blob: 3a3ed49770ab9575700affb8cda5cff6cf55c9b2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 1997-2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
# General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
# Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
# "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
# License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
# or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
# License. When distributing the software, include this License Header
# Notice in each file and include the License file at
# nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. Oracle designates this
# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
# by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
# accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
# License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
# your own identifying information:
# "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
# Contributor(s):
#The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
# Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2010 Sun
#Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
# or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
# "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
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# However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
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# made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
# This file contains localized strings used in this package. The typical
# NetBeans pattern is to use one bundle per-package, called;
# the openide class NbBundle supports this usage.
# Typically, fetch a resource as follows:
# NbBundle.getMessage (MyClass.class, "SOME_Key");
# Don't bother caching strings or worse, static references to resource bundles -
# this may seem like its faster, but it wastes memory and slows things down
# in the long run.
Add_semicolon=Afegir punt i coma
Add_cast_to_X=Modelitzar {0} a {1}
Add_throws_clause_for_X=Afegir cl\u00e0usula throws per {0}
Add_import_for_X=Afegir importaci\u00f3 per a {0}
Change_to_import_X=Canviar a import {1}{0}
Implement_all_abstract_methods=Implementar tots els m\u00e8todes abstractes
MSG_CreateField=Crear camp {0} a {1}
MSG_CreateMethod=Crear m\u00e8tode {0} a {1}
MSG_CreateLocalVariable=Crear variable local {0}
MSG_CreateParameter=Crear par\u00e0metre {0}
MSG_CreateGetter=Crear getter
MSG_CreateSetter=Crear setter
MSG_CreateGetterAndSetter=Crear getter i setter
MSG_Implement=Implementar els m\u00e8todes que falten
MSG_RenameConstant=Canviar el nom a {0}
MSG_DeclareIn=Declarar a {0}
MSG_GoToOverriding=Anar a la sobreescriptura del m\u00e8tode...
MSG_GettingOverriding=Obtenint m\u00e8todes de sobreescriptura
MSG_OverridingFound=Trobats {0} m\u00e8todes de sobreescriptura
MSG_OverridingNotFound=No s'ha trobat cap m\u00e8tode de sobreescriptura
MSG_ImplementAbstractMethod=Implementar el m\u00e8tode a ...
MSG_GettingClassesWhereImplement=Obtenint sub-classes
MSG_NoClassesWhereImplementFound=Totes les subclasses conegudes ja implementen aquest m\u00e8tode
MSG_ClassesWhereImplementFound={0} sub-classe(s) trobada/trobades
MSG_ChangeVariablesType=<html>Canviar el tipus de {0} a {1}
MSG_ChangeVariablesTypeDisplayName=Canviar el tipus de correcci\u00f3
MSG_ChangeVariablesTypeDescription=Aquest suggeriment canvia el tipus d'una variable al tipus de l'expressi\u00f3 de l'inicialitzador.
#{0}: new class simple name
#{1}: target package name
#{2}: kind:
# 0: class
# 1: interface
# 2: enum
# 3: annotation type
FIX_CreateClassInPackage=Crear {2,choice,0#classe|1#interf\u00edcie|2#enumeraci\u00f3|3#tipus d''anotaci\u00f3} "{0}" al paquet {1}
FIX_CreateClassAndCtorInPackage=Crear {2,choice,0#classe|1#interf\u00edcie|2#enumeraci\u00f3|3#tipus d''anotaci\u00f3} "{0}" amb constructor "{0}({3})" al paquet {1}
#{0}: new class simple name
#{1}: target class name
#{2}: kind:
