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# Generic labels, used in several places
ACSD_Browse=Examinar cartafoles
LBL_move_up=Mover cara a arriba
LBL_move_down=Mover cara a abaixo
TITLE_x_of_y={0} de {1}
# NewObjectPanel
LBL_FirstStepName=Informaci\u00f3n xeral
LBL_NewObjectPanel_servlet=Informaci\u00f3n xeral do servlet
LBL_NewObjectPanel_filter=Informaci\u00f3n xeral do filtro
LBL_NewObjectPanel_listener=Informaci\u00f3n xeral do Listener
ACSD_NewObjectPanel_servlet=Informaci\u00f3n xeral do servlet
ACSD_NewObjectPanel_filter=Informaci\u00f3n xeral do filtro
ACSD_NewObjectPanel_listener=Informaci\u00f3n xeral do Listener
LBL_Instruction1_servlet=<html>Este asistente crea un servlet que xera unha resposta HTTP. A Servlet can only execute as part of a web module, so it must either be placed in a web module or in a library that is available to a web module.</html>
LBL_Instruction1_filter=<html>Este asistente crea un filtro. A Filter can only run in web module, so it must be placed in a web module or in a library that is available to a web module.</html>
LBL_Instruction1_listener=<html>This wizard creates a web module Listener. This type of listener is only invoked by events inside a web module, so it must either be placed in a web module or in a library that is available to a web module.</html>
LBL_Instruction2_servlet=<html>You must specify a fully qualified name for the Servlet class, which will put it in a package. Exemplo: com.mycompany.MyServlet.</html>
LBL_Instruction2_filter=<html>You must specify a fully qualified name for the Filter class, which will put it in a package. Exemplo: com.mycompany.MyFilter.</html>
LBL_Instruction2_listener=<html>You must specify a fully qualified name for the Object class, which will put it in a package. Example: com.mycompany.MyListener.</html>
LBL_ClassName=Nome da clase:
ACSD_ClassName=Fully qualified name of the Object
LBL_WebModule=M\u00f3dulo web:
ACSD_WebModule=Colocar o ficheiro nun m\u00f3dulo web
LBL_Select_WM=<Seleccionar un m\u00f3dulo web>
ACSD_Select_WM=Seleccionar un m\u00f3dulo web
ACSD_Select_WM_desc=M\u00f3dulo web onde deber\u00eda colocarse o ficheiro
LBL_No_WM=<Ning\u00fan m\u00f3dulo web montado>
LBL_Directory=Sistema de ficheiros montado:
ACSD_Directory=Place the file in a non-web module file system
LBL_Select_Dir=<Seleccionar un sistema de ficheiros montado>
ACSD_Select_Dir=Seleccionar un sistema de ficheiros montado
ACSD_Select_Dir_desc=Sistema de ficheiros onde deber\u00eda colocarse o ficheiro
LBL_No_Dir=<No regular filesystems mounted>
ACSD_Location=The path to the object to be created
#### Error messages
# Error messages used when checking the entry in the classname field
MSG_no_file=Introducir un nome de clase.
MSG_no_doc=Introducir un nome de ficheiro.
MSG_no_package=A clase debe estar nun paquete.
MSG_empty_path=A path element cannot be an empty string.
MSG_invalid_path={0} \u00e9 un nome de cami\u00f1o incorrecto.
MSG_clash_path=<html>Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel crear un cartafol co nome {0}. The name clashes with an existing file.</html>
MSG_file_exists=Xa existe unha clase con este nome.
MSG_no_webmodule=Seleccionar un m\u00f3dulo web.
MSG_jspwizard_no_webmodule=As JSP s\u00f3 poden crearse nun m\u00f3dulo web. Montar un m\u00f3dulo web ou crear un primeiro m\u00f3dulo web.
MSG_no_directory=Seleccionar un cartafol.
MSG_enter_classname=Introducir un nome de clase Java.
# {0} is the string that the user entered in the class name field of
# wizards to create a Object, Filter, or Listener
MSG_invalid_input=Entrada incorrecta
MSG_invalid_param=Requiriuse un nome de par\u00e1metro.
MSG_duplicit_param=O par\u00e1metro "{0}" definiuse m\u00e1is dunha vez.
