Apache NetBeans Internationalization and localization

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  1. ece0023 Merge pull request #5 from hubeny/locale_cs by Jaroslav Tulach · 3 years, 1 month ago master
  2. 0783b6a Added czech locale folder. by Jan Hubený · 3 years, 1 month ago
  3. 194f41f Merge pull request #4 from borisheithecker/master by Matthias Bläsing · 3 years, 7 months ago
  4. 04e5735 Update README.md by borisheithecker · 3 years, 7 months ago
  5. d09eb2e Merge pull request #3 from junichi11/converting-license-ja by Junichi Yamamoto · 4 years, 1 month ago


To build your own localization module, use the german module as template. The locale needs to be available below netbeans-l10n-zip/src/.

Steps to build your own localization module:

  • Copy “local_de” and rename it (e. g. “locale_fr”).
  • Change the bundle dir in src/org/apache/netbeans/l10n from de to your locale (e. g. fr).
  • Change module name in src/org/apache/netbeans/l10n/Bundle.properties to your locale (e. g. French).
  • In file manifest.mf change
    • line OpenIDE-Module: org.apache.netbeans.l10n.de to your locale (e. g. org.apache.netbeans.l10n.fr)
    • line OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle: org/apache/netbeans/l10n/de/Bundle.properties to your locale (org/apache/netbeans/l10n/fr/Bundle.properties)
  • In file build.xml change
    • line <project name="org.apache.netbeans.l10n.de" default="netbeans" basedir="."> to your locale
    • line <description>Builds, tests, and runs the project org.apache.netbeans.l10n.de.</description> to your locale
    • line <property name="locale" value="de"/> to your locale
  • In file nbproject/build-impl.xml
    • Adapt line <project name="org.apache.netbeans.l10n.de-impl" basedir="..">
    • Adapt line <code-name-base>org.apache.netbeans.l10n.de</code-name-base>

Build l10nantext before building the locale.