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# For at top level
OpenIDE-Module-Name=Biblioteca esquema-para-Beans
OpenIDE-Module-Short-Description=Biblioteca para representaci\u00f3n de XML como JavaBeans.
OpenIDE-Module-Long-Description=XML xerador obrigatorio dos datos. Este m\u00f3dulo \u00e9 unha biblioteca dos diferentes tipos de axudas para xerar as beans que corresponden aos descritores de XML.
# Class AttrProp:
WrongEnumDecl_msg=(declaraci\u00f3n incorrecta do enum)
# this message also used by class Common:
# {0} = type name.
UnknownType_msg=\"{0}\" tipo desco\u00f1ecido
TooMuchDeclaration_msg=M\u00e1is declaraci\u00f3n da esperada
TooLittleDeclaration_msg=Menos declaraci\u00f3n da esperada: {0}
BadAttributeDecl_msg=A declaraci\u00f3n do atributo \u00e9 incompleta ou incorrecta
UseCharORWithEnum_msg=Caracter | Deber\u00eda ser usado con enum
ATTLISTParseError_msg=An\u00e1lise fallida ATTLIST {0} - {1}
# Class BaseBean:
DuplicateProperties_msg=Non se poden crear d\u00faas propiedades diferentes co mesmo nome no \u00fcnico bean
BeanPropertyDoesntExist_msg=O bean {0} non ten ningunha caracter\u00edstica nomeada {1}.
# {0} = property name.
UnknownPropertyName_msg=Nome de caracter\u00edstica desco\u00f1ecida: {0}
CantWriteBeanNotInDOMTree_msg=Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel escribir a \u00e1rbore como unha corrente de XML: o bean non se encontra na \u00e1rbore dos DOM.
# also used by class BeanProp:
CantInstantiateBean_msg=Failed to instantiate a bean: {0}
MergeWrongClassType_msg=o merger/mergee da fusi\u00f3n non \u00e9 do mesmo tipo que a clase: {0}/{1}
PropertyIsNotABean_msg=A propiedade {0} non \u00e9 un bean.
beanPropIsNull_msg=Detected in createAttribute, the beanProp is null for \"{0}\". Semella que o CreateRoot ainda non foi nomeado.
# Class BeanBuilder:
DTDObjectGraphIsNull_msg=Erro: a gr\u00e1fica do esquema \u00e9 nula.
CantCreateFile_msg=Failed to create the file \"{0}\", Exc: {1}.
CantCreateMetaDDFile_msg=Failed to read the metaDD file \"{0}\"
CantCreateDirIsFile_msg=Cannot create the directory \"{0}\" (already exists as a file).
RenamedProperty_msg=Renamed property from \"{0}\" to \"{1}\" in \"{2}\", due to duplicate names or a forbidden name.
MSG_UsingMdd=Empregando a informaci\u00f3n mdd de {0}
MSG_CreatedDirectory=Directorio creado {0}
MSG_GenerationSummary=O elemento do cami\u00f1o \u00e9 ''{0}'' e a s\u00faa clase \u00e9 ''{1}''.
MSG_SkippingGenerationDueToTime=A xeraci\u00f3n que salta debido aos ficheiros xerados \u00e9 m\u00e1is nova ca os arquivos de fonte.
MSG_DidNotChangeFile=Non hai cambios feitos para arquivar.
MSG_BadTokenInFinder=token defectuoso ''{0}'' na expresi\u00f3n do buscador.
MSG_MissingOnExpression=Falta a expresi\u00f3n "on" na busca ''{0}''.
MSG_UnableToFindExpressionFromFinder=Resultou impos\u00edbel buscar a expresi\u00f3n do buscador, ''{0}''.
# Class BeanProp:
ParentNodeCantBeNull_msg=O nodo pai non debe ser nulo.
