blob: 056fd9eb6b318a84272ea0424d608d5dd01bb36b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "sitetosite/SiteToSiteClient.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
namespace org {
namespace apache {
namespace nifi {
namespace minifi {
namespace sitetosite {
int SiteToSiteClient::readResponse(const std::shared_ptr<Transaction> &transaction, RespondCode &code, std::string &message) {
uint8_t firstByte;
int ret = peer_->read(firstByte);
if (ret <= 0 || firstByte != CODE_SEQUENCE_VALUE_1)
return -1;
uint8_t secondByte;
ret = peer_->read(secondByte);
if (ret <= 0 || secondByte != CODE_SEQUENCE_VALUE_2)
return -1;
uint8_t thirdByte;
ret = peer_->read(thirdByte);
if (ret <= 0)
return ret;
code = (RespondCode) thirdByte;
RespondCodeContext *resCode = this->getRespondCodeContext(code);
if (resCode == NULL) {
// Not a valid respond code
return -1;
if (resCode->hasDescription) {
ret = peer_->readUTF(message);
if (ret <= 0)
return -1;
return 3 + message.size();
void SiteToSiteClient::deleteTransaction(std::string transactionID) {
std::shared_ptr<Transaction> transaction = NULL;
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Transaction> >::iterator it = this->known_transactions_.find(transactionID);
if (it == known_transactions_.end()) {
} else {
transaction = it->second;
logger_->log_debug("Site2Site delete transaction %s", transaction->getUUIDStr());
int SiteToSiteClient::writeResponse(const std::shared_ptr<Transaction> &transaction, RespondCode code, std::string message) {
RespondCodeContext *resCode = this->getRespondCodeContext(code);
if (resCode == NULL) {
// Not a valid respond code
return -1;
uint8_t codeSeq[3];
codeSeq[2] = (uint8_t) code;
int ret = peer_->write(codeSeq, 3);
if (ret != 3)
return -1;
if (resCode->hasDescription) {
ret = peer_->writeUTF(message);
if (ret > 0) {
return (3 + ret);
} else {
return ret;
} else {
return 3;
bool SiteToSiteClient::transferFlowFiles(const std::shared_ptr<core::ProcessContext> &context, const std::shared_ptr<core::ProcessSession> &session) {
std::shared_ptr<FlowFileRecord> flow = std::static_pointer_cast<FlowFileRecord>(session->get());
std::shared_ptr<Transaction> transaction = NULL;
if (!flow) {
return false;
if (peer_state_ != READY) {
if (!bootstrap())
return false;
if (peer_state_ != READY) {
throw Exception(SITE2SITE_EXCEPTION, "Can not establish handshake with peer");
// Create the transaction
std::string transactionID;
transaction = createTransaction(transactionID, SEND);
if (transaction == NULL) {
throw Exception(SITE2SITE_EXCEPTION, "Can not create transaction");
bool continueTransaction = true;
uint64_t startSendingNanos = getTimeNano();
try {
while (continueTransaction) {
uint64_t startTime = getTimeMillis();
std::string payload;
DataPacket packet(getLogger(), transaction, flow->getAttributes(), payload);
int16_t resp = send(transactionID, &packet, flow, session);
if (resp == -1) {
throw Exception(SITE2SITE_EXCEPTION, "Send Failed");
logger_->log_debug("Site2Site transaction %s send flow record %s", transactionID, flow->getUUIDStr());
if (resp == 0) {
uint64_t endTime = getTimeMillis();
std::string transitUri = peer_->getURL() + "/" + flow->getUUIDStr();
std::string details = "urn:nifi:" + flow->getUUIDStr() + "Remote Host=" + peer_->getHostName();
session->getProvenanceReporter()->send(flow, transitUri, details, endTime - startTime, false);
uint64_t transferNanos = getTimeNano() - startSendingNanos;
if (transferNanos > _batchSendNanos)
flow = std::static_pointer_cast<FlowFileRecord>(session->get());
if (!flow) {
continueTransaction = false;
} // while true
if (!confirm(transactionID)) {
throw Exception(SITE2SITE_EXCEPTION, "Confirm Failed for " + transactionID);
if (!complete(transactionID)) {
throw Exception(SITE2SITE_EXCEPTION, "Complete Failed for " + transactionID);
logger_->log_debug("Site2Site transaction %s successfully sent flow record %d, content bytes %llu", transactionID, transaction->total_transfers_, transaction->_bytes);
