_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-namedpipe-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-namedpipe-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_processenvironment_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-processenvironment-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-processenvironment-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_processthreads_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_processthreads_l1_1_1.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_profile_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-profile-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-profile-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_rtlsupport_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-rtlsupport-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-rtlsupport-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_string_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_synch_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_synch_l1_2_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_sysinfo_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_timezone_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_core_util_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-util-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-util-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_crt_conio_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_crt_convert_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll"/>
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                 It is not possible to set 'ServiceConfig' for 2 'Component' (error LGHT0130 : The primary key 'Apache NiFi MiNiFi' is duplicated in table 'ServiceConfig').
                 Problem is described:
@@ -410,48 +368,6 @@
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-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_crt_multibyte_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-multibyte-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-multibyte-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_crt_private_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-private-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-private-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_crt_process_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-process-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-process-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_crt_runtime_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_crt_stdio_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_crt_string_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_crt_time_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_api_ms_win_crt_utility_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExe_ucrtbase.dll" Name="ucrtbase.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\ucrtbase.dll"/>
                 It is not possible to set 'ServiceConfig' for 2 'Component' (error LGHT0130 : The primary key 'Apache NiFi MiNiFi' is duplicated in table 'ServiceConfig').
                 Problem is described:
@@ -408,48 +366,6 @@
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_console_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-console-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-console-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_console_l1_2_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-console-l1-2-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-console-l1-2-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_datetime_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_debug_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_errorhandling_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_file_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-file-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-file-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_file_l1_2_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_file_l2_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-file-l2-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-file-l2-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_handle_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-handle-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-handle-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_heap_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-heap-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-heap-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_interlocked_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-interlocked-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-interlocked-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_libraryloader_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_localization_l1_2_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_memory_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_namedpipe_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-namedpipe-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-namedpipe-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_processenvironment_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-processenvironment-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-processenvironment-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_processthreads_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_processthreads_l1_1_1.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_profile_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-profile-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-profile-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_rtlsupport_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-rtlsupport-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-rtlsupport-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_string_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_synch_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_synch_l1_2_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_sysinfo_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_timezone_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_core_util_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-core-util-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-core-util-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_crt_conio_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_crt_convert_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_crt_environment_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-environment-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-environment-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_crt_filesystem_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_crt_heap_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_crt_locale_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_crt_math_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_crt_multibyte_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-multibyte-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-multibyte-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_crt_private_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-private-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-private-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_crt_process_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-process-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-process-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_crt_runtime_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_crt_stdio_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_crt_string_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_crt_time_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_api_ms_win_crt_utility_l1_1_0.dll" Name="api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0.dll"/>
-                <File Id="MiNiFiExeWithPassword_ucrtbase.dll" Name="ucrtbase.dll" KeyPath="no" Source="redist\ucrtbase.dll"/>
                 <ServiceInstall Id="MiNiFiExeServiceWithPassword"
diff --git a/thirdparty/date/.gitignore b/thirdparty/date/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index e88e3be..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/date/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-#ignore thumbnails created by windows
-#Ignore files build by Visual Studio
-## Ignore Visual Studio temporary files, build results, and
-## files generated by popular Visual Studio add-ons.
-# User-specific files
-# User-specific folders
-# Build results
-# Roslyn cache directories
-# MSTest test Results
-# Build Results of an ATL Project
-# Chutzpah Test files
-# Visual C++ cache files
-# Visual Studio profiler
-# TFS 2012 Local Workspace
-# Guidance Automation Toolkit
-# ReSharper is a .NET coding add-in
-# JustCode is a .NET coding addin-in
-# TeamCity is a build add-in
-# DotCover is a Code Coverage Tool
-# NCrunch
-# MightyMoose
-# Web workbench (sass)
-# Installshield output folder
-# DocProject is a documentation generator add-in
-# Click-Once directory
-# Publish Web Output
-# TODO: Comment the next line if you want to checkin your web deploy settings 
-# but database connection strings (with potential passwords) will be unencrypted
-# NuGet Packages
-# The packages folder can be ignored because of Package Restore
-# except build/, which is used as an MSBuild target.
-# If using the old MSBuild-Integrated Package Restore, uncomment this:
-# Windows Azure Build Output
-# Windows Store app package directory
-# Others
-# RIA/Silverlight projects
-# Backup & report files from converting an old project file
-# to a newer Visual Studio version. Backup files are not needed,
-# because we have git ;-)
-# SQL Server files
-# Business Intelligence projects
-# Microsoft Fakes
diff --git a/thirdparty/date/CMakeLists.txt b/thirdparty/date/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0569daa..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/date/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 3.1.0 )
-project( date_prj )
-include( GNUInstallDirs )
-find_package( Threads REQUIRED )
-# Override by setting on CMake command line.
-set( CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14 CACHE STRING "The C++ standard whose features are requested.")
-option( USE_SYSTEM_TZ_DB "Use the operating system's timezone database" ON )
-option( USE_TZ_DB_IN_DOT "Save the timezone database in the current folder" OFF )
-option( BUILD_SHARED_LIBS  "Build a shared version of library" OFF )
-option( ENABLE_DATE_TESTING "Enable unit tests" OFF )
-function( print_option OPT )
-		mark_as_advanced(PRINT_OPTION_CURR_${OPT})
-		message( "# date: ${OPT} ${${OPT}}" )
-	endif( )
-endfunction( )
-print_option( USE_SYSTEM_TZ_DB )
-print_option( USE_TZ_DB_IN_DOT )
-print_option( BUILD_SHARED_LIBS  )
-print_option( ENABLE_DATE_TESTING )
-set( HEADER_FOLDER "include" )
-set( SOURCE_FOLDER "src" )
-set( TEST_FOLDER "test" )
-# This is needed so IDE's live MSVC show header files
-	${HEADER_FOLDER}/date/chrono_io.h
-	${HEADER_FOLDER}/date/date.h
-	${HEADER_FOLDER}/date/ios.h
-	${HEADER_FOLDER}/date/islamic.h
-	${HEADER_FOLDER}/date/iso_week.h
-	${HEADER_FOLDER}/date/julian.h
-	${HEADER_FOLDER}/date/tz.h
-	${HEADER_FOLDER}/date/tz_private.h
-add_library( tz ${HEADER_FILES} ${SOURCE_FOLDER}/tz.cpp )
-	target_compile_definitions( tz PRIVATE -DUSE_AUTOLOAD=0 )
-	target_compile_definitions( tz PRIVATE -DHAS_REMOTE_API=0 )
-	# cannot set USE_OS_TZDB to 1 on Windows
-	if( NOT WIN32 )
-		target_compile_definitions( tz PUBLIC -DUSE_OS_TZDB=1 )
-	endif( )
-else( )
-	target_compile_definitions( tz PRIVATE -DUSE_AUTOLOAD=1 )
-	target_compile_definitions( tz PRIVATE -DHAS_REMOTE_API=1 )
-	target_compile_definitions( tz PUBLIC -DUSE_OS_TZDB=0 )
-	find_package( CURL REQUIRED )
-	include_directories( SYSTEM ${CURL_INCLUDE_DIRS} )
-endif( )
-	target_compile_definitions( tz PRIVATE -DINSTALL=. )
-endif( )
-target_link_libraries( tz ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT} ${OPTIONAL_LIBRARIES} )
-# add include folders to the library and targets that consume it
-target_include_directories(tz PUBLIC
-    >
-        include
-    >
-add_library(date_interface INTERFACE) # an interface (not a library), to enable automatic include_directory (for when just date.h, but not "tz.h and its lib" are needed)
-# add include folders to the INTERFACE and targets that consume it
-target_include_directories(date_interface INTERFACE
-    $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:include>
-install( TARGETS date_interface EXPORT dateConfig )
-install( TARGETS tz
-    enable_testing( )
-    add_custom_target( testit COMMAND ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND} )
-    add_dependencies( testit tz )
-    function( add_pass_tests TEST_GLOB TEST_PREFIX )
-        include_directories( "${HEADER_FOLDER}/date" )
-        foreach( TEST_FILE ${FILENAMES} )
-            get_filename_component( TEST_NAME ${TEST_FILE} NAME_WE )
-            get_filename_component( TEST_EXT ${TEST_FILE} EXT )
-            if( NOT ${TEST_EXT} STREQUAL ".fail.cpp" )
-                set( PREFIX "${TEST_PREFIX}_pass_${TEST_NAME}" )
-                set( BIN_NAME ${PREFIX}_bin )
-                set( TST_NAME ${PREFIX}_test )
-                add_executable( ${BIN_NAME} EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${TEST_FILE} )
-                add_test( ${TST_NAME} ${BIN_NAME} )
-                target_link_libraries( ${BIN_NAME} tz )
-                add_dependencies( testit ${BIN_NAME} )
-            endif( )
-        endforeach( )
-    endfunction( )
-    function( add_fail_tests TEST_GLOB TEST_PREFIX )
-        foreach( TEST_FILE ${FILENAMES} )
-            get_filename_component( TEST_NAME ${TEST_FILE} NAME_WE )
-            get_filename_component( TEST_EXT ${TEST_FILE} EXT )
-                set( TEST_TYPE "_fail" )
-            set( PREFIX "${TEST_PREFIX}_fail_${TEST_NAME}" )
-            set( BIN_NAME ${PREFIX}_bin )
-            set( TST_NAME ${PREFIX}_test )
-            #target_compile_definitions( ${BIN_NAME} PRIVATE ${TST_NAME} )
-            set( TEST_BIN_NAME ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${BIN_NAME} )
-            add_custom_target( ${BIN_NAME}
-                COMMENT ${TST_NAME}
-                )
-            #set_tests_properties( ${TST_NAME} PROPERTIES WILL_FAIL TRUE)
-            add_dependencies( testit ${BIN_NAME} )
-        endforeach( )
-    endfunction( )
-    foreach( child ${children} )
-        if( IS_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/${TEST_FOLDER}/${child}" )
-            set( CUR_FOLDER "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/${TEST_FOLDER}/${child}" )
-            add_pass_tests( "${CUR_FOLDER}/*.cpp" ${child} )
-            if( NOT WIN32 )
-                add_fail_tests( "${CUR_FOLDER}/*.fail.cpp" ${child} )
-            endif( )
-        endif( )
-    endforeach( )
-endif( )
diff --git a/thirdparty/date/LICENSE.txt b/thirdparty/date/LICENSE.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 79ea069..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/date/LICENSE.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-The source code in this project is released using the MIT License. There is no
-global license for the project because each file is licensed individually with
-different author names and/or dates.
-If you contribute to this project, please add your name to the license of each
-file you modify.  If you have already contributed to this project and forgot to
-add your name to the license, please feel free to submit a new P/R to add your
-name to the license in each file you modified.
-For convenience, here is a copy of the MIT license found in each file except
-without author names or dates:
-The MIT License (MIT)
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/thirdparty/date/ b/thirdparty/date/
deleted file mode 100644
index 580d20d..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/date/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# Date
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-## Summary
-This is actually several separate C++11/C++14/C++17 libraries:
-1. `"date.h"` is a header-only library which builds upon `<chrono>`.  It adds some new `duration` types, and new `time_point` types.  It also adds "field" types such as `year_month_day` which is a struct `{year, month, day}`.  And it provides convenient means to convert between the "field" types and the `time_point` types.
-    * Documentation:
-    * Video:
-    * Slides:
-1. `"tz.h"` / `"tz.cpp"`  are a timezone library built on top of the `"date.h"` library.  This timezone library is a complete parser of the IANA timezone database.  It provides for an easy way to access all of the data in this database, using the types from `"date.h"` and `<chrono>`.  The IANA database also includes data on leap seconds, and this library provides utilities to compute with that information as well.
-    * Documentation:
-    * Video:
-    * Slides:
-1. `"iso_week.h"` is a header-only library built on top of the `"date.h"` library which implements the ISO week date calendar.
-    * Documentation:
-1. `"julian.h"` is a header-only library built on top of the `"date.h"` library which implements a proleptic Julian calendar which is fully interoperable with everything above.
-    * Documentation:
-1. `"islamic.h"` is a header-only library built on top of the `"date.h"` library which implements a proleptic Islamic calendar which is fully interoperable with everything above.
-    * Documentation:
-## Standardization
-Slightly modified versions of `"date.h"` and `"tz.h"` were voted into the C++20 working draft at the Jacksonville FL meeting on 2018-03-17:
-## Build & Test
-You will need [CMake]( and a recent C++ compiler. Here follows a guide of how to build and test using the CMake Makefile generator.
-mkdir build
-cd build
-cmake ../
-cmake --build . --target testit # Consider '-- -j4' for multithreading
-## Projects using this library
-If you would like your project (or product) on this list, just let me know.
diff --git a/thirdparty/date/ b/thirdparty/date/
deleted file mode 100755
index 60cf6b9..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/date/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-export TEST_BIN_NAME=$1
-#echo "Building ${TEST_BIN_NAME}"
-shift 1
-export BUILD_COMMAND=$@
-#echo "Build command: ${BUILD_COMMAND}"
-eval ${BUILD_COMMAND} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
-	echo -ne "#!/bin/bash\nexit 1;" > ${TEST_BIN_NAME}
-	echo -ne "#!/bin/bash\nexit 0;" > ${TEST_BIN_NAME}
-chmod u+x ${TEST_BIN_NAME}
-exit 0;
diff --git a/thirdparty/date/include/date/chrono_io.h b/thirdparty/date/include/date/chrono_io.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 21be404..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/date/include/date/chrono_io.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef CHRONO_IO_H
-#define CHRONO_IO_H
-// The MIT License (MIT)
-// Copyright (c) 2016, 2017 Howard Hinnant
-// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-// Our apologies.  When the previous paragraph was written, lowercase had not yet
-// been invented (that would involve another several millennia of evolution).
-// We did not mean to shout.
-// This functionality has moved to "date.h"
-#include "date.h"
-#endif  // CHRONO_IO_H
diff --git a/thirdparty/date/include/date/date.h b/thirdparty/date/include/date/date.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cb115a9..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/date/include/date/date.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8022 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef DATE_H
-#define DATE_H
-// The MIT License (MIT)
-// Copyright (c) 2015, 2016, 2017 Howard Hinnant
-// Copyright (c) 2016 Adrian Colomitchi
-// Copyright (c) 2017 Florian Dang
-// Copyright (c) 2017 Paul Thompson
-// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-// Our apologies.  When the previous paragraph was written, lowercase had not yet
-// been invented (that would involve another several millennia of evolution).
-// We did not mean to shout.
-#  if __cplusplus >= 201703
-#    define HAS_STRING_VIEW 1
-#  else
-#    define HAS_STRING_VIEW 0
-#  endif
-#endif  // HAS_STRING_VIEW
-#include <cassert>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cctype>
-#include <chrono>
-#include <climits>
-#if !(__cplusplus >= 201402)
-#  include <cmath>
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <ios>
-#include <istream>
-#include <iterator>
-#include <limits>
-#include <locale>
-#include <memory>
-#include <ostream>
-#include <ratio>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <string>
-# include <string_view>
-#include <utility>
-#include <type_traits>
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-# pragma GCC diagnostic push
-# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpedantic"
-# if __GNUC__ < 5
-   // GCC 4.9 Bug 61489 Wrong warning with -Wmissing-field-initializers
-#  pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-field-initializers"
-# endif
-namespace date
-// Configuration |
-#ifndef ONLY_C_LOCALE
-#  define ONLY_C_LOCALE 0
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (!defined(__clang__) || (_MSC_VER < 1910))
-// MSVC
-#  if _MSC_VER < 1910
-//   before VS2017
-#    define CONSTDATA const
-#    define CONSTCD11
-#    define CONSTCD14
-#  else
-//   VS2017 and later
-#    define CONSTDATA constexpr const
-#    define CONSTCD11 constexpr
-#    define CONSTCD14 constexpr
-#    define NOEXCEPT noexcept
-#  endif
-#elif defined(__SUNPRO_CC) && __SUNPRO_CC <= 0x5150
-// Oracle Developer Studio 12.6 and earlier
-#  define CONSTDATA constexpr const
-#  define CONSTCD11 constexpr
-#  define CONSTCD14
-#  define NOEXCEPT noexcept
-#elif __cplusplus >= 201402
-// C++14
-#  define CONSTDATA constexpr const
-#  define CONSTCD11 constexpr
-#  define CONSTCD14 constexpr
-#  define NOEXCEPT noexcept
-// C++11
-#  define CONSTDATA constexpr const
-#  define CONSTCD11 constexpr
-#  define CONSTCD14
-#  define NOEXCEPT noexcept
-#ifndef HAS_VOID_T
-#  if __cplusplus >= 201703
-#    define HAS_VOID_T 1
-#  else
-#    define HAS_VOID_T 0
-#  endif
-#endif  // HAS_VOID_T
-// Protect from Oracle sun macro
-#ifdef sun
-#  undef sun
-// Interface |
-// durations
-using days = std::chrono::duration
-    <int, std::ratio_multiply<std::ratio<24>, std::chrono::hours::period>>;
-using weeks = std::chrono::duration
-    <int, std::ratio_multiply<std::ratio<7>, days::period>>;
-using years = std::chrono::duration
-    <int, std::ratio_multiply<std::ratio<146097, 400>, days::period>>;
-using months = std::chrono::duration
-    <int, std::ratio_divide<years::period, std::ratio<12>>>;
-// time_point
-template <class Duration>
-    using sys_time = std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock, Duration>;
-using sys_days    = sys_time<days>;
-using sys_seconds = sys_time<std::chrono::seconds>;
-struct local_t {};
-template <class Duration>
-    using local_time = std::chrono::time_point<local_t, Duration>;
-using local_seconds = local_time<std::chrono::seconds>;
-using local_days    = local_time<days>;
-// types
-struct last_spec
-    explicit last_spec() = default;
-class day;
-class month;
-class year;
-class weekday;
-class weekday_indexed;
-class weekday_last;
-class month_day;
-class month_day_last;
-class month_weekday;
-class month_weekday_last;
-class year_month;
-class year_month_day;
-class year_month_day_last;
-class year_month_weekday;
-class year_month_weekday_last;
-// date composition operators
-CONSTCD11 year_month operator/(const year& y, const month& m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month operator/(const year& y, int          m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day operator/(const day& d, const month& m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day operator/(const day& d, int          m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day operator/(const month& m, const day& d) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day operator/(const month& m, int        d) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day operator/(int          m, const day& d) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day_last operator/(const month& m, last_spec) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day_last operator/(int          m, last_spec) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day_last operator/(last_spec, const month& m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day_last operator/(last_spec, int          m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday operator/(const month& m, const weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday operator/(int          m, const weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday operator/(const weekday_indexed& wdi, const month& m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday operator/(const weekday_indexed& wdi, int          m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday_last operator/(const month& m, const weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday_last operator/(int          m, const weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday_last operator/(const weekday_last& wdl, const month& m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday_last operator/(const weekday_last& wdl, int          m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator/(const year_month& ym, const day& d) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator/(const year_month& ym, int        d) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator/(const year& y, const month_day& md) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator/(int         y, const month_day& md) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator/(const month_day& md, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator/(const month_day& md, int         y) NOEXCEPT;
-    year_month_day_last operator/(const year_month& ym,   last_spec) NOEXCEPT;
-    year_month_day_last operator/(const year& y, const month_day_last& mdl) NOEXCEPT;
-    year_month_day_last operator/(int         y, const month_day_last& mdl) NOEXCEPT;
-    year_month_day_last operator/(const month_day_last& mdl, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    year_month_day_last operator/(const month_day_last& mdl, int         y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const year_month& ym, const weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const year&        y, const month_weekday&   mwd) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(int                y, const month_weekday&   mwd) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const month_weekday& mwd, const year&          y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const month_weekday& mwd, int                  y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const year_month& ym, const weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const year& y, const month_weekday_last& mwdl) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(int         y, const month_weekday_last& mwdl) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const month_weekday_last& mwdl, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const month_weekday_last& mwdl, int         y) NOEXCEPT;
-// Detailed interface
-// day
-class day
-    unsigned char d_;
-    day() = default;
-    explicit CONSTCD11 day(unsigned d) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 day& operator++()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 day  operator++(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 day& operator--()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 day  operator--(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 day& operator+=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 day& operator-=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit operator unsigned() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 day  operator+(const day&  x, const days& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 day  operator+(const days& x, const day&  y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 day  operator-(const day&  x, const days& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 days operator-(const day&  x, const day&  y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const day& d);
-// month
-class month
-    unsigned char m_;
-    month() = default;
-    explicit CONSTCD11 month(unsigned m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 month& operator++()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 month  operator++(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 month& operator--()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 month  operator--(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 month& operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 month& operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit operator unsigned() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 month  operator+(const month&  x, const months& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 month  operator+(const months& x,  const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 month  operator-(const month&  x, const months& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 months operator-(const month&  x,  const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month& m);
-// year
-class year
-    short y_;
-    year() = default;
-    explicit CONSTCD11 year(int y) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year& operator++()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year  operator++(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year& operator--()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year  operator--(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year& operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year& operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 year operator-() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 year operator+() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool is_leap() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit operator int() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    static CONSTCD11 year min() NOEXCEPT;
-    static CONSTCD11 year max() NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year  operator+(const year&  x, const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year  operator+(const years& x, const year&  y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year  operator-(const year&  x, const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 years operator-(const year&  x, const year&  y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year& y);
-// weekday
-class weekday
-    unsigned char wd_;
-    weekday() = default;
-    explicit CONSTCD11 weekday(unsigned wd) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 weekday(const sys_days& dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit weekday(const local_days& dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 weekday& operator++()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 weekday  operator++(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 weekday& operator--()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 weekday  operator--(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 weekday& operator+=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 weekday& operator-=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit operator unsigned() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 weekday_indexed operator[](unsigned index) const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 weekday_last    operator[](last_spec)      const NOEXCEPT;
-    static CONSTCD11 unsigned char weekday_from_days(int z) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 weekday operator+(const weekday& x, const days&    y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 weekday operator+(const days&    x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 weekday operator-(const weekday& x, const days&    y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 days    operator-(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weekday& wd);
-// weekday_indexed
-class weekday_indexed
-    unsigned char wd_    : 4;
-    unsigned char index_ : 4;
-    weekday_indexed() = default;
-    CONSTCD11 weekday_indexed(const date::weekday& wd, unsigned index) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::weekday weekday() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 unsigned index() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const weekday_indexed& x, const weekday_indexed& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const weekday_indexed& x, const weekday_indexed& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weekday_indexed& wdi);
-// weekday_last
-class weekday_last
-    date::weekday wd_;
-    explicit CONSTCD11 weekday_last(const date::weekday& wd) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::weekday weekday() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const weekday_last& x, const weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const weekday_last& x, const weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weekday_last& wdl);
-// year_month
-class year_month
-    date::year  y_;
-    date::month m_;
-    year_month() = default;
-    CONSTCD11 year_month(const date::year& y, const date::month& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::year  year()  const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::month month() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month& operator+=(const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month& operator-=(const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month& operator+=(const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month& operator-=(const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 year_month operator+(const year_month& ym, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 year_month operator+(const months& dm, const year_month& ym) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 year_month operator-(const year_month& ym, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 months operator-(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month operator+(const year_month& ym, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month operator+(const years& dy, const year_month& ym) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month operator-(const year_month& ym, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month& ym);
-// month_day
-class month_day
-    date::month m_;
-    date::day   d_;
-    month_day() = default;
-    CONSTCD11 month_day(const date::month& m, const date::day& d) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::month month() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::day   day() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_day& md);
-// month_day_last
-class month_day_last
-    date::month m_;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit month_day_last(const date::month& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::month month() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_day_last& mdl);
-// month_weekday
-class month_weekday
-    date::month           m_;
-    date::weekday_indexed wdi_;
-    CONSTCD11 month_weekday(const date::month& m,
-                            const date::weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::month           month()           const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::weekday_indexed weekday_indexed() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const month_weekday& x, const month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const month_weekday& x, const month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_weekday& mwd);
-// month_weekday_last
-class month_weekday_last
-    date::month        m_;
-    date::weekday_last wdl_;
-    CONSTCD11 month_weekday_last(const date::month& m,
-                                 const date::weekday_last& wd) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::month        month()        const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::weekday_last weekday_last() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator==(const month_weekday_last& x, const month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator!=(const month_weekday_last& x, const month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_weekday_last& mwdl);
-// class year_month_day
-class year_month_day
-    date::year  y_;
-    date::month m_;
-    date::day   d_;
-    year_month_day() = default;
-    CONSTCD11 year_month_day(const date::year& y, const date::month& m,
-                             const date::day& d) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day(const year_month_day_last& ymdl) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day(sys_days dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 explicit year_month_day(local_days dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day& operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day& operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day& operator+=(const years& y)  NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day& operator-=(const years& y)  NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::year  year()  const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::month month() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::day   day()   const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 explicit operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    static CONSTCD14 year_month_day from_days(days dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 days to_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 year_month_day operator+(const year_month_day& ymd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 year_month_day operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_day& ymd) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 year_month_day operator-(const year_month_day& ymd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator+(const year_month_day& ymd, const years& dy)  NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_day& ymd)  NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator-(const year_month_day& ymd, const years& dy)  NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_day& ymd);
-// year_month_day_last
-class year_month_day_last
-    date::year           y_;
-    date::month_day_last mdl_;
-    CONSTCD11 year_month_day_last(const date::year& y,
-                                  const date::month_day_last& mdl) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day_last& operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day_last& operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day_last& operator+=(const years& y)  NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day_last& operator-=(const years& y)  NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::year           year()           const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::month          month()          const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::month_day_last month_day_last() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 date::day            day()            const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 explicit operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator==(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator!=(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator< (const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator> (const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator<=(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator>=(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_day_last& ymdl) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_day_last& ymdl) NOEXCEPT;
-operator-(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-operator-(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_day_last& ymdl);
-// year_month_weekday
-class year_month_weekday
-    date::year            y_;
-    date::month           m_;
-    date::weekday_indexed wdi_;
-    year_month_weekday() = default;
-    CONSTCD11 year_month_weekday(const date::year& y, const date::month& m,
-                                   const date::weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday(const sys_days& dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 explicit year_month_weekday(const local_days& dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday& operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday& operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday& operator+=(const years& y)  NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday& operator-=(const years& y)  NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::year year() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::month month() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::weekday weekday() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 unsigned index() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::weekday_indexed weekday_indexed() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 explicit operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    static CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday from_days(days dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 days to_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator==(const year_month_weekday& x, const year_month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator!=(const year_month_weekday& x, const year_month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_weekday& ymwd) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_weekday& ymwd) NOEXCEPT;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_weekday& ymwdi);
-// year_month_weekday_last
-class year_month_weekday_last
-    date::year y_;
-    date::month m_;
-    date::weekday_last wdl_;
-    CONSTCD11 year_month_weekday_last(const date::year& y, const date::month& m,
-                                      const date::weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday_last& operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday_last& operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday_last& operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday_last& operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::year year() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::month month() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::weekday weekday() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 date::weekday_last weekday_last() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 explicit operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 days to_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-operator==(const year_month_weekday_last& x, const year_month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator!=(const year_month_weekday_last& x, const year_month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl) NOEXCEPT;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl);
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-inline namespace literals
-CONSTCD11 date::day  operator "" _d(unsigned long long d) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 date::year operator "" _y(unsigned long long y) NOEXCEPT;
-// CONSTDATA date::month jan{1};
-// CONSTDATA date::month feb{2};
-// CONSTDATA date::month mar{3};
-// CONSTDATA date::month apr{4};
-// CONSTDATA date::month may{5};
-// CONSTDATA date::month jun{6};
-// CONSTDATA date::month jul{7};
-// CONSTDATA date::month aug{8};
-// CONSTDATA date::month sep{9};
-// CONSTDATA date::month oct{10};
-// CONSTDATA date::month nov{11};
-// CONSTDATA date::month dec{12};
-// CONSTDATA date::weekday sun{0u};
-// CONSTDATA date::weekday mon{1u};
-// CONSTDATA date::weekday tue{2u};
-// CONSTDATA date::weekday wed{3u};
-// CONSTDATA date::weekday thu{4u};
-// CONSTDATA date::weekday fri{5u};
-// CONSTDATA date::weekday sat{6u};
-}  // inline namespace literals
-#endif // !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-template <class T, class = std::void_t<>>
-struct is_clock
-    : std::false_type
-template <class T>
-struct is_clock<T, std::void_t<decltype(T::now()), typename T::rep, typename T::period,
-                               typename T::duration, typename T::time_point,
-                               decltype(T::is_steady)>>
-    : std::true_type
-#endif  // HAS_VOID_T
-// Implementation |
-// utilities
-namespace detail {
-template<class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>>
-class save_stream
-    std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os_;
-    CharT fill_;
-    std::ios::fmtflags flags_;
-    std::locale loc_;
-    ~save_stream()
-    {
-        os_.fill(fill_);
-        os_.flags(flags_);
-        os_.imbue(loc_);
-    }
-    save_stream(const save_stream&) = delete;
-    save_stream& operator=(const save_stream&) = delete;
-    explicit save_stream(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os)
-        : os_(os)
-        , fill_(os.fill())
-        , flags_(os.flags())
-        , loc_(os.getloc())
-        {}
-template <class T>
-struct choose_trunc_type
-    static const int digits = std::numeric_limits<T>::digits;
-    using type = typename std::conditional
-                 <
-                     digits < 32,
-                     std::int32_t,
-                     typename std::conditional
-                     <
-                         digits < 64,
-                         std::int64_t,
-#ifdef __SIZEOF_INT128__
-                         __int128
-                         std::int64_t
-                     >::type
-                 >::type;
-template <class T>
-typename std::enable_if
-    !std::chrono::treat_as_floating_point<T>::value,
-    T
-trunc(T t) NOEXCEPT
-    return t;
-template <class T>
-typename std::enable_if
-    std::chrono::treat_as_floating_point<T>::value,
-    T
-trunc(T t) NOEXCEPT
-    using namespace std;
-    using I = typename choose_trunc_type<T>::type;
-    CONSTDATA auto digits = numeric_limits<T>::digits;
-    static_assert(digits < numeric_limits<I>::digits, "");
-    CONSTDATA auto max = I{1} << (digits-1);
-    CONSTDATA auto min = -max;
-    const auto negative = t < T{0};
-    if (min <= t && t <= max && t != 0 && t == t)
-    {
-        t = static_cast<T>(static_cast<I>(t));
-        if (t == 0 && negative)
-            t = -t;
-    }
-    return t;
-template <std::intmax_t Xp, std::intmax_t Yp>
-struct static_gcd
-    static const std::intmax_t value = static_gcd<Yp, Xp % Yp>::value;
-template <std::intmax_t Xp>
-struct static_gcd<Xp, 0>
-    static const std::intmax_t value = Xp;
-template <>
-struct static_gcd<0, 0>
-    static const std::intmax_t value = 1;
-template <class R1, class R2>
-struct no_overflow
-    static const std::intmax_t gcd_n1_n2 = static_gcd<R1::num, R2::num>::value;
-    static const std::intmax_t gcd_d1_d2 = static_gcd<R1::den, R2::den>::value;
-    static const std::intmax_t n1 = R1::num / gcd_n1_n2;
-    static const std::intmax_t d1 = R1::den / gcd_d1_d2;
-    static const std::intmax_t n2 = R2::num / gcd_n1_n2;
-    static const std::intmax_t d2 = R2::den / gcd_d1_d2;
-    static const std::intmax_t max = -((std::intmax_t(1) <<
-                                       (sizeof(std::intmax_t) * CHAR_BIT - 1)) + 1);
-    template <std::intmax_t Xp, std::intmax_t Yp, bool overflow>
-    struct mul    // overflow == false
-    {
-        static const std::intmax_t value = Xp * Yp;
-    };
-    template <std::intmax_t Xp, std::intmax_t Yp>
-    struct mul<Xp, Yp, true>
-    {
-        static const std::intmax_t value = 1;
-    };
-    static const bool value = (n1 <= max / d2) && (n2 <= max / d1);
-    typedef std::ratio<mul<n1, d2, !value>::value,
-                       mul<n2, d1, !value>::value> type;
-}  // detail
-// trunc towards zero
-template <class To, class Rep, class Period>
-typename std::enable_if
-    detail::no_overflow<Period, typename To::period>::value,
-    To
-trunc(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& d)
-    return To{detail::trunc(std::chrono::duration_cast<To>(d).count())};
-template <class To, class Rep, class Period>
-typename std::enable_if
-    !detail::no_overflow<Period, typename To::period>::value,
-    To
-trunc(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& d)
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using rep = typename std::common_type<Rep, typename To::rep>::type;
-    return To{detail::trunc(duration_cast<To>(duration_cast<duration<rep>>(d)).count())};
-#  if defined(_MSC_FULL_VER) && (_MSC_FULL_VER >= 190023918 || (_MSC_FULL_VER >= 190000000 && defined (__clang__)))
-#    define HAS_CHRONO_ROUNDING 1
-#  elif defined(__cpp_lib_chrono) && __cplusplus > 201402 && __cpp_lib_chrono >= 201510
-#    define HAS_CHRONO_ROUNDING 1
-#  elif defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION) && __cplusplus > 201402 && _LIBCPP_VERSION >= 3800
-#    define HAS_CHRONO_ROUNDING 1
-#  else
-#    define HAS_CHRONO_ROUNDING 0
-#  endif
-// round down
-template <class To, class Rep, class Period>
-typename std::enable_if
-    detail::no_overflow<Period, typename To::period>::value,
-    To
-floor(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& d)
-    auto t = trunc<To>(d);
-    if (t > d)
-        return t - To{1};
-    return t;
-template <class To, class Rep, class Period>
-typename std::enable_if
-    !detail::no_overflow<Period, typename To::period>::value,
-    To
-floor(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& d)
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using rep = typename std::common_type<Rep, typename To::rep>::type;
-    return floor<To>(floor<duration<rep>>(d));
-// round to nearest, to even on tie
-template <class To, class Rep, class Period>
-round(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& d)
-    auto t0 = floor<To>(d);
-    auto t1 = t0 + To{1};
-    if (t1 == To{0} && t0 < To{0})
-        t1 = -t1;
-    auto diff0 = d - t0;
-    auto diff1 = t1 - d;
-    if (diff0 == diff1)
-    {
-        if (t0 - trunc<To>(t0/2)*2 == To{0})
-            return t0;
-        return t1;
-    }
-    if (diff0 < diff1)
-        return t0;
-    return t1;
-// round up
-template <class To, class Rep, class Period>
-ceil(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& d)
-    auto t = trunc<To>(d);
-    if (t < d)
-        return t + To{1};
-    return t;
-template <class Rep, class Period,
-          class = typename std::enable_if
-          <
-              std::numeric_limits<Rep>::is_signed
-          >::type>
-std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>
-abs(std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> d)
-    return d >= ? d : -d;
-// round down
-template <class To, class Clock, class FromDuration>
-std::chrono::time_point<Clock, To>
-floor(const std::chrono::time_point<Clock, FromDuration>& tp)
-    using std::chrono::time_point;
-    return time_point<Clock, To>{date::floor<To>(tp.time_since_epoch())};
-// round to nearest, to even on tie
-template <class To, class Clock, class FromDuration>
-std::chrono::time_point<Clock, To>
-round(const std::chrono::time_point<Clock, FromDuration>& tp)
-    using std::chrono::time_point;
-    return time_point<Clock, To>{round<To>(tp.time_since_epoch())};
-// round up
-template <class To, class Clock, class FromDuration>
-std::chrono::time_point<Clock, To>
-ceil(const std::chrono::time_point<Clock, FromDuration>& tp)
-    using std::chrono::time_point;
-    return time_point<Clock, To>{ceil<To>(tp.time_since_epoch())};
-#else  // HAS_CHRONO_ROUNDING == 1
-using std::chrono::floor;
-using std::chrono::ceil;
-using std::chrono::round;
-using std::chrono::abs;
-// trunc towards zero
-template <class To, class Clock, class FromDuration>
-std::chrono::time_point<Clock, To>
-trunc(const std::chrono::time_point<Clock, FromDuration>& tp)
-    using std::chrono::time_point;
-    return time_point<Clock, To>{trunc<To>(tp.time_since_epoch())};
-// day
-CONSTCD11 inline day::day(unsigned d) NOEXCEPT : d_(static_cast<unsigned char>(d)) {}
-CONSTCD14 inline day& day::operator++() NOEXCEPT {++d_; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline day day::operator++(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); ++(*this); return tmp;}
-CONSTCD14 inline day& day::operator--() NOEXCEPT {--d_; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline day day::operator--(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); --(*this); return tmp;}
-CONSTCD14 inline day& day::operator+=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT {*this = *this + d; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline day& day::operator-=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT {*this = *this - d; return *this;}
-CONSTCD11 inline day::operator unsigned() const NOEXCEPT {return d_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline bool day::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return 1 <= d_ && d_ <= 31;}
-operator==(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(x) == static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-operator!=(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(x) < static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-operator>(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-operator-(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return days{static_cast<days::rep>(static_cast<unsigned>(x)
-                                     - static_cast<unsigned>(y))};
-operator+(const day& x, const days& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return day{static_cast<unsigned>(x) + static_cast<unsigned>(y.count())};
-operator+(const days& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y + x;
-operator-(const day& x, const days& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x + -y;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const day& d)
-    detail::save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-    os.fill('0');
-    os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::right);
-    os.width(2);
-    os << static_cast<unsigned>(d);
-    if (!d.ok())
-        os << " is not a valid day";
-    return os;
-// month
-CONSTCD11 inline month::month(unsigned m) NOEXCEPT : m_(static_cast<decltype(m_)>(m)) {}
-CONSTCD14 inline month& month::operator++() NOEXCEPT {*this += months{1}; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline month month::operator++(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); ++(*this); return tmp;}
-CONSTCD14 inline month& month::operator--() NOEXCEPT {*this -= months{1}; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline month month::operator--(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); --(*this); return tmp;}
-month::operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + m;
-    return *this;
-month::operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - m;
-    return *this;
-CONSTCD11 inline month::operator unsigned() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline bool month::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return 1 <= m_ && m_ <= 12;}
-operator==(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(x) == static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-operator!=(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(x) < static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-operator>(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-operator-(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    auto const d = static_cast<unsigned>(x) - static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-    return months(d <= 11 ? d : d + 12);
-operator+(const month& x, const months& y) NOEXCEPT
-    auto const mu = static_cast<long long>(static_cast<unsigned>(x)) + (y.count() - 1);
-    auto const yr = (mu >= 0 ? mu : mu-11) / 12;
-    return month{static_cast<unsigned>(mu - yr * 12 + 1)};
-operator+(const months& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y + x;
-operator-(const month& x, const months& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x + -y;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month& m)
-    if (m.ok())
-    {
-        CharT fmt[] = {'%', 'b', 0};
-        os << format(os.getloc(), fmt, m);
-    }
-    else
-        os << static_cast<unsigned>(m) << " is not a valid month";
-    return os;
-// year
-CONSTCD11 inline year::year(int y) NOEXCEPT : y_(static_cast<decltype(y_)>(y)) {}
-CONSTCD14 inline year& year::operator++() NOEXCEPT {++y_; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline year year::operator++(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); ++(*this); return tmp;}
-CONSTCD14 inline year& year::operator--() NOEXCEPT {--y_; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline year year::operator--(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); --(*this); return tmp;}
-CONSTCD14 inline year& year::operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT {*this = *this + y; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline year& year::operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT {*this = *this - y; return *this;}
-CONSTCD11 inline year year::operator-() const NOEXCEPT {return year{-y_};}
-CONSTCD11 inline year year::operator+() const NOEXCEPT {return *this;}
-year::is_leap() const NOEXCEPT
-    return y_ % 4 == 0 && (y_ % 100 != 0 || y_ % 400 == 0);
-CONSTCD11 inline year::operator int() const NOEXCEPT {return y_;}
-year::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    return y_ != std::numeric_limits<short>::min();
-year::min() NOEXCEPT
-    return year{-32767};
-year::max() NOEXCEPT
-    return year{32767};
-operator==(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<int>(x) == static_cast<int>(y);
-operator!=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<int>(x) < static_cast<int>(y);
-operator>(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-operator-(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return years{static_cast<int>(x) - static_cast<int>(y)};
-operator+(const year& x, const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return year{static_cast<int>(x) + y.count()};
-operator+(const years& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y + x;
-operator-(const year& x, const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return year{static_cast<int>(x) - y.count()};
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year& y)
-    detail::save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-    os.fill('0');
-    os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::internal);
-    os.width(4 + (y < year{0}));
-    os << static_cast<int>(y);
-    if (!y.ok())
-        os << " is not a valid year";
-    return os;
-// weekday
-unsigned char
-weekday::weekday_from_days(int z) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned char>(static_cast<unsigned>(
-        z >= -4 ? (z+4) % 7 : (z+5) % 7 + 6));
-weekday::weekday(unsigned wd) NOEXCEPT
-    : wd_(static_cast<decltype(wd_)>(wd))
-    {}
-weekday::weekday(const sys_days& dp) NOEXCEPT
-    : wd_(weekday_from_days(dp.time_since_epoch().count()))
-    {}
-weekday::weekday(const local_days& dp) NOEXCEPT
-    : wd_(weekday_from_days(dp.time_since_epoch().count()))
-    {}
-CONSTCD14 inline weekday& weekday::operator++() NOEXCEPT {*this += days{1}; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline weekday weekday::operator++(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); ++(*this); return tmp;}
-CONSTCD14 inline weekday& weekday::operator--() NOEXCEPT {*this -= days{1}; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline weekday weekday::operator--(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); --(*this); return tmp;}
-weekday::operator+=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + d;
-    return *this;
-weekday::operator-=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - d;
-    return *this;
-weekday::operator unsigned() const NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(wd_);
-CONSTCD11 inline bool weekday::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return wd_ <= 6;}
-operator==(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(x) == static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-operator!=(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator-(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    auto const diff = static_cast<unsigned>(x) - static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-    return days{diff <= 6 ? diff : diff + 7};
-operator+(const weekday& x, const days& y) NOEXCEPT
-    auto const wdu = static_cast<long long>(static_cast<unsigned>(x)) + y.count();
-    auto const wk = (wdu >= 0 ? wdu : wdu-6) / 7;
-    return weekday{static_cast<unsigned>(wdu - wk * 7)};
-operator+(const days& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y + x;
-operator-(const weekday& x, const days& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x + -y;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weekday& wd)
-    if (wd.ok())
-    {
-        CharT fmt[] = {'%', 'a', 0};
-        os << format(fmt, wd);
-    }
-    else
-        os << static_cast<unsigned>(wd) << " is not a valid weekday";
-    return os;
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-inline namespace literals
-operator "" _d(unsigned long long d) NOEXCEPT
-    return date::day{static_cast<unsigned>(d)};
-operator "" _y(unsigned long long y) NOEXCEPT
-    return date::year(static_cast<int>(y));
-#endif  // !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-CONSTDATA date::last_spec last{};
-CONSTDATA date::month jan{1};
-CONSTDATA date::month feb{2};
-CONSTDATA date::month mar{3};
-CONSTDATA date::month apr{4};
-CONSTDATA date::month may{5};
-CONSTDATA date::month jun{6};
-CONSTDATA date::month jul{7};
-CONSTDATA date::month aug{8};
-CONSTDATA date::month sep{9};
-CONSTDATA date::month oct{10};
-CONSTDATA date::month nov{11};
-CONSTDATA date::month dec{12};
-CONSTDATA date::weekday sun{0u};
-CONSTDATA date::weekday mon{1u};
-CONSTDATA date::weekday tue{2u};
-CONSTDATA date::weekday wed{3u};
-CONSTDATA date::weekday thu{4u};
-CONSTDATA date::weekday fri{5u};
-CONSTDATA date::weekday sat{6u};
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-}  // inline namespace literals
-CONSTDATA date::month January{1};
-CONSTDATA date::month February{2};
-CONSTDATA date::month March{3};
-CONSTDATA date::month April{4};
-CONSTDATA date::month May{5};
-CONSTDATA date::month June{6};
-CONSTDATA date::month July{7};
-CONSTDATA date::month August{8};
-CONSTDATA date::month September{9};
-CONSTDATA date::month October{10};
-CONSTDATA date::month November{11};
-CONSTDATA date::month December{12};
-CONSTDATA date::weekday Sunday{0u};
-CONSTDATA date::weekday Monday{1u};
-CONSTDATA date::weekday Tuesday{2u};
-CONSTDATA date::weekday Wednesday{3u};
-CONSTDATA date::weekday Thursday{4u};
-CONSTDATA date::weekday Friday{5u};
-CONSTDATA date::weekday Saturday{6u};
-// weekday_indexed
-weekday_indexed::weekday() const NOEXCEPT
-    return date::weekday{static_cast<unsigned>(wd_)};
-CONSTCD11 inline unsigned weekday_indexed::index() const NOEXCEPT {return index_;}
-weekday_indexed::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    return weekday().ok() && 1 <= index_ && index_ <= 5;
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#  pragma GCC diagnostic push
-#  pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion"
-#endif  // __GNUC__
-weekday_indexed::weekday_indexed(const date::weekday& wd, unsigned index) NOEXCEPT
-    : wd_(static_cast<decltype(wd_)>(static_cast<unsigned>(wd)))
-    , index_(static_cast<decltype(index_)>(index))
-    {}
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#  pragma GCC diagnostic pop
-#endif  // __GNUC__
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weekday_indexed& wdi)
-    os << wdi.weekday() << '[' << wdi.index();
-    if (!(1 <= wdi.index() && wdi.index() <= 5))
-        os << " is not a valid index";
-    os << ']';
-    return os;
-weekday::operator[](unsigned index) const NOEXCEPT
-    return {*this, index};
-operator==(const weekday_indexed& x, const weekday_indexed& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.weekday() == y.weekday() && x.index() == y.index();
-operator!=(const weekday_indexed& x, const weekday_indexed& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-// weekday_last
-CONSTCD11 inline date::weekday weekday_last::weekday() const NOEXCEPT {return wd_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline bool weekday_last::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return wd_.ok();}
-CONSTCD11 inline weekday_last::weekday_last(const date::weekday& wd) NOEXCEPT : wd_(wd) {}
-operator==(const weekday_last& x, const weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.weekday() == y.weekday();
-operator!=(const weekday_last& x, const weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weekday_last& wdl)
-    return os << wdl.weekday() << "[last]";
-weekday::operator[](last_spec) const NOEXCEPT
-    return weekday_last{*this};
-// year_month
-year_month::year_month(const date::year& y, const date::month& m) NOEXCEPT
-    : y_(y)
-    , m_(m)
-    {}
-CONSTCD11 inline year year_month::year() const NOEXCEPT {return y_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline month year_month::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline bool year_month::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return y_.ok() && m_.ok();}
-year_month::operator+=(const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + dm;
-    return *this;
-year_month::operator-=(const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - dm;
-    return *this;
-year_month::operator+=(const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + dy;
-    return *this;
-year_month::operator-=(const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - dy;
-    return *this;
-operator==(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() == y.year() && x.month() == y.month();
-operator!=(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() < y.year() ? true
-        : (x.year() > y.year() ? false
-        : (x.month() < y.month()));
-operator>(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-operator+(const year_month& ym, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    auto dmi = static_cast<int>(static_cast<unsigned>(ym.month())) - 1 + dm.count();
-    auto dy = (dmi >= 0 ? dmi : dmi-11) / 12;
-    dmi = dmi - dy * 12 + 1;
-    return (ym.year() + years(dy)) / month(static_cast<unsigned>(dmi));
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month& ym) NOEXCEPT
-    return ym + dm;
-operator-(const year_month& ym, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return ym + -dm;
-operator-(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return (x.year() - y.year()) +
-            months(static_cast<unsigned>(x.month()) - static_cast<unsigned>(y.month()));
-operator+(const year_month& ym, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return (ym.year() + dy) / ym.month();
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month& ym) NOEXCEPT
-    return ym + dy;
-operator-(const year_month& ym, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return ym + -dy;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month& ym)
-    return os << ym.year() << '/' << ym.month();
-// month_day
-month_day::month_day(const date::month& m, const date::day& d) NOEXCEPT
-    : m_(m)
-    , d_(d)
-    {}
-CONSTCD11 inline date::month month_day::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline date::day month_day::day() const NOEXCEPT {return d_;}
-month_day::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    CONSTDATA date::day d[] =
-    {
-        date::day(31), date::day(29), date::day(31),
-        date::day(30), date::day(31), date::day(30),
-        date::day(31), date::day(31), date::day(30),
-        date::day(31), date::day(30), date::day(31)
-    };
-    return m_.ok() && date::day{1} <= d_ && d_ <= d[static_cast<unsigned>(m_)-1];
-operator==(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.month() == y.month() && ==;
-operator!=(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.month() < y.month() ? true
-        : (x.month() > y.month() ? false
-        : ( <;
-operator>(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_day& md)
-    return os << md.month() << '/' <<;
-// month_day_last
-CONSTCD11 inline month month_day_last::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline bool month_day_last::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return m_.ok();}
-CONSTCD11 inline month_day_last::month_day_last(const date::month& m) NOEXCEPT : m_(m) {}
-operator==(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.month() == y.month();
-operator!=(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.month() < y.month();
-operator>(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_day_last& mdl)
-    return os << mdl.month() << "/last";
-// month_weekday
-month_weekday::month_weekday(const date::month& m,
-                             const date::weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT
-    : m_(m)
-    , wdi_(wdi)
-    {}
-CONSTCD11 inline month month_weekday::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-month_weekday::weekday_indexed() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wdi_;
-month_weekday::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    return m_.ok() && wdi_.ok();
-operator==(const month_weekday& x, const month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.month() == y.month() && x.weekday_indexed() == y.weekday_indexed();
-operator!=(const month_weekday& x, const month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_weekday& mwd)
-    return os << mwd.month() << '/' << mwd.weekday_indexed();
-// month_weekday_last
-month_weekday_last::month_weekday_last(const date::month& m,
-                                       const date::weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT
-    : m_(m)
-    , wdl_(wdl)
-    {}
-CONSTCD11 inline month month_weekday_last::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-month_weekday_last::weekday_last() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wdl_;
-month_weekday_last::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    return m_.ok() && wdl_.ok();
-operator==(const month_weekday_last& x, const month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.month() == y.month() && x.weekday_last() == y.weekday_last();
-operator!=(const month_weekday_last& x, const month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_weekday_last& mwdl)
-    return os << mwdl.month() << '/' << mwdl.weekday_last();
-// year_month_day_last
-year_month_day_last::year_month_day_last(const date::year& y,
-                                         const date::month_day_last& mdl) NOEXCEPT
-    : y_(y)
-    , mdl_(mdl)
-    {}
-year_month_day_last::operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_day_last::operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_day_last::operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + y;
-    return *this;
-year_month_day_last::operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - y;
-    return *this;
-CONSTCD11 inline year year_month_day_last::year() const NOEXCEPT {return y_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline month year_month_day_last::month() const NOEXCEPT {return mdl_.month();}
-year_month_day_last::month_day_last() const NOEXCEPT
-    return mdl_;
-year_month_day_last::day() const NOEXCEPT
-    CONSTDATA date::day d[] =
-    {
-        date::day(31), date::day(28), date::day(31),
-        date::day(30), date::day(31), date::day(30),
-        date::day(31), date::day(31), date::day(30),
-        date::day(31), date::day(30), date::day(31)
-    };
-    return month() != feb || !y_.is_leap() ?
-        d[static_cast<unsigned>(month()) - 1] : date::day{29};
-year_month_day_last::operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return sys_days(year()/month()/day());
-year_month_day_last::operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return local_days(year()/month()/day());
-year_month_day_last::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    return y_.ok() && mdl_.ok();
-operator==(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() == y.year() && x.month_day_last() == y.month_day_last();
-operator!=(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() < y.year() ? true
-        : (x.year() > y.year() ? false
-        : (x.month_day_last() < y.month_day_last()));
-operator>(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_day_last& ymdl)
-    return os << ymdl.year() << '/' << ymdl.month_day_last();
-operator+(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return (ymdl.year() / ymdl.month() + dm) / last;
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_day_last& ymdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymdl + dm;
-operator-(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymdl + (-dm);
-operator+(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return {ymdl.year()+dy, ymdl.month_day_last()};
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_day_last& ymdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymdl + dy;
-operator-(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymdl + (-dy);
-// year_month_day
-year_month_day::year_month_day(const date::year& y, const date::month& m,
-                               const date::day& d) NOEXCEPT
-    : y_(y)
-    , m_(m)
-    , d_(d)
-    {}
-year_month_day::year_month_day(const year_month_day_last& ymdl) NOEXCEPT
-    : y_(ymdl.year())
-    , m_(ymdl.month())
-    , d_(
-    {}
-year_month_day::year_month_day(sys_days dp) NOEXCEPT
-    : year_month_day(from_days(dp.time_since_epoch()))
-    {}
-year_month_day::year_month_day(local_days dp) NOEXCEPT
-    : year_month_day(from_days(dp.time_since_epoch()))
-    {}
-CONSTCD11 inline year year_month_day::year() const NOEXCEPT {return y_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline month year_month_day::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline day year_month_day::day() const NOEXCEPT {return d_;}
-year_month_day::operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_day::operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_day::operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + y;
-    return *this;
-year_month_day::operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - y;
-    return *this;
-year_month_day::to_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    static_assert(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::digits >= 18,
-             "This algorithm has not been ported to a 16 bit unsigned integer");
-    static_assert(std::numeric_limits<int>::digits >= 20,
-             "This algorithm has not been ported to a 16 bit signed integer");
-    auto const y = static_cast<int>(y_) - (m_ <= feb);
-    auto const m = static_cast<unsigned>(m_);
-    auto const d = static_cast<unsigned>(d_);
-    auto const era = (y >= 0 ? y : y-399) / 400;
-    auto const yoe = static_cast<unsigned>(y - era * 400);       // [0, 399]
-    auto const doy = (153*(m > 2 ? m-3 : m+9) + 2)/5 + d-1;      // [0, 365]
-    auto const doe = yoe * 365 + yoe/4 - yoe/100 + doy;          // [0, 146096]
-    return days{era * 146097 + static_cast<int>(doe) - 719468};
-year_month_day::operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return sys_days{to_days()};
-year_month_day::operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return local_days{to_days()};
-year_month_day::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    if (!(y_.ok() && m_.ok()))
-        return false;
-    return date::day{1} <= d_ && d_ <= (y_ / m_ / last).day();
-operator==(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() == y.year() && x.month() == y.month() && ==;
-operator!=(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() < y.year() ? true
-        : (x.year() > y.year() ? false
-        : (x.month() < y.month() ? true
-        : (x.month() > y.month() ? false
-        : ( <;
-operator>(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_day& ymd)
-    detail::save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-    os.fill('0');
-    os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::right);
-    os << ymd.year() << '-';
-    os.width(2);
-    os << static_cast<unsigned>(ymd.month()) << '-';
-    os <<;
-    if (!ymd.ok())
-        os << " is not a valid date";
-    return os;
-year_month_day::from_days(days dp) NOEXCEPT
-    static_assert(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::digits >= 18,
-             "This algorithm has not been ported to a 16 bit unsigned integer");
-    static_assert(std::numeric_limits<int>::digits >= 20,
-             "This algorithm has not been ported to a 16 bit signed integer");
-    auto const z = dp.count() + 719468;
-    auto const era = (z >= 0 ? z : z - 146096) / 146097;
-    auto const doe = static_cast<unsigned>(z - era * 146097);          // [0, 146096]
-    auto const yoe = (doe - doe/1460 + doe/36524 - doe/146096) / 365;  // [0, 399]
-    auto const y = static_cast<days::rep>(yoe) + era * 400;
-    auto const doy = doe - (365*yoe + yoe/4 - yoe/100);                // [0, 365]
-    auto const mp = (5*doy + 2)/153;                                   // [0, 11]
-    auto const d = doy - (153*mp+2)/5 + 1;                             // [1, 31]
-    auto const m = mp < 10 ? mp+3 : mp-9;                              // [1, 12]
-    return year_month_day{date::year{y + (m <= 2)}, date::month(m), date::day(d)};
-operator+(const year_month_day& ymd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return (ymd.year() / ymd.month() + dm) /;
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_day& ymd) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymd + dm;
-operator-(const year_month_day& ymd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymd + (-dm);
-operator+(const year_month_day& ymd, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return (ymd.year() + dy) / ymd.month() /;
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_day& ymd) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymd + dy;
-operator-(const year_month_day& ymd, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymd + (-dy);
-// year_month_weekday
-year_month_weekday::year_month_weekday(const date::year& y, const date::month& m,
-                                       const date::weekday_indexed& wdi)
-        NOEXCEPT
-    : y_(y)
-    , m_(m)
-    , wdi_(wdi)
-    {}
-year_month_weekday::year_month_weekday(const sys_days& dp) NOEXCEPT
-    : year_month_weekday(from_days(dp.time_since_epoch()))
-    {}
-year_month_weekday::year_month_weekday(const local_days& dp) NOEXCEPT
-    : year_month_weekday(from_days(dp.time_since_epoch()))
-    {}
-year_month_weekday::operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_weekday::operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_weekday::operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + y;
-    return *this;
-year_month_weekday::operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - y;
-    return *this;
-CONSTCD11 inline year year_month_weekday::year() const NOEXCEPT {return y_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline month year_month_weekday::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-year_month_weekday::weekday() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wdi_.weekday();
-year_month_weekday::index() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wdi_.index();
-year_month_weekday::weekday_indexed() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wdi_;
-year_month_weekday::operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return sys_days{to_days()};
-year_month_weekday::operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return local_days{to_days()};
-year_month_weekday::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    if (!y_.ok() || !m_.ok() || !wdi_.weekday().ok() || wdi_.index() < 1)
-        return false;
-    if (wdi_.index() <= 4)
-        return true;
-    auto d2 = wdi_.weekday() - date::weekday(static_cast<sys_days>(y_/m_/1)) + days((wdi_.index()-1)*7 + 1);
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(d2.count()) <= static_cast<unsigned>((y_/m_/last).day());
-year_month_weekday::from_days(days d) NOEXCEPT
-    sys_days dp{d};
-    auto const wd = date::weekday(dp);
-    auto const ymd = year_month_day(dp);
-    return {ymd.year(), ymd.month(), wd[(static_cast<unsigned>(]};
-year_month_weekday::to_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    auto d = sys_days(y_/m_/1);
-    return (d + (wdi_.weekday() - date::weekday(d) + days{(wdi_.index()-1)*7})
-           ).time_since_epoch();
-operator==(const year_month_weekday& x, const year_month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() == y.year() && x.month() == y.month() &&
-           x.weekday_indexed() == y.weekday_indexed();
-operator!=(const year_month_weekday& x, const year_month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_weekday& ymwdi)
-    return os << ymwdi.year() << '/' << ymwdi.month()
-              << '/' << ymwdi.weekday_indexed();
-operator+(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return (ymwd.year() / ymwd.month() + dm) / ymwd.weekday_indexed();
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_weekday& ymwd) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwd + dm;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwd + (-dm);
-operator+(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return {ymwd.year()+dy, ymwd.month(), ymwd.weekday_indexed()};
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_weekday& ymwd) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwd + dy;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwd + (-dy);
-// year_month_weekday_last
-year_month_weekday_last::year_month_weekday_last(const date::year& y,
-                                                 const date::month& m,
-                                                 const date::weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT
-    : y_(y)
-    , m_(m)
-    , wdl_(wdl)
-    {}
-year_month_weekday_last::operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_weekday_last::operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_weekday_last::operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + y;
-    return *this;
-year_month_weekday_last::operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - y;
-    return *this;
-CONSTCD11 inline year year_month_weekday_last::year() const NOEXCEPT {return y_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline month year_month_weekday_last::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-year_month_weekday_last::weekday() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wdl_.weekday();
-year_month_weekday_last::weekday_last() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wdl_;
-year_month_weekday_last::operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return sys_days{to_days()};
-year_month_weekday_last::operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return local_days{to_days()};
-year_month_weekday_last::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    return y_.ok() && m_.ok() && wdl_.ok();
-year_month_weekday_last::to_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    auto const d = sys_days(y_/m_/last);
-    return (d - (date::weekday{d} - wdl_.weekday())).time_since_epoch();
-operator==(const year_month_weekday_last& x, const year_month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() == y.year() && x.month() == y.month() &&
-           x.weekday_last() == y.weekday_last();
-operator!=(const year_month_weekday_last& x, const year_month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl)
-    return os << ymwdl.year() << '/' << ymwdl.month() << '/' << ymwdl.weekday_last();
-operator+(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return (ymwdl.year() / ymwdl.month() + dm) / ymwdl.weekday_last();
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwdl + dm;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwdl + (-dm);
-operator+(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return {ymwdl.year()+dy, ymwdl.month(), ymwdl.weekday_last()};
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwdl + dy;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwdl + (-dy);
-// year_month from operator/()
-operator/(const year& y, const month& m) NOEXCEPT
-    return {y, m};
-operator/(const year& y, int   m) NOEXCEPT
-    return y / month(static_cast<unsigned>(m));
-// month_day from operator/()
-operator/(const month& m, const day& d) NOEXCEPT
-    return {m, d};
-operator/(const day& d, const month& m) NOEXCEPT
-    return m / d;
-operator/(const month& m, int d) NOEXCEPT
-    return m / day(static_cast<unsigned>(d));
-operator/(int m, const day& d) NOEXCEPT
-    return month(static_cast<unsigned>(m)) / d;
-CONSTCD11 inline month_day operator/(const day& d, int m) NOEXCEPT {return m / d;}
-// month_day_last from operator/()
-operator/(const month& m, last_spec) NOEXCEPT
-    return month_day_last{m};
-operator/(last_spec, const month& m) NOEXCEPT
-    return m/last;
-operator/(int m, last_spec) NOEXCEPT
-    return month(static_cast<unsigned>(m))/last;
-operator/(last_spec, int m) NOEXCEPT
-    return m/last;
-// month_weekday from operator/()
-operator/(const month& m, const weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT
-    return {m, wdi};
-operator/(const weekday_indexed& wdi, const month& m) NOEXCEPT
-    return m / wdi;
-operator/(int m, const weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT
-    return month(static_cast<unsigned>(m)) / wdi;
-operator/(const weekday_indexed& wdi, int m) NOEXCEPT
-    return m / wdi;
-// month_weekday_last from operator/()
-operator/(const month& m, const weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return {m, wdl};
-operator/(const weekday_last& wdl, const month& m) NOEXCEPT
-    return m / wdl;
-operator/(int m, const weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return month(static_cast<unsigned>(m)) / wdl;
-operator/(const weekday_last& wdl, int m) NOEXCEPT
-    return m / wdl;
-// year_month_day from operator/()
-operator/(const year_month& ym, const day& d) NOEXCEPT
-    return {ym.year(), ym.month(), d};
-operator/(const year_month& ym, int d)  NOEXCEPT
-    return ym / day(static_cast<unsigned>(d));
-operator/(const year& y, const month_day& md) NOEXCEPT
-    return y / md.month() /;
-operator/(int y, const month_day& md) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / md;
-operator/(const month_day& md, const year& y)  NOEXCEPT
-    return y / md;
-operator/(const month_day& md, int y) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / md;
-// year_month_day_last from operator/()
-operator/(const year_month& ym, last_spec) NOEXCEPT
-    return {ym.year(), month_day_last{ym.month()}};
-operator/(const year& y, const month_day_last& mdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return {y, mdl};
-operator/(int y, const month_day_last& mdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / mdl;
-operator/(const month_day_last& mdl, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y / mdl;
-operator/(const month_day_last& mdl, int y) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / mdl;
-// year_month_weekday from operator/()
-operator/(const year_month& ym, const weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT
-    return {ym.year(), ym.month(), wdi};
-operator/(const year& y, const month_weekday& mwd) NOEXCEPT
-    return {y, mwd.month(), mwd.weekday_indexed()};
-operator/(int y, const month_weekday& mwd) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / mwd;
-operator/(const month_weekday& mwd, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y / mwd;
-operator/(const month_weekday& mwd, int y) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / mwd;
-// year_month_weekday_last from operator/()
-operator/(const year_month& ym, const weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return {ym.year(), ym.month(), wdl};
-operator/(const year& y, const month_weekday_last& mwdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return {y, mwdl.month(), mwdl.weekday_last()};
-operator/(int y, const month_weekday_last& mwdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / mwdl;
-operator/(const month_weekday_last& mwdl, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y / mwdl;
-operator/(const month_weekday_last& mwdl, int y) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / mwdl;
-template <class Duration>
-struct fields;
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Duration>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-to_stream(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const CharT* fmt,
-          const fields<Duration>& fds, const std::string* abbrev = nullptr,
-          const std::chrono::seconds* offset_sec = nullptr);
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Duration, class Alloc>
-std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&
-from_stream(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, const CharT* fmt,
-            fields<Duration>& fds, std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>* abbrev = nullptr,
-            std::chrono::minutes* offset = nullptr);
-// time_of_day
-enum {am = 1, pm};
-namespace detail
-// width<n>::value is the number of fractional decimal digits in 1/n
-// width<0>::value and width<1>::value are defined to be 0
-// If 1/n takes more than 18 fractional decimal digits,
-//   the result is truncated to 19.
