blob: 6fbcf5ad9171896e5ab8e3132d608e76ed175d2b [file] [log] [blame]
* Main Runner which handles triggering individual tasks based on
* the cmdline params specifying what to run for what day
class Runner {
static $currentDate;
static $grabbedLogFile;
static $product;
* Run
* @param string $source Resource to run
* @return void
public static function run($source) {
$availaleSources = array('dlc', 'nb', 'vvm');
// prepare the queue of products to run for
if ($source == 'all') {
$runSources = $availaleSources;
} else {
if (in_array($source, $availaleSources)) {
$runSources = array($source);
} else {
//unknown product
throw new Exception('Unknown source specified ' . $source);
foreach ($runSources as $p) {
private function procesSource($source) {
Logger::write(Logger::INFO, 'Starting processing soucre: ' . $source);
if (self::grabSourceLogfile($source) == true) {
// reset Db counter
Db::$counter = 0;
private function parseLogfile($source) {
$importCounter = 0;
Logger::write(Logger::INFO, 'Starting parsing of the ' . $source . ' logfile ' . self::$grabbedLogFile);
$months = array(
'Jan' => '01',
'Feb' => '02',
'Mar' => '03',
'Apr' => '04',
'May' => '05',
'Jun' => '06',
'Jul' => '07',
'Aug' => '08',
'Sep' => '09',
'Oct' => '10',
'Nov' => '11',
'Dec' => '12'
$handle = fopen(self::$grabbedLogFile, 'r');
if ($handle) {
$nl = $nok = 0;
while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {
$hit = false;
// only interested in requests that include the 'unique' identifier as they represent the AU pings
if (!strstr($line, '?unique=') || strstr($line, '/hotfixes/') || strstr($line, '/thirdparty/')) {
switch ($source) {
case 'dlc':
$line=str_replace('<%JSON:httpd_access%> ','', $line);
$jsonLog = json_decode($line, true);
$m = array();
$hit = preg_match($preg, $jsonLog['request'], $match);
if($hit) {
$ip = $jsonLog['clientip'];
$date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($jsonLog['time']));
$time = date('H:i:s', strtotime($jsonLog['time']));
//$timestamp = $match[1].' '.$match[2];
$path = $jsonLog['uri'];
$product_id = $match[3];
$user_id = $match[5];
if (isset($match[6]) && substr($match[6], 0, 1) == '_') {
$super_id = substr($match[6], 1);
} else {
$super_id = "";
$response = $jsonLog['status'];
$bytes = $jsonLog['bytes'];
// let's parse it and fill these: $ip,$date $time,$path,$product_id,$user_id,$super_id,$response,$bytes
if($hit) {
// check the unique ID format
// prior to NB 5.5.1, the ID was just a timestamp (current time in millis),
// since NB 5.5.1, the ID is a standard UUID: 01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef
if (!preg_match('/^(([0-9]{5,12})|([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}))/', $user_id, $match)) {
Logger::write(Logger::DEBUG, self::$grabbedLogFile . ": suspicious user ID '$user_id' in line: $nl - $line");
} else {
// in 6.5, a truly unique user ID (super ID) has been added,
// check the validity of this ID in UUID format, if available
if (strlen($super_id) > 0 && !preg_match('/^([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12})/', $super_id, $match)) {
Logger::write(Logger::DEBUG, self::$grabbedLogFile . ": suspicious super ID '$super_id' in line: $nl - $line");
// log a warning, but don't stop here, if the super ID is invalid,
// just ignore it
$super_id = "";
// return data found, ignore invalid requests (404)
if (strcmp($response, "404")) {
try {
// import it to DB
if (Importer::import(array('ip' => $ip, 'ts' => $date . " " . $time, 'path' => $path, 'distro' => $product_id, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'user2_id' => $super_id, 'response' => $response, 'size' => $bytes), $source) == true) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
Logger::write(Logger::ERROR, 'Error happened during log entry import: ' . $e->getMessage());
Logger::write(Logger::INFO, 'Parsed ' . $nl . ' lines of the log, used ' . $nok . ' for importing');
Logger::write(Logger::INFO, 'Really inported into DB were ' . $importCounter . ' AU hits (needed ' . Db::$counter . ' queries)');
} else {
throw new Exception('Unable to open decompressed logfile for parsing ' . self::$grabbedLogFile);
return true;
private function grabSourceLogfile($source) {
// get the current date
$currentDate = strtotime('+1 day', self::getLastRunDate($source));
Logger::write(Logger::INFO, 'Current date set to ' . date('Y-m-d', $currentDate));
// put together the path to the source logfile
switch ($source) {
case 'nb': // CONSTANT to avoid typo!
$filename = 'access_' . date('Ymd', $currentDate);
$url = URL_PREFIX_NB . date('Y_m', $currentDate) . '/' . $filename . '.gz';
case 'vvm':
$next_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $currentDate), date("d", $currentDate) + 1, date("Y", $currentDate));
$filename = date('Ymd', $currentDate) . "-" . date('Ymd', $next_date) . ".log";
$url = URL_PREFIX_VVM . $filename . ".gz";
case 'dlc':
$filename = 'netbeans-vm.apache.org_access.log_' . date('Ymd', $currentDate);
$url = URL_PREFIX_DLC . date('Y_m', $currentDate) . '/' . $filename . '.gz';
throw new Exception('Unknown source: ' . $source);
self::$grabbedLogFile = $filename;
self::$currentDate = $currentDate;
Logger::write(Logger::INFO, 'Going to download the source logfile: ' . $url);
// grab it using wget
system("wget --quiet $url", $returnVal);
if ($returnVal === 0) {
Logger::write(Logger::INFO, 'Source logfile downloaded');
// decompress it
system("gzip -fd $filename.gz", $returnVal);
if ($returnVal === 0) {
Logger::write(Logger::INFO, 'Source logfile decompressed');
return true;
} else {
Logger::write(Logger::INFO, 'Source logfile not available');
return false;
private function getLastRunDate($source) {
$ld = file(LAST_DATE_FILE_PREFIX . $source);
if ($ld) {
Logger::write(Logger::INFO, 'Last run date identified as ' . trim($ld[0], "\n"));
return strtotime(trim($ld[0], "\n"));
} else {
throw new Exception('Unable to get the last run date from ' . LAST_DATE_FILE_PREFIX . $source);
private function incrementRunDate($source) {
if (file_put_contents(LAST_DATE_FILE_PREFIX . $source, date('Y-m-d', self::$currentDate)) != false) {
Logger::write(Logger::INFO, 'Setting the last run date to ' . date('Y-m-d', self::$currentDate));
} else {
throw new Exception('Unable to set the last run date into ' . LAST_DATE_FILE_PREFIX . $source);
private function lock() {
if (file_exists(LOCKFILE)) {
throw new Exception('Previous run still runnig, lockfile ' . LOCKFILE . ' from ' . date("F d Y H:i:s.", filemtime(LOCKFILE)) . ". Remove lockfile first\n");
system('touch ' . LOCKFILE, $retval);
if ($retval === 0) {
Logger::write(Logger::INFO, 'Lockfile created');
} else {
throw new Exception('Can\'t create lockfile ' . LOCKFILE . "\n");
private function unlock() {
if (unlink(LOCKFILE) == true) {
Logger::write(Logger::INFO, 'Lockfile removed');
} else {
throw new Exception('Not possible to remove lockfile ' . LOCKFILE);
private function removeLogfile() {
if (unlink(self::$grabbedLogFile) == true) {
Logger::write(Logger::INFO, 'Source logfile removed');
} else {
throw new Exception('Not possible to remove source logfile ' . self::$grabbedLogFile);