blob: 4d882e2270bce5c32c72aa256f42e7eeabb79953 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "Layer.h"
#include "IpAddress.h"
/// @file
* \namespace pcpp
* \brief The main namespace for the PcapPlusPlus lib
namespace pcpp
* @struct ip6_hdr
* Represents an IPv6 protocol header
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct ip6_hdr {
/** Traffic class */
uint8_t trafficClass:4,
/** IP version number, has the value of 6 for IPv6 */
/** IP version number, has the value of 6 for IPv6 */
uint8_t ipVersion:4,
/** Traffic class */
/** Flow label */
uint8_t flowLabel[3];
/** The size of the payload in octets, including any extension headers */
uint16_t payloadLength;
/** Specifies the type of the next header (protocol). Must be one of ::IPProtocolTypes */
uint8_t nextHeader;
/** Replaces the time to live field of IPv4 */
uint8_t hopLimit;
/** Source address */
uint8_t ipSrc[16];
/** Destination address */
uint8_t ipDst[16];
#pragma pack(pop)
* @class IPv6Layer
* Represents an IPv6 protocol layer
class IPv6Layer : public Layer
* A constructor that creates the layer from an existing packet raw data
* @param[in] data A pointer to the raw data (will be casted to @ref ip6_hdr)
* @param[in] dataLen Size of the data in bytes
* @param[in] prevLayer A pointer to the previous layer
* @param[in] packet A pointer to the Packet instance where layer will be stored in
IPv6Layer(uint8_t* data, size_t dataLen, Layer* prevLayer, Packet* packet) : Layer(data, dataLen, prevLayer, packet) { m_Protocol = IPv6; }
* A constructor that allocates a new IPv6 header with empty fields
* A constructor that allocates a new IPv6 header with source and destination IPv6 addresses
* @param[in] srcIP Source IPv6 address
* @param[in] dstIP Destination IPv6 address
IPv6Layer(const IPv6Address& srcIP, const IPv6Address& dstIP);
* Get a pointer to the IPv6 header. Notice this points directly to the data, so every change will change the actual packet data
* @return A pointer to the @ref ip6_hdr
inline ip6_hdr* getIPv6Header() { return (ip6_hdr*)m_Data; };
* Get the source IP address in the form of IPv6Address
* @return An IPv6Address containing the source address
inline IPv6Address getSrcIpAddress() { return IPv6Address(getIPv6Header()->ipSrc); }
* Get the destination IP address in the form of IPv6Address
* @return An IPv6Address containing the destination address
inline IPv6Address getDstIpAddress() { return IPv6Address(getIPv6Header()->ipDst); }
// implement abstract methods
* Currently identifies the following next layers: UdpLayer, TcpLayer. Otherwise sets PayloadLayer
void parseNextLayer();
* @return Size of @ref ip6_hdr
inline size_t getHeaderLen() { return sizeof(ip6_hdr); }
* Calculate the following fields:
* - ip6_hdr#payloadLength = size of payload (all data minus header size)
* - ip6_hdr#ipVersion = 6
* - ip6_hdr#nextHeader = calculated if next layer is known: ::PACKETPP_IPPROTO_TCP for TCP, ::PACKETPP_IPPROTO_UDP for UDP, ::PACKETPP_IPPROTO_ICMP for ICMP
void computeCalculateFields();
std::string toString();
OsiModelLayer getOsiModelLayer() { return OsiModelNetworkLayer; }
void initLayer();
} // namespace pcpp
#endif /* PACKETPP_IPV6_LAYER */