NotIndexedProperty_msg=Propiedade non definida no \u00edndice
CannotAddNullValue_msg=Non se pode agregar un valor nulo
InvalidIndexForTypeProperty_msg=Valor de \u00edndice incorrecto para un s\u00f3 tipo de caracter\u00edstica
CannotInsertElementAlreadyInGraph_msg=Non se pode engadir un elemento que sexa parte dunha gr\u00e1fica. O elemento debe ser clonado primeiro.
UnknownAttributeForProperty_msg=Atributo desco\u00f1ecido {0} para a propiedade {1}
CannotChangeFIXEDAttribute_msg=Non se pode mudar o atributo #FIXED.
ValueDoesNotMatchEnumValues_msg=O valor espec\u00edfico ({0}) non combina un dos valores enumerados: {1}
NotImplementedYet_msg=A\u00ednda non se implementou
ChangeForPropertyVetoed_msg=The change for property \"{1}\" has been vetoed.
PropertyDoesntSupportVeto_msg=The property \"{0}\" has not been generated to support vetoable exceptions.
NodeAlreadyReferenced_msg=Nodo xa referido: {0}
PropertyAlreadyBoundToDOMNode_msg=Property \"{0}\" already bound to a DOM node.
# Class DDFactory:
DDCreationFailed_msg=A creaci\u00f3n DD fallou: {0}
CantCreateBeanForRootElement_msg=Non se atopou ningunha clase de bean para o elemento da raiz: {0}
CantGetConstructor_msg=Failed to get the constructor
CantInstanciateBeanClass_msg=Failed to instantiate the bean class: {0}
# Class DDParser:
DDParserCannotUseKeyWithOutValue_msg=DDParser non pode empregar un nome chave sen valor: {0}
FinalPropertyNotDeclaredAtEndOfParsingString_msg=\"{0}\" is a final property but has not been declared at the end of the parsing String.
NotFoundInPropertyList_msg=\"{0}\" not found in the property list: {1}
# Class DDRegistry:
BeanGraphAlreadyInRegistry_msg=A gr\u00e1fica bean {0} xa est\u00e1 no rexistro
CantRegisterGraphSameID_msg=Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel rexistrar a gr\u00e1fica {0} no rexistro porque a gr\u00e1fica {1} foi rexistrado co mesmo ID: {2}
CantUpdateGraphNotInRegistry_msg=Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel actualizar a gr\u00e1fica nomeada {0} porque non se encontrou no rexistro
BeanGraphEntryNotInRegistry_msg=Bean graph \"{0}\" entry not found in the registry
GraphNameCantBeNull_msg=O nome de gr\u00e1fica non pode ser nulo
# Class DDRegistryParser
CannotNestDeclaration_msg=Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel avaliar a declaraci\u00f3n entre corchetes
CantResolveBecauseMissingParent_msg=Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel resolver {0} porque non hai pai
ParsingPathDoesntResolveToGraphNodeElement_msg=O traxecto da an\u00e1lise gramatical espec\u00edfica ({0}) non resolve ning\u00fan elemento do nodo gr\u00e1fico. No seu lugar atopouse {1}/{2}.
NoElementFoundPath_msg=Non se encontrou o elemento, cami\u00f1o {0}
NoRootFoundForPath_msg=Non se encontrou a ra\u00edz para o cami\u00f1o {0}
CantFindRootForParser_msg=Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel atopar ningunha ra\u00edz para o programa de an\u00e1lise (o cami\u00f1o absoluto especificado sen gr\u00e1fica pai)
NoParentSpecified_msg=Sen pai espec\u00edfico
NoRootSpecified_msg=Sen ra\u00edz spec\u00edfica para {0}
CantAccessBaseBeanNode_msg=Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel acceder ao nodo do BaseBean especificado por {0}
# Class DOMBinding:
NoStringConstructorForWrapper_msg=The wrapper class \"{0}\" specified for the property \"{1}\" has no String constructor and doesn''t implement the Wrapper interface.