# {0} was the file system that the user choose when starting the wizard
MSG_fs_is_readonly=<html>O cartafol de destino \u00e9 de s\u00f3 lectura.</html>
# {0} was the file system that the user choose when starting the wizard
MSG_fs_is_ws=<html>{0} is a file system for web documents only</html>
MSG_input_nonnull=Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel que o campo sexa nulo.
MSG_Input_required=Requiriuse a entrada.
# Deployment configuration Servlet & Filter
TITLE_ddpanel_servlet=Configurar despregue do servlet
TITLE_ddpanel_filter=Configurar despregue do filtro
TITLE_ddpanel_listener=Configurar despregue do listener
ACSD_deployment=Especificar a configuraci\u00f3n de despregue neste panel
LBL_configure_deployment=Tipo de listener e configuraci\u00f3n do despregue
LBL_dd_servlet=<html>Register the Servlet with the application by giving the Servlet an internal name (Servlet Name). Then specify patterns that identify the URLs that invoke the Servlet. Separar m\u00faltiples patr\u00f3ns con comas.</html>
LBL_dd_filter=<html>Register the Filter with the application by giving the Filter an internal name. Describe when the Filter is invoked by listing the HTTP request path patterns or Servlets to which the Filter applies. Order this Filter's mappings relative to any other Filter invocation.</html>
LBL_addtodd=Engadir informaci\u00f3n ao descritor de despregue (web.xml)
ACSD_addtodd=Marca esta caixa para crear unha entrada do descritor de despregue
LBL_name_servlet=Nome do servlet:
ACSD_name_servlet=<html>O nome do servlet identifica o servlet para prop\u00f3sitos de configuraci\u00f3n no descritor do despregue.</html>
LBL_name_filter=Nome do filtro:
# Mnemonic for "Filter Name" used on the mapping editor
# (F clashes with forward)
ACSD_name_filter=<html>O nome do filtro identifica o filtro para prop\u00f3sitos de configuraci\u00f3n no descritor do despregue.</html>
LBL_url_mapping=Patr\u00f3n(s) URL:
ACSD_url_mapping=One or more HTTP request URL patterns which invokes this object, separated by commas.
LBL_initparamsL=Par\u00e1metros de inicializaci\u00f3n:
LBL_initparams=Par\u00e1metros Init
ACSD_initparams=Par\u00e1metros Init
ACSD_initparams_desc=T\u00e1boa de par\u00e1metros Init
LBL_initparams_edit=Editar par\u00e1metro Init
ACSD_initparams_edit=Editar par\u00e1metro Init
LBL_initparams_view=Ver par\u00e1metros Init
ACSD_initparams_view=Ver par\u00e1metros Init
ACSD_initparam_new=Engadir un par\u00e1metro init
ACSD_initparam_edit=Engadir un par\u00e1metro init
ACSD_initparam_delete=Eliminar un par\u00e1metro init
ACSD_paramname=Nome do par\u00e1metro
ACSD_paramvalue=Valor do par\u00e1metro
ACSD_ipcell=Editable cell of init parameters table
MSG_no_name=Introducir un nome.
MSG_no_value=Introducir un valor.
MSG_no_mapping=Introducir polo menos un patr\u00f3n URL.
