blob: f43e5dbb25e797ef4b2256a3f989531ac3ce8772 [file] [log] [blame]
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PackagingCustomizer.aIDPanel1.title=AID do paquete cl\u00e1sico
CapProjectCustomizerDependencies.addLibButton.text=Engadir Ext. Lib
CapProjectCustomizerDependencies.upLibButton.text=Mover cara a arriba
CapProjectCustomizerDependencies.downLibButton.text=Mover cara a abaixo
CapProjectCustomizerDependencies.addJarButton.text=Engadir ficheiro JAR
CapProjectCustomizerDependencies.addLibButton.toolTipText=A\u00ednda non se implementou
SCRIPTS_DIR_BAD=[Non se atopou o cartafol de scripts]
WebEditorUnlockPanel.jTextArea1.text=This project's web.xml file appears to have been hand-edited. If you use this simple editor, it will overwrite any manual changes or added tags. Prema Desbloquear para desbloquear este editor.
WebEditorUnlockPanel.jLabel1.text=Possibly Hand-Edited Web Descriptor
WebProjectCustomizerRun.jLabel1.text=Seleccionar contido que se abrir\u00e1 no navegador
WebProjectCustomizerRun.jLabel2.text=URL resultante
WebProjectCustomizerRun.launchBrowserCheckBox.text=Lanzar navegador externo cando se inicie o aplicativo
WebProjectCustomizerRun.jButton2.toolTipText=Engadir novo servidor [Tarxeta real]
DependencyCustomizer.downLibButton.text=Mover cara a abaixo
DependencyCustomizer.addJarButton.text=Engadir ficheiro JAR
DependencyCustomizer.addLibButton.text=Engadir biblioteca de extensi\u00f3n
DependencyCustomizer.upLibButton.text=Mover cara a arriba
WAIT_MSG=Analizando fontes para os servlets...
WebCustomizer.listLabel.text=&Servlets para inclu\u00edr
WebCustomizer.nameLabel.text=&Nome do servlet
WebCustomizer.mappingLabel.text=&Mapeamento do servlet
WebCustomizer.jLabel1.text=Nome para mostrar do aplicativo web
WebCustomizer.useAsDefault.text=E&xaminar este servlet ao executalo
TIP_SERVLET=Usar a lapela Web deste di\u00e1logo de propiedades para escoller o servlet a abrir
WEB_XML_HAS_ERRORS=Analizouse o ficheiro web.xml con erros. A edici\u00f3n non ser\u00e1 pos\u00edbel.
MSG_NO_SERVLETS_FOUND=No subclasses of HttpServlet found, or HttpServlet not on platform classpath
CapProjectCustomizerRun.launchBrowserCheckBox.text=Run the APDU Tool to send the following script
Sources=C\u00f3digo fonte
PackagingCustomizer.aIDPanel1.toolTipText=<hmtl>Configura o ID do aplicativo. This is a unique identifier consisting of two sections, one identifying your organization, <br>and the second unique to an applet type or instance of an applet type.
AppletProjectCustomizerRun.launchBrowserCheckBox.text=&Run APDU Script on Run
AppletEditorUnlockPanel.jTextArea1.text=This project's applet.xml file appears to have been hand-edited. If you use this simple editor, it will overwrite any manual changes or added tags. Prema Desbloquear para desbloquear este editor.
AppletEditorUnlockPanel.jLabel1.text=Possibly Hand-Edited Applet Descriptor
SecurityCustomizer.keystoreAliasField.toolTipText=Especificar a chave co ficheiro de almac\u00e9n de chaves que deber\u00eda usarse. Pode quedar en branco se o almac\u00e9n de chaves s\u00f3 cont\u00e9n unha chave.
SecurityCustomizer.keystoreAliasLabel.text=&Alias do almac\u00e9n de chaves
SecurityCustomizer.aliasPasswordLabel.text=Contrasinal do a&lias
SecurityCustomizer.keystoreLabel.text=Almac\u00e9n de c&haves
SecurityCustomizer.keystorePasswordLabel.text=Contrasinal do al&mac\u00e9n de chaves
SecurityCustomizer.aliasPasswordField.toolTipText=<html>Contrasinal/frase de paso para a chave espec\u00edfica co almac\u00e9n de chaves. <br/>Use if you are specifying a specific key alias within the keystore file.
SecurityCustomizer.signButton.text=A&sinar o ficheiro JAR
SecurityCustomizer.keystorePasswordField.toolTipText=Contrasinal/Frase de paso principal para o ficheiro do almac\u00e9n de chaves
SecurityCustomizer.jLabel1.text=<html><font color="#BB0000"><b>Important:</b> Passwords are stored in plain text in <code>nbproject/private/</code> in your project.<p>This means that they will not be shared in version control (SVN, CVS, etc.) with other developers of this project.<p>&nbsp;<p>However, they will be readable by any user with direct access to this computer.
