blob: 5e246d8bcdd4892713b51d2719c966c4efd2bf49 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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#include "core/yaml/YamlConnectionParser.h"
#include "core/yaml/CheckRequiredField.h"
namespace org::apache::nifi::minifi::core::yaml {
void YamlConnectionParser::addNewRelationshipToConnection(const std::string& relationship_name, minifi::Connection& connection) const {
core::Relationship relationship(relationship_name, "");
logger_->log_debug("parseConnection: relationship => [%s]", relationship_name);
void YamlConnectionParser::addFunnelRelationshipToConnection(minifi::Connection& connection) const {
utils::Identifier srcUUID;
try {
srcUUID = getSourceUUIDFromYaml();
} catch(const std::exception&) {
auto processor = parent_->findProcessorById(srcUUID);
if (!processor) {
logger_->log_error("Could not find processor with id %s", srcUUID.to_string());
auto& processor_ref = *processor;
if (typeid(minifi::core::Funnel) == typeid(processor_ref)) {
addNewRelationshipToConnection(minifi::core::Funnel::Success.getName(), connection);
void YamlConnectionParser::configureConnectionSourceRelationshipsFromYaml(minifi::Connection& connection) const {
// Configure connection source
if (<YAML::Node>()["source relationship name"] && !connectionNode_["source relationship name"].as<std::string>().empty()) {
addNewRelationshipToConnection(connectionNode_["source relationship name"].as<std::string>(), connection);
} else if (<YAML::Node>()["source relationship names"]) {
auto relList = connectionNode_["source relationship names"];
if (relList.IsSequence() && relList.begin() != relList.end()) {
for (const auto &rel : relList) {
addNewRelationshipToConnection(<std::string>(), connection);
} else if (!relList.IsSequence() && !<std::string>().empty()) {
addNewRelationshipToConnection(<std::string>(), connection);
} else {
} else {
uint64_t YamlConnectionParser::getWorkQueueSizeFromYaml() const {
const YAML::Node max_work_queue_data_size_node = connectionNode_["max work queue size"];
if (max_work_queue_data_size_node) {
auto max_work_queue_str =<std::string>();
uint64_t max_work_queue_size;
if (core::Property::StringToInt(max_work_queue_str, max_work_queue_size)) {
logger_->log_debug("Setting %" PRIu64 " as the max queue size.", max_work_queue_size);
return max_work_queue_size;
logger_->log_error("Invalid max queue size value: %s.", max_work_queue_str);
return 0;
uint64_t YamlConnectionParser::getWorkQueueDataSizeFromYaml() const {
const YAML::Node max_work_queue_data_size_node = connectionNode_["max work queue data size"];
if (max_work_queue_data_size_node) {
auto max_work_queue_str =<std::string>();
uint64_t max_work_queue_data_size = 0;
if (core::Property::StringToInt(max_work_queue_str, max_work_queue_data_size)) {
logger_->log_debug("Setting %" PRIu64 "as the max as the max queue data size.", max_work_queue_data_size);
return max_work_queue_data_size;
logger_->log_error("Invalid max queue data size value: %s.", max_work_queue_str);
return 0;
uint64_t YamlConnectionParser::getSwapThresholdFromYaml() const {
const YAML::Node swap_threshold_node = connectionNode_["swap threshold"];
if (swap_threshold_node) {
auto swap_threshold_str =<std::string>();
uint64_t swap_threshold;
if (core::Property::StringToInt(swap_threshold_str, swap_threshold)) {
logger_->log_debug("Setting %" PRIu64 " as the swap threshold.", swap_threshold);
return swap_threshold;
logger_->log_error("Invalid swap threshold value: %s.", swap_threshold_str);
return 0;
utils::Identifier YamlConnectionParser::getSourceUUIDFromYaml() const {
const YAML::Node source_id_node = connectionNode_["source id"];
if (source_id_node) {
const auto srcUUID = utils::Identifier::parse(<std::string>());
if (srcUUID) {
logger_->log_debug("Using 'source id' to match source with same id for connection '%s': source id => [%s]", name_, srcUUID.value().to_string());
return srcUUID.value();
logger_->log_error("Invalid source id value: %s.",<std::string>());
throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid source id");
// if we don't have a source id, try to resolve using source name. config schema v2 will make this unnecessary
checkRequiredField(connectionNode_, "source name", CONFIG_YAML_CONNECTIONS_KEY);
const auto connectionSrcProcName = connectionNode_["source name"].as<std::string>();