-// Example:  width<2>::value    ==  1
-// Example:  width<3>::value    == 19
-// Example:  width<4>::value    ==  2
-// Example:  width<10>::value   ==  1
-// Example:  width<1000>::value ==  3
-template <std::uint64_t n, std::uint64_t d = 10, unsigned w = 0,
-          bool should_continue = !(n < 2) && d != 0 && (w < 19)>
-struct width
-    static CONSTDATA unsigned value = 1 + width<n, d%n*10, w+1>::value;
-template <std::uint64_t n, std::uint64_t d, unsigned w>
-struct width<n, d, w, false>
-    static CONSTDATA unsigned value = 0;
-template <unsigned exp>
-struct static_pow10
-    static CONSTDATA std::uint64_t h = static_pow10<exp/2>::value;
-    static CONSTDATA std::uint64_t value = h * h * (exp % 2 ? 10 : 1);
-template <>
-struct static_pow10<0>
-    static CONSTDATA std::uint64_t value = 1;
-template <class Rep, unsigned w, bool in_range = (w < 19)>
-struct make_precision
-    using type = std::chrono::duration<Rep,
-                                       std::ratio<1, static_pow10<w>::value>>;
-    static CONSTDATA unsigned width = w;
-template <class Rep, unsigned w>
-struct make_precision<Rep, w, false>
-    using type = std::chrono::duration<Rep, std::micro>;
-    static CONSTDATA unsigned width = 6;
-template <class Duration,
-          unsigned w = width<std::common_type<
-                                 Duration,
-                                 std::chrono::seconds>::type::period::den>::value>
-class decimal_format_seconds
-    using rep = typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type::rep;
-    using precision = typename make_precision<rep, w>::type;
-    static auto CONSTDATA width = make_precision<rep, w>::width;
-    std::chrono::seconds s_;
-    precision            sub_s_;
-    CONSTCD11 decimal_format_seconds()
-        : s_()
-        , sub_s_()
-        {}
-    CONSTCD11 explicit decimal_format_seconds(const Duration& d) NOEXCEPT
-        : s_(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(d))
-        , sub_s_(std::chrono::duration_cast<precision>(d - s_))
-        {}
-    CONSTCD14 std::chrono::seconds& seconds() NOEXCEPT {return s_;}
-    CONSTCD11 std::chrono::seconds seconds() const NOEXCEPT {return s_;}
-    CONSTCD11 precision subseconds() const NOEXCEPT {return sub_s_;}
-    CONSTCD14 precision to_duration() const NOEXCEPT
-    {
-        return s_ + sub_s_;
-    }
-    CONSTCD11 bool in_conventional_range() const NOEXCEPT
-    {
-        using namespace std::chrono;
-        return sub_s_ < std::chrono::seconds{1} && s_ < minutes{1};
-    }
-    template <class CharT, class Traits>
-    friend
-    std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-    operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const decimal_format_seconds& x)
-    {
-        date::detail::save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-        os.fill('0');
-        os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::right);
-        os.width(2);
-        os << x.s_.count() <<
-              std::use_facet<std::numpunct<char>>(os.getloc()).decimal_point();
-        os.width(width);
-        os << static_cast<std::int64_t>(x.sub_s_.count());
-        return os;
-    }
-template <class Duration>
-class decimal_format_seconds<Duration, 0>
-    static CONSTDATA unsigned w = 0;
-    using rep = typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type::rep;
-    using precision = std::chrono::duration<rep>;
-    static auto CONSTDATA width = make_precision<rep, w>::width;
-    std::chrono::seconds s_;
-    CONSTCD11 decimal_format_seconds() : s_() {}
-    CONSTCD11 explicit decimal_format_seconds(const precision& s) NOEXCEPT
-        : s_(s)
-        {}
-    CONSTCD14 std::chrono::seconds& seconds() NOEXCEPT {return s_;}
-    CONSTCD11 std::chrono::seconds seconds() const NOEXCEPT {return s_;}
-    CONSTCD14 precision to_duration() const NOEXCEPT {return s_;}
-    CONSTCD11 bool in_conventional_range() const NOEXCEPT
-    {
-        using namespace std::chrono;
-        return s_ < minutes{1};
-    }
-    template <class CharT, class Traits>
-    friend
-    std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-    operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const decimal_format_seconds& x)
-    {
-        date::detail::save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-        os.fill('0');
-        os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::right);
-        os.width(2);
-        os << x.s_.count();
-        return os;
-    }
-enum class classify
-    not_valid,
-    hour,
-    minute,
-    second,
-    subsecond
-template <class Duration>
-struct classify_duration
-    static CONSTDATA classify value =
-        std::is_convertible<Duration, std::chrono::hours>::value
-                ? classify::hour :
-        std::is_convertible<Duration, std::chrono::minutes>::value
-                ? classify::minute :
-        std::is_convertible<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::value
-                ? classify::second :
-        std::chrono::treat_as_floating_point<typename Duration::rep>::value
-                ? classify::not_valid :
-                classify::subsecond;
-template <class Rep, class Period>
-typename std::enable_if
-         <
-            std::numeric_limits<Rep>::is_signed,
-            std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>
-         >::type
-abs(std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> d)
-    return d >= ? d : -d;
-template <class Rep, class Period>
-typename std::enable_if
-         <
-            !std::numeric_limits<Rep>::is_signed,
-            std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>
-         >::type
-abs(std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> d)
-    return d;
-class time_of_day_base
-    std::chrono::hours   h_;
-    unsigned char mode_;
-    bool          neg_;
-    enum {is24hr};
-    CONSTCD11 time_of_day_base() NOEXCEPT
-        : h_(0)
-        , mode_(static_cast<decltype(mode_)>(is24hr))
-        , neg_(false)
-        {}
-    CONSTCD11 time_of_day_base(std::chrono::hours h, bool neg, unsigned m) NOEXCEPT
-        : h_(detail::abs(h))
-        , mode_(static_cast<decltype(mode_)>(m))
-        , neg_(neg)
-        {}
-    CONSTCD14 void make24() NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 void make12() NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 std::chrono::hours to24hr() const;
-    CONSTCD11 bool in_conventional_range() const NOEXCEPT
-    {
-        return !neg_ && h_ < days{1};
-    }
-time_of_day_base::to24hr() const
-    auto h = h_;
-    if (mode_ == am || mode_ == pm)
-    {
-        CONSTDATA auto h12 = std::chrono::hours(12);
-        if (mode_ == pm)
-        {
-            if (h != h12)
-                h = h + h12;
-        }
-        else if (h == h12)
-            h = std::chrono::hours(0);
-    }
-    return h;
-time_of_day_base::make24() NOEXCEPT
-    h_ = to24hr();
-    mode_ = is24hr;
-time_of_day_base::make12() NOEXCEPT
-    if (mode_ == is24hr)
-    {
-        CONSTDATA auto h12 = std::chrono::hours(12);
-        if (h_ >= h12)
-        {
-            if (h_ > h12)
-                h_ = h_ - h12;
-            mode_ = pm;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            if (h_ == std::chrono::hours(0))
-                h_ = h12;
-            mode_ = am;
-        }
-    }
-template <class Duration, detail::classify = detail::classify_duration<Duration>::value>
-class time_of_day_storage;
-template <class Rep, class Period>
-class time_of_day_storage<std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>, detail::classify::hour>
-    : private detail::time_of_day_base
-    using base = detail::time_of_day_base;
-    using precision = std::chrono::hours;
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1900
-    CONSTCD11 time_of_day_storage() NOEXCEPT = default;
-    CONSTCD11 time_of_day_storage() = default;
-#endif /* !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1900 */
-    CONSTCD11 explicit time_of_day_storage(std::chrono::hours since_midnight) NOEXCEPT
-        : base(since_midnight, since_midnight < std::chrono::hours{0}, is24hr)
-        {}
-    CONSTCD11 explicit time_of_day_storage(std::chrono::hours h, unsigned md) NOEXCEPT
-        : base(h, h < std::chrono::hours{0}, md)
-        {}
-    CONSTCD11 std::chrono::hours hours() const NOEXCEPT {return h_;}
-    CONSTCD11 unsigned mode() const NOEXCEPT {return mode_;}
-    CONSTCD14 explicit operator precision() const NOEXCEPT
-    {
-        auto p = to24hr();
-        if (neg_)
-            p = -p;
-        return p;
-    }
-    CONSTCD14 precision to_duration() const NOEXCEPT
-    {
-        return static_cast<precision>(*this);
-    }
-    CONSTCD14 time_of_day_storage& make24() NOEXCEPT {base::make24(); return *this;}
-    CONSTCD14 time_of_day_storage& make12() NOEXCEPT {base::make12(); return *this;}
-    CONSTCD11 bool in_conventional_range() const NOEXCEPT
-    {
-        return base::in_conventional_range();
-    }
-    template<class CharT, class Traits>
-    friend
-    std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-    operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const time_of_day_storage& t)
-    {
-        using namespace std;
-        detail::save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-        if (t.neg_)
-            os << '-';
-        os.fill('0');
-        os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::right);
-        if (t.mode_ != am && t.mode_ != pm)
-            os.width(2);
-        os << t.h_.count();
-        switch (t.mode_)
-        {
-        case time_of_day_storage::is24hr:
-            os << "00";
-            break;
-        case am:
-            os << "am";
-            break;
-        case pm:
-            os << "pm";
-            break;
-        }
-        return os;
-    }
-template <class Rep, class Period>
-class time_of_day_storage<std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>, detail::classify::minute>
-    : private detail::time_of_day_base
-    using base = detail::time_of_day_base;
-    std::chrono::minutes m_;
-   using precision = std::chrono::minutes;
-   CONSTCD11 time_of_day_storage() NOEXCEPT
-        : base()
-        , m_(0)
-        {}
-   CONSTCD11 explicit time_of_day_storage(std::chrono::minutes since_midnight) NOEXCEPT
-        : base(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::hours>(since_midnight),
-               since_midnight < std::chrono::minutes{0}, is24hr)
-        , m_(detail::abs(since_midnight) - h_)
-        {}
-    CONSTCD11 explicit time_of_day_storage(std::chrono::hours h, std::chrono::minutes m,
-                                           unsigned md) NOEXCEPT
-        : base(h, false, md)
-        , m_(m)
-        {}
-    CONSTCD11 std::chrono::hours hours() const NOEXCEPT {return h_;}
-    CONSTCD11 std::chrono::minutes minutes() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-    CONSTCD11 unsigned mode() const NOEXCEPT {return mode_;}
-    CONSTCD14 explicit operator precision() const NOEXCEPT
-    {
-        auto p = to24hr() + m_;
-        if (neg_)
-            p = -p;
-        return p;
-    }
-    CONSTCD14 precision to_duration() const NOEXCEPT
-    {
-        return static_cast<precision>(*this);
-    }
-    CONSTCD14 time_of_day_storage& make24() NOEXCEPT {base::make24(); return *this;}
-    CONSTCD14 time_of_day_storage& make12() NOEXCEPT {base::make12(); return *this;}
-    CONSTCD11 bool in_conventional_range() const NOEXCEPT
-    {
-        return base::in_conventional_range() && m_ < std::chrono::hours{1};
-    }
-    template<class CharT, class Traits>
-    friend
-    std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-    operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const time_of_day_storage& t)
-    {
-        using namespace std;
-        detail::save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-        if (t.neg_)
-            os << '-';
-        os.fill('0');
-        os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::right);
-        if (t.mode_ != am && t.mode_ != pm)
-            os.width(2);
-        os << t.h_.count() << ':';
-        os.width(2);
-        os << t.m_.count();
-        switch (t.mode_)
-        {
-        case am:
-            os << "am";
-            break;
-        case pm:
-            os << "pm";
-            break;
-        }
-        return os;
-    }
-template <class Rep, class Period>
-class time_of_day_storage<std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>, detail::classify::second>
-    : private detail::time_of_day_base
-    using base = detail::time_of_day_base;
-    using dfs = decimal_format_seconds<std::chrono::seconds>;
-    std::chrono::minutes m_;
-    dfs                  s_;
-    using precision = std::chrono::seconds;
-    CONSTCD11 time_of_day_storage() NOEXCEPT
-        : base()
-        , m_(0)
-        , s_()
-        {}
-    CONSTCD11 explicit time_of_day_storage(std::chrono::seconds since_midnight) NOEXCEPT
-        : base(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::hours>(since_midnight),
-               since_midnight < std::chrono::seconds{0}, is24hr)
-        , m_(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::minutes>(detail::abs(since_midnight) - h_))
-        , s_(detail::abs(since_midnight) - h_ - m_)
-        {}
-    CONSTCD11 explicit time_of_day_storage(std::chrono::hours h, std::chrono::minutes m,
-                                           std::chrono::seconds s, unsigned md) NOEXCEPT
-        : base(h, false, md)
-        , m_(m)
-        , s_(s)
-        {}
-    CONSTCD11 std::chrono::hours hours() const NOEXCEPT {return h_;}
-    CONSTCD11 std::chrono::minutes minutes() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-    CONSTCD14 std::chrono::seconds& seconds() NOEXCEPT {return s_.seconds();}
-    CONSTCD11 std::chrono::seconds seconds() const NOEXCEPT {return s_.seconds();}
-    CONSTCD11 unsigned mode() const NOEXCEPT {return mode_;}
-    CONSTCD14 explicit operator precision() const NOEXCEPT
-    {
-        auto p = to24hr() + s_.to_duration() + m_;
-        if (neg_)
-            p = -p;
-        return p;
-    }
-    CONSTCD14 precision to_duration() const NOEXCEPT
-    {
-        return static_cast<precision>(*this);
-    }
-    CONSTCD14 time_of_day_storage& make24() NOEXCEPT {base::make24(); return *this;}
-    CONSTCD14 time_of_day_storage& make12() NOEXCEPT {base::make12(); return *this;}
-    CONSTCD11 bool in_conventional_range() const NOEXCEPT
-    {
-        return base::in_conventional_range() && m_ < std::chrono::hours{1} &&
-                                                s_.in_conventional_range();
-    }
-    template<class CharT, class Traits>
-    friend
-    std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-    operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const time_of_day_storage& t)
-    {
-        using namespace std;
-        detail::save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-        if (t.neg_)
-            os << '-';
-        os.fill('0');
-        os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::right);
-        if (t.mode_ != am && t.mode_ != pm)
-            os.width(2);
-        os << t.h_.count() << ':';
-        os.width(2);
-        os << t.m_.count() << ':' << t.s_;
-        switch (t.mode_)
-        {
-        case am:
-            os << "am";
-            break;
-        case pm:
-            os << "pm";
-            break;
-        }
-        return os;
-    }
-    template <class CharT, class Traits, class Duration>
-    friend
-    std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-    date::to_stream(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const CharT* fmt,
-          const fields<Duration>& fds, const std::string* abbrev,
-          const std::chrono::seconds* offset_sec);
-    template <class CharT, class Traits, class Duration, class Alloc>
-    friend
-    std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&
-    date::from_stream(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, const CharT* fmt,
-          fields<Duration>& fds,
-          std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>* abbrev, std::chrono::minutes* offset);
-template <class Rep, class Period>
-class time_of_day_storage<std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>, detail::classify::subsecond>
-    : private detail::time_of_day_base
-    using Duration = std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>;
-    using dfs = decimal_format_seconds<typename std::common_type<Duration,
-                                       std::chrono::seconds>::type>;
-    using precision = typename dfs::precision;
-    using base = detail::time_of_day_base;
-    std::chrono::minutes m_;
-    dfs                  s_;
-    CONSTCD11 time_of_day_storage() NOEXCEPT
-        : base()
-        , m_(0)
-        , s_()
-        {}
-    CONSTCD11 explicit time_of_day_storage(Duration since_midnight) NOEXCEPT
-        : base(date::trunc<std::chrono::hours>(since_midnight),
-               since_midnight < Duration{0}, is24hr)
-        , m_(date::trunc<std::chrono::minutes>(detail::abs(since_midnight) - h_))
-        , s_(detail::abs(since_midnight) - h_ - m_)
-        {}
-    CONSTCD11 explicit time_of_day_storage(std::chrono::hours h, std::chrono::minutes m,
-                                           std::chrono::seconds s, precision sub_s,
-                                           unsigned md) NOEXCEPT
-        : base(h, false, md)
-        , m_(m)
-        , s_(s + sub_s)
-        {}
-    CONSTCD11 std::chrono::hours hours() const NOEXCEPT {return h_;}
-    CONSTCD11 std::chrono::minutes minutes() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-    CONSTCD14 std::chrono::seconds& seconds() NOEXCEPT {return s_.seconds();}
-    CONSTCD11 std::chrono::seconds seconds() const NOEXCEPT {return s_.seconds();}
-    CONSTCD11 precision subseconds() const NOEXCEPT {return s_.subseconds();}
-    CONSTCD11 unsigned mode() const NOEXCEPT {return mode_;}
-    CONSTCD14 explicit operator precision() const NOEXCEPT
-    {
-        auto p = to24hr() + s_.to_duration() + m_;
-        if (neg_)
-            p = -p;
-        return p;
-    }
-    CONSTCD14 precision to_duration() const NOEXCEPT
-    {
-        return static_cast<precision>(*this);
-    }
-    CONSTCD14 time_of_day_storage& make24() NOEXCEPT {base::make24(); return *this;}
-    CONSTCD14 time_of_day_storage& make12() NOEXCEPT {base::make12(); return *this;}
-    CONSTCD11 bool in_conventional_range() const NOEXCEPT
-    {
-        return base::in_conventional_range() && m_ < std::chrono::hours{1} &&
-                                                s_.in_conventional_range();
-    }
-    template<class CharT, class Traits>
-    friend
-    std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-    operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const time_of_day_storage& t)
-    {
-        using namespace std;
-        detail::save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-        if (t.neg_)
-            os << '-';
-        os.fill('0');
-        os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::right);
-        if (t.mode_ != am && t.mode_ != pm)
-            os.width(2);
-        os << t.h_.count() << ':';
-        os.width(2);
-        os << t.m_.count() << ':' << t.s_;
-        switch (t.mode_)
-        {
-        case am:
-            os << "am";
-            break;
-        case pm:
-            os << "pm";
-            break;
-        }
-        return os;
-    }
-    template <class CharT, class Traits, class Duration>
-    friend
-    std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-    date::to_stream(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const CharT* fmt,
-          const fields<Duration>& fds, const std::string* abbrev,
-          const std::chrono::seconds* offset_sec);
-    template <class CharT, class Traits, class Duration, class Alloc>
-    friend
-    std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&
-    date::from_stream(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, const CharT* fmt,
-          fields<Duration>& fds,
-          std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>* abbrev, std::chrono::minutes* offset);
-}  // namespace detail
-template <class Duration>
-class time_of_day
-    : public detail::time_of_day_storage<Duration>
-    using base = detail::time_of_day_storage<Duration>;
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1900
-    CONSTCD11 time_of_day() NOEXCEPT = default;
-    CONSTCD11 time_of_day() = default;
-#endif /* !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1900 */
-    CONSTCD11 explicit time_of_day(Duration since_midnight) NOEXCEPT
-        : base(since_midnight)
-        {}
-    template <class Arg0, class Arg1, class ...Args>
-    CONSTCD11
-    explicit time_of_day(Arg0&& arg0, Arg1&& arg1, Args&& ...args) NOEXCEPT
-        : base(std::forward<Arg0>(arg0), std::forward<Arg1>(arg1), std::forward<Args>(args)...)
-        {}
-template <class Rep, class Period,
-          class = typename std::enable_if
-              <!std::chrono::treat_as_floating_point<Rep>::value>::type>
-time_of_day<std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>>
-make_time(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& d)
-    return time_of_day<std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>>(d);
-make_time(const std::chrono::hours& h, unsigned md)
-    return time_of_day<std::chrono::hours>(h, md);
-make_time(const std::chrono::hours& h, const std::chrono::minutes& m,
-          unsigned md)
-    return time_of_day<std::chrono::minutes>(h, m, md);
-make_time(const std::chrono::hours& h, const std::chrono::minutes& m,
-          const std::chrono::seconds& s, unsigned md)
-    return time_of_day<std::chrono::seconds>(h, m, s, md);
-template <class Rep, class Period,
-          class = typename std::enable_if<std::ratio_less<Period,
-                                                          std::ratio<1>>::value>::type>
-time_of_day<std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>>
-make_time(const std::chrono::hours& h, const std::chrono::minutes& m,
-          const std::chrono::seconds& s, const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& sub_s,
-          unsigned md)
-    return time_of_day<std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>>(h, m, s, sub_s, md);
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Duration>
-typename std::enable_if
-    !std::chrono::treat_as_floating_point<typename Duration::rep>::value &&
-        std::ratio_less<typename Duration::period, days::period>::value
-    , std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const sys_time<Duration>& tp)
-    auto const dp = date::floor<days>(tp);
-    return os << year_month_day(dp) << ' ' << make_time(tp-dp);
-template <class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const sys_days& dp)
-    return os << year_month_day(dp);
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Duration>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const local_time<Duration>& ut)
-    return (os << sys_time<Duration>{ut.time_since_epoch()});
-// to_stream
-template <class Duration>
-struct fields
-    year_month_day        ymd{year{0}/0/0};
-    weekday               wd{7u};
-    time_of_day<Duration> tod{};
-    fields() = default;
-    fields(year_month_day ymd_) : ymd(ymd_) {}
-    fields(weekday wd_) : wd(wd_) {}
-    fields(time_of_day<Duration> tod_) : tod(tod_) {}
-    fields(year_month_day ymd_, weekday wd_) : ymd(ymd_), wd(wd_) {}
-    fields(year_month_day ymd_, time_of_day<Duration> tod_) : ymd(ymd_), tod(tod_) {}
-    fields(weekday wd_, time_of_day<Duration> tod_) : wd(wd_), tod(tod_) {}
-    fields(year_month_day ymd_, weekday wd_, time_of_day<Duration> tod_)
-        : ymd(ymd_)
-        , wd(wd_)
-        , tod(tod_)
-        {}
-namespace detail
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Duration>
-extract_weekday(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const fields<Duration>& fds)
-    if (!fds.ymd.ok() && !fds.wd.ok())
-    {
-        // fds does not contain a valid weekday
-        os.setstate(std::ios::failbit);
-        return 7;
-    }
-    unsigned wd;
-    if (fds.ymd.ok())
-    {
-        wd = static_cast<unsigned>(weekday{fds.ymd});
-        if (fds.wd.ok() && wd != static_cast<unsigned>(fds.wd))
-        {
-            // fds.ymd and fds.wd are inconsistent
-            os.setstate(std::ios::failbit);
-            return 7;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-        wd = static_cast<unsigned>(fds.wd);
-    return wd;
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Duration>
-extract_month(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const fields<Duration>& fds)
-    if (!fds.ymd.month().ok())
-    {
-        // fds does not contain a valid month
-        os.setstate(std::ios::failbit);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(fds.ymd.month());
-}  // namespace detail
-namespace detail
-std::pair<const std::string*, const std::string*>
-    using namespace std;
-    static const string nm[] =
-    {
-        "Sunday",
-        "Monday",
-        "Tuesday",
-        "Wednesday",
-        "Thursday",
-        "Friday",
-        "Saturday",
-        "Sun",
-        "Mon",
-        "Tue",
-        "Wed",
-        "Thu",
-        "Fri",
-        "Sat"
-    };
-    return make_pair(nm, nm+sizeof(nm)/sizeof(nm[0]));
-std::pair<const std::string*, const std::string*>
-    using namespace std;
-    static const string nm[] =
-    {
-        "January",
-        "February",
-        "March",
-        "April",
-        "May",
-        "June",
-        "July",
-        "August",
-        "September",
-        "October",
-        "November",
-        "December",
-        "Jan",
-        "Feb",
-        "Mar",
-        "Apr",
-        "May",
-        "Jun",
-        "Jul",
-        "Aug",
-        "Sep",
-        "Oct",
-        "Nov",
-        "Dec"
-    };
-    return make_pair(nm, nm+sizeof(nm)/sizeof(nm[0]));
-std::pair<const std::string*, const std::string*>
-    using namespace std;
-    static const string nm[] =
-    {
-        "AM",
-        "PM"
-    };
-    return make_pair(nm, nm+sizeof(nm)/sizeof(nm[0]));
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class FwdIter>
-scan_keyword(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, FwdIter kb, FwdIter ke)
-    using namespace std;
-    size_t nkw = static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(kb, ke));
-    const unsigned char doesnt_match = '\0';
-    const unsigned char might_match = '\1';
-    const unsigned char does_match = '\2';
-    unsigned char statbuf[100];
-    unsigned char* status = statbuf;
-    unique_ptr<unsigned char, void(*)(void*)> stat_hold(0, free);
-    if (nkw > sizeof(statbuf))
-    {
-        status = (unsigned char*)malloc(nkw);
-        if (status == nullptr)
-            throw bad_alloc();
-        stat_hold.reset(status);
-    }
-    size_t n_might_match = nkw;  // At this point, any keyword might match
-    size_t n_does_match = 0;     // but none of them definitely do
-    // Initialize all statuses to might_match, except for "" keywords are does_match
-    unsigned char* st = status;
-    for (auto ky = kb; ky != ke; ++ky, ++st)
-    {
-        if (!ky->empty())
-            *st = might_match;
-        else
-        {
-            *st = does_match;
-            --n_might_match;
-            ++n_does_match;
-        }
-    }
-    // While there might be a match, test keywords against the next CharT
-    for (size_t indx = 0; is && n_might_match > 0; ++indx)
-    {
-        // Peek at the next CharT but don't consume it
-        auto ic = is.peek();
-        if (ic == EOF)
-        {
-            is.setstate(ios::eofbit);
-            break;
-        }
-        auto c = static_cast<char>(toupper(ic));
-        bool consume = false;
-        // For each keyword which might match, see if the indx character is c
-        // If a match if found, consume c
-        // If a match is found, and that is the last character in the keyword,
-        //    then that keyword matches.
-        // If the keyword doesn't match this character, then change the keyword
-        //    to doesn't match
-        st = status;
-        for (auto ky = kb; ky != ke; ++ky, ++st)
-        {
-            if (*st == might_match)
-            {
-                if (c == static_cast<char>(toupper((*ky)[indx])))
-                {
-                    consume = true;
-                    if (ky->size() == indx+1)
-                    {
-                        *st = does_match;
-                        --n_might_match;
-                        ++n_does_match;
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    *st = doesnt_match;
-                    --n_might_match;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // consume if we matched a character
-        if (consume)
-        {
-            (void)is.get();
-            // If we consumed a character and there might be a matched keyword that
-            //   was marked matched on a previous iteration, then such keywords
-            //   are now marked as not matching.
-            if (n_might_match + n_does_match > 1)
-            {
-                st = status;
-                for (auto ky = kb; ky != ke; ++ky, ++st)
-                {
-                    if (*st == does_match && ky->size() != indx+1)
-                    {
-                        *st = doesnt_match;
-                        --n_does_match;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // We've exited the loop because we hit eof and/or we have no more "might matches".
-    // Return the first matching result
-    for (st = status; kb != ke; ++kb, ++st)
-        if (*st == does_match)
-            break;
-    if (kb == ke)
-        is.setstate(ios_base::failbit);
-    return kb;
-}  // namespace detail
-#endif  // ONLY_C_LOCALE
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Duration>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-to_stream(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const CharT* fmt,
-          const fields<Duration>& fds, const std::string* abbrev,
-          const std::chrono::seconds* offset_sec)
-    using namespace std;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using namespace detail;
-    tm tm{};
-    auto& facet = use_facet<time_put<CharT>>(os.getloc());
-    const CharT* command = nullptr;
-    CharT modified = CharT{};
-    for (; *fmt; ++fmt)
-    {
-        switch (*fmt)
-        {
-        case 'a':
-        case 'A':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    tm.tm_wday = static_cast<int>(extract_weekday(os, fds));
-                    if (
-                        return os;
-                    const CharT f[] = {'%', *fmt};
-                    facet.put(os, os, os.fill(), &tm, begin(f), end(f));
-#else  // ONLY_C_LOCALE
-                    os << weekday_names().first[tm.tm_wday+7*(*fmt == 'a')];
-#endif  // ONLY_C_LOCALE
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'b':
-        case 'B':
-        case 'h':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    tm.tm_mon = static_cast<int>(extract_month(os, fds)) - 1;
-                    const CharT f[] = {'%', *fmt};
-                    facet.put(os, os, os.fill(), &tm, begin(f), end(f));
-#else  // ONLY_C_LOCALE
-                    os << month_names().first[tm.tm_mon+12*(*fmt == 'b')];
-#endif  // ONLY_C_LOCALE
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'c':
-        case 'x':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                if (modified == CharT{'O'})
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                else
-                {
-                    tm = std::tm{};
-                    auto const& ymd = fds.ymd;
-                    auto ld = local_days(ymd);
-                    tm.tm_sec = static_cast<int>(fds.tod.seconds().count());
-                    tm.tm_min = static_cast<int>(fds.tod.minutes().count());
-                    tm.tm_hour = static_cast<int>(fds.tod.hours().count());
-                    tm.tm_mday = static_cast<int>(static_cast<unsigned>(;
-                    tm.tm_mon = static_cast<int>(extract_month(os, fds) - 1);
-                    tm.tm_year = static_cast<int>(ymd.year()) - 1900;
-                    tm.tm_wday = static_cast<int>(extract_weekday(os, fds));
-                    if (
-                        return os;
-                    tm.tm_yday = static_cast<int>((ld - local_days(ymd.year()/1/1)).count());
-                    CharT f[3] = {'%'};
-                    auto fe = begin(f) + 1;
-                    if (modified == CharT{'E'})
-                        *fe++ = modified;
-                    *fe++ = *fmt;
-                    facet.put(os, os, os.fill(), &tm, begin(f), fe);
-#else  // ONLY_C_LOCALE
-                    if (*fmt == 'c')
-                    {
-                        auto wd = static_cast<int>(extract_weekday(os, fds));
-                        os << weekday_names().first[static_cast<unsigned>(wd)+7]
-                           << ' ';
-                        os << month_names().first[extract_month(os, fds)-1+12] << ' ';
-                        auto d = static_cast<int>(static_cast<unsigned>(;
-                        if (d < 10)
-                            os << ' ';
-                        os << d << ' '
-                           << make_time(duration_cast<seconds>(fds.tod.to_duration()))
-                           << ' ' << fds.ymd.year();
-                    }
-                    else  // *fmt == 'x'
-                    {
-                        auto const& ymd = fds.ymd;
-                        save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-                        os.fill('0');
-                        os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::right);
-                        os.width(2);
-                        os << static_cast<unsigned>(ymd.month()) << CharT{'/'};
-                        os.width(2);
-                        os << static_cast<unsigned>( << CharT{'/'};
-                        os.width(2);
-                        os << static_cast<int>(ymd.year()) % 100;
-                    }
-#endif  // ONLY_C_LOCALE
-                }
-                command = nullptr;
-                modified = CharT{};
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'C':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                auto y = static_cast<int>(fds.ymd.year());
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-                    os.fill('0');
-                    os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::right);
-                    if (y >= 0)
-                    {
-                        os.width(2);
-                        os << y/100;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        os << CharT{'-'};
-                        os.width(2);
-                        os << -(y-99)/100;
-                    }
-                }
-                else if (modified == CharT{'E'})
-                {
-                    tm.tm_year = y - 1900;
-                    CharT f[3] = {'%', 'E', 'C'};
-                    facet.put(os, os, os.fill(), &tm, begin(f), end(f));
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                }
-                command = nullptr;
-                modified = CharT{};
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'd':
-        case 'e':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                auto d = static_cast<int>(static_cast<unsigned>(;
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-                    if (*fmt == CharT{'d'})
-                        os.fill('0');
-                    os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::right);
-                    os.width(2);
-                    os << d;
-                }
-                else if (modified == CharT{'O'})
-                {
-                    tm.tm_mday = d;
-                    CharT f[3] = {'%', 'O', *fmt};
-                    facet.put(os, os, os.fill(), &tm, begin(f), end(f));
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                }
-                command = nullptr;
-                modified = CharT{};
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'D':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    auto const& ymd = fds.ymd;
-                    save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-                    os.fill('0');
-                    os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::right);
-                    os.width(2);
-                    os << static_cast<unsigned>(ymd.month()) << CharT{'/'};
-                    os.width(2);
-                    os << static_cast<unsigned>( << CharT{'/'};
-                    os.width(2);
-                    os << static_cast<int>(ymd.year()) % 100;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'F':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    auto const& ymd = fds.ymd;
-                    save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-                    os.fill('0');
-                    os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::right);
-                    os.width(4);
-                    os << static_cast<int>(ymd.year()) << CharT{'-'};
-                    os.width(2);
-                    os << static_cast<unsigned>(ymd.month()) << CharT{'-'};
-                    os.width(2);
-                    os << static_cast<unsigned>(;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'g':
-        case 'G':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    auto ld = local_days(fds.ymd);
-                    auto y = year_month_day{ld + days{3}}.year();
-                    auto start = local_days((y - years{1})/date::dec/thu[last]) + (mon-thu);
-                    if (ld < start)
-                        --y;
-                    if (*fmt == CharT{'G'})
-                        os << y;
-                    else
-                    {
-                        save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-                        os.fill('0');
-                        os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::right);
-                        os.width(2);
-                        os << std::abs(static_cast<int>(y)) % 100;
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'H':
-        case 'I':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                auto hms = fds.tod;
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    if (*fmt == CharT{'I'})
-                        hms.make12();
-                    if (hms.hours() < hours{10})
-                        os << CharT{'0'};
-                    os << hms.hours().count();
-                }
-                else if (modified == CharT{'O'})
-                {
-                    const CharT f[] = {'%', modified, *fmt};
-                    tm.tm_hour = static_cast<int>(hms.hours().count());
-                    facet.put(os, os, os.fill(), &tm, begin(f), end(f));
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                }
-                modified = CharT{};
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'j':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    auto ld = local_days(fds.ymd);
-                    auto y = fds.ymd.year();
-                    auto doy = ld - local_days(y/jan/1) + days{1};
-                    save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-                    os.fill('0');
-                    os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::right);
-                    os.width(3);
-                    os << doy.count();
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'm':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                auto m = static_cast<unsigned>(fds.ymd.month());
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    if (m < 10)
-                        os << CharT{'0'};
-                    os << m;
-                }
-                else if (modified == CharT{'O'})
-                {
-                    const CharT f[] = {'%', modified, *fmt};
-                    tm.tm_mon = static_cast<int>(m-1);
-                    facet.put(os, os, os.fill(), &tm, begin(f), end(f));
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                }
-                modified = CharT{};
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'M':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    if (fds.tod.minutes() < minutes{10})
-                        os << CharT{'0'};
-                    os << fds.tod.minutes().count();
-                }
-                else if (modified == CharT{'O'})
-                {
-                    const CharT f[] = {'%', modified, *fmt};
-                    tm.tm_min = static_cast<int>(fds.tod.minutes().count());
-                    facet.put(os, os, os.fill(), &tm, begin(f), end(f));
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                }
-                modified = CharT{};
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'n':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                    os << CharT{'\n'};
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'p':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    const CharT f[] = {'%', *fmt};
-                    tm.tm_hour = static_cast<int>(fds.tod.hours().count());
-                    facet.put(os, os, os.fill(), &tm, begin(f), end(f));
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                }
-                if (fds.tod.hours() < hours{12})
-                    os << ampm_names().first[0];
-                else
-                    os << ampm_names().first[1];
-                modified = CharT{};
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'r':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    const CharT f[] = {'%', *fmt};
-                    tm.tm_hour = static_cast<int>(fds.tod.hours().count());
-                    tm.tm_min = static_cast<int>(fds.tod.minutes().count());
-                    tm.tm_sec = static_cast<int>(fds.tod.seconds().count());
-                    facet.put(os, os, os.fill(), &tm, begin(f), end(f));
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                }
-                time_of_day<seconds> tod(duration_cast<seconds>(fds.tod.to_duration()));
-                tod.make12();
-                save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-                os.fill('0');
-                os.width(2);
-                os << tod.hours().count() << CharT{':'};
-                os.width(2);
-                os << tod.minutes().count() << CharT{':'};
-                os.width(2);
-                os << tod.seconds().count() << CharT{' '};
-                tod.make24();
-                if (tod.hours() < hours{12})
-                    os << ampm_names().first[0];
-                else
-                    os << ampm_names().first[1];
-                modified = CharT{};
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'R':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    if (fds.tod.hours() < hours{10})
-                        os << CharT{'0'};
-                    os << fds.tod.hours().count() << CharT{':'};
-                    if (fds.tod.minutes() < minutes{10})
-                        os << CharT{'0'};
-                    os << fds.tod.minutes().count();
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'S':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    os << fds.tod.s_;
-                }
-                else if (modified == CharT{'O'})
-                {
-                    const CharT f[] = {'%', modified, *fmt};
-                    tm.tm_sec = static_cast<int>(fds.tod.s_.seconds().count());
-                    facet.put(os, os, os.fill(), &tm, begin(f), end(f));
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                }
-                modified = CharT{};
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 't':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                    os << CharT{'\t'};
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'T':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    os << fds.tod;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'u':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                auto wd = extract_weekday(os, fds);
-                if (
-                    return os;
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    os << (wd != 0 ? wd : 7u);
-                }
-                else if (modified == CharT{'O'})
-                {
-                    const CharT f[] = {'%', modified, *fmt};
-                    tm.tm_wday = static_cast<int>(wd);
-                    facet.put(os, os, os.fill(), &tm, begin(f), end(f));
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                }
-                modified = CharT{};
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'U':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                auto const& ymd = fds.ymd;
-                auto ld = local_days(ymd);
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    auto st = local_days(sun[1]/jan/ymd.year());
-                    if (ld < st)
-                        os << CharT{'0'} << CharT{'0'};
-                    else
-                    {
-                        auto wn = duration_cast<weeks>(ld - st).count() + 1;
-                        if (wn < 10)
-                            os << CharT{'0'};
-                        os << wn;
-                    }
-               }
-                else if (modified == CharT{'O'})
-                {
-                    const CharT f[] = {'%', modified, *fmt};
-                    tm.tm_year = static_cast<int>(ymd.year()) - 1900;
-                    tm.tm_wday = static_cast<int>(extract_weekday(os, fds));
-                    if (
-                        return os;
-                    tm.tm_yday = static_cast<int>((ld - local_days(ymd.year()/1/1)).count());
-                    facet.put(os, os, os.fill(), &tm, begin(f), end(f));
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                }
-                modified = CharT{};
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'V':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                auto ld = local_days(fds.ymd);
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    auto y = year_month_day{ld + days{3}}.year();
-                    auto st = local_days((y - years{1})/12/thu[last]) + (mon-thu);
-                    if (ld < st)
-                    {
-                        --y;
-                        st = local_days((y - years{1})/12/thu[last]) + (mon-thu);
-                    }
-                    auto wn = duration_cast<weeks>(ld - st).count() + 1;
-                    if (wn < 10)
-                        os << CharT{'0'};
-                    os << wn;
-                }
-                else if (modified == CharT{'O'})
-                {
-                    const CharT f[] = {'%', modified, *fmt};
-                    auto const& ymd = fds.ymd;
-                    tm.tm_year = static_cast<int>(ymd.year()) - 1900;
-                    tm.tm_wday = static_cast<int>(extract_weekday(os, fds));
-                    if (
-                        return os;
-                    tm.tm_yday = static_cast<int>((ld - local_days(ymd.year()/1/1)).count());
-                    facet.put(os, os, os.fill(), &tm, begin(f), end(f));
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                }
-                modified = CharT{};
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'w':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                auto wd = extract_weekday(os, fds);
-                if (
-                    return os;
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    os << wd;
-                }
-                else if (modified == CharT{'O'})
-                {
-                    const CharT f[] = {'%', modified, *fmt};
-                    tm.tm_wday = static_cast<int>(wd);
-                    facet.put(os, os, os.fill(), &tm, begin(f), end(f));
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                }
-                modified = CharT{};
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'W':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                auto const& ymd = fds.ymd;
-                auto ld = local_days(ymd);
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    auto st = local_days(mon[1]/jan/ymd.year());
-                    if (ld < st)
-                        os << CharT{'0'} << CharT{'0'};
-                    else
-                    {
-                        auto wn = duration_cast<weeks>(ld - st).count() + 1;
-                        if (wn < 10)
-                            os << CharT{'0'};
-                        os << wn;
-                    }
-                }
-                else if (modified == CharT{'O'})
-                {
-                    const CharT f[] = {'%', modified, *fmt};
-                    tm.tm_year = static_cast<int>(ymd.year()) - 1900;
-                    tm.tm_wday = static_cast<int>(extract_weekday(os, fds));
-                    if (
-                        return os;
-                    tm.tm_yday = static_cast<int>((ld - local_days(ymd.year()/1/1)).count());
-                    facet.put(os, os, os.fill(), &tm, begin(f), end(f));
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                }
-                modified = CharT{};
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'X':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                if (modified == CharT{'O'})
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                else
-                {
-                    tm = std::tm{};
-                    tm.tm_sec = static_cast<int>(fds.tod.seconds().count());
-                    tm.tm_min = static_cast<int>(fds.tod.minutes().count());
-                    tm.tm_hour = static_cast<int>(fds.tod.hours().count());
-                    CharT f[3] = {'%'};
-                    auto fe = begin(f) + 1;
-                    if (modified == CharT{'E'})
-                        *fe++ = modified;
-                    *fe++ = *fmt;
-                    facet.put(os, os, os.fill(), &tm, begin(f), fe);
-                }
-                os << fds.tod;
-                command = nullptr;
-                modified = CharT{};
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'y':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                auto y = static_cast<int>(fds.ymd.year());
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    y = std::abs(y) % 100;
-                    if (y < 10)
-                        os << CharT{'0'};
-                    os << y;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    const CharT f[] = {'%', modified, *fmt};
-                    tm.tm_year = y - 1900;
-                    facet.put(os, os, os.fill(), &tm, begin(f), end(f));
-                }
-                modified = CharT{};
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'Y':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                auto y = fds.ymd.year();
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    os << y;
-                }
-                else if (modified == CharT{'E'})
-                {
-                    const CharT f[] = {'%', modified, *fmt};
-                    tm.tm_year = static_cast<int>(y) - 1900;
-                    facet.put(os, os, os.fill(), &tm, begin(f), end(f));
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                }
-                modified = CharT{};
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'z':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                if (offset_sec == nullptr)
-                {
-                    // Can not format %z with unknown offset
-                    os.setstate(ios::failbit);
-                    return os;
-                }
-                auto m = duration_cast<minutes>(*offset_sec);
-                auto neg = m < minutes{0};
-                m = date::abs(m);
-                auto h = duration_cast<hours>(m);
-                m -= h;
-                if (neg)
-                    os << CharT{'-'};
-                else
-                    os << CharT{'+'};
-                if (h < hours{10})
-                    os << CharT{'0'};
-                os << h.count();
-                if (modified != CharT{})
-                    os << CharT{':'};
-                if (m < minutes{10})
-                    os << CharT{'0'};
-                os << m.count();
-                command = nullptr;
-                modified = CharT{};
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'Z':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    if (abbrev == nullptr)
-                    {
-                        // Can not format %Z with unknown time_zone
-                        os.setstate(ios::failbit);
-                        return os;
-                    }
-                    for (auto c : *abbrev)
-                        os << CharT(c);
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case 'E':
-        case 'O':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    modified = *fmt;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << *fmt;
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-            }
-            else
-                os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        case '%':
-            if (command)
-            {
-                if (modified == CharT{})
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'};
-                    command = nullptr;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    os << CharT{'%'} << modified << CharT{'%'};
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-            }
-            else
-                command = fmt;
-            break;
-        default:
-            if (command)
-            {
-                os << CharT{'%'};
-                command = nullptr;
-            }
-            if (modified != CharT{})
-            {
-                os << modified;
-                modified = CharT{};
-            }
-            os << *fmt;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (command)
-        os << CharT{'%'};
-    if (modified != CharT{})
-        os << modified;
-    return os;
-template <class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-to_stream(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const CharT* fmt, const year& y)
-    using CT = std::chrono::seconds;
-    fields<CT> fds{y/0/0};
-    return to_stream(os, fmt, fds);
-template <class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-to_stream(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const CharT* fmt, const month& m)
-    using CT = std::chrono::seconds;
-    fields<CT> fds{m/0/0};
-    return to_stream(os, fmt, fds);
-template <class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-to_stream(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const CharT* fmt, const day& d)
-    using CT = std::chrono::seconds;
-    fields<CT> fds{d/0/0};
-    return to_stream(os, fmt, fds);
-template <class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-to_stream(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const CharT* fmt, const weekday& wd)
-    using CT = std::chrono::seconds;
-    fields<CT> fds{wd};
-    return to_stream(os, fmt, fds);
-template <class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-to_stream(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const CharT* fmt, const year_month& ym)
-    using CT = std::chrono::seconds;
-    fields<CT> fds{ym/0};
-    return to_stream(os, fmt, fds);
-template <class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-to_stream(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const CharT* fmt, const month_day& md)
-    using CT = std::chrono::seconds;
-    fields<CT> fds{md/0};
-    return to_stream(os, fmt, fds);
-template <class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-to_stream(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const CharT* fmt,
-          const year_month_day& ymd)
-    using CT = std::chrono::seconds;
-    fields<CT> fds{ymd};
-    return to_stream(os, fmt, fds);
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Rep, class Period>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-to_stream(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const CharT* fmt,
-          const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& d)
-    using Duration = std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>;
-    using CT = typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type;
-    fields<CT> fds{time_of_day<CT>{d}};
-    return to_stream(os, fmt, fds);
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Duration>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-to_stream(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const CharT* fmt,
-          const local_time<Duration>& tp, const std::string* abbrev = nullptr,
-          const std::chrono::seconds* offset_sec = nullptr)
-    using CT = typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type;
-    auto ld = floor<days>(tp);
-    fields<CT> fds{year_month_day{ld}, time_of_day<CT>{tp-local_seconds{ld}}};
-    return to_stream(os, fmt, fds, abbrev, offset_sec);
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Duration>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-to_stream(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const CharT* fmt,
-          const sys_time<Duration>& tp)
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using CT = typename std::common_type<Duration, seconds>::type;
-    const std::string abbrev("UTC");
-    CONSTDATA seconds offset{0};
-    auto sd = floor<days>(tp);
-    fields<CT> fds{year_month_day{sd}, time_of_day<CT>{tp-sys_seconds{sd}}};
-    return to_stream(os, fmt, fds, &abbrev, &offset);
-// format
-template <class CharT, class Streamable>
-format(const std::locale& loc, const CharT* fmt, const Streamable& tp)
-    -> decltype(to_stream(std::declval<std::basic_ostream<CharT>&>(), fmt, tp),
-                std::basic_string<CharT>{})
-    std::basic_ostringstream<CharT> os;
-    os.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
-    os.imbue(loc);
-    to_stream(os, fmt, tp);
-    return os.str();
-template <class CharT, class Streamable>
-format(const CharT* fmt, const Streamable& tp)
-    -> decltype(to_stream(std::declval<std::basic_ostream<CharT>&>(), fmt, tp),
-                std::basic_string<CharT>{})
-    std::basic_ostringstream<CharT> os;
-    os.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
-    to_stream(os, fmt, tp);
-    return os.str();
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc, class Streamable>
-format(const std::locale& loc, const std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>& fmt,
-       const Streamable& tp)
-    -> decltype(to_stream(std::declval<std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&>(), fmt.c_str(), tp),
-                std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>{})
-    std::basic_ostringstream<CharT, Traits, Alloc> os;
-    os.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
-    os.imbue(loc);
-    to_stream(os, fmt.c_str(), tp);
-    return os.str();
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc, class Streamable>
-format(const std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>& fmt, const Streamable& tp)
-    -> decltype(to_stream(std::declval<std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&>(), fmt.c_str(), tp),
-                std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>{})
-    std::basic_ostringstream<CharT, Traits, Alloc> os;
-    os.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
-    to_stream(os, fmt.c_str(), tp);
-    return os.str();
-// parse
-namespace detail
-template <class CharT, class Traits>
-read_char(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, CharT fmt, std::ios::iostate& err)
-    auto ic = is.get();
-    if (Traits::eq_int_type(ic, Traits::eof()) ||
-       !Traits::eq(Traits::to_char_type(ic), fmt))
-    {
-        err |= std::ios::failbit;
-        is.setstate(std::ios::failbit);
-        return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-template <class CharT, class Traits>
-read_unsigned(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, unsigned m = 1, unsigned M = 10)
-    unsigned x = 0;
-    unsigned count = 0;
-    while (true)
-    {
-        auto ic = is.peek();
-        if (Traits::eq_int_type(ic, Traits::eof()))
-            break;
-        auto c = static_cast<char>(Traits::to_char_type(ic));
-        if (!('0' <= c && c <= '9'))
-            break;
-        (void)is.get();
-        ++count;
-        x = 10*x + static_cast<unsigned>(c - '0');
-        if (count == M)
-            break;
-    }
-    if (count < m)
-        is.setstate(std::ios::failbit);
-    return x;
-template <class CharT, class Traits>
-read_signed(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, unsigned m = 1, unsigned M = 10)
-    auto ic = is.peek();
-    if (!Traits::eq_int_type(ic, Traits::eof()))
-    {
-        auto c = static_cast<char>(Traits::to_char_type(ic));
-        if (('0' <= c && c <= '9') || c == '-' || c == '+')
-        {
-            if (c == '-' || c == '+')
-                (void)is.get();
-            auto x = static_cast<int>(read_unsigned(is, std::max(m, 1u), M));
-            if (!
-            {
-                if (c == '-')
-                    x = -x;
-                return x;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (m > 0)
-        is.setstate(std::ios::failbit);
-    return 0;
-template <class CharT, class Traits>
-long double
-read_long_double(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, unsigned m = 1, unsigned M = 10)
-    using namespace std;
-    unsigned count = 0;
-    auto decimal_point = Traits::to_int_type(
-        use_facet<numpunct<CharT>>(is.getloc()).decimal_point());
-    std::string buf;
-    while (true)
-    {
-        auto ic = is.peek();
-        if (Traits::eq_int_type(ic, Traits::eof()))
-            break;
-        if (Traits::eq_int_type(ic, decimal_point))
-        {
-            buf += '.';
-            decimal_point = Traits::eof();
-            is.get();
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            auto c = static_cast<char>(Traits::to_char_type(ic));
-            if (!('0' <= c && c <= '9'))
-                break;
-            buf += c;
-            (void)is.get();
-        }
-        if (++count == M)
-            break;
-    }
-    if (count < m)
-    {
-        is.setstate(std::ios::failbit);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return std::stold(buf);
-struct rs
-    int& i;
-    unsigned m;
-    unsigned M;
-struct ru
-    int& i;
-    unsigned m;
-    unsigned M;
-struct rld
-    long double& i;
-    unsigned m;
-    unsigned M;
-template <class CharT, class Traits>
-read(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&)
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class ...Args>
-read(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, CharT a0, Args&& ...args);
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class ...Args>
-read(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, rs a0, Args&& ...args);
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class ...Args>
-read(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, ru a0, Args&& ...args);
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class ...Args>
-read(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, int a0, Args&& ...args);
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class ...Args>
-read(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, rld a0, Args&& ...args);
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class ...Args>
-read(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, CharT a0, Args&& ...args)
-    // No-op if a0 == CharT{}
-    if (a0 != CharT{})
-    {
-        auto ic = is.peek();
-        if (Traits::eq_int_type(ic, Traits::eof()))
-        {
-            is.setstate(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::eofbit);
-            return;
-        }
-        if (!Traits::eq(Traits::to_char_type(ic), a0))
-        {
-            is.setstate(std::ios::failbit);
-            return;
-        }
-        (void)is.get();
-    }
-    read(is, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class ...Args>
-read(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, rs a0, Args&& ...args)
-    auto x = read_signed(is, a0.m, a0.M);
-    if (
-        return;
-    a0.i = x;
-    read(is, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class ...Args>
-read(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, ru a0, Args&& ...args)
-    auto x = read_unsigned(is, a0.m, a0.M);
-    if (
-        return;
-    a0.i = static_cast<int>(x);
-    read(is, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class ...Args>
-read(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, int a0, Args&& ...args)
-    if (a0 != -1)
-    {
-        auto u = static_cast<unsigned>(a0);
-        CharT buf[std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::digits10+2] = {};
-        auto e = buf;
-        do
-        {
-            *e++ = CharT(u % 10) + CharT{'0'};
-            u /= 10;
-        } while (u > 0);
-        std::reverse(buf, e);
-        for (auto p = buf; p != e && is.rdstate() == std::ios::goodbit; ++p)
-            read(is, *p);
-    }
-    if (is.rdstate() == std::ios::goodbit)
-        read(is, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class ...Args>
-read(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, rld a0, Args&& ...args)
-    auto x = read_long_double(is, a0.m, a0.M);
-    if (
-        return;
-    a0.i = x;
-    read(is, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
-}  // namespace detail;
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Duration, class Alloc = std::allocator<CharT>>
-std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&
-from_stream(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, const CharT* fmt,
-            fields<Duration>& fds, std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>* abbrev,
-            std::chrono::minutes* offset)
-    using namespace std;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    typename basic_istream<CharT, Traits>::sentry ok{is, true};
-    if (ok)
-    {
-        auto& f = use_facet<time_get<CharT>>(is.getloc());
-        std::tm tm{};
-        std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc> temp_abbrev;
-        minutes temp_offset{};
-        const CharT* command = nullptr;
-        auto modified = CharT{};
-        auto width = -1;
-        CONSTDATA int not_a_year = numeric_limits<short>::min();
-        int Y = not_a_year;
-        CONSTDATA int not_a_century = not_a_year / 100;
-        int C = not_a_century;
-        CONSTDATA int not_a_2digit_year = 100;
-        int y = not_a_2digit_year;
-        int m{};
-        int d{};
-        int j{};
-        CONSTDATA int not_a_weekday = 7;
-        int wd = not_a_weekday;
-        CONSTDATA int not_a_hour_12_value = 0;
-        int I = not_a_hour_12_value;
-        hours h{};
-        minutes min{};
-        Duration s{};
-        int g = not_a_2digit_year;
-        int G = not_a_year;
-        CONSTDATA int not_a_week_num = 100;
-        int V = not_a_week_num;
-        int U = not_a_week_num;
-        int W = not_a_week_num;
-        using detail::read;
-        using detail::rs;
-        using detail::ru;
-        using detail::rld;
-        for (; *fmt && is.rdstate() == std::ios::goodbit; ++fmt)
-        {
-            switch (*fmt)
-            {
-            case 'a':
-            case 'A':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    ios_base::iostate err = ios_base::goodbit;
-                    f.get(is, nullptr, is, err, &tm, command, fmt+1);
-                    if ((err & ios::failbit) == 0)
-                        wd = tm.tm_wday;
-                    is.setstate(err);
-                    auto nm = detail::weekday_names();
-                    auto i = detail::scan_keyword(is, nm.first, nm.second) - nm.first;
-                    if (!
