blob: c2d3400f62fcff39edf59e5327e9a88638e4156e [file] [log] [blame]
#include <Layer.h>
#include <IPv4Layer.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <Winsock2.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <vector>
/// @file
* \namespace pcpp
* \brief The main namespace for the PcapPlusPlus lib
namespace pcpp
* @struct icmphdr
* Represents ICMP basic protocol header (common for all ICMP message types)
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct
/** message type */
uint8_t type;
/** message code */
uint8_t code;
/** message checksum */
uint16_t checksum;
} icmphdr;
#pragma pack(pop)
* An enum of all supported ICMP message types
enum IcmpMessageType
/** ICMP echo (ping) reply message */
/** ICMP destination unreachable message */
/** ICMP source quench message */
/** ICMP redirect message */
/** ICMP echo (ping) request message */
/** ICMP router advertisement message */
/** ICMP router soliciatation message */
/** ICMP time-to-live excceded message */
/** ICMP parameter problem message */
/** ICMP timestamp request message */
/** ICMP timestamp reply message */
/** ICMP information request message */
/** ICMP information reply message */
/** ICMP address mask request message */
/** ICMP address mask reply message */
/** ICMP message type unsupported by PcapPlusPlus */
* An enum for all possible codes for a destination unreachable message type
* Documentation is taken from Wikipedia:
enum IcmpDestUnreachableCodes
/** Network unreachable error */
IcmpNetworkUnreachable = 0,
/** Host unreachable error */
IcmpHostUnreachable = 1,
/** Protocol unreachable error (the designated transport protocol is not supported) */
IcmpProtocolUnreachable = 2,
/** Port unreachable error (the designated protocol is unable to inform the host of the incoming message) */
IcmpPortUnreachable = 3,
/** The datagram is too big. Packet fragmentation is required but the 'don't fragment' (DF) flag is on */
IcmpDatagramTooBig = 4,
/** Source route failed error */
IcmpSourceRouteFailed = 5,
/** Destination network unknown error */
IcmpDestinationNetworkUnknown = 6,
/** Destination host unknown error */
IcmpDestinationHostUnknown = 7,
/** Source host isolated error */
IcmpSourceHostIsolated = 8,
/** The destination network is administratively prohibited */
IcmpDestinationNetworkProhibited = 9,
/** The destination host is administratively prohibited */
IcmpDestinationHostProhibited = 10,
/** The network is unreachable for Type Of Service */
IcmpNetworkUnreachableForTypeOfService = 11,
/** The host is unreachable for Type Of Service */
IcmpHostUnreachableForTypeOfService = 12,
/** Communication administratively prohibited (administrative filtering prevents
* packet from being forwarded)
IcmpCommunicationProhibited = 13,
/** Host precedence violation (indicates the requested precedence is not permitted for
* the combination of host or network and port)
IcmpHostPrecedenceViolation = 14,
/** Precedence cutoff in effect (precedence of datagram is below the level set by
* the network administrators)
IcmpPrecedenceCutoff = 15
* @struct icmp_echo_hdr
* ICMP echo (ping) request/reply message structure
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct : icmphdr
/** the echo (ping) request identifier */
uint16_t id;
/** the echo (ping) request sequence number */
uint16_t sequence;
/** a timestamp of when the message was sent */
uint64_t timestamp;
} icmp_echo_hdr;
#pragma pack(pop)
* @struct icmp_echo_request
* ICMP echo (ping) request/reply message structure
typedef struct
/** a pointer to the header data */
icmp_echo_hdr* header;
/** most echo requests/replies contain some payload data. This is the data length */
size_t dataLength;
/** most echo requests/replies contain some payload data. This is a pointer to this data */
uint8_t* data;
} icmp_echo_request;
* @typedef icmp_echo_reply
* ICMP echo (ping) reply message structure, same as icmp_echo_request
typedef icmp_echo_request icmp_echo_reply;
* @struct icmp_timestamp_request
* ICMP timestamp request message structure
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct : icmphdr
/** the timestamp request identifier */
uint16_t id;
/** the timestamp request sequence number */
uint16_t sequence;
/** the time (in milliseconds since midnight) the sender last touched the packet */
uint32_t originateTimestamp;
/** relevant for timestamp reply only - the time the echoer first touched it on receipt */
uint32_t receiveTimestamp;
/** relevant for timestamp reply only - the time the echoer last touched the message on sending it */
uint32_t transmitTimestamp;
} icmp_timestamp_request;
#pragma pack(pop)
* @typedef icmp_timestamp_reply
* ICMP timestamp reply message structure, same as icmp_timestamp_request
typedef icmp_timestamp_request icmp_timestamp_reply;
* @struct icmp_destination_unreachable
* ICMP destination unreachable message structure
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct : icmphdr
/** unused 2 bytes */
uint16_t unused;
/** contains the MTU of the next-hop network if a code 4 error occurs */
uint16_t nextHopMTU;
} icmp_destination_unreachable;
#pragma pack(pop)
* @struct icmp_time_exceeded
* ICMP time-to-live exceeded message structure
