blob: 8a7b8fd1815bd5c7e043feb1832273e9f8ae5b30 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <SystemUtils.h>
#include <DpdkDevice.h>
#include <Logger.h>
#include <vector>
* @file
* For details about PcapPlusPlus support for DPDK see DpdkDevice.h file description
* \namespace pcpp
* \brief The main namespace for the PcapPlusPlus lib
namespace pcpp
* @class DpdkWorkerThread
* There are two ways to capture packets using DpdkDevice: one of them is using worker threads and the other way is using
* a callback which is invoked on each a burst of packets are captured (see DpdkDevice#startCaptureSingleThread() ). This class
* is a base class for implementing workers. A worker is basically a class that is activated by DpdkDeviceList#startDpdkWorkerThreads()
* and runs on a designated core. When it runs it can do whatever the user wants it to do. The most common use it running in an
* endless loop and receive, analyze and send packets using one or more DpdkDevice instances. It can do all kinds of processing for
* these packets. The only restriction for a worker class is that it must implement the 3 abstract methods stated in this class-interface
* for start running, stop running and get the core ID the worker is running on.
class DpdkWorkerThread
* A virtual d'tor. Can be overridden by child class if needed
virtual ~DpdkWorkerThread() {}
* An abstract method that must be implemented by child class. It's the indication for the worker to start running
* @param[in] coreId The core ID the worker is running on (should be returned in getCoreId() )
* @return True if all went well or false otherwise
virtual bool run(uint32_t coreId) = 0;
* An abstract method that must be implemented by child class. It's the indication for the worker to stop running. After
* this method is called the caller expects the worker to stop running as fast as possible
virtual void stop() = 0;
* An abstract method that must be implemented by child class. Get the core ID the worker is running on (as sent to the run() method
* as a parameter)
* @return The core ID the worker is running on
virtual uint32_t getCoreId() = 0;
* @class DpdkDeviceList
* A singleton class that encapsulates DPDK initialization and holds the list of DpdkDevice instances. As it's a singleton, it has only
* one active instance doesn't have a public c'tor. This class has several main uses:
* - it contains the initDpdk() static method which initializes the DPDK infrastructure. It should be called once in every application at
* its startup process
* - it contains the list of DpdkDevice instances and enables access to them
* - it has methods to start and stop worker threads. See more details in startDpdkWorkerThreads()
class DpdkDeviceList
bool m_IsInitialized;
static bool m_IsDpdkInitialized;
static uint32_t m_MBufPoolSizePerDevice;
static CoreMask m_CoreMask;
std::vector<DpdkDevice*> m_DpdkDeviceList;
std::vector<DpdkWorkerThread*> m_WorkerThreads;
inline bool isInitialized() { return (m_IsInitialized && m_IsDpdkInitialized); }
bool initDpdkDevices(uint32_t mBufPoolSizePerDevice);
static bool verifyHugePagesAndDpdkDriver();
static int dpdkWorkerThreadStart(void *ptr);
* As DpdkDeviceList is a singleton, this is the static getter to retrieve its instance. Note that if the static method
* initDpdk() was not called or returned false this instance won't be initialized and DpdkDevices won't be initialized either
* @return The singleton instance of DpdkDeviceList
static inline DpdkDeviceList& getInstance()
static DpdkDeviceList instance;
if (!instance.isInitialized())
return instance;
* A static method that has to be called once at the startup of every application that uses DPDK. It does several things:
* - verifies huge-pages are set and DPDK kernel module is loaded (these are set by the external script that
* has to be run before application is started)
* - initializes the DPDK infrastructure
* - creates DpdkDevice instances for all ports available for DPDK
* @param[in] coreMask The cores to initialize DPDK with. After initialization, DPDK will only be able to use these cores
* for its work. The core mask should have a bit set for every core to use. For example: if the user want to use cores 1,2
* the core mask should be 6 (binary: 110)
* @param[in] mBufPoolSizePerDevice The mbuf pool size each DpdkDevice will have. This has to be a number which is a power of 2
* minus 1, for example: 1023 (= 2^10-1) or 4,294,967,295 (= 2^32-1), etc. This is a DPDK limitation, not PcapPlusPlus.