CantInstantiatePropertyClass_msg=Failed to instantiate an object of class \"{0}\" for property \"{1}\" using its String constructor with the value \"{2}\" : {3}
TypeNotSupported_msg=Tipo non soportado... {0} type: {1}
DOMBindingAlreadyHasNode_msg=DOMBinding xa ten nodo ({0}) - non se pode sincronizar a \u00e1rbore
UnknownAction_msg=Acci\u00f3n desco\u00f1ecida: {0}
# Class DocDefParser:
FilenameNotSpecified_msg={0} Nome do ficheiro non especificado
HandlerNotSpecified_msg={0} xestor non especificado
# Class GraphManager:
InputStreamCantBeNull_msg=O InputStream non debe ser nulo
CantFindFactory_msg=Couldn''t find the factory - try specifying a Document as the node value for the createGraph() method call.
CantGetDocument_msg=Failed to get the Document
CantCreateXMLDOMDocument_msg=Failed to create the XML-DOM Document. Check your XML to make sure it is correct.
CurrentNodeHasNoBinding_msg=The current node has no binding: {0}
NameShouldStartWithSlash_msg=The name {0} should start with a /
CantFindBeanBecausePartOfNameRemoved_msg=Cannot find the specified bean because in the bean \"{0}\", part of the bean name \"{1}\" has been removed.
CantFindBeanMayHaveBeenRemoved_msg=Cannot find the bean \"{0}\" within \"{1}\" - it might have been removed.
UnknownType=Unknown type: ''{0}''.
# Generated beans
CantCreateDOMRoot_msg=Failed to create a new DOM root for ''{0}''!
DOMGraphCreateFailed_msg=DOM graph creation failed: {0}
DocRootNotInDOMGraph_msg=Doc root ''{0}'' not found in the DOM graph! No seu lugar atopouse ''{1}''.
NoValueForElt_msg=The element ''{0}'' of type {1} has no value.
# Class TreeBuilder
DuplicateElement_msg=Duplicate element in parsed schema: ''{0}''.
NoRootElementCandidate=No elements found as candidates for root element.
MSG_FoundUnreferencedNode=Found node not referenced from root: ''{0}''.
# Class SchemaRep
MSG_InvalidContents=Schema is not valid. A {0} is not allowed to contain a {1}: "{2}".
MSG_DuplicateElementName=Duplicate element name, ''{0}'', at the same level in the schema is not allowed.
MSG_SameNameDifferentContents=Two elements have the same name, ''{0}'', but different contents.
MSG_TryingToCallOnWrongClass=Trying to call ''{0}'' on ''{1}''.
MSG_FailedToFindXMLSchemaType=Fallou ao atopar o tipo de esquema XML para ''{0}''.
MSG_InvalidWhiteSpaceValue=Invalid value, ''{0}'', for whiteSpace node.
MSG_FailedToParse=Failed to parse document at ''{0}''.
MSG_UnableToFindTypeDef=Foi impos\u00edbel atopar a definici\u00f3n para o tipo ''{0}''.
MSG_ExpectedNode=Expected node ''{0}'', but found ''{1}''.
MSG_FailedToFindRef=Fallou ao atopar ref ''{0}'' de ''{1}''.
# Class JavaBeanClass
MSG_NotAGoodValue=''{0}'' is not a good value for type ''{1}''.
MSG_BadParse=Bad time/date parse of ''{0}''.
MSG_SkippingGeneration=Skipping generation of class (as specified in the mdd file).
# Class XMLSchemaParser
MSG_UnableToFind=Warning: Unable to find referred to {0}, ''{1}''.
# Class GenBeans
MSG_GeneratingClass=Generating class {0}
MSG_NothingToCompile=Nothing to compile.
MSG_UnableToCompile=Unable to compile due to:
MSG_IllegalSchemaName=Illegal name of schema, ''{0}''. It must be ''XMLSchema'' or ''DTD''.