-                        wd = i % 7;
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'b':
-            case 'B':
-            case 'h':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    ios_base::iostate err = ios_base::goodbit;
-                    f.get(is, nullptr, is, err, &tm, command, fmt+1);
-                    if ((err & ios::failbit) == 0)
-                        m = tm.tm_mon + 1;
-                    is.setstate(err);
-                    auto nm = detail::month_names();
-                    auto i = detail::scan_keyword(is, nm.first, nm.second) - nm.first;
-                    if (!
-                        m = i % 12 + 1;
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'c':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    ios_base::iostate err = ios_base::goodbit;
-                    f.get(is, nullptr, is, err, &tm, command, fmt+1);
-                    if ((err & ios::failbit) == 0)
-                    {
-                        Y = tm.tm_year + 1900;
-                        m = tm.tm_mon + 1;
-                        d = tm.tm_mday;
-                        h = hours{tm.tm_hour};
-                        min = minutes{tm.tm_min};
-                        s = duration_cast<Duration>(seconds{tm.tm_sec});
-                    }
-                    is.setstate(err);
-                    auto nm = detail::weekday_names();
-                    auto i = detail::scan_keyword(is, nm.first, nm.second) - nm.first;
-                    if (
-                        goto broken;
-                    wd = i % 7;
-                    ws(is);
-                    nm = detail::month_names();
-                    i = detail::scan_keyword(is, nm.first, nm.second) - nm.first;
-                    if (
-                        goto broken;
-                    m = i % 12 + 1;
-                    ws(is);
-                    read(is, rs{d, 1, 2});
-                    if (
-                        goto broken;
-                    ws(is);
-                    using dfs = detail::decimal_format_seconds<Duration>;
-                    CONSTDATA auto w = Duration::period::den == 1 ? 2 : 3 + dfs::width;
-                    int H;
-                    int M;
-                    long double S;
-                    read(is, ru{H, 1, 2}, CharT{':'}, ru{M, 1, 2},
-                                          CharT{':'}, rld{S, 1, w});
-                    if (
-                        goto broken;
-                    h = hours{H};
-                    min = minutes{M};
-                    s = round<Duration>(duration<long double>{S});
-                    ws(is);
-                    read(is, rs{Y, 1, 4u});
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'x':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    ios_base::iostate err = ios_base::goodbit;
-                    f.get(is, nullptr, is, err, &tm, command, fmt+1);
-                    if ((err & ios::failbit) == 0)
-                    {
-                        Y = tm.tm_year + 1900;
-                        m = tm.tm_mon + 1;
-                        d = tm.tm_mday;
-                    }
-                    is.setstate(err);
-                    read(is, ru{m, 1, 2}, CharT{'/'}, ru{d, 1, 2}, CharT{'/'},
-                             rs{y, 1, 2});
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'X':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    ios_base::iostate err = ios_base::goodbit;
-                    f.get(is, nullptr, is, err, &tm, command, fmt+1);
-                    if ((err & ios::failbit) == 0)
-                    {
-                        h = hours{tm.tm_hour};
-                        min = minutes{tm.tm_min};
-                        s = duration_cast<Duration>(seconds{tm.tm_sec});
-                    }
-                    is.setstate(err);
-                    using dfs = detail::decimal_format_seconds<Duration>;
-                    CONSTDATA auto w = Duration::period::den == 1 ? 2 : 3 + dfs::width;
-                    int H;
-                    int M;
-                    long double S;
-                    read(is, ru{H, 1, 2}, CharT{':'}, ru{M, 1, 2},
-                                          CharT{':'}, rld{S, 1, w});
-                    if (!
-                    {
-                        h = hours{H};
-                        min = minutes{M};
-                        s = round<Duration>(duration<long double>{S});
-                    }
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'C':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                    {
-                        read(is, rs{C, 1, width == -1 ? 2u : static_cast<unsigned>(width)});
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        ios_base::iostate err = ios_base::goodbit;
-                        f.get(is, nullptr, is, err, &tm, command, fmt+1);
-                        if ((err & ios::failbit) == 0)
-                        {
-                            auto tY = tm.tm_year + 1900;
-                            C = (tY >= 0 ? tY : tY-99) / 100;
-                        }
-                        is.setstate(err);
-                    }
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'D':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                        read(is, ru{m, 1, 2}, CharT{'\0'}, CharT{'/'}, CharT{'\0'},
-                                 ru{d, 1, 2}, CharT{'\0'}, CharT{'/'}, CharT{'\0'},
-                                 rs{y, 1, 2});
-                    else
-                        read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified, *fmt);
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'F':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                        read(is, rs{Y, 1, width == -1 ? 4u : static_cast<unsigned>(width)},
-                                 CharT{'-'}, ru{m, 1, 2}, CharT{'-'}, ru{d, 1, 2});
-                    else
-                        read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified, *fmt);
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'd':
-            case 'e':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                        read(is, rs{d, 1, width == -1 ? 2u : static_cast<unsigned>(width)});
-                    else if (modified == CharT{'O'})
-                    {
-                        ios_base::iostate err = ios_base::goodbit;
-                        f.get(is, nullptr, is, err, &tm, command, fmt+1);
-                        command = nullptr;
-                        width = -1;
-                        modified = CharT{};
-                        if ((err & ios::failbit) == 0)
-                            d = tm.tm_mday;
-                        is.setstate(err);
-                    }
-                    else
-                        read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified, *fmt);
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'H':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                    {
-                        int H;
-                        read(is, ru{H, 1, width == -1 ? 2u : static_cast<unsigned>(width)});
-                        if (!
-                            h = hours{H};
-                    }
-                    else if (modified == CharT{'O'})
-                    {
-                        ios_base::iostate err = ios_base::goodbit;
-                        f.get(is, nullptr, is, err, &tm, command, fmt+1);
-                        if ((err & ios::failbit) == 0)
-                            h = hours{tm.tm_hour};
-                        is.setstate(err);
-                    }
-                    else
-                        read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified, *fmt);
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'I':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                    {
-                        // reads in an hour into I, but most be in [1, 12]
-                        read(is, rs{I, 1, width == -1 ? 2u : static_cast<unsigned>(width)});
-                        if (I != not_a_hour_12_value)
-                        {
-                            if (!(1 <= I && I <= 12))
-                            {
-                                I = not_a_hour_12_value;
-                                goto broken;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else
-                        read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified, *fmt);
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-               break;
-            case 'j':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                        read(is, ru{j, 1, width == -1 ? 3u : static_cast<unsigned>(width)});
-                    else
-                        read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified, *fmt);
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'M':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                    {
-                        int M;
-                        read(is, ru{M, 1, width == -1 ? 2u : static_cast<unsigned>(width)});
-                        if (!
-                            min = minutes{M};
-                    }
-                    else if (modified == CharT{'O'})
-                    {
-                        ios_base::iostate err = ios_base::goodbit;
-                        f.get(is, nullptr, is, err, &tm, command, fmt+1);
-                        if ((err & ios::failbit) == 0)
-                            min = minutes{tm.tm_min};
-                        is.setstate(err);
-                    }
-                    else
-                        read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified, *fmt);
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'm':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                        read(is, rs{m, 1, width == -1 ? 2u : static_cast<unsigned>(width)});
-                    else if (modified == CharT{'O'})
-                    {
-                        ios_base::iostate err = ios_base::goodbit;
-                        f.get(is, nullptr, is, err, &tm, command, fmt+1);
-                        if ((err & ios::failbit) == 0)
-                            m = tm.tm_mon + 1;
-                        is.setstate(err);
-                    }
-                    else
-                        read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified, *fmt);
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'n':
-            case 't':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    // %n matches a single white space character
-                    // %t matches 0 or 1 white space characters
-                    auto ic = is.peek();
-                    if (Traits::eq_int_type(ic, Traits::eof()))
-                    {
-                        ios_base::iostate err = ios_base::eofbit;
-                        if (*fmt == 'n')
-                            err |= ios_base::failbit;
-                        is.setstate(err);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (isspace(ic))
-                    {
-                        (void)is.get();
-                    }
-                    else if (*fmt == 'n')
-                        is.setstate(ios_base::failbit);
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'p':
-                // Error if haven't yet seen %I
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                    {
-                        if (I == not_a_hour_12_value)
-                            goto broken;
-                        tm = std::tm{};
-                        tm.tm_hour = I;
-                        ios_base::iostate err = ios_base::goodbit;
-                        f.get(is, nullptr, is, err, &tm, command, fmt+1);
-                        if (err & ios::failbit)
-                            goto broken;
-                        h = hours{tm.tm_hour};
-                        I = not_a_hour_12_value;
-                    }
-                    else
-                        read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified, *fmt);
-                    if (I == not_a_hour_12_value)
-                        goto broken;
-                    auto nm = detail::ampm_names();
-                    auto i = detail::scan_keyword(is, nm.first, nm.second) - nm.first;
-                    if (
-                        goto broken;
-                    h = hours{I};
-                    if (i == 1)
-                    {
-                        if (h != hours{12})
-                            h += hours{12};
-                    }
-                    else if (h == hours{12})
-                        h = hours{0};
-                    I = not_a_hour_12_value;
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-               break;
-            case 'r':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    ios_base::iostate err = ios_base::goodbit;
-                    f.get(is, nullptr, is, err, &tm, command, fmt+1);
-                    if ((err & ios::failbit) == 0)
-                    {
-                        h = hours{tm.tm_hour};
-                        min = minutes{tm.tm_min};
-                        s = duration_cast<Duration>(seconds{tm.tm_sec});
-                    }
-                    is.setstate(err);
-                    using dfs = detail::decimal_format_seconds<Duration>;
-                    CONSTDATA auto w = Duration::period::den == 1 ? 2 : 3 + dfs::width;
-                    int H;
-                    int M;
-                    long double S;
-                    read(is, ru{H, 1, 2}, CharT{':'}, ru{M, 1, 2},
-                                          CharT{':'}, rld{S, 1, w});
-                    if ( || !(1 <= H && H <= 12))
-                        goto broken;
-                    ws(is);
-                    auto nm = detail::ampm_names();
-                    auto i = detail::scan_keyword(is, nm.first, nm.second) - nm.first;
-                    if (
-                        goto broken;
-                    h = hours{H};
-                    if (i == 1)
-                    {
-                        if (h != hours{12})
-                            h += hours{12};
-                    }
-                    else if (h == hours{12})
-                        h = hours{0};
-                    min = minutes{M};
-                    s = round<Duration>(duration<long double>{S});
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'R':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                    {
-                        int H, M;
-                        read(is, ru{H, 1, 2}, CharT{'\0'}, CharT{':'}, CharT{'\0'},
-                                 ru{M, 1, 2}, CharT{'\0'});
-                        if (!
-                        {
-                            h = hours{H};
-                            min = minutes{M};
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else
-                        read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified, *fmt);
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'S':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                   if (modified == CharT{})
-                    {
-                        using dfs = detail::decimal_format_seconds<Duration>;
-                        CONSTDATA auto w = Duration::period::den == 1 ? 2 : 3 + dfs::width;
-                        long double S;
-                        read(is, rld{S, 1, width == -1 ? w : static_cast<unsigned>(width)});
-                        if (!
-                            s = round<Duration>(duration<long double>{S});
-                    }
-                    else if (modified == CharT{'O'})
-                    {
-                        ios_base::iostate err = ios_base::goodbit;
-                        f.get(is, nullptr, is, err, &tm, command, fmt+1);
-                        if ((err & ios::failbit) == 0)
-                            s = duration_cast<Duration>(seconds{tm.tm_sec});
-                        is.setstate(err);
-                    }
-                    else
-                        read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified, *fmt);
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'T':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                    {
-                        using dfs = detail::decimal_format_seconds<Duration>;
-                        CONSTDATA auto w = Duration::period::den == 1 ? 2 : 3 + dfs::width;
-                        int H;
-                        int M;
-                        long double S;
-                        read(is, ru{H, 1, 2}, CharT{':'}, ru{M, 1, 2},
-                                              CharT{':'}, rld{S, 1, w});
-                        if (!
-                        {
-                            h = hours{H};
-                            min = minutes{M};
-                            s = round<Duration>(duration<long double>{S});
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else
-                        read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified, *fmt);
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'Y':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                        read(is, rs{Y, 1, width == -1 ? 4u : static_cast<unsigned>(width)});
-                    else if (modified == CharT{'E'})
-                    {
-                        ios_base::iostate err = ios_base::goodbit;
-                        f.get(is, nullptr, is, err, &tm, command, fmt+1);
-                        if ((err & ios::failbit) == 0)
-                            Y = tm.tm_year + 1900;
-                        is.setstate(err);
-                    }
-                    else
-                        read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified, *fmt);
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'y':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                        read(is, ru{y, 1, width == -1 ? 2u : static_cast<unsigned>(width)});
-                    else
-                    {
-                        ios_base::iostate err = ios_base::goodbit;
-                        f.get(is, nullptr, is, err, &tm, command, fmt+1);
-                        if ((err & ios::failbit) == 0)
-                            Y = tm.tm_year + 1900;
-                        is.setstate(err);
-                    }
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'g':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                        read(is, ru{g, 1, width == -1 ? 2u : static_cast<unsigned>(width)});
-                    else
-                        read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified, *fmt);
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'G':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                        read(is, rs{G, 1, width == -1 ? 4u : static_cast<unsigned>(width)});
-                    else
-                        read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified, *fmt);
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'U':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                        read(is, ru{U, 1, width == -1 ? 2u : static_cast<unsigned>(width)});
-                    else
-                        read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified, *fmt);
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'V':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                        read(is, ru{V, 1, width == -1 ? 2u : static_cast<unsigned>(width)});
-                    else
-                        read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified, *fmt);
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'W':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                        read(is, ru{W, 1, width == -1 ? 2u : static_cast<unsigned>(width)});
-                    else
-                        read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified, *fmt);
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'u':
-            case 'w':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                    {
-                        read(is, ru{wd, 1, width == -1 ? 1u : static_cast<unsigned>(width)});
-                        if (! && *fmt == 'u')
-                        {
-                            if (wd == 7)
-                                wd = 0;
-                            else if (wd == 0)
-                                wd = 7;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else if (modified == CharT{'O'})
-                    {
-                        ios_base::iostate err = ios_base::goodbit;
-                        f.get(is, nullptr, is, err, &tm, command, fmt+1);
-                        if ((err & ios::failbit) == 0)
-                            wd = tm.tm_wday;
-                        is.setstate(err);
-                    }
-                    else
-                        read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified, *fmt);
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'E':
-            case 'O':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                    {
-                        modified = *fmt;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified, *fmt);
-                        command = nullptr;
-                        width = -1;
-                        modified = CharT{};
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case '%':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                        read(is, *fmt);
-                    else
-                        read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified, *fmt);
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    command = fmt;
-                break;
-            case 'z':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    int H, M;
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                    {
-                        read(is, rs{H, 2, 2});
-                        if (!
-                            temp_offset = hours{H};
-                        if (is.good())
-                        {
-                            auto ic = is.peek();
-                            if (!Traits::eq_int_type(ic, Traits::eof()))
-                            {
-                                auto c = static_cast<char>(Traits::to_char_type(ic));
-                                if ('0' <= c && c <= '9')
-                                {
-                                    read(is, ru{M, 2, 2});
-                                    if (!
-                                        temp_offset += minutes{ H < 0 ? -M : M };
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        read(is, rs{H, 1, 2});
-                        if (!
-                            temp_offset = hours{H};
-                        if (is.good())
-                        {
-                            auto ic = is.peek();
-                            if (!Traits::eq_int_type(ic, Traits::eof()))
-                            {
-                                auto c = static_cast<char>(Traits::to_char_type(ic));
-                                if (c == ':')
-                                {
-                                    (void)is.get();
-                                    read(is, ru{M, 2, 2});
-                                    if (!
-                                        temp_offset += minutes{ H < 0 ? -M : M };
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            case 'Z':
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (modified == CharT{})
-                    {
-                        if (!temp_abbrev.empty())
-                            is.setstate(ios::failbit);
-                        else
-                        {
-                            while (is.rdstate() == std::ios::goodbit)
-                            {
-                                auto i = is.rdbuf()->sgetc();
-                                if (Traits::eq_int_type(i, Traits::eof()))
-                                {
-                                    is.setstate(ios::eofbit);
-                                    break;
-                                }
-                                auto wc = Traits::to_char_type(i);
-                                auto c = static_cast<char>(wc);
-                                // is c a valid time zone name or abbreviation character?
-                                if (!(CharT{1} < wc && wc < CharT{127}) || !(isalnum(c) ||
-                                        c == '_' || c == '/' || c == '-' || c == '+'))
-                                    break;
-                                temp_abbrev.push_back(c);
-                                is.rdbuf()->sbumpc();
-                            }
-                            if (temp_abbrev.empty())
-                                is.setstate(ios::failbit);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else
-                        read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified, *fmt);
-                    command = nullptr;
-                    width = -1;
-                    modified = CharT{};
-                }
-                else
-                    read(is, *fmt);
-                break;
-            default:
-                if (command)
-                {
-                    if (width == -1 && modified == CharT{} && '0' <= *fmt && *fmt <= '9')
-                    {
-                        width = static_cast<char>(*fmt) - '0';
-                        while ('0' <= fmt[1] && fmt[1] <= '9')
-                            width = 10*width + static_cast<char>(*++fmt) - '0';
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        if (modified == CharT{})
-                            read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, *fmt);
-                        else
-                            read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified, *fmt);
-                        command = nullptr;
-                        width = -1;
-                        modified = CharT{};
-                    }
-                }
-                else  // !command
-                {
-                    if (isspace(*fmt))
-                        ws(is); // space matches 0 or more white space characters
-                    else
-                        read(is, *fmt);
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        // is.rdstate() != ios::goodbit || *fmt == CharT{}
-        if (is.rdstate() == ios::goodbit && command)
-        {
-            if (modified == CharT{})
-                read(is, CharT{'%'}, width);
-            else
-                read(is, CharT{'%'}, width, modified);
-        }
-        if (is.rdstate() != ios::goodbit && *fmt != CharT{} && !
-            is.setstate(ios::failbit);
-        if (!
-        {
-            if (y != not_a_2digit_year)
-            {
-                // Convert y and an optional C to Y
-                if (!(0 <= y && y <= 99))
-                    goto broken;
-                if (C == not_a_century)
-                {
-                    if (Y == not_a_year)
-                    {
-                        if (y >= 69)
-                            C = 19;
-                        else
-                            C = 20;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        C = (Y >= 0 ? Y : Y-100) / 100;
-                    }
-                }
-                int tY;
-                if (C >= 0)
-                    tY = 100*C + y;
-                else
-                    tY = 100*(C+1) - (y == 0 ? 100 : y);
-                if (Y != not_a_year && Y != tY)
-                    goto broken;
-                Y = tY;
-            }
-            if (g != not_a_2digit_year)
-            {
-                // Convert g and an optional C to G
-                if (!(0 <= g && g <= 99))
-                    goto broken;
-                if (C == not_a_century)
-                {
-                    if (G == not_a_year)
-                    {
-                        if (g >= 69)
-                            C = 19;
-                        else
-                            C = 20;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        C = (G >= 0 ? G : G-100) / 100;
-                    }
-                }
-                int tG;
-                if (C >= 0)
-                    tG = 100*C + g;
-                else
-                    tG = 100*(C+1) - (g == 0 ? 100 : g);
-                if (G != not_a_year && G != tG)
-                    goto broken;
-                G = tG;
-            }
-            if (G != not_a_year)
-            {
-                // Convert G, V and wd to Y, m and d
-                if (V == not_a_week_num || wd == not_a_weekday)
-                    goto broken;
-                auto ymd = year_month_day{local_days(year{G-1}/dec/thu[last]) +
-                                          (mon-thu) + weeks{V-1} +
-                                          (weekday{static_cast<unsigned>(wd)}-mon)};
-                if (Y == not_a_year)
-                    Y = static_cast<int>(ymd.year());
-                else if (year{Y} != ymd.year())
-                    goto broken;
-                if (m == 0)
-                    m = static_cast<int>(static_cast<unsigned>(ymd.month()));
-                else if (month(static_cast<unsigned>(m)) != ymd.month())
-                    goto broken;
-                if (d == 0)
-                    d = static_cast<int>(static_cast<unsigned>(;
-                else if (day(static_cast<unsigned>(d)) !=
-                    goto broken;
-            }
-            if (j != 0 && Y != not_a_year)
-            {
-                auto ymd = year_month_day{local_days(year{Y}/1/1) + days{j-1}};
-                if (m == 0)
-                    m = static_cast<int>(static_cast<unsigned>(ymd.month()));
-                else if (month(static_cast<unsigned>(m)) != ymd.month())
-                    goto broken;
-                if (d == 0)
-                    d = static_cast<int>(static_cast<unsigned>(;
-                else if (day(static_cast<unsigned>(d)) !=
-                    goto broken;
-            }
-            if (U != not_a_week_num && Y != not_a_year)
-            {
-                if (wd == not_a_weekday)
-                    goto broken;
-                sys_days sd;
-                if (U == 0)
-                    sd = year{Y-1}/dec/weekday{static_cast<unsigned>(wd)}[last];
-                else
-                    sd = sys_days(year{Y}/jan/sun[1]) + weeks{U-1} +
-                         (weekday{static_cast<unsigned>(wd)} - sun);
-                year_month_day ymd = sd;
-                if (year{Y} != ymd.year())
-                    goto broken;
-                if (m == 0)
-                    m = static_cast<int>(static_cast<unsigned>(ymd.month()));
-                else if (month(static_cast<unsigned>(m)) != ymd.month())
-                    goto broken;
-                if (d == 0)
-                    d = static_cast<int>(static_cast<unsigned>(;
-                else if (day(static_cast<unsigned>(d)) !=
-                    goto broken;
-            }
-            if (W != not_a_week_num && Y != not_a_year)
-            {
-                if (wd == not_a_weekday)
-                    goto broken;
-                sys_days sd;
-                if (W == 0)
-                    sd = year{Y-1}/dec/weekday{static_cast<unsigned>(wd)}[last];
-                else
-                    sd = sys_days(year{Y}/jan/mon[1]) + weeks{W-1} +
-                         (weekday{static_cast<unsigned>(wd)} - mon);
-                year_month_day ymd = sd;
-                if (year{Y} != ymd.year())
-                    goto broken;
-                if (m == 0)
-                    m = static_cast<int>(static_cast<unsigned>(ymd.month()));
-                else if (month(static_cast<unsigned>(m)) != ymd.month())
-                    goto broken;
-                if (d == 0)
-                    d = static_cast<int>(static_cast<unsigned>(;
-                else if (day(static_cast<unsigned>(d)) !=
-                    goto broken;
-            }
-            if (Y < static_cast<int>(year::min()) || Y > static_cast<int>(year::max()))
-                Y = not_a_year;
-            auto ymd = year{Y}/m/d;
-            if (wd != not_a_weekday && ymd.ok())
-            {
-                if (weekday{static_cast<unsigned>(wd)} != weekday(ymd))
-                    goto broken;
-            }
-            fds.ymd = ymd;
-            fds.tod = time_of_day<Duration>{h};
-            fds.tod.m_ = min;
-            fds.tod.s_ = detail::decimal_format_seconds<Duration>{s};
-            if (wd != not_a_weekday)
-                fds.wd = weekday{static_cast<unsigned>(wd)};
-            if (abbrev != nullptr)
-                *abbrev = std::move(temp_abbrev);
-            if (offset != nullptr)
-                *offset = temp_offset;
-        }
-        return is;
-    }
-    is.setstate(ios_base::failbit);
-    return is;
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc = std::allocator<CharT>>
-std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&
-from_stream(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, const CharT* fmt, year& y,
-            std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>* abbrev = nullptr,
-            std::chrono::minutes* offset = nullptr)
-    using namespace std;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using CT = seconds;
-    fields<CT> fds{};
-    from_stream(is, fmt, fds, abbrev, offset);
-    if (!fds.ymd.year().ok())
-        is.setstate(ios::failbit);
-    if (!
-        y = fds.ymd.year();
-    return is;
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc = std::allocator<CharT>>
-std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&
-from_stream(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, const CharT* fmt, month& m,
-            std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>* abbrev = nullptr,
-            std::chrono::minutes* offset = nullptr)
-    using namespace std;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using CT = seconds;
-    fields<CT> fds{};
-    from_stream(is, fmt, fds, abbrev, offset);
-    if (!fds.ymd.month().ok())
-        is.setstate(ios::failbit);
-    if (!
-        m = fds.ymd.month();
-    return is;
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc = std::allocator<CharT>>
-std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&
-from_stream(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, const CharT* fmt, day& d,
-            std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>* abbrev = nullptr,
-            std::chrono::minutes* offset = nullptr)
-    using namespace std;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using CT = seconds;
-    fields<CT> fds{};
-    from_stream(is, fmt, fds, abbrev, offset);
-    if (!
-        is.setstate(ios::failbit);
-    if (!
-        d =;
-    return is;
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc = std::allocator<CharT>>
-std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&
-from_stream(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, const CharT* fmt, weekday& wd,
-            std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>* abbrev = nullptr,
-            std::chrono::minutes* offset = nullptr)
-    using namespace std;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using CT = seconds;
-    fields<CT> fds{};
-    from_stream(is, fmt, fds, abbrev, offset);
-    if (!fds.wd.ok())
-        is.setstate(ios::failbit);
-    if (!
-        wd = fds.wd;
-    return is;
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc = std::allocator<CharT>>
-std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&
-from_stream(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, const CharT* fmt, year_month& ym,
-            std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>* abbrev = nullptr,
-            std::chrono::minutes* offset = nullptr)
-    using namespace std;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using CT = seconds;
-    fields<CT> fds{};
-    from_stream(is, fmt, fds, abbrev, offset);
-    if (!fds.ymd.month().ok())
-        is.setstate(ios::failbit);
-    if (!
-        ym = fds.ymd.year()/fds.ymd.month();
-    return is;
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc = std::allocator<CharT>>
-std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&
-from_stream(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, const CharT* fmt, month_day& md,
-            std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>* abbrev = nullptr,
-            std::chrono::minutes* offset = nullptr)
-    using namespace std;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using CT = seconds;
-    fields<CT> fds{};
-    from_stream(is, fmt, fds, abbrev, offset);
-    if (!fds.ymd.month().ok() || !
-        is.setstate(ios::failbit);
-    if (!
-        md = fds.ymd.month()/;
-    return is;
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc = std::allocator<CharT>>
-std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&
-from_stream(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, const CharT* fmt,
-            year_month_day& ymd, std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>* abbrev = nullptr,
-            std::chrono::minutes* offset = nullptr)
-    using namespace std;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using CT = seconds;
-    fields<CT> fds{};
-    from_stream(is, fmt, fds, abbrev, offset);
-    if (!fds.ymd.ok())
-        is.setstate(ios::failbit);
-    if (!
-        ymd = fds.ymd;
-    return is;
-template <class Duration, class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc = std::allocator<CharT>>
-std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&
-from_stream(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, const CharT* fmt,
-            sys_time<Duration>& tp, std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>* abbrev = nullptr,
-            std::chrono::minutes* offset = nullptr)
-    using namespace std;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using CT = typename common_type<Duration, seconds>::type;
-    minutes offset_local{};
-    auto offptr = offset ? offset : &offset_local;
-    fields<CT> fds{};
-    from_stream(is, fmt, fds, abbrev, offptr);
-    if (!fds.ymd.ok() || !fds.tod.in_conventional_range())
-        is.setstate(ios::failbit);
-    if (!
-        tp = round<Duration>(sys_days(fds.ymd) - *offptr + fds.tod.to_duration());
-    return is;
-template <class Duration, class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc = std::allocator<CharT>>
-std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&
-from_stream(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, const CharT* fmt,
-            local_time<Duration>& tp, std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>* abbrev = nullptr,
-            std::chrono::minutes* offset = nullptr)
-    using namespace std;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using CT = typename common_type<Duration, seconds>::type;
-    fields<CT> fds{};
-    from_stream(is, fmt, fds, abbrev, offset);
-    if (!fds.ymd.ok() || !fds.tod.in_conventional_range())
-        is.setstate(ios::failbit);
-    if (!
-        tp = round<Duration>(local_seconds{local_days(fds.ymd)} + fds.tod.to_duration());
-    return is;
-template <class Rep, class Period, class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc = std::allocator<CharT>>
-std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&
-from_stream(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, const CharT* fmt,
-            std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& d,
-            std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>* abbrev = nullptr,
-            std::chrono::minutes* offset = nullptr)
-    using namespace std;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using Duration = std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>;
-    using CT = typename common_type<Duration, seconds>::type;
-    fields<CT> fds{};
-    from_stream(is, fmt, fds, abbrev, offset);
-    if (!
-        d = duration_cast<Duration>(fds.tod.to_duration());
-    return is;
-template <class Parsable, class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>,
-          class Alloc = std::allocator<CharT>>
-struct parse_manip
-    const std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc> format_;
-    Parsable&                                     tp_;
-    std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>*      abbrev_;
-    std::chrono::minutes*                         offset_;
-    parse_manip(std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc> format, Parsable& tp,
-                std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>* abbrev = nullptr,
-                std::chrono::minutes* offset = nullptr)
-        : format_(std::move(format))
-        , tp_(tp)
-        , abbrev_(abbrev)
-        , offset_(offset)
-        {}
-template <class Parsable, class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc>
-std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator>>(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is,
-           const parse_manip<Parsable, CharT, Traits, Alloc>& x)
-    return from_stream(is, x.format_.c_str(), x.tp_, x.abbrev_, x.offset_);
-template <class Parsable, class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc>
-parse(const std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>& format, Parsable& tp)
-    -> decltype(from_stream(std::declval<std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&>(),
-                            format.c_str(), tp),
-                parse_manip<Parsable, CharT, Traits, Alloc>{format, tp})
-    return {format, tp};
-template <class Parsable, class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc>
-parse(const std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>& format, Parsable& tp,
-      std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>& abbrev)
-    -> decltype(from_stream(std::declval<std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&>(),
-                            format.c_str(), tp, &abbrev),
-                parse_manip<Parsable, CharT, Traits, Alloc>{format, tp, &abbrev})
-    return {format, tp, &abbrev};
-template <class Parsable, class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc>
-parse(const std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>& format, Parsable& tp,
-      std::chrono::minutes& offset)
-    -> decltype(from_stream(std::declval<std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&>(),
-                            format.c_str(), tp, nullptr, &offset),
-                parse_manip<Parsable, CharT, Traits, Alloc>{format, tp, nullptr, &offset})
-    return {format, tp, nullptr, &offset};
-template <class Parsable, class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc>
-parse(const std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>& format, Parsable& tp,
-      std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>& abbrev, std::chrono::minutes& offset)
-    -> decltype(from_stream(std::declval<std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&>(),
-                            format.c_str(), tp, &abbrev, &offset),
-                parse_manip<Parsable, CharT, Traits, Alloc>{format, tp, &abbrev, &offset})
-    return {format, tp, &abbrev, &offset};
-// const CharT* formats
-template <class Parsable, class CharT>
-parse(const CharT* format, Parsable& tp)
-    -> decltype(from_stream(std::declval<std::basic_istream<CharT>&>(), format, tp),
-                parse_manip<Parsable, CharT>{format, tp})
-    return {format, tp};
-template <class Parsable, class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc>
-parse(const CharT* format, Parsable& tp, std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>& abbrev)
-    -> decltype(from_stream(std::declval<std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&>(), format,
-                            tp, &abbrev),
-                parse_manip<Parsable, CharT, Traits, Alloc>{format, tp, &abbrev})
-    return {format, tp, &abbrev};
-template <class Parsable, class CharT>
-parse(const CharT* format, Parsable& tp, std::chrono::minutes& offset)
-    -> decltype(from_stream(std::declval<std::basic_istream<CharT>&>(), format,
-                            tp, nullptr, &offset),
-                parse_manip<Parsable, CharT>{format, tp, nullptr, &offset})
-    return {format, tp, nullptr, &offset};
-template <class Parsable, class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc>
-parse(const CharT* format, Parsable& tp,
-      std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>& abbrev, std::chrono::minutes& offset)
-    -> decltype(from_stream(std::declval<std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&>(), format,
-                            tp, &abbrev, &offset),
-                parse_manip<Parsable, CharT, Traits, Alloc>{format, tp, &abbrev, &offset})
-    return {format, tp, &abbrev, &offset};
-// duration streaming
-namespace detail
-#if __cplusplus >= 201402  && (!defined(__EDG_VERSION__) || __EDG_VERSION__ > 411) \
-                           && (!defined(__SUNPRO_CC) || __SUNPRO_CC > 0x5150)
-template <class CharT, std::size_t N>
-class string_literal
-    CharT p_[N];
-    using const_iterator = const CharT*;
-    string_literal(string_literal const&) = default;
-    string_literal& operator=(string_literal const&) = delete;
-    template <std::size_t N1 = 2,
-              class = std::enable_if_t<N1 == N>>
-    CONSTCD14 string_literal(CharT c) NOEXCEPT
-        : p_{c}
-    {
-    }
-    CONSTCD14 string_literal(const CharT(&a)[N]) NOEXCEPT
-        : p_{}
-    {
-        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)
-            p_[i] = a[i];
-    }
-    template <class U = CharT, class = std::enable_if_t<1 < sizeof(U)>>
-    CONSTCD14 string_literal(const char(&a)[N]) NOEXCEPT
-        : p_{}
-    {
-        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)
-            p_[i] = a[i];
-    }
-    template <class CharT2, class = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<CharT2, CharT>{}>>
-    CONSTCD14 string_literal(string_literal<CharT2, N> const& a) NOEXCEPT
-        : p_{}
-    {
-        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)
-            p_[i] = a[i];
-    }
-    template <std::size_t N1, std::size_t N2,
-              class = std::enable_if_t<N1 + N2 - 1 == N>>
-    CONSTCD14 string_literal(const string_literal<CharT, N1>& x,
-                             const string_literal<CharT, N2>& y) NOEXCEPT
-        : p_{}
-    {
-        std::size_t i = 0;
-        for (; i < N1-1; ++i)
-            p_[i] = x[i];
-        for (std::size_t j = 0; j < N2; ++j, ++i)
-            p_[i] = y[j];
-    }
-    CONSTCD14 const CharT* data() const NOEXCEPT {return p_;}
-    CONSTCD14 std::size_t size() const NOEXCEPT {return N-1;}
-    CONSTCD14 const_iterator begin() const NOEXCEPT {return p_;}
-    CONSTCD14 const_iterator end()   const NOEXCEPT {return p_ + N-1;}
-    CONSTCD14 CharT const& operator[](std::size_t n) const NOEXCEPT
-    {
-        return p_[n];
-    }
-    template <class Traits>
-    friend
-    std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-    operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const string_literal& s)
-    {
-        return os << s.p_;
-    }
-template <class CharT1, class CharT2, std::size_t N1, std::size_t N2>
-string_literal<std::conditional_t<sizeof(CharT2) <= sizeof(CharT1), CharT1, CharT2>,
-               N1 + N2 - 1>
-operator+(const string_literal<CharT1, N1>& x, const string_literal<CharT2, N2>& y) NOEXCEPT
-    using CharT = std::conditional_t<sizeof(CharT2) <= sizeof(CharT1), CharT1, CharT2>;
-    return string_literal<CharT, N1 + N2 - 1>{string_literal<CharT, N1>{x},
-                                              string_literal<CharT, N2>{y}};
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc, std::size_t N>
-std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>
-operator+(std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc> x,
-          const string_literal<CharT, N>& y) NOEXCEPT
-    x.append(, y.size());
-    return x;
-template <class CharT, std::size_t N>
-string_literal<CharT, N>
-msl(const CharT(&a)[N]) NOEXCEPT
-    return string_literal<CharT, N>{a};
-template <class CharT,
-          class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<CharT, char>{} ||
-                                   std::is_same<CharT, wchar_t>{} ||
-                                   std::is_same<CharT, char16_t>{} ||
-                                   std::is_same<CharT, char32_t>{}>>
-string_literal<CharT, 2>
-msl(CharT c) NOEXCEPT
-    return string_literal<CharT, 2>{c};
-to_string_len(std::intmax_t i)
-    std::size_t r = 0;
-    do
-    {
-        i /= 10;
-        ++r;
-    } while (i > 0);
-    return r;
-template <std::intmax_t N>
-    N < 10,
-    string_literal<char, to_string_len(N)+1>
-    return msl(char(N % 10 + '0'));
-template <std::intmax_t N>
-    10 <= N,
-    string_literal<char, to_string_len(N)+1>
-    return msl<N/10>() + msl(char(N % 10 + '0'));
-template <class CharT, std::intmax_t N, std::intmax_t D>
-    std::ratio<N, D>::type::den != 1,
-    string_literal<CharT, to_string_len(std::ratio<N, D>::type::num) +
-                          to_string_len(std::ratio<N, D>::type::den) + 4>
-msl(std::ratio<N, D>) NOEXCEPT
-    using R = typename std::ratio<N, D>::type;
-    return msl(CharT{'['}) + msl<R::num>() + msl(CharT{'/'}) +
-                             msl<R::den>() + msl(CharT{']'});
-template <class CharT, std::intmax_t N, std::intmax_t D>
-    std::ratio<N, D>::type::den == 1,
-    string_literal<CharT, to_string_len(std::ratio<N, D>::type::num) + 3>
-msl(std::ratio<N, D>) NOEXCEPT
-    using R = typename std::ratio<N, D>::type;
-    return msl(CharT{'['}) + msl<R::num>() + msl(CharT{']'});
-template <class CharT>
-msl(std::atto) NOEXCEPT
-    return msl(CharT{'a'});
-template <class CharT>
-msl(std::femto) NOEXCEPT
-    return msl(CharT{'f'});
-template <class CharT>
-msl(std::pico) NOEXCEPT
-    return msl(CharT{'p'});
-template <class CharT>
-msl(std::nano) NOEXCEPT
-    return msl(CharT{'n'});
-template <class CharT>
-    std::is_same<CharT, char>{},
-    string_literal<char, 3>
-msl(std::micro) NOEXCEPT
-    return string_literal<char, 3>{"\xC2\xB5"};
-template <class CharT>
-    !std::is_same<CharT, char>{},
-    string_literal<CharT, 2>
-msl(std::micro) NOEXCEPT
-    return string_literal<CharT, 2>{CharT{static_cast<unsigned char>('\xB5')}};
-template <class CharT>
-msl(std::milli) NOEXCEPT
-    return msl(CharT{'m'});
-template <class CharT>
-msl(std::centi) NOEXCEPT
-    return msl(CharT{'c'});
-template <class CharT>
-msl(std::deci) NOEXCEPT
-    return msl(CharT{'d'});
-template <class CharT>
-msl(std::deca) NOEXCEPT
-    return string_literal<CharT, 3>{"da"};
-template <class CharT>
-msl(std::hecto) NOEXCEPT
-    return msl(CharT{'h'});
-template <class CharT>
-msl(std::kilo) NOEXCEPT
-    return msl(CharT{'k'});
-template <class CharT>
-msl(std::mega) NOEXCEPT
-    return msl(CharT{'M'});
-template <class CharT>
-msl(std::giga) NOEXCEPT
-    return msl(CharT{'G'});
-template <class CharT>
-msl(std::tera) NOEXCEPT
-    return msl(CharT{'T'});
-template <class CharT>
-msl(std::peta) NOEXCEPT
-    return msl(CharT{'P'});
-template <class CharT>
-msl(std::exa) NOEXCEPT
-    return msl(CharT{'E'});
-template <class CharT, class Period>
-get_units(Period p)
-    return msl<CharT>(p) + string_literal<CharT, 2>{"s"};
-template <class CharT>
-    return string_literal<CharT, 2>{"s"};
-template <class CharT>
-    return string_literal<CharT, 4>{"min"};
-template <class CharT>
-    return string_literal<CharT, 2>{"h"};
-#else  // __cplusplus < 201402 || (defined(__EDG_VERSION__) && __EDG_VERSION__ <= 411)
-to_string(std::uint64_t x)
-    return std::to_string(x);
-template <class CharT>
-to_string(std::uint64_t x)
-    auto y = std::to_string(x);
-    return std::basic_string<CharT>(y.begin(), y.end());
-template <class CharT, std::intmax_t N, std::intmax_t D>
-typename std::enable_if
-    std::ratio<N, D>::type::den != 1,
-    std::basic_string<CharT>
-msl(std::ratio<N, D>)
-    using R = typename std::ratio<N, D>::type;
-    return std::basic_string<CharT>(1, '[') + to_string<CharT>(R::num) + CharT{'/'} +
-                                              to_string<CharT>(R::den) + CharT{']'};
-template <class CharT, std::intmax_t N, std::intmax_t D>
-typename std::enable_if
-    std::ratio<N, D>::type::den == 1,
-    std::basic_string<CharT>
-msl(std::ratio<N, D>)
-    using R = typename std::ratio<N, D>::type;
-    return std::basic_string<CharT>(1, '[') + to_string<CharT>(R::num) + CharT{']'};
-template <class CharT>
-    return {'a'};
-template <class CharT>
-    return {'f'};
-template <class CharT>
-    return {'p'};
-template <class CharT>
-    return {'n'};
-template <class CharT>
-typename std::enable_if
-    std::is_same<CharT, char>::value,
-    std::string
-    return "\xC2\xB5";
-template <class CharT>
-typename std::enable_if
-    !std::is_same<CharT, char>::value,
-    std::basic_string<CharT>
-    return {CharT(static_cast<unsigned char>('\xB5'))};
-template <class CharT>
-    return {'m'};
-template <class CharT>
-    return {'c'};
-template <class CharT>
-    return {'d'};
-template <class CharT>
-    return {'d', 'a'};
-template <class CharT>
-    return {'h'};
-template <class CharT>
-    return {'k'};
-template <class CharT>
-    return {'M'};
-template <class CharT>
-    return {'G'};
-template <class CharT>
-    return {'T'};
-template <class CharT>
-    return {'P'};
-template <class CharT>
-    return {'E'};
-template <class CharT, class Period>
-get_units(Period p)
-    return msl<CharT>(p) + CharT{'s'};
-template <class CharT>
-    return {'s'};
-template <class CharT>
-    return {'m', 'i', 'n'};
-template <class CharT>
-    return {'h'};
-#endif  // __cplusplus < 201402 || (defined(__EDG_VERSION__) && __EDG_VERSION__ <= 411)
-template <class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>>
-struct make_string;
-template <>
-struct make_string<char>
-    template <class Rep>
-    static
-    std::string
-    from(Rep n)
-    {
-        return std::to_string(n);
-    }
-template <class Traits>
-struct make_string<char, Traits>
-    template <class Rep>
-    static
-    std::basic_string<char, Traits>
-    from(Rep n)
-    {
-        auto s = std::to_string(n);
-        return std::basic_string<char, Traits>(s.begin(), s.end());
-    }
-template <>
-struct make_string<wchar_t>
-    template <class Rep>
-    static
-    std::wstring
-    from(Rep n)
-    {
-        return std::to_wstring(n);
-    }
-template <class Traits>
-struct make_string<wchar_t, Traits>
-    template <class Rep>
-    static
-    std::basic_string<wchar_t, Traits>
-    from(Rep n)
-    {
-        auto s = std::to_wstring(n);
-        return std::basic_string<wchar_t, Traits>(s.begin(), s.end());
-    }
-}  // namespace detail
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Rep, class Period>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os,
-           const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& d)
-    using namespace detail;
-    return os << make_string<CharT, Traits>::from(d.count()) +
-                 get_units<CharT>(typename Period::type{});
-}  // namespace date
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
-#endif  // DATE_H
diff --git a/thirdparty/date/include/date/ios.h b/thirdparty/date/include/date/ios.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ee54b9d..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/date/include/date/ios.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-//  ios.h
-//  DateTimeLib
-// The MIT License (MIT)
-// Copyright (c) 2016 Alexander Kormanovsky
-// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-#ifndef ios_hpp
-#define ios_hpp
-#if __APPLE__
-# include <TargetConditionals.h>
-#   include <string>
-    namespace date
-    {
-    namespace iOSUtils
-    {
-    std::string get_tzdata_path();
-    std::string get_current_timezone();
-    }  // namespace iOSUtils
-    }  // namespace date
-# endif  // TARGET_OS_IPHONE
-#else   // !__APPLE__
-# define TARGET_OS_IPHONE 0
-#endif  // !__APPLE__
-#endif // ios_hpp
diff --git a/thirdparty/date/include/date/islamic.h b/thirdparty/date/include/date/islamic.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b18c493..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/date/include/date/islamic.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3031 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef ISLAMIC_H
-#define ISLAMIC_H
-// The MIT License (MIT)
-// Copyright (c) 2016 Howard Hinnant
-// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-// Our apologies.  When the previous paragraph was written, lowercase had not yet
-// been invented (that would involve another several millennia of evolution).
-// We did not mean to shout.
-#include "date.h"
-namespace islamic
-// durations
-using days = date::days;
-using weeks = date::weeks;
-using years = std::chrono::duration
-    <int, std::ratio_multiply<std::ratio<10631, 30>, days::period>>;
-using months = std::chrono::duration
-    <int, std::ratio_divide<years::period, std::ratio<12>>>;
-// time_point
-using sys_days   = date::sys_days;
-using local_days = date::local_days;
-// types
-struct last_spec
-    explicit last_spec() = default;
-class day;
-class month;
-class year;
-class weekday;
-class weekday_indexed;
-class weekday_last;
-class month_day;
-class month_day_last;
-class month_weekday;
-class month_weekday_last;
-class year_month;
-class year_month_day;
-class year_month_day_last;
-class year_month_weekday;
-class year_month_weekday_last;
-// date composition operators
-CONSTCD11 year_month operator/(const year& y, const month& m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month operator/(const year& y, int          m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day operator/(const day& d, const month& m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day operator/(const day& d, int          m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day operator/(const month& m, const day& d) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day operator/(const month& m, int        d) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day operator/(int          m, const day& d) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day_last operator/(const month& m, last_spec) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day_last operator/(int          m, last_spec) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day_last operator/(last_spec, const month& m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day_last operator/(last_spec, int          m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday operator/(const month& m, const weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday operator/(int          m, const weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday operator/(const weekday_indexed& wdi, const month& m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday operator/(const weekday_indexed& wdi, int          m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday_last operator/(const month& m, const weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday_last operator/(int          m, const weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday_last operator/(const weekday_last& wdl, const month& m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday_last operator/(const weekday_last& wdl, int          m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator/(const year_month& ym, const day& d) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator/(const year_month& ym, int        d) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator/(const year& y, const month_day& md) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator/(int         y, const month_day& md) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator/(const month_day& md, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator/(const month_day& md, int         y) NOEXCEPT;
-    year_month_day_last operator/(const year_month& ym,   last_spec) NOEXCEPT;
-    year_month_day_last operator/(const year& y, const month_day_last& mdl) NOEXCEPT;
-    year_month_day_last operator/(int         y, const month_day_last& mdl) NOEXCEPT;
-    year_month_day_last operator/(const month_day_last& mdl, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    year_month_day_last operator/(const month_day_last& mdl, int         y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const year_month& ym, const weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const year&        y, const month_weekday&   mwd) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(int                y, const month_weekday&   mwd) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const month_weekday& mwd, const year&          y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const month_weekday& mwd, int                  y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const year_month& ym, const weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const year& y, const month_weekday_last& mwdl) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(int         y, const month_weekday_last& mwdl) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const month_weekday_last& mwdl, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const month_weekday_last& mwdl, int         y) NOEXCEPT;
-// Detailed interface
-// day
-class day
-    unsigned char d_;
-    explicit CONSTCD11 day(unsigned d) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 day& operator++()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 day  operator++(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 day& operator--()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 day  operator--(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 day& operator+=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 day& operator-=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit operator unsigned() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 day  operator+(const day&  x, const days& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 day  operator+(const days& x, const day&  y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 day  operator-(const day&  x, const days& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 days operator-(const day&  x, const day&  y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const day& d);
-// month
-class month
-    unsigned char m_;
-    explicit CONSTCD11 month(unsigned m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 month& operator++()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 month  operator++(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 month& operator--()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 month  operator--(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 month& operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 month& operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit operator unsigned() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 month  operator+(const month&  x, const months& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 month  operator+(const months& x,  const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 month  operator-(const month&  x, const months& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 months operator-(const month&  x,  const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month& m);
-// year
-class year
-    short y_;
-    explicit CONSTCD11 year(int y) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year& operator++()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year  operator++(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year& operator--()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year  operator--(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year& operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year& operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool is_leap() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit operator int() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    static CONSTCD11 year min() NOEXCEPT;
-    static CONSTCD11 year max() NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year  operator+(const year&  x, const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year  operator+(const years& x, const year&  y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year  operator-(const year&  x, const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 years operator-(const year&  x, const year&  y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year& y);
-// weekday
-class weekday
-    unsigned char wd_;
-    explicit CONSTCD11 weekday(unsigned wd) NOEXCEPT;
-    explicit weekday(int) = delete;
-    CONSTCD11 weekday(const sys_days& dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit weekday(const local_days& dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 weekday& operator++()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 weekday  operator++(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 weekday& operator--()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 weekday  operator--(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 weekday& operator+=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 weekday& operator-=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit operator unsigned() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 weekday_indexed operator[](unsigned index) const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 weekday_last    operator[](last_spec)      const NOEXCEPT;
-    static CONSTCD11 unsigned char weekday_from_days(int z) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 weekday operator+(const weekday& x, const days&    y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 weekday operator+(const days&    x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 weekday operator-(const weekday& x, const days&    y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 days    operator-(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weekday& wd);
-// weekday_indexed
-class weekday_indexed
-    unsigned char wd_    : 4;
-    unsigned char index_ : 4;
-    CONSTCD11 weekday_indexed(const islamic::weekday& wd, unsigned index) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::weekday weekday() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 unsigned index() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const weekday_indexed& x, const weekday_indexed& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const weekday_indexed& x, const weekday_indexed& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weekday_indexed& wdi);
-// weekday_last
-class weekday_last
-    islamic::weekday wd_;
-    explicit CONSTCD11 weekday_last(const islamic::weekday& wd) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::weekday weekday() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const weekday_last& x, const weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const weekday_last& x, const weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weekday_last& wdl);
-// year_month
-class year_month
-    islamic::year  y_;
-    islamic::month m_;
-    CONSTCD11 year_month(const islamic::year& y, const islamic::month& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::year  year()  const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::month month() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month& operator+=(const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month& operator-=(const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month& operator+=(const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month& operator-=(const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 year_month operator+(const year_month& ym, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 year_month operator+(const months& dm, const year_month& ym) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 year_month operator-(const year_month& ym, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 months operator-(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month operator+(const year_month& ym, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month operator+(const years& dy, const year_month& ym) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month operator-(const year_month& ym, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month& ym);
-// month_day
-class month_day
-    islamic::month m_;
-    islamic::day   d_;
-    CONSTCD11 month_day(const islamic::month& m, const islamic::day& d) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::month month() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::day   day() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_day& md);
-// month_day_last
-class month_day_last
-    islamic::month m_;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit month_day_last(const islamic::month& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::month month() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_day_last& mdl);
-// month_weekday
-class month_weekday
-    islamic::month           m_;
-    islamic::weekday_indexed wdi_;
-    CONSTCD11 month_weekday(const islamic::month& m,
-                            const islamic::weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::month           month()           const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::weekday_indexed weekday_indexed() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const month_weekday& x, const month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const month_weekday& x, const month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_weekday& mwd);
-// month_weekday_last
-class month_weekday_last
-    islamic::month        m_;
-    islamic::weekday_last wdl_;
-    CONSTCD11 month_weekday_last(const islamic::month& m,
-                                 const islamic::weekday_last& wd) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::month        month()        const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::weekday_last weekday_last() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator==(const month_weekday_last& x, const month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator!=(const month_weekday_last& x, const month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_weekday_last& mwdl);
-// class year_month_day
-class year_month_day
-    islamic::year  y_;
-    islamic::month m_;
-    islamic::day   d_;
-    CONSTCD11 year_month_day(const islamic::year& y, const islamic::month& m,
-                             const islamic::day& d) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day(const year_month_day_last& ymdl) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day(sys_days dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 explicit year_month_day(local_days dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day& operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day& operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day& operator+=(const years& y)  NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day& operator-=(const years& y)  NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::year  year()  const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::month month() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::day   day()   const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 explicit operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    static CONSTCD14 year_month_day from_days(days dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 days to_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 year_month_day operator+(const year_month_day& ymd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 year_month_day operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_day& ymd) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 year_month_day operator-(const year_month_day& ymd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator+(const year_month_day& ymd, const years& dy)  NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_day& ymd)  NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator-(const year_month_day& ymd, const years& dy)  NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_day& ymd);
-// year_month_day_last
-class year_month_day_last
-    islamic::year           y_;
-    islamic::month_day_last mdl_;
-    CONSTCD11 year_month_day_last(const islamic::year& y,
-                                  const islamic::month_day_last& mdl) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day_last& operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day_last& operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day_last& operator+=(const years& y)  NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day_last& operator-=(const years& y)  NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::year           year()           const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::month          month()          const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::month_day_last month_day_last() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 islamic::day            day()            const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 explicit operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator==(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator!=(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator< (const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator> (const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator<=(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator>=(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_day_last& ymdl) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_day_last& ymdl) NOEXCEPT;
-operator-(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-operator-(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_day_last& ymdl);
-// year_month_weekday
-class year_month_weekday
-    islamic::year            y_;
-    islamic::month           m_;
-    islamic::weekday_indexed wdi_;
-    CONSTCD11 year_month_weekday(const islamic::year& y, const islamic::month& m,
-                                   const islamic::weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday(const sys_days& dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 explicit year_month_weekday(const local_days& dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday& operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday& operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday& operator+=(const years& y)  NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday& operator-=(const years& y)  NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::year year() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::month month() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::weekday weekday() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 unsigned index() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::weekday_indexed weekday_indexed() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 explicit operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    static CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday from_days(days dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 days to_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator==(const year_month_weekday& x, const year_month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator!=(const year_month_weekday& x, const year_month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_weekday& ymwd) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_weekday& ymwd) NOEXCEPT;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_weekday& ymwdi);
-// year_month_weekday_last
-class year_month_weekday_last
-    islamic::year y_;
-    islamic::month m_;
-    islamic::weekday_last wdl_;
-    CONSTCD11 year_month_weekday_last(const islamic::year& y, const islamic::month& m,
-                                      const islamic::weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday_last& operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday_last& operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday_last& operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday_last& operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::year year() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::month month() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::weekday weekday() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 islamic::weekday_last weekday_last() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 explicit operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 days to_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-operator==(const year_month_weekday_last& x, const year_month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator!=(const year_month_weekday_last& x, const year_month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl) NOEXCEPT;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl);
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-inline namespace literals
-CONSTCD11 islamic::day  operator "" _d(unsigned long long d) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 islamic::year operator "" _y(unsigned long long y) NOEXCEPT;
-}  // inline namespace literals
-#endif // !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-// Implementation |
-// day
-CONSTCD11 inline day::day(unsigned d) NOEXCEPT : d_(static_cast<unsigned char>(d)) {}
-CONSTCD14 inline day& day::operator++() NOEXCEPT {++d_; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline day day::operator++(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); ++(*this); return tmp;}
-CONSTCD14 inline day& day::operator--() NOEXCEPT {--d_; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline day day::operator--(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); --(*this); return tmp;}
-CONSTCD14 inline day& day::operator+=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT {*this = *this + d; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline day& day::operator-=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT {*this = *this - d; return *this;}
-CONSTCD11 inline day::operator unsigned() const NOEXCEPT {return d_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline bool day::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return 1 <= d_ && d_ <= 30;}
-operator==(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(x) == static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-operator!=(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(x) < static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-operator>(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-operator-(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return days{static_cast<days::rep>(static_cast<unsigned>(x)
-                                     - static_cast<unsigned>(y))};
-operator+(const day& x, const days& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return day{static_cast<unsigned>(x) + static_cast<unsigned>(y.count())};
-operator+(const days& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y + x;
-operator-(const day& x, const days& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x + -y;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const day& d)
-    date::detail::save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-    os.fill('0');
-    os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::right);
-    os.width(2);
-    os << static_cast<unsigned>(d);
-    return os;
-// month
-CONSTCD11 inline month::month(unsigned m) NOEXCEPT : m_(static_cast<decltype(m_)>(m)) {}
-CONSTCD14 inline month& month::operator++() NOEXCEPT {if (++m_ == 13) m_ = 1; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline month month::operator++(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); ++(*this); return tmp;}
-CONSTCD14 inline month& month::operator--() NOEXCEPT {if (--m_ == 0) m_ = 12; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline month month::operator--(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); --(*this); return tmp;}
-month::operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + m;
-    return *this;
-month::operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - m;
-    return *this;
-CONSTCD11 inline month::operator unsigned() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline bool month::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return 1 <= m_ && m_ <= 12;}
-operator==(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(x) == static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-operator!=(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(x) < static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-operator>(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-operator-(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    auto const d = static_cast<unsigned>(x) - static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-    return months(d <= 11 ? d : d + 12);
-operator+(const month& x, const months& y) NOEXCEPT
-    auto const mu = static_cast<long long>(static_cast<unsigned>(x)) - 1 + y.count();
-    auto const yr = (mu >= 0 ? mu : mu-11) / 12;
-    return month{static_cast<unsigned>(mu - yr * 12 + 1)};
-operator+(const months& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y + x;
-operator-(const month& x, const months& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x + -y;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month& m)
-    switch (static_cast<unsigned>(m))
-    {
-    case 1:
-        os << "Muharram";
-        break;
-    case 2:
-        os << "Safar";
-        break;
-    case 3:
-        os << "Rabi' al-awwal";
-        break;
-    case 4:
-        os << "Rabi' al-thani";
-        break;
-    case 5:
-        os << "Jumada al-awwal";
-        break;
-    case 6:
-        os << "Jumada al-Thani";
-        break;
-    case 7:
-        os << "Rajab";
-        break;
-    case 8:
-        os << "Sha'ban";
-        break;
-    case 9:
-        os << "Ramadan";
-        break;
-    case 10:
-        os << "Shawwal";
-        break;
-    case 11:
-        os << "Dhu al-Qi'dah";
-        break;
-    case 12:
-        os << "Dhu al-Hijjah";
-        break;
-    default:
-        os << static_cast<unsigned>(m) << " is not a valid month";
-        break;
-    }
-    return os;
-// year
-CONSTCD11 inline year::year(int y) NOEXCEPT : y_(static_cast<decltype(y_)>(y)) {}
-CONSTCD14 inline year& year::operator++() NOEXCEPT {++y_; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline year year::operator++(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); ++(*this); return tmp;}
-CONSTCD14 inline year& year::operator--() NOEXCEPT {--y_; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline year year::operator--(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); --(*this); return tmp;}
-CONSTCD14 inline year& year::operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT {*this = *this + y; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline year& year::operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT {*this = *this - y; return *this;}
-year::is_leap() const NOEXCEPT
-    int y = y_ - 1;
-    const int era = (y >= 0 ? y : y-29) / 30;
-    const unsigned yoe = static_cast<unsigned>(y - era * 30);
-    switch (yoe)
-    {
-    case 1:
-    case 4:
-    case 6:
-    case 9:
-    case 12:
-    case 15:
-    case 17:
-    case 20:
-    case 23:
-    case 25:
-    case 28:
-        return true;
-    default:
-        return false;
-    }
-CONSTCD11 inline year::operator int() const NOEXCEPT {return y_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline bool year::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return true;}
-year::min() NOEXCEPT
-    return year{std::numeric_limits<short>::min()};
-year::max() NOEXCEPT
-    return year{std::numeric_limits<short>::max()};
-operator==(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<int>(x) == static_cast<int>(y);
-operator!=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<int>(x) < static_cast<int>(y);
-operator>(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-operator-(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return years{static_cast<int>(x) - static_cast<int>(y)};
-operator+(const year& x, const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return year{static_cast<int>(x) + y.count()};
-operator+(const years& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y + x;
-operator-(const year& x, const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return year{static_cast<int>(x) - y.count()};
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year& y)
-    date::detail::save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-    os.fill('0');
-    os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::internal);
-    os.width(4 + (y < year{0}));
-    os << static_cast<int>(y);
-    return os;
-// weekday
-unsigned char
-weekday::weekday_from_days(int z) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned char>(static_cast<unsigned>(
-        z >= -4 ? (z+4) % 7 : (z+5) % 7 + 6));
-weekday::weekday(unsigned wd) NOEXCEPT
-    : wd_(static_cast<decltype(wd_)>(wd))
-    {}
-weekday::weekday(const sys_days& dp) NOEXCEPT
-    : wd_(weekday_from_days(dp.time_since_epoch().count()))
-    {}
-weekday::weekday(const local_days& dp) NOEXCEPT
-    : wd_(weekday_from_days(dp.time_since_epoch().count()))
-    {}
-CONSTCD14 inline weekday& weekday::operator++() NOEXCEPT {if (++wd_ == 7) wd_ = 0; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline weekday weekday::operator++(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); ++(*this); return tmp;}
-CONSTCD14 inline weekday& weekday::operator--() NOEXCEPT {if (wd_-- == 0) wd_ = 6; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline weekday weekday::operator--(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); --(*this); return tmp;}
-weekday::operator+=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + d;
-    return *this;
-weekday::operator-=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - d;
-    return *this;
-weekday::operator unsigned() const NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(wd_);
-CONSTCD11 inline bool weekday::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return wd_ <= 6;}
-operator==(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(x) == static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-operator!=(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator-(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    auto const diff = static_cast<unsigned>(x) - static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-    return days{diff <= 6 ? diff : diff + 7};
-operator+(const weekday& x, const days& y) NOEXCEPT
-    auto const wdu = static_cast<long long>(static_cast<unsigned>(x)) + y.count();
-    auto const wk = (wdu >= 0 ? wdu : wdu-6) / 7;
-    return weekday{static_cast<unsigned>(wdu - wk * 7)};
-operator+(const days& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y + x;
-operator-(const weekday& x, const days& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x + -y;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weekday& wd)
-    switch (static_cast<unsigned>(wd))
-    {
-    case 0:
-        os << "al-Aáž„ad";
-        break;
-    case 1:
-        os << "al-Ithnayn";
-        break;
-    case 2:
-        os << "ath-Thulāthā’";
-        break;
-    case 3:
-        os << "al-Arba‘ā’";
-        break;
-    case 4:
-        os << "al-Khamīs";
-        break;
-    case 5:
-        os << "al-Jum‘ah";
-        break;
-    case 6:
-        os << "as-Sabt";
-        break;
-    default:
-        os << static_cast<unsigned>(wd) << " is not a valid weekday";
-        break;
-    }
-    return os;
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-inline namespace literals
-operator "" _d(unsigned long long d) NOEXCEPT
-    return islamic::day{static_cast<unsigned>(d)};
-operator "" _y(unsigned long long y) NOEXCEPT
-    return islamic::year(static_cast<int>(y));
-#endif  // !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-CONSTDATA islamic::last_spec last{};
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-}  // inline namespace literals
-// weekday_indexed
-weekday_indexed::weekday() const NOEXCEPT
-    return islamic::weekday{static_cast<unsigned>(wd_)};
-CONSTCD11 inline unsigned weekday_indexed::index() const NOEXCEPT {return index_;}
-weekday_indexed::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    return weekday().ok() && 1 <= index_ && index_ <= 5;
-weekday_indexed::weekday_indexed(const islamic::weekday& wd, unsigned index) NOEXCEPT
-    : wd_(static_cast<decltype(wd_)>(static_cast<unsigned>(wd)))
-    , index_(static_cast<decltype(index_)>(index))
-    {}
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weekday_indexed& wdi)
-    return os << wdi.weekday() << '[' << wdi.index() << ']';
-weekday::operator[](unsigned index) const NOEXCEPT
-    return {*this, index};
-operator==(const weekday_indexed& x, const weekday_indexed& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.weekday() == y.weekday() && x.index() == y.index();
-operator!=(const weekday_indexed& x, const weekday_indexed& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-// weekday_last
-CONSTCD11 inline islamic::weekday weekday_last::weekday() const NOEXCEPT {return wd_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline bool weekday_last::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return wd_.ok();}
-CONSTCD11 inline weekday_last::weekday_last(const islamic::weekday& wd) NOEXCEPT : wd_(wd) {}
-operator==(const weekday_last& x, const weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.weekday() == y.weekday();
-operator!=(const weekday_last& x, const weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weekday_last& wdl)
-    return os << wdl.weekday() << "[last]";
-weekday::operator[](last_spec) const NOEXCEPT
-    return weekday_last{*this};
-// year_month
-year_month::year_month(const islamic::year& y, const islamic::month& m) NOEXCEPT
-    : y_(y)
-    , m_(m)
-    {}
-CONSTCD11 inline year year_month::year() const NOEXCEPT {return y_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline month year_month::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline bool year_month::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return y_.ok() && m_.ok();}
-year_month::operator+=(const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + dm;
-    return *this;
-year_month::operator-=(const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - dm;
-    return *this;
-year_month::operator+=(const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + dy;
-    return *this;
-year_month::operator-=(const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - dy;
-    return *this;
-operator==(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() == y.year() && x.month() == y.month();
-operator!=(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() < y.year() ? true
-        : (x.year() > y.year() ? false
-        : (x.month() < y.month()));
-operator>(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-operator+(const year_month& ym, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    auto dmi = static_cast<int>(static_cast<unsigned>(ym.month())) - 1 + dm.count();
-    auto dy = (dmi >= 0 ? dmi : dmi-11) / 12;
-    dmi = dmi - dy * 12 + 1;
-    return (ym.year() + years(dy)) / month(static_cast<unsigned>(dmi));
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month& ym) NOEXCEPT
-    return ym + dm;
-operator-(const year_month& ym, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return ym + -dm;
-operator-(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return (x.year() - y.year()) +
-            months(static_cast<unsigned>(x.month()) - static_cast<unsigned>(y.month()));
-operator+(const year_month& ym, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return (ym.year() + dy) / ym.month();
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month& ym) NOEXCEPT
-    return ym + dy;
-operator-(const year_month& ym, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return ym + -dy;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month& ym)
-    return os << ym.year() << '/' << ym.month();
-// month_day
-month_day::month_day(const islamic::month& m, const islamic::day& d) NOEXCEPT
-    : m_(m)
-    , d_(d)
-    {}
-CONSTCD11 inline islamic::month month_day::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline islamic::day month_day::day() const NOEXCEPT {return d_;}
-month_day::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    CONSTDATA islamic::day d[] =
-        {30_d, 29_d, 30_d, 29_d, 30_d, 29_d, 30_d, 29_d, 30_d, 29_d, 30_d, 30_d};
-    return m_.ok() && 1_d <= d_ && d_ <= d[static_cast<unsigned>(m_)-1];
-operator==(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.month() == y.month() && ==;
-operator!=(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.month() < y.month() ? true
-        : (x.month() > y.month() ? false
-        : ( <;
-operator>(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_day& md)
-    return os << md.month() << '/' <<;
-// month_day_last
-CONSTCD11 inline month month_day_last::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline bool month_day_last::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return m_.ok();}
-CONSTCD11 inline month_day_last::month_day_last(const islamic::month& m) NOEXCEPT : m_(m) {}
-operator==(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.month() == y.month();
-operator!=(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.month() < y.month();
-operator>(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_day_last& mdl)
-    return os << mdl.month() << "/last";
-// month_weekday
-month_weekday::month_weekday(const islamic::month& m,
-                             const islamic::weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT
-    : m_(m)
-    , wdi_(wdi)
-    {}
-CONSTCD11 inline month month_weekday::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-month_weekday::weekday_indexed() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wdi_;
-month_weekday::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    return m_.ok() && wdi_.ok();
-operator==(const month_weekday& x, const month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.month() == y.month() && x.weekday_indexed() == y.weekday_indexed();
-operator!=(const month_weekday& x, const month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_weekday& mwd)
-    return os << mwd.month() << '/' << mwd.weekday_indexed();
-// month_weekday_last
-month_weekday_last::month_weekday_last(const islamic::month& m,
-                                       const islamic::weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT
-    : m_(m)
-    , wdl_(wdl)
-    {}
-CONSTCD11 inline month month_weekday_last::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-month_weekday_last::weekday_last() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wdl_;
-month_weekday_last::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    return m_.ok() && wdl_.ok();
-operator==(const month_weekday_last& x, const month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.month() == y.month() && x.weekday_last() == y.weekday_last();
-operator!=(const month_weekday_last& x, const month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_weekday_last& mwdl)
-    return os << mwdl.month() << '/' << mwdl.weekday_last();
-// year_month_day_last
-year_month_day_last::year_month_day_last(const islamic::year& y,
-                                         const islamic::month_day_last& mdl) NOEXCEPT
-    : y_(y)
-    , mdl_(mdl)
-    {}
-year_month_day_last::operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_day_last::operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_day_last::operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + y;
-    return *this;
-year_month_day_last::operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - y;
-    return *this;
-CONSTCD11 inline year year_month_day_last::year() const NOEXCEPT {return y_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline month year_month_day_last::month() const NOEXCEPT {return mdl_.month();}
-year_month_day_last::month_day_last() const NOEXCEPT
-    return mdl_;
-year_month_day_last::day() const NOEXCEPT
-    CONSTDATA islamic::day d[] =
-        {30_d, 29_d, 30_d, 29_d, 30_d, 29_d, 30_d, 29_d, 30_d, 29_d, 30_d, 29_d};
-    return month() != islamic::month(12) || !y_.is_leap() ?