MSG_name_unique=<html>The name must be unique across Servlets and Filters.</html>
# {0} is entered as a mapping to a servlet for a filter
MSG_no_servlet=<html>Ning\u00fan servlet est\u00e1 configurado co nome {0}.</html>
# Deployment configuration, Filters only
TITLE_ddpanel_filter_2=Par\u00e1metros Init do filtro
ACSD_deployment_2=Especificar os par\u00e1metros init do filtro neste panel
LBL_dd_filter_2=<html>Especificar alg\u00fans par\u00e1metros init para o filtro.</html>
LBL_filter_mappings=Filter Mappings:
ACSD_filter_mappings=Filter Mappings
ACSD_filter_mappings_desc=Table of Filter Mappings
ACSD_filter_mappings_new=Add a Filter mapping
ACSD_filter_mappings_edit=Edit a Filter mapping
ACSD_filter_mappings_delete=Remove a Filter mapping
ACSD_filter_mappings_up=Move the Filter mapping up
ACSD_filter_mappings_down=Move the Filter mapping down
# DD Table (used for the init parameters
LBL_DisplayValue=Mostrar valores
LBL_EditValue=Editar valores
# Mapping table (used for filter mapping configuration)
TITLE_filter_mapping=Filter Mapping
LBL_filter_name=Nome do filtro
LBL_applies_to=Aplicar a
# Mapping Editor
LBL_no_servlets=<Ning\u00fan servlet rexistrado>
ACSD_select_servlet=Seleccionar un servlet
ACSD_select_servlet_desc=Nome do servlet que intercepta o filtro
ACSD_pattern_mapping=Map the Filter to a URL pattern
ACSD_servlet_mapping=Map the Filter to a Servlet name
ACSD_pattern_mapping_desc=URL pattern which causes the filter to be invoked
MSG_select_servlet=Seleccionar un servlet.
MSG_no_pattern=Introducir un patr\u00f3n URL.
# This refers to the <dispatcher> setting in the deployment
# descriptor, which can have one of four settings (REQUEST, INCLUDE,
# etc). It may be a good idea to include the term "dispatcher" in the
# translation if the correspondence is not obvious.
LBL_conditions=Dispatch Conditions
ACSD_dispatcher_REQUEST=<html>Select this box to invoke the filter when a request for a matching resource enters the Servlet container.</html>
ACSD_dispatcher_FORWARD=<html>Select this box to invoke the filter when a request is forwarded to a matching resource.</html>
ACSD_dispatcher_INCLUDE=<html>Select this box to invoke the filter when a matching resource is included.</html>
ACSD_dispatcher_ERROR=<html>Select this box to invoke the filter when a matching resource is processed as a result of an error request.</html>
# JspPanel
LBL_JspPanel_jsp=Informaci\u00f3n xeral da JSP
LBL_JspPanel_jspdoc=Informaci\u00f3n xeral do documento JSP
LBL_JspPanel_jspf=Informaci\u00f3n xeral do fragmento JSP
LBL_JspPanel_tag=Informaci\u00f3n xeral do ficheiro de etiquetas
ACSD_JspPanel_jsp=Informaci\u00f3n xeral da JSP
ACSD_JspPanel_jspdoc=Informaci\u00f3n xeral do documento JSP
ACSD_JspPanel_jspf=Informaci\u00f3n xeral do fragmento JSP
ACSD_JspPanel_tag=Informaci\u00f3n xeral do ficheiro de etiquetas
LBL_Instruction1_jsp=<html>Este asistente crear un ficheiro JSP na sintaxe est\u00e1ndar. Os ficheiros JSP s\u00f3 poden executarse como parte dun m\u00f3dulo web.</html>
LBL_Instruction1_jspdoc=<html>Este asistente crea un documento JSP (un JSP en sintaxe XML). Os ficheiros JSP s\u00f3 poden executarse como parte dun m\u00f3dulo web.</html>
LBL_Instruction1_jspf=<html>Este asistente crea un segmento JSP. Usa un segmento JSP se necesita inclu\u00edr contido estaticamente noutros ficheiros JSP.</html>
LBL_Instruction1_tag=<html>Este asistente crea un ficheiro de etiquetas na sintaxe JSP est\u00e1ndar. Os ficheiros de etiquetas s\u00f3 poden invocarse se forman parte dun m\u00f3dulo web. </html>
LBL_Instruction2_jsp=<html>Introducir o nome, e opcionalmente un cartafol.</html>
ACSD_FileName=O nome do ficheiro
ACSD_Folder=O cartafol no que colocar o ficheiro
TITLE_choose_folder=Escoller un cartafol
MSG_invalid_filename=O nome do ficheiro non \u00e9 correcto.
MSG_invalid_foldername=O nome do cartafol non \u00e9 correcto.
# Old listener panel, needs to be replaced
TITLE_listenerWizardPanel=Tipo e listener e configuraci\u00f3n do despregue
A11Y_DESC_listenerPanel=Specify the class name for this listener and check whether you want to add the related listener element into the deployment descriptor(web.xml) or not.