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct : icmphdr
/** unused 4 bytes */
uint32_t unused;
} icmp_time_exceeded;
#pragma pack(pop)
* @typedef icmp_source_quench
* ICMP source quence message structure, same as icmp_time_exceeded
typedef icmp_time_exceeded icmp_source_quench;
* @struct icmp_param_problem
* ICMP parameter problem message structure
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct : icmphdr
/** in the case of an invalid IP header (Code 0), this field indicates the byte offset of the error in the header */
uint8_t pointer;
/** unused 1 byte */
uint8_t unused1;
/** unused 2 bytes */
uint16_t unused2;
} icmp_param_problem;
#pragma pack(pop)
* @typedef icmp_router_solicitation
* ICMP router solicitation message structure, same as icmphdr
typedef icmphdr icmp_router_solicitation;
* @struct icmp_redirect
* ICMP redirect message structure
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct : icmphdr
/** an IPv4 address of the gateway to which the redirection should be sent */
uint32_t gatewayAddress;
} icmp_redirect;
#pragma pack(pop)
* @struct icmp_router_address_structure
* Router address structure, relevant for ICMP router advertisement message type (icmp_router_advertisement)
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct icmp_router_address_structure
/** the IPv4 address of the advertised router */
uint32_t routerAddress;
/** The preferability of the router address as a default router address, relative to other router addresses
* on the same subnet. This is a twos-complement value where higher values indicate that the route is
* more preferable */
uint32_t preferenceLevel;
* Set router address structure from a given IPv4 address and preference level
* @param[in] addr IPv4 address to set
* @param[in] preference Preference level to set
void setRouterAddress(IPv4Address addr, uint32_t preference);
* @return The IPv4 address extracted from icmp_router_address_structure#routerAddress field
IPv4Address getAddress();
#pragma pack(pop)
* @struct icmp_router_advertisement_hdr
* ICMP router advertisement message structure
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct : icmphdr
/** the number of router advertisements in this message. Each advertisement contains one router address/preference level pair */
uint8_t advertisementCount;
/** the number of 32-bit words of information for each router address entry in the list. The value is normally set to 2
* (router address + preference level) */
uint8_t addressEntrySize;
/** the maximum number of seconds that the router addresses in this list may be considered valid */
uint16_t lifetime;
} icmp_router_advertisement_hdr;
#pragma pack(pop)
* @struct icmp_router_advertisement
* ICMP router advertisement message structure
struct icmp_router_advertisement
/** a pointer to the header data on the packet */
icmp_router_advertisement_hdr* header;
* Extract router advertisement at a given index
* @param[in] index The index of the router advertisement
* @return A pointer to the router advertisement on the packet or null if index is out of range (less than zero or
* greater than the number of router advertisement records on this message, determined by advertisementCount field)
icmp_router_address_structure* getRouterAddress(int index);
* @struct icmp_address_mask_request
* ICMP address mask request message structure
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct : icmphdr
/** the address mask request identifier */
uint16_t id;
/** the address mask request sequence */
uint16_t sequence;
/** the subnet mask of the requesting host */
uint32_t addressMask;
} icmp_address_mask_request;
#pragma pack(pop)
* @typedef icmp_address_mask_reply
* ICMP address mask reply message structure, same as icmp_address_mask_request
typedef icmp_address_mask_request icmp_address_mask_reply;
* @struct icmp_info_request
* ICMP information request message structure
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct : icmphdr
/** the information request identifier */
uint16_t id;
/** the information request sequence */
uint16_t sequence;
} icmp_info_request;
#pragma pack(pop)
* @typedef icmp_info_reply
* ICMP information reply message structure, same as icmp_info_request
typedef icmp_info_request icmp_info_reply;
* @class IcmpLayer
* Represents an ICMP protocol layer (for IPv4 only)
class IcmpLayer : public Layer
icmp_echo_request m_EchoData;
icmp_router_advertisement m_RouterAdvData;
bool cleanIcmpLayer();
bool setEchoData(IcmpMessageType echoType, uint16_t id, uint16_t sequence, uint64_t timestamp, const uint8_t* data, size_t dataLen);
bool setIpAndL4Layers(IPv4Layer* ipLayer, Layer* l4Layer);
* A constructor that creates the layer from an existing packet raw data
* @param[in] data A pointer to the raw data (will be casted to @ref arphdr)
* @param[in] dataLen Size of the data in bytes
* @param[in] prevLayer A pointer to the previous layer
* @param[in] packet A pointer to the Packet instance where layer will be stored in
IcmpLayer(uint8_t* data, size_t dataLen, Layer* prevLayer, Packet* packet) : Layer(data, dataLen, prevLayer, packet) { m_Protocol = ICMP; }
* An empty constructor that creates a new layer with an empty ICMP header without setting the ICMP type or ICMP data.
