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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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#include "utils/EncryptionUtils.h"
#include "utils/StringUtils.h"
#include "../TestBase.h"
namespace utils = org::apache::nifi::minifi::utils;
namespace {
const utils::crypto::Bytes SECRET_KEY = utils::crypto::stringToBytes(utils::StringUtils::from_hex(
const utils::crypto::Bytes NONCE = utils::crypto::stringToBytes(utils::StringUtils::from_base64(
} // namespace
TEST_CASE("EncryptionUtils can do a simple encryption", "[encryptRaw]") {
utils::crypto::Bytes plaintext = utils::crypto::stringToBytes("the attack begins at two");
utils::crypto::Bytes output = utils::crypto::encryptRaw(plaintext, SECRET_KEY, NONCE);
REQUIRE(output.size() == plaintext.size() + utils::crypto::EncryptionType::macLength());
REQUIRE(utils::StringUtils::to_base64(output) == "x3WIHJGb+7hGlfIQd3gz8zw11EP0uFh9Ml1XBEAPCX5OTKqWcY+o+Q==");
TEST_CASE("EncryptionUtils can do a simple decryption", "[decryptRaw]") {
utils::crypto::Bytes ciphertext_plus_mac = utils::crypto::stringToBytes(utils::StringUtils::from_base64(
utils::crypto::Bytes output = utils::crypto::decryptRaw(ciphertext_plus_mac, SECRET_KEY, NONCE);
REQUIRE(utils::crypto::bytesToString(output) == "the attack begins at two");
TEST_CASE("EncryptionUtils can generate random bytes", "[randomBytes][generateKey]") {
std::function<utils::crypto::Bytes()> randomFunction;
SECTION("generateKey() can generate random bytes") {
randomFunction = utils::crypto::generateKey;
SECTION("randomBytes() can generate random bytes") {
randomFunction = [](){ return utils::crypto::randomBytes(32); };
utils::crypto::Bytes random_bytes = randomFunction();
REQUIRE(random_bytes.size() == 32);
// the following assertions will fail about once in every hundred and fifteen quattuorvigintillion runs,
// which is much less likely than a test failure caused by a meteor strike destroying your computer
auto is_zero = [](unsigned char byte) { return byte == 0; };
REQUIRE_FALSE(std::all_of(random_bytes.begin(), random_bytes.end(), is_zero));
utils::crypto::Bytes different_random_bytes = randomFunction();
REQUIRE(random_bytes != different_random_bytes);
TEST_CASE("EncryptionUtils can encrypt and decrypt strings using the simplified interface", "[encrypt][decrypt]") {
utils::crypto::Bytes key = utils::crypto::generateKey();
std::string plaintext = "my social security number is 914-52-5373";
const auto base64_length = [](int raw_length) { return (raw_length + 2) / 3 * 4; };
std::string encrypted_text = utils::crypto::encrypt(plaintext, key);
REQUIRE(encrypted_text.size() ==
base64_length(utils::crypto::EncryptionType::nonceLength()) +
utils::crypto::EncryptionType::separator().size() +
base64_length(plaintext.size() + utils::crypto::EncryptionType::macLength()));
std::string decrypted_text = utils::crypto::decrypt(encrypted_text, key);
REQUIRE(decrypted_text == plaintext);