blob: e7d87788c7874336034494072bac128317577276 [file] [log] [blame]
# Labels
LBL_JAXBWizTitle=Configurar o binding de XML
LBL_XSDFileLoc=XSD File Location\:
LBL_SourceXSDFiles=Ficheiros orixe XSD
LBL_TemplateWizardTitle=Binding de JAXB
# Messages
MSG_EnterSchemaName=Requ\u00edrese un nome de binding \u00fanico
MSG_SchemaNameExists=Xa existe un binding con ese nome
MSG_InvalidCharInSchemaName=O nome do binding ten car\u00e1cteres incorrectos. (,.\\/;:)
MSG_InvalidCharInPackageName=Invalid character(s) in the package name. (,\\/;:)
MSG_EnterSchemaFileOrURL=Please enter schema file path or URL
MSG_CanNotSelectQuietAndVerbose=Select one of 'quiet' or 'verbose'
MSG_SchemaTypeNotSupported="{0}" schema type is "experimental and not supported" by JAXB RI.
MSG_ErrorReadingSchema=Error reading schema file. Please verify path or URL entered is correct.
MSG_enterValidSchemaFile=Please enter valid schema file.
# Labels
LBL_SchemaType=Schema &Type\:
LBL_UseBindingFile=Use B&inding File
LBL_UseCatalogFile=Use &Catalog File
LBL_UseExtension=Us&e Extension
LBL_Options=Compiler Options\:
LBL_SelectFromURL=Select From &URL\:
LBL_SelectFromLocalFileSystem=Se&lect From Local File System\:
LBL_SchamaFile=Schema File\:
LBL_SchemaName=Bi&nding Name\:
LBL_PackageName=Nome do &paquete\:
LBL_JAXB_Bindings=JAXB Bindings
# LBL_ for XJC options like -XXXXXXX
LBL_-xmlschema=XML Schema
LBL_-relaxng=Relax NG
LBL_-relaxng-compact=Relax NG Compact
LBL_DD_TTL_BindingFile=Binding Files
# Tooltips
TT_NV=Do not perform strict validation of the input schema(s)
TT_ReadOnly=Generated files will be in read-only mode
TT_NPA=Suppress generation of package level annotations (**/
TT_Verbose=Be extra verbose
TT_Quiet=Suppress compiler output
TT_Extension=Allow vendor extensions - do not strictly follow the Compatibility Rules and App E.2 from the JAXB Spec
TT_chkbxBindingFile=Specify external bindings files
TT_chkbxCatalogFile=Specify catalog files to resolve external entity references support TR9401, XCatalog, and OASIS XML Catalog format.
TT_SchemaType=Please select Schema Type. The JAXB RI supports XML and WSDL types.
TT_PackageName=Package name to override default package name which is based on target namespace in the schema.
TT_URL=URL for the Schema file
TT_LocalSchemaFile=Local Schema file
TT_SchemaName=Enter binding name which is unique inside the project
TTP_SchemaLoc=Select location from where schema file needs to imported
TT_BindingFilesAddBtn=Prema engadir para examinar e seleccionar ficheiro
TT_BindingFilesRemoveBtn=Select file or files from list, then click Remove to delete files from the list
TTP_PackageName=Enter package to override default
# A11Y related
A11Y_Desc_BindingName=A unique Binding Name
A11Y_Desc_BindingNameTxt=Please enter unique Binding name
A11Y_Desc_txt_Project=Nome do proxecto
ASN_rdb_SelectFromLocalFileSys=Select From Local File System\:
ASD_SelectLocal=Select Schema file from local file system
ASD_BrowseLocalSchema=Examinar para seleccionar un ficheiro de esquema do sistema de ficheiros local
ASD_SelectURL=Select to import schema from an URL
ASD_lbl_SchemaType=Select Schema type
ASD_cmb_SchemaType=Select Schema Type
ASD_lbl_package_name=Nome do paquete
ASD_txt_PackageName=Enter package to override default
ASD_CompileOoptions=XJC compiler options
ASD_chkbxUseXtension=Use JAXB RI extensions
ASD_chkbx_UseBindingFiles=Select to import binding files
ASN_cmb_importedBindingFiles=Imported Binding files
ASD_cmb_ImportedBindingFiles=Imported Binding files
ASD_chkbx_UseCatalog=Select to use imported Catalog file
ASN_Catalog=Catalog file
asd_Catalog=Imported catalog file
ASD_btn_Configure=Import one or more binding files
ASD_btnBrowseCatalog=Examinar sistema de ficheiros local para importar o ficheiro do cat\u00e1logo
ASD_txt_LocalSchemaPath=Schema file path from local file system
ASD_txt_SchemaURL=URL location from to import schema file
ASD_FileList=Allows user to select one or more files
ASD_Files=List of files