blob: 57872dbf8db8ead91359b750de601ace05c5ddb1 [file] [log] [blame]
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# Contributor(s):
# Portions Copyrighted 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
AsmResolver=Arquivos Asm
Templates/asmFiles/AsmTemplate.s=Arquivo ASM
Templates/asmFiles/ de Modelo em Linha
Templates/cppFiles/ CppUnit C++
Templates/cppFiles/ CppUnit C++
Templates/cFiles/CUnitMain.c=Teste CUnit C
Templates/testFiles=Testes C/C++
Templates/testFiles/cunittest.c=Teste CUnit
Templates/testFiles/cppunittest.cpp=Teste CppUnit
TAB_DebuggerOptionsPanelTitle=Op\u00e7\u00f5es de Depura\u00e7\u00e3o
KW_DebuggerOptionsPanel=depura\u00e7\u00e3o do c/c++
GdbDebuggerEngine=Usando o Depurador Gdb
TAB_ProjectsTab=Op\u00e7\u00f5es do Projeto
ProjectsOptionsKeywords=Op\u00e7\u00f5es do projeto do C/C++, op\u00e7\u00f5es de make, Depend\u00eancia, Reconstru\u00e7\u00e3o
TAB_CodeAssistanceTab=Assist\u00eancia a C\u00f3digos
Templates/Project/Native/makefile.xml=Projeto C/C++ com C\u00f3digos-fonte Existentes
Templates/Project/Native/binary.xml=Projeto C/C++ de Arquivos Bin\u00e1rios
Templates/Project/Native/newApplication.xml=Aplica\u00e7\u00e3o C/C++
Templates/Project/Native/newDynamicLibrary.xml=Biblioteca Din\u00e2mica de C/C++
Templates/Project/Native/newStaticLibrary.xml=Biblioteca Est\u00e1tica de C/C++
Templates/Project/Native/newQtApplication.xml=Aplica\u00e7\u00e3o C/C++ Qt
Templates/Project/Native/newQtDynamicLibrary.xml=Biblioteca Din\u00e2mica de C/C++ Qt
Templates/Project/Native/newQtStaticLibrary.xml=Biblioteca Est\u00e1tica de C/C++ Qt
Templates/Project/Samples/Native/InputOutput=Aplica\u00e7\u00e3o de Entrada/Sa\u00edda
Templates/Project/Samples/Native/MP=Aplica\u00e7\u00e3o de Processamento M\u00faltiplo
Templates/Project/Samples/Native/SubProjects=Aplica\u00e7\u00e3o de Subprojeto
Templates/Project/Samples/Native/Freeway=Simulador Freeway
Templates/Project/Samples/Native/LexYacc=Aplica\u00e7\u00e3o baseada em Lex/Yacc
Templates/Project/Samples/Native/Hello=Aplica\u00e7\u00e3o Hello World Fortran
Templates/Project/Samples/Native/HelloCMakeWorld=Ol\u00e1, Mundo CMake
Templates/Project/Samples/Native/HelloQtWorld=Ol\u00e1, Mundo Qt
Templates/ShellScripts=Scripts Shell
Templates/ShellScripts/script.bash=Script Shell Bash (.bash)
Templates/ShellScripts/script.csh=Script Shell C (.csh)
Templates/ShellScripts/script.ksh=Script Shell Korn (.ksh)
Templates/ShellScripts/ Shell Bourne (.sh)
Templates/ShellScripts/script.zsh=Script Shell Z (.zsh)
Templates/cFiles/CSimpleTest.c=Teste Simples C
Templates/cppFiles/ Simples C++
Templates/testFiles/simpletest.c=Teste Simples C
Templates/testFiles/simpletest.cpp=Teste Simples C++
