blob: 3d2824c1636358da896864f041f73ef845f353b0 [file] [log] [blame]
* @file AbstractMQTTProcessor.cpp
* AbstractMQTTProcessor class implementation
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "AbstractMQTTProcessor.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <cinttypes>
#include "utils/TimeUtil.h"
#include "utils/StringUtils.h"
#include "core/ProcessContext.h"
#include "core/ProcessSession.h"
namespace org {
namespace apache {
namespace nifi {
namespace minifi {
namespace processors {
core::Property AbstractMQTTProcessor::BrokerURL("Broker URI", "The URI to use to connect to the MQTT broker", "");
core::Property AbstractMQTTProcessor::CleanSession("Session state", "Whether to start afresh or resume previous flows. See the allowable value descriptions for more details", "true");
core::Property AbstractMQTTProcessor::ClientID("Client ID", "MQTT client ID to use", "");
core::Property AbstractMQTTProcessor::UserName("Username", "Username to use when connecting to the broker", "");
core::Property AbstractMQTTProcessor::PassWord("Password", "Password to use when connecting to the broker", "");
core::Property AbstractMQTTProcessor::KeepLiveInterval("Keep Alive Interval", "Defines the maximum time interval between messages sent or received", "60 sec");
core::Property AbstractMQTTProcessor::ConnectionTimeOut("Connection Timeout", "Maximum time interval the client will wait for the network connection to the MQTT server", "30 sec");
core::Property AbstractMQTTProcessor::QOS("Quality of Service", "The Quality of Service(QoS) to send the message with. Accepts three values '0', '1' and '2'", "MQTT_QOS_0");
core::Property AbstractMQTTProcessor::Topic("Topic", "The topic to publish the message to", "");
core::Property AbstractMQTTProcessor::SecurityProtocol("Security Protocol", "Protocol used to communicate with brokers", "");
core::Property AbstractMQTTProcessor::SecurityCA("Security CA", "File or directory path to CA certificate(s) for verifying the broker's key", "");
core::Property AbstractMQTTProcessor::SecurityCert("Security Cert", "Path to client's public key (PEM) used for authentication", "");
core::Property AbstractMQTTProcessor::SecurityPrivateKey("Security Private Key", "Path to client's private key (PEM) used for authentication", "");
core::Property AbstractMQTTProcessor::SecurityPrivateKeyPassWord("Security Pass Phrase", "Private key passphrase", "");
const std::set<core::Property> AbstractMQTTProcessor::getSupportedProperties() {
return {BrokerURL, CleanSession, ClientID, UserName, PassWord, KeepLiveInterval, ConnectionTimeOut, QOS, Topic};
void AbstractMQTTProcessor::onSchedule(const std::shared_ptr<core::ProcessContext> &context, const std::shared_ptr<core::ProcessSessionFactory> &factory) {
sslEnabled_ = false;
sslopts_ = MQTTClient_SSLOptions_initializer;
std::string value;
int64_t valInt;
value = "";
if (context->getProperty(BrokerURL.getName(), value) && !value.empty()) {
uri_ = value;
logger_->log_debug("AbstractMQTTProcessor: BrokerURL [%s]", uri_);
value = "";
if (context->getProperty(ClientID.getName(), value) && !value.empty()) {
clientID_ = value;
logger_->log_debug("AbstractMQTTProcessor: ClientID [%s]", clientID_);
value = "";
if (context->getProperty(Topic.getName(), value) && !value.empty()) {
topic_ = value;
logger_->log_debug("AbstractMQTTProcessor: Topic [%s]", topic_);
value = "";
if (context->getProperty(UserName.getName(), value) && !value.empty()) {
userName_ = value;
logger_->log_debug("AbstractMQTTProcessor: UserName [%s]", userName_);
value = "";
if (context->getProperty(PassWord.getName(), value) && !value.empty()) {
