blob: 13134d6a49a21cd2ce0fd007ffca04d0ebc06cf0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2013 IBM Corp.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Ian Craggs - initial implementation and documentation
/** @file
* \brief functions which apply to tree structures.
* These trees can hold data of any sort, pointed to by the content pointer of the
* Node structure.
* */
#include "Tree.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "Heap.h"
int isRed(Node* aNode);
int isBlack(Node* aNode);
int TreeWalk(Node* curnode, int depth);
int TreeMaxDepth(Tree *aTree);
void TreeRotate(Tree* aTree, Node* curnode, int direction, int index);
Node* TreeBAASub(Tree* aTree, Node* curnode, int which, int index);
void TreeBalanceAfterAdd(Tree* aTree, Node* curnode, int index);
void* TreeAddByIndex(Tree* aTree, void* content, size_t size, int index);
Node* TreeFindIndex1(Tree* aTree, void* key, int index, int value);
Node* TreeFindContentIndex(Tree* aTree, void* key, int index);
Node* TreeMinimum(Node* curnode);
Node* TreeSuccessor(Node* curnode);
Node* TreeNextElementIndex(Tree* aTree, Node* curnode, int index);
Node* TreeBARSub(Tree* aTree, Node* curnode, int which, int index);
void TreeBalanceAfterRemove(Tree* aTree, Node* curnode, int index);
void* TreeRemoveIndex(Tree* aTree, void* content, int index);
void TreeInitializeNoMalloc(Tree* aTree, int(*compare)(void*, void*, int))
memset(aTree, '\0', sizeof(Tree));
aTree->heap_tracking = 1;
aTree->index[0].compare = compare;
aTree->indexes = 1;
* Allocates and initializes a new tree structure.
* @return a pointer to the new tree structure
Tree* TreeInitialize(int(*compare)(void*, void*, int))
#if defined(UNIT_TESTS)
Tree* newt = malloc(sizeof(Tree));
Tree* newt = mymalloc(__FILE__, __LINE__, sizeof(Tree));
TreeInitializeNoMalloc(newt, compare);
return newt;
void TreeAddIndex(Tree* aTree, int(*compare)(void*, void*, int))
aTree->index[aTree->indexes].compare = compare;
void TreeFree(Tree* aTree)
#if defined(UNIT_TESTS)
(aTree->heap_tracking) ? myfree(__FILE__, __LINE__, aTree) : free(aTree);
#define LEFT 0
#define RIGHT 1
#if !defined(max)
#define max(a, b) (a > b) ? a : b;
int isRed(Node* aNode)
return (aNode != NULL) && (aNode->red);
int isBlack(Node* aNode)
return (aNode == NULL) || (aNode->red == 0);
int TreeWalk(Node* curnode, int depth)
if (curnode)
int left = TreeWalk(curnode->child[LEFT], depth+1);
int right = TreeWalk(curnode->child[RIGHT], depth+1);
depth = max(left, right);
if (curnode->red)
/*if (isRed(curnode->child[LEFT]) || isRed(curnode->child[RIGHT]))
printf("red/black tree violation %p\n", curnode->content);
return depth;
int TreeMaxDepth(Tree *aTree)
int rc = TreeWalk(aTree->index[0].root, 0);
/*if (aTree->root->red)
printf("root node should not be red %p\n", aTree->root->content);
return rc;
void TreeRotate(Tree* aTree, Node* curnode, int direction, int index)
Node* other = curnode->child[!direction];
curnode->child[!direction] = other->child[direction];
if (other->child[direction] != NULL)
other->child[direction]->parent = curnode;
other->parent = curnode->parent;
if (curnode->parent == NULL)
aTree->index[index].root = other;
else if (curnode == curnode->parent->child[direction])
curnode->parent->child[direction] = other;
curnode->parent->child[!direction] = other;
other->child[direction] = curnode;