-               d[static_cast<unsigned>(month())-1] : 30_d;
-year_month_day_last::operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return sys_days(year()/month()/day());
-year_month_day_last::operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return local_days(year()/month()/day());
-year_month_day_last::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    return y_.ok() && mdl_.ok();
-operator==(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() == y.year() && x.month_day_last() == y.month_day_last();
-operator!=(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() < y.year() ? true
-        : (x.year() > y.year() ? false
-        : (x.month_day_last() < y.month_day_last()));
-operator>(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_day_last& ymdl)
-    return os << ymdl.year() << '/' << ymdl.month_day_last();
-operator+(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return (ymdl.year() / ymdl.month() + dm) / last;
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_day_last& ymdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymdl + dm;
-operator-(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymdl + (-dm);
-operator+(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return {ymdl.year()+dy, ymdl.month_day_last()};
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_day_last& ymdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymdl + dy;
-operator-(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymdl + (-dy);
-// year_month_day
-year_month_day::year_month_day(const islamic::year& y, const islamic::month& m,
-                               const islamic::day& d) NOEXCEPT
-    : y_(y)
-    , m_(m)
-    , d_(d)
-    {}
-year_month_day::year_month_day(const year_month_day_last& ymdl) NOEXCEPT
-    : y_(ymdl.year())
-    , m_(ymdl.month())
-    , d_(
-    {}
-year_month_day::year_month_day(sys_days dp) NOEXCEPT
-    : year_month_day(from_days(dp.time_since_epoch()))
-    {}
-year_month_day::year_month_day(local_days dp) NOEXCEPT
-    : year_month_day(from_days(dp.time_since_epoch()))
-    {}
-CONSTCD11 inline year year_month_day::year() const NOEXCEPT {return y_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline month year_month_day::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline day year_month_day::day() const NOEXCEPT {return d_;}
-year_month_day::operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_day::operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_day::operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + y;
-    return *this;
-year_month_day::operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - y;
-    return *this;
-year_month_day::to_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    static_assert(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::digits >= 18,
-             "This algorithm has not been ported to a 16 bit unsigned integer");
-    static_assert(std::numeric_limits<int>::digits >= 20,
-             "This algorithm has not been ported to a 16 bit signed integer");
-    auto const y = static_cast<int>(y_) - 1;
-    auto const m = static_cast<unsigned>(m_);
-    auto const d = static_cast<unsigned>(d_);
-    auto const era = (y >= 0 ? y : y-29) / 30;
-    auto const yoe = static_cast<unsigned>(y - era * 30);      // [0, 29]
-    auto const doy = 29*(m-1) + m/2 + d-1;                     // [0, 354]
-    auto const doe = yoe * 354 + (11*(yoe+1)+3)/30 + doy;      // [0, 10630]
-    return days{era * 10631 + static_cast<int>(doe) - 492148};
-year_month_day::operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return sys_days{to_days()};
-year_month_day::operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return local_days{to_days()};
-year_month_day::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    if (!(y_.ok() && m_.ok()))
-        return false;
-    return 1_d <= d_ && d_ <= (y_/m_/last).day();
-operator==(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() == y.year() && x.month() == y.month() && ==;
-operator!=(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() < y.year() ? true
-        : (x.year() > y.year() ? false
-        : (x.month() < y.month() ? true
-        : (x.month() > y.month() ? false
-        : ( <;
-operator>(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_day& ymd)
-    date::detail::save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-    os.fill('0');
-    os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::right);
-    os << ymd.year() << '-';
-    os.width(2);
-    os << static_cast<unsigned>(ymd.month()) << '-';
-    os <<;
-    return os;
-year_month_day::from_days(days dp) NOEXCEPT
-    static_assert(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::digits >= 18,
-             "This algorithm has not been ported to a 16 bit unsigned integer");
-    static_assert(std::numeric_limits<int>::digits >= 20,
-             "This algorithm has not been ported to a 16 bit signed integer");
-    auto const z = dp.count() + 492148;
-    auto const era = (z >= 0 ? z : z - 10630) / 10631;
-    auto const doe = static_cast<unsigned>(z - era * 10631);         // [0, 10630]
-    auto const yoe = (30*doe + 10646)/10631 - 1;                     // [0, 29]
-    auto const y = static_cast<sys_days::rep>(yoe) + era * 30 + 1;
-    auto const doy = doe - (yoe * 354 + (11*(yoe+1)+3)/30);          // [0, 354]
-    auto const m = (11*doy + 330) / 325;                             // [1, 12]
-    auto const d = doy - (29*(m-1) + m/2) + 1;                       // [1, 30]
-    return year_month_day{islamic::year{y}, islamic::month(m), islamic::day(d)};
-operator+(const year_month_day& ymd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return (ymd.year() / ymd.month() + dm) /;
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_day& ymd) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymd + dm;
-operator-(const year_month_day& ymd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymd + (-dm);
-operator+(const year_month_day& ymd, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return (ymd.year() + dy) / ymd.month() /;
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_day& ymd) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymd + dy;
-operator-(const year_month_day& ymd, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymd + (-dy);
-// year_month_weekday
-year_month_weekday::year_month_weekday(const islamic::year& y, const islamic::month& m,
-                                       const islamic::weekday_indexed& wdi)
-        NOEXCEPT
-    : y_(y)
-    , m_(m)
-    , wdi_(wdi)
-    {}
-year_month_weekday::year_month_weekday(const sys_days& dp) NOEXCEPT
-    : year_month_weekday(from_days(dp.time_since_epoch()))
-    {}
-year_month_weekday::year_month_weekday(const local_days& dp) NOEXCEPT
-    : year_month_weekday(from_days(dp.time_since_epoch()))
-    {}
-year_month_weekday::operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_weekday::operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_weekday::operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + y;
-    return *this;
-year_month_weekday::operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - y;
-    return *this;
-CONSTCD11 inline year year_month_weekday::year() const NOEXCEPT {return y_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline month year_month_weekday::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-year_month_weekday::weekday() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wdi_.weekday();
-year_month_weekday::index() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wdi_.index();
-year_month_weekday::weekday_indexed() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wdi_;
-year_month_weekday::operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return sys_days{to_days()};
-year_month_weekday::operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return local_days{to_days()};
-year_month_weekday::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    if (!y_.ok() || !m_.ok() || !wdi_.weekday().ok() || wdi_.index() < 1)
-        return false;
-    if (wdi_.index() <= 4)
-        return true;
-    auto d2 = wdi_.weekday() - islamic::weekday(y_/m_/1) + days((wdi_.index()-1)*7 + 1);
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(d2.count()) <= static_cast<unsigned>((y_/m_/last).day());
-year_month_weekday::from_days(days d) NOEXCEPT
-    sys_days dp{d};
-    auto const wd = islamic::weekday(dp);
-    auto const ymd = year_month_day(dp);
-    return {ymd.year(), ymd.month(), wd[(static_cast<unsigned>(]};
-year_month_weekday::to_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    auto d = sys_days(y_/m_/1);
-    return (d + (wdi_.weekday() - islamic::weekday(d) + days{(wdi_.index()-1)*7})
-           ).time_since_epoch();
-operator==(const year_month_weekday& x, const year_month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() == y.year() && x.month() == y.month() &&
-           x.weekday_indexed() == y.weekday_indexed();
-operator!=(const year_month_weekday& x, const year_month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_weekday& ymwdi)
-    return os << ymwdi.year() << '/' << ymwdi.month()
-              << '/' << ymwdi.weekday_indexed();
-operator+(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return (ymwd.year() / ymwd.month() + dm) / ymwd.weekday_indexed();
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_weekday& ymwd) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwd + dm;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwd + (-dm);
-operator+(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return {ymwd.year()+dy, ymwd.month(), ymwd.weekday_indexed()};
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_weekday& ymwd) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwd + dy;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwd + (-dy);
-// year_month_weekday_last
-year_month_weekday_last::year_month_weekday_last(const islamic::year& y,
-                                                 const islamic::month& m,
-                                                 const islamic::weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT
-    : y_(y)
-    , m_(m)
-    , wdl_(wdl)
-    {}
-year_month_weekday_last::operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_weekday_last::operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_weekday_last::operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + y;
-    return *this;
-year_month_weekday_last::operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - y;
-    return *this;
-CONSTCD11 inline year year_month_weekday_last::year() const NOEXCEPT {return y_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline month year_month_weekday_last::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-year_month_weekday_last::weekday() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wdl_.weekday();
-year_month_weekday_last::weekday_last() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wdl_;
-year_month_weekday_last::operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return sys_days{to_days()};
-year_month_weekday_last::operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return local_days{to_days()};
-year_month_weekday_last::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    return y_.ok() && m_.ok() && wdl_.ok();
-year_month_weekday_last::to_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    auto const d = sys_days(y_/m_/last);
-    return (d - (islamic::weekday{d} - wdl_.weekday())).time_since_epoch();
-operator==(const year_month_weekday_last& x, const year_month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() == y.year() && x.month() == y.month() &&
-           x.weekday_last() == y.weekday_last();
-operator!=(const year_month_weekday_last& x, const year_month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl)
-    return os << ymwdl.year() << '/' << ymwdl.month() << '/' << ymwdl.weekday_last();
-operator+(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return (ymwdl.year() / ymwdl.month() + dm) / ymwdl.weekday_last();
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwdl + dm;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwdl + (-dm);
-operator+(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return {ymwdl.year()+dy, ymwdl.month(), ymwdl.weekday_last()};
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwdl + dy;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwdl + (-dy);
-// year_month from operator/()
-operator/(const year& y, const month& m) NOEXCEPT
-    return {y, m};
-operator/(const year& y, int   m) NOEXCEPT
-    return y / month(static_cast<unsigned>(m));
-// month_day from operator/()
-operator/(const month& m, const day& d) NOEXCEPT
-    return {m, d};
-operator/(const day& d, const month& m) NOEXCEPT
-    return m / d;
-operator/(const month& m, int d) NOEXCEPT
-    return m / day(static_cast<unsigned>(d));
-operator/(int m, const day& d) NOEXCEPT
-    return month(static_cast<unsigned>(m)) / d;
-CONSTCD11 inline month_day operator/(const day& d, int m) NOEXCEPT {return m / d;}
-// month_day_last from operator/()
-operator/(const month& m, last_spec) NOEXCEPT
-    return month_day_last{m};
-operator/(last_spec, const month& m) NOEXCEPT
-    return m/last;
-operator/(int m, last_spec) NOEXCEPT
-    return month(static_cast<unsigned>(m))/last;
-operator/(last_spec, int m) NOEXCEPT
-    return m/last;
-// month_weekday from operator/()
-operator/(const month& m, const weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT
-    return {m, wdi};
-operator/(const weekday_indexed& wdi, const month& m) NOEXCEPT
-    return m / wdi;
-operator/(int m, const weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT
-    return month(static_cast<unsigned>(m)) / wdi;
-operator/(const weekday_indexed& wdi, int m) NOEXCEPT
-    return m / wdi;
-// month_weekday_last from operator/()
-operator/(const month& m, const weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return {m, wdl};
-operator/(const weekday_last& wdl, const month& m) NOEXCEPT
-    return m / wdl;
-operator/(int m, const weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return month(static_cast<unsigned>(m)) / wdl;
-operator/(const weekday_last& wdl, int m) NOEXCEPT
-    return m / wdl;
-// year_month_day from operator/()
-operator/(const year_month& ym, const day& d) NOEXCEPT
-    return {ym.year(), ym.month(), d};
-operator/(const year_month& ym, int d)  NOEXCEPT
-    return ym / day(static_cast<unsigned>(d));
-operator/(const year& y, const month_day& md) NOEXCEPT
-    return y / md.month() /;
-operator/(int y, const month_day& md) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / md;
-operator/(const month_day& md, const year& y)  NOEXCEPT
-    return y / md;
-operator/(const month_day& md, int y) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / md;
-// year_month_day_last from operator/()
-operator/(const year_month& ym, last_spec) NOEXCEPT
-    return {ym.year(), month_day_last{ym.month()}};
-operator/(const year& y, const month_day_last& mdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return {y, mdl};
-operator/(int y, const month_day_last& mdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / mdl;
-operator/(const month_day_last& mdl, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y / mdl;
-operator/(const month_day_last& mdl, int y) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / mdl;
-// year_month_weekday from operator/()
-operator/(const year_month& ym, const weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT
-    return {ym.year(), ym.month(), wdi};
-operator/(const year& y, const month_weekday& mwd) NOEXCEPT
-    return {y, mwd.month(), mwd.weekday_indexed()};
-operator/(int y, const month_weekday& mwd) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / mwd;
-operator/(const month_weekday& mwd, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y / mwd;
-operator/(const month_weekday& mwd, int y) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / mwd;
-// year_month_weekday_last from operator/()
-operator/(const year_month& ym, const weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return {ym.year(), ym.month(), wdl};
-operator/(const year& y, const month_weekday_last& mwdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return {y, mwdl.month(), mwdl.weekday_last()};
-operator/(int y, const month_weekday_last& mwdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / mwdl;
-operator/(const month_weekday_last& mwdl, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y / mwdl;
-operator/(const month_weekday_last& mwdl, int y) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / mwdl;
-}  // namespace islamic
-#endif  // ISLAMIC_H
diff --git a/thirdparty/date/include/date/iso_week.h b/thirdparty/date/include/date/iso_week.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bbeb0c..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/date/include/date/iso_week.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1745 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef ISO_WEEK_H
-#define ISO_WEEK_H
-// The MIT License (MIT)
-// Copyright (c) 2015, 2016, 2017 Howard Hinnant
-// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-#include "date.h"
-#include <climits>
-namespace iso_week
-// y/wn/wd
-// wn/wd/y
-// wd/wn/y
-using days = date::days;
-using weeks = date::weeks;
-using years = date::years;
-// time_point
-using sys_days = date::sys_days;
-using local_days = date::local_days;
-// types
-struct last_week
-    explicit last_week() = default;
-class weekday;
-class weeknum;
-class year;
-class year_weeknum;
-class year_lastweek;
-class weeknum_weekday;
-class lastweek_weekday;
-class year_weeknum_weekday;
-class year_lastweek_weekday;
-// date composition operators
-CONSTCD11 year_weeknum operator/(const year& y, const weeknum& wn) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_weeknum operator/(const year& y, int            wn) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_lastweek operator/(const year& y, last_week      wn) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 weeknum_weekday operator/(const weeknum& wn, const weekday& wd) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 weeknum_weekday operator/(const weeknum& wn, int            wd) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 weeknum_weekday operator/(const weekday& wd, const weeknum& wn) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 weeknum_weekday operator/(const weekday& wd, int            wn) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 lastweek_weekday operator/(const last_week& wn, const weekday& wd) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 lastweek_weekday operator/(const last_week& wn, int            wd) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 lastweek_weekday operator/(const weekday& wd, const last_week& wn) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_weeknum_weekday operator/(const year_weeknum& ywn, const weekday& wd) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_weeknum_weekday operator/(const year_weeknum& ywn, int            wd) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_weeknum_weekday operator/(const weeknum_weekday& wnwd, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_weeknum_weekday operator/(const weeknum_weekday& wnwd, int         y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_lastweek_weekday operator/(const year_lastweek& ylw, const weekday& wd) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_lastweek_weekday operator/(const year_lastweek& ylw, int            wd) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_lastweek_weekday operator/(const lastweek_weekday& lwwd, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_lastweek_weekday operator/(const lastweek_weekday& lwwd, int         y) NOEXCEPT;
-// weekday
-class weekday
-    unsigned char wd_;
-    explicit CONSTCD11 weekday(unsigned wd) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 weekday(date::weekday wd) NOEXCEPT;
-    explicit weekday(int) = delete;
-    CONSTCD11 weekday(const sys_days& dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit weekday(const local_days& dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    weekday& operator++()    NOEXCEPT;
-    weekday  operator++(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    weekday& operator--()    NOEXCEPT;
-    weekday  operator--(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    weekday& operator+=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT;
-    weekday& operator-=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit operator unsigned() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 operator date::weekday() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    static CONSTCD11 unsigned char weekday_from_days(int z) NOEXCEPT;
-    static CONSTCD11 unsigned char to_iso_encoding(unsigned char) NOEXCEPT;
-    static CONSTCD11 unsigned from_iso_encoding(unsigned) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 weekday operator+(const weekday& x, const days&    y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 weekday operator+(const days&    x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 weekday operator-(const weekday& x, const days&    y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 days    operator-(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weekday& wd);
-// year
-class year
-    short y_;
-    explicit CONSTCD11 year(int y) NOEXCEPT;
-    year& operator++()    NOEXCEPT;
-    year  operator++(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    year& operator--()    NOEXCEPT;
-    year  operator--(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    year& operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    year& operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit operator int() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    static CONSTCD11 year min() NOEXCEPT;
-    static CONSTCD11 year max() NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year  operator+(const year&  x, const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year  operator+(const years& x, const year&  y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year  operator-(const year&  x, const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 years operator-(const year&  x, const year&  y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year& y);
-// weeknum
-class weeknum
-    unsigned char wn_;
-    explicit CONSTCD11 weeknum(unsigned wn) NOEXCEPT;
-    weeknum& operator++()    NOEXCEPT;
-    weeknum  operator++(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    weeknum& operator--()    NOEXCEPT;
-    weeknum  operator--(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    weeknum& operator+=(const weeks& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    weeknum& operator-=(const weeks& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit operator unsigned() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const weeknum& x, const weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const weeknum& x, const weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const weeknum& x, const weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const weeknum& x, const weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const weeknum& x, const weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const weeknum& x, const weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 weeknum  operator+(const weeknum& x, const weeks&   y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 weeknum  operator+(const weeks&   x, const weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 weeknum  operator-(const weeknum& x, const weeks&   y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 weeks    operator-(const weeknum& x, const weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weeknum& wn);
-// year_weeknum
-class year_weeknum
-    iso_week::year    y_;
-    iso_week::weeknum wn_;
-    CONSTCD11 year_weeknum(const iso_week::year& y, const iso_week::weeknum& wn) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 iso_week::year    year()    const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 iso_week::weeknum weeknum() const NOEXCEPT;
-    year_weeknum& operator+=(const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-    year_weeknum& operator-=(const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const year_weeknum& x, const year_weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const year_weeknum& x, const year_weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const year_weeknum& x, const year_weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const year_weeknum& x, const year_weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const year_weeknum& x, const year_weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const year_weeknum& x, const year_weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_weeknum operator+(const year_weeknum& ym, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_weeknum operator+(const years& dy, const year_weeknum& ym) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_weeknum operator-(const year_weeknum& ym, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_weeknum& ym);
-// year_lastweek
-class year_lastweek
-    iso_week::year    y_;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit year_lastweek(const iso_week::year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 iso_week::year    year()    const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 iso_week::weeknum weeknum() const NOEXCEPT;
-    year_lastweek& operator+=(const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-    year_lastweek& operator-=(const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const year_lastweek& x, const year_lastweek& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const year_lastweek& x, const year_lastweek& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const year_lastweek& x, const year_lastweek& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const year_lastweek& x, const year_lastweek& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const year_lastweek& x, const year_lastweek& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const year_lastweek& x, const year_lastweek& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_lastweek operator+(const year_lastweek& ym, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_lastweek operator+(const years& dy, const year_lastweek& ym) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_lastweek operator-(const year_lastweek& ym, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_lastweek& ym);
-// weeknum_weekday
-class weeknum_weekday
-    iso_week::weeknum wn_;
-    iso_week::weekday wd_;
-    CONSTCD11 weeknum_weekday(const iso_week::weeknum& wn,
-                              const iso_week::weekday& wd) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 iso_week::weeknum weeknum() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 iso_week::weekday weekday() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const weeknum_weekday& x, const weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const weeknum_weekday& x, const weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const weeknum_weekday& x, const weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const weeknum_weekday& x, const weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const weeknum_weekday& x, const weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const weeknum_weekday& x, const weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weeknum_weekday& md);
-// lastweek_weekday
-class lastweek_weekday
-    iso_week::weekday wd_;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit lastweek_weekday(const iso_week::weekday& wd) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 iso_week::weekday weekday() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const lastweek_weekday& x, const lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const lastweek_weekday& x, const lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const lastweek_weekday& x, const lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const lastweek_weekday& x, const lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const lastweek_weekday& x, const lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const lastweek_weekday& x, const lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const lastweek_weekday& md);
-// year_lastweek_weekday
-class year_lastweek_weekday
-    iso_week::year    y_;
-    iso_week::weekday wd_;
-    CONSTCD11 year_lastweek_weekday(const iso_week::year& y,
-                                    const iso_week::weekday& wd) NOEXCEPT;
-    year_lastweek_weekday& operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    year_lastweek_weekday& operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 iso_week::year    year()    const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 iso_week::weeknum weeknum() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 iso_week::weekday weekday() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 explicit operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const year_lastweek_weekday& x, const year_lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const year_lastweek_weekday& x, const year_lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const year_lastweek_weekday& x, const year_lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const year_lastweek_weekday& x, const year_lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const year_lastweek_weekday& x, const year_lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const year_lastweek_weekday& x, const year_lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_lastweek_weekday operator+(const year_lastweek_weekday& ywnwd, const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_lastweek_weekday operator+(const years& y, const year_lastweek_weekday& ywnwd) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_lastweek_weekday operator-(const year_lastweek_weekday& ywnwd, const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_lastweek_weekday& ywnwd);
-// class year_weeknum_weekday
-class year_weeknum_weekday
-    iso_week::year    y_;
-    iso_week::weeknum wn_;
-    iso_week::weekday wd_;
-    CONSTCD11 year_weeknum_weekday(const iso_week::year& y, const iso_week::weeknum& wn,
-                                   const iso_week::weekday& wd) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_weeknum_weekday(const year_lastweek_weekday& ylwwd) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_weeknum_weekday(const sys_days& dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 explicit year_weeknum_weekday(const local_days& dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    year_weeknum_weekday& operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    year_weeknum_weekday& operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 iso_week::year    year()    const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 iso_week::weeknum weeknum() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 iso_week::weekday weekday() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 explicit operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    static CONSTCD14 year_weeknum_weekday from_days(days dp) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const year_weeknum_weekday& x, const year_weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const year_weeknum_weekday& x, const year_weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const year_weeknum_weekday& x, const year_weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const year_weeknum_weekday& x, const year_weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const year_weeknum_weekday& x, const year_weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const year_weeknum_weekday& x, const year_weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_weeknum_weekday operator+(const year_weeknum_weekday& ywnwd, const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_weeknum_weekday operator+(const years& y, const year_weeknum_weekday& ywnwd) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_weeknum_weekday operator-(const year_weeknum_weekday& ywnwd, const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_weeknum_weekday& ywnwd);
-// Implementation |
-// weekday
-unsigned char
-weekday::to_iso_encoding(unsigned char z) NOEXCEPT
-    return z != 0 ? z : (unsigned char)7;
-weekday::from_iso_encoding(unsigned z) NOEXCEPT
-    return z != 7 ? z : 0u;
-unsigned char
-weekday::weekday_from_days(int z) NOEXCEPT
-    return to_iso_encoding(static_cast<unsigned char>(static_cast<unsigned>(
-        z >= -4 ? (z+4) % 7 : (z+5) % 7 + 6)));
-weekday::weekday(unsigned wd) NOEXCEPT
-    : wd_(static_cast<decltype(wd_)>(wd))
-    {}
-weekday::weekday(date::weekday wd) NOEXCEPT
-    : wd_(to_iso_encoding(static_cast<unsigned>(wd)))
-    {}
-weekday::weekday(const sys_days& dp) NOEXCEPT
-    : wd_(weekday_from_days(dp.time_since_epoch().count()))
-    {}
-weekday::weekday(const local_days& dp) NOEXCEPT
-    : wd_(weekday_from_days(dp.time_since_epoch().count()))
-    {}
-inline weekday& weekday::operator++() NOEXCEPT {if (++wd_ == 8) wd_ = 1; return *this;}
-inline weekday weekday::operator++(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); ++(*this); return tmp;}
-inline weekday& weekday::operator--() NOEXCEPT {if (wd_-- == 1) wd_ = 7; return *this;}
-inline weekday weekday::operator--(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); --(*this); return tmp;}
-weekday::operator+=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + d;
-    return *this;
-weekday::operator-=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - d;
-    return *this;
-weekday::operator unsigned() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wd_;
-weekday::operator date::weekday() const NOEXCEPT
-    return date::weekday{from_iso_encoding(unsigned{wd_})};
-CONSTCD11 inline bool weekday::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return 1 <= wd_ && wd_ <= 7;}
-operator==(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(x) == static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-operator!=(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator-(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    auto const diff = static_cast<unsigned>(x) - static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-    return days{diff <= 6 ? diff : diff + 7};
-operator+(const weekday& x, const days& y) NOEXCEPT
-    auto const wdu = static_cast<long long>(static_cast<unsigned>(x) - 1u) + y.count();
-    auto const wk = (wdu >= 0 ? wdu : wdu-6) / 7;
-    return weekday{static_cast<unsigned>(wdu - wk * 7) + 1u};
-operator+(const days& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y + x;
-operator-(const weekday& x, const days& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x + -y;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weekday& wd)
-    switch (static_cast<unsigned>(wd))
-    {
-    case 7:
-        os << "Sun";
-        break;
-    case 1:
-        os << "Mon";
-        break;
-    case 2:
-        os << "Tue";
-        break;
-    case 3:
-        os << "Wed";
-        break;
-    case 4:
-        os << "Thu";
-        break;
-    case 5:
-        os << "Fri";
-        break;
-    case 6:
-        os << "Sat";
-        break;
-    default:
-        os << static_cast<unsigned>(wd) << " is not a valid weekday";
-        break;
-    }
-    return os;
-// year
-CONSTCD11 inline year::year(int y) NOEXCEPT : y_(static_cast<decltype(y_)>(y)) {}
-inline year& year::operator++() NOEXCEPT {++y_; return *this;}
-inline year year::operator++(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); ++(*this); return tmp;}
-inline year& year::operator--() NOEXCEPT {--y_; return *this;}
-inline year year::operator--(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); --(*this); return tmp;}
-inline year& year::operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT {*this = *this + y; return *this;}
-inline year& year::operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT {*this = *this - y; return *this;}
-CONSTCD11 inline year::operator int() const NOEXCEPT {return y_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline bool year::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return min() <= *this && *this <= max();}
-year::min() NOEXCEPT
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    static_assert(sizeof(seconds)*CHAR_BIT >= 41, "seconds may overflow");
-    static_assert(sizeof(hours)*CHAR_BIT >= 30, "hours may overflow");
-    return sizeof(minutes)*CHAR_BIT < 34 ?
-        year{1970} + duration_cast<years>(minutes::min()) :
-        year{std::numeric_limits<short>::min()};
-year::max() NOEXCEPT
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    static_assert(sizeof(seconds)*CHAR_BIT >= 41, "seconds may overflow");
-    static_assert(sizeof(hours)*CHAR_BIT >= 30, "hours may overflow");
-    return sizeof(minutes)*CHAR_BIT < 34 ?
-        year{1969} + duration_cast<years>(minutes::max()) :
-        year{std::numeric_limits<short>::max()};
-operator==(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<int>(x) == static_cast<int>(y);
-operator!=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<int>(x) < static_cast<int>(y);
-operator>(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-operator-(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return years{static_cast<int>(x) - static_cast<int>(y)};
-operator+(const year& x, const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return year{static_cast<int>(x) + y.count()};
-operator+(const years& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y + x;
-operator-(const year& x, const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return year{static_cast<int>(x) - y.count()};
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year& y)
-    date::detail::save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-    os.fill('0');
-    os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::internal);
-    os.width(4 + (y < year{0}));
-    os << static_cast<int>(y);
-    return os;
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-inline namespace literals
-operator "" _y(unsigned long long y) NOEXCEPT
-    return iso_week::year(static_cast<int>(y));
-operator "" _w(unsigned long long wn) NOEXCEPT
-    return iso_week::weeknum(static_cast<unsigned>(wn));
-#endif  // !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-CONSTDATA iso_week::last_week last{};
-CONSTDATA iso_week::weekday sun{7u};
-CONSTDATA iso_week::weekday mon{1u};
-CONSTDATA iso_week::weekday tue{2u};
-CONSTDATA iso_week::weekday wed{3u};
-CONSTDATA iso_week::weekday thu{4u};
-CONSTDATA iso_week::weekday fri{5u};
-CONSTDATA iso_week::weekday sat{6u};
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-}  // inline namespace literals
-// weeknum
-weeknum::weeknum(unsigned wn) NOEXCEPT
-    : wn_(static_cast<decltype(wn_)>(wn))
-    {}
-inline weeknum& weeknum::operator++() NOEXCEPT {++wn_; return *this;}
-inline weeknum weeknum::operator++(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); ++(*this); return tmp;}
-inline weeknum& weeknum::operator--() NOEXCEPT {--wn_; return *this;}
-inline weeknum weeknum::operator--(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); --(*this); return tmp;}
-weeknum::operator+=(const weeks& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + y;
-    return *this;
-weeknum::operator-=(const weeks& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - y;
-    return *this;
-CONSTCD11 inline weeknum::operator unsigned() const NOEXCEPT {return wn_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline bool weeknum::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return 1 <= wn_ && wn_ <= 53;}
-operator==(const weeknum& x, const weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(x) == static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-operator!=(const weeknum& x, const weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const weeknum& x, const weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(x) < static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-operator>(const weeknum& x, const weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const weeknum& x, const weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const weeknum& x, const weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-operator-(const weeknum& x, const weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return weeks{static_cast<weeks::rep>(static_cast<unsigned>(x)) -
-                 static_cast<weeks::rep>(static_cast<unsigned>(y))};
-operator+(const weeknum& x, const weeks& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return weeknum{static_cast<unsigned>(x) + static_cast<unsigned>(y.count())};
-operator+(const weeks& x, const weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y + x;
-operator-(const weeknum& x, const weeks& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x + -y;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weeknum& wn)
-    date::detail::save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-    os << 'W';
-    os.fill('0');
-    os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::right);
-    os.width(2);
-    os << static_cast<unsigned>(wn);
-    return os;
-// year_weeknum
-year_weeknum::year_weeknum(const iso_week::year& y, const iso_week::weeknum& wn) NOEXCEPT
-    : y_(y)
-    , wn_(wn)
-    {}
-CONSTCD11 inline year year_weeknum::year() const NOEXCEPT {return y_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline weeknum year_weeknum::weeknum() const NOEXCEPT {return wn_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline bool year_weeknum::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    return y_.ok() && 1u <= static_cast<unsigned>(wn_) && wn_ <= (y_/last).weeknum();
-year_weeknum::operator+=(const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + dy;
-    return *this;
-year_weeknum::operator-=(const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - dy;
-    return *this;
-operator==(const year_weeknum& x, const year_weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() == y.year() && x.weeknum() == y.weeknum();
-operator!=(const year_weeknum& x, const year_weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const year_weeknum& x, const year_weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() < y.year() ? true
-        : (x.year() > y.year() ? false
-        : (x.weeknum() < y.weeknum()));
-operator>(const year_weeknum& x, const year_weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const year_weeknum& x, const year_weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const year_weeknum& x, const year_weeknum& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-operator+(const year_weeknum& ym, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return (ym.year() + dy) / ym.weeknum();
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_weeknum& ym) NOEXCEPT
-    return ym + dy;
-operator-(const year_weeknum& ym, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return ym + -dy;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_weeknum& ywn)
-    return os << ywn.year() << '-' << ywn.weeknum();
-// year_lastweek
-year_lastweek::year_lastweek(const iso_week::year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    : y_(y)
-    {}
-CONSTCD11 inline year year_lastweek::year() const NOEXCEPT {return y_;}
-year_lastweek::weeknum() const NOEXCEPT
-    const auto y = date::year{static_cast<int>(y_)};
-    const auto s0 = sys_days((y-years{1})/12/date::thu[date::last]);
-    const auto s1 = sys_days(y/12/date::thu[date::last]);
-    return iso_week::weeknum(static_cast<unsigned>(date::trunc<weeks>(s1-s0).count()));
-CONSTCD11 inline bool year_lastweek::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return y_.ok();}
-year_lastweek::operator+=(const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + dy;
-    return *this;
-year_lastweek::operator-=(const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - dy;
-    return *this;
-operator==(const year_lastweek& x, const year_lastweek& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() == y.year();
-operator!=(const year_lastweek& x, const year_lastweek& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const year_lastweek& x, const year_lastweek& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() < y.year();
-operator>(const year_lastweek& x, const year_lastweek& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const year_lastweek& x, const year_lastweek& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const year_lastweek& x, const year_lastweek& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-operator+(const year_lastweek& ym, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return year_lastweek{ym.year() + dy};
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_lastweek& ym) NOEXCEPT
-    return ym + dy;
-operator-(const year_lastweek& ym, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return ym + -dy;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_lastweek& ywn)
-    return os << ywn.year() << "-W last";
-// weeknum_weekday
-weeknum_weekday::weeknum_weekday(const iso_week::weeknum& wn,
-                                 const iso_week::weekday& wd) NOEXCEPT
-    : wn_(wn)
-    , wd_(wd)
-    {}
-CONSTCD11 inline weeknum weeknum_weekday::weeknum() const NOEXCEPT {return wn_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline weekday weeknum_weekday::weekday() const NOEXCEPT {return wd_;}
-weeknum_weekday::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wn_.ok() && wd_.ok();
-operator==(const weeknum_weekday& x, const weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.weeknum() == y.weeknum() && x.weekday() == y.weekday();
-operator!=(const weeknum_weekday& x, const weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const weeknum_weekday& x, const weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.weeknum() < y.weeknum() ? true
-        : (x.weeknum() > y.weeknum() ? false
-        : (static_cast<unsigned>(x.weekday()) < static_cast<unsigned>(y.weekday())));
-operator>(const weeknum_weekday& x, const weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const weeknum_weekday& x, const weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const weeknum_weekday& x, const weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weeknum_weekday& md)
-    return os << md.weeknum() << '-' << md.weekday();
-// lastweek_weekday
-lastweek_weekday::lastweek_weekday(const iso_week::weekday& wd) NOEXCEPT
-    : wd_(wd)
-    {}
-CONSTCD11 inline weekday lastweek_weekday::weekday() const NOEXCEPT {return wd_;}
-lastweek_weekday::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wd_.ok();
-operator==(const lastweek_weekday& x, const lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.weekday() == y.weekday();
-operator!=(const lastweek_weekday& x, const lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const lastweek_weekday& x, const lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(x.weekday()) < static_cast<unsigned>(y.weekday());
-operator>(const lastweek_weekday& x, const lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const lastweek_weekday& x, const lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const lastweek_weekday& x, const lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const lastweek_weekday& md)
-    return os << "W last-" << md.weekday();
-// year_lastweek_weekday
-year_lastweek_weekday::year_lastweek_weekday(const iso_week::year& y,
-                                             const iso_week::weekday& wd) NOEXCEPT
-    : y_(y)
-    , wd_(wd)
-    {}
-year_lastweek_weekday::operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + y;
-    return *this;
-year_lastweek_weekday::operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - y;
-    return *this;
-CONSTCD11 inline year year_lastweek_weekday::year() const NOEXCEPT {return y_;}
-year_lastweek_weekday::weeknum() const NOEXCEPT
-    return (y_ / last).weeknum();
-CONSTCD11 inline weekday year_lastweek_weekday::weekday() const NOEXCEPT {return wd_;}
-year_lastweek_weekday::operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return sys_days(date::year{static_cast<int>(y_)}/date::dec/date::thu[date::last])
-         + (sun - thu) - (sun - wd_);
-year_lastweek_weekday::operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return local_days(date::year{static_cast<int>(y_)}/date::dec/date::thu[date::last])
-         + (sun - thu) - (sun - wd_);
-year_lastweek_weekday::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    return y_.ok() && wd_.ok();
-operator==(const year_lastweek_weekday& x, const year_lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() == y.year() && x.weekday() == y.weekday();
-operator!=(const year_lastweek_weekday& x, const year_lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const year_lastweek_weekday& x, const year_lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() < y.year() ? true
-        : (x.year() > y.year() ? false
-        : (static_cast<unsigned>(x.weekday()) < static_cast<unsigned>(y.weekday())));
-operator>(const year_lastweek_weekday& x, const year_lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const year_lastweek_weekday& x, const year_lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const year_lastweek_weekday& x, const year_lastweek_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-operator+(const year_lastweek_weekday& ywnwd, const years& y)  NOEXCEPT
-    return (ywnwd.year() + y) / last / ywnwd.weekday();
-operator+(const years& y, const year_lastweek_weekday& ywnwd)  NOEXCEPT
-    return ywnwd + y;
-operator-(const year_lastweek_weekday& ywnwd, const years& y)  NOEXCEPT
-    return ywnwd + -y;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_lastweek_weekday& ywnwd)
-    return os << ywnwd.year() << "-W last-" << ywnwd.weekday();
-// year_weeknum_weekday
-year_weeknum_weekday::year_weeknum_weekday(const iso_week::year& y,
-                                           const iso_week::weeknum& wn,
-                                           const iso_week::weekday& wd) NOEXCEPT
-    : y_(y)
-    , wn_(wn)
-    , wd_(wd)
-    {}
-year_weeknum_weekday::year_weeknum_weekday(const year_lastweek_weekday& ylwwd) NOEXCEPT
-    : y_(ylwwd.year())
-    , wn_(ylwwd.weeknum())
-    , wd_(ylwwd.weekday())
-    {}
-year_weeknum_weekday::year_weeknum_weekday(const sys_days& dp) NOEXCEPT
-    : year_weeknum_weekday(from_days(dp.time_since_epoch()))
-    {}
-year_weeknum_weekday::year_weeknum_weekday(const local_days& dp) NOEXCEPT
-    : year_weeknum_weekday(from_days(dp.time_since_epoch()))
-    {}
-year_weeknum_weekday::operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + y;
-    return *this;
-year_weeknum_weekday::operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - y;
-    return *this;
-CONSTCD11 inline year year_weeknum_weekday::year() const NOEXCEPT {return y_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline weeknum year_weeknum_weekday::weeknum() const NOEXCEPT {return wn_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline weekday year_weeknum_weekday::weekday() const NOEXCEPT {return wd_;}
-year_weeknum_weekday::operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return sys_days(date::year{static_cast<int>(y_)-1}/date::dec/date::thu[date::last])
-         + (date::mon - date::thu) + weeks{static_cast<unsigned>(wn_)-1} + (wd_ - mon);
-year_weeknum_weekday::operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return local_days(date::year{static_cast<int>(y_)-1}/date::dec/date::thu[date::last])
-         + (date::mon - date::thu) + weeks{static_cast<unsigned>(wn_)-1} + (wd_ - mon);
-year_weeknum_weekday::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    return y_.ok() && wd_.ok() && iso_week::weeknum{1u} <= wn_ && wn_ <= year_lastweek{y_}.weeknum();
-year_weeknum_weekday::from_days(days d) NOEXCEPT
-    const auto dp = sys_days{d};
-    const auto wd = iso_week::weekday{dp};
-    auto y = date::year_month_day{dp + days{3}}.year();
-    auto start = sys_days((y - date::years{1})/date::dec/date::thu[date::last]) + (mon-thu);
-    if (dp < start)
-    {
-        --y;
-        start = sys_days((y - date::years{1})/date::dec/date::thu[date::last]) + (mon-thu);
-    }
-    const auto wn = iso_week::weeknum(
-                       static_cast<unsigned>(date::trunc<weeks>(dp - start).count() + 1));
-    return {iso_week::year(static_cast<int>(y)), wn, wd};
-operator==(const year_weeknum_weekday& x, const year_weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() == y.year() && x.weeknum() == y.weeknum() && x.weekday() == y.weekday();
-operator!=(const year_weeknum_weekday& x, const year_weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const year_weeknum_weekday& x, const year_weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() < y.year() ? true
-        : (x.year() > y.year() ? false
-        : (x.weeknum() < y.weeknum() ? true
-        : (x.weeknum() > y.weeknum() ? false
-        : (static_cast<unsigned>(x.weekday()) < static_cast<unsigned>(y.weekday())))));
-operator>(const year_weeknum_weekday& x, const year_weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const year_weeknum_weekday& x, const year_weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const year_weeknum_weekday& x, const year_weeknum_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-operator+(const year_weeknum_weekday& ywnwd, const years& y)  NOEXCEPT
-    return (ywnwd.year() + y) / ywnwd.weeknum() / ywnwd.weekday();
-operator+(const years& y, const year_weeknum_weekday& ywnwd)  NOEXCEPT
-    return ywnwd + y;
-operator-(const year_weeknum_weekday& ywnwd, const years& y)  NOEXCEPT
-    return ywnwd + -y;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_weeknum_weekday& ywnwd)
-    return os << ywnwd.year() << '-' << ywnwd.weeknum() << '-' << ywnwd.weekday();
-// date composition operators
-operator/(const year& y, const weeknum& wn) NOEXCEPT
-    return {y, wn};
-operator/(const year& y, int wn) NOEXCEPT
-    return y/weeknum(static_cast<unsigned>(wn));
-operator/(const year& y, last_week) NOEXCEPT
-    return year_lastweek{y};
-operator/(const weeknum& wn, const weekday& wd) NOEXCEPT
-    return {wn, wd};
-operator/(const weeknum& wn, int wd) NOEXCEPT
-    return wn/weekday{static_cast<unsigned>(wd)};
-operator/(const weekday& wd, const weeknum& wn) NOEXCEPT
-    return wn/wd;
-operator/(const weekday& wd, int wn) NOEXCEPT
-    return weeknum{static_cast<unsigned>(wn)}/wd;
-operator/(const last_week&, const weekday& wd) NOEXCEPT
-    return lastweek_weekday{wd};
-operator/(const last_week& wn, int wd) NOEXCEPT
-    return wn / weekday{static_cast<unsigned>(wd)};
-operator/(const weekday& wd, const last_week& wn) NOEXCEPT
-    return wn / wd;
-operator/(const year_weeknum& ywn, const weekday& wd) NOEXCEPT
-    return {ywn.year(), ywn.weeknum(), wd};
-operator/(const year_weeknum& ywn, int wd) NOEXCEPT
-    return ywn / weekday(static_cast<unsigned>(wd));
-operator/(const weeknum_weekday& wnwd, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return {y, wnwd.weeknum(), wnwd.weekday()};
-operator/(const weeknum_weekday& wnwd, int y) NOEXCEPT
-    return wnwd / year{y};
-operator/(const year_lastweek& ylw, const weekday& wd) NOEXCEPT
-    return {ylw.year(), wd};
-operator/(const year_lastweek& ylw, int wd) NOEXCEPT
-    return ylw / weekday(static_cast<unsigned>(wd));
-operator/(const lastweek_weekday& lwwd, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return {y, lwwd.weekday()};
-operator/(const lastweek_weekday& lwwd, int y) NOEXCEPT
-    return lwwd / year{y};
-}  // namespace iso_week
-#endif  // ISO_WEEK_H
diff --git a/thirdparty/date/include/date/julian.h b/thirdparty/date/include/date/julian.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aac963..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/date/include/date/julian.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3046 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef JULIAN_H
-#define JULIAN_H
-// The MIT License (MIT)
-// Copyright (c) 2016 Howard Hinnant
-// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-// Our apologies.  When the previous paragraph was written, lowercase had not yet
-// been invented (that would involve another several millennia of evolution).
-// We did not mean to shout.