ParserSettingsKeywords=Assist\u00eancia de c\u00f3digo C/C++, conjunto de Ferramentas, compilador C, compilador C++, Incluir diret\u00f3rios, defini\u00e7\u00f5es de Macro, Macros
TAB_ToolsTab=Ferramentas de Build
ToolsPanelKeywords=Ferramentas de build C/C++, conjunto de Ferramentas, compilador C, compilador C++, Compilador Fortran, make tool, ferramenta CMake, ferramenta QMake, ferramenta do Depurador
OtherOptionsKeywords=Outras op\u00e7\u00f5es C/C++, extens\u00e3o de cabe\u00e7alho C/C++, extens\u00e3o de arquivo C, extens\u00e3o de arquivo C++, extens\u00e3o de arquivo Fortran, extens\u00e3o de arquivo do montador, \u00edndice de Arquivos, diretiva de inclus\u00e3o n\u00e3o resolvida, Fazer Novo Parse na altera\u00e7\u00e3o do arquivo
CCExtResolver=Resolvedor MIME C++ (baseado em ext)
CExtResolver=Resolvedor MIME C (baseado em ext)
ContentResolver=Resolvedor MIME H (baseado em conte\u00fado)
ExtBasedResolver=Extens\u00f5es C/C++ Comuns
FILECHOOSER_C_SOURCES_FILEFILTER=Arquivos de C\u00f3digo-fonte C
FILECHOOSER_CC_SOURCES_FILEFILTER=Arquivos de C\u00f3digo-fonte C++
FILECHOOSER_FORTRAN_SOURCES_FILEFILTER=Arquivos de C\u00f3digo-fonte Fortran
FortranExtResolver=Resolvedor MIME Fortran (baseado em ext)
HexBasedResolver=Cabe\u00e7alhos Magic C/C++
HExtResolver=Resolvedor MIME H (baseado em ext)
MakeResolver.Name=Resolvedor do Makefile
NameExtResolver=Make Files C
QtNameExtResolver.FileChooserName=Arquivos Qt
QtNameExtResolver.Name=Arquivos Qt
ShellResolver=Extens\u00f5es Shell Comuns
Templates/cFiles/main.c=Arquivo Principal C
Templates/cFiles/file.h=Arquivo de Cabe\u00e7alho C
Templates/cFiles/file.c=Arquivo de C\u00f3digo-fonte C
Templates/cFiles/file_header.c=Arquivo de C\u00f3digo-fonte C e de Cabe\u00e7alho
Templates/cppFiles/ Principal C++
Templates/cppFiles/file.h=Arquivo de Cabe\u00e7alho C++
Templates/cppFiles/file=Arquivo de Cabe\u00e7alho Padr\u00e3o C++
Templates/cppFiles/ de C\u00f3digo-fonte C++
Templates/cppFiles/ C++
Templates/cppFiles/ de C\u00f3digo-fonte C++ e de Cabe\u00e7alho
Templates/fortranFiles/fortranEmptyFile.f90=Arquivo Fortran Vazio
Templates/fortranFiles/fortranFixedFormatFile.f=Arquivo Fortran (Formato Fixo)
Templates/fortranFiles/fortranFreeFormatFile.f90=Arquivo Fortran (Formato Livre)
Templates/fortranFiles/fortranModuleFile.f90=M\u00f3dulo Fortran
Templates/qtFiles/ C++ principal para a aplica\u00e7\u00e3o Qt
Templates/qtFiles/form.ui=Form Qt
Templates/qtFiles/dialog-buttonsbottom.ui=Caixa de Di\u00e1logo com Bot\u00f5es Inferiores
Templates/qtFiles/dialog-buttonsright.ui=Caixa de Di\u00e1logo com Bot\u00f5es \u00e0 Direita
Templates/qtFiles/dialog-nobuttons.ui=Caixa de Di\u00e1logo sem Bot\u00f5es
Templates/qtFiles/mainwindow.ui=Janela Principal
Templates/qtFiles/resource.qrc=Recurso Qt
Templates/qtFiles/translation.ts=Convers\u00e3o Qt