A11Y_DESC_addListenerToDD=Check if you want to create the related listener element into the deployment descriptor(web.xml).
TXT_cannotFindWebModule=Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel atopar un m\u00f3dulo web cun descritor de despregue para este elemento <{0}>.
# Sample code options
LBL_IncludeSample=Inclu\u00edr c\u00f3digo de exemplo
ACSD_IncludeSample=Marcar esta caixa para inclu\u00edr o c\u00f3digo de exemplo
TXT_wrongFolderForClass=Cartafol incorrecto para a clase {0}.
MSG_url_pattern_unique=<html>The URL Pattern must be unique across Servlet Mappings</html>
LBL_contextListener=Context Listener
LBL_contextAttrListener=Context Attribute Listener
LBL_sessionListener=HTTP Session Listener
LBL_sessionAttrListener=HTTP Session Attribute Listener
TTL_listenerSelection=Interfaces a implementar\:
A11Y_DESC_ContextListener=Servlet Context Listener
A11Y_DESC_ContextAttrListener=Servlet Contex Attribute Listener
A11Y_DESC_SessiontListener=HTTP Session Listener
A11Y_DESC_SessiontAttrListener=HTTP Session Attribute Listener
MSG_noListenerSelected=Check at least one Servlet Listener
MSG_noResourceInClassPath=No {0} in Class Path
TTT_contextListener=Context listener observes when servlet context is created or is about to be shut down.
TTT_contextAttrListener=Context attribute listener interface observes the servlet context attributes lifecycle.
TTT_sessionListener=HTTP session listener observes when HTTP session is created or is about to be shut down.
TTT_sessionAttrListener=HTTP session attribute listener interface observes the HTTP session attributes lifecycle.
LBL_RequestListener=Request Listener (J2EE 1.4)
LBL_RequestAttrListener=Request Attribute Listener (J2EE 1.4)
TTT_requestListener=A ServletRequestListener can be implemented by the developer interested in being notified of requests coming in and out of scope in a web component. A request is defined as coming into scope when it is about to enter the first servlet or filter in each web application, as going out of scope when it exits the last servlet or the first filter in the chain.
TTT_requestListener_short=A ServletRequestListener can be implemented by the developer interested in being notified of requests coming in and out of scope in a web component.
TTT_requestAttrListener=A ServletRequestAttributeListener can be implemented by the developer interested in being notified of request attribute changes. Notifications will be generated while the request is within the scope of the web application in which the listener is registered. A request is defined as coming into scope when it is about to enter the first servlet or filter in each web application, as going out of scope when it exits the last servlet or the first filter in the chain.
TTT_requestAttrListener_short=A ServletRequestAttributeListener can be implemented by the developer interested in being notified of request attribute changes.
DESC_JSP=Un ficheiro JSP usando a sintaxe est\u00e1ndar de JSP.
DESC_JSP_XML=Un ficheiro JSP usando a sintaxe XML.
DESC_FACELETS = Sintaxe Facelets
DESC_segment=Un ficheiro JSP que se incluir\u00e1 estaticamente desde outras p\u00e1xinas. Usa a sintaxe est\u00e1ndar de JSP.
DESC_segment_XML=Un ficheiro JSP que se incluir\u00e1 estaticamente desde outras p\u00e1xinas. Usa a sintaxe XML.
NOTE_segment=<html>Note\: It is conventional to put a JSP segment under the WEB-INF/jspf/ folder so the file cannot be accessed directly by a URL.</html>
LBL_JspName=Nome do ficheiro\:
LBL_CreatedFile=Ficheiro creado\:
TITLE_name_location=Nome e localizaci\u00f3n
OPT_XmlSyntax=Documento JSP (Sintaxe XML)
OPT_JspSegment=Crear como un segmento JSP
OPT_Facelets = Facelets
LBL_SelectFolder=Seleccionar cartafol
ACSD_SelectFolder=Bot\u00f3n para seleccionar cartafol
ACSD_Cancel=Bot\u00f3n de cancelar
LBL_BrowseFolders=Examinar cartafoles
ACSD_BrowseFolders=Di\u00e1logo de examinar cartafoles
OPT_TagFileXml=Ficheiro de etiquetas (Sintaxe XML)
OPT_TagFileSegment=Crear como un segmento dun ficheiro de etiqueta
DESC_TagFile=Un ficheiro de etiqueta usando a sintaxe est\u00e1ndar de JSP.