-#include "date.h"
-namespace julian
-// durations
-using days = date::days;
-using weeks = date::weeks;
-using years = std::chrono::duration
-    <int, std::ratio_multiply<std::ratio<1461, 4>, days::period>>;
-using months = std::chrono::duration
-    <int, std::ratio_divide<years::period, std::ratio<12>>>;
-// time_point
-using sys_days   = date::sys_days;
-using local_days = date::local_days;
-// types
-struct last_spec
-    explicit last_spec() = default;
-class day;
-class month;
-class year;
-class weekday;
-class weekday_indexed;
-class weekday_last;
-class month_day;
-class month_day_last;
-class month_weekday;
-class month_weekday_last;
-class year_month;
-class year_month_day;
-class year_month_day_last;
-class year_month_weekday;
-class year_month_weekday_last;
-// date composition operators
-CONSTCD11 year_month operator/(const year& y, const month& m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month operator/(const year& y, int          m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day operator/(const day& d, const month& m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day operator/(const day& d, int          m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day operator/(const month& m, const day& d) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day operator/(const month& m, int        d) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day operator/(int          m, const day& d) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day_last operator/(const month& m, last_spec) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day_last operator/(int          m, last_spec) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day_last operator/(last_spec, const month& m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_day_last operator/(last_spec, int          m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday operator/(const month& m, const weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday operator/(int          m, const weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday operator/(const weekday_indexed& wdi, const month& m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday operator/(const weekday_indexed& wdi, int          m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday_last operator/(const month& m, const weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday_last operator/(int          m, const weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday_last operator/(const weekday_last& wdl, const month& m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 month_weekday_last operator/(const weekday_last& wdl, int          m) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator/(const year_month& ym, const day& d) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator/(const year_month& ym, int        d) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator/(const year& y, const month_day& md) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator/(int         y, const month_day& md) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator/(const month_day& md, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator/(const month_day& md, int         y) NOEXCEPT;
-    year_month_day_last operator/(const year_month& ym,   last_spec) NOEXCEPT;
-    year_month_day_last operator/(const year& y, const month_day_last& mdl) NOEXCEPT;
-    year_month_day_last operator/(int         y, const month_day_last& mdl) NOEXCEPT;
-    year_month_day_last operator/(const month_day_last& mdl, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    year_month_day_last operator/(const month_day_last& mdl, int         y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const year_month& ym, const weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const year&        y, const month_weekday&   mwd) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(int                y, const month_weekday&   mwd) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const month_weekday& mwd, const year&          y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const month_weekday& mwd, int                  y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const year_month& ym, const weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const year& y, const month_weekday_last& mwdl) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(int         y, const month_weekday_last& mwdl) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const month_weekday_last& mwdl, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator/(const month_weekday_last& mwdl, int         y) NOEXCEPT;
-// Detailed interface
-// day
-class day
-    unsigned char d_;
-    explicit CONSTCD11 day(unsigned d) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 day& operator++()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 day  operator++(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 day& operator--()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 day  operator--(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 day& operator+=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 day& operator-=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit operator unsigned() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 day  operator+(const day&  x, const days& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 day  operator+(const days& x, const day&  y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 day  operator-(const day&  x, const days& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 days operator-(const day&  x, const day&  y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const day& d);
-// month
-class month
-    unsigned char m_;
-    explicit CONSTCD11 month(unsigned m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 month& operator++()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 month  operator++(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 month& operator--()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 month  operator--(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 month& operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 month& operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit operator unsigned() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 month  operator+(const month&  x, const months& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 month  operator+(const months& x,  const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 month  operator-(const month&  x, const months& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 months operator-(const month&  x,  const month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month& m);
-// year
-class year
-    short y_;
-    explicit CONSTCD11 year(int y) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year& operator++()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year  operator++(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year& operator--()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year  operator--(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year& operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year& operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool is_leap() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit operator int() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    static CONSTCD11 year min() NOEXCEPT;
-    static CONSTCD11 year max() NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year  operator+(const year&  x, const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year  operator+(const years& x, const year&  y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year  operator-(const year&  x, const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 years operator-(const year&  x, const year&  y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year& y);
-// weekday
-class weekday
-    unsigned char wd_;
-    explicit CONSTCD11 weekday(unsigned wd) NOEXCEPT;
-    explicit weekday(int) = delete;
-    CONSTCD11 weekday(const sys_days& dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit weekday(const local_days& dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 weekday& operator++()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 weekday  operator++(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 weekday& operator--()    NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 weekday  operator--(int) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 weekday& operator+=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 weekday& operator-=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit operator unsigned() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 weekday_indexed operator[](unsigned index) const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 weekday_last    operator[](last_spec)      const NOEXCEPT;
-    static CONSTCD11 unsigned char weekday_from_days(int z) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 weekday operator+(const weekday& x, const days&    y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 weekday operator+(const days&    x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 weekday operator-(const weekday& x, const days&    y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 days    operator-(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weekday& wd);
-// weekday_indexed
-class weekday_indexed
-    unsigned char wd_    : 4;
-    unsigned char index_ : 4;
-    CONSTCD11 weekday_indexed(const julian::weekday& wd, unsigned index) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::weekday weekday() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 unsigned index() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const weekday_indexed& x, const weekday_indexed& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const weekday_indexed& x, const weekday_indexed& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weekday_indexed& wdi);
-// weekday_last
-class weekday_last
-    julian::weekday wd_;
-    explicit CONSTCD11 weekday_last(const julian::weekday& wd) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::weekday weekday() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const weekday_last& x, const weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const weekday_last& x, const weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weekday_last& wdl);
-// year_month
-class year_month
-    julian::year  y_;
-    julian::month m_;
-    CONSTCD11 year_month(const julian::year& y, const julian::month& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::year  year()  const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::month month() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month& operator+=(const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month& operator-=(const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month& operator+=(const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month& operator-=(const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 year_month operator+(const year_month& ym, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 year_month operator+(const months& dm, const year_month& ym) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 year_month operator-(const year_month& ym, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 months operator-(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month operator+(const year_month& ym, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month operator+(const years& dy, const year_month& ym) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month operator-(const year_month& ym, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month& ym);
-// month_day
-class month_day
-    julian::month m_;
-    julian::day   d_;
-    CONSTCD11 month_day(const julian::month& m, const julian::day& d) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::month month() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::day   day() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_day& md);
-// month_day_last
-class month_day_last
-    julian::month m_;
-    CONSTCD11 explicit month_day_last(const julian::month& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::month month() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_day_last& mdl);
-// month_weekday
-class month_weekday
-    julian::month           m_;
-    julian::weekday_indexed wdi_;
-    CONSTCD11 month_weekday(const julian::month& m,
-                            const julian::weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::month           month()           const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::weekday_indexed weekday_indexed() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const month_weekday& x, const month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const month_weekday& x, const month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_weekday& mwd);
-// month_weekday_last
-class month_weekday_last
-    julian::month        m_;
-    julian::weekday_last wdl_;
-    CONSTCD11 month_weekday_last(const julian::month& m,
-                                 const julian::weekday_last& wd) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::month        month()        const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::weekday_last weekday_last() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator==(const month_weekday_last& x, const month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator!=(const month_weekday_last& x, const month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_weekday_last& mwdl);
-// class year_month_day
-class year_month_day
-    julian::year  y_;
-    julian::month m_;
-    julian::day   d_;
-    CONSTCD11 year_month_day(const julian::year& y, const julian::month& m,
-                             const julian::day& d) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day(const year_month_day_last& ymdl) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day(sys_days dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 explicit year_month_day(local_days dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day& operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day& operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day& operator+=(const years& y)  NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day& operator-=(const years& y)  NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::year  year()  const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::month month() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::day   day()   const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 explicit operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    static CONSTCD14 year_month_day from_days(days dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 days to_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator==(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator!=(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator< (const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator> (const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator<=(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 bool operator>=(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 year_month_day operator+(const year_month_day& ymd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 year_month_day operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_day& ymd) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD14 year_month_day operator-(const year_month_day& ymd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator+(const year_month_day& ymd, const years& dy)  NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_day& ymd)  NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 year_month_day operator-(const year_month_day& ymd, const years& dy)  NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_day& ymd);
-// year_month_day_last
-class year_month_day_last
-    julian::year           y_;
-    julian::month_day_last mdl_;
-    CONSTCD11 year_month_day_last(const julian::year& y,
-                                  const julian::month_day_last& mdl) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day_last& operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day_last& operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day_last& operator+=(const years& y)  NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_day_last& operator-=(const years& y)  NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::year           year()           const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::month          month()          const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::month_day_last month_day_last() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 julian::day            day()            const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 explicit operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator==(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator!=(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator< (const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator> (const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator<=(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator>=(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_day_last& ymdl) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_day_last& ymdl) NOEXCEPT;
-operator-(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-operator-(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_day_last& ymdl);
-// year_month_weekday
-class year_month_weekday
-    julian::year            y_;
-    julian::month           m_;
-    julian::weekday_indexed wdi_;
-    CONSTCD11 year_month_weekday(const julian::year& y, const julian::month& m,
-                                   const julian::weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday(const sys_days& dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 explicit year_month_weekday(const local_days& dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday& operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday& operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday& operator+=(const years& y)  NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday& operator-=(const years& y)  NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::year year() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::month month() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::weekday weekday() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 unsigned index() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::weekday_indexed weekday_indexed() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 explicit operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    static CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday from_days(days dp) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 days to_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator==(const year_month_weekday& x, const year_month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    bool operator!=(const year_month_weekday& x, const year_month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_weekday& ymwd) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_weekday& ymwd) NOEXCEPT;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_weekday& ymwdi);
-// year_month_weekday_last
-class year_month_weekday_last
-    julian::year y_;
-    julian::month m_;
-    julian::weekday_last wdl_;
-    CONSTCD11 year_month_weekday_last(const julian::year& y, const julian::month& m,
-                                      const julian::weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday_last& operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday_last& operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday_last& operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 year_month_weekday_last& operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::year year() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::month month() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::weekday weekday() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 julian::weekday_last weekday_last() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 explicit operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD11 bool ok() const NOEXCEPT;
-    CONSTCD14 days to_days() const NOEXCEPT;
-operator==(const year_month_weekday_last& x, const year_month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator!=(const year_month_weekday_last& x, const year_month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl) NOEXCEPT;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl);
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-inline namespace literals
-CONSTCD11 julian::day  operator "" _d(unsigned long long d) NOEXCEPT;
-CONSTCD11 julian::year operator "" _y(unsigned long long y) NOEXCEPT;
-// CONSTDATA julian::month jan{1};
-// CONSTDATA julian::month feb{2};
-// CONSTDATA julian::month mar{3};
-// CONSTDATA julian::month apr{4};
-// CONSTDATA julian::month may{5};
-// CONSTDATA julian::month jun{6};
-// CONSTDATA julian::month jul{7};
-// CONSTDATA julian::month aug{8};
-// CONSTDATA julian::month sep{9};
-// CONSTDATA julian::month oct{10};
-// CONSTDATA julian::month nov{11};
-// CONSTDATA julian::month dec{12};
-}  // inline namespace literals
-#endif // !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-// Implementation |
-// day
-CONSTCD11 inline day::day(unsigned d) NOEXCEPT : d_(static_cast<unsigned char>(d)) {}
-CONSTCD14 inline day& day::operator++() NOEXCEPT {++d_; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline day day::operator++(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); ++(*this); return tmp;}
-CONSTCD14 inline day& day::operator--() NOEXCEPT {--d_; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline day day::operator--(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); --(*this); return tmp;}
-CONSTCD14 inline day& day::operator+=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT {*this = *this + d; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline day& day::operator-=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT {*this = *this - d; return *this;}
-CONSTCD11 inline day::operator unsigned() const NOEXCEPT {return d_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline bool day::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return 1 <= d_ && d_ <= 31;}
-operator==(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(x) == static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-operator!=(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(x) < static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-operator>(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-operator-(const day& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return days{static_cast<days::rep>(static_cast<unsigned>(x)
-                                     - static_cast<unsigned>(y))};
-operator+(const day& x, const days& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return day{static_cast<unsigned>(x) + static_cast<unsigned>(y.count())};
-operator+(const days& x, const day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y + x;
-operator-(const day& x, const days& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x + -y;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const day& d)
-    date::detail::save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-    os.fill('0');
-    os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::right);
-    os.width(2);
-    os << static_cast<unsigned>(d);
-    return os;
-// month
-CONSTCD11 inline month::month(unsigned m) NOEXCEPT : m_(static_cast<decltype(m_)>(m)) {}
-CONSTCD14 inline month& month::operator++() NOEXCEPT {if (++m_ == 13) m_ = 1; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline month month::operator++(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); ++(*this); return tmp;}
-CONSTCD14 inline month& month::operator--() NOEXCEPT {if (--m_ == 0) m_ = 12; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline month month::operator--(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); --(*this); return tmp;}
-month::operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + m;
-    return *this;
-month::operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - m;
-    return *this;
-CONSTCD11 inline month::operator unsigned() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline bool month::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return 1 <= m_ && m_ <= 12;}
-operator==(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(x) == static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-operator!=(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(x) < static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-operator>(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-operator-(const month& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    auto const d = static_cast<unsigned>(x) - static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-    return months(d <= 11 ? d : d + 12);
-operator+(const month& x, const months& y) NOEXCEPT
-    auto const mu = static_cast<long long>(static_cast<unsigned>(x)) - 1 + y.count();
-    auto const yr = (mu >= 0 ? mu : mu-11) / 12;
-    return month{static_cast<unsigned>(mu - yr * 12 + 1)};
-operator+(const months& x, const month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y + x;
-operator-(const month& x, const months& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x + -y;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month& m)
-    switch (static_cast<unsigned>(m))
-    {
-    case 1:
-        os << "Jan";
-        break;
-    case 2:
-        os << "Feb";
-        break;
-    case 3:
-        os << "Mar";
-        break;
-    case 4:
-        os << "Apr";
-        break;
-    case 5:
-        os << "May";
-        break;
-    case 6:
-        os << "Jun";
-        break;
-    case 7:
-        os << "Jul";
-        break;
-    case 8:
-        os << "Aug";
-        break;
-    case 9:
-        os << "Sep";
-        break;
-    case 10:
-        os << "Oct";
-        break;
-    case 11:
-        os << "Nov";
-        break;
-    case 12:
-        os << "Dec";
-        break;
-    default:
-        os << static_cast<unsigned>(m) << " is not a valid month";
-        break;
-    }
-    return os;
-// year
-CONSTCD11 inline year::year(int y) NOEXCEPT : y_(static_cast<decltype(y_)>(y)) {}
-CONSTCD14 inline year& year::operator++() NOEXCEPT {++y_; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline year year::operator++(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); ++(*this); return tmp;}
-CONSTCD14 inline year& year::operator--() NOEXCEPT {--y_; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline year year::operator--(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); --(*this); return tmp;}
-CONSTCD14 inline year& year::operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT {*this = *this + y; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline year& year::operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT {*this = *this - y; return *this;}
-year::is_leap() const NOEXCEPT
-    return y_ % 4 == 0;
-CONSTCD11 inline year::operator int() const NOEXCEPT {return y_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline bool year::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return true;}
-year::min() NOEXCEPT
-    return year{std::numeric_limits<short>::min()};
-year::max() NOEXCEPT
-    return year{std::numeric_limits<short>::max()};
-operator==(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<int>(x) == static_cast<int>(y);
-operator!=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<int>(x) < static_cast<int>(y);
-operator>(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-operator-(const year& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return years{static_cast<int>(x) - static_cast<int>(y)};
-operator+(const year& x, const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return year{static_cast<int>(x) + y.count()};
-operator+(const years& x, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y + x;
-operator-(const year& x, const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return year{static_cast<int>(x) - y.count()};
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year& y)
-    date::detail::save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-    os.fill('0');
-    os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::internal);
-    os.width(4 + (y < year{0}));
-    os << static_cast<int>(y);
-    return os;
-// weekday
-unsigned char
-weekday::weekday_from_days(int z) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned char>(static_cast<unsigned>(
-        z >= -4 ? (z+4) % 7 : (z+5) % 7 + 6));
-weekday::weekday(unsigned wd) NOEXCEPT
-    : wd_(static_cast<decltype(wd_)>(wd))
-    {}
-weekday::weekday(const sys_days& dp) NOEXCEPT
-    : wd_(weekday_from_days(dp.time_since_epoch().count()))
-    {}
-weekday::weekday(const local_days& dp) NOEXCEPT
-    : wd_(weekday_from_days(dp.time_since_epoch().count()))
-    {}
-CONSTCD14 inline weekday& weekday::operator++() NOEXCEPT {if (++wd_ == 7) wd_ = 0; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline weekday weekday::operator++(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); ++(*this); return tmp;}
-CONSTCD14 inline weekday& weekday::operator--() NOEXCEPT {if (wd_-- == 0) wd_ = 6; return *this;}
-CONSTCD14 inline weekday weekday::operator--(int) NOEXCEPT {auto tmp(*this); --(*this); return tmp;}
-weekday::operator+=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + d;
-    return *this;
-weekday::operator-=(const days& d) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - d;
-    return *this;
-weekday::operator unsigned() const NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(wd_);
-CONSTCD11 inline bool weekday::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return wd_ <= 6;}
-operator==(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(x) == static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-operator!=(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator-(const weekday& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    auto const diff = static_cast<unsigned>(x) - static_cast<unsigned>(y);
-    return days{diff <= 6 ? diff : diff + 7};
-operator+(const weekday& x, const days& y) NOEXCEPT
-    auto const wdu = static_cast<long long>(static_cast<unsigned>(x)) + y.count();
-    auto const wk = (wdu >= 0 ? wdu : wdu-6) / 7;
-    return weekday{static_cast<unsigned>(wdu - wk * 7)};
-operator+(const days& x, const weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y + x;
-operator-(const weekday& x, const days& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x + -y;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weekday& wd)
-    switch (static_cast<unsigned>(wd))
-    {
-    case 0:
-        os << "Sun";
-        break;
-    case 1:
-        os << "Mon";
-        break;
-    case 2:
-        os << "Tue";
-        break;
-    case 3:
-        os << "Wed";
-        break;
-    case 4:
-        os << "Thu";
-        break;
-    case 5:
-        os << "Fri";
-        break;
-    case 6:
-        os << "Sat";
-        break;
-    default:
-        os << static_cast<unsigned>(wd) << " is not a valid weekday";
-        break;
-    }
-    return os;
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-inline namespace literals
-operator "" _d(unsigned long long d) NOEXCEPT
-    return julian::day{static_cast<unsigned>(d)};
-operator "" _y(unsigned long long y) NOEXCEPT
-    return julian::year(static_cast<int>(y));
-#endif  // !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-CONSTDATA julian::last_spec last{};
-CONSTDATA julian::month jan{1};
-CONSTDATA julian::month feb{2};
-CONSTDATA julian::month mar{3};
-CONSTDATA julian::month apr{4};
-CONSTDATA julian::month may{5};
-CONSTDATA julian::month jun{6};
-CONSTDATA julian::month jul{7};
-CONSTDATA julian::month aug{8};
-CONSTDATA julian::month sep{9};
-CONSTDATA julian::month oct{10};
-CONSTDATA julian::month nov{11};
-CONSTDATA julian::month dec{12};
-CONSTDATA julian::weekday sun{0u};
-CONSTDATA julian::weekday mon{1u};
-CONSTDATA julian::weekday tue{2u};
-CONSTDATA julian::weekday wed{3u};
-CONSTDATA julian::weekday thu{4u};
-CONSTDATA julian::weekday fri{5u};
-CONSTDATA julian::weekday sat{6u};
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-}  // inline namespace literals
-// weekday_indexed
-weekday_indexed::weekday() const NOEXCEPT
-    return julian::weekday{static_cast<unsigned>(wd_)};
-CONSTCD11 inline unsigned weekday_indexed::index() const NOEXCEPT {return index_;}
-weekday_indexed::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    return weekday().ok() && 1 <= index_ && index_ <= 5;
-weekday_indexed::weekday_indexed(const julian::weekday& wd, unsigned index) NOEXCEPT
-    : wd_(static_cast<decltype(wd_)>(static_cast<unsigned>(wd)))
-    , index_(static_cast<decltype(index_)>(index))
-    {}
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weekday_indexed& wdi)
-    return os << wdi.weekday() << '[' << wdi.index() << ']';
-weekday::operator[](unsigned index) const NOEXCEPT
-    return {*this, index};
-operator==(const weekday_indexed& x, const weekday_indexed& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.weekday() == y.weekday() && x.index() == y.index();
-operator!=(const weekday_indexed& x, const weekday_indexed& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-// weekday_last
-CONSTCD11 inline julian::weekday weekday_last::weekday() const NOEXCEPT {return wd_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline bool weekday_last::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return wd_.ok();}
-CONSTCD11 inline weekday_last::weekday_last(const julian::weekday& wd) NOEXCEPT : wd_(wd) {}
-operator==(const weekday_last& x, const weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.weekday() == y.weekday();
-operator!=(const weekday_last& x, const weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const weekday_last& wdl)
-    return os << wdl.weekday() << "[last]";
-weekday::operator[](last_spec) const NOEXCEPT
-    return weekday_last{*this};
-// year_month
-year_month::year_month(const julian::year& y, const julian::month& m) NOEXCEPT
-    : y_(y)
-    , m_(m)
-    {}
-CONSTCD11 inline year year_month::year() const NOEXCEPT {return y_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline month year_month::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline bool year_month::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return y_.ok() && m_.ok();}
-year_month::operator+=(const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + dm;
-    return *this;
-year_month::operator-=(const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - dm;
-    return *this;
-year_month::operator+=(const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + dy;
-    return *this;
-year_month::operator-=(const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - dy;
-    return *this;
-operator==(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() == y.year() && x.month() == y.month();
-operator!=(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() < y.year() ? true
-        : (x.year() > y.year() ? false
-        : (x.month() < y.month()));
-operator>(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-operator+(const year_month& ym, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    auto dmi = static_cast<int>(static_cast<unsigned>(ym.month())) - 1 + dm.count();
-    auto dy = (dmi >= 0 ? dmi : dmi-11) / 12;
-    dmi = dmi - dy * 12 + 1;
-    return (ym.year() + years(dy)) / month(static_cast<unsigned>(dmi));
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month& ym) NOEXCEPT
-    return ym + dm;
-operator-(const year_month& ym, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return ym + -dm;
-operator-(const year_month& x, const year_month& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return (x.year() - y.year()) +
-            months(static_cast<unsigned>(x.month()) - static_cast<unsigned>(y.month()));
-operator+(const year_month& ym, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return (ym.year() + dy) / ym.month();
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month& ym) NOEXCEPT
-    return ym + dy;
-operator-(const year_month& ym, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return ym + -dy;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month& ym)
-    return os << ym.year() << '/' << ym.month();
-// month_day
-month_day::month_day(const julian::month& m, const julian::day& d) NOEXCEPT
-    : m_(m)
-    , d_(d)
-    {}
-CONSTCD11 inline julian::month month_day::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline julian::day month_day::day() const NOEXCEPT {return d_;}
-month_day::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    CONSTDATA julian::day d[] =
-        {31_d, 29_d, 31_d, 30_d, 31_d, 30_d, 31_d, 31_d, 30_d, 31_d, 30_d, 31_d};
-    return m_.ok() && 1_d <= d_ && d_ <= d[static_cast<unsigned>(m_)-1];
-operator==(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.month() == y.month() && ==;
-operator!=(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.month() < y.month() ? true
-        : (x.month() > y.month() ? false
-        : ( <;
-operator>(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const month_day& x, const month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_day& md)
-    return os << md.month() << '/' <<;
-// month_day_last
-CONSTCD11 inline month month_day_last::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline bool month_day_last::ok() const NOEXCEPT {return m_.ok();}
-CONSTCD11 inline month_day_last::month_day_last(const julian::month& m) NOEXCEPT : m_(m) {}
-operator==(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.month() == y.month();
-operator!=(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.month() < y.month();
-operator>(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const month_day_last& x, const month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_day_last& mdl)
-    return os << mdl.month() << "/last";
-// month_weekday
-month_weekday::month_weekday(const julian::month& m,
-                             const julian::weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT
-    : m_(m)
-    , wdi_(wdi)
-    {}
-CONSTCD11 inline month month_weekday::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-month_weekday::weekday_indexed() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wdi_;
-month_weekday::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    return m_.ok() && wdi_.ok();
-operator==(const month_weekday& x, const month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.month() == y.month() && x.weekday_indexed() == y.weekday_indexed();
-operator!=(const month_weekday& x, const month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_weekday& mwd)
-    return os << mwd.month() << '/' << mwd.weekday_indexed();
-// month_weekday_last
-month_weekday_last::month_weekday_last(const julian::month& m,
-                                       const julian::weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT
-    : m_(m)
-    , wdl_(wdl)
-    {}
-CONSTCD11 inline month month_weekday_last::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-month_weekday_last::weekday_last() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wdl_;
-month_weekday_last::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    return m_.ok() && wdl_.ok();
-operator==(const month_weekday_last& x, const month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.month() == y.month() && x.weekday_last() == y.weekday_last();
-operator!=(const month_weekday_last& x, const month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const month_weekday_last& mwdl)
-    return os << mwdl.month() << '/' << mwdl.weekday_last();
-// year_month_day_last
-year_month_day_last::year_month_day_last(const julian::year& y,
-                                         const julian::month_day_last& mdl) NOEXCEPT
-    : y_(y)
-    , mdl_(mdl)
-    {}
-year_month_day_last::operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_day_last::operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_day_last::operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + y;
-    return *this;
-year_month_day_last::operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - y;
-    return *this;
-CONSTCD11 inline year year_month_day_last::year() const NOEXCEPT {return y_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline month year_month_day_last::month() const NOEXCEPT {return mdl_.month();}
-year_month_day_last::month_day_last() const NOEXCEPT
-    return mdl_;
-year_month_day_last::day() const NOEXCEPT
-    CONSTDATA julian::day d[] =
-        {31_d, 28_d, 31_d, 30_d, 31_d, 30_d, 31_d, 31_d, 30_d, 31_d, 30_d, 31_d};
-    return month() != feb || !y_.is_leap() ? d[static_cast<unsigned>(month())-1] : 29_d;
-year_month_day_last::operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return sys_days(year()/month()/day());
-year_month_day_last::operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return local_days(year()/month()/day());
-year_month_day_last::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    return y_.ok() && mdl_.ok();
-operator==(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() == y.year() && x.month_day_last() == y.month_day_last();
-operator!=(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() < y.year() ? true
-        : (x.year() > y.year() ? false
-        : (x.month_day_last() < y.month_day_last()));
-operator>(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const year_month_day_last& x, const year_month_day_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_day_last& ymdl)
-    return os << ymdl.year() << '/' << ymdl.month_day_last();
-operator+(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return (ymdl.year() / ymdl.month() + dm) / last;
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_day_last& ymdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymdl + dm;
-operator-(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymdl + (-dm);
-operator+(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return {ymdl.year()+dy, ymdl.month_day_last()};
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_day_last& ymdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymdl + dy;
-operator-(const year_month_day_last& ymdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymdl + (-dy);
-// year_month_day
-year_month_day::year_month_day(const julian::year& y, const julian::month& m,
-                               const julian::day& d) NOEXCEPT
-    : y_(y)
-    , m_(m)
-    , d_(d)
-    {}
-year_month_day::year_month_day(const year_month_day_last& ymdl) NOEXCEPT
-    : y_(ymdl.year())
-    , m_(ymdl.month())
-    , d_(
-    {}
-year_month_day::year_month_day(sys_days dp) NOEXCEPT
-    : year_month_day(from_days(dp.time_since_epoch()))
-    {}
-year_month_day::year_month_day(local_days dp) NOEXCEPT
-    : year_month_day(from_days(dp.time_since_epoch()))
-    {}
-CONSTCD11 inline year year_month_day::year() const NOEXCEPT {return y_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline month year_month_day::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline day year_month_day::day() const NOEXCEPT {return d_;}
-year_month_day::operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_day::operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_day::operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + y;
-    return *this;
-year_month_day::operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - y;
-    return *this;
-year_month_day::to_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    static_assert(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::digits >= 18,
-             "This algorithm has not been ported to a 16 bit unsigned integer");
-    static_assert(std::numeric_limits<int>::digits >= 20,
-             "This algorithm has not been ported to a 16 bit signed integer");
-    auto const y = static_cast<int>(y_) - (m_ <= feb);
-    auto const m = static_cast<unsigned>(m_);
-    auto const d = static_cast<unsigned>(d_);
-    auto const era = (y >= 0 ? y : y-3) / 4;
-    auto const yoe = static_cast<unsigned>(y - era * 4);       // [0, 3]
-    auto const doy = (153*(m > 2 ? m-3 : m+9) + 2)/5 + d-1;    // [0, 365]
-    auto const doe = yoe * 365 + doy;                          // [0, 1460]
-    return days{era * 1461 + static_cast<int>(doe) - 719470};
-year_month_day::operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return sys_days{to_days()};
-year_month_day::operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return local_days{to_days()};
-year_month_day::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    if (!(y_.ok() && m_.ok()))
-        return false;
-    return 1_d <= d_ && d_ <= (y_/m_/last).day();
-operator==(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() == y.year() && x.month() == y.month() && ==;
-operator!=(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-operator<(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() < y.year() ? true
-        : (x.year() > y.year() ? false
-        : (x.month() < y.month() ? true
-        : (x.month() > y.month() ? false
-        : ( <;
-operator>(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y < x;
-operator<=(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(y < x);
-operator>=(const year_month_day& x, const year_month_day& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x < y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_day& ymd)
-    date::detail::save_stream<CharT, Traits> _(os);
-    os.fill('0');
-    os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::right);
-    os << ymd.year() << '-';
-    os.width(2);
-    os << static_cast<unsigned>(ymd.month()) << '-';
-    os <<;
-    return os;
-year_month_day::from_days(days dp) NOEXCEPT
-    static_assert(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::digits >= 18,
-             "This algorithm has not been ported to a 16 bit unsigned integer");
-    static_assert(std::numeric_limits<int>::digits >= 20,
-             "This algorithm has not been ported to a 16 bit signed integer");
-    auto const z = dp.count() + 719470;
-    auto const era = (z >= 0 ? z : z - 1460) / 1461;
-    auto const doe = static_cast<unsigned>(z - era * 1461);          // [0, 1460]
-    auto const yoe = (doe - doe/1460) / 365;                         // [0, 3]
-    auto const y = static_cast<sys_days::rep>(yoe) + era * 4;
-    auto const doy = doe - 365*yoe;                                  // [0, 365]
-    auto const mp = (5*doy + 2)/153;                                 // [0, 11]
-    auto const d = doy - (153*mp+2)/5 + 1;                           // [1, 31]
-    auto const m = mp < 10 ? mp+3 : mp-9;                            // [1, 12]
-    return year_month_day{julian::year{y + (m <= 2)}, julian::month(m), julian::day(d)};
-operator+(const year_month_day& ymd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return (ymd.year() / ymd.month() + dm) /;
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_day& ymd) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymd + dm;
-operator-(const year_month_day& ymd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymd + (-dm);
-operator+(const year_month_day& ymd, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return (ymd.year() + dy) / ymd.month() /;
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_day& ymd) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymd + dy;
-operator-(const year_month_day& ymd, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymd + (-dy);
-// year_month_weekday
-year_month_weekday::year_month_weekday(const julian::year& y, const julian::month& m,
-                                       const julian::weekday_indexed& wdi)
-        NOEXCEPT
-    : y_(y)
-    , m_(m)
-    , wdi_(wdi)
-    {}
-year_month_weekday::year_month_weekday(const sys_days& dp) NOEXCEPT
-    : year_month_weekday(from_days(dp.time_since_epoch()))
-    {}
-year_month_weekday::year_month_weekday(const local_days& dp) NOEXCEPT
-    : year_month_weekday(from_days(dp.time_since_epoch()))
-    {}
-year_month_weekday::operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_weekday::operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_weekday::operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + y;
-    return *this;
-year_month_weekday::operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - y;
-    return *this;
-CONSTCD11 inline year year_month_weekday::year() const NOEXCEPT {return y_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline month year_month_weekday::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-year_month_weekday::weekday() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wdi_.weekday();
-year_month_weekday::index() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wdi_.index();
-year_month_weekday::weekday_indexed() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wdi_;
-year_month_weekday::operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return sys_days{to_days()};
-year_month_weekday::operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return local_days{to_days()};
-year_month_weekday::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    if (!y_.ok() || !m_.ok() || !wdi_.weekday().ok() || wdi_.index() < 1)
-        return false;
-    if (wdi_.index() <= 4)
-        return true;
-    auto d2 = wdi_.weekday() - julian::weekday(y_/m_/1) + days((wdi_.index()-1)*7 + 1);
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(d2.count()) <= static_cast<unsigned>((y_/m_/last).day());
-year_month_weekday::from_days(days d) NOEXCEPT
-    sys_days dp{d};
-    auto const wd = julian::weekday(dp);
-    auto const ymd = year_month_day(dp);
-    return {ymd.year(), ymd.month(), wd[(static_cast<unsigned>(]};
-year_month_weekday::to_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    auto d = sys_days(y_/m_/1);
-    return (d + (wdi_.weekday() - julian::weekday(d) + days{(wdi_.index()-1)*7})
-           ).time_since_epoch();
-operator==(const year_month_weekday& x, const year_month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() == y.year() && x.month() == y.month() &&
-           x.weekday_indexed() == y.weekday_indexed();
-operator!=(const year_month_weekday& x, const year_month_weekday& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_weekday& ymwdi)
-    return os << ymwdi.year() << '/' << ymwdi.month()
-              << '/' << ymwdi.weekday_indexed();
-operator+(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return (ymwd.year() / ymwd.month() + dm) / ymwd.weekday_indexed();
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_weekday& ymwd) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwd + dm;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwd + (-dm);
-operator+(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return {ymwd.year()+dy, ymwd.month(), ymwd.weekday_indexed()};
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_weekday& ymwd) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwd + dy;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday& ymwd, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwd + (-dy);
-// year_month_weekday_last
-year_month_weekday_last::year_month_weekday_last(const julian::year& y,
-                                                 const julian::month& m,
-                                                 const julian::weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT
-    : y_(y)
-    , m_(m)
-    , wdl_(wdl)
-    {}
-year_month_weekday_last::operator+=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_weekday_last::operator-=(const months& m) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - m;
-    return *this;
-year_month_weekday_last::operator+=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this + y;
-    return *this;
-year_month_weekday_last::operator-=(const years& y) NOEXCEPT
-    *this = *this - y;
-    return *this;
-CONSTCD11 inline year year_month_weekday_last::year() const NOEXCEPT {return y_;}
-CONSTCD11 inline month year_month_weekday_last::month() const NOEXCEPT {return m_;}
-year_month_weekday_last::weekday() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wdl_.weekday();
-year_month_weekday_last::weekday_last() const NOEXCEPT
-    return wdl_;
-year_month_weekday_last::operator sys_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return sys_days{to_days()};
-year_month_weekday_last::operator local_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    return local_days{to_days()};
-year_month_weekday_last::ok() const NOEXCEPT
-    return y_.ok() && m_.ok() && wdl_.ok();
-year_month_weekday_last::to_days() const NOEXCEPT
-    auto const d = sys_days(y_/m_/last);
-    return (d - (julian::weekday{d} - wdl_.weekday())).time_since_epoch();
-operator==(const year_month_weekday_last& x, const year_month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return x.year() == y.year() && x.month() == y.month() &&
-           x.weekday_last() == y.weekday_last();
-operator!=(const year_month_weekday_last& x, const year_month_weekday_last& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return !(x == y);
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl)
-    return os << ymwdl.year() << '/' << ymwdl.month() << '/' << ymwdl.weekday_last();
-operator+(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return (ymwdl.year() / ymwdl.month() + dm) / ymwdl.weekday_last();
-operator+(const months& dm, const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwdl + dm;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const months& dm) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwdl + (-dm);
-operator+(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return {ymwdl.year()+dy, ymwdl.month(), ymwdl.weekday_last()};
-operator+(const years& dy, const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwdl + dy;
-operator-(const year_month_weekday_last& ymwdl, const years& dy) NOEXCEPT
-    return ymwdl + (-dy);
-// year_month from operator/()
-operator/(const year& y, const month& m) NOEXCEPT
-    return {y, m};
-operator/(const year& y, int   m) NOEXCEPT
-    return y / month(static_cast<unsigned>(m));
-// month_day from operator/()
-operator/(const month& m, const day& d) NOEXCEPT
-    return {m, d};
-operator/(const day& d, const month& m) NOEXCEPT
-    return m / d;
-operator/(const month& m, int d) NOEXCEPT
-    return m / day(static_cast<unsigned>(d));
-operator/(int m, const day& d) NOEXCEPT
-    return month(static_cast<unsigned>(m)) / d;
-CONSTCD11 inline month_day operator/(const day& d, int m) NOEXCEPT {return m / d;}
-// month_day_last from operator/()
-operator/(const month& m, last_spec) NOEXCEPT
-    return month_day_last{m};
-operator/(last_spec, const month& m) NOEXCEPT
-    return m/last;
-operator/(int m, last_spec) NOEXCEPT
-    return month(static_cast<unsigned>(m))/last;
-operator/(last_spec, int m) NOEXCEPT
-    return m/last;
-// month_weekday from operator/()
-operator/(const month& m, const weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT
-    return {m, wdi};
-operator/(const weekday_indexed& wdi, const month& m) NOEXCEPT
-    return m / wdi;
-operator/(int m, const weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT
-    return month(static_cast<unsigned>(m)) / wdi;
-operator/(const weekday_indexed& wdi, int m) NOEXCEPT
-    return m / wdi;
-// month_weekday_last from operator/()
-operator/(const month& m, const weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return {m, wdl};
-operator/(const weekday_last& wdl, const month& m) NOEXCEPT
-    return m / wdl;
-operator/(int m, const weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return month(static_cast<unsigned>(m)) / wdl;
-operator/(const weekday_last& wdl, int m) NOEXCEPT
-    return m / wdl;
-// year_month_day from operator/()
-operator/(const year_month& ym, const day& d) NOEXCEPT
-    return {ym.year(), ym.month(), d};
-operator/(const year_month& ym, int d)  NOEXCEPT
-    return ym / day(static_cast<unsigned>(d));
-operator/(const year& y, const month_day& md) NOEXCEPT
-    return y / md.month() /;
-operator/(int y, const month_day& md) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / md;
-operator/(const month_day& md, const year& y)  NOEXCEPT
-    return y / md;
-operator/(const month_day& md, int y) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / md;
-// year_month_day_last from operator/()
-operator/(const year_month& ym, last_spec) NOEXCEPT
-    return {ym.year(), month_day_last{ym.month()}};
-operator/(const year& y, const month_day_last& mdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return {y, mdl};
-operator/(int y, const month_day_last& mdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / mdl;
-operator/(const month_day_last& mdl, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y / mdl;
-operator/(const month_day_last& mdl, int y) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / mdl;
-// year_month_weekday from operator/()
-operator/(const year_month& ym, const weekday_indexed& wdi) NOEXCEPT
-    return {ym.year(), ym.month(), wdi};
-operator/(const year& y, const month_weekday& mwd) NOEXCEPT
-    return {y, mwd.month(), mwd.weekday_indexed()};
-operator/(int y, const month_weekday& mwd) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / mwd;
-operator/(const month_weekday& mwd, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y / mwd;
-operator/(const month_weekday& mwd, int y) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / mwd;
-// year_month_weekday_last from operator/()
-operator/(const year_month& ym, const weekday_last& wdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return {ym.year(), ym.month(), wdl};
-operator/(const year& y, const month_weekday_last& mwdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return {y, mwdl.month(), mwdl.weekday_last()};
-operator/(int y, const month_weekday_last& mwdl) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / mwdl;
-operator/(const month_weekday_last& mwdl, const year& y) NOEXCEPT
-    return y / mwdl;
-operator/(const month_weekday_last& mwdl, int y) NOEXCEPT
-    return year(y) / mwdl;
-}  // namespace julian
-#endif  // JULIAN_H
diff --git a/thirdparty/date/include/date/ptz.h b/thirdparty/date/include/date/ptz.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 78be1d2..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/date/include/date/ptz.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,592 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PTZ_H
-#define PTZ_H
-// The MIT License (MIT)
-// Copyright (c) 2017 Howard Hinnant
-// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-// This header allows Posix-style time zones as specified for TZ here:
-// Posix::time_zone can be constructed with a posix-style string and then used in
-// a zoned_time like so:
-// zoned_time<system_clock::duration, Posix::time_zone> zt{"EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0",
-//                                                         system_clock::now()};
-// or:
-// Posix::time_zone tz{"EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0"};
-// zoned_time<system_clock::duration, Posix::time_zone> zt{tz, system_clock::now()};
-// Note, Posix-style time zones are not recommended for all of the reasons described here:
-// They are provided here as a non-trivial custom time zone example, and if you really
-// have to have Posix time zones, you're welcome to use this one.
-#include "date/tz.h"
-#include <cctype>
-#include <ostream>
-#include <string>
-namespace Posix
-namespace detail
-using string_t = std::string_view;
-#else  // !HAS_STRING_VIEW
-using string_t = std::string;
-#endif  // !HAS_STRING_VIEW
-class rule;
-void throw_invalid(const string_t& s, unsigned i, const string_t& message);
-unsigned read_date(const string_t& s, unsigned i, rule& r);
-unsigned read_name(const string_t& s, unsigned i, std::string& name);
-unsigned read_signed_time(const string_t& s, unsigned i, std::chrono::seconds& t);
-unsigned read_unsigned_time(const string_t& s, unsigned i, std::chrono::seconds& t);
-unsigned read_unsigned(const string_t& s, unsigned i,  unsigned limit, unsigned& u);
-class rule
-    enum {off, J, M, N};
-    date::month m_;
-    date::weekday wd_;
-    unsigned short n_    : 14;
-    unsigned short mode_ : 2;
-    std::chrono::duration<std::int32_t> time_ = std::chrono::hours{2};
-    rule() : mode_(off) {}
-    bool ok() const {return mode_ != off;}
-    date::local_seconds operator()(date::year y) const;
-    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const rule& r);
-    friend unsigned read_date(const string_t& s, unsigned i, rule& r);
-rule::operator()(date::year y) const
-    using namespace date;
-    using sec = std::chrono::seconds;
-    date::local_seconds t;
-    switch (mode_)
-    {
-    case J:
-        t = local_days{y/jan/0} + days{n_ + (y.is_leap() && n_ > 59)} + sec{time_};
-        break;
-    case M:
-        t = (n_ == 5 ? local_days{y/m_/wd_[last]} : local_days{y/m_/wd_[n_]}) + sec{time_};
-        break;
-    case N:
-        t = local_days{y/jan/1} + days{n_} + sec{time_};
-        break;
-    default:
-        assert(!"rule called with bad mode");
-    }
-    return t;
-operator<<(std::ostream& os, const rule& r)
-    switch (r.mode_)
-    {
-    case rule::J:
-        os << 'J' << r.n_ << date::format(" %T", r.time_);
-        break;
-    case rule::M:
-        if (r.n_ == 5)
-            os << r.m_/r.wd_[date::last];
-        else
-            os << r.m_/r.wd_[r.n_];
-        os <<  date::format(" %T", r.time_);
-        break;
-    case rule::N:
-        os << r.n_ << date::format(" %T", r.time_);
-        break;
-    default:
-        break;
-    }
-    return os;
-}  // namespace detail
-class time_zone
-    std::string          std_abbrev_;
-    std::string          dst_abbrev_ = {};
-    std::chrono::seconds offset_;
-    std::chrono::seconds save_ = std::chrono::hours{1};
-    detail::rule         start_rule_;
-    detail::rule         end_rule_;
-    explicit time_zone(const detail::string_t& name);
-    template <class Duration>
-        date::sys_info   get_info(date::sys_time<Duration> st) const;
-    template <class Duration>
-        date::local_info get_info(date::local_time<Duration> tp) const;
-    template <class Duration>
-        date::sys_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-        to_sys(date::local_time<Duration> tp) const;
-    template <class Duration>
-        date::sys_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-        to_sys(date::local_time<Duration> tp, date::choose z) const;
-    template <class Duration>
-        date::local_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-        to_local(date::sys_time<Duration> tp) const;
-    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const time_zone& z);
-    const time_zone* operator->() const {return this;}
-time_zone::time_zone(const detail::string_t& s)
-    using namespace detail;
-    auto i = read_name(s, 0, std_abbrev_);
-    i = read_signed_time(s, i, offset_);
-    offset_ = -offset_;
-    if (i != s.size())
-    {
-        i = read_name(s, i, dst_abbrev_);
-        if (i != s.size())
-        {
-            if (s[i] != ',')
-                i = read_signed_time(s, i, save_);
-            if (i != s.size())
-            {
-                if (s[i] != ',')
-                    throw_invalid(s, i, "Expecting end of string or ',' to start rule");
-                ++i;
-                i = read_date(s, i, start_rule_);
-                if (i == s.size() || s[i] != ',')
-                    throw_invalid(s, i, "Expecting ',' and then the ending rule");
-                ++i;
-                i = read_date(s, i, end_rule_);
-                if (i != s.size())
-                    throw_invalid(s, i, "Found unexpected trailing characters");
-            }
-        }
-    }
-template <class Duration>
-time_zone::get_info(date::sys_time<Duration> st) const
-    using namespace date;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    sys_info r{};
-    r.offset = offset_;
-    if (start_rule_.ok())
-    {
-        auto y = year_month_day{floor<days>(st)}.year();
-        auto start = sys_seconds{(start_rule_(y) - offset_).time_since_epoch()};
-        auto end   = sys_seconds{(end_rule_(y) - (offset_ + save_)).time_since_epoch()};
-        if (start <= st && st < end)
-        {
-            r.begin = start;
-            r.end = end;
-            r.offset += save_;
-   = ceil<minutes>(save_);
-            r.abbrev = dst_abbrev_;
-        }
-        else if (st < start)
-        {
-            r.begin = sys_seconds{(end_rule_(y-years{1}) -
-                                   (offset_ + save_)).time_since_epoch()};
-            r.end = start;
-            r.abbrev = std_abbrev_;
-        }
-        else  // st >= end
-        {
-            r.begin = end;
-            r.end = sys_seconds{(start_rule_(y+years{1}) - offset_).time_since_epoch()};
-            r.abbrev = std_abbrev_;
-        }
-    }
-    else  //  constant offset
-    {
-        r.begin = sys_days{year::min()/jan/1};
-        r.end   = sys_days{year::max()/dec/last};
-        r.abbrev = std_abbrev_;
-    }
-    return r;
-template <class Duration>
-time_zone::get_info(date::local_time<Duration> tp) const
-    using namespace date;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    local_info r{};
-    if (start_rule_.ok())
-    {
-        auto y = year_month_day{floor<days>(tp)}.year();
-        auto start = sys_seconds{(start_rule_(y) - offset_).time_since_epoch()};
-        auto end   = sys_seconds{(end_rule_(y) - (offset_ + save_)).time_since_epoch()};
-        auto utcs = sys_seconds{floor<seconds>(tp - offset_).time_since_epoch()};
-        auto utcd = sys_seconds{floor<seconds>(tp - (offset_ + save_)).time_since_epoch()};
-        if ((utcs < start) != (utcd < start))
-        {
-            r.first.begin = sys_seconds{(end_rule_(y-years{1}) -
-                                         (offset_ + save_)).time_since_epoch()};
-            r.first.end = start;
-            r.first.offset = offset_;
-            r.first.abbrev = std_abbrev_;
-            r.second.begin = start;
-            r.second.end = end;
-            r.second.abbrev = dst_abbrev_;
-            r.second.offset = offset_ + save_;
-   = ceil<minutes>(save_);
-            r.result = save_ > seconds{0} ? local_info::nonexistent
-                                          : local_info::ambiguous;
-        }
-        else if ((utcs < end) != (utcd < end))
-        {
-            r.first.begin = start;
-            r.first.end = end;
-            r.first.offset = offset_ + save_;
-   = ceil<minutes>(save_);
-            r.first.abbrev = dst_abbrev_;
-            r.second.begin = end;
-            r.second.end = sys_seconds{(start_rule_(y+years{1}) -
-                                        offset_).time_since_epoch()};
-            r.second.abbrev = std_abbrev_;
-            r.second.offset = offset_;
-            r.result = save_ > seconds{0} ? local_info::ambiguous
-                                          : local_info::nonexistent;
-        }
-        else if (utcs < start)
-        {
-            r.first.begin = sys_seconds{(end_rule_(y-years{1}) -
-                                   (offset_ + save_)).time_since_epoch()};
-            r.first.end = start;
-            r.first.offset = offset_;
-            r.first.abbrev = std_abbrev_;
-        }
-        else if (utcs < end)
-        {
-            r.first.begin = start;
-            r.first.end = end;
-            r.first.offset = offset_ + save_;
-   = ceil<minutes>(save_);
-            r.first.abbrev = dst_abbrev_;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            r.first.begin = end;
-            r.first.end = sys_seconds{(start_rule_(y+years{1}) -
-                                       offset_).time_since_epoch()};
-            r.first.abbrev = std_abbrev_;
-            r.first.offset = offset_;
-        }
-    }
-    else  //  constant offset
-    {
-        r.first.begin = sys_days{year::min()/jan/1};
-        r.first.end   = sys_days{year::max()/dec/last};
-        r.first.abbrev = std_abbrev_;
-        r.first.offset = offset_;
-    }
-    return r;
-template <class Duration>
-date::sys_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-time_zone::to_sys(date::local_time<Duration> tp) const
-    using namespace date;
-    auto i = get_info(tp);
-    if (i.result == local_info::nonexistent)
-        throw nonexistent_local_time(tp, i);
-    else if (i.result == local_info::ambiguous)
-        throw ambiguous_local_time(tp, i);
-    return sys_time<Duration>{tp.time_since_epoch()} - i.first.offset;
-template <class Duration>
-date::sys_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-time_zone::to_sys(date::local_time<Duration> tp, date::choose z) const
-    using namespace date;
-    auto i = get_info(tp);
-    if (i.result == local_info::nonexistent)
-    {
-        return i.first.end;
-    }
-    else if (i.result == local_info::ambiguous)
-    {
-        if (z == choose::latest)
-            return sys_time<Duration>{tp.time_since_epoch()} - i.second.offset;
-    }
-    return sys_time<Duration>{tp.time_since_epoch()} - i.first.offset;
-template <class Duration>
-date::local_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-time_zone::to_local(date::sys_time<Duration> tp) const
-    using namespace date;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using LT = local_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, seconds>::type>;
-    auto i = get_info(tp);
-    return LT{(tp + i.offset).time_since_epoch()};
-operator<<(std::ostream& os, const time_zone& z)
-    using date::operator<<;
-    os << '{';
-    os << z.std_abbrev_ << ", " << z.dst_abbrev_ << date::format(", %T, ", z.offset_)
-       << date::format("%T, [", z.save_) << z.start_rule_ << ", " << z.end_rule_ << ")}";
-    return os;
-namespace detail
-throw_invalid(const string_t& s, unsigned i, const string_t& message)
-    throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Invalid time_zone initializer.\n") +
-                             std::string(message) + ":\n" +
-                             s + '\n' +
-                             "\x1b[1;32m" +
-                             std::string(i, '~') + '^' +
-                             std::string(s.size()-i-1, '~') +
-                             "\x1b[0m");
-read_date(const string_t& s, unsigned i, rule& r)
-    using namespace date;
-    if (i == s.size())
-        throw_invalid(s, i, "Expected rule but found end of string");
-    if (s[i] == 'J')
-    {
-        ++i;
-        unsigned n;
-        i = read_unsigned(s, i, 3, n);
-        r.mode_ = rule::J;
-        r.n_ = n;
-    }
-    else if (s[i] == 'M')
-    {
-        ++i;
-        unsigned m;
-        i = read_unsigned(s, i, 2, m);
-        if (i == s.size() || s[i] != '.')
-            throw_invalid(s, i, "Expected '.' after month");
-        ++i;
-        unsigned n;
-        i = read_unsigned(s, i, 1, n);
-        if (i == s.size() || s[i] != '.')
-            throw_invalid(s, i, "Expected '.' after weekday index");
-        ++i;
-        unsigned wd;
-        i = read_unsigned(s, i, 1, wd);
-        r.mode_ = rule::M;
-        r.m_ = month{m};
-        r.wd_ = weekday{wd};
-        r.n_ = n;
-    }
-    else if (std::isdigit(s[i]))
-    {
-        unsigned n;
-        i = read_unsigned(s, i, 3, n);
-        r.mode_ = rule::N;
-        r.n_ = n;
-    }
-    else
-        throw_invalid(s, i, "Expected 'J', 'M', or a digit to start rule");
-    if (i != s.size() && s[i] == '/')
-    {
-        ++i;
-        std::chrono::seconds t;
-        i = read_unsigned_time(s, i, t);
-        r.time_ = t;
-    }
-    return i;
-read_name(const string_t& s, unsigned i, std::string& name)
-    if (i == s.size())
-        throw_invalid(s, i, "Expected a name but found end of string");
-    if (s[i] == '<')
-    {
-        ++i;
-        while (true)
-        {
-            if (i == s.size())
-                throw_invalid(s, i,
-                              "Expected to find closing '>', but found end of string");
-            if (s[i] == '>')
-                break;
-            name.push_back(s[i]);
-            ++i;
-        }
-        ++i;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        while (i != s.size() && std::isalpha(s[i]))
-        {
-            name.push_back(s[i]);
-            ++i;
-        }
-    }
-    if (name.size() < 3)
-        throw_invalid(s, i, "Found name to be shorter than 3 characters");
-    return i;
-read_signed_time(const string_t& s, unsigned i,
-                                  std::chrono::seconds& t)
-    if (i == s.size())
-        throw_invalid(s, i, "Expected to read signed time, but found end of string");
-    bool negative = false;
-    if (s[i] == '-')
-    {
-        negative = true;
-        ++i;
-    }
-    else if (s[i] == '+')
-        ++i;
-    i = read_unsigned_time(s, i, t);
-    if (negative)
-        t = -t;
-    return i;
-read_unsigned_time(const string_t& s, unsigned i, std::chrono::seconds& t)
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    if (i == s.size())
-        throw_invalid(s, i, "Expected to read unsigned time, but found end of string");
-    unsigned x;
-    i = read_unsigned(s, i, 2, x);
-    t = hours{x};
-    if (i != s.size() && s[i] == ':')
-    {
-        ++i;
-        i = read_unsigned(s, i, 2, x);
-        t += minutes{x};
-        if (i != s.size() && s[i] == ':')
-        {
-            ++i;
-            i = read_unsigned(s, i, 2, x);
-            t += seconds{x};
-        }
-    }
-    return i;
-read_unsigned(const string_t& s, unsigned i, unsigned limit, unsigned& u)
-    if (i == s.size() || !std::isdigit(s[i]))
-        throw_invalid(s, i, "Expected to find a decimal digit");
-    u = static_cast<unsigned>(s[i] - '0');
-    unsigned count = 1;
-    for (++i; count < limit && i != s.size() && std::isdigit(s[i]); ++i, ++count)
-        u = u * 10 + static_cast<unsigned>(s[i] - '0');
-    return i;
-}  // namespace detail
-}  // namespace Posix
-namespace date
-template <>
-struct zoned_traits<Posix::time_zone>
-    static
-    Posix::time_zone
-    locate_zone(std::string_view name)
-    {
-        return Posix::time_zone{name};
-    }
-#else  // !HAS_STRING_VIEW
-    static
-    Posix::time_zone
-    locate_zone(const std::string& name)
-    {
-        return Posix::time_zone{name};
-    }
-    static
-    Posix::time_zone
-    locate_zone(const char* name)
-    {
-        return Posix::time_zone{name};
-    }
-#endif  // !HAS_STRING_VIEW
-}  // namespace date
-#endif  // PTZ_H
diff --git a/thirdparty/date/include/date/tz.h b/thirdparty/date/include/date/tz.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9840e7b..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/date/include/date/tz.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2575 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef TZ_H
-#define TZ_H
-// The MIT License (MIT)
-// Copyright (c) 2015, 2016, 2017 Howard Hinnant
-// Copyright (c) 2017 Jiangang Zhuang
-// Copyright (c) 2017 Aaron Bishop
-// Copyright (c) 2017 Tomasz KamiƄski
-// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-// Our apologies.  When the previous paragraph was written, lowercase had not yet
-// been invented (that would involve another several millennia of evolution).
-// We did not mean to shout.
-// Get more recent database at
-// The notion of "current timezone" is something the operating system is expected to "just
-// know". How it knows this is system specific. It's often a value set by the user at OS
-// installation time and recorded by the OS somewhere. On Linux and Mac systems the current
-// timezone name is obtained by looking at the name or contents of a particular file on
-// disk. On Windows the current timezone name comes from the registry. In either method,
-// there is no guarantee that the "native" current timezone name obtained will match any
-// of the "Standard" names in this library's "database". On Linux, the names usually do
-// seem to match so mapping functions to map from native to "Standard" are typically not
-// required. On Windows, the names are never "Standard" so mapping is always required.
-// Technically any OS may use the mapping process but currently only Windows does use it.