* The size of the mbuf pool size dictates how many packets can be handled by the application at the same time. For example: if
* pool size is 1023 it means that no more than 1023 packets can be handled or stored in application memory at every point in time
* @return True if initialization succeeded or false if huge-pages or DPDK kernel driver are not loaded, if mBufPoolSizePerDevice
* isn't power of 2 minus 1, if DPDK infra initialization failed or if DpdkDevice initialization failed. Anyway, if this method
* returned false it's impossible to use DPDK with PcapPlusPlus. You can get some more details about mbufs and pools in
* DpdkDevice.h file description or in DPDK web site
static bool initDpdk(CoreMask coreMask, uint32_t mBufPoolSizePerDevice);
* Get a DpdkDevice by port ID
* @param[in] portId The port ID
* @return A pointer to the DpdkDevice or NULL if no such device is found
DpdkDevice* getDeviceByPort(int portId);
* Get a DpdkDevice by port PCI address
* @param[in] pciAddr The port PCI address
* @return A pointer to the DpdkDevice or NULL if no such device is found
DpdkDevice* getDeviceByPciAddress(const PciAddress& pciAddr);
* @return A vector of all DpdkDevice instances
inline const std::vector<DpdkDevice*>& getDpdkDeviceList() { return m_DpdkDeviceList; }
* @return DPDK master core which is the core that initializes the application
SystemCore getDpdkMasterCore();
* Change the log level of all modules of DPDK
* @param[in] logLevel The log level to set. LoggerPP#Normal is RTE_LOG_NOTICE and LoggerPP#Debug is RTE_LOG_DEBUG
void setDpdkLogLevel(LoggerPP::LogLevel logLevel);
* @return The current DPDK log level. RTE_LOG_NOTICE and lower are considered as LoggerPP#Normal. RTE_LOG_INFO or RTE_LOG_DEBUG
* are considered as LoggerPP#Debug
LoggerPP::LogLevel getDpdkLogLevel();
* Order DPDK to write all its logs to a file
* @param[in] logFile The file to write to
* @return True if action succeeded, false otherwise
bool writeDpdkLogToFile(FILE* logFile);
* There are two ways to capture packets using DpdkDevice: one of them is using worker threads and the other way is setting
* a callback which is invoked each time a burst of packets is captured (see DpdkDevice#startCaptureSingleThread() ). This
* method implements the first way. See a detailed description of workers in DpdkWorkerThread class description. This method
* gets a vector of workers (classes that implement the DpdkWorkerThread interface) and a core mask and starts a worker thread
* on each core (meaning - call the worker's DpdkWorkerThread#run() method). Workers usually run in an endless loop and will
* be ordered to stop by calling stopDpdkWorkerThreads().<BR>
* Note that number of cores in the core mask must be equal to the number of workers. In addition it's impossible to run a
* worker thread on DPDK master core, so the core mask shouldn't include the master core (you can find the master core by
* calling getDpdkMasterCore() ).
* @param[in] coreMask The bitmask of cores to run worker threads on. This list shouldn't include DPDK master core
* @param[in] workerThreadsVec A vector of worker instances to run (classes who implement the DpdkWorkerThread interface).
* Number of workers in this vector must be equal to the number of cores in the core mask. Notice that the instances of
* DpdkWorkerThread shouldn't be freed until calling stopDpdkWorkerThreads() as these instances are running
* @return True if all worker threads started successfully or false if: DPDK isn't initialized (initDpdk() wasn't called or
* returned false), number of cores differs from number of workers, core mask includes DPDK master core or if one of the
* worker threads couldn't be run
bool startDpdkWorkerThreads(CoreMask coreMask, std::vector<DpdkWorkerThread*>& workerThreadsVec);
* Assuming worker threads are running, this method orders them to stop by calling DpdkWorkerThread#stop(). Then it waits until
* they stop running
void stopDpdkWorkerThreads();
} // namespace pcpp