DESC_TagFileXml=Un ficheiro de etiqueta que usa a sintaxe XML.
DESC_TagFileSegment=Un ficheiro de etiqueta que se incluir\u00e1 estaticamente desde outros ficheiros de etiquetas. Usa a sintaxe est\u00e1ndar de JSP.
DESC_TagFileSegmentXml=Un ficheiro de etiqueta que se incluir\u00e1 estaticamente desde outros ficheiros de etiquetas. Usa a sintaxe XML.
LBL_TagFileName=Nome do ficheiro de etiqueta\:
LBL_TldName=Nome TLD\:
OPT_FilterWrapper=Wrap Request and Response Objects
ACSD_FilterWrapper=Creates inner classes that wrap the request and response objects.
TITLE_wrapperPanel=Wrapper Option Panel
A11Y_DESC_wrapperPanel=Specify if create the inner classes that wrap the request and response objects.
LBL_TagSupportClass=Tag Support Class to Extend\:
OPT_SimpleTag=SimpleTagSupport (J2EE 1.4)
TITLE_tagHandlerPanel=Tag Handler Type Selection
DESC_SimpleTag=Creates a tag handler that extends javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.SimpleTagSupport.
DESC_BodyTag=Creates a tag handler that extends javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTagSupport.
LBL_attrRtexprvalue=Request Time Eval.
LBL_configure_TLD=Informaci\u00f3n TLD
LBL_bodyContent=Contido do corpo\:
LBL_tagName=Nome da etiqueta\:
LBL_tagHandlerClass=Tag Handler Class\:
LBL_tldFile=Ficheiro TLD\:
HINT_tldFile=<html>Specify the tag library descriptor that the tag should be added to\:</html>
OPT_addToTLD=Engadir etiqueta correspondente ao descritor da biblioteca da etiqueta
TITLE_attr_add=Novo atributo
MSG_attr_no_name=Enter an attribute name.
MSG_attr_exists=Xa existe o atributo.
LBL_AttrName=Nome do atributo\:
LBL_AttrType=Tipo do atributo\:
OPT_attrRequired=atributo requirido
OPT_attrRequestTime=value evaluated at request time
OPT_attrTranslationTime=value evaluated at JSP translation time
LBL_HtmlName=Nome do ficheiro HTML\:
LBL_XHtmlName=Nome do ficheiro XHTML\:
LBL_CssName=Nomo do ficheiro CSS\:
LBL_SelectFile=Seleccionar ficheiro
ACSD_SelectFile=Bot\u00f3n para seleccionar ficheiro
LBL_BrowseFiles=Examinar ficheiros
ACSD_BrowseFiles=Di\u00e1logo para examinar ficheiros
NOTE_simpleTag=<html>Nota\:SimpleTagSupport require a API JSP 2.0 no classpath.</html>
OPT_JspSyntax=Ficheiro JSP (Sintaxe est\u00e1ndar)
OPT_TagFileJsp=Ficheiro de etiqueta (Sintaxe est\u00e1ndar)
TITLE_JspFile=Ficheiro JSP
TITLE_JsfFile=Ficheiro JSP
TITLE_TagFile=Ficheiro de etiqueta
MSG_fs_or_folder_does_not_exist=<html>Non existe o cartafol de destino.</html>
MSG_file_already_exist=<html>Xa existe o ficheiro {0}.</html>
MSG_TagFile=Error\: Tag Files must be placed to WEB-INF/tags folder or its subfolders.
TITLE_TLD=Descritor de biblioteca de etiquetas
MSG_missingUri=Falta a cadea URI.
MSG_missingPrefix=Falta o valor do prefixo.
MSG_noTldSelected=<html>Necesita especificarse o descritor da biblioteca de etiquetas (ficheiro TLD). Se non hai ficheiros TLD para seleccionar <br>primeiro debe crealo. The Tag Library Descriptor wizard can be used for that purpose.</html>
MSG_tldRO=Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel escribir en {0} porque o ficheiro \u00e9 de s\u00f3 lectura.
