blob: a122c3769d8419f5b508799640059093a27e8e0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
package org.rocksdb;
* <p>Base class for slices which will receive
* byte[] based access to the underlying data.</p>
* <p>byte[] backed slices typically perform better with
* small keys and values. When using larger keys and
* values consider using {@link org.rocksdb.DirectSlice}</p>
public class Slice extends AbstractSlice<byte[]> {
* Indicates whether we have to free the memory pointed to by the Slice
private volatile boolean cleared;
private volatile long internalBufferOffset = 0;
* <p>Called from JNI to construct a new Java Slice
* without an underlying C++ object set
* at creation time.</p>
* <p>Note: You should be aware that
* {@see org.rocksdb.RocksObject#disOwnNativeHandle()} is intentionally
* called from the default Slice constructor, and that it is marked as
* private. This is so that developers cannot construct their own default
* Slice objects (at present). As developers cannot construct their own
* Slice objects through this, they are not creating underlying C++ Slice
* objects, and so there is nothing to free (dispose) from Java.</p>
private Slice() {
* <p>Constructs a slice where the data is taken from
* a String.</p>
* @param str String value.
public Slice(final String str) {
* <p>Constructs a slice where the data is a copy of
* the byte array from a specific offset.</p>
* @param data byte array.
* @param offset offset within the byte array.
public Slice(final byte[] data, final int offset) {
super(createNewSlice0(data, offset));
* <p>Constructs a slice where the data is a copy of
* the byte array.</p>
* @param data byte array.
public Slice(final byte[] data) {
public void clear() {
clear0(getNativeHandle(), !cleared, internalBufferOffset);
cleared = true;
public void removePrefix(final int n) {
removePrefix0(getNativeHandle(), n);
this.internalBufferOffset += n;
* <p>Deletes underlying C++ slice pointer
* and any buffered data.</p>
* <p>
* Note that this function should be called only after all
* RocksDB instances referencing the slice are closed.
* Otherwise an undefined behavior will occur.</p>
protected void disposeInternal() {
final long nativeHandle = getNativeHandle();
if(!cleared) {
disposeInternalBuf(nativeHandle, internalBufferOffset);
@Override protected final native byte[] data0(long handle);
private native static long createNewSlice0(final byte[] data,
final int length);
private native static long createNewSlice1(final byte[] data);
private native void clear0(long handle, boolean internalBuffer,
long internalBufferOffset);
private native void removePrefix0(long handle, int length);
private native void disposeInternalBuf(final long handle,
long internalBufferOffset);