curnode->parent = other;
Node* TreeBAASub(Tree* aTree, Node* curnode, int which, int index)
Node* uncle = curnode->parent->parent->child[which];
if (isRed(uncle))
curnode->parent->red = uncle->red = 0;
curnode = curnode->parent->parent;
curnode->red = 1;
if (curnode == curnode->parent->child[which])
curnode = curnode->parent;
TreeRotate(aTree, curnode, !which, index);
curnode->parent->red = 0;
curnode->parent->parent->red = 1;
TreeRotate(aTree, curnode->parent->parent, which, index);
return curnode;
void TreeBalanceAfterAdd(Tree* aTree, Node* curnode, int index)
while (curnode && isRed(curnode->parent) && curnode->parent->parent)
if (curnode->parent == curnode->parent->parent->child[LEFT])
curnode = TreeBAASub(aTree, curnode, RIGHT, index);
curnode = TreeBAASub(aTree, curnode, LEFT, index);
aTree->index[index].root->red = 0;
* Add an item to a tree
* @param aTree the list to which the item is to be added
* @param content the list item content itself
* @param size the size of the element
void* TreeAddByIndex(Tree* aTree, void* content, size_t size, int index)
Node* curparent = NULL;
Node* curnode = aTree->index[index].root;
Node* newel = NULL;
int left = 0;
int result = 1;
void* rc = NULL;
while (curnode)
result = aTree->index[index].compare(curnode->content, content, 1);
left = (result > 0);
if (result == 0)
curparent = curnode;
curnode = curnode->child[left];
if (result == 0)
if (aTree->allow_duplicates)
newel = curnode;
rc = newel->content;
if (index == 0)
aTree->size += (size - curnode->size);
#if defined(UNIT_TESTS)
newel = malloc(sizeof(Node));
newel = (aTree->heap_tracking) ? mymalloc(__FILE__, __LINE__, sizeof(Node)) : malloc(sizeof(Node));
memset(newel, '\0', sizeof(Node));
if (curparent)
curparent->child[left] = newel;
aTree->index[index].root = newel;
newel->parent = curparent;
newel->red = 1;
if (index == 0)
aTree->size += size;
newel->content = content;
newel->size = size;
TreeBalanceAfterAdd(aTree, newel, index);
return rc;
void* TreeAdd(Tree* aTree, void* content, size_t size)
void* rc = NULL;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < aTree->indexes; ++i)
rc = TreeAddByIndex(aTree, content, size, i);
return rc;
Node* TreeFindIndex1(Tree* aTree, void* key, int index, int value)
int result = 0;
Node* curnode = aTree->index[index].root;
while (curnode)
result = aTree->index[index].compare(curnode->content, key, value);
if (result == 0)
curnode = curnode->child[result > 0];
return curnode;
Node* TreeFindIndex(Tree* aTree, void* key, int index)
return TreeFindIndex1(aTree, key, index, 0);
Node* TreeFindContentIndex(Tree* aTree, void* key, int index)
return TreeFindIndex1(aTree, key, index, 1);
Node* TreeFind(Tree* aTree, void* key)
return TreeFindIndex(aTree, key, 0);
Node* TreeMinimum(Node* curnode)
if (curnode)
while (curnode->child[LEFT])
curnode = curnode->child[LEFT];
return curnode;
Node* TreeSuccessor(Node* curnode)
if (curnode->child[RIGHT])
curnode = TreeMinimum(curnode->child[RIGHT]);
Node* curparent = curnode->parent;
while (curparent && curnode == curparent->child[RIGHT])
curnode = curparent;
curparent = curparent->parent;
curnode = curparent;
return curnode;
Node* TreeNextElementIndex(Tree* aTree, Node* curnode, int index)
if (curnode == NULL)
curnode = TreeMinimum(aTree->index[index].root);
curnode = TreeSuccessor(curnode);