MSG_tldCorrupted=Non \u00e9 pos\u00edbel escribir a informaci\u00f3n TLD no ficheiro {0}. The XML syntax might be broken. Try to check and validate the file.
MSG_13notSupported=Non se admite este modelo nos proxectos web J2EE1.3.
MSG_TagFileInJavalib=Error\: Tag Files must be placed to META-INF/tags folder or its subfolders.
NOTE_TLDInJavalib=Aviso\: Os ficheiros TLD deber\u00edan colocarse no cartafol META-INF.
A11Y_DESC_TagName=Especificar o nome da etiqueta.
A11Y_DESC_TagClass=Tag handler class name.
A11Y_DESC_TLDFile=Using the browse button, specify the tag library descriptor file this tag will be added to.
A11Y_DESC_TagEmpty=O corpo da etiqueta estar\u00e1 baleiro.
A11Y_DESC_TagScriptless=O corpo da etiqueta non cont\u00e9n java scriptlets.
A11Y_DESC_TagTagdependent=O corpo da etiqueta pode conter scriptlets.
A11Y_DESC_AttrTable=Est\u00e1 \u00e9 a t\u00e1boa de atributos da etiqueta.
A11Y_DESC_TagHandlerPanel2=Specify here the information for tag library descriptor and tag attributes.
A11Y_DESC_Description=Esta \u00e9 a \u00e1ra da descrici\u00f3n que describe a selecci\u00f3n actual.
A11Y_DESC_AttrDialog=Especifique aqu\u00ed a informaci\u00f3n do atributo
A11Y_DESC_TargetPanel=In this wizard panel you should set the file name, location and other specific information for new {0} file.
A11Y_DESC_JSP_segment=Un ficheiro JSP que se incluir\u00e1 estaticamente desde outras p\u00e1xinas.
A11Y_DESC_TagFile_segment=Un ficheiro de etiqueta que se incluir\u00e1 estaticamente desde outros ficheiros de etiqueta.
A11Y_DESC_FileName=Introduza aqu\u00ed o nome do ficheiro.
A11Y_DESC_Location=Seleccionar a ra\u00edz do cartafol.
A11Y_DESC_Folder=Introduza aqu\u00ed o cami\u00f1o do cartafol (separa os nomes de cartafol polo car\u00e1cter barra).
A11Y_DESC_CreatedFile=Este \u00e9 o cami\u00f1o absoluto do ficheiro (non edit\u00e1bel).
A11Y_DESC_Project=Este \u00e9 o nome do proxecto onde se crear\u00e1 o ficheiro (non edit\u00e1bel).
A11Y_DESC_URI=Especificar a cadea URI que se usar\u00e1 para identificar a biblioteca da etiqueta nos ficheiros JSP.
A11Y_DESC_Prefix=Especificar o prefixo se usar\u00e1 como espazo de nomes para biblioteca da etiqueta.
