blob: 748314a281a42cb0cf2a952b6788452c25542312 [file] [log] [blame]
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OpenIDE-Module-Display-Category=Ferramentas Nativas de Suporte
OpenIDE-Module-Long-Description=Integra a funcionalidade do Mercurial Remoto ao NetBeans IDE
OpenIDE-Module-Name=Mercurial Remoto
OpenIDE-Module-Short-Description=Sistema de Controle de Vers\u00e3o do Mercurial Remoto
# Note: Changing the label below to &Mercurial, breaks the app
CTL_Mercurial_MainMenu = &Mercurial Remoto
CTL_Mercurial_DisplayName = Mercurial Remoto
CTL_FileInfoStatus_Unknown = Desconhecido
CTL_FileInfoStatus_Excluded = Ignorado
CTL_FileInfoStatus_NewLocally = Novo Localmente
CTL_FileInfoStatus_AddedLocally = Adicionado Localmente
CTL_FileInfoStatus_AddedLocallyCopied = Copiado Localmente
CTL_FileInfoStatus_AddedLocallyRenamed = Renomeado Localmente
CTL_FileInfoStatus_AddedLocallyMoved = Movido Localmente
CTL_FileInfoStatus_UpToDate = Atualizado
CTL_FileInfoStatus_ModifiedLocally = Modificado Localmente
CTL_FileInfoStatus_DeletedLocally = Exclu\u00eddo Localmente
CTL_FileInfoStatus_RemovedLocally = Removido Localmente
CTL_FileInfoStatus_Conflict = Conflito de Mesclagem
CTL_FileInfoStatus_RemovedInRepository = Removido do Reposit\u00f3rio
CTL_FileInfoStatus_ModifiedInRepository = Modificado no Reposit\u00f3rio
CTL_FileInfoStatus_NewInRepository = Novo no Reposit\u00f3rio
CTL_FileInfoStatus_Merge = Mesclar
CTL_FileInfoStatus_TextAnnotation=Anota\u00e7\u00e3o de Texto Adicional
CTL_FileInfoStatus_Excluded_Short = Ignorado
CTL_FileInfoStatus_NewLocally_Short = Novo
CTL_FileInfoStatus_AddedLocally_Short = Adicionado
CTL_FileInfoStatus_AddedLocallyCopied_Short = Copiado
CTL_FileInfoStatus_AddedLocallyMoved_Short = Movido
CTL_FileInfoStatus_AddedLocallyRenamed_Short = Renomeado
CTL_FileInfoStatus_ModifiedLocally_Short = Modificado
CTL_FileInfoStatus_RemovedLocally_Short = Removido
CTL_FileInfoStatus_DeletedLocally_Short = Exclu\u00eddo
CTL_FileInfoStatus_Conflict_Short = Conflito
CTL_PopupMenuItem_Status=Mostrar Altera\u00e7\u00f5es
CTL_PopupMenuItem_Diff=Diferenciar da Base
CTL_PopupMenuItem_Commit=Fazer Commit...
CTL_PopupMenuItem_ExportDiff=Exportar Diferencia\u00e7\u00e3o...
CTL_PopupMenuItem_ExportDiffChanges=Exportar Altera\u00e7\u00f5es N\u00e3o Submetidas a Commit...
CTL_PopupMenuItem_ImportDiff=Importar Patches...
CTL_PopupMenuItem_Ignore=Alternar Ignorar
CTL_PopupMenuItem_Merge=Mesclar Altera\u00e7\u00f5es
CTL_PopupMenuItem_Resolve=Resolver Conflitos
CTL_PopupMenuItem_MarkResolved=Marcando como Solucionado
CTL_PopupMenuItem_Log=Hist\u00f3rico de Pesquisa
CTL_PopupMenuItem_HideAnnotations=Ocultar Anota\u00e7\u00f5es
CTL_PopupMenuItem_ShowAnnotations=Mostrar Anota\u00e7\u00f5es
CTL_PopupMenuItem_GetClean=Reverter Modifica\u00e7\u00f5es
CTL_PopupMenuItem_RevertDelete=Reverter Dele\u00e7\u00e3o
CTL_PopupMenuItem_IncludeInCommit=Incluir no Commit
CTL_PopupMenuItem_ExcludeFromCommit=Excluir do Commit
CTL_PopupMenuItem_ResolveConflicts=Resolver Conflitos...
