blob: b23d3b5fbb5b8294091ea75e2f041312e9fd0374 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 1997-2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
# General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
# Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
# "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
# License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
# or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
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# Notice in each file and include the License file at
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# OutputPanel
LBL_Browse_Output=Browse JAR or Folder
MSG_OutputPanel_jTextArea1=Output of source package folders is used by the debugger and for dependencies within and between projects.
ACSN_OutputPanel_jTextArea1=Output of source package folders is used by the debugger and for dependencies within and between projects.
ACSD_OutputPanel_jTextArea1=No disponible
LBL_OutputPanel_jLabel1=Source &Package Folder\:
LBL_OutputPanel_jLabel3=&Output JARs or Folders Containing Compiled Classes\:
ACSD_OutputPanel_jLabel3=No disponible
BTN_OutputPanel_addOutput=Afegir &JAR/Carpeta...
ACSD_OutputPanel_addOutput=Opens a file chooser to browse for a JAR file or folder.
ACSD_OutputPanel_removeOutput=Removes the selected item from the list of output JAR files of folders.
ACSD_OutputPanel_jScrollPanel1=No disponible
ACSD_OutputPanel_output=Output panel
ACSN_OutputPanel_output=Output panel
LBL_Browse_Javadoc=Browse JAR or Folder
LBL_OutputPanel_JavadocLabel=Java&doc Output\:
# SourceFoldersPanel
LBL_default_source_packages=Paquets de fonts
LBL_default_test_packages=Paquets de proves
LBL_Browse_Source_Folder=Browse Source Package Folder
LBL_SourceFoldersPanel_jLabel3=Source &Level\:
ACSD_SourceFoldersPanel_jLabel3=Especifica la versi\u00f3 dels fonts, per exemple JDK 1.4
LBL_SourceFoldersPanel_jLabel2=&Source Package Folders\:
LBL_SourceFoldersPanel_jLabel1=Specify the folders containing the Java source packages and JUnit test packages.
ACSD_SourceFoldersPanel_jLabel1=No disponible
BTN_SourceFoldersPanel_addFolder=&Afegir carpeta...
ACSD_SourceFoldersPanel_addFolder=Opens a file chooser to browse for a Source Package Folder.
ACSD_SourceFoldersPanel_removeFolder=Removes the selected item from the list of Source Package Folders.
ACSD_SourceFoldersPanel_jLabel2=No disponible
ACSD_SourceFoldersPanel_jScrollPanel1=Table shows either a relative path if the source folder is underneath the Ant project folder, or a full path if the source folder is located outside of the Ant project folder.
ACSD_SourceFoldersPanel_sourceFolders=No disponible
LBL_SourceFoldersPanel_JDK13=JDK 1.3
LBL_SourceFoldersPanel_JDK14=JDK 1.4
LBL_SourceFoldersPanel_JDK15=JDK 1.5
LBL_SourceFoldersPanel_JDK16=JDK 1.6
LBL_SourceFoldersPanel_JDK17=JDK 1.7
LBL_SourceFoldersPanel_Package=Carpeta del paquet
BTN_SourceFoldersPanel_addTestFolder=Afegir carpe&ta...
BTN_SourceFoldersPanel_upFolder=Moure am&unt
BTN_SourceFoldersPanel_downFolder=Moure abaix
BTN_SourceFoldersPanel_upTestFolder=Moure amunt
BTN_SourceFoldersPanel_downTestFolder=Moure a&baix
LBL_Browse_Test_Folder=Browse Test Package Folder
LBL_TestSourceFoldersPanel=&Test Package Folders\:
LBL_SourceFoldersPanel_ProjFolderLabel=Carpeta del projecte\:
LBL_SourceFoldersPanel_ProjContentLabel=&Contents Folder\:
LBL_SourceFoldersPanel_BuildScriptLabel=Script de construcci\u00f3\:
SourceFoldersPanel.title.includeExclude=Configurar Inclusions i Exclusions...
AD_SourceFolderPanel_Close=No disponible
MSG_InvalidRoot=<html><b>Carpeta de paquet ja utilitzada en el projecte</b></html>\nLes seg\u00fcents carpetes que heu seleccionat ja estan sent utilitzades\n en aquest o b\u00e9 en altres projectes. Una carpeta de paquet nom\u00e9s pot ser utilitzada a un projecte a un\nllistat de carpetes de paquet (paquets de fonts o paquets de proves).
AD_InvalidRootDlg=No disponible
TITLE_InvalidRoot=Afegir carpeta paquet
LBL_InvalidRoot=C&arpetes de paquets ja en \u00fas:
AD_InvalidRoot=No disponible
MSG_InvalidRoot2=Aquestes carpetes no poden ser afegides al projecte.
TXT_RootOwnedByProject={0} (propietat de {1})
ACSD_ClasspathWizardPanel=No disponible
ACSD_SourceFoldersWizardPanel=No disponible
# ClasspathPanel
LBL_Browse_Classpath=Browse JAR or Folder
LBL_ClasspathPanel_jLabel2=Source &Package Folder\:
LBL_ClasspathPanel_sepatateClasspath=&Separate Classpath for Each Source Package Folder
MSG_ClasspathPanel_jTextArea=Specify the classpath that will be used by the IDE features like code completion and refactoring while editing the Java sources. This should match what is set up in your Ant script.