-#ifndef USE_OS_TZDB
-#  define USE_OS_TZDB 0
-#  if USE_OS_TZDB == 0
-#    ifdef _WIN32
-#      define HAS_REMOTE_API 0
-#    else
-#      define HAS_REMOTE_API 1
-#    endif
-#  else  // HAS_REMOTE_API makes no since when using the OS timezone database
-#    define HAS_REMOTE_API 0
-#  endif
-#ifdef __clang__
-# pragma clang diagnostic push
-# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wconstant-logical-operand"
-static_assert(!(USE_OS_TZDB && HAS_REMOTE_API),
-              "USE_OS_TZDB and HAS_REMOTE_API can not be used together");
-#ifdef __clang__
-# pragma clang diagnostic pop
-static_assert(HAS_REMOTE_API == 0 ? AUTO_DOWNLOAD == 0 : true,
-              "AUTO_DOWNLOAD can not be turned on without HAS_REMOTE_API");
-#ifndef USE_SHELL_API
-#  define USE_SHELL_API 1
-#  ifdef _WIN32
-#    error "USE_OS_TZDB can not be used on Windows"
-#  endif
-#    ifdef __APPLE__
-#      define MISSING_LEAP_SECONDS 1
-#    else
-#      define MISSING_LEAP_SECONDS 0
-#    endif
-#  endif
-#  if __cplusplus >= 201703
-#  else
-#  endif
-#include "date.h"
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1900)
-#include "tz_private.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <atomic>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <chrono>
-#include <istream>
-#include <locale>
-#include <memory>
-#include <mutex>
-#include <ostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <string>
-#include <type_traits>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#  ifdef DATE_BUILD_DLL
-#    define DATE_API __declspec(dllexport)
-#  elif defined(DATE_USE_DLL)
-#    define DATE_API __declspec(dllimport)
-#  else
-#    define DATE_API
-#  endif
-#  ifdef DATE_BUILD_DLL
-#    define DATE_API __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
-#  else
-#    define DATE_API
-#  endif
-namespace date
-enum class choose {earliest, latest};
-namespace detail
-    struct undocumented;
-struct sys_info
-    sys_seconds          begin;
-    sys_seconds          end;
-    std::chrono::seconds offset;
-    std::chrono::minutes save;
-    std::string          abbrev;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const sys_info& r)
-    os << r.begin << '\n';
-    os << r.end << '\n';
-    os << make_time(r.offset) << "\n";
-    os << make_time( << "\n";
-    os << r.abbrev << '\n';
-    return os;
-struct local_info
-    enum {unique, nonexistent, ambiguous} result;
-    sys_info first;
-    sys_info second;
-template<class CharT, class Traits>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const local_info& r)
-    if (r.result == local_info::nonexistent)
-        os << "nonexistent between\n";
-    else if (r.result == local_info::ambiguous)
-        os << "ambiguous between\n";
-    os << r.first;
-    if (r.result != local_info::unique)
-    {
-        os << "and\n";
-        os << r.second;
-    }
-    return os;
-class nonexistent_local_time
-    : public std::runtime_error
-    template <class Duration>
-        nonexistent_local_time(local_time<Duration> tp, const local_info& i);
-    template <class Duration>
-    static
-    std::string
-    make_msg(local_time<Duration> tp, const local_info& i);
-template <class Duration>
-nonexistent_local_time::nonexistent_local_time(local_time<Duration> tp,
-                                               const local_info& i)
-    : std::runtime_error(make_msg(tp, i))
-template <class Duration>
-nonexistent_local_time::make_msg(local_time<Duration> tp, const local_info& i)
-    assert(i.result == local_info::nonexistent);
-    std::ostringstream os;
-    os << tp << " is in a gap between\n"
-       << local_seconds{i.first.end.time_since_epoch()} + i.first.offset << ' '
-       << i.first.abbrev << " and\n"
-       << local_seconds{i.second.begin.time_since_epoch()} + i.second.offset << ' '
-       << i.second.abbrev
-       << " which are both equivalent to\n"
-       << i.first.end << " UTC";
-    return os.str();
-class ambiguous_local_time
-    : public std::runtime_error
-    template <class Duration>
-        ambiguous_local_time(local_time<Duration> tp, const local_info& i);
-    template <class Duration>
-    static
-    std::string
-    make_msg(local_time<Duration> tp, const local_info& i);
-template <class Duration>
-ambiguous_local_time::ambiguous_local_time(local_time<Duration> tp, const local_info& i)
-    : std::runtime_error(make_msg(tp, i))
-template <class Duration>
-ambiguous_local_time::make_msg(local_time<Duration> tp, const local_info& i)
-    assert(i.result == local_info::ambiguous);
-    std::ostringstream os;
-    os << tp << " is ambiguous.  It could be\n"
-       << tp << ' ' << i.first.abbrev << " == "
-       << tp - i.first.offset << " UTC or\n"
-       << tp << ' ' << i.second.abbrev  << " == "
-       << tp - i.second.offset  << " UTC";
-    return os.str();
-class time_zone;
-DATE_API const time_zone* locate_zone(std::string_view tz_name);
-DATE_API const time_zone* locate_zone(const std::string& tz_name);
-DATE_API const time_zone* current_zone();
-template <class T>
-struct zoned_traits
-template <>
-struct zoned_traits<const time_zone*>
-    static
-    const time_zone*
-    default_zone()
-    {
-        return date::locate_zone("Etc/UTC");
-    }
-    static
-    const time_zone*
-    locate_zone(std::string_view name)
-    {
-        return date::locate_zone(name);
-    }
-#else  // !HAS_STRING_VIEW
-    static
-    const time_zone*
-    locate_zone(const std::string& name)
-    {
-        return date::locate_zone(name);
-    }
-    static
-    const time_zone*
-    locate_zone(const char* name)
-    {
-        return date::locate_zone(name);
-    }
-#endif  // !HAS_STRING_VIEW
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-class zoned_time;
-template <class Duration1, class Duration2, class TimeZonePtr>
-operator==(const zoned_time<Duration1, TimeZonePtr>& x,
-           const zoned_time<Duration2, TimeZonePtr>& y);
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr = const time_zone*>
-class zoned_time
-    using duration = typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type;
-    TimeZonePtr        zone_;
-    sys_time<duration> tp_;
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-    template <class T = TimeZonePtr,
-              class = decltype(zoned_traits<T>::default_zone())>
-        zoned_time();
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-    template <class T = TimeZonePtr,
-              class = decltype(zoned_traits<T>::default_zone())>
-        zoned_time(const sys_time<Duration>& st);
-    explicit zoned_time(TimeZonePtr z);
-    template <class T = TimeZonePtr,
-              class = typename std::enable_if
-              <
-                  std::is_constructible
-                  <
-                      zoned_time,
-                      decltype(zoned_traits<T>::locate_zone(std::string_view()))
-                  >::value
-              >::type>
-        explicit zoned_time(std::string_view name);
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-    template <class T = TimeZonePtr,
-              class = typename std::enable_if
-              <
-                  std::is_constructible
-                  <
-                      zoned_time,
-                      decltype(zoned_traits<T>::locate_zone(std::string()))
-                  >::value
-              >::type>
-        explicit zoned_time(const std::string& name);
-    template <class Duration2,
-              class = typename std::enable_if
-                      <
-                          std::is_convertible<sys_time<Duration2>,
-                                              sys_time<Duration>>::value
-                      >::type>
-        zoned_time(const zoned_time<Duration2, TimeZonePtr>& zt) NOEXCEPT;
-    zoned_time(TimeZonePtr z, const sys_time<Duration>& st);
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-    template <class T = TimeZonePtr,
-              class = typename std::enable_if
-              <
-                  std::is_convertible
-                  <
-                      decltype(std::declval<T&>()->to_sys(local_time<Duration>{})),
-                      sys_time<duration>
-                  >::value
-              >::type>
-        zoned_time(TimeZonePtr z, const local_time<Duration>& tp);
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-    template <class T = TimeZonePtr,
-              class = typename std::enable_if
-              <
-                  std::is_convertible
-                  <
-                      decltype(std::declval<T&>()->to_sys(local_time<Duration>{},
-                                                          choose::earliest)),
-                      sys_time<duration>
-                  >::value
-              >::type>
-        zoned_time(TimeZonePtr z, const local_time<Duration>& tp, choose c);
-    template <class Duration2, class TimeZonePtr2,
-              class = typename std::enable_if
-                      <
-                          std::is_convertible<sys_time<Duration2>,
-                                              sys_time<Duration>>::value
-                      >::type>
-        zoned_time(TimeZonePtr z, const zoned_time<Duration2, TimeZonePtr2>& zt);
-    template <class Duration2, class TimeZonePtr2,
-              class = typename std::enable_if
-                      <
-                          std::is_convertible<sys_time<Duration2>,
-                                              sys_time<Duration>>::value
-                      >::type>
-        zoned_time(TimeZonePtr z, const zoned_time<Duration2, TimeZonePtr2>& zt, choose);
-    template <class T = TimeZonePtr,
-              class = typename std::enable_if
-              <
-                  std::is_constructible
-                  <
-                      zoned_time,
-                      decltype(zoned_traits<T>::locate_zone(std::string_view())),
-                      sys_time<Duration>
-                  >::value
-              >::type>
-        zoned_time(std::string_view name, const sys_time<Duration>& st);
-    template <class T = TimeZonePtr,
-              class = typename std::enable_if
-              <
-                  std::is_constructible
-                  <
-                      zoned_time,
-                      decltype(zoned_traits<T>::locate_zone(std::string_view())),
-                      local_time<Duration>
-                  >::value
-              >::type>
-        zoned_time(std::string_view name, const local_time<Duration>& tp);
-    template <class T = TimeZonePtr,
-              class = typename std::enable_if
-              <
-                  std::is_constructible
-                  <
-                      zoned_time,
-                      decltype(zoned_traits<T>::locate_zone(std::string_view())),
-                      local_time<Duration>,
-                      choose
-                  >::value
-              >::type>
-        zoned_time(std::string_view name,   const local_time<Duration>& tp, choose c);
-    template <class T = TimeZonePtr,
-              class = typename std::enable_if
-              <
-                  std::is_constructible
-                  <
-                      zoned_time,
-                      decltype(zoned_traits<T>::locate_zone(std::string_view())),
-                      zoned_time
-                  >::value
-              >::type>
-        zoned_time(std::string_view name, const zoned_time& zt);
-    template <class T = TimeZonePtr,
-              class = typename std::enable_if
-              <
-                  std::is_constructible
-                  <
-                      zoned_time,
-                      decltype(zoned_traits<T>::locate_zone(std::string_view())),
-                      zoned_time,
-                      choose
-                  >::value
-              >::type>
-        zoned_time(std::string_view name, const zoned_time& zt, choose);
-#else  // !HAS_STRING_VIEW
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-    template <class T = TimeZonePtr,
-              class = typename std::enable_if
-              <
-                  std::is_constructible
-                  <
-                      zoned_time,
-                      decltype(zoned_traits<T>::locate_zone(std::string())),
-                      sys_time<Duration>
-                  >::value
-              >::type>
-        zoned_time(const std::string& name, const sys_time<Duration>& st);
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-    template <class T = TimeZonePtr,
-              class = typename std::enable_if
-              <
-                  std::is_constructible
-                  <
-                      zoned_time,
-                      decltype(zoned_traits<T>::locate_zone(std::string())),
-                      sys_time<Duration>
-                  >::value
-              >::type>
-        zoned_time(const char* name, const sys_time<Duration>& st);
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-    template <class T = TimeZonePtr,
-              class = typename std::enable_if
-              <
-                  std::is_constructible
-                  <
-                      zoned_time,
-                      decltype(zoned_traits<T>::locate_zone(std::string())),
-                      local_time<Duration>
-                  >::value
-              >::type>
-        zoned_time(const std::string& name, const local_time<Duration>& tp);
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-    template <class T = TimeZonePtr,
-              class = typename std::enable_if
-              <
-                  std::is_constructible
-                  <
-                      zoned_time,
-                      decltype(zoned_traits<T>::locate_zone(std::string())),
-                      local_time<Duration>
-                  >::value
-              >::type>
-        zoned_time(const char* name, const local_time<Duration>& tp);
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-    template <class T = TimeZonePtr,
-              class = typename std::enable_if
-              <
-                  std::is_constructible
-                  <
-                      zoned_time,
-                      decltype(zoned_traits<T>::locate_zone(std::string())),
-                      local_time<Duration>,
-                      choose
-                  >::value
-              >::type>
-        zoned_time(const std::string& name, const local_time<Duration>& tp, choose c);
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-    template <class T = TimeZonePtr,
-              class = typename std::enable_if
-              <
-                  std::is_constructible
-                  <
-                      zoned_time,
-                      decltype(zoned_traits<T>::locate_zone(std::string())),
-                      local_time<Duration>,
-                      choose
-                  >::value
-              >::type>
-        zoned_time(const char* name, const local_time<Duration>& tp, choose c);
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-    template <class T = TimeZonePtr,
-              class = typename std::enable_if
-              <
-                  std::is_constructible
-                  <
-                      zoned_time,
-                      decltype(zoned_traits<T>::locate_zone(std::string())),
-                      zoned_time
-                  >::value
-              >::type>
-        zoned_time(const std::string& name, const zoned_time& zt);
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-    template <class T = TimeZonePtr,
-              class = typename std::enable_if
-              <
-                  std::is_constructible
-                  <
-                      zoned_time,
-                      decltype(zoned_traits<T>::locate_zone(std::string())),
-                      zoned_time
-                  >::value
-              >::type>
-        zoned_time(const char* name, const zoned_time& zt);
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-    template <class T = TimeZonePtr,
-              class = typename std::enable_if
-              <
-                  std::is_constructible
-                  <
-                      zoned_time,
-                      decltype(zoned_traits<T>::locate_zone(std::string())),
-                      zoned_time,
-                      choose
-                  >::value
-              >::type>
-        zoned_time(const std::string& name, const zoned_time& zt, choose);
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-    template <class T = TimeZonePtr,
-              class = typename std::enable_if
-              <
-                  std::is_constructible
-                  <
-                      zoned_time,
-                      decltype(zoned_traits<T>::locate_zone(std::string())),
-                      zoned_time,
-                      choose
-                  >::value
-              >::type>
-        zoned_time(const char* name, const zoned_time& zt, choose);
-#endif  // !HAS_STRING_VIEW
-    zoned_time& operator=(const sys_time<Duration>& st);
-    zoned_time& operator=(const local_time<Duration>& ut);
-    explicit operator sys_time<duration>() const;
-    explicit operator local_time<duration>() const;
-    TimeZonePtr          get_time_zone() const;
-    local_time<duration> get_local_time() const;
-    sys_time<duration>   get_sys_time() const;
-    sys_info             get_info() const;
-    template <class Duration1, class Duration2, class TimeZonePtr1>
-    friend
-    bool
-    operator==(const zoned_time<Duration1, TimeZonePtr1>& x,
-               const zoned_time<Duration2, TimeZonePtr1>& y);
-    template <class CharT, class Traits, class Duration1, class TimeZonePtr1>
-    friend
-    std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-    operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os,
-               const zoned_time<Duration1, TimeZonePtr1>& t);
-    template <class D, class T> friend class zoned_time;
-using zoned_seconds = zoned_time<std::chrono::seconds>;
-    -> zoned_time<std::chrono::seconds>;
-template <class Duration>
-    -> zoned_time<std::common_type_t<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>>;
-template <class TimeZonePtr>
-    -> zoned_time<std::chrono::seconds, TimeZonePtr>;
-template <class TimeZonePtr, class Duration>
-zoned_time(TimeZonePtr, sys_time<Duration>)
-    -> zoned_time<std::common_type_t<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>, TimeZonePtr>;
-template <class TimeZonePtr, class Duration>
-zoned_time(TimeZonePtr, local_time<Duration>, choose = choose::earliest)
-    -> zoned_time<std::common_type_t<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>, TimeZonePtr>;
-    -> zoned_time<std::chrono::seconds>;
-template <class Duration>
-zoned_time(std::string_view, sys_time<Duration>)
-    -> zoned_time<std::common_type_t<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>>;
-template <class Duration>
-zoned_time(std::string_view, local_time<Duration>, choose = choose::earliest)
-    -> zoned_time<std::common_type_t<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>>;
-#else  // !HAS_STRING_VIEW
-    -> zoned_time<std::chrono::seconds>;
-template <class Duration>
-zoned_time(std::string, sys_time<Duration>)
-    -> zoned_time<std::common_type_t<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>>;
-template <class Duration>
-zoned_time(std::string, local_time<Duration>, choose = choose::earliest)
-    -> zoned_time<std::common_type_t<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>>;
-#endif  // !HAS_STRING_VIEW
-template <class Duration>
-zoned_time(const char*, sys_time<Duration>)
-    -> zoned_time<std::common_type_t<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>>;
-template <class Duration>
-zoned_time(const char*, local_time<Duration>, choose = choose::earliest)
-    -> zoned_time<std::common_type_t<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>>;
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr, class TimeZonePtr2>
-zoned_time(TimeZonePtr, zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr2>, choose = choose::earliest)
-    -> zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>;
-template <class Duration1, class Duration2, class TimeZonePtr>
-operator==(const zoned_time<Duration1, TimeZonePtr>& x,
-           const zoned_time<Duration2, TimeZonePtr>& y)
-    return x.zone_ == y.zone_ && x.tp_ == y.tp_;
-template <class Duration1, class Duration2, class TimeZonePtr>
-operator!=(const zoned_time<Duration1, TimeZonePtr>& x,
-           const zoned_time<Duration2, TimeZonePtr>& y)
-    return !(x == y);
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-namespace detail
-#  if USE_OS_TZDB
-    struct transition;
-    struct expanded_ttinfo;
-#  else  // !USE_OS_TZDB
-    struct zonelet;
-    class Rule;
-#  endif  // !USE_OS_TZDB
-#endif  // !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-class time_zone
-    std::string                          name_;
-    std::vector<detail::transition>      transitions_;
-    std::vector<detail::expanded_ttinfo> ttinfos_;
-#else  // !USE_OS_TZDB
-    std::vector<detail::zonelet>         zonelets_;
-#endif  // !USE_OS_TZDB
-    std::unique_ptr<std::once_flag>      adjusted_;
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-    time_zone(time_zone&&) = default;
-    time_zone& operator=(time_zone&&) = default;
-#else   // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1900)
-    time_zone(time_zone&& src);
-    time_zone& operator=(time_zone&& src);
-#endif  // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1900)
-    DATE_API explicit time_zone(const std::string& s, detail::undocumented);
-    const std::string& name() const NOEXCEPT;
-    template <class Duration> sys_info   get_info(sys_time<Duration> st) const;
-    template <class Duration> local_info get_info(local_time<Duration> tp) const;
-    template <class Duration>
-        sys_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-        to_sys(local_time<Duration> tp) const;
-    template <class Duration>
-        sys_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-        to_sys(local_time<Duration> tp, choose z) const;
-    template <class Duration>
-        local_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-        to_local(sys_time<Duration> tp) const;
-    friend bool operator==(const time_zone& x, const time_zone& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    friend bool operator< (const time_zone& x, const time_zone& y) NOEXCEPT;
-    friend DATE_API std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const time_zone& z);
-    DATE_API void add(const std::string& s);
-#endif  // !USE_OS_TZDB
-    DATE_API sys_info   get_info_impl(sys_seconds tp) const;
-    DATE_API local_info get_info_impl(local_seconds tp) const;
-    template <class Duration>
-        sys_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-        to_sys_impl(local_time<Duration> tp, choose z, std::false_type) const;
-    template <class Duration>
-        sys_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-        to_sys_impl(local_time<Duration> tp, choose, std::true_type) const;
-    DATE_API void init() const;
-    DATE_API void init_impl();
-    DATE_API sys_info
-        load_sys_info(std::vector<detail::transition>::const_iterator i) const;
-    template <class TimeType>
-    DATE_API void
-    load_data(std::istream& inf, std::int32_t tzh_leapcnt, std::int32_t tzh_timecnt,
-                                 std::int32_t tzh_typecnt, std::int32_t tzh_charcnt);
-#else  // !USE_OS_TZDB
-    DATE_API sys_info   get_info_impl(sys_seconds tp, int timezone) const;
-    DATE_API void adjust_infos(const std::vector<detail::Rule>& rules);
-    DATE_API void parse_info(std::istream& in);
-#endif  // !USE_OS_TZDB
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1900)
-time_zone::time_zone(time_zone&& src)
-    : name_(std::move(src.name_))
-    , zonelets_(std::move(src.zonelets_))
-    , adjusted_(std::move(src.adjusted_))
-    {}
-time_zone::operator=(time_zone&& src)
-    name_ = std::move(src.name_);
-    zonelets_ = std::move(src.zonelets_);
-    adjusted_ = std::move(src.adjusted_);
-    return *this;
-#endif  // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1900)
-const std::string&
-time_zone::name() const NOEXCEPT
-    return name_;
-template <class Duration>
-time_zone::get_info(sys_time<Duration> st) const
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    return get_info_impl(date::floor<seconds>(st));
-template <class Duration>
-time_zone::get_info(local_time<Duration> tp) const
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    return get_info_impl(date::floor<seconds>(tp));
-template <class Duration>
-sys_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-time_zone::to_sys(local_time<Duration> tp) const
-    return to_sys_impl(tp, choose{}, std::true_type{});
-template <class Duration>
-sys_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-time_zone::to_sys(local_time<Duration> tp, choose z) const
-    return to_sys_impl(tp, z, std::false_type{});
-template <class Duration>
-local_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-time_zone::to_local(sys_time<Duration> tp) const
-    using LT = local_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>;
-    auto i = get_info(tp);
-    return LT{(tp + i.offset).time_since_epoch()};
-inline bool operator==(const time_zone& x, const time_zone& y) NOEXCEPT {return x.name_ == y.name_;}
-inline bool operator< (const time_zone& x, const time_zone& y) NOEXCEPT {return x.name_ < y.name_;}
-inline bool operator!=(const time_zone& x, const time_zone& y) NOEXCEPT {return !(x == y);}
-inline bool operator> (const time_zone& x, const time_zone& y) NOEXCEPT {return   y < x;}
-inline bool operator<=(const time_zone& x, const time_zone& y) NOEXCEPT {return !(y < x);}
-inline bool operator>=(const time_zone& x, const time_zone& y) NOEXCEPT {return !(x < y);}
-template <class Duration>
-sys_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-time_zone::to_sys_impl(local_time<Duration> tp, choose z, std::false_type) const
-    using namespace date;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    auto i = get_info(tp);
-    if (i.result == local_info::nonexistent)
-    {
-        return i.first.end;
-    }
-    else if (i.result == local_info::ambiguous)
-    {
-        if (z == choose::latest)
-            return sys_time<Duration>{tp.time_since_epoch()} - i.second.offset;
-    }
-    return sys_time<Duration>{tp.time_since_epoch()} - i.first.offset;
-template <class Duration>
-sys_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-time_zone::to_sys_impl(local_time<Duration> tp, choose, std::true_type) const
-    using namespace date;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    auto i = get_info(tp);
-    if (i.result == local_info::nonexistent)
-        throw nonexistent_local_time(tp, i);
-    else if (i.result == local_info::ambiguous)
-        throw ambiguous_local_time(tp, i);
-    return sys_time<Duration>{tp.time_since_epoch()} - i.first.offset;
-class link
-    std::string name_;
-    std::string target_;
-    DATE_API explicit link(const std::string& s);
-    const std::string& name() const {return name_;}
-    const std::string& target() const {return target_;}
-    friend bool operator==(const link& x, const link& y) {return x.name_ == y.name_;}
-    friend bool operator< (const link& x, const link& y) {return x.name_ < y.name_;}
-    friend DATE_API std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const link& x);
-inline bool operator!=(const link& x, const link& y) {return !(x == y);}
-inline bool operator> (const link& x, const link& y) {return   y < x;}
-inline bool operator<=(const link& x, const link& y) {return !(y < x);}
-inline bool operator>=(const link& x, const link& y) {return !(x < y);}
-#endif  // !USE_OS_TZDB
-class leap
-    sys_seconds date_;
-    DATE_API explicit leap(const sys_seconds& s, detail::undocumented);
-    DATE_API explicit leap(const std::string& s, detail::undocumented);
-    sys_seconds date() const {return date_;}
-    friend bool operator==(const leap& x, const leap& y) {return x.date_ == y.date_;}
-    friend bool operator< (const leap& x, const leap& y) {return x.date_ < y.date_;}
-    template <class Duration>
-    friend
-    bool
-    operator==(const leap& x, const sys_time<Duration>& y)
-    {
-        return x.date_ == y;
-    }
-    template <class Duration>
-    friend
-    bool
-    operator< (const leap& x, const sys_time<Duration>& y)
-    {
-        return x.date_ < y;
-    }
-    template <class Duration>
-    friend
-    bool
-    operator< (const sys_time<Duration>& x, const leap& y)
-    {
-        return x < y.date_;
-    }
-    friend DATE_API std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const leap& x);
-inline bool operator!=(const leap& x, const leap& y) {return !(x == y);}
-inline bool operator> (const leap& x, const leap& y) {return   y < x;}
-inline bool operator<=(const leap& x, const leap& y) {return !(y < x);}
-inline bool operator>=(const leap& x, const leap& y) {return !(x < y);}
-template <class Duration>
-operator==(const sys_time<Duration>& x, const leap& y)
-    return y == x;
-template <class Duration>
-operator!=(const leap& x, const sys_time<Duration>& y)
-    return !(x == y);
-template <class Duration>
-operator!=(const sys_time<Duration>& x, const leap& y)
-    return !(x == y);
-template <class Duration>
-operator> (const leap& x, const sys_time<Duration>& y)
-    return y < x;
-template <class Duration>
-operator> (const sys_time<Duration>& x, const leap& y)
-    return y < x;
-template <class Duration>
-operator<=(const leap& x, const sys_time<Duration>& y)
-    return !(y < x);
-template <class Duration>
-operator<=(const sys_time<Duration>& x, const leap& y)
-    return !(y < x);
-template <class Duration>
-operator>=(const leap& x, const sys_time<Duration>& y)
-    return !(x < y);
-template <class Duration>
-operator>=(const sys_time<Duration>& x, const leap& y)
-    return !(x < y);
-#ifdef _WIN32
-namespace detail
-// The time zone mapping is modelled after this data file:
-// and the field names match the element names from the mapZone element
-// of windowsZones.xml.
-// The website displays this file here:
-// The html view is sorted before being displayed but is otherwise the same
-// There is a mapping between the os centric view (in this case windows)
-// the html displays uses and the generic view the xml file.
-// That mapping is this:
-// display column "windows" -> xml field "other".
-// display column "region"  -> xml field "territory".
-// display column "tzid"    -> xml field "type".
-// This structure uses the generic terminology because it could be
-// used to to support other os/native name conversions, not just windows,
-// and using the same generic names helps retain the connection to the
-// origin of the data that we are using.
-struct timezone_mapping
-    timezone_mapping(const char* other, const char* territory, const char* type)
-        : other(other), territory(territory), type(type)
-    {
-    }
-    timezone_mapping() = default;
-    std::string other;
-    std::string territory;
-    std::string type;
-}  // detail
-#endif  // _WIN32
-struct tzdb
-    std::string               version = "unknown";
-    std::vector<time_zone>    zones;
-    std::vector<link>         links;
-    std::vector<leap>         leaps;
-    std::vector<detail::Rule> rules;
-#ifdef _WIN32
-    std::vector<detail::timezone_mapping> mappings;
-    tzdb* next = nullptr;
-    tzdb() = default;
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-    tzdb(tzdb&&) = default;
-    tzdb& operator=(tzdb&&) = default;
-#else  // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1900)
-    tzdb(tzdb&& src)
-        : version(std::move(src.version))
-        , zones(std::move(src.zones))
-        , links(std::move(src.links))
-        , leaps(std::move(src.leaps))
-        , rules(std::move(src.rules))
-        , mappings(std::move(src.mappings))
-    {}
-    tzdb& operator=(tzdb&& src)
-    {
-        version = std::move(src.version);
-        zones = std::move(src.zones);
-        links = std::move(src.links);
-        leaps = std::move(src.leaps);
-        rules = std::move(src.rules);
-        mappings = std::move(src.mappings);
-        return *this;
-    }
-#endif  // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1900)
-    const time_zone* locate_zone(std::string_view tz_name) const;
-    const time_zone* locate_zone(const std::string& tz_name) const;
-    const time_zone* current_zone() const;
-using TZ_DB = tzdb;
-DATE_API std::ostream&
-operator<<(std::ostream& os, const tzdb& db);
-DATE_API const tzdb& get_tzdb();
-class tzdb_list
-    std::atomic<tzdb*> head_{nullptr};
-    ~tzdb_list();
-    tzdb_list() = default;
-    tzdb_list(tzdb_list&& x) noexcept;
-    const tzdb& front() const noexcept {return *head_;}
-          tzdb& front()       noexcept {return *head_;}
-    class const_iterator;
-    const_iterator begin() const noexcept;
-    const_iterator end() const noexcept;
-    const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept;
-    const_iterator cend() const noexcept;
-    const_iterator erase_after(const_iterator p) noexcept;
-    struct undocumented_helper;
-    void push_front(tzdb* tzdb) noexcept;
-class tzdb_list::const_iterator
-    tzdb* p_ = nullptr;
-    explicit const_iterator(tzdb* p) noexcept : p_{p} {}
-    const_iterator() = default;
-    using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
-    using value_type        = tzdb;
-    using reference         = const value_type&;
-    using pointer           = const value_type*;
-    using difference_type   = std::ptrdiff_t;
-    reference operator*() const noexcept {return *p_;}
-    pointer  operator->() const noexcept {return p_;}
-    const_iterator& operator++() noexcept {p_ = p_->next; return *this;}
-    const_iterator  operator++(int) noexcept {auto t = *this; ++(*this); return t;}
-    friend
-    bool
-    operator==(const const_iterator& x, const const_iterator& y) noexcept
-        {return x.p_ == y.p_;}
-    friend
-    bool
-    operator!=(const const_iterator& x, const const_iterator& y) noexcept
-        {return !(x == y);}
-    friend class tzdb_list;
-tzdb_list::begin() const noexcept
-    return const_iterator{head_};
-tzdb_list::end() const noexcept
-    return const_iterator{nullptr};
-tzdb_list::cbegin() const noexcept
-    return begin();
-tzdb_list::cend() const noexcept
-    return end();
-DATE_API tzdb_list& get_tzdb_list();
-DATE_API const tzdb& reload_tzdb();
-DATE_API void        set_install(const std::string& install);
-#endif  // !USE_OS_TZDB
-DATE_API std::string remote_version();
-DATE_API bool        remote_download(const std::string& version);
-DATE_API bool        remote_install(const std::string& version);
-// zoned_time
-namespace detail
-template <class T>
-to_raw_pointer(T* p) noexcept
-    return p;
-template <class Pointer>
-to_raw_pointer(Pointer p) noexcept
-    -> decltype(detail::to_raw_pointer(p.operator->()))
-    return detail::to_raw_pointer(p.operator->());
-}  // namespace detail
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-template <class T, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time()
-    : zone_(zoned_traits<TimeZonePtr>::default_zone())
-    {}
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-template <class T, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(const sys_time<Duration>& st)
-    : zone_(zoned_traits<TimeZonePtr>::default_zone())
-    , tp_(st)
-    {}
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(TimeZonePtr z)
-    : zone_(std::move(z))
-    {assert(detail::to_raw_pointer(zone_) != nullptr);}
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-template <class, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(std::string_view name)
-    : zoned_time(zoned_traits<TimeZonePtr>::locate_zone(name))
-    {}
-#else  // !HAS_STRING_VIEW
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-template <class T, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(const std::string& name)
-    : zoned_time(zoned_traits<TimeZonePtr>::locate_zone(name))
-    {}
-#endif  // !HAS_STRING_VIEW
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-template <class Duration2, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(const zoned_time<Duration2, TimeZonePtr>& zt) NOEXCEPT
-    : zone_(zt.zone_)
-    , tp_(zt.tp_)
-    {}
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(TimeZonePtr z, const sys_time<Duration>& st)
-    : zone_(std::move(z))
-    , tp_(st)
-    {}
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-template <class T, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(TimeZonePtr z, const local_time<Duration>& t)
-    : zone_(std::move(z))
-    , tp_(zone_->to_sys(t))
-    {}
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-template <class T, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(TimeZonePtr z, const local_time<Duration>& t,
-                                              choose c)
-    : zone_(std::move(z))
-    , tp_(zone_->to_sys(t, c))
-    {}
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-template <class Duration2, class TimeZonePtr2, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(TimeZonePtr z,
-                                              const zoned_time<Duration2, TimeZonePtr2>& zt)
-    : zone_(std::move(z))
-    , tp_(zt.tp_)
-    {}
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-template <class Duration2, class TimeZonePtr2, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(TimeZonePtr z,
-                                      const zoned_time<Duration2, TimeZonePtr2>& zt, choose)
-    : zoned_time(std::move(z), zt)
-    {}
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-template <class, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(std::string_view name,
-                                              const sys_time<Duration>& st)
-    : zoned_time(zoned_traits<TimeZonePtr>::locate_zone(name), st)
-    {}
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-template <class, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(std::string_view name,
-                                              const local_time<Duration>& t)
-    : zoned_time(zoned_traits<TimeZonePtr>::locate_zone(name), t)
-    {}
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-template <class, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(std::string_view name,
-                                              const local_time<Duration>& t, choose c)
-    : zoned_time(zoned_traits<TimeZonePtr>::locate_zone(name), t, c)
-    {}
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-template <class, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(std::string_view name, const zoned_time& zt)
-    : zoned_time(zoned_traits<TimeZonePtr>::locate_zone(name), zt)
-    {}
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-template <class, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(std::string_view name,
-                                              const zoned_time& zt, choose c)
-    : zoned_time(zoned_traits<TimeZonePtr>::locate_zone(name), zt, c)
-    {}
-#else  // !HAS_STRING_VIEW
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-template <class T, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(const std::string& name,
-                                              const sys_time<Duration>& st)
-    : zoned_time(zoned_traits<TimeZonePtr>::locate_zone(name), st)
-    {}
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-template <class T, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(const char* name,
-                                              const sys_time<Duration>& st)
-    : zoned_time(zoned_traits<TimeZonePtr>::locate_zone(name), st)
-    {}
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-template <class T, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(const std::string& name,
-                                              const local_time<Duration>& t)
-    : zoned_time(zoned_traits<TimeZonePtr>::locate_zone(name), t)
-    {}
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-template <class T, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(const char* name,
-                                              const local_time<Duration>& t)
-    : zoned_time(zoned_traits<TimeZonePtr>::locate_zone(name), t)
-    {}
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-template <class T, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(const std::string& name,
-                                              const local_time<Duration>& t, choose c)
-    : zoned_time(zoned_traits<TimeZonePtr>::locate_zone(name), t, c)
-    {}
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-template <class T, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(const char* name,
-                                              const local_time<Duration>& t, choose c)
-    : zoned_time(zoned_traits<TimeZonePtr>::locate_zone(name), t, c)
-    {}
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-template <class T, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(const std::string& name,
-                                              const zoned_time& zt)
-    : zoned_time(zoned_traits<TimeZonePtr>::locate_zone(name), zt)
-    {}
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-template <class T, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(const char* name, const zoned_time& zt)
-    : zoned_time(zoned_traits<TimeZonePtr>::locate_zone(name), zt)
-    {}
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-template <class T, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(const std::string& name,
-                                              const zoned_time& zt, choose c)
-    : zoned_time(zoned_traits<TimeZonePtr>::locate_zone(name), zt, c)
-    {}
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-template <class T, class>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::zoned_time(const char* name,
-                                              const zoned_time& zt, choose c)
-    : zoned_time(zoned_traits<TimeZonePtr>::locate_zone(name), zt, c)
-    {}
-#endif  // HAS_STRING_VIEW
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>&
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::operator=(const sys_time<Duration>& st)
-    tp_ = st;
-    return *this;
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>&
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::operator=(const local_time<Duration>& ut)
-    tp_ = zone_->to_sys(ut);
-    return *this;
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::operator local_time<typename zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::duration>() const
-    return get_local_time();
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::operator sys_time<typename zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::duration>() const
-    return get_sys_time();
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::get_time_zone() const
-    return zone_;
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-local_time<typename zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::duration>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::get_local_time() const
-    return zone_->to_local(tp_);
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-sys_time<typename zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::duration>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::get_sys_time() const
-    return tp_;
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::get_info() const
-    return zone_->get_info(tp_);
-// make_zoned_time
-    return zoned_time<std::chrono::seconds>();
-template <class Duration>
-zoned_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-make_zoned(const sys_time<Duration>& tp)
-    return zoned_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>(tp);
-template <class TimeZonePtr
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-          , class = typename std::enable_if
-          <
-            std::is_class
-            <
-                typename std::decay
-                <
-                    decltype(*detail::to_raw_pointer(std::declval<TimeZonePtr&>()))
-                >::type
-            >{}
-          >::type
-         >
-zoned_time<std::chrono::seconds, TimeZonePtr>
-make_zoned(TimeZonePtr z)
-    return zoned_time<std::chrono::seconds, TimeZonePtr>(std::move(z));
-make_zoned(const std::string& name)
-    return zoned_seconds(name);
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-          , class = typename std::enable_if
-          <
-            std::is_class<typename std::decay<decltype(*std::declval<TimeZonePtr&>())>::type>{}
-          >::type
-         >
-zoned_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type, TimeZonePtr>
-make_zoned(TimeZonePtr zone, const local_time<Duration>& tp)
-    return zoned_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type,
-                      TimeZonePtr>(std::move(zone), tp);
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-          , class = typename std::enable_if
-          <
-            std::is_class<typename std::decay<decltype(*std::declval<TimeZonePtr&>())>::type>{}
-          >::type
-         >
-zoned_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type, TimeZonePtr>
-make_zoned(TimeZonePtr zone, const local_time<Duration>& tp, choose c)
-    return zoned_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type,
-                      TimeZonePtr>(std::move(zone), tp, c);
-template <class Duration>
-zoned_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-make_zoned(const std::string& name, const local_time<Duration>& tp)
-    return zoned_time<typename std::common_type<Duration,
-                      std::chrono::seconds>::type>(name, tp);
-template <class Duration>
-zoned_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-make_zoned(const std::string& name, const local_time<Duration>& tp, choose c)
-    return zoned_time<typename std::common_type<Duration,
-                      std::chrono::seconds>::type>(name, tp, c);
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>
-make_zoned(TimeZonePtr zone, const zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>& zt)
-    return zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>(std::move(zone), zt);
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>
-make_zoned(const std::string& name, const zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>& zt)
-    return zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>(name, zt);
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>
-make_zoned(TimeZonePtr zone, const zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>& zt, choose c)
-    return zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>(std::move(zone), zt, c);
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>
-make_zoned(const std::string& name, const zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>& zt, choose c)
-    return zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>(name, zt, c);
-template <class Duration, class TimeZonePtr
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)
-          , class = typename std::enable_if
-          <
-            std::is_class<typename std::decay<decltype(*std::declval<TimeZonePtr&>())>::type>{}
-          >::type
-         >
-zoned_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type, TimeZonePtr>
-make_zoned(TimeZonePtr zone, const sys_time<Duration>& st)
-    return zoned_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type,
-                      TimeZonePtr>(std::move(zone), st);
-template <class Duration>
-zoned_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-make_zoned(const std::string& name, const sys_time<Duration>& st)
-    return zoned_time<typename std::common_type<Duration,
-                      std::chrono::seconds>::type>(name, st);
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-to_stream(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const CharT* fmt,
-          const zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>& tp)
-    using duration = typename zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>::duration;
-    using LT = local_time<duration>;
-    auto const tz = tp.get_time_zone();
-    auto const st = tp.get_sys_time();
-    auto const info = tz->get_info(st);
-    return to_stream(os, fmt, LT{(st+info.offset).time_since_epoch()},
-                     &info.abbrev, &info.offset);
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Duration, class TimeZonePtr>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>& t)
-    const CharT fmt[] = {'%', 'F', ' ', '%', 'T', ' ', '%', 'Z', CharT{}};
-    return to_stream(os, fmt, t);
-class utc_clock
-    using duration                  = std::chrono::system_clock::duration;
-    using rep                       = duration::rep;
-    using period                    = duration::period;
-    using time_point                = std::chrono::time_point<utc_clock>;
-    static CONSTDATA bool is_steady = false;
-    static time_point now();
-    template<typename Duration>
-    static
-    std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock, typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-    to_sys(const std::chrono::time_point<utc_clock, Duration>&);
-    template<typename Duration>
-    static
-    std::chrono::time_point<utc_clock, typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-    from_sys(const std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock, Duration>&);
-template <class Duration>
-    using utc_time = std::chrono::time_point<utc_clock, Duration>;
-using utc_seconds = utc_time<std::chrono::seconds>;
-template <class Duration>
-utc_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-utc_clock::from_sys(const sys_time<Duration>& st)
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using duration = typename std::common_type<Duration, seconds>::type;
-    auto const& leaps = get_tzdb().leaps;
-    auto const lt = std::upper_bound(leaps.begin(), leaps.end(), st);
-    return utc_time<duration>{st.time_since_epoch() + seconds{lt-leaps.begin()}};
-// Return pair<is_leap_second, seconds{number_of_leap_seconds_since_1970}>
-// first is true if ut is during a leap second insertion, otherwise false.
-// If ut is during a leap second insertion, that leap second is included in the count
-template <class Duration>
-std::pair<bool, std::chrono::seconds>
-is_leap_second(date::utc_time<Duration> const& ut)
-    using namespace date;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using duration = typename std::common_type<Duration, seconds>::type;
-    auto const& leaps = get_tzdb().leaps;
-    auto tp = sys_time<duration>{ut.time_since_epoch()};
-    auto const lt = std::upper_bound(leaps.begin(), leaps.end(), tp);
-    auto ds = seconds{lt-leaps.begin()};
-    tp -= ds;
-    auto ls = false;
-    if (lt > leaps.begin())
-    {
-        if (tp < lt[-1])
-        {
-            if (tp >= lt[-1].date() - seconds{1})
-                ls = true;
-            else
-                --ds;
-        }
-    }
-    return {ls, ds};
-template <class Duration>
-sys_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-utc_clock::to_sys(const utc_time<Duration>& ut)
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using duration = typename std::common_type<Duration, seconds>::type;
-    auto ls = is_leap_second(ut);
-    auto tp = sys_time<duration>{ut.time_since_epoch() - ls.second};
-    if (ls.first)
-        tp = floor<seconds>(tp) + seconds{1} - duration{1};
-    return tp;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    return from_sys(system_clock::now());
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Duration>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-to_stream(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const CharT* fmt,
-          const utc_time<Duration>& t)
-    using namespace std;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using CT = typename common_type<Duration, seconds>::type;
-    const string abbrev("UTC");
-    CONSTDATA seconds offset{0};
-    auto ls = is_leap_second(t);
-    auto tp = sys_time<CT>{t.time_since_epoch() - ls.second};
-    auto const sd = floor<days>(tp);
-    year_month_day ymd = sd;
-    auto time = make_time(tp - sys_seconds{sd});
-    time.seconds() += seconds{ls.first};
-    fields<CT> fds{ymd, time};
-    return to_stream(os, fmt, fds, &abbrev, &offset);
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Duration>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const utc_time<Duration>& t)
-    const CharT fmt[] = {'%', 'F', ' ', '%', 'T', CharT{}};
-    return to_stream(os, fmt, t);
-template <class Duration, class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc = std::allocator<CharT>>
-std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&
-from_stream(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, const CharT* fmt,
-            utc_time<Duration>& tp, std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>* abbrev = nullptr,
-            std::chrono::minutes* offset = nullptr)
-    using namespace std;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using CT = typename common_type<Duration, seconds>::type;
-    minutes offset_local{};
-    auto offptr = offset ? offset : &offset_local;
-    fields<CT> fds{};
-    from_stream(is, fmt, fds, abbrev, offptr);
-    if (!fds.ymd.ok())
-        is.setstate(ios::failbit);
-    if (!
-    {
-        bool is_60_sec = fds.tod.seconds() == seconds{60};
-        if (is_60_sec)
-            fds.tod.seconds() -= seconds{1};
-        auto tmp = utc_clock::from_sys(sys_days(fds.ymd) - *offptr + fds.tod.to_duration());
-        if (is_60_sec)
-            tmp += seconds{1};
-        if (is_60_sec != is_leap_second(tmp).first || !fds.tod.in_conventional_range())
-        {
-            is.setstate(ios::failbit);
-            return is;
-        }
-        tp = time_point_cast<Duration>(tmp);
-    }
-    return is;
-// tai_clock
-class tai_clock
-    using duration                  = std::chrono::system_clock::duration;
-    using rep                       = duration::rep;
-    using period                    = duration::period;
-    using time_point                = std::chrono::time_point<tai_clock>;
-    static const bool is_steady     = false;
-    static time_point now();
-    template<typename Duration>
-    static
-    std::chrono::time_point<utc_clock, typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-    to_utc(const std::chrono::time_point<tai_clock, Duration>&) NOEXCEPT;
-    template<typename Duration>
-    static
-    std::chrono::time_point<tai_clock, typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-    from_utc(const std::chrono::time_point<utc_clock, Duration>&) NOEXCEPT;
-template <class Duration>
-    using tai_time = std::chrono::time_point<tai_clock, Duration>;
-using tai_seconds = tai_time<std::chrono::seconds>;
-template <class Duration>
-utc_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-tai_clock::to_utc(const tai_time<Duration>& t) NOEXCEPT
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using duration = typename std::common_type<Duration, seconds>::type;
-    return utc_time<duration>{t.time_since_epoch()} -
-            (sys_days(year{1970}/jan/1) - sys_days(year{1958}/jan/1) + seconds{10});
-template <class Duration>
-tai_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-tai_clock::from_utc(const utc_time<Duration>& t) NOEXCEPT
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using duration = typename std::common_type<Duration, seconds>::type;
-    return tai_time<duration>{t.time_since_epoch()} +
-            (sys_days(year{1970}/jan/1) - sys_days(year{1958}/jan/1) + seconds{10});
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    return from_utc(utc_clock::now());
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Duration>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-to_stream(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const CharT* fmt,
-          const tai_time<Duration>& t)
-    using namespace std;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using CT = typename common_type<Duration, seconds>::type;
-    const string abbrev("TAI");
-    CONSTDATA seconds offset{0};
-    auto tp = sys_time<CT>{t.time_since_epoch()} -
-              seconds(sys_days(year{1970}/jan/1) - sys_days(year{1958}/jan/1));
-    auto const sd = floor<days>(tp);
-    year_month_day ymd = sd;
-    auto time = make_time(tp - sys_seconds{sd});
-    fields<CT> fds{ymd, time};
-    return to_stream(os, fmt, fds, &abbrev, &offset);
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Duration>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const tai_time<Duration>& t)
-    const CharT fmt[] = {'%', 'F', ' ', '%', 'T', CharT{}};
-    return to_stream(os, fmt, t);
-template <class Duration, class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc = std::allocator<CharT>>
-std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&
-from_stream(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, const CharT* fmt,
-            tai_time<Duration>& tp,
-            std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>* abbrev = nullptr,
-            std::chrono::minutes* offset = nullptr)
-    using namespace std;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using CT = typename common_type<Duration, seconds>::type;
-    minutes offset_local{};
-    auto offptr = offset ? offset : &offset_local;
-    fields<CT> fds{};
-    from_stream(is, fmt, fds, abbrev, offptr);
-    if (!fds.ymd.ok() || !fds.tod.in_conventional_range())
-        is.setstate(ios::failbit);
-    if (!
-        tp = tai_time<Duration>{duration_cast<Duration>(
-                (sys_days(fds.ymd) +
-                 (sys_days(year{1970}/jan/1) - sys_days(year{1958}/jan/1)) -
-                 *offptr + fds.tod.to_duration()).time_since_epoch())};
-    return is;
-// gps_clock
-class gps_clock
-    using duration                  = std::chrono::system_clock::duration;
-    using rep                       = duration::rep;
-    using period                    = duration::period;
-    using time_point                = std::chrono::time_point<gps_clock>;
-    static const bool is_steady     = false;
-    static time_point now();
-    template<typename Duration>
-    static
-    std::chrono::time_point<utc_clock, typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-    to_utc(const std::chrono::time_point<gps_clock, Duration>&) NOEXCEPT;
-    template<typename Duration>
-    static
-    std::chrono::time_point<gps_clock, typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-    from_utc(const std::chrono::time_point<utc_clock, Duration>&) NOEXCEPT;
-template <class Duration>
-    using gps_time = std::chrono::time_point<gps_clock, Duration>;
-using gps_seconds = gps_time<std::chrono::seconds>;
-template <class Duration>
-utc_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-gps_clock::to_utc(const gps_time<Duration>& t) NOEXCEPT
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using duration = typename std::common_type<Duration, seconds>::type;
-    return utc_time<duration>{t.time_since_epoch()} +
-            (sys_days(year{1980}/jan/sun[1]) - sys_days(year{1970}/jan/1) + seconds{9});
-template <class Duration>
-gps_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-gps_clock::from_utc(const utc_time<Duration>& t) NOEXCEPT
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using duration = typename std::common_type<Duration, seconds>::type;
-    return gps_time<duration>{t.time_since_epoch()} -
-            (sys_days(year{1980}/jan/sun[1]) - sys_days(year{1970}/jan/1) + seconds{9});
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    return from_utc(utc_clock::now());
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Duration>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-to_stream(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const CharT* fmt,
-          const gps_time<Duration>& t)
-    using namespace std;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using CT = typename common_type<Duration, seconds>::type;
-    const string abbrev("GPS");
-    CONSTDATA seconds offset{0};
-    auto tp = sys_time<CT>{t.time_since_epoch()} +
-              seconds(sys_days(year{1980}/jan/sun[1]) - sys_days(year{1970}/jan/1));
-    auto const sd = floor<days>(tp);
-    year_month_day ymd = sd;
-    auto time = make_time(tp - sys_seconds{sd});
-    fields<CT> fds{ymd, time};
-    return to_stream(os, fmt, fds, &abbrev, &offset);
-template <class CharT, class Traits, class Duration>
-std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const gps_time<Duration>& t)
-    const CharT fmt[] = {'%', 'F', ' ', '%', 'T', CharT{}};
-    return to_stream(os, fmt, t);
-template <class Duration, class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc = std::allocator<CharT>>
-std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&
-from_stream(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, const CharT* fmt,
-            gps_time<Duration>& tp,
-            std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>* abbrev = nullptr,
-            std::chrono::minutes* offset = nullptr)
-    using namespace std;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using CT = typename common_type<Duration, seconds>::type;
-    minutes offset_local{};
-    auto offptr = offset ? offset : &offset_local;
-    fields<CT> fds{};
-    from_stream(is, fmt, fds, abbrev, offptr);
-    if (!fds.ymd.ok() || !fds.tod.in_conventional_range())
-        is.setstate(ios::failbit);
-    if (!
-        tp = gps_time<Duration>{duration_cast<Duration>(
-                (sys_days(fds.ymd) -
-                 (sys_days(year{1980}/jan/sun[1]) - sys_days(year{1970}/jan/1)) -
-                 *offptr + fds.tod.to_duration()).time_since_epoch())};
-    return is;
-// clock_time_conversion
-template <class DstClock, class SrcClock>
-struct clock_time_conversion
-template <>
-struct clock_time_conversion<std::chrono::system_clock, std::chrono::system_clock>
-    template <class Duration>
-    sys_time<Duration>
-    operator()(const sys_time<Duration>& st) const
-    {
-        return st;
-    }
-template <>
-struct clock_time_conversion<utc_clock, utc_clock>
-    template <class Duration>
-    utc_time<Duration>
-    operator()(const utc_time<Duration>& ut) const
-    {
-        return ut;
-    }
-template <>
-struct clock_time_conversion<utc_clock, std::chrono::system_clock>
-    template <class Duration>
-    utc_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-    operator()(const sys_time<Duration>& st) const
-    {
-        return utc_clock::from_sys(st);
-    }
-template <>
-struct clock_time_conversion<std::chrono::system_clock, utc_clock>
-    template <class Duration>
-    sys_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-    operator()(const utc_time<Duration>& ut) const
-    {
-        return utc_clock::to_sys(ut);
-    }
-template <class Clock>
-struct clock_time_conversion<Clock, Clock>
-    template <class Duration>
-    std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>
-    operator()(const std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& tp) const
-    {
-        return tp;
-    }
-namespace ctc_detail
-template <class Clock, class Duration>
-    using time_point = std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>;
-using std::declval;
-using std::chrono::system_clock;
-//Check if TimePoint is time for given clock,
-//if not emits hard error
-template <class Clock, class TimePoint>
-struct return_clock_time
-    using clock_time_point = time_point<Clock, typename TimePoint::duration>;
-    using type             = TimePoint;
-    static_assert(std::is_same<TimePoint, clock_time_point>::value,
-                  "time point with appropariate clock shall be returned");
-// Check if Clock has to_sys method accepting TimePoint with given duration const& and
-// returning sys_time. If so has nested type member equal to return type to_sys.
-template <class Clock, class Duration, class = void>
-struct return_to_sys
-template <class Clock, class Duration>
-struct return_to_sys
-       <
-           Clock, Duration,
-           decltype(Clock::to_sys(declval<time_point<Clock, Duration> const&>()), void())
-       >
-    : return_clock_time
-      <
-          system_clock,
-          decltype(Clock::to_sys(declval<time_point<Clock, Duration> const&>()))
-      >
-// Similiar to above
-template <class Clock, class Duration, class = void>
-struct return_from_sys
-template <class Clock, class Duration>
-struct return_from_sys
-       <
-           Clock, Duration,
-           decltype(Clock::from_sys(declval<time_point<system_clock, Duration> const&>()),
-                    void())
-       >
-    : return_clock_time
-      <
-          Clock,
-          decltype(Clock::from_sys(declval<time_point<system_clock, Duration> const&>()))
-      >
-// Similiar to above
-template <class Clock, class Duration, class = void>
-struct return_to_utc
-template <class Clock, class Duration>
-struct return_to_utc
-       <
-           Clock, Duration,
-           decltype(Clock::to_utc(declval<time_point<Clock, Duration> const&>()), void())
-       >
-    : return_clock_time
-      <
-          utc_clock,
-          decltype(Clock::to_utc(declval<time_point<Clock, Duration> const&>()))>
-// Similiar to above
-template <class Clock, class Duration, class = void>
-struct return_from_utc
-template <class Clock, class Duration>
-struct return_from_utc
-       <
-           Clock, Duration,
-           decltype(Clock::from_utc(declval<time_point<utc_clock, Duration> const&>()),
-                    void())
-       >
-    : return_clock_time
-      <
-          Clock,
-          decltype(Clock::from_utc(declval<time_point<utc_clock, Duration> const&>()))
-      >
-}  // namespace ctc_detail
-template <class SrcClock>
-struct clock_time_conversion<std::chrono::system_clock, SrcClock>
-    template <class Duration>
-    typename ctc_detail::return_to_sys<SrcClock, Duration>::type
-    operator()(const std::chrono::time_point<SrcClock, Duration>& tp) const
-    {
-        return SrcClock::to_sys(tp);
-    }
-template <class DstClock>
-struct clock_time_conversion<DstClock, std::chrono::system_clock>
-    template <class Duration>
-    typename ctc_detail::return_from_sys<DstClock, Duration>::type
-    operator()(const sys_time<Duration>& st) const
-    {
-        return DstClock::from_sys(st);
-    }
-template <class SrcClock>
-struct clock_time_conversion<utc_clock, SrcClock>
-    template <class Duration>
-    typename ctc_detail::return_to_utc<SrcClock, Duration>::type
-    operator()(const std::chrono::time_point<SrcClock, Duration>& tp) const
-    {
-        return SrcClock::to_utc(tp);
-    }
-template <class DstClock>
-struct clock_time_conversion<DstClock, utc_clock>
-    template <class Duration>
-    typename ctc_detail::return_from_utc<DstClock, Duration>::type
-    operator()(const utc_time<Duration>& ut) const
-    {
-        return DstClock::from_utc(ut);
-    }
-namespace clock_cast_detail
-template <class Clock, class Duration>
-    using time_point = std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>;
-using std::chrono::system_clock;
-template <class DstClock, class SrcClock, class Duration>
-conv_clock(const time_point<SrcClock, Duration>& t)
-    -> decltype(std::declval<clock_time_conversion<DstClock, SrcClock>>()(t))
-    return clock_time_conversion<DstClock, SrcClock>{}(t);
-//direct trait conversion, 1st candidate
-template <class DstClock, class SrcClock, class Duration>
-cc_impl(const time_point<SrcClock, Duration>& t, const time_point<SrcClock, Duration>*)
-    -> decltype(conv_clock<DstClock>(t))
-    return conv_clock<DstClock>(t);
-//conversion through sys, 2nd candidate
-template <class DstClock, class SrcClock, class Duration>
-cc_impl(const time_point<SrcClock, Duration>& t, const void*)
-    -> decltype(conv_clock<DstClock>(conv_clock<system_clock>(t)))
-    return conv_clock<DstClock>(conv_clock<system_clock>(t));
-//conversion through utc, 2nd candidate
-template <class DstClock, class SrcClock, class Duration>
-cc_impl(const time_point<SrcClock, Duration>& t, const void*)
-    -> decltype(0,  // MSVC_WORKAROUND
-                conv_clock<DstClock>(conv_clock<utc_clock>(t)))
-    return conv_clock<DstClock>(conv_clock<utc_clock>(t));
-//conversion through sys and utc, 3rd candidate
-template <class DstClock, class SrcClock, class Duration>
-cc_impl(const time_point<SrcClock, Duration>& t, ...)
-    -> decltype(conv_clock<DstClock>(conv_clock<utc_clock>(conv_clock<system_clock>(t))))
-    return conv_clock<DstClock>(conv_clock<utc_clock>(conv_clock<system_clock>(t)));
-//conversion through utc and sys, 3rd candidate
-template <class DstClock, class SrcClock, class Duration>
-cc_impl(const time_point<SrcClock, Duration>& t, ...)
-    -> decltype(0,  // MSVC_WORKAROUND
-                conv_clock<DstClock>(conv_clock<system_clock>(conv_clock<utc_clock>(t))))
-    return conv_clock<DstClock>(conv_clock<system_clock>(conv_clock<utc_clock>(t)));
-}  // namespace clock_cast_detail
-template <class DstClock, class SrcClock, class Duration>
-clock_cast(const std::chrono::time_point<SrcClock, Duration>& tp)
-    -> decltype(clock_cast_detail::cc_impl<DstClock>(tp, &tp))
-    return clock_cast_detail::cc_impl<DstClock>(tp, &tp);
-// Deprecated API
-template <class Duration>
-sys_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-to_sys_time(const utc_time<Duration>& t)
-    return utc_clock::to_sys(t);
-template <class Duration>
-sys_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-to_sys_time(const tai_time<Duration>& t)
-    return utc_clock::to_sys(tai_clock::to_utc(t));
-template <class Duration>
-sys_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-to_sys_time(const gps_time<Duration>& t)
-    return utc_clock::to_sys(gps_clock::to_utc(t));
-template <class Duration>
-utc_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-to_utc_time(const sys_time<Duration>& t)
-    return utc_clock::from_sys(t);
-template <class Duration>
-utc_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-to_utc_time(const tai_time<Duration>& t)
-    return tai_clock::to_utc(t);
-template <class Duration>
-utc_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-to_utc_time(const gps_time<Duration>& t)
-    return gps_clock::to_utc(t);
-template <class Duration>
-tai_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-to_tai_time(const sys_time<Duration>& t)
-    return tai_clock::from_utc(utc_clock::from_sys(t));
-template <class Duration>
-tai_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-to_tai_time(const utc_time<Duration>& t)
-    return tai_clock::from_utc(t);
-template <class Duration>
-tai_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-to_tai_time(const gps_time<Duration>& t)
-    return tai_clock::from_utc(gps_clock::to_utc(t));
-template <class Duration>
-gps_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-to_gps_time(const sys_time<Duration>& t)
-    return gps_clock::from_utc(utc_clock::from_sys(t));
-template <class Duration>
-gps_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-to_gps_time(const utc_time<Duration>& t)
-    return gps_clock::from_utc(t);
-template <class Duration>
-gps_time<typename std::common_type<Duration, std::chrono::seconds>::type>
-to_gps_time(const tai_time<Duration>& t)
-    return gps_clock::from_utc(tai_clock::to_utc(t));
-}  // namespace date
-#endif  // TZ_H
diff --git a/thirdparty/date/include/date/tz_private.h b/thirdparty/date/include/date/tz_private.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1aaad8e..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/date/include/date/tz_private.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef TZ_PRIVATE_H
-#define TZ_PRIVATE_H
-// The MIT License (MIT)
-// Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Howard Hinnant
-// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-// Our apologies.  When the previous paragraph was written, lowercase had not yet
-// been invented (that would involve another several millennia of evolution).
-// We did not mean to shout.
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-#include "tz.h"
-#include "date.h"
-#include <vector>
-namespace date
-namespace detail
-enum class tz {utc, local, standard};
-//forward declare to avoid warnings in gcc 6.2
-class MonthDayTime;
-std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, MonthDayTime& x);
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const MonthDayTime& x);
-class MonthDayTime
-    struct pair
-    {
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1900)
-        pair() : month_day_(date::jan / 1), weekday_(0U) {}
-        pair(const date::month_day& month_day, const date::weekday& weekday)
-            : month_day_(month_day), weekday_(weekday) {}
-        date::month_day month_day_;
-        date::weekday   weekday_;
-    };
-    enum Type {month_day, month_last_dow, lteq, gteq};
-    Type                         type_{month_day};
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-    union U
-    struct U
-    {
-        date::month_day          month_day_;
-        date::month_weekday_last month_weekday_last_;
-        pair                     month_day_weekday_;
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-        U() : month_day_{date::jan/1} {}
-        U() :
-            month_day_(date::jan/1),
-            month_weekday_last_(date::month(0U), date::weekday_last(date::weekday(0U)))
-        {}
-#endif // !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-        U& operator=(const date::month_day& x);
-        U& operator=(const date::month_weekday_last& x);
-        U& operator=(const pair& x);
-    } u;
-    std::chrono::hours           h_{0};
-    std::chrono::minutes         m_{0};
-    std::chrono::seconds         s_{0};
-    tz                           zone_{tz::local};
-    MonthDayTime() = default;
-    MonthDayTime(local_seconds tp, tz timezone);
-    MonthDayTime(const date::month_day& md, tz timezone);
-    date::day day() const;
-    date::month month() const;
-    tz zone() const {return zone_;}
-    void canonicalize(date::year y);
-    sys_seconds
-       to_sys(date::year y, std::chrono::seconds offset, std::chrono::seconds save) const;
-    sys_days to_sys_days(date::year y) const;
-    sys_seconds to_time_point(date::year y) const;
-    int compare(date::year y, const MonthDayTime& x, date::year yx,
-                std::chrono::seconds offset, std::chrono::minutes prev_save) const;
-    friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, MonthDayTime& x);
-    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const MonthDayTime& x);
-// A Rule specifies one or more set of datetimes without using an offset.
-// Multiple dates are specified with multiple years.  The years in effect
-// go from starting_year_ to ending_year_, inclusive.  starting_year_ <=
-// ending_year_. save_ is in effect for times from the specified time
-// onward, including the specified time. When the specified time is
-// local, it uses the save_ from the chronologically previous Rule, or if
-// there is none, 0.