return curnode;
Node* TreeNextElement(Tree* aTree, Node* curnode)
return TreeNextElementIndex(aTree, curnode, 0);
Node* TreeBARSub(Tree* aTree, Node* curnode, int which, int index)
Node* sibling = curnode->parent->child[which];
if (isRed(sibling))
sibling->red = 0;
curnode->parent->red = 1;
TreeRotate(aTree, curnode->parent, !which, index);
sibling = curnode->parent->child[which];
if (!sibling)
curnode = curnode->parent;
else if (isBlack(sibling->child[!which]) && isBlack(sibling->child[which]))
sibling->red = 1;
curnode = curnode->parent;
if (isBlack(sibling->child[which]))
sibling->child[!which]->red = 0;
sibling->red = 1;
TreeRotate(aTree, sibling, which, index);
sibling = curnode->parent->child[which];
sibling->red = curnode->parent->red;
curnode->parent->red = 0;
sibling->child[which]->red = 0;
TreeRotate(aTree, curnode->parent, !which, index);
curnode = aTree->index[index].root;
return curnode;
void TreeBalanceAfterRemove(Tree* aTree, Node* curnode, int index)
while (curnode != aTree->index[index].root && isBlack(curnode))
/* curnode->content == NULL must equal curnode == NULL */
if (((curnode->content) ? curnode : NULL) == curnode->parent->child[LEFT])
curnode = TreeBARSub(aTree, curnode, RIGHT, index);
curnode = TreeBARSub(aTree, curnode, LEFT, index);
curnode->red = 0;
* Remove an item from a tree
* @param aTree the list to which the item is to be added
* @param curnode the list item content itself
void* TreeRemoveNodeIndex(Tree* aTree, Node* curnode, int index)
Node* redundant = curnode;
Node* curchild = NULL;
size_t size = curnode->size;
void* content = curnode->content;
/* if the node to remove has 0 or 1 children, it can be removed without involving another node */
if (curnode->child[LEFT] && curnode->child[RIGHT]) /* 2 children */
redundant = TreeSuccessor(curnode); /* now redundant must have at most one child */
curchild = redundant->child[(redundant->child[LEFT] != NULL) ? LEFT : RIGHT];
if (curchild) /* we could have no children at all */
curchild->parent = redundant->parent;
if (redundant->parent == NULL)
aTree->index[index].root = curchild;
if (redundant == redundant->parent->child[LEFT])
redundant->parent->child[LEFT] = curchild;
redundant->parent->child[RIGHT] = curchild;
if (redundant != curnode)
curnode->content = redundant->content;
curnode->size = redundant->size;
if (isBlack(redundant))
if (curchild == NULL)
if (redundant->parent)
Node temp;
memset(&temp, '\0', sizeof(Node));
temp.parent = (redundant) ? redundant->parent : NULL; = 0;
TreeBalanceAfterRemove(aTree, &temp, index);
TreeBalanceAfterRemove(aTree, curchild, index);
#if defined(UNIT_TESTS)
(aTree->heap_tracking) ? myfree(__FILE__, __LINE__, redundant) : free(redundant);
if (index == 0)
aTree->size -= size;
return content;
* Remove an item from a tree
* @param aTree the list to which the item is to be added
* @param curnode the list item content itself
void* TreeRemoveIndex(Tree* aTree, void* content, int index)
Node* curnode = TreeFindContentIndex(aTree, content, index);
if (curnode == NULL)
return NULL;
return TreeRemoveNodeIndex(aTree, curnode, index);
void* TreeRemove(Tree* aTree, void* content)
int i;
void* rc = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < aTree->indexes; ++i)
rc = TreeRemoveIndex(aTree, content, i);
return rc;
