blob: 7c62aa2c03f064526d002090c4fccf1b50be8916 [file] [log] [blame]
* InvokeHTTP class declaration
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef __INVOKE_HTTP_H__
#define __INVOKE_HTTP_H__
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include "utils/ByteArrayCallback.h"
#include "FlowFileRecord.h"
#include "core/Processor.h"
#include "core/ProcessSession.h"
#include "core/Core.h"
#include "core/Property.h"
#include "core/Resource.h"
#include "controllers/SSLContextService.h"
#include "core/logging/LoggerConfiguration.h"
#include "utils/Id.h"
#include "../client/HTTPClient.h"
namespace org {
namespace apache {
namespace nifi {
namespace minifi {
namespace processors {
// InvokeHTTP Class
class InvokeHTTP : public core::Processor {
// Constructor
* Create a new processor
InvokeHTTP(std::string name, utils::Identifier uuid = utils::Identifier())
: Processor(name, uuid),
logger_(logging::LoggerFactory<InvokeHTTP>::getLogger()) {
// Destructor
virtual ~InvokeHTTP();
// Processor Name
static const char *ProcessorName;
static std::string DefaultContentType;
// Supported Properties
static core::Property Method;
static core::Property URL;
static core::Property ConnectTimeout;
static core::Property ReadTimeout;
static core::Property DateHeader;
static core::Property FollowRedirects;
static core::Property AttributesToSend;
static core::Property SSLContext;
static core::Property ProxyHost;
static core::Property ProxyPort;
static core::Property ProxyUsername;
static core::Property ProxyPassword;
static core::Property ContentType;
static core::Property SendBody;
static core::Property UseChunkedEncoding;
static core::Property DisablePeerVerification;
static core::Property PropPutOutputAttributes;
static core::Property AlwaysOutputResponse;
static core::Property PenalizeOnNoRetry;
static const char* STATUS_CODE;
static const char* STATUS_MESSAGE;
static const char* RESPONSE_BODY;
static const char* REQUEST_URL;
static const char* TRANSACTION_ID;
static const char* REMOTE_DN;
static const char* EXCEPTION_CLASS;
static const char* EXCEPTION_MESSAGE;
// Supported Relationships
static core::Relationship Success;
static core::Relationship RelResponse;
static core::Relationship RelRetry;
static core::Relationship RelNoRetry;
static core::Relationship RelFailure;
virtual void onTrigger(const std::shared_ptr<core::ProcessContext> &context, const std::shared_ptr<core::ProcessSession> &session) override;
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void onSchedule(const std::shared_ptr<core::ProcessContext> &context, const std::shared_ptr<core::ProcessSessionFactory> &sessionFactory) override;
* Provides a reference to the URL.
const std::string &getUrl() {
return url_;
* Generate a transaction ID
* @return transaction ID string.
std::string generateId();
* Routes the flowfile to the proper destination
* @param request request flow file record
* @param response response flow file record
* @param session process session
* @param context process context
* @param isSuccess success code or not
* @param statuscode http response code.
void route(std::shared_ptr<FlowFileRecord> &request, std::shared_ptr<FlowFileRecord> &response, const std::shared_ptr<core::ProcessSession> &session,
const std::shared_ptr<core::ProcessContext> &context, bool isSuccess, int statusCode);
* Determine if we should emit a new flowfile based on our activity
* @param method method type
* @return result of the evaluation.
bool emitFlowFile(const std::string &method);
std::shared_ptr<minifi::controllers::SSLContextService> ssl_context_service_;
// http method
std::string method_;
// url
std::string url_;
// include date in the header
bool date_header_include_;
// attribute to send regex
std::string attribute_to_send_regex_;
// connection timeout
int64_t connect_timeout_;
// read timeout.
int64_t read_timeout_;
// attribute in which response body will be added
std::string put_attribute_name_;
// determine if we always output a response.
bool always_output_response_;
// content type.
std::string content_type_;
// use chunked encoding.
bool use_chunked_encoding_;
// penalize on no retry
bool penalize_no_retry_;
// disable peer verification ( makes susceptible for MITM attacks )
bool disable_peer_verification_;
std::shared_ptr<logging::Logger> logger_;
static std::shared_ptr<utils::IdGenerator> id_generator_;
REGISTER_RESOURCE(InvokeHTTP,"An HTTP client processor which can interact with a configurable HTTP Endpoint. "
"The destination URL and HTTP Method are configurable. FlowFile attributes are converted to HTTP headers and the "
"FlowFile contents are included as the body of the request (if the HTTP Method is PUT, POST or PATCH).")
} /* namespace processors */
} /* namespace minifi */
} /* namespace nifi */
} /* namespace apache */
} /* namespace org */