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# TableElement
FullyQualifiedName=Fully qualified table name required.
# SchemaElement
SchemaNotFound=Non se encontrou o esquema da base de datos.
RetrievingSchema=Recuperando o esquema da base de datos.
CannotRetrieve=Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel recuperar o esquema da base de datos.
NullTables=Unable to set tables to null.
NulIndexes=Unable to set index columns to null.
PreviousVersion={0} database schema was captured by previous version of database schema module and is not compatible with current version.
# Sql types
# Manifest
OpenIDE-Module-Name=Esquema da base de datos (Implementaci\u00f3n de JDBC)
OpenIDE-Module-Display-Category=Base de datos
OpenIDE-Module-Short-Description=Enables you to capture and view the structure of a database in the IDE.
OpenIDE-Module-Long-Description=Enables you to create a database structure snapshot that you can use in the IDE.
# mf-layer localizations
Menu/Help/HelpShortcuts/org-netbeans-modules-dbschema-mainpage.xml=Database Schema Module Help
Actions/Help/org-netbeans-modules-dbschema-mainpage.xml=Database Schema Module Help
#Mime Resolver
Services/MIMEResolver/org-netbeans-modules-dbschema-mime-resolver.xml=Ficheiros de definici\u00f3n de esquema de base de datos
Loaders/text/x-dbschema+xml/Factories/org-netbeans-modules-dbschema-jdbcimpl-DBschemaDataLoader.instance=Ficheiros do esquema da base de datos