blob: ee6272b3bd1a525ee26c97e0bbd2d1e6cfc04b7d [file] [log] [blame]
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BK0001=Especificar a localizaci\u00f3n do repositorio Subversion\:
BK0002=URL do &repositorio\:
BK0005=(deixar en branco para o acceso an\u00f3nimo
BK0006=&Configuraci\u00f3n de proxy...
BK0007=Gardar nome de usuario e contrasinal
BK0008=Eliminar do historial
BK0009=Empregar t\u00fanel externo
BK0010=Tunnel Command\:
BK0011=Garda o nome de usuario e contrasinal
ACSN_RemoveHistory=Eliminar do historial
ACSD_RemoveHistory=Elimina o URL seleccionado do historial
ACSN_RepositoryURL=URL do repositorio:
ACSD_RepositoryURL=URL de repositorios empregados recentemente
TT_RepositoryUrl=<html><body>IDE directly supports following Subversion URL types\:<dl><dt><tt>file\:///repository_path[@REV]</tt></dt><dd>for direct SVN repositories access</dd><dt><tt>http\://hostname/repository_path[@REV]</tt></dt><dd>for connecting SVN repository via WebDAV protocol</dd><dt><tt>https\://hostname/repository_path[@REV]</tt></dt><dd>for connecting SVN repository via WebDAV protocol with SSL encryption</dd><dt><tt>svn\://hostname/repository_path[@REV]</tt></dt><dd>for connecting SVN repository via custom protocol to a <tt>svnserver</tt> server</dd><dt><tt>\svn+ssh://hostname/repository_path[@REV]</tt></dt><dd>for connecting SVN repository via custom protocol to a <tt>svnserver</tt> server</dd></body></html>
TT_svn_xxx=<html><body><tt><dl><dt>on Windows:</dt><dd>plink -l username -pw password<br>plink -l username -i C:/Path/To/Private.key</dd><dd>Use forward slashes in paths</dd><dt>on Unixes:</dt><dd>ssh -l username -i path/to/privateKey</dd></tt></body></html>
TT_UserName=O seu nome de usuario
TT_Password=O seu contrasinal empregado para a autenticaci\u00f3n
ACSD_RepositoryPanel=Neste panel pode especificar o URL do repositorio e calquera par\u00e1metro precisado para facela conexi\u00f3n.
ACSN_RepositoryPanel=Xestor da configuraci\u00f3n de conexi\u00f3n
BK1001=&Empregar configuraci\u00f3ns de proxy de NetBeans
BK1002=Proxy H&TTP
BK1003=Proxy &SOCKS
BK1004=P&roxy Host\:
BK1006=O servidor proxy require a &autentificaci\u00f3n
BK1009=&Sen proxy (conexi\u00f3n directa)
BK2023=Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel acceder\:
BK2004=Configuraci\u00f3n de proxy
TT_ProxyLogin=Comprobe que o servidor proxy require autentificaci\u00f3n
TT_ProxyPort=N\u00famero de porto TCP/IP para o servidor proxy
TT_ProxyHost=Nome de equipo TCP/IP do servidor proxy
TT_UseSystemProxy=Empregas as opci\u00f3ns do proxy definidas no IDE ou empregar as opci\u00f3ns do sistema operante.
TT_UseNoProxy=Conectar directamente co servidor
TT_UseHttpsProxy=Conectar mediante un proxy HTTP
TT_UseSocksProxy=Conectar mediante un proxy SOCKS 4 ou SOCKS 5
TT_ProxyUsername=Nome de usuario para a autentificaci\u00f3n no servidor proxy
TT_ProxyPassword=Contrasinal para a autentificaci\u00f3n no servidor proxy
ACSD_ProxyDialog=Este di\u00e1logo perm\u00edtelle especificar os par\u00e1metros de conexi\u00f3n de rede a empregar para a conexi\u00f3n co servidor SVN. As posibles opci\u00f3ns incl\u00faen: proxy HTTP, proxy SOCKS, conexi\u00f3n directa ou a predefinida do sistema.