* Call the set*Data() methods to set ICMP type and data
virtual ~IcmpLayer() {}
* Get a pointer to the basic ICMP header. Notice this points directly to the data, so every change will change the actual packet data
* @return A pointer to the @ref icmphdr
inline icmphdr* getIcmpHeader() { return (icmphdr*)m_Data; };
* @return The ICMP message type
IcmpMessageType getMessageType();
* @param[in] type Type to check
* @return True if the layer if of the given type, false otherwise
bool isMessageOfType(IcmpMessageType type);
* @return ICMP echo (ping) request data. If the layer isn't of type ICMP echo request NULL is returned
icmp_echo_request* getEchoRequestData();
* Set echo (ping) request message data
* @param[in] id Echo (ping) request identifier
* @param[in] sequence Echo (ping) request sequence
* @param[in] timestamp Echo (ping) request timestamp
* @param[in] data A pointer to echo (ping) request payload to set
* @param[in] dataLen The length of the echo (ping) request payload
* @return A pointer to the echo (ping) request data that have been set or NULL if something went wrong
* (an appropriate error log is printed in such cases)
icmp_echo_request* setEchoRequestData(uint16_t id, uint16_t sequence, uint64_t timestamp, const uint8_t* data, size_t dataLen);
* @return ICMP echo reply data. If the layer isn't of type ICMP echo reply NULL is returned
icmp_echo_reply* getEchoReplyData();
* Set echo (ping) reply message data
* @param[in] id Echo (ping) reply identifier
* @param[in] sequence Echo (ping) reply sequence
* @param[in] timestamp Echo (ping) reply timestamp
* @param[in] data A pointer to echo (ping) reply payload to set
* @param[in] dataLen The length of the echo (ping) reply payload
* @return A pointer to the echo (ping) reply data that have been set or NULL if something went wrong
* (an appropriate error log is printed in such cases)
icmp_echo_reply* setEchoReplyData(uint16_t id, uint16_t sequence, uint64_t timestamp, const uint8_t* data, size_t dataLen);
* @return ICMP timestamp request data. If the layer isn't of type ICMP timestamp request NULL is returned
icmp_timestamp_request* getTimestampRequestData();
* Set timestamp request message data
* @param[in] id Timestamp request identifier
* @param[in] sequence Timestamp request sequence
* @param[in] originateTimestamp Time (in milliseconds since midnight) the sender last touched the packet
* @return A pointer to the timestamp request data that have been set or NULL if something went wrong
* (an appropriate error log is printed in such cases)
icmp_timestamp_request* setTimestampRequestData(uint16_t id, uint16_t sequence, timeval originateTimestamp);
* @return ICMP timestamp reply data. If the layer isn't of type ICMP timestamp reply NULL is returned
icmp_timestamp_reply* getTimestampReplyData();
* Set timestamp reply message data
* @param[in] id Timestamp reply identifier
* @param[in] sequence Timestamp reply sequence
* @param[in] originateTimestamp Time (in milliseconds since midnight) the sender last touched the packet
* @param[in] receiveTimestamp The time the echoer first touched it on receipt
* @param[in] transmitTimestamp The time the echoer last touched the message on sending it
* @return A pointer to the timestamp reply data that have been set or NULL if something went wrong
* (an appropriate error log is printed in such cases)
icmp_timestamp_reply* setTimestampReplyData(uint16_t id, uint16_t sequence,
timeval originateTimestamp, timeval receiveTimestamp, timeval transmitTimestamp);
* @return ICMP destination unreachable data. If the layer isn't of type ICMP destination unreachable NULL is returned.