} catch (std::exception &exception) {
if (transaction)
logger_->log_debug("Caught Exception %s", exception.what());
} catch (...) {
if (transaction)
logger_->log_debug("Caught Exception during SiteToSiteClient::transferFlowFiles");
return true;
bool SiteToSiteClient::confirm(std::string transactionID) {
int ret;
std::shared_ptr<Transaction> transaction = NULL;
if (peer_state_ != READY) {
if (peer_state_ != READY) {
return false;
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Transaction> >::iterator it = this->known_transactions_.find(transactionID);
if (it == known_transactions_.end()) {
return false;
transaction = it->second;
if (transaction->getState() == TRANSACTION_STARTED && !transaction->isDataAvailable() &&
transaction->getDirection() == RECEIVE) {
transaction->_state = TRANSACTION_CONFIRMED;
return true;
if (transaction->getState() != DATA_EXCHANGED) {
return false;
if (transaction->getDirection() == RECEIVE) {
if (transaction->isDataAvailable()) {
return false;
// we received a FINISH_TRANSACTION indicator. Send back a CONFIRM_TRANSACTION message
// to peer so that we can verify that the connection is still open. This is a two-phase commit,
// which helps to prevent the chances of data duplication. Without doing this, we may commit the
// session and then when we send the response back to the peer, the peer may have timed out and may not
// be listening. As a result, it will re-send the data. By doing this two-phase commit, we narrow the
// Critical Section involved in this transaction so that rather than the Critical Section being the
// time window involved in the entire transaction, it is reduced to a simple round-trip conversation.
uint64_t crcValue = transaction->getCRC();
std::string crc = std::to_string(crcValue);
logger_->log_debug("Site2Site Receive confirm with CRC %llu to transaction %s", crcValue, transactionID);
ret = writeResponse(transaction, CONFIRM_TRANSACTION, crc);
if (ret <= 0)
return false;
RespondCode code;
std::string message;
readResponse(transaction, code, message);
if (ret <= 0)
return false;
logger_->log_debug("Site2Site transaction %s peer confirm transaction", transactionID);
transaction->_state = TRANSACTION_CONFIRMED;
return true;
} else if (code == BAD_CHECKSUM) {
logger_->log_debug("Site2Site transaction %s peer indicate bad checksum", transactionID);
return false;
} else {
logger_->log_debug("Site2Site transaction %s peer unknown response code %d", transactionID, code);
return false;
} else {
logger_->log_debug("Site2Site Send FINISH TRANSACTION for transaction %s", transactionID);
ret = writeResponse(transaction, FINISH_TRANSACTION, "FINISH_TRANSACTION");
if (ret <= 0) {
return false;
RespondCode code;
std::string message;
readResponse(transaction, code, message);
// we've sent a FINISH_TRANSACTION. Now we'll wait for the peer to send a 'Confirm Transaction' response
logger_->log_debug("Site2Site transaction %s peer confirm transaction with CRC %s", transactionID, message);
if (this->_currentVersion > 3) {
uint64_t crcValue = transaction->getCRC();
std::string crc = std::to_string(crcValue);
if (message == crc) {
logger_->log_debug("Site2Site transaction %s CRC matched", transactionID);
ret = writeResponse(transaction, CONFIRM_TRANSACTION, "CONFIRM_TRANSACTION");
if (ret <= 0)
return false;
transaction->_state = TRANSACTION_CONFIRMED;
return true;
} else {
logger_->log_debug("Site2Site transaction %s CRC not matched %s", transactionID, crc);
ret = writeResponse(transaction, BAD_CHECKSUM, "BAD_CHECKSUM");
return false;
ret = writeResponse(transaction, CONFIRM_TRANSACTION, "CONFIRM_TRANSACTION");
if (ret <= 0)
return false;
transaction->_state = TRANSACTION_CONFIRMED;
return true;
} else {
logger_->log_debug("Site2Site transaction %s peer unknown respond code %d", transactionID, code);
return false;
return false;
void SiteToSiteClient::cancel(std::string transactionID) {
std::shared_ptr<Transaction> transaction = NULL;
if (peer_state_ != READY) {