-//forward declare to avoid warnings in gcc 6.2
-class Rule;
-bool operator==(const Rule& x, const Rule& y);
-bool operator<(const Rule& x, const Rule& y);
-bool operator==(const Rule& x, const date::year& y);
-bool operator<(const Rule& x, const date::year& y);
-bool operator==(const date::year& x, const Rule& y);
-bool operator<(const date::year& x, const Rule& y);
-bool operator==(const Rule& x, const std::string& y);
-bool operator<(const Rule& x, const std::string& y);
-bool operator==(const std::string& x, const Rule& y);
-bool operator<(const std::string& x, const Rule& y);
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Rule& r);
-class Rule
-    std::string          name_;
-    date::year           starting_year_{0};
-    date::year           ending_year_{0};
-    MonthDayTime         starting_at_;
-    std::chrono::minutes save_{0};
-    std::string          abbrev_;
-    Rule() = default;
-    explicit Rule(const std::string& s);
-    Rule(const Rule& r, date::year starting_year, date::year ending_year);
-    const std::string& name() const {return name_;}
-    const std::string& abbrev() const {return abbrev_;}
-    const MonthDayTime&         mdt()           const {return starting_at_;}
-    const date::year&           starting_year() const {return starting_year_;}
-    const date::year&           ending_year()   const {return ending_year_;}
-    const std::chrono::minutes& save()          const {return save_;}
-    static void split_overlaps(std::vector<Rule>& rules);
-    friend bool operator==(const Rule& x, const Rule& y);
-    friend bool operator<(const Rule& x, const Rule& y);
-    friend bool operator==(const Rule& x, const date::year& y);
-    friend bool operator<(const Rule& x, const date::year& y);
-    friend bool operator==(const date::year& x, const Rule& y);
-    friend bool operator<(const date::year& x, const Rule& y);
-    friend bool operator==(const Rule& x, const std::string& y);
-    friend bool operator<(const Rule& x, const std::string& y);
-    friend bool operator==(const std::string& x, const Rule& y);
-    friend bool operator<(const std::string& x, const Rule& y);
-    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Rule& r);
-    date::day day() const;
-    date::month month() const;
-    static void split_overlaps(std::vector<Rule>& rules, std::size_t i, std::size_t& e);
-    static bool overlaps(const Rule& x, const Rule& y);
-    static void split(std::vector<Rule>& rules, std::size_t i, std::size_t k,
-                      std::size_t& e);
-inline bool operator!=(const Rule& x, const Rule& y) {return !(x == y);}
-inline bool operator> (const Rule& x, const Rule& y) {return   y < x;}
-inline bool operator<=(const Rule& x, const Rule& y) {return !(y < x);}
-inline bool operator>=(const Rule& x, const Rule& y) {return !(x < y);}
-inline bool operator!=(const Rule& x, const date::year& y) {return !(x == y);}
-inline bool operator> (const Rule& x, const date::year& y) {return   y < x;}
-inline bool operator<=(const Rule& x, const date::year& y) {return !(y < x);}
-inline bool operator>=(const Rule& x, const date::year& y) {return !(x < y);}
-inline bool operator!=(const date::year& x, const Rule& y) {return !(x == y);}
-inline bool operator> (const date::year& x, const Rule& y) {return   y < x;}
-inline bool operator<=(const date::year& x, const Rule& y) {return !(y < x);}
-inline bool operator>=(const date::year& x, const Rule& y) {return !(x < y);}
-inline bool operator!=(const Rule& x, const std::string& y) {return !(x == y);}
-inline bool operator> (const Rule& x, const std::string& y) {return   y < x;}
-inline bool operator<=(const Rule& x, const std::string& y) {return !(y < x);}
-inline bool operator>=(const Rule& x, const std::string& y) {return !(x < y);}
-inline bool operator!=(const std::string& x, const Rule& y) {return !(x == y);}
-inline bool operator> (const std::string& x, const Rule& y) {return   y < x;}
-inline bool operator<=(const std::string& x, const Rule& y) {return !(y < x);}
-inline bool operator>=(const std::string& x, const Rule& y) {return !(x < y);}
-struct zonelet
-    enum tag {has_rule, has_save, is_empty};
-    std::chrono::seconds gmtoff_;
-    tag tag_ = has_rule;
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-    union U
-    struct U
-    {
-        std::string          rule_;
-        std::chrono::minutes save_;
-        ~U() {}
-        U() {}
-        U(const U&) {}
-        U& operator=(const U&) = delete;
-    } u;
-    std::string                        format_;
-    date::year                         until_year_{0};
-    MonthDayTime                       until_date_;
-    sys_seconds                        until_utc_;
-    local_seconds                      until_std_;
-    local_seconds                      until_loc_;
-    std::chrono::minutes               initial_save_{};
-    std::string                        initial_abbrev_;
-    std::pair<const Rule*, date::year> first_rule_{nullptr, date::year::min()};
-    std::pair<const Rule*, date::year> last_rule_{nullptr, date::year::max()};
-    ~zonelet();
-    zonelet();
-    zonelet(const zonelet& i);
-    zonelet& operator=(const zonelet&) = delete;
-#else  // USE_OS_TZDB
-struct ttinfo
-    std::int32_t  tt_gmtoff;
-    unsigned char tt_isdst;
-    unsigned char tt_abbrind;
-    unsigned char pad[2];
-static_assert(sizeof(ttinfo) == 8, "");
-struct expanded_ttinfo
-    std::chrono::seconds offset;
-    std::string          abbrev;
-    bool                 is_dst;
-struct transition
-    sys_seconds            timepoint;
-    const expanded_ttinfo* info;
-    transition(sys_seconds tp, const expanded_ttinfo* i = nullptr)
-        : timepoint(tp)
-        , info(i)
-        {}
-    friend
-    std::ostream&
-    operator<<(std::ostream& os, const transition& t)
-    {
-        using namespace date;
-        using namespace std::chrono;
-        using date::operator<<;
-        os << t.timepoint << "Z ";
-        if (>offset >= seconds{0})
-            os << '+';
-        os << make_time(>offset);
-        if (>is_dst > 0)
-            os << " daylight ";
-        else
-            os << " standard ";
-        os <<>abbrev;
-        return os;
-    }
-#endif  // USE_OS_TZDB
-}  // namespace detail
-}  // namespace date
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1900)
-#include "tz.h"
-#endif  // TZ_PRIVATE_H
diff --git a/thirdparty/date/src/ b/thirdparty/date/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 105e5c0..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/date/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-// The MIT License (MIT)
-// Copyright (c) 2016 Alexander Kormanovsky
-// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-#include "ios.h"
-#include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <zlib.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#ifndef TAR_DEBUG
-#  define TAR_DEBUG 0
-#define INTERNAL_DIR        "Library"
-#define TZDATA_DIR          "tzdata"
-#define TARGZ_EXTENSION     "tar.gz"
-#define TAR_BLOCK_SIZE                  512
-#define TAR_TYPE_POSITION               156
-#define TAR_NAME_POSITION               0
-#define TAR_NAME_SIZE                   100
-#define TAR_SIZE_POSITION               124
-#define TAR_SIZE_SIZE                   12
-namespace date
-    namespace iOSUtils
-    {
-        struct TarInfo
-        {
-            char objType;
-            std::string objName;
-            size_t realContentSize; // writable size without padding zeroes
-            size_t blocksContentSize; // adjusted size to 512 bytes blocks
-            bool success;
-        };
-        std::string convertCFStringRefPathToCStringPath(CFStringRef ref);
-        bool extractTzdata(CFURLRef homeUrl, CFURLRef archiveUrl, std::string destPath);
-        TarInfo getTarObjectInfo(std::ifstream &readStream);
-        std::string getTarObject(std::ifstream &readStream, int64_t size);
-        bool writeFile(const std::string &tzdataPath, const std::string &fileName,
-                       const std::string &data, size_t realContentSize);
-        std::string
-        get_current_timezone()
-        {
-            CFTimeZoneRef tzRef = CFTimeZoneCopySystem();
-            CFStringRef tzNameRef = CFTimeZoneGetName(tzRef);
-            CFIndex bufferSize = CFStringGetLength(tzNameRef) + 1;
-            char buffer[bufferSize];
-            if (CFStringGetCString(tzNameRef, buffer, bufferSize, kCFStringEncodingUTF8))
-            {
-                CFRelease(tzRef);
-                return std::string(buffer);
-            }
-            CFRelease(tzRef);
-            return "";
-        }
-        std::string
-        get_tzdata_path()
-        {
-            CFURLRef homeUrlRef = CFCopyHomeDirectoryURL();
-            CFStringRef homePath = CFURLCopyPath(homeUrlRef);
-            std::string path(std::string(convertCFStringRefPathToCStringPath(homePath)) +
-                             INTERNAL_DIR + "/" + TZDATA_DIR);
-            std::string result_path(std::string(convertCFStringRefPathToCStringPath(homePath)) +
-                                    INTERNAL_DIR);
-            if (access(path.c_str(), F_OK) == 0)
-            {
-                printf("tzdata dir exists\n");
-                CFRelease(homeUrlRef);
-                CFRelease(homePath);
-                return result_path;
-            }
-            CFBundleRef mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
-            CFArrayRef paths = CFBundleCopyResourceURLsOfType(mainBundle, CFSTR(TARGZ_EXTENSION),
-                                                              NULL);
-            if (CFArrayGetCount(paths) != 0)
-            {
-                // get archive path, assume there is no other tar.gz in bundle
-                CFURLRef archiveUrl = static_cast<CFURLRef>(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(paths, 0));
-                CFStringRef archiveName = CFURLCopyPath(archiveUrl);
-                archiveUrl = CFBundleCopyResourceURL(mainBundle, archiveName, NULL, NULL);
-                extractTzdata(homeUrlRef, archiveUrl, path);
-                CFRelease(archiveUrl);
-                CFRelease(archiveName);
-            }
-            CFRelease(homeUrlRef);
-            CFRelease(homePath);
-            CFRelease(paths);
-            return result_path;
-        }
-        std::string
-        convertCFStringRefPathToCStringPath(CFStringRef ref)
-        {
-            CFIndex bufferSize = CFStringGetMaximumSizeOfFileSystemRepresentation(ref);
-            char *buffer = new char[bufferSize];
-            CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation(ref, buffer, bufferSize);
-            auto result = std::string(buffer);
-            delete[] buffer;
-            return result;
-        }
-        bool
-        extractTzdata(CFURLRef homeUrl, CFURLRef archiveUrl, std::string destPath)
-        {
-            std::string TAR_TMP_PATH = "/tmp.tar";
-            CFStringRef homeStringRef = CFURLCopyPath(homeUrl);
-            auto homePath = convertCFStringRefPathToCStringPath(homeStringRef);
-            CFRelease(homeStringRef);
-            CFStringRef archiveStringRef = CFURLCopyPath(archiveUrl);
-            auto archivePath = convertCFStringRefPathToCStringPath(archiveStringRef);
-            CFRelease(archiveStringRef);
-            // create Library path
-            auto libraryPath = homePath + INTERNAL_DIR;
-            // create tzdata path
-            auto tzdataPath = libraryPath + "/" + TZDATA_DIR;
-            // -- replace %20 with " "
-            const std::string search = "%20";
-            const std::string replacement = " ";
-            size_t pos = 0;
-            while ((pos = archivePath.find(search, pos)) != std::string::npos) {
-                archivePath.replace(pos, search.length(), replacement);
-                pos += replacement.length();
-            }
-            gzFile tarFile = gzopen(archivePath.c_str(), "rb");
-            // create tar unpacking path
-            auto tarPath = libraryPath + TAR_TMP_PATH;
-            // create tzdata directory
-            mkdir(destPath.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
-            // ======= extract tar ========
-            std::ofstream os(tarPath.c_str(), std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);
-            unsigned int bufferLength = 1024 * 256;  // 256Kb
-            unsigned char *buffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(bufferLength);
-            bool success = true;
-            while (true)
-            {
-                int readBytes = gzread(tarFile, buffer, bufferLength);
-                if (readBytes > 0)
-                {
-                    os.write((char *) &buffer[0], readBytes);
-                }
-                else
-                    if (readBytes == 0)
-                    {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    else
-                        if (readBytes == -1)
-                        {
-                            printf("decompression failed\n");
-                            success = false;
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            printf("unexpected zlib state\n");
-                            success = false;
-                            break;
-                        }
-            }
-            os.close();
-            free(buffer);
-            gzclose(tarFile);
-            if (!success)
-            {
-                remove(tarPath.c_str());
-                return false;
-            }
-            // ======== extract files =========
-            uint64_t location = 0; // Position in the file
-            // get file size
-            struct stat stat_buf;
-            int res = stat(tarPath.c_str(), &stat_buf);
-            if (res != 0)
-            {
-                printf("error file size\n");
-                remove(tarPath.c_str());
-                return false;
-            }
-            int64_t tarSize = stat_buf.st_size;
-            // create read stream
-            std::ifstream is(tarPath.c_str(), std::ifstream::in | std::ifstream::binary);
-            // process files
-            while (location < tarSize)
-            {
-                TarInfo info = getTarObjectInfo(is);
-                if (!info.success || info.realContentSize == 0)
-                {
-                    break; // something wrong or all files are read
-                }
-                switch (info.objType)
-                {
-                    case '0':   // file
-                    case '\0':  //
-                    {
-                        std::string obj = getTarObject(is, info.blocksContentSize);
-                        size += info.realContentSize;
-                        printf("#%i %s file size %lld written total %ld from %lld\n", ++count,
-                               info.objName.c_str(), info.realContentSize, size, tarSize);
-                        writeFile(tzdataPath, info.objName, obj, info.realContentSize);
-                        location += info.blocksContentSize;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            remove(tarPath.c_str());
-            return true;
-        }
-        TarInfo
-        getTarObjectInfo(std::ifstream &readStream)
-        {
-            int64_t length = TAR_BLOCK_SIZE;
-            char buffer[length];
-            char type;
-            char name[TAR_NAME_SIZE + 1];
-            char sizeBuf[TAR_SIZE_SIZE + 1];
-  , length);
-            memcpy(&type, &buffer[TAR_TYPE_POSITION], 1);
-            memset(&name, '\0', TAR_NAME_SIZE + 1);
-            memcpy(&name, &buffer[TAR_NAME_POSITION], TAR_NAME_SIZE);
-            memset(&sizeBuf, '\0', TAR_SIZE_SIZE + 1);
-            memcpy(&sizeBuf, &buffer[TAR_SIZE_POSITION], TAR_SIZE_SIZE);
-            size_t realSize = strtol(sizeBuf, NULL, 8);
-            size_t blocksSize = realSize + (TAR_BLOCK_SIZE - (realSize % TAR_BLOCK_SIZE));
-            return {type, std::string(name), realSize, blocksSize, true};
-        }
-        std::string
-        getTarObject(std::ifstream &readStream, int64_t size)
-        {
-            char buffer[size];
-  , size);
-            return std::string(buffer);
-        }
-        bool
-        writeFile(const std::string &tzdataPath, const std::string &fileName, const std::string &data,
-                  size_t realContentSize)
-        {
-            std::ofstream os(tzdataPath + "/" + fileName, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::binary);
-            if (!os) {
-                return false;
-            }
-            // trim empty space
-            char trimmedData[realContentSize + 1];
-            memset(&trimmedData, '\0', realContentSize);
-            memcpy(&trimmedData, data.c_str(), realContentSize);
-            // write
-            os.write(trimmedData, realContentSize);
-            os.close();
-            return true;
-        }
-    }  // namespace iOSUtils
-}  // namespace date
-#endif  // TARGET_OS_IPHONE
diff --git a/thirdparty/date/src/tz.cpp b/thirdparty/date/src/tz.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f4a819b..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/date/src/tz.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3788 +0,0 @@
-// The MIT License (MIT)
-// Copyright (c) 2015, 2016, 2017 Howard Hinnant
-// Copyright (c) 2015 Ville Voutilainen
-// Copyright (c) 2016 Alexander Kormanovsky
-// Copyright (c) 2016, 2017 Jiangang Zhuang
-// Copyright (c) 2017 Nicolas Veloz Savino
-// Copyright (c) 2017 Florian Dang
-// Copyright (c) 2017 Aaron Bishop
-// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-// Our apologies.  When the previous paragraph was written, lowercase had not yet
-// been invented (that would involve another several millennia of evolution).
-// We did not mean to shout.
-#ifdef _WIN32
-   // windows.h will be included directly and indirectly (e.g. by curl).
-   // We need to define these macros to prevent windows.h bringing in
-   // more than we need and do it early so windows.h doesn't get included
-   // without these macros having been defined.
-   // min/max macros interfere with the C++ versions.
-#  ifndef NOMINMAX
-#    define NOMINMAX
-#  endif
-   // We don't need all that Windows has to offer.
-#  ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
-#    define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
-#  endif
-   // for wcstombs
-#  endif
-   // None of this happens with the MS SDK (at least VS14 which I tested), but:
-   // Compiling with mingw, we get "error: 'KF_FLAG_DEFAULT' was not declared in this scope."
-   // and error: 'SHGetKnownFolderPath' was not declared in this scope.".
-   // It seems when using mingw NTDDI_VERSION is undefined and that
-   // causes KNOWN_FOLDER_FLAG and the KF_ flags to not get defined.
-   // So we must define NTDDI_VERSION to get those flags on mingw.
-   // The docs say though here:
-   //
-   // that "If you define NTDDI_VERSION, you must also define _WIN32_WINNT."
-   // So we declare we require Vista or greater.
-#  ifdef __MINGW32__
-#    ifndef NTDDI_VERSION
-#      define NTDDI_VERSION 0x06000000
-#      define _WIN32_WINNT _WIN32_WINNT_VISTA
-#    elif NTDDI_VERSION < 0x06000000
-#      warning "If this fails to compile NTDDI_VERSION may be to low. See comments above."
-#    endif
-     // But once we define the values above we then get this linker error:
-     // "tz.cpp:(.rdata$.refptr.FOLDERID_Downloads[.refptr.FOLDERID_Downloads]+0x0): "
-     //     "undefined reference to `FOLDERID_Downloads'"
-     // which #include <initguid.h> cures see:
-     //
-#    include <initguid.h>
-     // But with <initguid.h> included, the error moves on to:
-     // error: 'FOLDERID_Downloads' was not declared in this scope
-     // Which #include <knownfolders.h> cures.
-#    include <knownfolders.h>
-#  endif  // __MINGW32__
-#  include <windows.h>
-#endif  // _WIN32
-#include "date/tz_private.h"
-#ifdef __APPLE__
-#  include "date/ios.h"
-#  define TARGET_OS_IPHONE 0
-#  include <dirent.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cctype>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <exception>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <iterator>
-#include <memory>
-#  include <queue>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <tuple>
-#include <vector>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-// unistd.h is used on some platforms as part of the the means to get
-// the current time zone. On Win32 windows.h provides a means to do it.
-// gcc/mingw supports unistd.h on Win32 but MSVC does not.
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#  include <io.h> // _unlink etc.
-#  if defined(__clang__)
-    struct IUnknown;    // fix for issue with static_cast<> in objbase.h
-                        //   (see
-#  endif
-#  include <shlobj.h> // CoTaskFree, ShGetKnownFolderPath etc.
-#    include <direct.h> // _mkdir
-#    include <shellapi.h> // ShFileOperation etc.
-#  endif  // HAS_REMOTE_API
-#else   // !_WIN32
-#  include <unistd.h>
-#  if !USE_OS_TZDB
-#    include <wordexp.h>
-#  endif
-#  include <limits.h>
-#  include <string.h>
-#    include <sys/stat.h>
-#    include <sys/fcntl.h>
-#    include <dirent.h>
-#    include <cstring>
-#    include <sys/wait.h>
-#    include <sys/types.h>
-#  endif //!USE_SHELL_API
-#endif  // !_WIN32
-   // Note curl includes windows.h so we must include curl AFTER definitions of things
-   // that affect windows.h such as NOMINMAX.
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(SHORTENED_CURL_INCLUDE)
-   // For rmt_curl nuget package
-#  include <curl.h>
-#  include <curl/curl.h>
-#ifdef _WIN32
-static CONSTDATA char folder_delimiter = '\\';
-#else   // !_WIN32
-static CONSTDATA char folder_delimiter = '/';
-#endif  // !_WIN32
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ < 5
-   // GCC 4.9 Bug 61489 Wrong warning with -Wmissing-field-initializers
-#  pragma GCC diagnostic push
-#  pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-field-initializers"
-#endif  // defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ < 5
-#  ifdef _WIN32
-    struct task_mem_deleter
-    {
-        void operator()(wchar_t buf[])
-        {
-            if (buf != nullptr)
-                CoTaskMemFree(buf);
-        }
-    };
-    using co_task_mem_ptr = std::unique_ptr<wchar_t[], task_mem_deleter>;
-// We might need to know certain locations even if not using the remote API,
-// so keep these routines out of that block for now.
-get_known_folder(const GUID& folderid)
-    std::string folder;
-    PWSTR pfolder = nullptr;
-    HRESULT hr = SHGetKnownFolderPath(folderid, KF_FLAG_DEFAULT, nullptr, &pfolder);
-    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
-    {
-        co_task_mem_ptr folder_ptr(pfolder);
-        folder = std::string(folder_ptr.get(), folder_ptr.get() + wcslen(folder_ptr.get()));
-    }
-    return folder;
-// Usually something like "c:\Users\username\Downloads".
-    return get_known_folder(FOLDERID_Downloads);
-#  else // !_WIN32
-#    if !defined(INSTALL) || HAS_REMOTE_API
-expand_path(std::string path)
-    return date::iOSUtils::get_tzdata_path();
-#      else  // !TARGET_OS_IPHONE
-    ::wordexp_t w{};
-    std::unique_ptr<::wordexp_t, void(*)(::wordexp_t*)> hold{&w, ::wordfree};
-    ::wordexp(path.c_str(), &w, 0);
-    if (w.we_wordc != 1)
-        throw std::runtime_error("Cannot expand path: " + path);
-    path = w.we_wordv[0];
-    return path;
-#      endif  // !TARGET_OS_IPHONE
-    return expand_path("~/Downloads");
-#    endif // !defined(INSTALL) || HAS_REMOTE_API
-#  endif  // !_WIN32
-#endif  // !USE_OS_TZDB
-namespace date
-// +---------------------+
-// | Begin Configuration |
-// +---------------------+
-using namespace detail;
-    static std::string install
-#ifndef INSTALL
-    = get_download_folder() + folder_delimiter + "tzdata";
-#else   // !INSTALL
-#  define STRINGIZEIMP(x) #x
-    = STRINGIZE(INSTALL) + std::string(1, folder_delimiter) + "tzdata";
-    #undef STRINGIZEIMP
-    #undef STRINGIZE
-#endif  // !INSTALL
-    return install;
-set_install(const std::string& s)
-    access_install() = s;
-const std::string&
-    static const std::string& ref = access_install();
-    return ref;
-get_download_gz_file(const std::string& version)
-    auto file = get_install() + version + ".tar.gz";
-    return file;
-#endif  // HAS_REMOTE_API
-#endif  // !USE_OS_TZDB
-// These can be used to reduce the range of the database to save memory
-CONSTDATA auto min_year = date::year::min();
-CONSTDATA auto max_year = date::year::max();
-CONSTDATA auto min_day = date::jan/1;
-CONSTDATA auto max_day = date::dec/31;
-CONSTCD14 const sys_seconds min_seconds = sys_days(min_year/min_day);
-#endif  // USE_OS_TZDB
-#ifndef _WIN32
-    struct stat sb;
-    using namespace std;
-#  ifndef __APPLE__
-    CONSTDATA auto tz_dir_default = "/usr/share/zoneinfo";
-    CONSTDATA auto tz_dir_buildroot = "/usr/share/zoneinfo/uclibc";
-    // Check special path which is valid for buildroot with uclibc builds
-    if(stat(tz_dir_buildroot, &sb) == 0 && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))
-        return tz_dir_buildroot;
-    else if(stat(tz_dir_default, &sb) == 0 && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))
-        return tz_dir_default;
-    else
-        throw runtime_error("discover_tz_dir failed to find zoneinfo\n");
-#  else  // __APPLE__
-    return "/var/db/timezone/zoneinfo";
-#      else
-    CONSTDATA auto timezone = "/etc/localtime";
-    if (!(lstat(timezone, &sb) == 0 && S_ISLNK(sb.st_mode) && sb.st_size > 0))
-        throw runtime_error("discover_tz_dir failed\n");
-    string result;
-    char rp[PATH_MAX+1] = {};
-    if (readlink(timezone, rp, sizeof(rp)-1) > 0)
-        result = string(rp);
-    else
-        throw system_error(errno, system_category(), "readlink() failed");
-    auto i = result.find("zoneinfo");
-    if (i == string::npos)
-        throw runtime_error("discover_tz_dir failed to find zoneinfo\n");
-    i = result.find('/', i);
-    if (i == string::npos)
-        throw runtime_error("discover_tz_dir failed to find '/'\n");
-    return result.substr(0, i);
-#      endif
-#  endif  // __APPLE__
-const std::string&
-    static const std::string tz_dir = discover_tz_dir();
-    return tz_dir;
-// +-------------------+
-// | End Configuration |
-// +-------------------+
-namespace detail
-struct undocumented {explicit undocumented() = default;};
-#ifndef _MSC_VER
-static_assert(min_year <= max_year, "Configuration error");
-static std::unique_ptr<tzdb> init_tzdb();
-    const tzdb* ptr = head_;
-    head_ = nullptr;
-    while (ptr != nullptr)
-    {
-        auto next = ptr->next;
-        delete ptr;
-        ptr = next;
-    }
-tzdb_list::tzdb_list(tzdb_list&& x) noexcept
-   : head_{}
-tzdb_list::push_front(tzdb* tzdb) noexcept
-    tzdb->next = head_;
-    head_ = tzdb;
-tzdb_list::erase_after(const_iterator p) noexcept
-    auto t = p.p_->next;
-    p.p_->next = p.p_->next->next;
-    delete t;
-    return ++p;
-struct tzdb_list::undocumented_helper
-    static void push_front(tzdb_list& db_list, tzdb* tzdb) noexcept
-    {
-        db_list.push_front(tzdb);
-    }
-    tzdb_list tz_db;
-    tzdb_list::undocumented_helper::push_front(tz_db, init_tzdb().release());
-    return tz_db;
-    static tzdb_list tz_db = create_tzdb();
-    return tz_db;
-#ifdef _WIN32
-sort_zone_mappings(std::vector<date::detail::timezone_mapping>& mappings)
-    std::sort(mappings.begin(), mappings.end(),
-        [](const date::detail::timezone_mapping& lhs,
-           const date::detail::timezone_mapping& rhs)->bool
-    {
-        auto other_result =;
-        if (other_result < 0)
-            return true;
-        else if (other_result == 0)
-        {
-            auto territory_result =;
-            if (territory_result < 0)
-                return true;
-            else if (territory_result == 0)
-            {
-                if (lhs.type < rhs.type)
-                    return true;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    });
-native_to_standard_timezone_name(const std::string& native_tz_name,
-                                 std::string& standard_tz_name)
-    // TOOD! Need be a case insensitive compare?
-    if (native_tz_name == "UTC")
-    {
-        standard_tz_name = "Etc/UTC";
-        return true;
-    }
-    standard_tz_name.clear();
-    // TODO! we can improve on linear search.
-    const auto& mappings = date::get_tzdb().mappings;
-    for (const auto& tzm : mappings)
-    {
-        if (tzm.other == native_tz_name)
-        {
-            standard_tz_name = tzm.type;
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    return false;
-// Parse this XML file:
-// The parsing method is designed to be simple and quick. It is not overly
-// forgiving of change but it should diagnose basic format issues.
-// See timezone_mapping structure for more info.
-load_timezone_mappings_from_xml_file(const std::string& input_path)
-    std::size_t line_num = 0;
-    std::vector<detail::timezone_mapping> mappings;
-    std::string line;
-    std::ifstream is(input_path);
-    if (!is.is_open())
-    {
-        // We don't emit file exceptions because that's an implementation detail.
-        std::string msg = "Error opening time zone mapping file \"";
-        msg += input_path;
-        msg += "\".";
-        throw std::runtime_error(msg);
-    }
-    auto error = [&input_path, &line_num](const char* info)
-    {
-        std::string msg = "Error loading time zone mapping file \"";
-        msg += input_path;
-        msg += "\" at line ";
-        msg += std::to_string(line_num);
-        msg += ": ";
-        msg += info;
-        throw std::runtime_error(msg);
-    };
-    // [optional space]a="b"
-    auto read_attribute = [&line, &error]
-                          (const char* name, std::string& value, std::size_t startPos)
-                          ->std::size_t
-    {
-        value.clear();
-        // Skip leading space before attribute name.
-        std::size_t spos = line.find_first_not_of(' ', startPos);
-        if (spos == std::string::npos)
-            spos = startPos;
-        // Assume everything up to next = is the attribute name
-        // and that an = will always delimit that.
-        std::size_t epos = line.find('=', spos);
-        if (epos == std::string::npos)
-            error("Expected \'=\' right after attribute name.");
-        std::size_t name_len = epos - spos;
-        // Expect the name we find matches the name we expect.
-        if (, name_len, name) != 0)
-        {
-            std::string msg;
-            msg = "Expected attribute name \'";
-            msg += name;
-            msg += "\' around position ";
-            msg += std::to_string(spos);
-            msg += " but found something else.";
-            error(msg.c_str());
-        }
-        ++epos; // Skip the '=' that is after the attribute name.
-        spos = epos;
-        if (spos < line.length() && line[spos] == '\"')
-            ++spos; // Skip the quote that is before the attribute value.
-        else
-        {
-            std::string msg = "Expected '\"' to begin value of attribute \'";
-            msg += name;
-            msg += "\'.";
-            error(msg.c_str());
-        }
-        epos = line.find('\"', spos);
-        if (epos == std::string::npos)
-        {
-            std::string msg = "Expected '\"' to end value of attribute \'";
-            msg += name;
-            msg += "\'.";
-            error(msg.c_str());
-        }
-        // Extract everything in between the quotes. Note no escaping is done.
-        std::size_t value_len = epos - spos;
-        value.assign(line, spos, value_len);
-        ++epos; // Skip the quote that is after the attribute value;
-        return epos;
-    };
-    // Quick but not overly forgiving XML mapping file processing.
-    bool mapTimezonesOpenTagFound = false;
-    bool mapTimezonesCloseTagFound = false;
-    std::size_t mapZonePos = std::string::npos;
-    std::size_t mapTimezonesPos = std::string::npos;
-    CONSTDATA char mapTimeZonesOpeningTag[] = { "<mapTimezones " };
-    CONSTDATA char mapZoneOpeningTag[] = { "<mapZone " };
-    CONSTDATA std::size_t mapZoneOpeningTagLen = sizeof(mapZoneOpeningTag) /
-                                                 sizeof(mapZoneOpeningTag[0]) - 1;
-    while (!mapTimezonesOpenTagFound)
-    {
-        std::getline(is, line);
-        ++line_num;
-        if (is.eof())
-        {
-            // If there is no mapTimezones tag is it an error?
-            // Perhaps if there are no mapZone mappings it might be ok for
-            // its parent mapTimezones element to be missing?
-            // We treat this as an error though on the assumption that if there
-            // really are no mappings we should still get a mapTimezones parent
-            // element but no mapZone elements inside. Assuming we must
-            // find something will hopefully at least catch more drastic formatting
-            // changes or errors than if we don't do this and assume nothing found.
-            error("Expected a mapTimezones opening tag.");
-        }
-        mapTimezonesPos = line.find(mapTimeZonesOpeningTag);
-        mapTimezonesOpenTagFound = (mapTimezonesPos != std::string::npos);
-    }
-    // NOTE: We could extract the version info that follows the opening
-    // mapTimezones tag and compare that to the version of other data we have.
-    // I would have expected them to be kept in synch but testing has shown
-    // it typically does not match anyway. So what's the point?
-    while (!mapTimezonesCloseTagFound)
-    {
-        std::ws(is);
-        std::getline(is, line);
-        ++line_num;
-        if (is.eof())
-            error("Expected a mapTimezones closing tag.");
-        if (line.empty())
-            continue;
-        mapZonePos = line.find(mapZoneOpeningTag);
-        if (mapZonePos != std::string::npos)
-        {
-            mapZonePos += mapZoneOpeningTagLen;
-            detail::timezone_mapping zm{};
-            std::size_t pos = read_attribute("other", zm.other, mapZonePos);
-            pos = read_attribute("territory", zm.territory, pos);
-            read_attribute("type", zm.type, pos);
-            mappings.push_back(std::move(zm));
-            continue;
-        }
-        mapTimezonesPos = line.find("</mapTimezones>");
-        mapTimezonesCloseTagFound = (mapTimezonesPos != std::string::npos);
-        if (!mapTimezonesCloseTagFound)
-        {
-            std::size_t commentPos = line.find("<!--");
-            if (commentPos == std::string::npos)
-                error("Unexpected mapping record found. A xml mapZone or comment "
-                      "attribute or mapTimezones closing tag was expected.");
-        }
-    }
-    is.close();
-    return mappings;
-#endif  // _WIN32
-// Parsing helpers
-parse3(std::istream& in)
-    std::string r(3, ' ');
-    ws(in);
-    r[0] = static_cast<char>(in.get());
-    r[1] = static_cast<char>(in.get());
-    r[2] = static_cast<char>(in.get());
-    return r;
-parse_dow(std::istream& in)
-    CONSTDATA char*const dow_names[] =
-        {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"};
-    auto s = parse3(in);
-    auto dow = std::find(std::begin(dow_names), std::end(dow_names), s) - dow_names;
-    if (dow >= std::end(dow_names) - std::begin(dow_names))
-        throw std::runtime_error("oops: bad dow name: " + s);
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(dow);
-parse_month(std::istream& in)
-    CONSTDATA char*const month_names[] =
-        {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
-         "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"};
-    auto s = parse3(in);
-    auto m = std::find(std::begin(month_names), std::end(month_names), s) - month_names;
-    if (m >= std::end(month_names) - std::begin(month_names))
-        throw std::runtime_error("oops: bad month name: " + s);
-    return static_cast<unsigned>(++m);
-parse_unsigned_time(std::istream& in)
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    int x;
-    in >> x;
-    auto r = seconds{hours{x}};
-    if (!in.eof() && in.peek() == ':')
-    {
-        in.get();
-        in >> x;
-        r += minutes{x};
-        if (!in.eof() && in.peek() == ':')
-        {
-            in.get();
-            in >> x;
-            r += seconds{x};
-        }
-    }
-    return r;
-parse_signed_time(std::istream& in)
-    ws(in);
-    auto sign = 1;
-    if (in.peek() == '-')
-    {
-        sign = -1;
-        in.get();
-    }
-    else if (in.peek() == '+')
-        in.get();
-    return sign * parse_unsigned_time(in);
-// MonthDayTime
-detail::MonthDayTime::MonthDayTime(local_seconds tp, tz timezone)
-    : zone_(timezone)
-    using namespace date;
-    const auto dp = date::floor<days>(tp);
-    const auto hms = make_time(tp - dp);
-    const auto ymd = year_month_day(dp);
-    u = ymd.month() /;
-    h_ = hms.hours();
-    m_ = hms.minutes();
-    s_ = hms.seconds();
-detail::MonthDayTime::MonthDayTime(const date::month_day& md, tz timezone)
-    : zone_(timezone)
-    u = md;
-detail::MonthDayTime::day() const
-    switch (type_)
-    {
-    case month_day:
-        return;
-    case month_last_dow:
-        return date::day{31};
-    case lteq:
-    case gteq:
-        break;
-    }
-    return;
-detail::MonthDayTime::month() const
-    switch (type_)
-    {
-    case month_day:
-        return u.month_day_.month();
-    case month_last_dow:
-        return u.month_weekday_last_.month();
-    case lteq:
-    case gteq:
-        break;
-    }
-    return u.month_day_weekday_.month_day_.month();
-detail::MonthDayTime::compare(date::year y, const MonthDayTime& x, date::year yx,
-                      std::chrono::seconds offset, std::chrono::minutes prev_save) const
-    if (zone_ != x.zone_)
-    {
-        auto dp0 = to_sys_days(y);
-        auto dp1 = x.to_sys_days(yx);
-        if (std::abs((dp0-dp1).count()) > 1)
-            return dp0 < dp1 ? -1 : 1;
-        if (zone_ == tz::local)
-        {
-            auto tp0 = to_time_point(y) - prev_save;
-            if (x.zone_ == tz::utc)
-                tp0 -= offset;
-            auto tp1 = x.to_time_point(yx);
-            return tp0 < tp1 ? -1 : tp0 == tp1 ? 0 : 1;
-        }
-        else if (zone_ == tz::standard)
-        {
-            auto tp0 = to_time_point(y);
-            auto tp1 = x.to_time_point(yx);
-            if (x.zone_ == tz::local)
-                tp1 -= prev_save;
-            else
-                tp0 -= offset;
-            return tp0 < tp1 ? -1 : tp0 == tp1 ? 0 : 1;
-        }
-        // zone_ == tz::utc
-        auto tp0 = to_time_point(y);
-        auto tp1 = x.to_time_point(yx);
-        if (x.zone_ == tz::local)
-            tp1 -= offset + prev_save;
-        else
-            tp1 -= offset;
-        return tp0 < tp1 ? -1 : tp0 == tp1 ? 0 : 1;
-    }
-    auto const t0 = to_time_point(y);
-    auto const t1 = x.to_time_point(yx);
-    return t0 < t1 ? -1 : t0 == t1 ? 0 : 1;
-detail::MonthDayTime::to_sys(date::year y, std::chrono::seconds offset,
-                     std::chrono::seconds save) const
-    using namespace date;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    auto until_utc = to_time_point(y);
-    if (zone_ == tz::standard)
-        until_utc -= offset;
-    else if (zone_ == tz::local)
-        until_utc -= offset + save;
-    return until_utc;
-detail::MonthDayTime::U::operator=(const date::month_day& x)
-    month_day_ = x;
-    return *this;
-detail::MonthDayTime::U::operator=(const date::month_weekday_last& x)
-    month_weekday_last_ = x;
-    return *this;
-detail::MonthDayTime::U::operator=(const pair& x)
-    month_day_weekday_ = x;
-    return *this;
-detail::MonthDayTime::to_sys_days(date::year y) const
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using namespace date;
-    switch (type_)
-    {
-    case month_day:
-        return sys_days(y/u.month_day_);
-    case month_last_dow:
-        return sys_days(y/u.month_weekday_last_);
-    case lteq:
-        {
-            auto const x = y/u.month_day_weekday_.month_day_;
-            auto const wd1 = weekday(static_cast<sys_days>(x));
-            auto const wd0 = u.month_day_weekday_.weekday_;
-            return sys_days(x) - (wd1-wd0);
-        }
-    case gteq:
-        break;
-    }
-    auto const x = y/u.month_day_weekday_.month_day_;
-    auto const wd1 = u.month_day_weekday_.weekday_;
-    auto const wd0 = weekday(static_cast<sys_days>(x));
-    return sys_days(x) + (wd1-wd0);
-detail::MonthDayTime::to_time_point(date::year y) const
-    // Add seconds first to promote to largest rep early to prevent overflow
-    return to_sys_days(y) + s_ + h_ + m_;
-detail::MonthDayTime::canonicalize(date::year y)
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using namespace date;
-    switch (type_)
-    {
-    case month_day:
-        return;
-    case month_last_dow:
-        {
-            auto const ymd = year_month_day(sys_days(y/u.month_weekday_last_));
-            u.month_day_ = ymd.month()/;
-            type_ = month_day;
-            return;
-        }
-    case lteq:
-        {
-            auto const x = y/u.month_day_weekday_.month_day_;
-            auto const wd1 = weekday(static_cast<sys_days>(x));
-            auto const wd0 = u.month_day_weekday_.weekday_;
-            auto const ymd = year_month_day(sys_days(x) - (wd1-wd0));
-            u.month_day_ = ymd.month()/;
-            type_ = month_day;
-            return;
-        }
-    case gteq:
-        {
-            auto const x = y/u.month_day_weekday_.month_day_;
-            auto const wd1 = u.month_day_weekday_.weekday_;
-            auto const wd0 = weekday(static_cast<sys_days>(x));
-            auto const ymd = year_month_day(sys_days(x) + (wd1-wd0));
-            u.month_day_ = ymd.month()/;
-            type_ = month_day;
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-detail::operator>>(std::istream& is, MonthDayTime& x)
-    using namespace date;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    assert(((std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit) & is.exceptions()) ==
-            (std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit));
-    x = MonthDayTime{};
-    if (!is.eof() && ws(is) && !is.eof() && is.peek() != '#')
-    {
-        auto m = parse_month(is);
-        if (!is.eof() && ws(is) && !is.eof() && is.peek() != '#')
-        {
-            if (is.peek() == 'l')
-            {
-                for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
-                    is.get();
-                auto dow = parse_dow(is);
-                x.type_ = MonthDayTime::month_last_dow;
-                x.u = date::month(m)/weekday(dow)[last];
-            }
-            else if (std::isalpha(is.peek()))
-            {
-                auto dow = parse_dow(is);
-                char c{};
-                is >> c;
-                if (c == '<' || c == '>')
-                {
-                    char c2{};
-                    is >> c2;
-                    if (c2 != '=')
-                        throw std::runtime_error(std::string("bad operator: ") + c + c2);
-                    int d;
-                    is >> d;
-                    if (d < 1 || d > 31)
-                        throw std::runtime_error(std::string("bad operator: ") + c + c2
-                                 + std::to_string(d));
-                    x.type_ = c == '<' ? MonthDayTime::lteq : MonthDayTime::gteq;
-                    x.u = MonthDayTime::pair{ date::month(m) / d, date::weekday(dow) };
-                }
-                else
-                    throw std::runtime_error(std::string("bad operator: ") + c);
-            }
-            else  // if (std::isdigit(is.peek())
-            {
-                int d;
-                is >> d;
-                if (d < 1 || d > 31)
-                    throw std::runtime_error(std::string("day of month: ")
-                             + std::to_string(d));
-                x.type_ = MonthDayTime::month_day;
-                x.u = date::month(m)/d;
-            }
-            if (!is.eof() && ws(is) && !is.eof() && is.peek() != '#')
-            {
-                int t;
-                is >> t;
-                x.h_ = hours{t};
-                if (!is.eof() && is.peek() == ':')
-                {
-                    is.get();
-                    is >> t;
-                    x.m_ = minutes{t};
-                    if (!is.eof() && is.peek() == ':')
-                    {
-                        is.get();
-                        is >> t;
-                        x.s_ = seconds{t};
-                    }
-                }
-                if (!is.eof() && std::isalpha(is.peek()))
-                {
-                    char c;
-                    is >> c;
-                    switch (c)
-                    {
-                    case 's':
-                        x.zone_ = tz::standard;
-                        break;
-                    case 'u':
-                        x.zone_ = tz::utc;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            x.u = month{m}/1;
-        }
-    }
-    return is;
-detail::operator<<(std::ostream& os, const MonthDayTime& x)
-    switch (x.type_)
-    {
-    case MonthDayTime::month_day:
-        os << x.u.month_day_ << "                  ";
-        break;
-    case MonthDayTime::month_last_dow:
-        os << x.u.month_weekday_last_ << "           ";
-        break;
-    case MonthDayTime::lteq:
-        os << x.u.month_day_weekday_.weekday_ << " on or before "
-           << x.u.month_day_weekday_.month_day_ << "  ";
-        break;
-    case MonthDayTime::gteq:
-        if ((static_cast<unsigned>( - 1) % 7 == 0)
-        {
-            os << (x.u.month_day_weekday_.month_day_.month() /
-                   x.u.month_day_weekday_.weekday_[
-                       (static_cast<unsigned>( - 1)/7+1]) << "              ";
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            os << x.u.month_day_weekday_.weekday_ << " on or after "
-               << x.u.month_day_weekday_.month_day_ << "  ";
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    os << date::make_time(x.s_ + x.h_ + x.m_);
-    if (x.zone_ == tz::utc)
-        os << "UTC   ";
-    else if (x.zone_ == tz::standard)
-        os << "STD   ";
-    else
-        os << "      ";
-    return os;
-// Rule
-detail::Rule::Rule(const std::string& s)
-    try
-    {
-        using namespace date;
-        using namespace std::chrono;
-        std::istringstream in(s);
-        in.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
-        std::string word;
-        in >> word >> name_;
-        int x;
-        ws(in);
-        if (std::isalpha(in.peek()))
-        {
-            in >> word;
-            if (word == "min")
-            {
-                starting_year_ = year::min();
-            }
-            else
-                throw std::runtime_error("Didn't find expected word: " + word);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            in >> x;
-            starting_year_ = year{x};
-        }
-        std::ws(in);
-        if (std::isalpha(in.peek()))
-        {
-            in >> word;
-            if (word == "only")
-            {
-                ending_year_ = starting_year_;
-            }
-            else if (word == "max")
-            {
-                ending_year_ = year::max();
-            }
-            else
-                throw std::runtime_error("Didn't find expected word: " + word);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            in >> x;
-            ending_year_ = year{x};
-        }
-        in >> word;  // TYPE (always "-")
-        assert(word == "-");
-        in >> starting_at_;
-        save_ = duration_cast<minutes>(parse_signed_time(in));
-        in >> abbrev_;
-        if (abbrev_ == "-")
-            abbrev_.clear();
-        assert(hours{-1} <= save_ && save_ <= hours{2});
-    }
-    catch (...)
-    {
-        std::cerr << s << '\n';
-        std::cerr << *this << '\n';
-        throw;
-    }
-detail::Rule::Rule(const Rule& r, date::year starting_year, date::year ending_year)
-    : name_(r.name_)
-    , starting_year_(starting_year)
-    , ending_year_(ending_year)
-    , starting_at_(r.starting_at_)
-    , save_(r.save_)
-    , abbrev_(r.abbrev_)
-detail::operator==(const Rule& x, const Rule& y)
-    if (std::tie(x.name_, x.save_, x.starting_year_, x.ending_year_) ==
-        std::tie(y.name_, y.save_, y.starting_year_, y.ending_year_))
-        return x.month() == y.month() && ==;
-    return false;
-detail::operator<(const Rule& x, const Rule& y)
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    auto const xm = x.month();
-    auto const ym = y.month();
-    if (std::tie(x.name_, x.starting_year_, xm, x.ending_year_) <
-        std::tie(y.name_, y.starting_year_, ym, y.ending_year_))
-        return true;
-    if (std::tie(x.name_, x.starting_year_, xm, x.ending_year_) >
-        std::tie(y.name_, y.starting_year_, ym, y.ending_year_))
-        return false;
-    return <;
-detail::operator==(const Rule& x, const date::year& y)
-    return x.starting_year_ <= y && y <= x.ending_year_;
-detail::operator<(const Rule& x, const date::year& y)
-    return x.ending_year_ < y;
-detail::operator==(const date::year& x, const Rule& y)
-    return y.starting_year_ <= x && x <= y.ending_year_;
-detail::operator<(const date::year& x, const Rule& y)
-    return x < y.starting_year_;
-detail::operator==(const Rule& x, const std::string& y)
-    return == y;
-detail::operator<(const Rule& x, const std::string& y)
-    return < y;
-detail::operator==(const std::string& x, const Rule& y)
-    return == x;
-detail::operator<(const std::string& x, const Rule& y)
-    return x <;
-detail::operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Rule& r)
-    using namespace date;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    detail::save_stream<char> _(os);
-    os.fill(' ');
-    os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::left);
-    os.width(15);
-    os << r.name_;
-    os << r.starting_year_ << "    " << r.ending_year_ << "    ";
-    os << r.starting_at_;
-    if (r.save_ >= minutes{0})
-        os << ' ';
-    os << date::make_time(r.save_) << "   ";
-    os << r.abbrev_;
-    return os;
-detail::Rule::day() const
-    return;
-detail::Rule::month() const
-    return starting_at_.month();
-struct find_rule_by_name
-    bool operator()(const Rule& x, const std::string& nm) const
-    {
-        return < nm;
-    }
-    bool operator()(const std::string& nm, const Rule& x) const
-    {
-        return nm <;
-    }
-detail::Rule::overlaps(const Rule& x, const Rule& y)
-    // assume x.starting_year_ <= y.starting_year_;
-    if (!(x.starting_year_ <= y.starting_year_))
-    {
-        std::cerr << x << '\n';
-        std::cerr << y << '\n';
-        assert(x.starting_year_ <= y.starting_year_);
-    }
-    if (y.starting_year_ > x.ending_year_)
-        return false;
-    return !(x.starting_year_ == y.starting_year_ && x.ending_year_ == y.ending_year_);
-detail::Rule::split(std::vector<Rule>& rules, std::size_t i, std::size_t k, std::size_t& e)
-    using namespace date;
-    using difference_type = std::vector<Rule>::iterator::difference_type;
-    // rules[i].starting_year_ <= rules[k].starting_year_ &&
-    //     rules[i].ending_year_ >= rules[k].starting_year_ &&
-    //     (rules[i].starting_year_ != rules[k].starting_year_ ||
-    //      rules[i].ending_year_ != rules[k].ending_year_)
-    assert(rules[i].starting_year_ <= rules[k].starting_year_ &&
-           rules[i].ending_year_ >= rules[k].starting_year_ &&
-           (rules[i].starting_year_ != rules[k].starting_year_ ||
-            rules[i].ending_year_ != rules[k].ending_year_));
-    if (rules[i].starting_year_ == rules[k].starting_year_)
-    {
-        if (rules[k].ending_year_ < rules[i].ending_year_)
-        {
-            rules.insert(rules.begin() + static_cast<difference_type>(k+1),
-                         Rule(rules[i], rules[k].ending_year_ + years{1},
-                              std::move(rules[i].ending_year_)));
-            ++e;
-            rules[i].ending_year_ = rules[k].ending_year_;
-        }
-        else  // rules[k].ending_year_ > rules[i].ending_year_
-        {
-            rules.insert(rules.begin() + static_cast<difference_type>(k+1),
-                         Rule(rules[k], rules[i].ending_year_ + years{1},
-                              std::move(rules[k].ending_year_)));
-            ++e;
-            rules[k].ending_year_ = rules[i].ending_year_;
-        }
-    }
-    else  // rules[i].starting_year_ < rules[k].starting_year_
-    {
-        if (rules[k].ending_year_ < rules[i].ending_year_)
-        {
-            rules.insert(rules.begin() + static_cast<difference_type>(k),
-                         Rule(rules[i], rules[k].starting_year_, rules[k].ending_year_));
-            ++k;
-            rules.insert(rules.begin() + static_cast<difference_type>(k+1),
-                         Rule(rules[i], rules[k].ending_year_ + years{1},
-                              std::move(rules[i].ending_year_)));
-            rules[i].ending_year_ = rules[k].starting_year_ - years{1};
-            e += 2;
-        }
-        else if (rules[k].ending_year_ > rules[i].ending_year_)
-        {
-            rules.insert(rules.begin() + static_cast<difference_type>(k),
-                         Rule(rules[i], rules[k].starting_year_, rules[i].ending_year_));
-            ++k;
-            rules.insert(rules.begin() + static_cast<difference_type>(k+1),
-                         Rule(rules[k], rules[i].ending_year_ + years{1},
-                         std::move(rules[k].ending_year_)));
-            e += 2;
-            rules[k].ending_year_ = std::move(rules[i].ending_year_);
-            rules[i].ending_year_ = rules[k].starting_year_ - years{1};
-        }
-        else  // rules[k].ending_year_ == rules[i].ending_year_
-        {
-            rules.insert(rules.begin() + static_cast<difference_type>(k),
-                         Rule(rules[i], rules[k].starting_year_,
-                         std::move(rules[i].ending_year_)));
-            ++k;
-            ++e;
-            rules[i].ending_year_ = rules[k].starting_year_ - years{1};
-        }
-    }
-detail::Rule::split_overlaps(std::vector<Rule>& rules, std::size_t i, std::size_t& e)
-    using difference_type = std::vector<Rule>::iterator::difference_type;
-    auto j = i;
-    for (; i + 1 < e; ++i)
-    {
-        for (auto k = i + 1; k < e; ++k)
-        {
-            if (overlaps(rules[i], rules[k]))
-            {
-                split(rules, i, k, e);
-                std::sort(rules.begin() + static_cast<difference_type>(i),
-                          rules.begin() + static_cast<difference_type>(e));
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    for (; j < e; ++j)
-    {
-        if (rules[j].starting_year() == rules[j].ending_year())
-            rules[j].starting_at_.canonicalize(rules[j].starting_year());
-    }
-detail::Rule::split_overlaps(std::vector<Rule>& rules)
-    using difference_type = std::vector<Rule>::iterator::difference_type;
-    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < rules.size();)
-    {
-        auto e = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::upper_bound(
-            rules.cbegin()+static_cast<difference_type>(i), rules.cend(), rules[i].name(),
-            [](const std::string& nm, const Rule& x)
-            {
-                return nm <;
-            }) - rules.cbegin());
-        split_overlaps(rules, i, e);
-        auto first_rule = rules.begin() + static_cast<difference_type>(i);
-        auto last_rule = rules.begin() + static_cast<difference_type>(e);
-        auto t = std::lower_bound(first_rule, last_rule, min_year);
-        if (t > first_rule+1)
-        {
-            if (t == last_rule || t->starting_year() >= min_year)
-                --t;
-            auto d = static_cast<std::size_t>(t - first_rule);
-            rules.erase(first_rule, t);
-            e -= d;
-        }
-        first_rule = rules.begin() + static_cast<difference_type>(i);
-        last_rule = rules.begin() + static_cast<difference_type>(e);
-        t = std::upper_bound(first_rule, last_rule, max_year);
-        if (t != last_rule)
-        {
-            auto d = static_cast<std::size_t>(last_rule - t);
-            rules.erase(t, last_rule);
-            e -= d;
-        }
-        i = e;
-    }
-    rules.shrink_to_fit();
-// Find the rule that comes chronologically before Rule r.  For multi-year rules,
-// y specifies which rules in r.  For single year rules, y is assumed to be equal
-// to the year specified by r.
-// Returns a pointer to the chronologically previous rule, and the year within
-// that rule.  If there is no previous rule, returns nullptr and year::min().
-// Preconditions:
-//     r->starting_year() <= y && y <= r->ending_year()
-std::pair<const Rule*, date::year>
-find_previous_rule(const Rule* r, date::year y)
-    using namespace date;
-    auto const& rules = get_tzdb().rules;
-    if (y == r->starting_year())
-    {
-        if (r == &rules.front() || r->name() != r[-1].name())
-            std::terminate();  // never called with first rule
-        --r;
-        if (y == r->starting_year())
-            return {r, y};
-        return {r, r->ending_year()};
-    }
-    if (r == &rules.front() || r->name() != r[-1].name() ||
-        r[-1].starting_year() < r->starting_year())
-    {
-        while (r < &rules.back() && r->name() == r[1].name() &&
-               r->starting_year() == r[1].starting_year())
-            ++r;
-        return {r, --y};
-    }
-    --r;
-    return {r, y};
-// Find the rule that comes chronologically after Rule r.  For multi-year rules,
-// y specifies which rules in r.  For single year rules, y is assumed to be equal
-// to the year specified by r.
-// Returns a pointer to the chronologically next rule, and the year within
-// that rule.  If there is no next rule, return a pointer to a defaulted rule
-// and y+1.
-// Preconditions:
-//     first <= r && r < last && r->starting_year() <= y && y <= r->ending_year()
-//     [first, last) all have the same name
-std::pair<const Rule*, date::year>
-find_next_rule(const Rule* first_rule, const Rule* last_rule, const Rule* r, date::year y)
-    using namespace date;
-    if (y == r->ending_year())
-    {
-        if (r == last_rule-1)
-            return {nullptr, year::max()};
-        ++r;
-        if (y == r->ending_year())
-            return {r, y};
-        return {r, r->starting_year()};
-    }
-    if (r == last_rule-1 || r->ending_year() < r[1].ending_year())
-    {
-        while (r > first_rule && r->starting_year() == r[-1].starting_year())
-            --r;
-        return {r, ++y};
-    }
-    ++r;
-    return {r, y};
-// Find the rule that comes chronologically after Rule r.  For multi-year rules,
-// y specifies which rules in r.  For single year rules, y is assumed to be equal
-// to the year specified by r.
-// Returns a pointer to the chronologically next rule, and the year within
-// that rule.  If there is no next rule, return nullptr and year::max().