* The IP and L4 (ICMP/TCP/UDP) headers of the destination unreachable data are parsed as separate layers and can be
* retrieved via this->getNextLayer()
icmp_destination_unreachable* getDestUnreachableData();
* Set destination unreachable message data. This method only works if IcmpLayer is already part of a packet (not
* a standalone layer). The reason is the Internet and L4 headers given as parameters are added as separate layers
* and need a packet to be added to
* @param[in] code Destination unreachable code
* @param[in] nextHopMTU The MTU of the next-hop network if a code 4 error occurs
* @param[in] ipHeader The Internet header of the original data. This layer is added as a separate layer on the packet
* @param[in] l4Header The L4 header of the original data. This layer is added as a separate layer on the packet
* @return A pointer to the destination unreachable data that have been set or NULL if something went wrong
* (an appropriate error log is printed in such cases)
icmp_destination_unreachable* setDestUnreachableData(IcmpDestUnreachableCodes code, uint16_t nextHopMTU, IPv4Layer* ipHeader, Layer* l4Header);
* @return ICMP source quench data. If the layer isn't of type ICMP source quench NULL is returned.
* The IP and L4 (ICMP/TCP/UDP) headers of the source quench data are parsed as separate layers and can be
* retrieved via this->getNextLayer()
icmp_source_quench* getSourceQuenchdata();
* Set source quench message data. This method only works if IcmpLayer is already part of a packet (not
* a standalone layer). The reason is the Internet and L4 headers given as parameters are added as separate layers
* and need a packet to be added to
* @param[in] ipHeader The Internet header of the original data. This layer is added as a separate layer on the packet
* @param[in] l4Header The L4 header of the original data. This layer is added as a separate layer on the packet
* @return A pointer to the source quench data that have been set or NULL if something went wrong
* (an appropriate error log is printed in such cases)
icmp_source_quench* setSourceQuenchdata(IPv4Layer* ipHeader, Layer* l4Header);
* @return ICMP redirect data. If the layer isn't of type ICMP redirect NULL is returned.
* The IP and L4 (ICMP/TCP/UDP) headers of the redirect data are parsed as separate layers and can be
* retrieved via this->getNextLayer()
icmp_redirect* getRedirectData();
* Set redirect message data. This method only works if IcmpLayer is already part of a packet (not
* a standalone layer). The reason is the Internet and L4 headers given as parameters are added as separate layers
* and need a packet to be added to
* @param[in] code The redirect message code. Only values between 0 and 3 are legal, the rest will cause the method to fail
* @param[in] gatewayAddress An IPv4 address of the gateway to which the redirection should be sent
* @param[in] ipHeader The Internet header of the original data. This layer is added as a separate layer on the packet
* @param[in] l4Header The L4 header of the original data. This layer is added as a separate layer on the packet
* @return A pointer to the redirect data that have been set or NULL if something went wrong
* (an appropriate error log is printed in such cases)
icmp_redirect* setRedirectData(uint8_t code, IPv4Address gatewayAddress, IPv4Layer* ipHeader, Layer* l4Header);
* @return ICMP router advertisement data. If the layer isn't of type ICMP router advertisement NULL is returned
icmp_router_advertisement* getRouterAdvertisementData();
* Set router advertisement message data
* @param[in] code The router advertisement message code. Only codes 0 or 16 are legal, the rest will fail the method
* @param[in] lifetimeInSeconds The maximum number of seconds that the router addresses in this list may be considered valid
* @param[in] routerAddresses A vector of router advertisements to set
* @return A pointer to the router advertisement data that have been set or NULL if something went wrong
* (an appropriate error log is printed in such cases)
icmp_router_advertisement* setRouterAdvertisementData(uint8_t code, uint16_t lifetimeInSeconds, const std::vector<icmp_router_address_structure>& routerAddresses);
* @return ICMP router solicitation data. If the layer isn't of type ICMP router solicitation NULL is returned
icmp_router_solicitation* getRouterSolicitationData();
* Set router solicitation message data. This message accepts no parameters as there are no parameters to this
* type of message (code is always zero)
* @return A pointer to the router solicitation data that have been set or NULL if something went wrong
* (an appropriate error log is printed in such cases)
icmp_router_solicitation* setRouterSolicitationData();
* @return ICMP time-to-live exceeded data. If the layer isn't of type ICMP time-to-live exceeded NULL is returned.
