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CreateNewDatabasePanel.LBL_CreateDatabaseTitle=Create MySQL Database
CreateNewDatabasePanel.ACSD_CreateNewDatabasePanel=Create MySQL Database
CreateNewDatabasePanel.MSG_SpecifyDatabase=Please choose or enter a database name
CreateNewDatabasePanel.STR_SampleDatabase=Sample database
CreateNewDatabasePanel.MSG_UnableToGetUsers=Unable to get the list of users from the MySQL server
CreateNewDatabasePanel.MSG_CreateFailed=An error was encountered while creating the database
CreateNewDatabasePanel.MSG_DatabaseAlreadyExists=The database {0} already exists
CreateNewDatabasePanel.STR_DatabaseExistsTitle=Database Exists
CreateNewDatabasePanel.MSG_DeleteFailed=Unable to delete database {0}
CreateNewDatabasePanel.MSG_DeleteCreatedDatabase=An error occurred after creating the database. Would you like to delete the database?
CreateNewDatabasePanel.STR_DeleteCreatedDatabaseTitle=Confirm Delete Newly Created Database
CreateDatbasePanel.MSG_NoGrantUserSelected=You have selected to grant access to a user but no user name has been selected. Please select a user and try again.
CreateNewDatabasePanel.chkGrantAccess.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Grant full access to a database user for this new database
CreateNewDatabasePanel.comboDatabaseName.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Select or enter a name for this new database
CreateNewDatabasePanel.comboUsers.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Select the user to grant full access for this new database
CreateNewDatabasePanel.comboDatabaseName.AccessibleContext.accessibleName=Database name
CreateNewDatabasePanel.comboUsers.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Select an existing user for this database
AdminPropertiesPanel.MSG_InvalidAdminPath=The specified admin tool path is not a valid file or URL
AdminPropertiesPanel.MSG_InvalidStartPath=The specified start command path is not a valid file
AdminPropertiesPanel.MSG_InvalidStopPath=The specified stop command path is not a valid file
AdminPropertiesPanel.labelAdmin.text=Path/URL to &admin tool:
AdminPropertiesPanel.labelStart.text=Path to s&tart command:
AdminPropertiesPanel.labelStop.text=Path to sto&p command:
AdminPropertiesPanel.MSG_ValidatingCommandPaths=Validating start, stop and admin paths...
BasePropertiesPanel.ACSD_BasePropertiesPanel=MySQL Server Basic Properties
BasePropertiesPanel.LBL_MySQLPropertiesTitle=MySQL Server Basic Properties
BasePropertiesPanel.MSG_SpecifyHost=Please specify a host name
BasePropertiesPanel.MSG_SpecifyUser=Please specify the admin user name
BasePropertiesPanel.MSG_UnableToConnect=Unable to connect to the MySQL Server
BasePropertiesPanel.labelUser.text=Administrator &User Name:
BasePropertiesPanel.labelHost.text=&Server Host Name:
BasePropertiesPanel.labelPort.text=Server Port &Number:
BasePropertiesPanel.chkSavePassword.text=Re&member Password
BasePropertiesPanel.labelPassword.text=Administrator &Password:
BasePropertiesPanel.MSG_InvalidPortNumber=Please specify a valid number for the port number
PropertiesDialog.BasePanelTitle=Basic Properties
PropertiesDialog.BasePanelHint=Set the basic properties for this server
PropertiesDialog.AdminPanelTitle=Admin Properties
PropertiesDialog.AdminPanelHint=Set paths for various administrative commands
PropertiesDialog.Title=MySQL Server Properties
PropertiesDialog.MSG_UnableToConnect=Unable to connect to the MySQL server. Please check the changes you made to the MySQL properties to make sure they are correct.
PropertiesDialog.MSG_ConnectingToServer=Connecting to the MySQL Server...
PropertiesDialog.ACS_Name=MySQL Server Properties
PropertiesDialog.ACS_Desc=Use this dialog to set properties for your MySQL Server
AdminPropertiesPanel.btnAdminBrowse.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Browse the file system for the MySQL admin tool
AdminPropertiesPanel.btnStartBrowse.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Browse the file system for the MySQL start command
AdminPropertiesPanel.btnStopBrowse.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Browse the file system for the MySQL stop command
BasePropertiesPanel.chkSavePassword.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Save the password for the administrator
BasePropertiesPanel.txtPassword.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Administrator's password
BasePropertiesPanel.txtUser.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Administrator's user name
BasePropertiesPanel.txtPort.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Server's port number
BasePropertiesPanel.txtHost.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Server's host name or IP address
AdminPropertiesPanel.txtAdmin.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Specify the full path or the URL for the administration tool
AdminPropertiesPanel.txtAdminArgs.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Specify any arguments to be supplied to the administration tool command
AdminPropertiesPanel.txtStart.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Full path to the command to start the MySQL Server
AdminPropertiesPanel.txtStartArgs.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=any arguments to the start command
AdminPropertiesPanel.txtStop.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Full path to the command to stop the MySQL server
AdminPropertiesPanel.txtStopArgs.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Any arguments to the stop command
AdminPropertiesPanel.txtStopArgs.AccessibleContext.accessibleName=Stop command arguments
AdminPropertiesPanel.txtStartArgs.AccessibleContext.accessibleName=Start command arguments
AdminPropertiesPanel.txtAdminArgs.AccessibleContext.accessibleName=Admin tool command arguments
CreateDatabasePanel.chkGrantAccess.text=&Grant Full Access To:
CreateDatabasePanel.nameLabel.text=New &Database Name:
CreateDatabasePanel.MSG_ConfirmDeleteDatabase=The database "{0}" has already been created. Do you want to delete it?
CreateDatabasePanel.MSG_ConfirmCreateSample=The database name "{0}" is the name of a sample database. Do you want to create the tables, objects and data for this sample?
CreateDatabasePanel.MSG_CreatingSample=Creating the sample tables, objects and data...
CreateDatabasePanel.progressLabel.text=Creating the database...