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Transaction> >::iterator it = this->known_transactions_.find(transactionID);
if (it == known_transactions_.end()) {
} else {
transaction = it->second;
if (transaction->getState() == TRANSACTION_CANCELED || transaction->getState() == TRANSACTION_COMPLETED || transaction->getState() == TRANSACTION_ERROR) {
this->writeResponse(transaction, CANCEL_TRANSACTION, "Cancel");
transaction->_state = TRANSACTION_CANCELED;
void SiteToSiteClient::error(std::string transactionID) {
std::shared_ptr<Transaction> transaction = NULL;
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Transaction> >::iterator it = this->known_transactions_.find(transactionID);
if (it == known_transactions_.end()) {
} else {
transaction = it->second;
transaction->_state = TRANSACTION_ERROR;
// Complete the transaction
bool SiteToSiteClient::complete(std::string transactionID) {
int ret;
std::shared_ptr<Transaction> transaction = NULL;
if (peer_state_ != READY) {
if (peer_state_ != READY) {
return false;
auto it = this->known_transactions_.find(transactionID);
if (it == known_transactions_.end()) {
return false;
} else {
transaction = it->second;
if (transaction->total_transfers_ > 0 && transaction->getState() != TRANSACTION_CONFIRMED) {
return false;
if (transaction->getDirection() == RECEIVE) {
if (transaction->current_transfers_ == 0) {
transaction->_state = TRANSACTION_COMPLETED;
return true;
} else {
logger_->log_debug("Site2Site transaction %s receive finished", transactionID);
ret = this->writeResponse(transaction, TRANSACTION_FINISHED, "Finished");
if (ret <= 0) {
return false;
} else {
transaction->_state = TRANSACTION_COMPLETED;
return true;
} else {
RespondCode code;
std::string message;
int ret;
ret = readResponse(transaction, code, message);
if (ret <= 0)
return false;
logger_->log_info("Site2Site transaction %s peer finished transaction", transactionID);
transaction->_state = TRANSACTION_COMPLETED;
return true;
} else {
logger_->log_warn("Site2Site transaction %s peer unknown respond code %d", transactionID, code);
return false;
int16_t SiteToSiteClient::send(std::string transactionID, DataPacket *packet, const std::shared_ptr<FlowFileRecord> &flowFile, const std::shared_ptr<core::ProcessSession> &session) {
int ret;
if (peer_state_ != READY) {
if (peer_state_ != READY) {
return -1;
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Transaction> >::iterator it = this->known_transactions_.find(transactionID);
if (it == known_transactions_.end()) {
return -1;
std::shared_ptr<Transaction> transaction = it->second;
if (transaction->getState() != TRANSACTION_STARTED && transaction->getState() != DATA_EXCHANGED) {
logger_->log_warn("Site2Site transaction %s is not at started or exchanged state", transactionID);
return -1;
if (transaction->getDirection() != SEND) {
logger_->log_warn("Site2Site transaction %s direction is wrong", transactionID);
return -1;
if (transaction->current_transfers_ > 0) {
ret = writeResponse(transaction, CONTINUE_TRANSACTION, "CONTINUE_TRANSACTION");
if (ret <= 0) {
return -1;
// start to read the packet
uint32_t numAttributes = packet->_attributes.size();
ret = transaction->getStream().write(numAttributes);
if (ret != 4) {
return -1;
std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator itAttribute;
for (itAttribute = packet->_attributes.begin(); itAttribute != packet->_attributes.end(); itAttribute++) {
ret = transaction->getStream().writeUTF(itAttribute->first, true);
if (ret <= 0) {
return -1;
ret = transaction->getStream().writeUTF(itAttribute->second, true);
if (ret <= 0) {
return -1;
logger_->log_debug("Site2Site transaction %s send attribute key %s value %s", transactionID, itAttribute->first, itAttribute->second);
bool flowfile_has_content = (flowFile != nullptr);
if (flowFile && (flowFile->getResourceClaim() == nullptr || !flowFile->getResourceClaim()->exists())) {