CompilingPanel.deprecationBox.text=&Report Uses of Deprecated APIs
CompilingPanel.additionalInstructions.text=(p.ex. -Xlint:unchecked)
CompilingPanel.optionsLabel.text=Opci\u00f3ns do compilador &adicionais:
CompilingPanel.instructions.text=<html>Se est\u00e1 seleccionada, compilaranse os ficheiros cando os garde.<br>\nThis option saves you time when you run or debug your application in the IDE.
CompilingPanel.generateDebugInfoBox.text=Xerar a informaci\u00f3n da depuraci\u00f3n
CompilingPanel.compileOnSaveBox.text=&Compile On Save
CustomizeDeploymentPanel.appletInstanceLabel.text=Instancia do applet
CustomizeDeploymentPanel.removeButton.toolTipText=<html>Remove the selected applet instance, so that one less instance of this applet will be<br>deployed when the project is run.
CustomizeDeploymentPanel.aidPnl.title=Instancia do AID
CustomizeDeploymentPanel.addButton.toolTipText=<html>Engadir outra instancia a crear cando este proxecto se despregue nunha tarxeta
CustomizeDeploymentPanel.deploymentParamsField.toolTipText=Unha cadea hexadecimal que deber\u00eda pas\u00e1rselle a esta instancia cando sexa instanciada
CustomizeDeploymentPanel.deploymentParamsLabel.text=Par\u00e1metros do despregue
CustomizeDeploymentPanel.instructionsTextArea.text=M\u00faltiples copias dunha clase de applet poden despregarse nunha tarxeta. Cada instancia do applet ten a s\u00faa propia instancia AID. Scripts can use this value to select a particular applet to communicate with. The instance AID may or may not be related to the Applet class' AID, but it must be unique to all applets on the card.\n\nEach instance of an applet on a card can also have its own deployment parameters - values passed to it when it is instantiated on the card. Configure how many instances of this applet should be instantiated on the card below.
CustomizeDeploymentPanel.instancesList.toolTipText=<html>Instances of the applet which should be instantiated on the <br>card when this project is deployed
CustomizeDeploymentPanel.titleLabel.text=Personalizar instan&cias do applet
DependencyCustomizer.jTextArea1.text=As bibliotecas nos proxectos Java Card s\u00f3 se usan para o completado de c\u00f3digo e a compilaci\u00f3n. To use a library at runtime, if it does not already exist in ROM on the card, it must be deployed to the card independently of this project.
AppletInstancePanel.deployParamsLbl.text=&Par\u00e1metros do despregue (hexadecimal)
CustomizeDeploymentPanel.displayNameLbl.text=Nome para mostrar &do applet
CustomizeDeploymentPanel.appletClassLabel.text=Clase do apple&t
CustomizeDeploymentPanel.aidLabel.text=AID do a&pplet
AppletInstancePanel.aIDPanel1.title=&Instanciar AID
AppletCustomizer.customizeButton.text=Personalizar instan&cias
AppletInstancePanel.deployParamsField.toolTipText=<html>Enter a series of numbers in hexadecimal which should be passed to the instance <br> of this applet when it is created
AppletCustomizer.customizeButton.toolTipText=<html>Add or remove instances of the selected applet which should be created when<br>this project is deployed to a card.<p>Multiple instances can be deployed with different instance AIDs and initialization parameters.
AppletCustomizer.instancesList.toolTipText=<html>Instances of the selected applet which should be created when this<br>project is deployed to a card.
AppletCustomizer.displayNameField.toolTipText=Nome para mostrar deste applet
AppletCustomizer.instancesLabel.text=&Instancias para crear na execuci\u00f3n
LibrariesCustomizer.jTextArea1.text=As bibliotecas nos proxectos Java Card s\u00f3 se usan para o completado de c\u00f3digo e a compilaci\u00f3n. To use a library at runtime, it must either already exist in ROM on the card, or it must be deployed to the card before you run a project that needs to use it.
LibrariesCustomizer.jButton1.text=Eng&adir proxecto
LibrariesCustomizer.jButton2.text=Engadir &JAR/Cartafol
LibrariesCustomizer.jButton3.text=Engadir bib&lioteca
LibrariesCustomizer.jButton5.text=Mo&ver cara a arriba
LibrariesCustomizer.jButton6.text=Mover cara a a&baixo
LibrariesCustomizer.jCheckBox1.text=&Copiar bibliotecas ao cartafol compartido
AppletCustomizer.appletsLabel.text=&Applets para inclu\u00edr en applet.xml
AppletCustomizer.displayNameLabel.text=&Mostrar nome
AppletCustomizer.appletsList.toolTipText=<html>Marca os applet que deber\u00edan inclu\u00edrse no ficheiro applet.xml para este <br>proxecto, selecci\u00f3naos e estabelece os seus par\u00e1metros
# {0} - Platform Name
TXT_BrokenPlatformFmt=Falta a plataforma: {0}
# {0} - Source Level
TXT_InvalidSourceLevel=Nivel de fonte ilegal: {0}
CTL_ChangePlatform=Cambiar a plataforma
TXT_ChangePlatform=<html><b>Incompatible Source Level Value {0}</b></html>\nThe source level version for this project ({0}) is higher than the\nJava Platform version you just selected ({1}). Changing the Java\nPlatform will update the project''s source level to version {1}.\n\nDo you want to change the Java Platform and update the source level\nversion?