* The IP and L4 (ICMP/TCP/UDP) headers of the time exceeded data are parsed as separate layers and can be
* retrieved via this->getNextLayer()
icmp_time_exceeded* getTimeExceededData();
* Set time-to-live exceeded message data. This method only works if IcmpLayer is already part of a packet (not
* a standalone layer). The reason is the Internet and L4 headers given as parameters are added as separate layers
* and need a packet to be added to
* @param[in] code Time-to-live exceeded message code. Only codes 0 or 1 are legal, the rest will fail the method
* @param[in] ipHeader The Internet header of the original data. This layer is added as a separate layer on the packet
* @param[in] l4Header The L4 header of the original data. This layer is added as a separate layer on the packet
* @return A pointer to the time-to-live exceeded data that have been set or NULL if something went wrong
* (an appropriate error log is printed in such cases)
icmp_time_exceeded* setTimeExceededData(uint8_t code, IPv4Layer* ipHeader, Layer* l4Header);
* @return ICMP parameter problem data. If the layer isn't of type ICMP parameter problem NULL is returned
icmp_param_problem* getParamProblemData();
* Set parameter problem message data. This method only works if IcmpLayer is already part of a packet (not
* a standalone layer). The reason is the Internet and L4 headers given as parameters are added as separate layers
* and need a packet to be added to
* @param[in] code Parameter problem message code. Only code between 0 and 2 are legal, the rest will fail the method
* @param[in] errorOctetPointer In the case of an invalid IP header (Code 0), indicate the byte offset of the error in the header
* @param[in] ipHeader The Internet header of the original data. This layer is added as a separate layer on the packet
* @param[in] l4Header The L4 header of the original data. This layer is added as a separate layer on the packet
* @return A pointer to the parameter problem data that have been set or NULL if something went wrong
* (an appropriate error log is printed in such cases)
icmp_param_problem* setParamProblemData(uint8_t code, uint8_t errorOctetPointer, IPv4Layer* ipHeader, Layer* l4Header);
* @return ICMP address mask request data. If the layer isn't of type ICMP address mask request NULL is returned
icmp_address_mask_request* getAddressMaskRequestData();
* Set address mask request message data
* @param[in] id Address mask request identifier
* @param[in] sequence Address mask request sequence
* @param[in] mask The subnet mask of the requesting host
* @return A pointer to the address mask request data that have been set or NULL if something went wrong
* (an appropriate error log is printed in such cases)
icmp_address_mask_request* setAddressMaskRequestData(uint16_t id, uint16_t sequence, IPv4Address mask);
* @return ICMP address mask reply data. If the layer isn't of type ICMP address mask reply NULL is returned
icmp_address_mask_reply* getAddressMaskReplyData();
* Set address mask reply message data
* @param[in] id Address mask reply identifier
* @param[in] sequence Address mask reply sequence
* @param[in] mask The subnet mask of the requesting host
* @return A pointer to the address mask reply data that have been set or NULL if something went wrong
* (an appropriate error log is printed in such cases)
icmp_address_mask_reply* setAddressMaskReplyData(uint16_t id, uint16_t sequence, IPv4Address mask);
* @return ICMP address information request data. If the layer isn't of type ICMP information request NULL is returned
icmp_info_request* getInfoRequestData();
* Set information request message data
* @param[in] id Information request identifier
* @param[in] sequence Information request sequence
* @return A pointer to the information request data that have been set or NULL if something went wrong
* (an appropriate error log is printed in such cases)
icmp_info_request* setInfoRequestData(uint16_t id, uint16_t sequence);
* @return ICMP address information reply data. If the layer isn't of type ICMP information reply NULL is returned
icmp_info_reply* getInfoReplyData();
* Set information reply message data
* @param[in] id Information reply identifier
* @param[in] sequence Information reply sequence
* @return A pointer to the information reply data that have been set or NULL if something went wrong
* (an appropriate error log is printed in such cases)
icmp_info_reply* setInfoReplyData(uint16_t id, uint16_t sequence);
// implement abstract methods
* have data that contains IPv4 header and some L4 header (TCP/UDP/ICMP). This method parses these headers as separate
* layers on top of the ICMP layer
void parseNextLayer();
* @return The ICMP header length. This length varies according to the ICMP message type. This length doesn't include
size_t getHeaderLen();
* Calculate ICMP checksum field
void computeCalculateFields();
std::string toString();
OsiModelLayer getOsiModelLayer() { return OsiModelNetworkLayer; }
} // namespace pcpp