void* TreeRemoveKeyIndex(Tree* aTree, void* key, int index)
Node* curnode = TreeFindIndex(aTree, key, index);
void* content = NULL;
int i;
if (curnode == NULL)
return NULL;
content = TreeRemoveNodeIndex(aTree, curnode, index);
for (i = 0; i < aTree->indexes; ++i)
if (i != index)
content = TreeRemoveIndex(aTree, content, i);
return content;
void* TreeRemoveKey(Tree* aTree, void* key)
return TreeRemoveKeyIndex(aTree, key, 0);
int TreeIntCompare(void* a, void* b, int content)
int i = *((int*)a);
int j = *((int*)b);
/* printf("comparing %d %d\n", *((int*)a), *((int*)b)); */
return (i > j) ? -1 : (i == j) ? 0 : 1;
int TreePtrCompare(void* a, void* b, int content)
return (a > b) ? -1 : (a == b) ? 0 : 1;
int TreeStringCompare(void* a, void* b, int content)
return strcmp((char*)a, (char*)b);
#if defined(UNIT_TESTS)
int check(Tree *t)
Node* curnode = NULL;
int rc = 0;
curnode = TreeNextElement(t, curnode);
while (curnode)
Node* prevnode = curnode;
curnode = TreeNextElement(t, curnode);
if (prevnode && curnode && (*(int*)(curnode->content) < *(int*)(prevnode->content)))
printf("out of order %d < %d\n", *(int*)(curnode->content), *(int*)(prevnode->content));
rc = 99;
return rc;
int traverse(Tree *t, int lookfor)
Node* curnode = NULL;
int rc = 0;
curnode = TreeNextElement(t, curnode);
/* printf("content int %d\n", *(int*)(curnode->content)); */
while (curnode)
Node* prevnode = curnode;
curnode = TreeNextElement(t, curnode);
/* if (curnode)
printf("content int %d\n", *(int*)(curnode->content)); */
if (prevnode && curnode && (*(int*)(curnode->content) < *(int*)(prevnode->content)))
printf("out of order %d < %d\n", *(int*)(curnode->content), *(int*)(prevnode->content));
if (curnode && (lookfor == *(int*)(curnode->content)))
printf("missing item %d actually found\n", lookfor);
printf("End traverse %d\n", rc);
return rc;
int test(int limit)
int i, *ip, *todelete;
Node* current = NULL;
Tree* t = TreeInitialize(TreeIntCompare);
int rc = 0;
printf("Tree initialized\n");
ip = malloc(sizeof(int));
*ip = 2;
TreeAdd(t, (void*)ip, sizeof(int));
i = 2;
void* result = TreeRemove(t, (void*)&i);
if (result)
int actual[limit];
for (i = 0; i < limit; i++)
void* replaced = NULL;
ip = malloc(sizeof(int));
*ip = rand();
replaced = TreeAdd(t, (void*)ip, sizeof(int));
if (replaced) /* duplicate */
actual[i] = -1;
actual[i] = *ip;
if (i==5)
todelete = ip;
printf("Tree element added %d\n", *ip);
if (1 % 1000 == 0)
rc = check(t);
printf("%d elements, check result %d\n", i+1, rc);
if (rc != 0)
return 88;
for (i = 0; i < limit; i++)
int parm = actual[i];
if (parm == -1)
Node* found = TreeFind(t, (void*)&parm);
if (found)
printf("Tree find %d %d\n", parm, *(int*)(found->content));
printf("%d not found\n", parm);
traverse(t, parm);
return -2;
for (i = limit -1; i >= 0; i--)
int parm = actual[i];
void *found;
if (parm == -1) /* skip duplicate */
found = TreeRemove(t, (void*)&parm);
if (found)
printf("%d Tree remove %d %d\n", i, parm, *(int*)(found));
int count = 0;
printf("%d %d not found\n", i, parm);
traverse(t, parm);
for (i = 0; i < limit; i++)
if (actual[i] == parm)
printf("%d occurs %d times\n", parm, count);
return -2;
if (i % 1000 == 0)
rc = check(t);
printf("%d elements, check result %d\n", i+1, rc);
if (rc != 0)
return 88;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int rc = 0;
while (rc == 0)
rc = test(999999);