-// Preconditions:
-//     r->starting_year() <= y && y <= r->ending_year()
-std::pair<const Rule*, date::year>
-find_next_rule(const Rule* r, date::year y)
-    using namespace date;
-    auto const& rules = get_tzdb().rules;
-    if (y == r->ending_year())
-    {
-        if (r == &rules.back() || r->name() != r[1].name())
-            return {nullptr, year::max()};
-        ++r;
-        if (y == r->ending_year())
-            return {r, y};
-        return {r, r->starting_year()};
-    }
-    if (r == &rules.back() || r->name() != r[1].name() ||
-        r->ending_year() < r[1].ending_year())
-    {
-        while (r > &rules.front() && r->name() == r[-1].name() &&
-               r->starting_year() == r[-1].starting_year())
-            --r;
-        return {r, ++y};
-    }
-    ++r;
-    return {r, y};
-const Rule*
-find_first_std_rule(const std::pair<const Rule*, const Rule*>& eqr)
-    auto r = eqr.first;
-    auto ry = r->starting_year();
-    while (r->save() != std::chrono::minutes{0})
-    {
-        std::tie(r, ry) = find_next_rule(eqr.first, eqr.second, r, ry);
-        if (r == nullptr)
-            throw std::runtime_error("Could not find standard offset in rule "
-                                     + eqr.first->name());
-    }
-    return r;
-std::pair<const Rule*, date::year>
-find_rule_for_zone(const std::pair<const Rule*, const Rule*>& eqr,
-                   const date::year& y, const std::chrono::seconds& offset,
-                   const MonthDayTime& mdt)
-    assert(eqr.first != nullptr);
-    assert(eqr.second != nullptr);
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using namespace date;
-    auto r = eqr.first;
-    auto ry = r->starting_year();
-    auto prev_save = minutes{0};
-    auto prev_year = year::min();
-    const Rule* prev_rule = nullptr;
-    while (r != nullptr)
-    {
-        if (, r->mdt(), ry, offset, prev_save) <= 0)
-            break;
-        prev_rule = r;
-        prev_year = ry;
-        prev_save = prev_rule->save();
-        std::tie(r, ry) = find_next_rule(eqr.first, eqr.second, r, ry);
-    }
-    return {prev_rule, prev_year};
-std::pair<const Rule*, date::year>
-find_rule_for_zone(const std::pair<const Rule*, const Rule*>& eqr,
-                   const sys_seconds& tp_utc,
-                   const local_seconds& tp_std,
-                   const local_seconds& tp_loc)
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using namespace date;
-    auto r = eqr.first;
-    auto ry = r->starting_year();
-    auto prev_save = minutes{0};
-    auto prev_year = year::min();
-    const Rule* prev_rule = nullptr;
-    while (r != nullptr)
-    {
-        bool found = false;
-        switch (r->mdt().zone())
-        {
-        case tz::utc:
-            found = tp_utc < r->mdt().to_time_point(ry);
-            break;
-        case tz::standard:
-            found = sys_seconds{tp_std.time_since_epoch()} < r->mdt().to_time_point(ry);
-            break;
-        case tz::local:
-            found = sys_seconds{tp_loc.time_since_epoch()} < r->mdt().to_time_point(ry);
-            break;
-        }
-        if (found)
-            break;
-        prev_rule = r;
-        prev_year = ry;
-        prev_save = prev_rule->save();
-        std::tie(r, ry) = find_next_rule(eqr.first, eqr.second, r, ry);
-    }
-    return {prev_rule, prev_year};
-find_rule(const std::pair<const Rule*, date::year>& first_rule,
-          const std::pair<const Rule*, date::year>& last_rule,
-          const date::year& y, const std::chrono::seconds& offset,
-          const MonthDayTime& mdt, const std::chrono::minutes& initial_save,
-          const std::string& initial_abbrev)
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using namespace date;
-    auto r = first_rule.first;
-    auto ry = first_rule.second;
-    sys_info x{sys_days(year::min()/min_day), sys_days(year::max()/max_day),
-               seconds{0}, initial_save, initial_abbrev};
-    while (r != nullptr)
-    {
-        auto tr = r->mdt().to_sys(ry, offset,;
-        auto tx = mdt.to_sys(y, offset,;
-        // Find last rule where tx >= tr
-        if (tx <= tr || (r == last_rule.first && ry == last_rule.second))
-        {
-            if (tx < tr && r == first_rule.first && ry == first_rule.second)
-            {
-                x.end = r->mdt().to_sys(ry, offset,;
-                break;
-            }
-            if (tx < tr)
-            {
-                std::tie(r, ry) = find_previous_rule(r, ry);  // can't return nullptr for r
-                assert(r != nullptr);
-            }
-            // r != nullptr && tx >= tr (if tr were to be recomputed)
-            auto prev_save = initial_save;
-            if (!(r == first_rule.first && ry == first_rule.second))
-                prev_save = find_previous_rule(r, ry).first->save();
-            x.begin = r->mdt().to_sys(ry, offset, prev_save);
-   = r->save();
-            x.abbrev = r->abbrev();
-            if (!(r == last_rule.first && ry == last_rule.second))
-            {
-                std::tie(r, ry) = find_next_rule(r, ry);  // can't return nullptr for r
-                assert(r != nullptr);
-                x.end = r->mdt().to_sys(ry, offset,;
-            }
-            else
-                x.end = sys_days(year::max()/max_day);
-            break;
-        }
- = r->save();
-        std::tie(r, ry) = find_next_rule(r, ry);  // Can't return nullptr for r
-        assert(r != nullptr);
-    }
-    return x;
-// zonelet
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-    using minutes = std::chrono::minutes;
-    using string = std::string;
-    if (tag_ == has_save)
-        u.save_.~minutes();
-    else
-        u.rule_.~string();
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-    ::new(&u.rule_) std::string();
-detail::zonelet::zonelet(const zonelet& i)
-    : gmtoff_(i.gmtoff_)
-    , tag_(i.tag_)
-    , format_(i.format_)
-    , until_year_(i.until_year_)
-    , until_date_(i.until_date_)
-    , until_utc_(i.until_utc_)
-    , until_std_(i.until_std_)
-    , until_loc_(i.until_loc_)
-    , initial_save_(i.initial_save_)
-    , initial_abbrev_(i.initial_abbrev_)
-    , first_rule_(i.first_rule_)
-    , last_rule_(i.last_rule_)
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-    if (tag_ == has_save)
-        ::new(&u.save_) std::chrono::minutes(i.u.save_);
-    else
-        ::new(&u.rule_) std::string(i.u.rule_);
-    if (tag_ == has_save)
-        u.save_ = i.u.save_;
-    else
-        u.rule_ = i.u.rule_;
-#endif  // !USE_OS_TZDB
-// time_zone
-time_zone::time_zone(const std::string& s, detail::undocumented)
-    : name_(s)
-    , adjusted_(new std::once_flag{})
-enum class endian
-    native = __BYTE_ORDER__,
-    little = __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__,
-    big    = __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__
-reverse_bytes(std::uint32_t i)
-    return
-        (i & 0xff000000u) >> 24 |
-        (i & 0x00ff0000u) >> 8 |
-        (i & 0x0000ff00u) << 8 |
-        (i & 0x000000ffu) << 24;
-reverse_bytes(std::uint64_t i)
-    return
-        (i & 0xff00000000000000ull) >> 56 |
-        (i & 0x00ff000000000000ull) >> 40 |
-        (i & 0x0000ff0000000000ull) >> 24 |
-        (i & 0x000000ff00000000ull) >> 8 |
-        (i & 0x00000000ff000000ull) << 8 |
-        (i & 0x0000000000ff0000ull) << 24 |
-        (i & 0x000000000000ff00ull) << 40 |
-        (i & 0x00000000000000ffull) << 56;
-template <class T>
-maybe_reverse_bytes(T&, std::false_type)
-maybe_reverse_bytes(std::int32_t& t, std::true_type)
-    t = static_cast<std::int32_t>(reverse_bytes(static_cast<std::uint32_t>(t)));
-maybe_reverse_bytes(std::int64_t& t, std::true_type)
-    t = static_cast<std::int64_t>(reverse_bytes(static_cast<std::uint64_t>(t)));
-template <class T>
-maybe_reverse_bytes(T& t)
-    maybe_reverse_bytes(t, std::integral_constant<bool,
-                                                  endian::native == endian::little>{});
-load_header(std::istream& inf)
-    // Read TZif
-    auto t = inf.get();
-    auto z = inf.get();
-    auto i = inf.get();
-    auto f = inf.get();
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-    assert(t == 'T');
-    assert(z == 'Z');
-    assert(i == 'i');
-    assert(f == 'f');
-    (void)t;
-    (void)z;
-    (void)i;
-    (void)f;
-unsigned char
-load_version(std::istream& inf)
-    // Read version
-    auto v = inf.get();
-    assert(v != EOF);
-    return static_cast<unsigned char>(v);
-skip_reserve(std::istream& inf)
-    inf.ignore(15);
-load_counts(std::istream& inf,
-            std::int32_t& tzh_ttisgmtcnt, std::int32_t& tzh_ttisstdcnt,
-            std::int32_t& tzh_leapcnt,    std::int32_t& tzh_timecnt,
-            std::int32_t& tzh_typecnt,    std::int32_t& tzh_charcnt)
-    // Read counts;
-<char*>(&tzh_ttisgmtcnt), 4);
-    maybe_reverse_bytes(tzh_ttisgmtcnt);
-<char*>(&tzh_ttisstdcnt), 4);
-    maybe_reverse_bytes(tzh_ttisstdcnt);
-<char*>(&tzh_leapcnt), 4);
-    maybe_reverse_bytes(tzh_leapcnt);
-<char*>(&tzh_timecnt), 4);
-    maybe_reverse_bytes(tzh_timecnt);
-<char*>(&tzh_typecnt), 4);
-    maybe_reverse_bytes(tzh_typecnt);
-<char*>(&tzh_charcnt), 4);
-    maybe_reverse_bytes(tzh_charcnt);
-template <class TimeType>
-load_transitions(std::istream& inf, std::int32_t tzh_timecnt)
-    // Read transitions
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    std::vector<detail::transition> transitions;
-    transitions.reserve(static_cast<unsigned>(tzh_timecnt));
-    for (std::int32_t i = 0; i < tzh_timecnt; ++i)
-    {
-        TimeType t;
-<char*>(&t), sizeof(t));
-        maybe_reverse_bytes(t);
-        transitions.emplace_back(sys_seconds{seconds{t}});
-        if (transitions.back().timepoint < min_seconds)
-            transitions.back().timepoint = min_seconds;
-    }
-    return transitions;
-load_indices(std::istream& inf, std::int32_t tzh_timecnt)
-    // Read indices
-    std::vector<std::uint8_t> indices;
-    indices.reserve(static_cast<unsigned>(tzh_timecnt));
-    for (std::int32_t i = 0; i < tzh_timecnt; ++i)
-    {
-        std::uint8_t t;
-<char*>(&t), sizeof(t));
-        indices.emplace_back(t);
-    }
-    return indices;
-load_ttinfo(std::istream& inf, std::int32_t tzh_typecnt)
-    // Read ttinfo
-    std::vector<ttinfo> ttinfos;
-    ttinfos.reserve(static_cast<unsigned>(tzh_typecnt));
-    for (std::int32_t i = 0; i < tzh_typecnt; ++i)
-    {
-        ttinfo t;
-<char*>(&t), 6);
-        maybe_reverse_bytes(t.tt_gmtoff);
-        ttinfos.emplace_back(t);
-    }
-    return ttinfos;
-load_abbreviations(std::istream& inf, std::int32_t tzh_charcnt)
-    // Read abbreviations
-    std::string abbrev;
-    abbrev.resize(static_cast<unsigned>(tzh_charcnt), '\0');
-[0], tzh_charcnt);
-    return abbrev;
-template <class TimeType>
-load_leaps(std::istream& inf, std::int32_t tzh_leapcnt)
-    // Read tzh_leapcnt pairs
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    std::vector<leap> leap_seconds;
-    leap_seconds.reserve(tzh_leapcnt);
-    for (std::int32_t i = 0; i < tzh_leapcnt; ++i)
-    {
-        TimeType     t0;
-        std::int32_t t1;
-<char*>(&t0), sizeof(t0));
-<char*>(&t1), sizeof(t1));
-        maybe_reverse_bytes(t0);
-        maybe_reverse_bytes(t1);
-        leap_seconds.emplace_back(sys_seconds{seconds{t0 - (t1-1)}},
-                                  detail::undocumented{});
-    }
-    return leap_seconds;
-template <class TimeType>
-load_leap_data(std::istream& inf,
-               std::int32_t tzh_leapcnt, std::int32_t tzh_timecnt,
-               std::int32_t tzh_typecnt, std::int32_t tzh_charcnt)
-    inf.ignore(tzh_timecnt*sizeof(TimeType) + tzh_timecnt + tzh_typecnt*6 + tzh_charcnt);
-    return load_leaps<TimeType>(inf, tzh_leapcnt);
-load_just_leaps(std::istream& inf)
-    // Read tzh_leapcnt pairs
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    load_header(inf);
-    auto v = load_version(inf);
-    std::int32_t tzh_ttisgmtcnt, tzh_ttisstdcnt, tzh_leapcnt,
-                 tzh_timecnt,    tzh_typecnt,    tzh_charcnt;
-    skip_reserve(inf);
-    load_counts(inf, tzh_ttisgmtcnt, tzh_ttisstdcnt, tzh_leapcnt,
-                     tzh_timecnt,    tzh_typecnt,    tzh_charcnt);
-    if (v == 0)
-        return load_leap_data<int32_t>(inf, tzh_leapcnt, tzh_timecnt, tzh_typecnt,
-                                       tzh_charcnt);
-#if !defined(NDEBUG)
-    inf.ignore((4+1)*tzh_timecnt + 6*tzh_typecnt + tzh_charcnt + 8*tzh_leapcnt +
-               tzh_ttisstdcnt + tzh_ttisgmtcnt);
-    load_header(inf);
-    auto v2 = load_version(inf);
-    assert(v == v2);
-    skip_reserve(inf);
-#else  // defined(NDEBUG)
-    inf.ignore((4+1)*tzh_timecnt + 6*tzh_typecnt + tzh_charcnt + 8*tzh_leapcnt +
-               tzh_ttisstdcnt + tzh_ttisgmtcnt + (4+1+15));
-#endif  // defined(NDEBUG)
-    load_counts(inf, tzh_ttisgmtcnt, tzh_ttisstdcnt, tzh_leapcnt,
-                     tzh_timecnt,    tzh_typecnt,    tzh_charcnt);
-    return load_leap_data<int64_t>(inf, tzh_leapcnt, tzh_timecnt, tzh_typecnt,
-                                   tzh_charcnt);
-template <class TimeType>
-time_zone::load_data(std::istream& inf,
-                     std::int32_t tzh_leapcnt, std::int32_t tzh_timecnt,
-                     std::int32_t tzh_typecnt, std::int32_t tzh_charcnt)
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    transitions_ = load_transitions<TimeType>(inf, tzh_timecnt);
-    auto indices = load_indices(inf, tzh_timecnt);
-    auto infos = load_ttinfo(inf, tzh_typecnt);
-    auto abbrev = load_abbreviations(inf, tzh_charcnt);
-    auto& leap_seconds = get_tzdb_list().front().leaps;
-    if (leap_seconds.empty() && tzh_leapcnt > 0)
-        leap_seconds = load_leaps<TimeType>(inf, tzh_leapcnt);
-    ttinfos_.reserve(infos.size());
-    for (auto& info : infos)
-    {
-        ttinfos_.push_back({seconds{info.tt_gmtoff},
-                            abbrev.c_str() + info.tt_abbrind,
-                            info.tt_isdst != 0});
-    }
-    auto i = 0u;
-    if (transitions_.empty() || transitions_.front().timepoint != min_seconds)
-    {
-        transitions_.emplace(transitions_.begin(), min_seconds);
-        auto tf = std::find_if(ttinfos_.begin(), ttinfos_.end(),
-                               [](const expanded_ttinfo& ti)
-                                   {return ti.is_dst == 0;});
-        if (tf == ttinfos_.end())
-            tf = ttinfos_.begin();
-        transitions_[i].info = &*tf;
-        ++i;
-    }
-    for (auto j = 0u; i < transitions_.size(); ++i, ++j)
-        transitions_[i].info = + indices[j];
-    using namespace std;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    auto name = get_tz_dir() + ('/' + name_);
-    std::ifstream inf(name);
-    if (!inf.is_open())
-        throw std::runtime_error{"Unable to open " + name};
-    inf.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
-    load_header(inf);
-    auto v = load_version(inf);
-    std::int32_t tzh_ttisgmtcnt, tzh_ttisstdcnt, tzh_leapcnt,
-                 tzh_timecnt,    tzh_typecnt,    tzh_charcnt;
-    skip_reserve(inf);
-    load_counts(inf, tzh_ttisgmtcnt, tzh_ttisstdcnt, tzh_leapcnt,
-                     tzh_timecnt,    tzh_typecnt,    tzh_charcnt);
-    if (v == 0)
-    {
-        load_data<int32_t>(inf, tzh_leapcnt, tzh_timecnt, tzh_typecnt, tzh_charcnt);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-#if !defined(NDEBUG)
-        inf.ignore((4+1)*tzh_timecnt + 6*tzh_typecnt + tzh_charcnt + 8*tzh_leapcnt +
-                   tzh_ttisstdcnt + tzh_ttisgmtcnt);
-        load_header(inf);
-        auto v2 = load_version(inf);
-        assert(v == v2);
-        skip_reserve(inf);
-#else  // defined(NDEBUG)
-        inf.ignore((4+1)*tzh_timecnt + 6*tzh_typecnt + tzh_charcnt + 8*tzh_leapcnt +
-                   tzh_ttisstdcnt + tzh_ttisgmtcnt + (4+1+15));
-#endif  // defined(NDEBUG)
-        load_counts(inf, tzh_ttisgmtcnt, tzh_ttisstdcnt, tzh_leapcnt,
-                         tzh_timecnt,    tzh_typecnt,    tzh_charcnt);
-        load_data<int64_t>(inf, tzh_leapcnt, tzh_timecnt, tzh_typecnt, tzh_charcnt);
-    }
-    if (tzh_leapcnt > 0)
-    {
-        auto& leap_seconds = get_tzdb_list().front().leaps;
-        auto itr = leap_seconds.begin();
-        auto l = itr->date();
-        seconds leap_count{0};
-        for (auto t = std::upper_bound(transitions_.begin(), transitions_.end(), l,
-                                       [](const sys_seconds& x, const transition& ct)
-                                       {
-                                           return x < ct.timepoint;
-                                       });
-                  t != transitions_.end(); ++t)
-        {
-            while (t->timepoint >= l)
-            {
-                ++leap_count;
-                if (++itr == leap_seconds.end())
-                    l = sys_days(max_year/max_day);
-                else
-                    l = itr->date() + leap_count;
-            }
-            t->timepoint -= leap_count;
-        }
-    }
-    auto b = transitions_.begin();
-    auto i = transitions_.end();
-    if (i != b)
-    {
-        for (--i; i != b; --i)
-        {
-            if (i->info->offset == i[-1].info->offset &&
-                i->info->abbrev == i[-1].info->abbrev &&
-                i->info->is_dst == i[-1].info->is_dst)
-                i = transitions_.erase(i);
-        }
-    }
-time_zone::init() const
-    std::call_once(*adjusted_, [this]() {const_cast<time_zone*>(this)->init_impl();});
-time_zone::load_sys_info(std::vector<detail::transition>::const_iterator i) const
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    assert(!transitions_.empty());
-    assert(i != transitions_.begin());
-    sys_info r;
-    r.begin = i[-1].timepoint;
-    r.end = i != transitions_.end() ? i->timepoint :
-                                      sys_seconds(sys_days(year::max()/max_day));
-    r.offset = i[-1].info->offset;
- = i[-1].info->is_dst ? minutes{1} : minutes{0};
-    r.abbrev = i[-1].info->abbrev;
-    return r;
-time_zone::get_info_impl(sys_seconds tp) const
-    using namespace std;
-    init();
-    return load_sys_info(upper_bound(transitions_.begin(), transitions_.end(), tp,
-                                     [](const sys_seconds& x, const transition& t)
-                                     {
-                                         return x < t.timepoint;
-                                     }));
-time_zone::get_info_impl(local_seconds tp) const
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    init();
-    local_info i;
-    i.result = local_info::unique;
-    auto tr = upper_bound(transitions_.begin(), transitions_.end(), tp,
-                          [](const local_seconds& x, const transition& t)
-                          {
-                              return sys_seconds{x.time_since_epoch()} -
-                                               >offset < t.timepoint;
-                          });
-    i.first = load_sys_info(tr);
-    auto tps = sys_seconds{(tp - i.first.offset).time_since_epoch()};
-    if (tps < i.first.begin + days{1} && tr != transitions_.begin())
-    {
-        i.second = load_sys_info(--tr);
-        tps = sys_seconds{(tp - i.second.offset).time_since_epoch()};
-        if (tps < i.second.end)
-        {
-           i.result = local_info::ambiguous;
-           std::swap(i.first, i.second);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            i.second = {};
-        }
-    }
-    else if (tps >= i.first.end && tr != transitions_.end())
-    {
-        i.second = load_sys_info(++tr);
-        tps = sys_seconds{(tp - i.second.offset).time_since_epoch()};
-        if (tps < i.second.begin)
-            i.result = local_info::nonexistent;
-        else
-            i.second = {};
-    }
-    return i;
-operator<<(std::ostream& os, const time_zone& z)
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    z.init();
-    os << z.name_ << '\n';
-    os << "Initially:           ";
-    auto const& t = z.transitions_.front();
-    if (>offset >= seconds{0})
-        os << '+';
-    os << make_time(>offset);
-    if (>is_dst > 0)
-        os << " daylight ";
-    else
-        os << " standard ";
-    os <<>abbrev << '\n';
-    for (auto i = std::next(z.transitions_.cbegin()); i < z.transitions_.cend(); ++i)
-        os << *i << '\n';
-    return os;
-leap::leap(const sys_seconds& s, detail::undocumented)
-    : date_(s)
-#else  // !USE_OS_TZDB
-time_zone::time_zone(const std::string& s, detail::undocumented)
-    : adjusted_(new std::once_flag{})
-    try
-    {
-        using namespace date;
-        std::istringstream in(s);
-        in.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
-        std::string word;
-        in >> word >> name_;
-        parse_info(in);
-    }
-    catch (...)
-    {
-        std::cerr << s << '\n';
-        std::cerr << *this << '\n';
-        zonelets_.pop_back();
-        throw;
-    }
-time_zone::get_info_impl(sys_seconds tp) const
-    return get_info_impl(tp, static_cast<int>(tz::utc));
-time_zone::get_info_impl(local_seconds tp) const
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    local_info i{};
-    i.first = get_info_impl(sys_seconds{tp.time_since_epoch()}, static_cast<int>(tz::local));
-    auto tps = sys_seconds{(tp - i.first.offset).time_since_epoch()};
-    if (tps < i.first.begin)
-    {
-        i.second = std::move(i.first);
-        i.first = get_info_impl(i.second.begin - seconds{1}, static_cast<int>(tz::utc));
-        i.result = local_info::nonexistent;
-    }
-    else if (i.first.end - tps <= days{1})
-    {
-        i.second = get_info_impl(i.first.end, static_cast<int>(tz::utc));
-        tps = sys_seconds{(tp - i.second.offset).time_since_epoch()};
-        if (tps >= i.second.begin)
-            i.result = local_info::ambiguous;
-        else
-            i.second = {};
-    }
-    return i;
-time_zone::add(const std::string& s)
-    try
-    {
-        std::istringstream in(s);
-        in.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
-        ws(in);
-        if (!in.eof() && in.peek() != '#')
-            parse_info(in);
-    }
-    catch (...)
-    {
-        std::cerr << s << '\n';
-        std::cerr << *this << '\n';
-        zonelets_.pop_back();
-        throw;
-    }
-time_zone::parse_info(std::istream& in)
-    using namespace date;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    zonelets_.emplace_back();
-    auto& zonelet = zonelets_.back();
-    zonelet.gmtoff_ = parse_signed_time(in);
-    in >> zonelet.u.rule_;
-    if (zonelet.u.rule_ == "-")
-        zonelet.u.rule_.clear();
-    in >> zonelet.format_;
-    if (!in.eof())
-        ws(in);
-    if (in.eof() || in.peek() == '#')
-    {
-        zonelet.until_year_ = year::max();
-        zonelet.until_date_ = MonthDayTime(max_day, tz::utc);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        int y;
-        in >> y;
-        zonelet.until_year_ = year{y};
-        in >> zonelet.until_date_;
-        zonelet.until_date_.canonicalize(zonelet.until_year_);
-    }
-    if ((zonelet.until_year_ < min_year) ||
-            (zonelets_.size() > 1 && zonelets_.end()[-2].until_year_ > max_year))
-        zonelets_.pop_back();
-time_zone::adjust_infos(const std::vector<Rule>& rules)
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using namespace date;
-    const zonelet* prev_zonelet = nullptr;
-    for (auto& z : zonelets_)
-    {
-        std::pair<const Rule*, const Rule*> eqr{};
-        std::istringstream in;
-        in.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
-        // Classify info as rule-based, has save, or neither
-        if (!z.u.rule_.empty())
-        {
-            // Find out if this zonelet has a rule or a save
-            eqr = std::equal_range(, + rules.size(), z.u.rule_);
-            if (eqr.first == eqr.second)
-            {
-                // The rule doesn't exist.  Assume this is a save
-                try
-                {
-                    using namespace std::chrono;
-                    using string = std::string;
-                    in.str(z.u.rule_);
-                    auto tmp = duration_cast<minutes>(parse_signed_time(in));
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
-                    z.u.rule_.~string();
-                    z.tag_ = zonelet::has_save;
-                    ::new(&z.u.save_) minutes(tmp);
-                    z.u.rule_.clear();
-                    z.tag_ = zonelet::has_save;
-                    z.u.save_ = tmp;
-                }
-                catch (...)
-                {
-                    std::cerr << name_ << " : " << z.u.rule_ << '\n';
-                    throw;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            // This zone::zonelet has no rule and no save
-            z.tag_ = zonelet::is_empty;
-        }
-        minutes final_save{0};
-        if (z.tag_ == zonelet::has_save)
-        {
-            final_save = z.u.save_;
-        }
-        else if (z.tag_ == zonelet::has_rule)
-        {
-            z.last_rule_ = find_rule_for_zone(eqr, z.until_year_, z.gmtoff_,
-                                              z.until_date_);
-            if (z.last_rule_.first != nullptr)
-                final_save = z.last_rule_.first->save();
-        }
-        z.until_utc_ = z.until_date_.to_sys(z.until_year_, z.gmtoff_, final_save);
-        z.until_std_ = local_seconds{z.until_utc_.time_since_epoch()} + z.gmtoff_;
-        z.until_loc_ = z.until_std_ + final_save;
-        if (z.tag_ == zonelet::has_rule)
-        {
-            if (prev_zonelet != nullptr)
-            {
-                z.first_rule_ = find_rule_for_zone(eqr, prev_zonelet->until_utc_,
-                                                        prev_zonelet->until_std_,
-                                                        prev_zonelet->until_loc_);
-                if (z.first_rule_.first != nullptr)
-                {
-                    z.initial_save_ = z.first_rule_.first->save();
-                    z.initial_abbrev_ = z.first_rule_.first->abbrev();
-                    if (z.first_rule_ != z.last_rule_)
-                    {
-                        z.first_rule_ = find_next_rule(eqr.first, eqr.second,
-                                                       z.first_rule_.first,
-                                                       z.first_rule_.second);
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        z.first_rule_ = std::make_pair(nullptr, year::min());
-                        z.last_rule_ = std::make_pair(nullptr, year::max());
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            if (z.first_rule_.first == nullptr && z.last_rule_.first != nullptr)
-            {
-                z.first_rule_ = std::make_pair(eqr.first, eqr.first->starting_year());
-                z.initial_abbrev_ = find_first_std_rule(eqr)->abbrev();
-            }
-        }
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-        if (z.first_rule_.first == nullptr)
-        {
-            assert(z.first_rule_.second == year::min());
-            assert(z.last_rule_.first == nullptr);
-            assert(z.last_rule_.second == year::max());
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            assert(z.last_rule_.first != nullptr);
-        }
-        prev_zonelet = &z;
-    }
-format_abbrev(std::string format, const std::string& variable, std::chrono::seconds off,
-                                                               std::chrono::minutes save)
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    auto k = format.find("%s");
-    if (k != std::string::npos)
-    {
-        format.replace(k, 2, variable);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        k = format.find('/');
-        if (k != std::string::npos)
-        {
-            if (save == minutes{0})
-                format.erase(k);
-            else
-                format.erase(0, k+1);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            k = format.find("%z");
-            if (k != std::string::npos)
-            {
-                std::string temp;
-                if (off < seconds{0})
-                {
-                    temp = '-';
-                    off = -off;
-                }
-                else
-                    temp = '+';
-                auto h = date::floor<hours>(off);
-                off -= h;
-                if (h < hours{10})
-                    temp += '0';
-                temp += std::to_string(h.count());
-                if (off > seconds{0})
-                {
-                    auto m = date::floor<minutes>(off);
-                    off -= m;
-                    if (m < minutes{10})
-                        temp += '0';
-                    temp += std::to_string(m.count());
-                    if (off > seconds{0})
-                    {
-                        if (off < seconds{10})
-                            temp += '0';
-                        temp += std::to_string(off.count());
-                    }
-                }
-                format.replace(k, 2, temp);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return format;
-time_zone::get_info_impl(sys_seconds tp, int tz_int) const
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    using namespace date;
-    tz timezone = static_cast<tz>(tz_int);
-    assert(timezone != tz::standard);
-    auto y = year_month_day(floor<days>(tp)).year();
-    if (y < min_year || y > max_year)
-        throw std::runtime_error("The year " + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(y)) +
-            " is out of range:[" + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(min_year)) + ", "
-                                 + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(max_year)) + "]");
-    std::call_once(*adjusted_,
-                   [this]()
-                   {
-                       const_cast<time_zone*>(this)->adjust_infos(get_tzdb().rules);
-                   });
-    auto i = std::upper_bound(zonelets_.begin(), zonelets_.end(), tp,
-        [timezone](sys_seconds t, const zonelet& zl)
-        {
-            return timezone == tz::utc ? t < zl.until_utc_ :
-                                         t < sys_seconds{zl.until_loc_.time_since_epoch()};
-        });
-    sys_info r{};
-    if (i != zonelets_.end())
-    {
-        if (i->tag_ == zonelet::has_save)
-        {
-            if (i != zonelets_.begin())
-                r.begin = i[-1].until_utc_;
-            else
-                r.begin = sys_days(year::min()/min_day);
-            r.end = i->until_utc_;
-            r.offset = i->gmtoff_ + i->u.save_;
-   = i->u.save_;
-        }
-        else if (i->u.rule_.empty())
-        {
-            if (i != zonelets_.begin())
-                r.begin = i[-1].until_utc_;
-            else
-                r.begin = sys_days(year::min()/min_day);
-            r.end = i->until_utc_;
-            r.offset = i->gmtoff_;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            r = find_rule(i->first_rule_, i->last_rule_, y, i->gmtoff_,
-                          MonthDayTime(local_seconds{tp.time_since_epoch()}, timezone),
-                          i->initial_save_, i->initial_abbrev_);
-            r.offset = i->gmtoff_ +;
-            if (i != zonelets_.begin() && r.begin < i[-1].until_utc_)
-                r.begin = i[-1].until_utc_;
-            if (r.end > i->until_utc_)
-                r.end = i->until_utc_;
-        }
-        r.abbrev = format_abbrev(i->format_, r.abbrev, r.offset,;
-        assert(r.begin < r.end);
-    }
-    return r;
-operator<<(std::ostream& os, const time_zone& z)
-    using namespace date;
-    using namespace std::chrono;
-    detail::save_stream<char> _(os);
-    os.fill(' ');
-    os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::left);
-    std::call_once(*z.adjusted_,
-                   [&z]()
-                   {
-                       const_cast<time_zone&>(z).adjust_infos(get_tzdb().rules);
-                   });
-    os.width(35);
-    os << z.name_;
-    std::string indent;
-    for (auto const& s : z.zonelets_)
-    {
-        os << indent;
-        if (s.gmtoff_ >= seconds{0})
-            os << ' ';
-        os << make_time(s.gmtoff_) << "   ";
-        os.width(15);
-        if (s.tag_ != zonelet::has_save)
-            os << s.u.rule_;
-        else
-        {
-            std::ostringstream tmp;
-            tmp << make_time(s.u.save_);
-            os <<  tmp.str();
-        }
-        os.width(8);
-        os << s.format_ << "   ";
-        os << s.until_year_ << ' ' << s.until_date_;
-        os << "   " << s.until_utc_ << " UTC";
-        os << "   " << s.until_std_ << " STD";
-        os << "   " << s.until_loc_;
-        os << "   " << make_time(s.initial_save_);
-        os << "   " << s.initial_abbrev_;
-        if (s.first_rule_.first != nullptr)
-            os << "   {" << *s.first_rule_.first << ", " << s.first_rule_.second << '}';
-        else
-            os << "   {" << "nullptr" << ", " << s.first_rule_.second << '}';
-        if (s.last_rule_.first != nullptr)
-            os << "   {" << *s.last_rule_.first << ", " << s.last_rule_.second << '}';
-        else
-            os << "   {" << "nullptr" << ", " << s.last_rule_.second << '}';
-        os << '\n';
-        if (indent.empty())
-            indent = std::string(35, ' ');
-    }
-    return os;
-#endif  // !USE_OS_TZDB
-operator<<(std::ostream& os, const leap& x)
-    using namespace date;
-    return os << x.date_ << "  +";
-# ifdef __APPLE__
-    using namespace std;
-    auto path = get_tz_dir() + string("/+VERSION");
-    ifstream in{path};
-    string version;
-    in >> version;
-    if (
-        throw std::runtime_error("Unable to get Timezone database version from " + path);
-    return version;
-# endif
-    std::unique_ptr<tzdb> db(new tzdb);
-    //Iterate through folders
-    std::queue<std::string> subfolders;
-    subfolders.emplace(get_tz_dir());
-    struct dirent* d;
-    struct stat s;
-    while (!subfolders.empty())
-    {
-        auto dirname = std::move(subfolders.front());
-        subfolders.pop();
-        auto dir = opendir(dirname.c_str());
-        if (!dir)
-            continue;
-        while ((d = readdir(dir)) != nullptr)
-        {
-            // Ignore these files:
-            if (d->d_name[0]                      == '.'    || // curdir, prevdir, hidden
-                memcmp(d->d_name, "posix", 5)     == 0      || // starts with posix
-                strcmp(d->d_name, "Factory")      == 0      ||
-                strcmp(d->d_name, "")  == 0      ||
-                strcmp(d->d_name, "right")        == 0      ||
-                strcmp(d->d_name, "+VERSION")     == 0      ||
-                strcmp(d->d_name, "")     == 0      ||
-                strcmp(d->d_name, "") == 0      ||
-                strcmp(d->d_name, "leap-seconds.list") == 0   )
-                continue;
-            auto subname = dirname + folder_delimiter + d->d_name;
-            if(stat(subname.c_str(), &s) == 0)
-            {
-                if(S_ISDIR(s.st_mode))
-                {
-                    if(!S_ISLNK(s.st_mode))
-                    {
-                        subfolders.push(subname);
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    db->zones.emplace_back(subname.substr(get_tz_dir().size()+1),
-                                           detail::undocumented{});
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        closedir(dir);
-    }
-    db->zones.shrink_to_fit();
-    std::sort(db->zones.begin(), db->zones.end());
-    std::ifstream in(get_tz_dir() + std::string(1, folder_delimiter) + "right/UTC",
-                     std::ios_base::binary);
-    if (in)
-    {
-        in.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
-        db->leaps = load_just_leaps(in);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        in.clear();
- + std::string(1, folder_delimiter) +
-                "UTC", std::ios_base::binary);
-        if (!in)
-            throw std::runtime_error("Unable to extract leap second information");
-        in.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
-        db->leaps = load_just_leaps(in);
-    }
-#  ifdef __APPLE__
-    db->version = get_version();
-#  endif
-    return db;
-#else  // !USE_OS_TZDB
-// link
-link::link(const std::string& s)
-    using namespace date;
-    std::istringstream in(s);
-    in.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
-    std::string word;
-    in >> word >> target_ >> name_;
-operator<<(std::ostream& os, const link& x)
-    using namespace date;
-    detail::save_stream<char> _(os);
-    os.fill(' ');
-    os.flags(std::ios::dec | std::ios::left);
-    os.width(35);
-    return os << x.name_ << " --> " << x.target_;
-// leap
-leap::leap(const std::string& s, detail::undocumented)
-    using namespace date;
-    std::istringstream in(s);
-    in.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
-    std::string word;
-    int y;
-    MonthDayTime date;
-    in >> word >> y >> date;
-    date_ = date.to_time_point(year(y));
-file_exists(const std::string& filename)
-#ifdef _WIN32
-    return ::_access(filename.c_str(), 0) == 0;
-    return ::access(filename.c_str(), F_OK) == 0;
-// CURL tools
-    if (::curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_DEFAULT) != 0)
-        throw std::runtime_error("CURL global initialization failed");
-    return 0;
-struct curl_deleter
-    void operator()(CURL* p) const
-    {
-        ::curl_easy_cleanup(p);
-    }
-}  // unnamed namespace
-std::unique_ptr<CURL, curl_deleter>
-    static const auto curl_is_now_initiailized = curl_global();
-    (void)curl_is_now_initiailized;
-    return std::unique_ptr<CURL, curl_deleter>{::curl_easy_init()};
-download_to_string(const std::string& url, std::string& str)
-    str.clear();
-    auto curl = curl_init();
-    if (!curl)
-        return false;
-    std::string version;
-    curl_easy_setopt(curl.get(), CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str());
-    curl_write_callback write_cb = [](char* contents, std::size_t size, std::size_t nmemb,
-                                      void* userp) -> std::size_t
-    {
-        auto& userstr = *static_cast<std::string*>(userp);
-        auto realsize = size * nmemb;
-        userstr.append(contents, realsize);
-        return realsize;
-    };
-    curl_easy_setopt(curl.get(), CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_cb);
-    curl_easy_setopt(curl.get(), CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &str);
-    curl_easy_setopt(curl.get(), CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
-    auto res = curl_easy_perform(curl.get());
-    return (res == CURLE_OK);
-    enum class download_file_options { binary, text };
-download_to_file(const std::string& url, const std::string& local_filename,
-                 download_file_options opts)
-    auto curl = curl_init();
-    if (!curl)
-        return false;
-    curl_easy_setopt(curl.get(), CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str());
-    curl_easy_setopt(curl.get(), CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
-    curl_write_callback write_cb = [](char* contents, std::size_t size, std::size_t nmemb,
-                                      void* userp) -> std::size_t
-    {
-        auto& of = *static_cast<std::ofstream*>(userp);
-        auto realsize = size * nmemb;
-        of.write(contents, static_cast<std::streamsize>(realsize));
-        return realsize;
-    };
-    curl_easy_setopt(curl.get(), CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_cb);
-    decltype(curl_easy_perform(curl.get())) res;
-    {
-        std::ofstream of(local_filename,
-                         opts == download_file_options::binary ?
-                             std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::binary :
-                             std::ofstream::out);
-        of.exceptions(std::ios::badbit);
-        curl_easy_setopt(curl.get(), CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &of);
-        res = curl_easy_perform(curl.get());
-    }
-    return res == CURLE_OK;
-    std::string version;
-    std::string str;
-    if (download_to_string("", str))
-    {
-        CONSTDATA char db[] = "/time-zones/releases/tzdata";
-        CONSTDATA auto db_size = sizeof(db) - 1;
-        auto p = str.find(db, 0, db_size);
-        const int ver_str_len = 5;
-        if (p != std::string::npos && p + (db_size + ver_str_len) <= str.size())
-            version = str.substr(p + db_size, ver_str_len);
-    }
-    return version;
-// TODO! Using system() create a process and a console window.
-// This is useful to see what errors may occur but is slow and distracting.
-// Consider implementing this functionality more directly, such as
-// using _mkdir and CreateProcess etc.
-// But use the current means now as matches Unix implementations and while
-// in proof of concept / testing phase.
-// TODO! Use <filesystem> eventually.
-remove_folder_and_subfolders(const std::string& folder)
-#  ifdef _WIN32
-#    if USE_SHELL_API
-    // Delete the folder contents by deleting the folder.
-    std::string cmd = "rd /s /q \"";
-    cmd += folder;
-    cmd += '\"';
-    return std::system(cmd.c_str()) == EXIT_SUCCESS;
-#    else  // !USE_SHELL_API
-    // Create a buffer containing the path to delete. It must be terminated
-    // by two nuls. Who designs these API's...
-    std::vector<char> from;
-    from.assign(folder.begin(), folder.end());
-    from.push_back('\0');
-    from.push_back('\0');
-    SHFILEOPSTRUCT fo{}; // Zero initialize.
-    fo.wFunc = FO_DELETE;
-    fo.pFrom =;
-    fo.fFlags = FOF_NO_UI;
-    int ret = SHFileOperation(&fo);
-    if (ret == 0 && !fo.fAnyOperationsAborted)
-        return true;
-    return false;
-#    endif  // !USE_SHELL_API
-#  else   // !_WIN32
-#    if USE_SHELL_API
-    return std::system(("rm -R " + folder).c_str()) == EXIT_SUCCESS;
-#    else // !USE_SHELL_API
-    struct dir_deleter {
-        dir_deleter() {}
-        void operator()(DIR* d) const
-        {
-            if (d != nullptr)
-            {
-                int result = closedir(d);
-                assert(result == 0);
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    using closedir_ptr = std::unique_ptr<DIR, dir_deleter>;
-    std::string filename;
-    struct stat statbuf;
-    std::size_t folder_len = folder.length();
-    struct dirent* p = nullptr;
-    closedir_ptr d(opendir(folder.c_str()));
-    bool r = d.get() != nullptr;
-    while (r && (p=readdir(d.get())) != nullptr)
-    {
-        if (strcmp(p->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(p->d_name, "..") == 0)
-           continue;
-        // + 2 for path delimiter and nul terminator.
-        std::size_t buf_len = folder_len + strlen(p->d_name) + 2;
-        filename.resize(buf_len);
-        std::size_t path_len = static_cast<std::size_t>(
-            snprintf(&filename[0], buf_len, "%s/%s", folder.c_str(), p->d_name));
-        assert(path_len == buf_len - 1);
-        filename.resize(path_len);
-        if (stat(filename.c_str(), &statbuf) == 0)
-            r = S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)
-              ? remove_folder_and_subfolders(filename)
-              : unlink(filename.c_str()) == 0;
-    }
-    d.reset();
-    if (r)
-        r = rmdir(folder.c_str()) == 0;
-    return r;
-#    endif // !USE_SHELL_API
-#  endif  // !_WIN32
-make_directory(const std::string& folder)
-#  ifdef _WIN32
-#    if USE_SHELL_API
-    // Re-create the folder.
-    std::string cmd = "mkdir \"";
-    cmd += folder;
-    cmd += '\"';
-    return std::system(cmd.c_str()) == EXIT_SUCCESS;
-#    else  // !USE_SHELL_API
-    return _mkdir(folder.c_str()) == 0;
-#    endif // !USE_SHELL_API
-#  else  // !_WIN32
-#    if USE_SHELL_API
-    return std::system(("mkdir " + folder).c_str()) == EXIT_SUCCESS;
-#    else  // !USE_SHELL_API
-    return mkdir(folder.c_str(), 0777) == 0;
-#    endif  // !USE_SHELL_API
-#  endif  // !_WIN32
-delete_file(const std::string& file)
-#  ifdef _WIN32
-#    if USE_SHELL_API
-    std::string cmd = "del \"";
-    cmd += file;
-    cmd += '\"';
-    return std::system(cmd.c_str()) == 0;
-#    else  // !USE_SHELL_API
-    return _unlink(file.c_str()) == 0;
-#    endif // !USE_SHELL_API
-#  else  // !_WIN32
-#    if USE_SHELL_API
-    return std::system(("rm " + file).c_str()) == EXIT_SUCCESS;
-#    else // !USE_SHELL_API
-    return unlink(file.c_str()) == 0;
-#    endif // !USE_SHELL_API
-#  endif  // !_WIN32
-#  ifdef _WIN32
-move_file(const std::string& from, const std::string& to)
-#    if USE_SHELL_API
-    std::string cmd = "move \"";
-    cmd += from;
-    cmd += "\" \"";
-    cmd += to;
-    cmd += '\"';
-    return std::system(cmd.c_str()) == EXIT_SUCCESS;
-#    else  // !USE_SHELL_API
-    return !!::MoveFile(from.c_str(), to.c_str());
-#    endif // !USE_SHELL_API
-// Usually something like "c:\Program Files".
-    return get_known_folder(FOLDERID_ProgramFiles);
-// Note folder can and usually does contain spaces.
-    std::string path;
-    // 7-Zip appears to note its location in the registry.
-    // If that doesn't work, fall through and take a guess, but it will likely be wrong.
-    HKEY hKey = nullptr;
-    {
-        char value_buffer[MAX_PATH + 1]; // fyi 260 at time of writing.
-        // in/out parameter. Documentation say that size is a count of bytes not chars.
-        DWORD size = sizeof(value_buffer) - sizeof(value_buffer[0]);
-        DWORD tzi_type = REG_SZ;
-        // Testing shows Path key value is "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\" i.e. always with trailing \.
-        bool got_value = (RegQueryValueExA(hKey, "Path", nullptr, &tzi_type,
-            reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(value_buffer), &size) == ERROR_SUCCESS);
-        RegCloseKey(hKey); // Close now incase of throw later.
-        if (got_value)
-        {
-            // Function does not guarantee to null terminate.
-            value_buffer[size / sizeof(value_buffer[0])] = '\0';
-            path = value_buffer;
-            if (!path.empty())
-            {
-                path += "7z.exe";
-                return path;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    path += get_program_folder();
-    path += folder_delimiter;
-    path += "7-Zip\\7z.exe";
-    return path;
-#    if !USE_SHELL_API
-run_program(const std::string& command)
-    STARTUPINFO si{};
-    si.cb = sizeof(si);
-    // Allegedly CreateProcess overwrites the command line. Ugh.
-    std::string mutable_command(command);
-    if (CreateProcess(nullptr, &mutable_command[0],
-        nullptr, nullptr, FALSE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, nullptr, nullptr, &si, &pi))
-    {
-        WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE);
-        DWORD exit_code;
-        bool got_exit_code = !!GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &exit_code);
-        CloseHandle(pi.hProcess);
-        CloseHandle(pi.hThread);
-        // Not 100% sure about this still active thing is correct,
-        // but I'm going with it because I *think* WaitForSingleObject might
-        // return in some cases without INFINITE-ly waiting.
-        // But why/wouldn't GetExitCodeProcess return false in that case?
-        if (got_exit_code && exit_code != STILL_ACTIVE)
-            return static_cast<int>(exit_code);
-    }
-    return EXIT_FAILURE;
-#    endif // !USE_SHELL_API
-get_download_tar_file(const std::string& version)
-    auto file = get_install();
-    file += folder_delimiter;
-    file += "tzdata";
-    file += version;
-    file += ".tar";
-    return file;
-extract_gz_file(const std::string& version, const std::string& gz_file,
-                const std::string& dest_folder)
-    auto unzip_prog = get_unzip_program();
-    bool unzip_result = false;
-    // Use the unzip program to extract the tar file from the archive.
-    // Aim to create a string like:
-    // "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x "C:\Users\SomeUser\Downloads\tzdata2016d.tar.gz"
-    //     -o"C:\Users\SomeUser\Downloads\tzdata"
-    std::string cmd;
-    cmd = '\"';
-    cmd += unzip_prog;
-    cmd += "\" x \"";
-    cmd += gz_file;
-    cmd += "\" -o\"";
-    cmd += dest_folder;
-    cmd += '\"';
-#    if USE_SHELL_API
-    // When using shelling out with std::system() extra quotes are required around the
-    // whole command. It's weird but necessary it seems, see:
-    //
-    cmd = "\"" + cmd + "\"";
-    if (std::system(cmd.c_str()) == EXIT_SUCCESS)
-        unzip_result = true;
-#    else  // !USE_SHELL_API
-    if (run_program(cmd) == EXIT_SUCCESS)
-        unzip_result = true;
-#    endif // !USE_SHELL_API
-    if (unzip_result)
-        delete_file(gz_file);
-    // Use the unzip program extract the data from the tar file that was
-    // just extracted from the archive.
-    auto tar_file = get_download_tar_file(version);
-    cmd = '\"';
-    cmd += unzip_prog;
-    cmd += "\" x \"";
-    cmd += tar_file;
-    cmd += "\" -o\"";
-    cmd += get_install();
-    cmd += '\"';
-#    if USE_SHELL_API
-    cmd = "\"" + cmd + "\"";
-    if (std::system(cmd.c_str()) == EXIT_SUCCESS)
-        unzip_result = true;
-#    else  // !USE_SHELL_API
-    if (run_program(cmd) == EXIT_SUCCESS)
-        unzip_result = true;
-#    endif // !USE_SHELL_API
-    if (unzip_result)
-        delete_file(tar_file);
-    return unzip_result;
-get_download_mapping_file(const std::string& version)
-    auto file = get_install() + version + "windowsZones.xml";
-    return file;
-#  else  // !_WIN32
-#    if !USE_SHELL_API
-run_program(const char* prog, const char*const args[])
-    pid_t pid = fork();
-    if (pid == -1) // Child failed to start.
-        return EXIT_FAILURE;
-    if (pid != 0)
-    {
-        // We are in the parent. Child started. Wait for it.
-        pid_t ret;
-        int status;
-        while ((ret = waitpid(pid, &status, 0)) == -1)
-        {
-            if (errno != EINTR)
-                break;
-        }
-        if (ret != -1)
-        {
-            if (WIFEXITED(status))
-                return WEXITSTATUS(status);
-        }
-        printf("Child issues!\n");
-        return EXIT_FAILURE; // Not sure what status of child is.
-    }
-    else // We are in the child process. Start the program the parent wants to run.
-    {
-        if (execv(prog, const_cast<char**>(args)) == -1) // Does not return.
-        {
-            perror("unreachable 0\n");
-            _Exit(127);
-        }
-        printf("unreachable 2\n");
-    }
-    printf("unreachable 2\n");
-    // Unreachable.
-    assert(false);
-    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-    return EXIT_FAILURE;
-#    endif // !USE_SHELL_API
-extract_gz_file(const std::string&, const std::string& gz_file, const std::string&)
-#    if USE_SHELL_API
-    bool unzipped = std::system(("tar -xzf " + gz_file + " -C " + get_install()).c_str()) == EXIT_SUCCESS;
-#    else  // !USE_SHELL_API
-    const char prog[] = {"/usr/bin/tar"};
-    const char*const args[] =
-    {
-        prog, "-xzf", gz_file.c_str(), "-C", get_install().c_str(), nullptr
-    };
-    bool unzipped = (run_program(prog, args) == EXIT_SUCCESS);
-#    endif // !USE_SHELL_API
-    if (unzipped)
-    {
-        delete_file(gz_file);
-        return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-#  endif // !_WIN32
-remote_download(const std::string& version)
-    assert(!version.empty());
-#  ifdef _WIN32
-    // Download folder should be always available for Windows
-#  else  // !_WIN32
-    // Create download folder if it does not exist on UNIX system
-    auto download_folder = get_download_folder();
-    if (!file_exists(download_folder))
-    {
-        make_directory(download_folder);
-    }
-#  endif  // _WIN32
-    auto url = "" + version +
-               ".tar.gz";
-    bool result = download_to_file(url, get_download_gz_file(version),
-                                   download_file_options::binary);
-#  ifdef _WIN32
-    if (result)
-    {
-        auto mapping_file = get_download_mapping_file(version);
-        result = download_to_file(""
-                                  "supplemental/windowsZones.xml",
-            mapping_file, download_file_options::text);
-    }
-#  endif  // _WIN32
-    return result;
-remote_install(const std::string& version)
-    auto success = false;
-    assert(!version.empty());
-    std::string install = get_install();
-    auto gz_file = get_download_gz_file(version);
-    if (file_exists(gz_file))
-    {
-        if (file_exists(install))
-            remove_folder_and_subfolders(install);
-        if (make_directory(install))
-        {
-            if (extract_gz_file(version, gz_file, install))
-                success = true;
-#  ifdef _WIN32
-            auto mapping_file_source = get_download_mapping_file(version);
-            auto mapping_file_dest = get_install();
-            mapping_file_dest += folder_delimiter;
-            mapping_file_dest += "windowsZones.xml";
-            if (!move_file(mapping_file_source, mapping_file_dest))
-                success = false;
-#  endif  // _WIN32
-        }
-    }
-    return success;
-#endif  // HAS_REMOTE_API
-get_version(const std::string& path)
-    std::string version;
-    std::ifstream infile(path + "version");
-    if (infile.is_open())
-    {
-        infile >> version;
-        if (!
-            return version;
-    }
-    else
-    {
- + "NEWS");
-        while (infile)
-        {
-            infile >> version;
-            if (version == "Release")
-            {
-                infile >> version;
-                return version;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    throw std::runtime_error("Unable to get Timezone database version from " + path);
-    using namespace date;
-    const std::string install = get_install();
-    const std::string path = install + folder_delimiter;
-    std::string line;
-    bool continue_zone = false;
-    std::unique_ptr<tzdb> db(new tzdb);
-    if (!file_exists(install))
-    {
-        auto rv = remote_version();
-        if (!rv.empty() && remote_download(rv))
-        {
-            if (!remote_install(rv))
-            {
-                std::string msg = "Timezone database version \"";
-                msg += rv;
-                msg += "\" did not install correctly to \"";
-                msg += install;
-                msg += "\"";
-                throw std::runtime_error(msg);
-            }
-        }
-        if (!file_exists(install))
-        {
-            std::string msg = "Timezone database not found at \"";
-            msg += install;
-            msg += "\"";
-            throw std::runtime_error(msg);
-        }
-        db->version = get_version(path);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        db->version = get_version(path);
-        auto rv = remote_version();
-        if (!rv.empty() && db->version != rv)
-        {
-            if (remote_download(rv))
-            {
-                remote_install(rv);
-                db->version = get_version(path);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-#else  // !AUTO_DOWNLOAD
-    if (!file_exists(install))
-    {
-        std::string msg = "Timezone database not found at \"";
-        msg += install;
-        msg += "\"";
-        throw std::runtime_error(msg);
-    }
-    db->version = get_version(path);
-#endif  // !AUTO_DOWNLOAD
-    CONSTDATA char*const files[] =
-    {
-        "africa", "antarctica", "asia", "australasia", "backward", "etcetera", "europe",
-        "pacificnew", "northamerica", "southamerica", "systemv", "leapseconds"
-    };
-    for (const auto& filename : files)
-    {
-        std::ifstream infile(path + filename);
-        while (infile)
-        {
-            std::getline(infile, line);
-            if (!line.empty() && line[0] != '#')
-            {
-                std::istringstream in(line);
-                std::string word;
-                in >> word;
-                if (word == "Rule")
-                {
-                    db->rules.push_back(Rule(line));
-                    continue_zone = false;
-                }
-                else if (word == "Link")
-                {
-                    db->links.push_back(link(line));
-                    continue_zone = false;
-                }
-                else if (word == "Leap")
-                {
-                    db->leaps.push_back(leap(line, detail::undocumented{}));
-                    continue_zone = false;
-                }
-                else if (word == "Zone")
-                {
-                    db->zones.push_back(time_zone(line, detail::undocumented{}));
-                    continue_zone = true;
-                }
-                else if (line[0] == '\t' && continue_zone)
-                {
-                    db->zones.back().add(line);
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    std::cerr << line << '\n';
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    std::sort(db->rules.begin(), db->rules.end());
-    Rule::split_overlaps(db->rules);
-    std::sort(db->zones.begin(), db->zones.end());
-    db->zones.shrink_to_fit();
-    std::sort(db->links.begin(), db->links.end());
-    db->links.shrink_to_fit();
-    std::sort(db->leaps.begin(), db->leaps.end());
-    db->leaps.shrink_to_fit();
-#ifdef _WIN32
-    std::string mapping_file = get_install() + folder_delimiter + "windowsZones.xml";
-    db->mappings = load_timezone_mappings_from_xml_file(mapping_file);
-    sort_zone_mappings(db->mappings);
-#endif // _WIN32
-    return db;
-const tzdb&
-    auto const& v = get_tzdb_list().front().version;
-    if (!v.empty() && v == remote_version())
-        return get_tzdb_list().front();
-#endif  // AUTO_DOWNLOAD
-    tzdb_list::undocumented_helper::push_front(get_tzdb_list(), init_tzdb().release());
-    return get_tzdb_list().front();
-#endif  // !USE_OS_TZDB
-const tzdb&
-    return get_tzdb_list().front();
-const time_zone*
-tzdb::locate_zone(std::string_view tz_name) const
-tzdb::locate_zone(const std::string& tz_name) const
-    auto zi = std::lower_bound(zones.begin(), zones.end(), tz_name,
-        [](const time_zone& z, const std::string_view& nm)
-        [](const time_zone& z, const std::string& nm)
-        {
-            return < nm;
-        });
-    if (zi == zones.end() || zi->name() != tz_name)
-    {
-        auto li = std::lower_bound(links.begin(), links.end(), tz_name,
-        [](const link& z, const std::string_view& nm)
-        [](const link& z, const std::string& nm)
-        {
-            return < nm;
-        });
-        if (li != links.end() && li->name() == tz_name)
-        {
-            zi = std::lower_bound(zones.begin(), zones.end(), li->target(),
-                [](const time_zone& z, const std::string& nm)
-                {
-                    return < nm;
-                });
-            if (zi != zones.end() && zi->name() == li->target())
-                return &*zi;
-        }
-#endif  // !USE_OS_TZDB
-        throw std::runtime_error(std::string(tz_name) + " not found in timezone database");
-    }
-    return &*zi;
-const time_zone*
-locate_zone(std::string_view tz_name)
-locate_zone(const std::string& tz_name)
-    return get_tzdb().locate_zone(tz_name);
-operator<<(std::ostream& os, const tzdb& db)
-    os << "Version: " << db.version << "\n\n";
-    for (const auto& x : db.zones)
-        os << x << '\n';
-    os << '\n';
-    for (const auto& x : db.leaps)
-        os << x << '\n';
-    return os;
-#else  // !USE_OS_TZDB
-operator<<(std::ostream& os, const tzdb& db)
-    os << "Version: " << db.version << '\n';
-    std::string title("--------------------------------------------"
-                      "--------------------------------------------\n"
-                      "Name           ""Start Y ""End Y   "
-                      "Beginning                              ""Offset  "
-                      "Designator\n"
-                      "--------------------------------------------"
-                      "--------------------------------------------\n");
-    int count = 0;
-    for (const auto& x : db.rules)
-    {
-        if (count++ % 50 == 0)
-            os << title;
-        os << x << '\n';
-    }
-    os << '\n';
-    title = std::string("---------------------------------------------------------"
-                        "--------------------------------------------------------\n"
-                        "Name                               ""Offset      "
-                        "Rule           ""Abrev      ""Until\n"
-                        "---------------------------------------------------------"
-                        "--------------------------------------------------------\n");
-    count = 0;
-    for (const auto& x : db.zones)
-    {
-        if (count++ % 10 == 0)
-            os << title;
-        os << x << '\n';
-    }
-    os << '\n';
-    title = std::string("---------------------------------------------------------"
-                        "--------------------------------------------------------\n"
-                        "Alias                                   ""To\n"
-                        "---------------------------------------------------------"
-                        "--------------------------------------------------------\n");
-    count = 0;
-    for (const auto& x : db.links)
-    {
-        if (count++ % 45 == 0)
-            os << title;
-        os << x << '\n';
-    }
-    os << '\n';
-    title = std::string("---------------------------------------------------------"
-                        "--------------------------------------------------------\n"
-                        "Leap second on\n"
-                        "---------------------------------------------------------"
-                        "--------------------------------------------------------\n");
-    os << title;
-    for (const auto& x : db.leaps)
-        os << x << '\n';
-    return os;
-#endif  // !USE_OS_TZDB
-// -----------------------
-#ifdef _WIN32
-    auto result = GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation(&dtzi);
-    if (result == TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID)
-        throw std::runtime_error("current_zone(): GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation()"
-                                 " reported TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID.");
-    auto wlen = wcslen(dtzi.TimeZoneKeyName);
-    char buf[128] = {};
-    assert(sizeof(buf) >= wlen+1);
-    wcstombs(buf, dtzi.TimeZoneKeyName, wlen);
-    if (strcmp(buf, "Coordinated Universal Time") == 0)
-        return "UTC";
-    return buf;
-const time_zone*
-tzdb::current_zone() const
-    std::string win_tzid = getTimeZoneKeyName();
-    std::string standard_tzid;
-    if (!native_to_standard_timezone_name(win_tzid, standard_tzid))
-    {
-        std::string msg;
-        msg = "current_zone() failed: A mapping from the Windows Time Zone id \"";
-        msg += win_tzid;
-        msg += "\" was not found in the time zone mapping database.";
-        throw std::runtime_error(msg);
-    }
-    return locate_zone(standard_tzid);
-#else  // !_WIN32
-const time_zone*
-tzdb::current_zone() const
-    // On some OS's a file called /etc/localtime may
-    // exist and it may be either a real file
-    // containing time zone details or a symlink to such a file.
-    // On MacOS and BSD Unix if this file is a symlink it
-    // might resolve to a path like this:
-    // "/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles"
-    // If it does, we try to determine the current
-    // timezone from the remainder of the path by removing the prefix
-    // and hoping the rest resolves to a valid timezone.
-    // It may not always work though. If it doesn't then an
-    // exception will be thrown by local_timezone.
-    // The path may also take a relative form:
-    // "../usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles".
-    {
-        struct stat sb;
-        CONSTDATA auto timezone = "/etc/localtime";
-        if (lstat(timezone, &sb) == 0 && S_ISLNK(sb.st_mode) && sb.st_size > 0) {
-            using namespace std;
-            string result;
-            char rp[PATH_MAX+1] = {};
-            if (readlink(timezone, rp, sizeof(rp)-1) > 0)
-                result = string(rp);
-            else
-                throw system_error(errno, system_category(), "readlink() failed");
-            const size_t pos = result.find(get_tz_dir());
-            if (pos != result.npos)
-                result.erase(0, get_tz_dir().size() + 1 + pos);
-            return locate_zone(result);
-        }
-    }
-    // On embedded systems e.g. buildroot with uclibc the timezone is linked
-    // into /etc/TZ which is a symlink to path like this:
-    // "/usr/share/zoneinfo/uclibc/America/Los_Angeles"
-    // If it does, we try to determine the current
-    // timezone from the remainder of the path by removing the prefix
-    // and hoping the rest resolves to valid timezone.
-    // It may not always work though. If it doesn't then an
-    // exception will be thrown by local_timezone.
-    // The path may also take a relative form:
-    // "../usr/share/zoneinfo/uclibc/America/Los_Angeles".
-    {
-        struct stat sb;
-        CONSTDATA auto timezone = "/etc/TZ";
-        if (lstat(timezone, &sb) == 0 && S_ISLNK(sb.st_mode) && sb.st_size > 0) {
-            using namespace std;
-            string result;
-            char rp[PATH_MAX+1] = {};
-            if (readlink(timezone, rp, sizeof(rp)-1) > 0)
-                result = string(rp);
-            else
-                throw system_error(errno, system_category(), "readlink() failed");
-            const size_t pos = result.find(get_tz_dir());
-            if (pos != result.npos)
-                result.erase(0, get_tz_dir().size() + 1 + pos);
-            return locate_zone(result);
-        }
-    }
-    {
-    // On some versions of some linux distro's (e.g. Ubuntu),
-    // the current timezone might be in the first line of
-    // the /etc/timezone file.
-        std::ifstream timezone_file("/etc/timezone");
-        if (timezone_file.is_open())
-        {
-            std::string result;
-            std::getline(timezone_file, result);
-            if (!result.empty())
-                return locate_zone(result);
-        }
-        // Fall through to try other means.
-    }
-    {
-    // On some versions of some bsd distro's (e.g. FreeBSD),
-    // the current timezone might be in the first line of
-    // the /var/db/zoneinfo file.
-        std::ifstream timezone_file("/var/db/zoneinfo");
-        if (timezone_file.is_open())
-        {
-            std::string result;
-            std::getline(timezone_file, result);
-            if (!result.empty())
-                return locate_zone(result);
-        }
-        // Fall through to try other means.
-    }
-    {
-    // On some versions of some bsd distro's (e.g. iOS),
-    // it is not possible to use file based approach,
-    // we switch to system API, calling functions in
-    // CoreFoundation framework.
-        std::string result = date::iOSUtils::get_current_timezone();
-        if (!result.empty())
-            return locate_zone(result);
-    // Fall through to try other means.
-    }
-    {
-    // On some versions of some linux distro's (e.g. Red Hat),
-    // the current timezone might be in the first line of
-    // the /etc/sysconfig/clock file as:
-    // ZONE="US/Eastern"
-        std::ifstream timezone_file("/etc/sysconfig/clock");
-        std::string result;
-        while (timezone_file)
-        {
-            std::getline(timezone_file, result);
-            auto p = result.find("ZONE=\"");
-            if (p != std::string::npos)
-            {
-                result.erase(p, p+6);
-                result.erase(result.rfind('"'));
-                return locate_zone(result);
-            }
-        }
-        // Fall through to try other means.
-    }
-    throw std::runtime_error("Could not get current timezone");
-#endif  // !_WIN32
-const time_zone*
-    return get_tzdb().current_zone();
-}  // namespace date
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ < 5
-# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
diff --git a/thirdparty/date/ b/thirdparty/date/
deleted file mode 100755
index 6562647..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/date/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-echo $1
-eval $1
-if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
-	exit 0;
-exit 1;
diff --git a/win_build_vs.bat b/win_build_vs.bat
index 4ebb4dd..9335e08 100755
--- a/win_build_vs.bat
+++ b/win_build_vs.bat
@@ -32,56 +32,32 @@
 set cpack=OFF
 set installer_merge_modules=OFF
 set strict_gsl_checks=
+set redist=
 set arg_counter=0
 for %%x in (%*) do (
     set /A arg_counter+=1
     echo %%~x
-    if [%%~x] EQU [/T] (
-        set skiptests=ON
-    )
-    if [%%~x] EQU [/P] (
-        set cpack=ON
-    )
-    if [%%~x] EQU [/K] (
-        set build_kafka=ON
-    )
-    if [%%~x] EQU [/J] (
-        set build_JNI=ON
-    )
-    if [%%~x] EQU [/S] (
-        set build_SQL=ON
-    )
-    if [%%~x] EQU [/M] (
-        set installer_merge_modules=ON
-    )
-    if [%%~x] EQU [/C] (
-        set build_coap=ON
-    )
-    if [%%~x] EQU [/A] (
-        set build_AWS=ON
-    )
-    if [%%~x] EQU [/2019] (
-        set generator="Visual Studio 16 2019"
-    )
-    if [%%~x] EQU [/64] (
-        set build_platform=x64
-    )
-    if [%%~x] EQU [/D] (
-        set cmake_build_type=RelWithDebInfo
-    )
-    if [%%~x] EQU [/DD] (
-        set cmake_build_type=Debug
-    )
-    if [%%~x] EQU [/CI] (
-        set "strict_gsl_checks=-DSTRICT_GSL_CHECKS=AUDIT"
-    )
+    if [%%~x] EQU [/T]           set skiptests=ON
+    if [%%~x] EQU [/P]           set cpack=ON
+    if [%%~x] EQU [/K]           set build_kafka=ON
+    if [%%~x] EQU [/J]           set build_JNI=ON
+    if [%%~x] EQU [/S]           set build_SQL=ON
+    if [%%~x] EQU [/M]           set installer_merge_modules=ON
+    if [%%~x] EQU [/C]           set build_coap=ON
+    if [%%~x] EQU [/A]           set build_AWS=ON
+    if [%%~x] EQU [/2019]        set generator="Visual Studio 16 2019"
+    if [%%~x] EQU [/64]          set build_platform=x64
+    if [%%~x] EQU [/D]           set cmake_build_type=RelWithDebInfo
+    if [%%~x] EQU [/DD]          set cmake_build_type=Debug
+    if [%%~x] EQU [/CI]          set "strict_gsl_checks=-DSTRICT_GSL_CHECKS=AUDIT"
 mkdir %builddir%
 pushd %builddir%\
-cmake -G %generator% -A %build_platform% -DINSTALLER_MERGE_MODULES=%installer_merge_modules% -DENABLE_SQL=%build_SQL% -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_INIT=%cmake_build_type% -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%cmake_build_type% -DWIN32=WIN32 -DENABLE_LIBRDKAFKA=%build_kafka% -DENABLE_JNI=%build_jni% -DOPENSSL_OFF=OFF -DENABLE_COAP=%build_coap% -DENABLE_AWS=%build_AWS% -DUSE_SHARED_LIBS=OFF -DDISABLE_CONTROLLER=ON  -DBUILD_ROCKSDB=ON -DFORCE_WINDOWS=ON -DUSE_SYSTEM_UUID=OFF -DDISABLE_LIBARCHIVE=OFF -DDISABLE_SCRIPTING=ON -DEXCLUDE_BOOST=ON -DENABLE_WEL=TRUE -DFAIL_ON_WARNINGS=OFF -DSKIP_TESTS=%skiptests% %strict_gsl_checks% .. && msbuild /m nifi-minifi-cpp.sln /property:Configuration=%cmake_build_type% /property:Platform=%build_platform% && copy main\%cmake_build_type%\minifi.exe main\
+cmake -G %generator% -A %build_platform% -DINSTALLER_MERGE_MODULES=%installer_merge_modules% -DENABLE_SQL=%build_SQL% -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_INIT=%cmake_build_type% -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%cmake_build_type% -DWIN32=WIN32 -DENABLE_LIBRDKAFKA=%build_kafka% -DENABLE_JNI=%build_jni% -DOPENSSL_OFF=OFF -DENABLE_COAP=%build_coap% -DENABLE_AWS=%build_AWS% -DUSE_SHARED_LIBS=OFF -DDISABLE_CONTROLLER=ON  -DBUILD_ROCKSDB=ON -DFORCE_WINDOWS=ON -DUSE_SYSTEM_UUID=OFF -DDISABLE_LIBARCHIVE=OFF -DDISABLE_SCRIPTING=ON -DEXCLUDE_BOOST=ON -DENABLE_WEL=TRUE -DFAIL_ON_WARNINGS=OFF -DSKIP_TESTS=%skiptests% %strict_gsl_checks% %redist% .. && msbuild /m nifi-minifi-cpp.sln /property:Configuration=%cmake_build_type% /property:Platform=%build_platform% && copy main\%cmake_build_type%\minifi.exe main\
 if [%cpack%] EQU [ON] (
     cpack -C %cmake_build_type%