#### Do not translate ### markup - it will be generated to code ####
#TXT_DOC_contextListener_m1=\#\#\# Method from ServletContextListener \#\#\#\n\nCalled when a Web application is first ready to process requests\n(i.e. on Web server startup and when a context is added or reloaded).\n\nFor example, here might be database connections established\nand added to the servlet context attributes.\n
#TXT_DOC_contextListener_m2=\#\#\# Method from ServletContextListener \#\#\#\n\nCalled when a Web application is about to be shut down\n(i.e. on Web server shutdown or when a context is removed or reloaded).\nRequest handling will be stopped before this method is called.\n\nFor example, the database connections can be closed here.\n
#TXT_DOC_contextAttrListener_m1=\#\#\# Method from ServletContextAttributeListener \#\#\#\n\nCalled when an attribute is added to a servlet context.\n
#TXT_DOC_contextAttrListener_m2=\#\#\# Method from ServletContextAttributeListener \#\#\#\n\nCalled when an attribute is removed from a servlet context.\n
#TXT_DOC_contextAttrListener_m3=\#\#\# Method from ServletContextAttributeListener \#\#\#\n\nCalled when an attribute's value is replaced by another value in a servlet context.\n
#TXT_DOC_sessionListener_m1=### Method from HttpSessionListener ###\n\nCalled when a session is created.\n
#TXT_DOC_sessionListener_m2=### Method from HttpSessionListener ###\n\nCalled when a session is destroyed(invalidated).\n
#TXT_DOC_sessionAttrListener_m1=### Method from HttpSessionAttributeListener ###\n\nCalled when an attribute is added to a session.\n
#TXT_DOC_sessionAttrListener_m2=### Method from HttpSessionAttributeListener ###\n\nCalled when an attribute is removed from a session.\n
#TXT_DOC_sessionAttrListener_m3=### Method from HttpSessionAttributeListener ###\n\nCalled when an attribute's value is replaced by another value in a session.\n
#TXT_DOC_requestListener_m1=### Method from ServletRequestListener ###\n\nThe request is about to come into scope of the web application.\n
#TXT_DOC_requestListener_m2=### Method from ServletRequestListener ###\n\nThe request is about to go out of scope of the web application.\n
#TXT_DOC_requestAttrListener_m1=### Method from ServletRequestAttributeListener ###\n\nNotification that a new attribute was added to the servlet request.\n
#TXT_DOC_requestAttrListener_m2=### Method from ServletRequestAttributeListener ###\n\nNotification that an existing attribute has been removed from the servlet request.\n
#TXT_DOC_requestAttrListener_m3=### Method from ServletRequestAttributeListener ###\n\nNotification that an attribute was replaced on the servlet request.\n
#TXT_todo_eg=TODO add your code here e.g.\:
#TXT_todo=TODO add your code here\:
TXT_missingTagName=Falta o nome da etiqueta
TXT_wrongTagName=Nome da etiqueta incorrecto \: {0}
TXT_wrongTagLibName=Nome incorrecto ou falta para a biblioteca da etiqueta \: {0}
TXT_tagNameExists=Nome da etiqueta duplicado \: {0}
MSG_dotsInName=Aviso\: Est\u00e1 seguro de que {0} \u00e9 un nome de ficheiro correcto?
NOTE_TLDInWeb=<html>Aviso\: Recomendase colocar o ficheiros TLD no cartafol WEB-INF para que estean dispo\u00f1\u00edbeis automaticamente para o contedor JSP. Otherwise, the TLD location must be specified in web.xml file.</html>
MSG_noTldSelectedForTagFile=Debe especificarse o descritor da biblioteca da etiqueta (ficheiro TLD).
OPT_addTagFileToTLD=Engadir un ficheiro de etiqueta ao descritor da biblioteca da etiqueta
TTT_URI=Define un URI p\u00fablico que identifica de forma \u00fanica esta taglibrary. Usually the URL string is used, which points to the location where the TLD is published.
TTT_prefix= Defines a simple default name that could be used by a JSP authoring tool; for example, it may be used as the preferred prefix value in taglib directives.
MSG_wrong_attr_name=Nome do atributo incorrecto \: {0}
MSG_WrongUri=O patr\u00f3n URL \u00e9 incorrecto
MSG_WrongUriStart=URL Pattern must start with slash (/) or asterisk (*)
MSG_WrongUriEnd=URL Pattern mustn't end with slash (/)
MSG_TwoAsterisks=URL Pattern contains two asterisks (*)
MSG_AsteriskInTheMiddle=Invalid URL Pattern: An asterisk (*) can only be at a leading or trailing position.
# Message in editor fold in the servlet tempate.
#MSG_ServletEditorFold=HttpServlet methods. Click on the + sign on the left to edit the code.
MSG_servlet_name_defined=Name "{0}" is already defined by servlet "{1}"
MSG_servlet_mapping_defined=Mapping pattern "{0}" is already used by servlet "{1}"
MSG_filter_name_defined=Name "{0}" is already defined by filter "{1}"
MSG_filter_mapping_defined=Mapping pattern "{0}" is already used by filter "{1}"
MSG_UnuspportedVersion=Web application version is unsupported
MSG_InvalidWebXml=Invalid deployment descriptor web.xml
MSG_OldVersion=<html>Web application version is unsupported. Upgrade web.xml to version 2.4 or newer or use previous version of NetBeans.