auto path = flowFile->getResourceClaim() != nullptr ? flowFile->getResourceClaim()->getContentFullPath() : "nullclaim";
logger_->log_debug("Claim %s does not exist for FlowFile %s", path, flowFile->getUUIDStr());
flowfile_has_content = false;
uint64_t len = 0;
if (flowFile && flowfile_has_content) {
len = flowFile->getSize();
ret = transaction->getStream().write(len);
if (ret != 8) {
logger_->log_debug("Failed to write content size!");
return -1;
if (flowFile->getSize() > 0) {
sitetosite::ReadCallback callback(packet);
session->read(flowFile, &callback);
if (flowFile->getSize() != packet->_size) {
logger_->log_debug("Mismatched sizes %llu %llu", flowFile->getSize(), packet->_size);
return -2;
if (packet->payload_.length() == 0 && len == 0) {
if (flowFile->getResourceClaim() == nullptr)
logger_->log_trace("no claim");
logger_->log_trace("Flowfile empty %s", flowFile->getResourceClaim()->getContentFullPath());
} else if (packet->payload_.length() > 0) {
len = packet->payload_.length();
ret = transaction->getStream().write(len);
if (ret != 8) {
return -1;
ret = transaction->getStream().writeData(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(const_cast<char*>(packet->payload_.c_str())), len);
if (ret != (int64_t)len) {
logger_->log_debug("Failed to write payload size!");
return -1;
packet->_size += len;
} else if (flowFile && !flowfile_has_content) {
ret = transaction->getStream().write(len); // Indicate zero length
if (ret != 8) {
logger_->log_debug("Failed to write content size (0)!");
return -1;
transaction->_state = DATA_EXCHANGED;
transaction->_bytes += len;
logging::LOG_INFO(logger_) << "Site to Site transaction " << transactionID << " sent flow " << transaction->total_transfers_
<< "flow records, with total size " << transaction->_bytes;
return 0;
bool SiteToSiteClient::receive(std::string transactionID, DataPacket *packet, bool &eof) {
int ret;
std::shared_ptr<Transaction> transaction = NULL;
if (peer_state_ != READY) {
if (peer_state_ != READY) {
return false;
auto it = this->known_transactions_.find(transactionID);
if (it == known_transactions_.end()) {
return false;
transaction = it->second;
if (transaction->getState() != TRANSACTION_STARTED && transaction->getState() != DATA_EXCHANGED) {
logger_->log_warn("Site2Site transaction %s is not at started or exchanged state", transactionID);
return false;
if (transaction->getDirection() != RECEIVE) {
logger_->log_warn("Site2Site transaction %s direction is wrong", transactionID);
return false;
if (!transaction->isDataAvailable()) {
eof = true;
return true;
if (transaction->current_transfers_ > 0) {
// if we already has transfer before, check to see whether another one is available
RespondCode code;
std::string message;
ret = readResponse(transaction, code, message);
if (ret <= 0) {
return false;
logger_->log_debug("Site2Site transaction %s peer indicate continue transaction", transactionID);
transaction->_dataAvailable = true;
} else if (code == FINISH_TRANSACTION) {
logger_->log_debug("Site2Site transaction %s peer indicate finish transaction", transactionID);
transaction->_dataAvailable = false;
eof = true;
return true;
} else {
logger_->log_debug("Site2Site transaction %s peer indicate wrong respond code %d", transactionID, code);
return false;
if (!transaction->isDataAvailable()) {
logger_->log_debug("No data is available");
eof = true;
return true;
// start to read the packet
uint32_t numAttributes;
ret = transaction->getStream().read(numAttributes);
if (ret <= 0 || numAttributes > MAX_NUM_ATTRIBUTES) {
return false;
// read the attributes
logger_->log_debug("Site2Site transaction %s receives attribute key %d", transactionID, numAttributes);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numAttributes; i++) {
std::string key;
std::string value;
ret = transaction->getStream().readUTF(key, true);
if (ret <= 0) {
return false;
ret = transaction->getStream().readUTF(value, true);
if (ret <= 0) {
return false;
packet->_attributes[key] = value;