TXT_ChangePlatformTitle=Cambiar a plataforma Java
MSG_EncodingWarning=<html>Changing project encoding might result in some characters <br>in existing files not being read and written correctly.
CTL_ProjectFolder=Carta&fol do proxecto
CTL_SourceRoots=Ra\u00edce&s do fonte
CTL_AddSourceRoot=Eng&adir ra\u00edz do fonte
CTL_RemoveSourceRoot=Elimina&r ra\u00edz do fonte
CTL_UpSourceRoot=Mo&ver cara a arriba
CTL_DownSourceRoot=Mover cara a a&baixo
TXT_SourceLevel=Nive&l do fonte
TXT_Encoding=Codificaci\u00f3n do fich&eiro
AD_CustomizerSources_projectLocation=Localizaci\u00f3n do proxecto
TIP_SERVLET=Set which servlet path is used on the Web page of the project properties
LBL_NO_PLATFORM_SELECTED=[ningunha plataforma seleccionada]
NO_DEVICE_SPECIFIED=[ning\u00fan dispositivo especificado]
MISSING_DEVICE=Dispositivo incorrecto: {0}
INVALID_PLATFORM=Plataforma incorrecta: {0}
PLATFORM_NOT_SPECIFIED=Ningunha plataforma especificada
MSG_NO_APPLETS=No subclasses of javacard.framework.Applet found, or classpath/platform misconfigured
MSG_NO_DISPLAY_NAME=Non se estabeleceu un nome para mostrar para {0}
MSG_NO_AID=Non se definiu un AID para {0}
APPLETS_WAIT_MSG=Analizando fontes para as subclases do applet...
BROWSE_FOR_KEYSTORE=Atopar ficheiro do almac\u00e9n de chaves
MSG_BAD_FILE={0} non existe ou non \u00e9 un ficheiro regular
TITLE_CUSTOMIZE_DEPLOYMENT=Instancias de {0} para despregar
NO_INSTANCES=Non se crear\u00e1 ningunha instancia deste applet
ONE_INSTANCE=Crearase unha instancia deste applet
MORE_THAN_ONE=Crearanse {0} instancias deste applet
ODD_NUMBER_OF_DIGITS=Odd number of characters in deployment parameters - invalid hexadecimal
ILLEGAL_HEX=N\u00famero hexadecimal ilegal: {0}
WARN_DEPLOYMENT_XML_NOT_FOUND=Non se atopou o XML de despregue
APPLET_INSTANCE=Instanciar {0}
MSG_INVALID_DEPLOYMENT_XML=Corrompeuse o ficheiro XML de despregue Use Customize Instances to fix.
BAD_AIDS_FOUND_IN_DEPLOYMENT=Atop\u00e1ronse entradas AID ilegais no ficheiro deployment.xml: {0} Use Customize Instances to fix.
NO_INSTANCES_CONFIGURED={0} not configured for deployment, or no applets to deploy.
NUMBER_OF_INSTANCES={0} instances of this applet will be created when project is run
LBL_INVALID_AID=[AID incorrecto]
CUSTOMIZE_INSTANCES=Personalizar instan&cias de {0}
AID_IN_USE=AID {0} already in use
UnsupportedEncodingDialog.instructions.text=<html>O conxunto de caracteres {0} ou ben \u00e9 desco\u00f1ecido ou non \u00e9 compat\u00edbel <br>con esta MV Java. Seleccionar unha codificaci\u00f3n de caracteres para os ficheiros deste proxecto.
UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING=Non se admite a codificaci\u00f3n de caracteres {0} no proxecto {1}
LBL_INVALID_PLATFORM=Plataforma incorrecta: {0}
LBL_INVALID_PLATFORM_SELECTED=[Seleccionouse unha plataforma incorrecta]
MSG_BAD_PLATFORM=A plataforma \u00e9 incorrecta
MSG_BAD_CARD=A tarxeta \u00e9 incorrecta
ERR_EMPTY_AID=Non se especificou o AID do applet
PackagingCustomizer.jLabel1.text=Proxy de Java Card 3
PackagingCustomizer.proxyCheckBox.text=Usar fontes do proxy
PackagingCustomizer.proxyCheckBox.toolTipText=<html>Normally, synchronization proxies are generated in the build process<br>to facilitate running Java Card 2 applications in a<br>multi-threaded environment.<p>Se quere xerar e editar directamente esta clases, marque esta caixa de verificaci\u00f3n.
ERR_BAD_ROOT=Source roots not under project root not supported: {0}
ASK_GENERATE_PROXIES=Non existen as fontes do proxy para este proxecto. Xeralas agora?