# 0: class
# 1: interface
# 2: enum
# 3: annotation type
FIX_CreateInnerClass=Crear {2,choice,0#classe|1#interf\u00edcie|2#enumeraci\u00f3|3#tipus d''anotaci\u00f3} "{0}" en {1}
LBL_Remove_Useless_Cast_Fix=Treure correccions de modelitzaci\u00f3 innecess\u00e0ries
DSC_Remove_Useless_Cast_Fix=Treure correccions de modelitzaci\u00f3 innecess\u00e0ries
LBL_FIX_Remove_redundant_cast=Treure modelitzaci\u00f3 redundant
LBL_Suppress_Waning=Suprimir advert\u00e8ncies de correcci\u00f3
DSC_Suppress_Waning=Suprimir advert\u00e8ncies de correcci\u00f3
LBL_Add_Cast=Afegir correcci\u00f3 de modelitzaci\u00f3
DSC_Add_Cast=Afegir correcci\u00f3 de modelitzaci\u00f3
#{0}: treeName
#{1}: type
LBL_FIX_Add_Cast=Modelitzar {0} a {1}
LBL_Impl_Abstract_Methods=Implementar tots els m\u00e8todes abstractes de correcci\u00f3
DSC_Impl_Abstract_Methods=Afegir correcci\u00f3 de modelitzaci\u00f3
#{0}: treeName
#{1}: type
LBL_FIX_Impl_Abstract_Methods=Implementar tots els m\u00e8todes abstractes
#{0}: name of the class
LBL_FIX_Make_Class_Abstract=Convertir la classe {0} a abstracta
LBL_Create_Field=Crear correcci\u00f3 de camp
DSC_Create_Field=Crear correcci\u00f3 de camp
#{0}: field name
#{1}: class name
LBL_FIX_Create_Field=Crear el camp {0} a {1}
LBL_FIX_Create_Enum_Constant=Crear constant enum {0} en {1}
LBL_FIX_Create_Constructor=Crear el constructor {0} a {1}
LBL_FIX_Create_Method=Crear el m\u00e8tode {0} a {1}
LBL_FIX_Create_Annotation_Element=Crear l''element d'anotaci\u00f3 {0} a {1}
#{0}: parameter name
LBL_FIX_Create_Parameter=Crear el par\u00e0metre {0}
#{0}: variable name
LBL_FIX_Create_Local_Variable=Crear la variable local {0}
LBL_NotInitializedVariable=Utilitzar la variable sense inicialitzar
LBL_NotInitializedVariable_fix=Inicialitzar la variable {0}
LBL_SurroundStatementWithTryCatch=Envoltar la sent\u00e8ncia amb try-catch
LBL_SurroundBlockWithTryCatch=Envoltar el bloc amb try-catch
DN_MakeVariableFinal=Fer que la variable sigui final
DESC_MakeVariableFinal=Fer que la variable sigui final
FIX_MakeVariableFinal=Fer que {0} sigui final
FIX_AddThrowsClause=Afegir una cl\u00e0usula throws per a {0}
DN_AddThrowsClauseAndSurround=Afegir una cl\u00e0usula Throws i envoltar-la amb les correccions try-catch
DESC_AddThrowsClauseAndSurround=Afegir una cl\u00e0usula Throws i envoltar-la amb les correccions try-catch
LocalVariableFixCustomizer.inPlace.text=&Crear una variable local en lloc seu
SurroundWithTryCatchLog.jLabel1.text=Sent\u00e8ncia d'enregistrament a utilitzar (en ordre):
SurroundWithTryCatchLog.exceptions.text=Utilitzar &org.openide.util.Exceptions.printStackTrace
SurroundWithTryCatchLog.logger.text=Utilitzar &java.util.logging.Logger
SurroundWithTryCatchLog.printStackTrace.text=Utilitzar &Exception.printStackTrace
DESC_ErrorFixesFakeHintSURROUND_WITH_TRY_CATCH=Prefer\u00e8ncies per envoltar la correcci\u00f3 d'error try-catch
DN_ErrorFixesFakeHintSURROUND_WITH_TRY_CATCH=Envoltar amb try-catch
DESC_ErrorFixesFakeHintCREATE_LOCAL_VARIABLE=Prefer\u00e8ncies per crear la correcci\u00f3 d'error de variable local
DN_ErrorFixesFakeHintCREATE_LOCAL_VARIABLE=Crear variable local
DESC_ErrorFixesFakeHintCREATE_FINAL_FIELD_CTOR=Prefer\u00e8ncies per crear la correcci\u00f3 de camp
DN_ErrorFixesFakeHintCREATE_FINAL_FIELD_CTOR=Crear camp
ERR_CannotApplyGuarded=No es pot aplicar la correcci\u00f3 en un bloc protegit
ERR_CannotApplyGuarded=No es pot aplicar la correcci\u00f3 en un bloc protegit
FinalFieldsFromCtorCustomiser.finalCehckBox.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Al crear un camp de correcci\u00f3 crea una casella de selecci\u00f3 de camps finals
FinalFieldsFromCtorCustomiser.finalCheckBox.text=<html>Crear camps <code>final</code> des de l'interior del cos del constructor</html>
DN_ConvertToDiamond=Convertir a Diamond
FIX_ConvertToDiamond=Use diamond inference
ERR_ReadOnlyTargetFile=Target file ({0}) is read-only, cannot perform requested change.
DN_VarArgsCast=Resolve inexact varargs type warning
FIX_VarArgsCast=Modelitzar {0} a {1}
SurroundWithTryCatchLog.rethrowRuntime.text=Utilitzar throw new RuntimeException(...)
SurroundWithTryCatchLog.rethrow.text=Utilitzar throw ...