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= DevFaqInstalledFileLocator
:jbake-type: wiki
:jbake-tags: wiki, devfaq, needsreview
:jbake-status: published
=== Can I bundle some additional files with my module? If so, how can I find those files to use them from my module?
Sometimes you need to bundle some additional files with your module (for example native libraries or native executables).
==== Bundling External File With Your Module
NetBeans provides a simple and straightforward way to bundle whatever files you want into a module project:
* Create a folder in your project root directory called `release/` (note this means the _project root_—the directory containing `src/` and `nbproject/` and `MANIFEST.MF`, _not_ the source root directory of your module project!)
* Put anything you want bundled with your module in that directory or a subdirectory of `release/`
* The entire subtree of this folder will be included in your link:DevFaqWhatIsACluster.html[cluster] and bundled into your module's link:DevFaqWhatIsNbm.html[NBM file]
* Note that if what you are adding is a native library (DLL, .so file, etc.) there is link:DevFaqNativeLibraries.html[a specific place to put this]
* If the thing you are bundling can change (for example, you are bundling a library you wrote, and you may make changes to that library and recompile it), you may want to override your module's `release-files` to rebuild/re-copy that library (i.e. `<target name="release" depends="compile-lib,projectized-common.release"/>` and then create your own `compile-lib` target that rebuilds the library and copies it somewhere under `release/` in your module project.
The result is:
* the files you are bundling are included in your _module_
* Note that this does not mean they will be inside your module's JAR file (that would not be useful)
* They will be bundled _with_ your module's JAR file and will be in a findable location at runtime (see below).
_Note:_ If you are bundling third party software which *has its own installer* there is link:DevFaqUseNativeInstaller.html[a way to run that installer during module installation].
==== Finding External Files At Runtime
Now your module includes the files you need. You still need to get access to them at runtime.
To do that, use `link:[InstalledFileLocator]`. That is a class which can find a file which was installed by a module. You simply give it your module's code-name (the thing you typed when you created the module, which looks like a package name) and a _relative path_ (i.e. not including the `release/` directory):
File emulator = InstalledFileLocator.getDefault().locate(
Always handle the case that the user (or disk crash, whatever) might have deleted it.
If you are wondering why you don't just find the directory NetBeans is installed in and look in that directory, see the link:DevFaqWhatIsACluster#Why_Have_Clusters.3F.html[background information about clusters]
=== Apache Migration Information
The content in this page was kindly donated by Oracle Corp. to the
Apache Software Foundation.
This page was exported from link:[] ,
that was last modified by NetBeans user Jglick
on 2010-06-14T22:11:57Z.
*NOTE:* This document was automatically converted to the AsciiDoc format on 2018-01-10, and needs to be reviewed.