blob: 740f51268efb7c63c27b511ea7662bccdf07ad66 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
package org.rocksdb;
import java.util.List;
* Database with TTL support.
* <p><strong>Use case</strong></p>
* <p>This API should be used to open the db when key-values inserted are
* meant to be removed from the db in a non-strict 'ttl' amount of time
* Therefore, this guarantees that key-values inserted will remain in the
* db for &gt;= ttl amount of time and the db will make efforts to remove the
* key-values as soon as possible after ttl seconds of their insertion.
* </p>
* <p><strong>Behaviour</strong></p>
* <p>TTL is accepted in seconds
* (int32_t)Timestamp(creation) is suffixed to values in Put internally
* Expired TTL values deleted in compaction only:(Timestamp+ttl&lt;time_now)
* Get/Iterator may return expired entries(compaction not run on them yet)
* Different TTL may be used during different Opens
* </p>
* <p><strong>Example</strong></p>
* <ul>
* <li>Open1 at t=0 with ttl=4 and insert k1,k2, close at t=2</li>
* <li>Open2 at t=3 with ttl=5. Now k1,k2 should be deleted at t&gt;=5</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* read_only=true opens in the usual read-only mode. Compactions will not be
* triggered(neither manual nor automatic), so no expired entries removed
* </p>
* <p><strong>Constraints</strong></p>
* <p>Not specifying/passing or non-positive TTL behaves
* like TTL = infinity</p>
* <p><strong>!!!WARNING!!!</strong></p>
* <p>Calling DB::Open directly to re-open a db created by this API will get
* corrupt values(timestamp suffixed) and no ttl effect will be there
* during the second Open, so use this API consistently to open the db
* Be careful when passing ttl with a small positive value because the
* whole database may be deleted in a small amount of time.</p>
public class TtlDB extends RocksDB {
* <p>Opens a TtlDB.</p>
* <p>Database is opened in read-write mode without default TTL.</p>
* @param options {@link org.rocksdb.Options} instance.
* @param db_path path to database.
* @return TtlDB instance.
* @throws RocksDBException thrown if an error occurs within the native
* part of the library.
public static TtlDB open(final Options options, final String db_path)
throws RocksDBException {
return open(options, db_path, 0, false);
* <p>Opens a TtlDB.</p>
* @param options {@link org.rocksdb.Options} instance.
* @param db_path path to database.
* @param ttl time to live for new entries.
* @param readOnly boolean value indicating if database if db is
* opened read-only.
* @return TtlDB instance.
* @throws RocksDBException thrown if an error occurs within the native
* part of the library.
public static TtlDB open(final Options options, final String db_path,
final int ttl, final boolean readOnly) throws RocksDBException {
return new TtlDB(open(options.nativeHandle_, db_path, ttl, readOnly));
* <p>Opens a TtlDB.</p>
* @param options {@link org.rocksdb.Options} instance.
* @param db_path path to database.
* @param columnFamilyDescriptors list of column family descriptors
* @param columnFamilyHandles will be filled with ColumnFamilyHandle instances
* on open.
* @param ttlValues time to live values per column family handle
* @param readOnly boolean value indicating if database if db is
* opened read-only.
* @return TtlDB instance.
* @throws RocksDBException thrown if an error occurs within the native
* part of the library.
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException when there is not a ttl value
* per given column family handle.
public static TtlDB open(final DBOptions options, final String db_path,
final List<ColumnFamilyDescriptor> columnFamilyDescriptors,
final List<ColumnFamilyHandle> columnFamilyHandles,
final List<Integer> ttlValues, final boolean readOnly)
throws RocksDBException {
if (columnFamilyDescriptors.size() != ttlValues.size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("There must be a ttl value per column"
+ "family handle.");
final byte[][] cfNames = new byte[columnFamilyDescriptors.size()][];
final long[] cfOptionHandles = new long[columnFamilyDescriptors.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < columnFamilyDescriptors.size(); i++) {
final ColumnFamilyDescriptor cfDescriptor =
cfNames[i] = cfDescriptor.columnFamilyName();
cfOptionHandles[i] = cfDescriptor.columnFamilyOptions().nativeHandle_;
final int ttlVals[] = new int[ttlValues.size()];
for(int i = 0; i < ttlValues.size(); i++) {
ttlVals[i] = ttlValues.get(i);
final long[] handles = openCF(options.nativeHandle_, db_path,
cfNames, cfOptionHandles, ttlVals, readOnly);
final TtlDB ttlDB = new TtlDB(handles[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < handles.length; i++) {
columnFamilyHandles.add(new ColumnFamilyHandle(ttlDB, handles[i]));
return ttlDB;
* <p>Creates a new ttl based column family with a name defined
* in given ColumnFamilyDescriptor and allocates a
* ColumnFamilyHandle within an internal structure.</p>
* <p>The ColumnFamilyHandle is automatically disposed with DB
* disposal.</p>
* @param columnFamilyDescriptor column family to be created.
* @param ttl TTL to set for this column family.
* @return {@link org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyHandle} instance.
* @throws RocksDBException thrown if error happens in underlying
* native library.
public ColumnFamilyHandle createColumnFamilyWithTtl(
final ColumnFamilyDescriptor columnFamilyDescriptor,
final int ttl) throws RocksDBException {
return new ColumnFamilyHandle(this,
columnFamilyDescriptor.columnFamilyOptions().nativeHandle_, ttl));
* <p>Close the TtlDB instance and release resource.</p>
* <p>Internally, TtlDB owns the {@code rocksdb::DB} pointer
* to its associated {@link org.rocksdb.RocksDB}. The release
* of that RocksDB pointer is handled in the destructor of the
* c++ {@code rocksdb::TtlDB} and should be transparent to
* Java developers.</p>
public void close() {
* <p>A protected constructor that will be used in the static
* factory method
* {@link #open(Options, String, int, boolean)}
* and
* {@link #open(DBOptions, String, java.util.List, java.util.List,
* java.util.List, boolean)}.
* </p>
* @param nativeHandle The native handle of the C++ TtlDB object
protected TtlDB(final long nativeHandle) {
@Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
close(); //TODO(AR) revisit here when implementing AutoCloseable
private native static long open(final long optionsHandle,
final String db_path, final int ttl, final boolean readOnly)
throws RocksDBException;
private native static long[] openCF(final long optionsHandle,
final String db_path, final byte[][] columnFamilyNames,
final long[] columnFamilyOptions, final int[] ttlValues,
final boolean readOnly) throws RocksDBException;
private native long createColumnFamilyWithTtl(final long handle,
final byte[] columnFamilyName, final long columnFamilyOptions, int ttl)
throws RocksDBException;