MSG_ActionCanceledByUser = A\u00e7\u00e3o cancelada pelo usu\u00e1rio
MSG_Remove_Progress = Removendo...
MSG_VERSION_CONFIRM = Confirmar Vers\u00e3o do Mercurial
MSG_VERSION_CONFIRM_QUERY = A vers\u00e3o do Mercurial encontrada ({0}) n\u00e3o \u00e9 a vers\u00e3o suportada pelo plug-in Mercurial do NetBeans.\nVoc\u00ea deseja utilizar essa vers\u00e3o do Mercurial com o plug-in?
MSG_VERSION_NONE_TITLE = Mercurial n\u00e3o Localizado
MSG_VERSION_NONE_MSG = O Mercurial n\u00e3o foi localizado.\nN\u00e3o \u00e9 poss\u00edvel executar comandos do Mercurial.\n\nVerifique se o Mercurial est\u00e1 instalado em seu PATH.
# Capitalized letters used intentionally to emphasize the words in an output window, should be translated
MSG_VERSION_NONE_OUTPUT_MSG = INFORMA\u00c7\u00c3O: N\u00e3o foi poss\u00edvel localizar o Mercurial.\nN\u00e3o \u00e9 poss\u00edvel executar comandos do Mercurial.
MSG_USING_UNRECOGNIZED_VERSION_MSG = INFORMA\u00c7\u00c3O: Usando a vers\u00e3o {0} n\u00e3o reconhecida do Mercurial.
# description of the running task displayed in the progress bar
# {0} - name of the running task. Can be anything
LBL_Queued = {0} - (Enfileirado)
MSG_Contains_Modified_Locally = Cont\u00e9m arquivos novos, modificados ou exclu\u00eddos
MSG_Contains_Conflicts = Cont\u00e9m arquivos que est\u00e3o em conflito com os do reposit\u00f3rio
# Exception Handler
CTL_Action_OK = OK
CTL_ActionCanceled_Title = A\u00e7\u00e3o cancelada
MSG_ParsingError=O arquivo de configura\u00e7\u00e3o tem um formato n\u00e3o suportado e n\u00e3o pode ser carregado.\nVoc\u00ea pode obter mais informa\u00e7\u00f5es no arquivo de log do IDE.
LBL_ParsingError=Formato n\u00e3o suportado
# initial letter is not capitalized, separate part of the annotation next to a node name in the Project view
# {0} - first revision
# {1} - second revision
LBL_Annotator.label.merged.twoBranches={0} {1} mesclados
# initial letter is not capitalized, separate part of the annotation next to a node name in the Project view
# {0} - first revision id
# {1} - second revision id
# {2} - branch the merge was made in
LBL_Annotator.label.merged.oneBranch={0} {1} mesclados em {2}
LBL_Annotator.currentBranch.toolTip=Trabalhando na ramifica\u00e7\u00e3o "{0}"
# {0} - first branch
# {1} - second branch
LBL_Annotator.mergeNeeded.twoBranches.toolTip=\u00c9 necess\u00e1rio fazer commit ap\u00f3s a mesclagem de {0} {1}
# {0} - first revision id
# {1} - second revision id
# {2} - branch the merge was made in
LBL_Annotator.mergeNeeded.oneBranch.toolTip=\u00c9 necess\u00e1rio fazer commit ap\u00f3s a mesclagem de {0} {1} em {2}
LBL_LookingUp=Consultando o arquivo movido...
# {0} - filename
# {1} - revision id
LBL_LookingUpAtRevision=Consultando o arquivo {0} movido na revis\u00e3o {1}
MSG_MoveFailed = Falha de Hg ao mover {0} para: {1}
MSG_DeleteFailed = Falha de Hg ao excluir {0}
# from VCSFileNode
LBL_Location_NotInRepository=[n\u00e3o est\u00e1 no reposit\u00f3rio]