logger_->log_debug("Site2Site transaction %s receives attribute key %s value %s", transactionID, key, value);
uint64_t len;
ret = transaction->getStream().read(len);
if (ret <= 0) {
return false;
packet->_size = len;
if (len > 0 || numAttributes > 0) {
} else {
logger_->log_warn("Site2Site transaction %s empty flow file without attribute", transactionID);
transaction->_dataAvailable = false;
eof = true;
return true;
transaction->_state = DATA_EXCHANGED;
transaction->_bytes += len;
logging::LOG_INFO(logger_) << "Site to Site transaction " << transactionID << " received flow record " << transaction->total_transfers_
<< ", total length " << transaction->_bytes << ", added " << len;
return true;
bool SiteToSiteClient::receiveFlowFiles(const std::shared_ptr<core::ProcessContext> &context, const std::shared_ptr<core::ProcessSession> &session) {
uint64_t bytes = 0;
int transfers = 0;
std::shared_ptr<Transaction> transaction = NULL;
if (peer_state_ != READY) {
if (!bootstrap()) {
return false;
if (peer_state_ != READY) {
throw Exception(SITE2SITE_EXCEPTION, "Can not establish handshake with peer");
// Create the transaction
std::string transactionID;
transaction = createTransaction(transactionID, RECEIVE);
if (transaction == NULL) {
throw Exception(SITE2SITE_EXCEPTION, "Can not create transaction");
try {
while (true) {
std::map<std::string, std::string> empty;
uint64_t startTime = getTimeMillis();
std::string payload;
DataPacket packet(getLogger(), transaction, empty, payload);
bool eof = false;
if (!receive(transactionID, &packet, eof)) {
throw Exception(SITE2SITE_EXCEPTION, "Receive Failed " + transactionID);
if (eof) {
// transaction done
std::shared_ptr<FlowFileRecord> flowFile = std::static_pointer_cast<FlowFileRecord>(session->create());
if (!flowFile) {
throw Exception(SITE2SITE_EXCEPTION, "Flow File Creation Failed");
std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it;
std::string sourceIdentifier;
for (it = packet._attributes.begin(); it != packet._attributes.end(); it++) {
if (it->first == FlowAttributeKey(UUID))
sourceIdentifier = it->second;
flowFile->addAttribute(it->first, it->second);
if (packet._size > 0) {
sitetosite::WriteCallback callback(&packet);
session->write(flowFile, &callback);
if (flowFile->getSize() != packet._size) {
std::stringstream message;
message << "Receive size not correct, expected to send " << flowFile->getSize() << " bytes, but actually sent " << packet._size;
throw Exception(SITE2SITE_EXCEPTION, message.str());
} else {
logger_->log_debug("received %llu with expected %llu", flowFile->getSize(), packet._size);
core::Relationship relation; // undefined relationship
uint64_t endTime = getTimeMillis();
std::string transitUri = peer_->getURL() + "/" + sourceIdentifier;
std::string details = "urn:nifi:" + sourceIdentifier + "Remote Host=" + peer_->getHostName();
session->getProvenanceReporter()->receive(flowFile, transitUri, sourceIdentifier, details, endTime - startTime);
session->transfer(flowFile, relation);
// receive the transfer for the flow record
bytes += packet._size;
} // while true
if (transfers > 0 && !confirm(transactionID)) {
throw Exception(SITE2SITE_EXCEPTION, "Confirm Transaction Failed");
if (!complete(transactionID)) {
std::stringstream transaction_str;
transaction_str << "Complete Transaction " << transactionID << " Failed";
throw Exception(SITE2SITE_EXCEPTION, transaction_str.str());
logging::LOG_INFO(logger_) << "Site to Site transaction " << transactionID << " received flow record " << transfers
<< ", with content size " << bytes << " bytes";
// we yield the receive if we did not get anything
if (transfers == 0)
} catch (std::exception &exception) {
if (transaction)
logger_->log_warn("Caught Exception %s", exception.what());
} catch (...) {
if (transaction)
logger_->log_warn("Caught Exception during RawSiteToSiteClient::receiveFlowFiles");
return true;
} /* namespace sitetosite */
} /* namespace minifi */
} /* namespace nifi */
} /* namespace apache */
} /* namespace org */