blob: 8d07abbc8172d725e119ea7aa65d38543481fcc3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "ConfigFileEncryptor.h"
#include "TestBase.h"
#include "utils/RegexUtils.h"
using org::apache::nifi::minifi::encrypt_config::ConfigFile;
using org::apache::nifi::minifi::encrypt_config::encryptSensitivePropertiesInFile;
namespace {
size_t base64_length(size_t unencoded_length) {
return (unencoded_length + 2) / 3 * 4;
bool check_encryption(const ConfigFile& test_file, const std::string& property_name, size_t original_value_length) {
utils::optional<std::string> encrypted_value = test_file.getValue(property_name);
if (!encrypted_value) { return false; }
utils::optional<std::string> encryption_type = test_file.getValue(property_name + ".protected");
if (!encryption_type || *encryption_type != utils::crypto::EncryptionType::name()) { return false; }
auto length = base64_length(utils::crypto::EncryptionType::nonceLength()) +
utils::crypto::EncryptionType::separator().size() +
base64_length(original_value_length + utils::crypto::EncryptionType::macLength());
return utils::Regex::matchesFullInput("[0-9A-Za-z/+=|]{" + std::to_string(length) + "}", *encrypted_value);
} // namespace
namespace org {
namespace apache {
namespace nifi {
namespace minifi {
// NOTE(fgerlits): these ==/!= operators are in the test file on purpose, and should not be part of production code,
// as they take a varying amount of time depending on which character in the line differs, so they would open up
// our code to timing attacks. If you need == in production code, make sure to compare all pairs of chars/lines.
bool operator==(const PropertiesFile::Line& left, const PropertiesFile::Line& right) { return left.getLine() == right.getLine(); }
namespace encrypt_config {
bool operator!=(const ConfigFile::Line& left, const ConfigFile::Line& right) { return !(left == right); }
bool operator==(const ConfigFile& left, const ConfigFile& right) { return left.lines_ == right.lines_; }
bool operator!=(const ConfigFile& left, const ConfigFile& right) { return !(left == right); }
} // namespace encrypt_config
} // namespace minifi
} // namespace nifi
} // namespace apache
} // namespace org
TEST_CASE("ConfigFileEncryptor can encrypt the sensitive properties", "[encrypt-config][encryptSensitivePropertiesInFile]") {
utils::crypto::Bytes KEY = utils::crypto::stringToBytes(utils::StringUtils::from_base64(
SECTION("default properties") {
ConfigFile test_file{std::ifstream{"resources/"}};
std::string original_password = test_file.getValue("").value();
uint32_t num_properties_encrypted = encryptSensitivePropertiesInFile(test_file, KEY);
REQUIRE(num_properties_encrypted == 1);
REQUIRE(test_file.size() == 102);
REQUIRE(check_encryption(test_file, "", original_password.length()));
SECTION("calling encryptSensitiveProperties a second time does nothing") {
ConfigFile test_file_copy = test_file;
uint32_t num_properties_encrypted = encryptSensitivePropertiesInFile(test_file, KEY);
REQUIRE(num_properties_encrypted == 0);
REQUIRE(test_file == test_file_copy);
SECTION("if you reset the password, it will get encrypted again") {
test_file.update("", original_password);
SECTION("remove the .protected property") {
int num_lines_removed = test_file.erase("");
REQUIRE(num_lines_removed == 1);
SECTION("change the value of the .protected property to blank") {
test_file.update("", "");
SECTION("change the value of the .protected property to 'plaintext'") {
test_file.update("", "plaintext");
uint32_t num_properties_encrypted = encryptSensitivePropertiesInFile(test_file, KEY);
REQUIRE(num_properties_encrypted == 1);
REQUIRE(check_encryption(test_file, "", original_password.length()));
SECTION("with additional properties") {
ConfigFile test_file{std::ifstream{"resources/"}};
size_t original_file_size = test_file.size();
std::string original_c2_enable = test_file.getValue("nifi.c2.enable").value();
std::string original_flow_config_file = test_file.getValue("nifi.flow.configuration.file").value();
std::string original_password = test_file.getValue("").value();
std::string original_pass_phrase = test_file.getValue("").value();
uint32_t num_properties_encrypted = encryptSensitivePropertiesInFile(test_file, KEY);
REQUIRE(num_properties_encrypted == 4);
REQUIRE(test_file.size() == original_file_size + 4);
REQUIRE(check_encryption(test_file, "nifi.c2.enable", original_c2_enable.length()));
REQUIRE(check_encryption(test_file, "nifi.flow.configuration.file", original_flow_config_file.length()));
REQUIRE(check_encryption(test_file, "", original_password.length()));
REQUIRE(check_encryption(test_file, "", original_pass_phrase.length()));