blob: cb73f2e6c2c4a1ff52da9c60bc60874bf311cc00 [file] [log] [blame]
OpenIDE-Module-Name=GSF Test Runner
ResultWindowOpenAction.MenuName=&Test Results
ACSN_TestResults=Test Results
ACSD_TestResults=Displays information about passed and failed tests and output generated by them
ACSN_FilterButton=Filter On/Off
ACSN_ShowPassedButton=Show results of the passed tests
ACSN_ShowFailedButton=Show results of the failed tests
ACSN_ShowErrorButton=Show results of the error tests
ACSN_RerunButton = Rerun
ACSN_RerunFailedButton = Rerun failed
ACSN_ResultPanelTree=Information about passed and failed tests
ACSD_ResultPanelTree=Displays in a tree structure information about passed, failed and erroneous tests
ACSN_HorizontalScrollbar=Horizontal scrollbar of the results panel
ACSN_OutputTextPane=Test Output
ACSD_OutputTextPane=Displays output and error output generated by executed test methods
MSG_RunningTests=Running tests, please wait...
MSG_PassedTestsInfo={0,choice,0#No test|1#1 test|1<{0,number,integer} tests} passed
MSG_FailedTestsInfo={0,choice,1#1 test|1<{0,number,integer} tests} failed
MSG_PendingTestsInfo={0,choice,1#1 test|1<{0,number,integer} tests} pending
MSG_ErrorTestsInfo={0,choice,1#1 test|1<{0,number,integer} tests} caused an error
MSG_TestsInfoNoTests=No tests executed.
# "All 58 tests passed."
MSG_TestsInfoAllOK={0,choice,1#The test|2#Both tests|2<All {0,number,integer} tests} passed.
# The result summary can be a combination of passed, pending, failed and error
# causing tests. The keys below are for all combinations of these, the preferred
# order is passed, pending, failed, error.
MSG_TestResultSummary1 = {0}, {1}.
MSG_TestResultSummary2 = {0}, {1}, {2}.
MSG_TestResultSummary3 = {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}.
# {0} .. name of the test class
MSG_TestsuiteNoname=Test Ortam\u0131
MSG_TestsuiteRunning={0} - \u00c7al\u0131\u015f\u0131yor...
MSG_TestsuiteRunningNoname=Test ortam\u0131 \u00e7al\u0131\u015f\u0131yor...
MSG_TestsuiteAborted={0} - ABORTED
MSG_TestsuiteFailed={0} - BA\u015eARISIZ
MSG_TestsuitePending={0} - PENDING
MSG_TestsuiteSkipped={0} - SKIPPED
# {0} .. name of the test method
MSG_TestMethodFailed={0} - BA\u015eARISIZ
MSG_TestMethodPending={0} - PENDING
MSG_TestMethodError={0} - caused an ERROR
MSG_TestMethodError_HTML=caused an ERROR
# {0} .. name of the test method, {1} .. elapsed time in seconds
MSG_TestMethodPassed_time={0} ({1,number,0.0##} s)
MSG_TestMethodFailed_time={0} - FAILED ({1,number,0.0##} s)
MSG_TestMethodPending_time={0} - PENDING ({1,number,0.0##} s)
MSG_TestMethodError_time={0} - caused an ERROR ({1,number,0.0##} s)
MSG_TestMethodPassed_HTML_time=ge\u00e7ti ({0,number,0.0##} s)
MSG_TestMethodFailed_HTML_time=FAILED ({0,number,0.0##} s)
MSG_TestMethodPending_HTML_time=PENDING ({0,number,0.0##} s)
MSG_TestMethodSkipped_HTML_time=SKIPPED ({0,number,0.0##} s)
MSG_TestMethodError_HTML_time=caused an ERROR ({0,number,0.0##} s)
MSG_TestMethodFailed_HTML_cause=FAILED: {0}
MSG_TestMethodPending_HTML_cause=PENDING: {0}
MSG_TestMethodSkipped_HTML_cause=SKIPPED: {0}
MSG_TestMethodError_HTML_cause=caused an ERROR: {0}
# Elapsed time for a test suite
MSG_TestSuiteElapsedTime= ({0,number,0.0##} s)
MSG_PassedNotDisplayed=Information about passed tests is not displayed.
MSG_SomePassedNotDisplayed=Information about some passed tests is not displayed.
MSG_StdOutput=Standard Output:
MSG_ErrOutput=Error Output:
StatisticsPanel.btnShowPassed=Show Passed
StatisticsPanel.btnShowFailed=Show Failed
StatisticsPanel.btnShowError=Show Error
MultiviewPanel.rerunFailedButton.tooltip=Rerun failed
MSG_Error = {0}) Error:
MSG_Failure = {0}) Failure:
MSG_NextFailure = Next Failure - Ctrl+Period
MSG_PreviousFailure = Previous Failure - Ctrl+Comma
# test results summary
MSG_TestSessionStarting = Running {0}...
MSG_TestSessionFinished = Finished in {0,number,0.0##} seconds.
MSG_TestSessionFinishedSummary = {0} tests, {1} failures, {2} errors
# actions for a test method node
LBL_RerunTest= &Run Again
LBL_DebugTest= &Debug
LBL_GoToSource = &Go to Source
LBL_ViewDiff = &View Difference
# titles for diff views
LBL_Expected = Expected
LBL_Actual = Actual
LBL_Diff = Differences
LBL_OK = Tamam
# displayed in tooltip of a test case / suite when there is no output for it
MSG_NoOutput = No output.
MSG_MoreOutput = {0} lines not displayed.
MSG_CharsOmitted = ...({0} chars omitted)
LBL_CloseWindow=Sekmeyi Kapat
LBL_CloseAll=T\u00fcm Sekmeleri Kapat
LBL_CloseAllButCurrent=Di\u011fer Sekmeleri Kapat