passWord_ = value;
logger_->log_debug("AbstractMQTTProcessor: PassWord [%s]", passWord_);
value = "";
if (context->getProperty(CleanSession.getName(), value) && !value.empty() &&
org::apache::nifi::minifi::utils::StringUtils::StringToBool(value, cleanSession_)) {
logger_->log_debug("AbstractMQTTProcessor: CleanSession [%d]", cleanSession_);
value = "";
if (context->getProperty(KeepLiveInterval.getName(), value) && !value.empty()) {
core::TimeUnit unit;
if (core::Property::StringToTime(value, valInt, unit) && core::Property::ConvertTimeUnitToMS(valInt, unit, valInt)) {
keepAliveInterval_ = valInt/1000;
logger_->log_debug("AbstractMQTTProcessor: KeepLiveInterval [%" PRId64 "]", keepAliveInterval_);
value = "";
if (context->getProperty(ConnectionTimeOut.getName(), value) && !value.empty()) {
core::TimeUnit unit;
if (core::Property::StringToTime(value, valInt, unit) && core::Property::ConvertTimeUnitToMS(valInt, unit, valInt)) {
connectionTimeOut_ = valInt/1000;
logger_->log_debug("AbstractMQTTProcessor: ConnectionTimeOut [%" PRId64 "]", connectionTimeOut_);
value = "";
if (context->getProperty(QOS.getName(), value) && !value.empty() && (value == MQTT_QOS_0 || value == MQTT_QOS_1 || MQTT_QOS_2) &&
core::Property::StringToInt(value, valInt)) {
qos_ = valInt;
logger_->log_debug("AbstractMQTTProcessor: QOS [%" PRId64 "]", qos_);
value = "";
if (context->getProperty(SecurityProtocol.getName(), value) && !value.empty()) {
sslEnabled_ = true;
value = "";
if (context->getProperty(SecurityCA.getName(), value) && !value.empty()) {
logger_->log_debug("AbstractMQTTProcessor: trustStore [%s]", value);
securityCA_ = value;
sslopts_.trustStore = securityCA_.c_str();
value = "";
if (context->getProperty(SecurityCert.getName(), value) && !value.empty()) {
logger_->log_debug("AbstractMQTTProcessor: keyStore [%s]", value);
securityCert_ = value;
sslopts_.keyStore = securityCert_.c_str();
value = "";
if (context->getProperty(SecurityPrivateKey.getName(), value) && !value.empty()) {
logger_->log_debug("AbstractMQTTProcessor: privateKey [%s]", value);
securityPrivateKey_ = value;
sslopts_.privateKey = securityPrivateKey_.c_str();
value = "";
if (context->getProperty(SecurityPrivateKeyPassWord.getName(), value) && !value.empty()) {
logger_->log_debug("AbstractMQTTProcessor: privateKeyPassword [%s]", value);
securityPrivateKeyPassWord_ = value;
sslopts_.privateKeyPassword = securityPrivateKeyPassWord_.c_str();
if (!client_) {
MQTTClient_create(&client_, uri_.c_str(), clientID_.c_str(), MQTTCLIENT_PERSISTENCE_NONE, NULL);
if (client_) {
MQTTClient_setCallbacks(client_, (void *) this, connectionLost, msgReceived, msgDelivered);
// call reconnect to bootstrap
bool AbstractMQTTProcessor::reconnect() {
if (!client_)
return false;
if (MQTTClient_isConnected(client_))
return true;
MQTTClient_connectOptions conn_opts = MQTTClient_connectOptions_initializer;
conn_opts.keepAliveInterval = keepAliveInterval_;
conn_opts.cleansession = cleanSession_;
if (!userName_.empty()) {
conn_opts.username = userName_.c_str();
conn_opts.password = passWord_.c_str();
if (sslEnabled_) {
conn_opts.ssl = &sslopts_;
int ret = MQTTClient_connect(client_, &conn_opts);
logger_->log_error("Failed to connect to MQTT broker %s (%d)", uri_, ret);
return false;
if (isSubscriber_) {
ret = MQTTClient_subscribe(client_, topic_.c_str(), qos_);
logger_->log_error("Failed to subscribe to MQTT topic %s (%d)", topic_, ret);
return false;
logger_->log_debug("Successfully subscribed to MQTT topic: %s", topic_);
return true;
} /* namespace processors */
} /* namespace minifi */
} /* namespace nifi */
} /* namespace apache */
} /* namespace org */