blob: 2feb2227332df7b31dd5ccd0763885c4e30e3f5f [file] [log] [blame]
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DESC_RELEASE_VERSION=Shall not use RELEASE/LATEST/SNAPSHOT version, it makes the build eventually irreproducible in the future.
CTL_ShowAs_Label=&Mostrar como\:
CTL_InTasklist_CheckBox=Mostrar na xanela de &problemas
HintsPanel.severityLabel.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Mostrar como
HintsPanel.AccessibleContext.accessibleName=Hints Options
HintsPanel.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Hints Options
AN_Show_As_Combo=Show As Combobox
AD_Show_As_Combo=Customize hint severity combobox
ReleaseVersionErrorCustomizer.cbRelease.text=Warn about usage of &RELEASE version
ReleaseVersionErrorCustomizer.cbLatest.text=Warn about usage of &LATEST version
ReleaseVersionErrorCustomizer.cbSnapshot.text=Warn about usage of &SNAPSHOT version
TIT_ReleaseLatestVersion=No metaversions for plugins
DESC_ReleaseLatestVersion=Shall not use release/latest/snapshot versions for plugins. It has consequences on reproducibility of the build in the future.
TIT_OverridePluginManagementError=Overrides version from PluginManagement
DESC_OverridePluginManagementError=Overrides version from PluginManagement
TXT_OverridePluginManagementError=Overrides version defined in PluginManagement. The managed version is {0}.
TIT_OverrideDependencyManagementError=Overrides version from DependencyManagement
DESC_OverrideDependencyManagementError=Overrides version from DependencyManagement
TXT_OverrideDependencyManagementError=Overrides version defined in DependencyManagement. The managed version is {0}.
LBL_TaskList_DisplayName=Maven POM problems
LBL_TaskList_Desc=Problems in Maven project model definitions
TEXT_OverrideDependencyFix=Remove explicit version declaration.
TEXT_OverridePluginFix=Remove explicit version declaration.
TIT_MoveToDependencyManagementHint=Move Unmanaged to Dependency Management
DESC_MoveToDependencyManagementHint=Move Unmanaged to Dependency Management, start managing dependencies that are not managed yet.
TEXT_MoveToDependencyManagementHint=Move Unmanaged to Dependency Management
MoveToDependencyManagementPanel.jLabel1.text=<html>Move selected dependencies into the DependencyManagement section in the following pom.xml file:
LBL_Error=Error reading pom model inheritance
TITLE_PomNode={0} - {1}
HTML_TITLE_PomNode=<html>{0} <i>(s\u00f3 de lectura)</i></html>
TIT_ParentVersionError=Use latest version of parent POM
DESC_ParentVersionError=Make sure the current project is using the version of parent that resides in current source base or the latest known version based on the repository index.
TEXT_ParentVersionFix=Use version {0} as defined in current parent project sources.
TXT_ParentVersionError=Use current parent version - {0}
TEXT_ParentVersionFix2=Use the latest known parent version - {0}
TXT_ParentVersionError2=Use the latest known parent version - {0}
ParentVersionErrorCustomizer.rbSources.text=&Always prefer the version from current sources
ParentVersionErrorCustomizer.rbLatest.text=&Use the latest versions according to repository index
ParentVersionErrorCustomizer.cbSnapshots.text=Allow &SNAPSHOT versions
TIT_MoveDepMan=Move to DependencyManagement