MSG_Repository_WrongRevision = N\u00famero de revisi\u00f3n incorrecta: {0}
MSG_Repository_OnlyHEADRevision = A \u00fanica revisi\u00f3n permitida aqu\u00ed \u00e9 HEAD!
MSG_Repository_Url_Help = <html><body>IDE directly supports the following Subversion URL types:<dl><dt><tt>{0}</tt></dt><dd>for direct SVN repositories access</dd><dt><tt>{1}</tt></dt><dd>for connecting SVN repository via WebDAV protocol</dd><dt><tt>{2}</tt></dt><dd>for connecting SVN repository via WebDAV protocol with SSL encryption</dd><dt><tt>{3}</tt></dt><dd>for connecting SVN repository via custom protocol to a <tt>svnserver</tt> server</dd><dt><tt>{4}</tt></dt><dd>for connecting SVN repository via custom protocol to a <tt>svnserver</tt> server</dd></dl></body></html>
ACSD_RepositoryPanel_Title=Especifique a localizaci\u00f3n do repositorio Subversion:
ACSD_InfoLabel=mensaxe de informaic\u00f3n
ACSD_BrowseCertFile = Perm\u00edtelle examinar polo ficheiro do certificado do cliente
Browse_title=Examinar polo ficheiro do certificado do cliente
HttpPanel.browseButton.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Perm\u00edtelle examinar polo ficheiro do certificado do cliente
HttpPanel.certFileTextField.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Perm\u00edtelle especificar o ficheiro do certificado do cliente
HttpPanel.certPasswordField.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Perm\u00edtelle especificar a frase de paso para o seu ficheiro do certificado de cliente
HttpPanel.certPasswordField.AccessibleContext.accessibleName=Frase de paso
HttpPanel.certFileTextField.AccessibleContext.accessibleName=Ficheiro do certificado do cliente
HttpPanel.browseButton.toolTipText=Este di\u00e1logo perm\u00edtelle especificar os par\u00e1metros de conexi\u00f3n de rede a empregar para a conexi\u00f3n co servidor SVN. As posibles opci\u00f3ns incl\u00faen: proxy HTTP, proxy SOCKS, conexi\u00f3n directa ou a predefinida do sistema.
HttpPanel.certFileLabel.text=Ficheiro do cer\tificado do cliente:
HttpPanel.certFileLabel.toolTipText=Cami\u00f1o ao ficheiro do certificado do cliente
HttpPanel.certPasswordLabel.toolTipText=Frase de paso
HttpPanel.certPasswordLabel.text=Fra&se de paso:
SvnkitSSHPanel.certFileLabel.text=Iden&tity File:
SvnkitSSHPanel.certFileLabel.toolTipText=Path to the private key identity file
MSG_Repository_InvalidSvnUrl=URL do svn incorrecto\:{0} rights: You are not authorized to access the repository.
MSG_Repository.kenai.insufficientRights.write=Insufficient rights: You are not authorized to commit into the repository.
SshPanel.certFileLabel.text=Identity File:
SvnkitSSHPanel.browseButton.toolTipText=Lets you select the path to a private key file
SvnkitSSHPanel.certPasswordLabel.text=Fra&se de paso:
SvnkitSSHPanel.certPasswordLabel.toolTipText=Passphrase to the private key
SvnkitSSHPanel.userNameLabel.text=Nome de &usuario:
SvnkitSSHPanel.userNameLabel.TTtext=Nome do usuario
SvnkitSSHPanel.savePassword.text=&Save Username and Password
SvnkitSSHPanel.savePassword.TTtext=Saves Password and Passphrase
SvnkitSSHPanel.password.TTtext=Password for Username/Password authentication
SvnkitSSHPanel.privateKeyLabel.text=Chave privada
SvnkitSSHPanel.port.text=Port &Number:
SvnkitSSHPanel.port.TTtext=SSH port number on target machine (default is 22)