ACSN_ClasspathPanel_jTextArea=Specify the classpath that will be used by the IDE features like code completion and refactoring while editing the Java sources. This should match what is set up in your Ant script.
ACSD_ClasspathPanel_jTextArea=No disponible
ACSD_ClasspathPanel_jLabel2=No disponible
LBL_ClasspathPanel_jLabel3=Java Sources &Classpath\:
ACSD_ClasspathPanel_jLabel3=Specifies the classpath list.
ACSD_ClasspathPanel_removeClasspath=Removes the selected item from the Classpath list.
ACSD_ClasspathPanel_addClasspath=Opens a file chooser to browse for a JAR file or folder.
BTN_ClasspathPanel_addClasspath=&Afegir JAR/Carpeta...
ACSD_ClasspathPanel_classpath=No disponible
LBL_ClasspathPanel_Move_Up=Moure am&unt
LBL_ClasspathPanel_Move_Down=Moure abaix
LBL_ClasspathPanel_Explanation=This classpath is used by the IDE features like code completion and refactoring while editing the Java sources. Aquestes prefer\u00e8ncies no modifiquen l'script de construcci\u00f3.
ClasspathPanel.javaPlatformLabel=&Java Platform:
ClasspathPanel.javaPlatformButton=Gestionar platafor&mes Java
LBL_ZipJarFolderFilter=Entrada Classpath (carpeta, fitxer ZIP o JAR)
TXT_NewJ2SEFreeformProjectWizardIterator_SourcePackageFolders=Source Package Folders
TXT_NewJ2SEFreeformProjectWizardIterator_Classpath=Java Sources Classpath
TXT_NewJ2SEFreeformProjectWizardIterator_NewProjectWizardTitle=Projecte Java d'estil lliure
TXT_NewJ2SEFreeformProjectWizardIterator_TitleFormat={0} de {1}
TXT_OutputWizardPanel_Title=Project Output
LBL_ProjectCustomizer_Category_Sources=Java Sources
LBL_ProjectCustomizer_Category_Classpath=Java Sources Classpath
AD_SourceFoldersPanel_jScrollPane2=No disponible
AD_OutputPanel_javadocBrowse=No disponible
AD_SourceFoldersPanel_sourceLevel=Nivell de codi del projecte
AD_SourceFoldersPanel_downTestFolder=No disponible
AD_SourceFoldersPanel_upTestFolder=No disponible
AD_SourceFoldersPanel_removeTestFolder=No disponible
AD_SourceFoldersPanel_addTestFolder=No disponible
AD_SourceFoldersPanel_downFolder=No disponible
AD_SourceFoldersPanel_upFolder=No disponible
AD_OutputPanel_sourceFolder=No disponible
AD_ClasspathPanel_moveDown=No disponible
AD_ClasspathPanel_noveUp=No disponible
AD_ClasspathPanel_separateClasspath=No disponible
AD_OutputPanel_javadoc=No disponible
ACSD_SourceFoldersPanel_testFolders=No disponible
ACSD_SourceFoldersPanel_buildScript=No disponible
ACSD_SourceFoldersPanel_contentFolder=No disponible
ACSD_SourceFoldersPanel_projectFolder=No disponible
ClasspathPanel.javaPlatformIntro=The Java platform is used by code completion and similar features and is also used for running the Ant script from the IDE.
No_Encoding=<sense codificaci\u00f3>
ACSD_SourceLevel_Label=Nivell de codi
ACSD_Encoding_Desc=Codificaci\u00f3 del projecte
ACSD_SourceLevel_Name=Nivell de codi
ACSD_Includes-Excludes_Name=Includes Excludes
ACSD_Includes-Excludes_Desc=Included and excluded parts of sources
Freeform_Warning_Message=Qualsevol prefer\u00e8ncia en aquest panell \u00e9s per a \u00fanicament prop\u00f2sits de l'IDE i no modifiquen l'script de construcci\u00f3. Si voleu fer canvis en el proc\u00e9s de construcci\u00f3, modifiqueu manualment l'script de construcci\u00f3.
ACSN_OutputPanel=Output Panel
ACSD_OutputPanel=Output Panel
ACSN_ClasspathPanel_PlatformIntro=The Java platform is used by code completion and similar features and is also used for running the Ant script from the IDE.
ACSD_ClasspathPanel_PlatformIntro=Describes Java platform setting usage.
ACSN_Freeform_Warning_Message=Qualsevol prefer\u00e8ncia en aquest panell \u00e9s per a \u00fanicament prop\u00f2sits de l'IDE i no modifiquen l'script de construcci\u00f3. Si voleu fer canvis en el proc\u00e9s de construcci\u00f3, modifiqueu manualment l'script de construcci\u00f3.
ACSD_Freeform_Warning_Message=Warns about settings modified on this customizer panel.
Warning_Need_Output_Message=Setting Project Output is required for certain IDE functions like Error Highlighting, Debugging or Refactoring to work correctly.