const auto srcUUID = utils::Identifier::parse(connectionSrcProcName);
if (srcUUID && parent_->findProcessorById(srcUUID.value(), ProcessGroup::Traverse::ExcludeChildren)) {
// the source name is a remote port id, so use that as the source id
logger_->log_debug("Using 'source name' containing a remote port id to match the source for connection '%s': source name => [%s]", name_, connectionSrcProcName);
return srcUUID.value();
// lastly, look the processor up by name
auto srcProcessor = parent_->findProcessorByName(connectionSrcProcName, ProcessGroup::Traverse::ExcludeChildren);
if (srcProcessor) {
logger_->log_debug("Using 'source name' to match source with same name for connection '%s': source name => [%s]", name_, connectionSrcProcName);
return srcProcessor->getUUID();
// we ran out of ways to discover the source processor
const std::string error_msg = "Could not locate a source with name " + connectionSrcProcName + " to create a connection ";
throw std::invalid_argument(error_msg);
utils::Identifier YamlConnectionParser::getDestinationUUIDFromYaml() const {
const YAML::Node destination_id_node = connectionNode_["destination id"];
if (destination_id_node) {
const auto destUUID = utils::Identifier::parse(<std::string>());
if (destUUID) {
logger_->log_debug("Using 'destination id' to match destination with same id for connection '%s': destination id => [%s]", name_, destUUID.value().to_string());
return destUUID.value();
logger_->log_error("Invalid destination id value: %s.",<std::string>());
throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid destination id");
// we use the same logic as above for resolving the source processor
// for looking up the destination processor in absence of a processor id
checkRequiredField(connectionNode_, "destination name", CONFIG_YAML_CONNECTIONS_KEY);
auto connectionDestProcName = connectionNode_["destination name"].as<std::string>();
const auto destUUID = utils::Identifier::parse(connectionDestProcName);
if (destUUID && parent_->findProcessorById(destUUID.value(), ProcessGroup::Traverse::ExcludeChildren)) {
// the destination name is a remote port id, so use that as the dest id
logger_->log_debug("Using 'destination name' containing a remote port id to match the destination for connection '%s': destination name => [%s]", name_, connectionDestProcName);
return destUUID.value();
// look the processor up by name
auto destProcessor = parent_->findProcessorByName(connectionDestProcName, ProcessGroup::Traverse::ExcludeChildren);
if (destProcessor) {
logger_->log_debug("Using 'destination name' to match destination with same name for connection '%s': destination name => [%s]", name_, connectionDestProcName);
return destProcessor->getUUID();
// we ran out of ways to discover the destination processor
const std::string error_msg = "Could not locate a destination with name " + connectionDestProcName + " to create a connection";
throw std::invalid_argument(error_msg);
std::chrono::milliseconds YamlConnectionParser::getFlowFileExpirationFromYaml() const {
using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals;
const YAML::Node expiration_node = connectionNode_["flowfile expiration"];
if (!expiration_node) {
logger_->log_debug("parseConnection: flowfile expiration is not set, assuming 0 (never expire)");
return 0ms;
auto expiration_duration = utils::timeutils::StringToDuration<std::chrono::milliseconds>(<std::string>());
if (!expiration_duration.has_value()) {
// We should throw here, but we do not.
// The reason is that our parser only accepts time formats that consists of a number and
// a unit, but users might use this field populated with a "0" (and no units).
// We cannot correct this, because there is no API contract for the config, we need to support
// all already-supported configuration files.
// This has the side-effect of allowing values like "20 minuites" and silently defaulting to 0.
logger_->log_debug("Parsing failure for flowfile expiration duration");
expiration_duration = 0ms;
logger_->log_debug("parseConnection: flowfile expiration => [%d]", expiration_duration->count());
return *expiration_duration;
bool YamlConnectionParser::getDropEmptyFromYaml() const {
const YAML::Node drop_empty_node = connectionNode_["drop empty"];
if (drop_empty_node) {
return utils::StringUtils::toBool(<std::string>()).value_or(false);
return false;
} // namespace org::apache::nifi::minifi::core::yaml