blob: 505ee415f0909b1ba15e7d797d15036814f7d82e [file] [log] [blame]
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# MenuView
MenuViewStartFromRoot=Prohl\u00ed\u017eet od ko\u0159ene
MenuViewStartFromCurrent=Prohl\u00ed\u017eet z aktu\u00e1ln\u00edho um\u00edst\u011bn\u00ed
# TabView
# TreeView
VetoSelectedNodes=Vybran\u00e9 Uzly
# TreeViewCellEditor
# {0} - old name
# {1} - new name
RenameFailed=Tento objekt nem\u016f\u017ee b\u00fdt p\u0159ejmenov\u00e1n z {0} na {1}.
ACSN_TreeViewCellEditor=P\u0159ejmenovat editor
ACSD_TreeViewCellEditor=V-m\u00edst\u011b editoru jm\u00e9na uzlu ve stromov\u00e9m pohledu
# TreeViewDropSupport, ListViewDropSupport
# [PENDING] - explain better, somehow--this is not very user-friendly
MSG_NoPasteTypes=C\u00edl nep\u0159ijal obsah transformace.
ACS_TableSheet=Tabulka vlastnost\u00ed
ACS_NullPanel=\u017d\u00e1dn\u00e1 vlastnost
# {0} - bean
ACSD_NullPanel=\u017d\u00e1dn\u00e1 vlastnost. Bean: {0}
# {0} - property name
# {1} - property value
# {0} - property description
# {1} - property type
# {2} - bean
ACSD_PropertyPanelRenderer={0} Typ: {1} Bean: {2}
CTL_No_value=<\u017d\u00e1dn\u00e1 Hodnota>
CTL_No_type=<\u017d\u00e1dn\u00fd typ>
# TreeTableView
LBL_ColumnDialogTitle=Zm\u011bnit vyditeln\u00e9 sloupce
LBL_ColumnDialogDesc=Vybrat Sloupce pro Zobrazen\u00ed v Seznamu
LBL_ListOptions=Seznam P\u0159edvoleb
LBL_ChangeColumns=Zm\u011bnit vyditeln\u00e9 sloupce...
LBL_MoveLeft=Pohyb vlevo
LBL_MoveRight=Pohyb vpravo
MSG_NoColumnsToChange=Zde nejsou \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 sloupce ke zmen\u011b jejich viditelnosti.
ACSN_ColumnDialog=Zm\u011bnit vyditeln\u00e9 sloupce
ACSD_ColumnDialog=Vybrat Sloupce pro Zobrazen\u00ed v Seznamu
#Something to append to ridiculously long tooltips that can't be fully
#displayed without taking up most of the screen
LBL_QuickFilter=Zobraz jen \u0159ady
CTL_ColumnsSelector=Zm\u011bnit vyditeln\u00e9 sloupce
ACN_ColumnsSelector=Vyb\u00edra\u010d sloupc\u016f
ACD_ColumnsSelector=Vybrat viditeln\u00e9 sloupce
ColumnsSelectorHint=Vybrat Sloupce pro Zobrazen\u00ed v Seznamu
# log message
# {0} = visualizer node
# {1} = index in question or -1
LOG_NO_READ_ACCESS=Zp\u0159\u00edstupn\u011bn\u00ed {0} bez Children.MUTEX \u010dten\u00ed p\u0159\u00edstupu
FMT_ErrorSettingValue=Tato hodnota nem\u016f\u017ee b\u00fdt nastavena. {0} nen\u00ed platn\u00e1 hodnota pro {1}.
#Text when a badly formatted number is entered
FMT_BAD_NUMBER_FORMAT=Neplatn\u00fd form\u00e1t \u010d\u00edsla: "{0}"
CTL_MatchCase=porovn\u00e1vat i velikost p\u00edsma
CTL_ColumnsToSearch=Vyberte sloupce pro hled\u00e1n\u00ed: